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\m erican

Book 15

Defense Language In stitu te

English Language C enter
The American Language Course (ALC) is a comprehensive, multilevel language program for teaching
English for vocational and professional purposes. It is designed primarily for intensive English language
training in a classroom setting, but can easily be adapted for slower-paced instruction. The ALC’s curriculum
has been developed by the Defense Language Institute English Language Center (DLIELC), which is a US
Department of Defense school under the operational control of the US Air Force. The primary focus of the
ALC is to provide a language curriculum for a diverse international military population. To that end, the
course includes not only general English topics, but also military topics of a general nature highlighting the
typical language military personnel will encounter in their professional and vocational career fields. The ALC
has, however, also been very successfully used in non-military learning environments and in US high schools
with immigrant student populations.

Course components
The coordinated instructional packages for Books 1-30 consist of the following:
> Instructor text (IT)
> Student text (ST)
> Homework and evaluation exercises booklet (HW and EE)
> Audio recordings (tape or CD)
> Language laboratory activities text with audio scripts and answer key (LLAT)
> Computer-delivered interactive multimedia instruction (IMI) for Levels I-IV
> Quiz kit
> Optional training aids

Inquiries and orders

Please address inquiries and requests for more information about DLIELC publications to
2235 Andrews Avenue
Lackland Air Force Base, Texas 78236-5259

©2006 by Defense Language Institute English Language Center and its licensors. Notice of Rights: All rights
reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

This book supersedes ALC Book 15 Student Text, January 1991.

Second Edition, June 2006
Sixth printing, September 2011

ALC Book 15: Scope & Sequence, Lessons 1 - 5

Fun■ mmatical Struc S

!"■ 1

1 Be all you can be

> Basic training
►Ask for & give
Adverbs of frequency
►I am always on time.
►Listen for specific info &
answer a question
about basic ►Stress & vowel reduction
Questions with how often;
training ►Role-play a military
Answers with adverbs of
frequency situation
Comparative form more ►Read & select topic
or less + adverb & ►Read & select main idea
superlative form m ost or ►Read & give oral summary
least + adverb ►Timed reading (1 minute) &
Adding -ion to verbs to answer 6 questions
make nouns

2 L e t’s celebrate! ►Extend, accept, Willingness with will & ►Read & select inference
& decline offers would ►Read & select topic
> Weddings &
for food or drink ►Read & select main idea
honeymoons Modal review for advice;
& invitations to
►Barbecues & past repeated action, ►Write information in a chart
social events
parties condition, or situation; or table
obligation; deduction; ►Complete a paraphrase
desire; & possibility
Indefinite place or location
with somewhere,
anywhere & nowhere

Stamp collecting
3 v Inquire about
& express past
Was/were going to for ►Stress & vowel reduction
unfulfilled past intention
►Read & select inference
► A world of
and present > I was going to watch TV, ►Read & write topic
intention about but I fell asleep.
►Continents ►Read & write main idea
travel plans
►Going overseas Indefinite compounds with ►Read & give oral summary
►Timed reading (1 minute) &
> Let’s go somewhere else.
answer 6 questions
►Complete a paraphrase

Medical treatment
4 > Ask about
& describe
Reflexive pronouns
►Did George hurt him self?
►Listen for specific info &
answer a question
> Military sick call
medical ►Role-play a military
Emphatic pronouns
problems & situation
►I painted the picture
myself. ►Read & write main idea
Adjective complement after ►Read & write topic
linking verbs ►Write information in a chart
►The coffee tastes strong. ►Complete a paraphrase
Suffix -ly for adverbs and
►daily, weekly, nightly, etc.

5 Review
Lesson 5 reviews all vocabulary & structures introduced in Lessons 1 - 4.


Notes to the Student
The American Language Course focuses on four components of language learning:
vocabulary, grammatical structures, language functions, and skills.
• The lessons present vocabulary (individual words as well as expressions) that the
learner needs to understand and use in order to communicate effectively in English.
Each new lesson builds on the vocabulary of the previous lessons. The language
included is appropriate for learners working in professional and vocational contexts.
A significant feature of the General English phase of the ALC is that military
vocabulary is included wherever applicable.
• The presentation of grammar is carefully sequenced. The grammatical structures
presented in the lessons are the forms a language learner needs in order to speak
and write standard English. New grammar is often depicted in charts or tables that
serve to focus the learner’s attention on the particular structure being presented.
• Language functions are the ways we use a language to communicate. In each lesson,
exercises that focus on functions show the learner how and when to use certain
words, phrases, and sentences.
• In addition, language and academic skills exercises are interspersed throughout the
lessons. These focus on developing the learner’s language proficiency in listening,
speaking, reading, and writing.
The Scope and Sequence chart located on the previous page shows the content of the
current book. The four columns outline the new material as it relates to the language
acquisition components described above. Each lesson begins with a table of contents
followed by a preview page. The preview page provides a summary of the new material
presented in the lesson. Each ALC book has four lessons introducing new material
and one review lesson. These are followed by a homework section and daily evaluation
exercises. Various appendices are also included.
The homework and the evaluation exercises are at the back of this text. It generally
takes about two hours to complete the daily homework assignments. The evaluation
exercises are short quizzes that give both the teacher and the student feedback on how
well students have learned the material.
The appendices follow the fifth lesson. Appendix A provides an alphabetical list of
new vocabulary presented in this book. The number of the lesson in which each word
or phrase is introduced is provided next to the entry. Appendix B presents a list of
grammatical structures introduced in the book; a lesson number is provided along with
each entry for easy reference. The other appendices are included as reference materials.



Book 15 Contents
LESSON 1: Be all you can be ................................................................... 1
LESSON 2: Let’s celebrate! .....................................................................29
LESSON 3: Stamp collecting.................................................................. 59
LESSON 4: Medical treatm ent............................................................... 85
LESSON 5: Review ................................................................................. 113
A: Word List ............................................................................ A-l
B: Structure L is t..................................................................... B-l
C: The English Alphabet ....................................................... C-l
D: American English Sounds ...............................................D-l
E: List of Contractions........................................................... E-l
F: Spelling Rules for Regular Past Tense V erbs................ F-l
G: Principal Parts of Some Irregular V erbs....................... G-l
H: Patterns of Irregular V erbs.............................................. H-l
I: Punctuation and Capitalization ....................................... 1-1
J: Lesson Resources ..............................................................J-l
B15L1 #1 Reading skill................................................... J-3
B15L2 #1 Writing skill................................................... J-5
B15L3 #1 Writing sk ill................................................... J-7
B15L3 #2 Reading sk ill.................................................. J-9
B15L4 #1 Writing skill................................................. J - ll
B15L4 #2 Situation cards ........................................... J-13
B15L4 #3 Medical form ................................................ J-15
K: US Military Ranks, Grades, and Insignia....................K-l
HOMEWORK: .......................................................................................... HW-1
EVALUATION EXERCISES: ........................................................................................... EE-1



Be all you can be

VOCABULARY: Describing basic training..................................................... 3

READING: Identifying the topic and main id e a ..................................7
VOCABULARY: Daily life in basic tra in in g .................................................. 8
GRAMMAR: Changing verbs to nouns with -ion..................................12
DIALOGS: Talking about basic tra in in g ............................................14
GRAMMAR: Adverbs of frequency........................................................16
How often ...? .....................................................................20
READING: Summarizing a text o ra lly ..............................................22
Reading faster for better com prehension................... 23
GRAMMAR: Review of adverbs of manner with - l y .......................... 24
Comparative and superlative adverbs..........................25
PERFORMANCE CHECK: Singing a marching cadence.......................................... 28

Preview What’s new in Lesson 1?

Nouns sweat scrub
area trainee sweat —►sweat / sweat
basic training training instructor (TI) sweep -> swept / swept
battle dress uniform Verbs yell
(BDUs) attend
briefing complain
broom at attention
cadet crawl everything
dorm drill physical
drill enter <l> tough
drill instructor (DI) fall in This is killing me.
drill sergeant fall out
firing range guard
guard instruct
instruction iron
iron join
mop march
physical training (PT) mop
polish polish


The TI instructed us yesterday. Today Ask for and give information about basic
we are following his instruction. training.

How often do you call home? How is the food in basic training?
I occasionally call home. It’s okay.
Do you ever drive to work? How long do you do PT every day?
For an hour in the morning and an
No, I don’t ever drive to work. hour in the afternoon.
Jim drives more slowly than Jane, What did you like about basic
but Alice drives the most slowly of all. training?
I got in shape, and I became very
proud to serve my country.


Vocabulary Describing basic training

Read these trainees’ thoughts about their basic training.

“I’ve never worked so hard in my

life. At first, I was in pain all the
time, but slowly things got better.”


“After basic training, I’m in better

shape and feel that I can be good "s&Y;
IBBm j B K B g
at anything I do.”
Im m B H B flre .a fiiM l
mIII*® ■
1 W m m k ib X 111' '-rf IE■

“Basic training was like taking a

spoonful of cough medicine when
jjps^ll I was a kid. It tasted terrible at
ia e a E M the time, but I knew that it was
■:■ ’. '. ’J R a sc A d something I needed.”
EXERCISE A Check adjectives that describe types of training you have had.
Write an adjective of your choice in the blank
| | interesting easy tiring
[ | frightening | | boring [ | exciting
□ fun | | difficult □ _________

EXERCISE B Read about the first part of basic training.

Then circle the best endings of the sentences in the exercise below.

It’s My Way or the Highway!

When you join the military, you enter a new world. If you’re a cadet in officers’
training school or a newly enlisted trainee, you’ll do some type of military training.
For enlisted personnel in the different services, this training is called basic
training, and it lasts from 6 to 12 weeks. Basic training usually has three parts. In
the first part, the drill instructor (DI), training instructor (TI), or drill
sergeant plans everything that the trainees do. When you’re a trainee, you have
no free time. You get your battle dress uniform (BDUs), which you’ll wear every
day. You attend many briefings to get information on different topics. You do lots
of physical training (PT) to get in shape. You learn how to fall in and fall out
correctly and quickly. You also learn that the military has its own way to do things,
and during your time in the military, that way is the only way.

1. To enter means to 4. To attend a meeting is to

a. go into a. go to it
b. come from b. cancel it
2. A cadet is a student in a 5. When soldiers fall in, they.
a. military school a. leave the group
b. university b. come together
3. Briefings_____ . 6. To fall out is to _____ .
a. happen only on weekends a. leave the group
b. give you information b. fall down and not get up


EXERCISE C Read about the second and third parts of basic training.

Then select the best endings of the sentences in the exercise below.
During the second part of basic training, you’ll attend more classes outside than
inside. Drill sergeants will instruct you on everything about military life. You’ll
learn how to use a rifle and then spend many hours shooting it at the firing range.
The DI or TI will give you instruction on how to guard the military base to keep
everyone safe. You’ll also be the guard for the dorm, or barracks, several times a
week. You will seldom walk alone in basic training. Instead, you’ll march in
formation everywhere you go. You’ll drill, or practice marching and making military
movements, every day. During this part of basic training, you’ll begin to do things
more like a soldier than you did in the first part. You’ll be in good physical shape,
but there is more to learn.
In the third part of basic training, you’ll look and do things like a soldier at all
times. You must remember everything you have learned, and you must work well on
a team with the other trainees. On the last day, your friends and family will come to
your graduation and shake your hand for doing a good job. Basic training lasts only
a few weeks, but you will remember it all of your life.

1. TI means training. 5. The noun of instruct is

a. information a. instruction
b. instructor b. instructed
2. An instructor is a type of. 6. A guard is a person who
a. husband a. marches and drills every day
b. teacher b. keeps people or things safe
3. To instruct is to 7. To march is to _____ .
a. train a. walk in a special way
b. cough b. leave the base quickly
4. To drill hard means to_ 8. Another word for dorm is _
a. practice a lot a. barracks
b. take a long break b. hospital

EXERCISE D | Read the texts in Exercises B & C again. |
Write 1 if the activity happens in the first part of basic training, 2 if it happens in the second
part, and 3 if it happens in the third part. Number 1 is an example.
2 1. Trainees have more classes outside the classroom than inside.
2. Trainees must do things like a soldier at all times.
3. Trainees learn how to guard the military base.
4. Trainees attend many briefings.
5. Trainees’ friends and family come to see them.
6. Trainees shoot a lot at the firing range.
7. Trainees learn how to fall in and fall out correctly.
8. Trainees drill every day.
9. The DI or TI plans the trainees’ every move.
10. Trainees must work well on a team.
1 EXERCISE E Read the sentences. Write T for true and F for false.

1. BDUs are uniforms.

2. Basic training is not hard work.
3. Basic training lasts 27 weeks.
4. Trainees practice things over and over.
5. During a briefing, you get new information.
6. The TIs guard the base.
7. Trainees build fires on the firing range.
8. Trainees march everywhere they go.
9. TIs instruct recruits in only some things about military life.
10. TIs and DIs give their trainees instruction.


Reading Identifying the topic and main idea

Read, the article. Then circle the best topic and main idea.
A Small Item Shows Big Ideas

The US Air Force got know what to do next. The

a new sym bol in 2000. The three shapes under the star
air force symbol has two
main parts. The top half
shows the enlisted men and
women o f the air force. The
bottom half has a circle in
w mean three things the air
force believes in: to live
correctly; to put service
before what we want; and to
be the best in all we do. All
the middle of a star with these parts com e together
three shapes around the circle takes the shape of a to make one symbol.
bottom of the star. The star. The star has several Som etim es this symbol
circle is the earth. It makes meanings. Its five points are might have the words “US
us remember that we must the many types of people Air Force” below it. Il may
guard our country and keep who serve in the air force. appear on different types of
it safe by watching and The white area that makes items, like uniforms, letters,
helping the whole world stay the star is the sky. the area or coins. In fact, this air
safe. It also tells us we must where we fly our planes. force sym bol has becom e
take care o f world problems Finally, the star is a sym bol popular for all airmen since
quickly. The area around the for the officers who help us the year 2000.

a. air force officers
b. the shapes of the air force
c. an air force symbol
d. the bird of our country
a. We must keep our country safe by helping the whole world.
b. The air force believes we must live correctly, put service before
what we want, and be the best in all we do.
c. The star is the most important part of the new air force symbol.
d. The air force symbol has many parts to it, and each part
has a meaning.
Vocabulary Daily life in basic training

Read Jeffs letter and write down the jobs he does during “Drill Sergeant Time.”
Dear Mom and Dad,
Basic Training Schedule
Why did you let me e n te r the military?
0500 - Wake up Basic training is tough. The worst part of
0530 - Physical Training (PT) the schedule is “Drill Sergeant Time.”
0630 - Breakfast During this time, the drill instructor, a
0830 - Training sergeant, tells us to fall in and stand at
Noon - Lunch attention for a long time. Then he gives us
1300 ~ Training jobs to clean up the area, both in and out of
1700 - Dinner
the dorm where we live. Outside, we pick
up paper on the ground, empty ashtrays,
- Drill Sergeant Time
and sweep leaves off the sidewalks. In the
2030 - Personal Time
dorm, we get a broom and mop, and then
2130 - Lights Out
we sweep and mop the floor. Sometimes we
have to scrub really hard to make the floor
as clean as the drill sergeant wants it to be.
He also tells us to polish our boots with
“Drill sergeant Tim e” Jobs black polish until they shine. Before bed,
we iron our BDUs to make them smooth
O _____________________________
and look nice for the next day. This takes
me a long time since I have never used an
iron until now.
@ ________________________________

© ________________________________ The drill sergeant says, “When I’m

happy, you’ll be happy.” That’s really true.
© ________________________________ When he’s not happy, he yells, and one or
all of us have to do extra push-ups! But I
© ________________________________ can’t complain about the food. Of course,
it’s not like your cooking, Mom, but there’s
© ________________________________ plenty of it, and it tastes really good after
® _____________________________
Keep the letters coming.
© Your son,


EXERCISE A Complete the list w i t h the physical activities Sally does.

Dear Mom and Dad,

This is killing me! There are only
seven more weeks of basic training ahead. I
thought I was in great shape, but I’m not.
The physical training, or PT, is difficult. We
have it every day. We run and do push-ups
and sit-ups. I’m supposed to run 1.5 miles in
less than 16 minutes, do 33 push-ups in one
minute, and do 37 sit-ups in one minute. I
can run fast, but I can do only 27 push-ups
in a minute and 30 sit-ups. But I shouldn’t
complain because I have plenty of time to
get in shape.
In addition to PT, we get another
workout during our training in the field. Do
you like the picture of me? We had to climb Physical Activities
a rope and then crawl on our hands and
knees in the dirt with a rifle. I sweat a lot O ____________________________
that day. When we got back to the dorm, my
clothes were wet with sweat. m _______________________________
There are many things I like to do here.
I like to fall in, stand at attention, and © _______________________________
march in formation. We call cadences, which
are like songs, when we march. The singing © _______________________________

relaxes me and helps me march better.

Say hi to Molly. Please write to me soon. © _______________________________

I hope you can all come to my graduation. © _______________________________

o _______________________________

EXERCISE B Match each vocabulary ite m w ith its meaning.

1. trainee a. a person who helps people or places stay safe

2. firing range b. water that comes out of the skin
3. briefing c. makes shoes, cars, or furniture shiny
4. iron d. a student in military school or officer training
5. broom e. a short meeting
6. sweat f. a place to practice shooting a gun
7. guard g- an enlisted person in training
8. polish h. military clothing for battle
9. cadet i. something you use to sweep the floor
10. BDUs j- an appliance that uses heat to make clothes

In pairs, complete the list with words that belong with the verb.
EXAMPLE: attend
a meeting
the briefing
1. mop 4. complain about/to 7. enter

2. guard 5. yell at 8. scrub

3. join 6. sweep 9. iron


EXERCISE 01 Complete the dialog with words from the gray box.
this is killing me dorm complain
tough at attention
everything area physical

I f it doesn’t k ill you, it m akes you stronger!

DI Porter: Fall out! Get out of the fast, and go back
to the
The privates have returned to the dorm.
PVT Rich ! That DT is
PVT Jones He sure is. We stood for 20 minutes!
PVT Rich I know. I’m not used to the workouts, and
he adds more exercises to our PT every day.
PVT Jones: Wr shouldn’t
he’s making us do is making us better soldiers.
PVT Rich: Yes, and you know what they say: If it doesn’t kill you, it makes
you stronger!

EXERCISE HM Listen. Then repeat after your instructor.

1. train trainEE 6. man AIRman

2. man SEAman 7. apPLY appliCAtion
3. CELebrate celeBRAtion 8. sign ENsign
4. exAmine examiNAtion 9. PERson personNEL
5. OPerate operAtion 10. iDENtify identifiCAtion

■ r .....................................................'
Changing verbs to nouns with -ion

verb -ion noun

instruct -ion instruction

Spelling changes Verb Noun

Verbs ending in silent -e

>~ drop the -e educate education
add -ion confuse confusion

Complete the chart with the noun form of the words.

Number 1 is an example.
1. locate location 5. confuse
2. collect __________ 6. instruct
3. educate __________ 7. select
4. operate __________ 8. promote

EXERCISE B Listen to the words, and circle the stressed syllable.

Number 1 is an example.
1. lo (ca) tion 5. con fu sion
2. col lec tion 6. in struc tion
3. e du ca tion 7. se lec tion
4. op er a tion 8. pro mo tion


EXERCISE C Complete the dialogs below. Then read them with a partner.
Use the correct form of the word in italics.
1. A: Will Mary be promoted to captain next month?
B: Yes, she’s very happy about the

2. A: The traffic lights weren’t working, and that confused the drivers.
B: Tknnw. The almost caused a few accidents.

3. A: What instruction did the corporal give the class?

B: He the class on being safe in the water.

4. A: I’ve heard that the operation of this machine is difficult.

B: It is. You must it very carefully.

5. A; Is the colonel selecting a student for the special course?

B: Yes, the will make someone happy.

6. A: They located the new mess hall next to the barracks.

B: Good. I think that is a much better

7. A: Are the men collecting cans of food for poor people?

B: Yes, they started the yesterday.

EXERCISE D Ask your partner questions with the new nouns.

Can you help me find

the location of the new
BX on this map?

Dialogs Talking about basic training

Check (v.) the white boxes for the good things about basic training and the gray boxes for the
bad things. Then compare your chart with a partners and discuss your choices.

physical training □ n cleaning a lot □ □

getting up early n □ marching □ □
instruction on weapons n □ career opportunity □ □
food □ □ drill instructors □ □
mopping the dorm n □ making new friends □ □
leaving your family n □ falling in/falling out □ □

I think getting up early Really? I don’t mind that, but

is a bad thing about I think leaving your friends
basic training. and family is a terrible thing!


EXERCISE Do one of the following role-plays with a partner.

• a recruiter • a civilian
Tell the civilian all the Ask the recruiter about
good things about basic basic training. Tell the
training. Remember, your sergeant the things you’ve
job is to make young men heard about it, and ask at
and women want to join the least four questions.

• a private • a friend of the private

I You’re friends with
someone who wants to join
the army. You didn’t like
You’re thinking about
joining the army. You’ve
heard that basic training 2B
basic training at all. Tell isn’t very tough. Ask your
your friend at least four friend at least four
things you think are bad questions about it.
about basic training.

• a sergeant • a friend of the sergeant

| You’re friends with You’re thinking about
, someone who wants to join joining the army. You’ve
the army. You enjoy serving heard that basic training is
in the military. Tell your very tough. Ask your friend
friend at least four things at least four questions
| you think are great about about it.
| basic training.

Grammar Adverbs of frequency

(at all times)
A. Adverbs of frequency come before
most verbs in their simple forms.

usually They occasionally call.

(most of the time)
We frequently sang.

B. Adverbs of frequency come after a
helping verb or the verb BE.

sometimes 50 %
(at times)
Bob is seldom late.
Lois has never cried.
Andy doesn’t usually yell.
(from time to time)

C. In questions, adverbs of frequency

seldom come after the subject.
(not often)

never Do they sometimes study?

(not at any time) 0% Will he occasionally visit?


EXERCISE A Repeat the sentences.Tell which pattern they follow.

1. Does John always sleep late? 6. I frequently read after dinner.

2. My students are never impolite. 7. Will Kim occasionally call her?
3. Children often ask questions. 8. We have never gone out to eat.
4. Do servers usually get a tip? 9. People seldom tell lies.
5. We would sometimes eat out. 10. She didn’t usually come to class.

EXERCISE B Rewrite the sentence with the adverb in parentheses ().______

Number 1 is an example.
1. Trainees drill in the morning. (usually)
Trainees usually drill in the morning.
2. Trainees watch TV during basic training. (never)

3. The trainee is ready to obey the DI. (always)

4. The DI yells at the trainees. (frequently)

5. Do trainees call home? (occasionally)

6. Trainees think basic training is a lot of fun. (seldom)

7. Trainees are tired when they march all day. (often)

8. Trainees forget their first day of basic training. (never)

EXERCISE C Repeat the dialogs with ever.

1. Does John ever sleep late? 4. Is there ever any time to play?
Yes, he usually does. No, there’s never any time to play.
2. Has Robert ever sung in class? 5. Do you ever think about home?
No, he hasn’t ever sung in class. Yes, I frequently think about home.
3. Did she ever finish her homework? 6. Are the Smiths ever on time?
No, she didn’t ever finish it. Yes, they are occasionally on time.
V Use ever to mean at any time in questions and negative sentences.

EXERCISE D Rewrite the questions with ever.

Number 1 is an example.
1. Have you scrubbed a toilet?
Have you ever scrubbed a toilet?
2. Do you iron your clothes?

3. Are you late for class?

4. Did she write you while you were gone?

5. Will you be famous?

EXERCISE E Answer the above yes/no questions. Use a word from the box.

1. frequently
2 sometimes
4 ._______________________________________________________ seldom
5. not ever
EXERCISE F Choose one ending you like to finish each question.

For Number 5, circle a beginning and write an ending.

1. What do vou do ?
a. on the weekend
b. at your parents’ home
c. for fun
2. When do vou ?
a. do your grocery shopping
b. call your family
c. go to sleep at night
3. Who do vou ?
a. talk to when you have a problem
b. like to visit
c. e-mail
4. Where do vou ?
a. do your homework
b. eat out
c. go on vacation
fv W hat/W hen/W hn/W here do vou
Ask a partner the questions above, and write the answers.

Your partner should use an adverb from the gray box in each answer.
always frequently usually often
never seldom sometimes occasionally

Grammar How often...?

Listen to your teacher’s question. Answer using information from the chart.
Adverbs of frequency answer the question how often ... ?

EXAMPLE: T: How often do trainees use the firing range?

SI: Trainees frequently use the firing range.



not ever

often /

use the firing range ✓

sweep the dorm ✓

mop the mess hall floor ✓

are ... afraid ✓

listen to music ✓

fall in ✓

watch TV ✓

march in formation ✓

drill ✓

talk to cadets ✓

get bored ✓

shine boots ✓


EXERCISE Ask your partner questions with how often. Fill in the chart.

EXAMPLES: SI: How often do you wash the dishes?

S2: I don’t ever wash the dishes.
S2: How often are you tired?
SI: I’m occasionally tired, usually at night.

Student 1

not ever

often /
wash the dishes ✓

call home

write an e-mail

use a computer

a re ... hungry

do PT '
i occasionally I . ..

Student 2 not ever


often /

are ... tired ✓

ride in a car

do your homework

read a newspaper

listen to CDs

read a book

Reading Summarizing a text orally

Read the paragraphs. Then prepare an oral summary of 1 - 3 sentences for each one.

Standing at attention is a special way to

stand in the military. Bring the heels togethe:
and turn the toes at an angle a little away
from the center of the body. Keep the legs
■ straight. The body is also straight, with
the hips horizontal, the chest up, and the
shoulders straight and at the same height.
Fingers curve with each hand facing the leg.

Place the thumbs next to the first finger and
along the side of the skirt or trousers. The
head is straight and to the front. Eyes also
H look to the front. The weight of the body is
equal on the heels and the front of the feet.
Most important of all, the body must remain
straight and not move.

Eating O u t the American Way

Fast food restaurants are very popular in

the US, and they’re becoming more popular
almost everywhere. Fast food is the name for
food that you can get at a restaurant quickly
and cheaply. It’s food, like pizza, hamburgers,
or French fries, that you usually eat only
with your hands, not with a fork or knife. 5 tft3 ip
Fast food often has a lot of fat and sugar in it,
but recently, fast food restaurants have also
started to serve foods like salads, which are
better for you. Americans eat out about four
times a week at fast food restaurants. There
are now over 500,000 fast food restaurants in
the world.
Reading faster for better comprehension

Listen for instructions. Your teacher will tell you when to start.
1. In which services did General Arnold serve?
a. the army and navy
b. the navy and air force
c. the army and Marines
d. the army and air force
2. Where did General Arnold graduate from?
a. The Air Force Academy
b. The Naval Academy
c. West Point
d. Harvard
3. Who made the US Air Force a new service?
a. President Truman
b. General Arnold
c. President Kennedy
d. General Patton
4. What did people who knew General Arnold call him?
a. Henry
b. Hap
c. Arnold
d. Arnie
5. General Arnold believed that only people in the military could help make the
air force stronger.
a. True
b. False
6. When the US Air Force became a new service, General Arnold was probably
very proud.
a. True
b. False

Grammar Review of adverbs of manner with -ly

Change the adjectives in the chart to adverbs. The first one is an example.

Spelling changes Adjective Adverb

correct correctly
Some adjectives
>- add -ly beautiful
Adjectives ending in -y easy easily
change the y to i
add -ly angry

Add -ly to many adjectives to make adverbs: correct + ly = correctly.

EXERCISE Using adverbs of manner, describe a good or bad trainee.

Use the words in the gray box for ideas.

complain drill follow orders march polish sweep
EXAMPLE: SI: A good trainee does push-ups quickly.
S2: A bad trainee salutes badly.


Grammar Comparative and superlative adverbs

Three trainees climbed ropes in training. Look at their results, and read the comparisons.

Name Climbing Time

Sally 82 seconds
Joe 93 seconds
Robert 64 seconds

Robert climbs more quickly than Sally (does).

Joe climbs less quickly than Sally (does).

Robert climbs the most quickly (of all).

Joe climbs the least quickly (of all).

EXERCISE A Underline all parts of the comparative & superlative adverbs.

Put a C for comparative or an S for superlative in the blank next to the sentence.

1. Anna sings the most beautifully of all the students in class.

2. Todd spoke less reasonably than Jane because he was angrier.
3. Anthony attends class the most regularly of all the students.
4. Ms. Smith has taught the longest, so she’s the least nervous teacher of all.
5. The captain crawled across the roof more cautiously than the private.

EXERCISE B Complete the sentences with more ... than or less ... than.
Use the word in (). Number 1 is an example.
1. SGT Miller answers letters____ more/less promptly than______SGT Lee.
2. Marge operates m achines_________________________________ her husband.
3. SSgt Jones checks the rifles_______________________________ Capt Webb.
4. PVT Lee fell in _________________________________ PVT Smith.
5. Mary talk s_________________________________ Joe about the problem.
6. Robert speaks_____________ ____________________Sam does.
EXERCISE C Complete the sentences with the most... or the least ....
Use the word in (). Number 1 is an example.
1. Of all the speakers, Hal spoke_____the m ost/least nervously______
2. Janet e a ts_________________________________ of all our children.
3. Col McBride sang_________________________________ of all the singers.
4. Mr. Morris saw the accident_________________________________
5. Mark plays tennis_________________________________ of all our friends.
6. SGT Morris yells_________________________________ of all the DIs.


EXERCISE D Write the comparative or superlative fo rm in the blanks.

Change the adjective in parentheses () to an adverb.

1. Private Smith became part of the rifle team. Corporal Davis didn’t because he
dropped his weapon, (careful)
Corporal Davis shot his weapon__________________________________________ .
Private Smith shot his weapon___________________________________________ .
2. Mary always answers her letters right away. Sometimes Janice doesn’t answer
hers for several weeks, (prompt)
Janice answers her letters_______________________________________________ .
Mary answers her letters__________________________________________ ______ .
3. Most people can hear Larry when he speaks. People can never hear me. (soft)
L arry________________________________________________________ ______■
4. Mark watches TV once or twice a week, Greg seldom watches it, and Sam
watches TV every evening, (frequent)
Sam watches TV___________________________________________________ of all.
Greg watches TV_______________________________________________ _ of all.
5. I couldn’t understand Lieutenant Majors very well, (clear)
Of all the officers, she speaks_____________________________________________.
6. I’m sorry. I don’t know very much about rifles. Sergeant Davis knows everything
about them, (easy)
He can help you______________________________________________ ______.
7. John was the first one to fall in. Harry was next. Frank was last, (quick)
John got in lin e________________________________________________ ______ .
Frank got in line _______________________________________________________ .
8. Jane finished her lunch before Anna. Susan finished before everyone, (slow)
Anna e a ts______________________________________________________________ .
Jane e a ts____________________________________________________ ■
Performance Check Singing a marching cadence

Everywhere I go,
There’s a Drill Sergeant there.
Everywhere I go,
There’s a Drill Sergeant there.
Drill Sergeant,
Drill Sergeant,
Why don’t you leave me alone?
And let me go back home.
(When I brush my teeth),
There’s a Drill Sergeant there.
(When I brush my teeth),
There’s a Drill Sergeant there.
Drill Sergeant,
Drill Sergeant,
Why don’t you leave me alone?
And let me go back home.
Sing the new phrases below for the parts of the song in ().

1. When I do a drill, ... 7. WTien I clean the area, ...

2. When I sweep the hall, ... 8. When I crawl on the ground, ...
3. When I mop the floor, ... 9. When I’m at the firing range, ...
4. When I polish my boots, .. 10. When I’m at attention, ...
5. When I scrub the sink, ... 11. When I guard the dorm, ...
6. When I iron my clothes, .. 12. When I attend a briefing, ...
Let’s celebrate!

VOCABULARY: An invitation to a w edding..............................................31

Wedding trad itio n s...........................................................34
GRAMMAR: Using indefinite adverbs of place with -where............. 36
READING: Identifying the topic and main id e a ..............................39
VOCABULARY: We’re having a barbecue!.................................................40
WRITING: Working with paraphrases .............................................. 47
GRAMMAR: Using will and would to offer to do something . . . . 49
READING: Making in feren ces...........................................................51
DIALOGS: Making and responding to invitations and offers . . . 53
WRITING: Scanning a text to complete a c h a r t..............................55
GRAMMAR: Modal re v ie w .....................................................................56

Preview What’s new in Lesson 2?


Nouns potato salad slice

anniversary rain check will
bag reception would
barbecue roll
beer sauce Other
celebration steak afraid (sorry)
ceremony strawberry afterward(s)
cheese tradition anywhere
chocolate wedding as (while)
club wine before
company fresh
guest Verbs glad
honeymoon barbecue Help yourself.
invitation celebrate inside
ketchup have got nowhere
luncheon have had over outside
mayonnaise hold —►held / held somewhere
mustard invite stale
pickles miss ^


I’d be happy to help. Extend, accept, and turn down offers of
Sally will help, too. food or drink and invitations to parties.

Where are you going on vacation? Would you like something to drink?
Nowhere. I’m not going anywhere. Yes, I’d like a soda.
Carl wants to go somewhere. Can you come to our barbecue on
Modal review I’m afraid I can’t this Saturday.


Vocabulary An invitation to a wedding

an d <zAi\z±. UBenjamLn U i£ t

an d

<cl\l\%. an d <zA/\n.s.. S d u ja id
' '
23a lley j

LnvLtz you. to tfis. czxEftiony o j t(i£.iz akudzsn

a n d ^Dimotfzy

£ cets-IjxatLon o j[o v z vcr'it t u

on <Sa£u%dajj, tfiz tzn tfi o jjj.u n z

tw o tfiou,±and an d Atx
o.t tPixEt o ’c / u in thz aj-texnoon

^tztio n ^
Sl20 ^Jix±t JStxezt
£ a n c^fntonLo, 17zxa$.
cJ^ECzjiiLon aj’tziaiaxds.

&jjiaz%± (2tu£, J 2a a !zta n d c^ fi: s_L'\z.- 33a.'.-

'{2^>LnnE't 7:00

EXERCISE A With a partner, ask and answer questions about the invitation.

EXERCISE B Read about the planning of Tim and Alice’s reception.

Alice: Tim, we’re getting married in only six months! I can’t believe our wedding
will happen so soon. We have to plan our reception now. We need plenty
of time to pick out the invitations, and I want to celebrate somewhere
nice with our friends and family.
Tim: Okay, Alice. Is there anywhere you’d like to have the celebration? Does
your dad still belong to the Officers’ Club on base?
Alice: Yes! I think the Officers’ Club will be a great location. My mom and dad
had a reception there for their 25th wedding anniversary. They decided
to hold a luncheon instead of a dinner reception. They invited over 250
people to celebrate their long marriage. It was beautiful.
Tim: We’re inviting only about 170 guests to our wedding ceremony, and we
want them all to come to the reception afterwards. There should be
plenty of room inside the club for the dinner and dancing. Have you
thought about the menu?
Alice: Yes, I have three menus to choose from. Let’s look at them.

EXERCISE C Read the sentences. Write T for true and F for false._________

1. Alice and Tim are planning their wedding reception.

2. Alice’s parents have been married for 25 years.
3. The guests will eat and dance at the Officers’ Club.
4. The reception will be before the wedding ceremony.
5. Alice and Tim will invite 250 guests to their wedding reception.
6. Alice’s parents held a luncheon for their own anniversary reception.
7. Alice’s dad belongs to the NCO Club on base.
8. Alice and Tim will celebrate their marriage with their guests.
9. There won’t be enough room inside the club for dancing.
10. Alice and Tim’s invitations will ask the guests to come to the wedding
and reception.


EXERCISE D Choose one menu for the reception.

Discuss your choice with a partner. Label the pictures with the foods from the three menus.
ni 1n
Menu 1 ^ Menu 2 Lfi" Menu 3
<StzaA in Suffei c S a u . c z < d J ^ \ o a ± t s d d C iia fz E n <Lp>otato d V z v j 'iP o t a k o E i. <zA/[aili£d ^PotatoEi.

U3euh± d a i'io ti d o xn
' ' j f ’i z n c l i U B i E a d [h iin n E % <cf^oH i. '\ J z E n c f i I B i E a d

c J x ’z d ^Wine. ^Wfiits. ^Wins ^W fiit E ^ W in s .

[I^ES-i-Elt U^Ei-iElt [i^Ei.i.E’lt

(l/^e.dduig dabs. ^ W s d d in ^ d a tz E ( ~ W E d d in c j d a t z E

tP s a ii in dttaaotais, <Sauas. ^ J ^ a x tz d / i o a o f a t s J i& iA <Sbuuv£r£.%%i&i.

^1 F U F U F

Vocabulary Wedding traditions

Traditions are often an important part of wedding

celebrations in the US. One popular tradition is the
wedding cake. Most couples choose to serve a large,
beautiful wedding cake which is usually white inside
and outside. A little plastic bride and groom, which m
look like the newly married couple, often stand on top
of the cake. At the reception, the bride and groom both >\ i
___ hold a knife
as they slice
the first piece
of wedding cake. Sometimes they freeze a
piece and eat it for their first anniversary.
When the reception is over, most couples
pack their bags and take a special vacation
together to be alone. This vacation, which
celebrates their marriage, is
called a honeymoon.
Some couples travel far away to
beautiful places. Other couples
visit interesting locations in the
US. Most couples spend about
a week on their
honeymoon, and
this wedding
tradition is
certainly a
vacation no one
ever forgets.


EXERCISE A Match each word with its meaning.

1. slice a.
2. wedding b.
3. roll c.
4. steak d.
5. luncheon e.
6. as f.
7. guest g-
8. reception h.
9. bag i.
10. honeymoon j-
at about noon
EXERCISE B the sentences with the words from the box.
Use capital letters when necessary.
1. Sergeant Evans belongs to the NCO____________ on base.
2. bread smells delicious.
invitation 3. I’d like to you to a party on Saturday.
fresh 4. The key is . the box in that drawer.
invite 5. Going on a honeymoon is a(n) _____:______ that is
celebrate popular in the US.
club 6. We’ll Bob’s promotion after work today.
anniversary 7. Today is our grandparents’ 50th wedding.
inside 8. Americans love to put many kinds of. on
ceremony their food.
tradition 9. We’ll send you a(n) to Patty’s birthday party.
10. When Colonel Phillips retires, he’ll have a retirement

Grammar Using indefinite adverbs of place with -where

Sam, Dave! Do I’m too tired. See
you want to go Yes, let’s go somewhere, you tomorrow.
anywhere tonight? maybe to a movie. Where
do you want to go, Dave?

Meanings Examples

in or at a place, © Your keys must be somewhere.

somewhere but you don’t
know where Did you put your keys somewhere?
the place is not I can’t find my car keys anywhere.
important or ©
you don’t know Are we going anywhere tonight1?
its name ©
not in or to any Where did you go?
place © Nowhere.


EXERCISE A Fill in the blanks with the correct choice of the two words.

1. Are you going_______________________ this weekend?

nowhere / somewhere
2. Where did you go yesterday?_______________________
Nowhere / Anywhere
3. I don’t like to fly_______________________
nowhere / anywhere
4. I can hear music playing.
anywhere / somewhere
5. Their house is _______________________ near the lake.
anywhere / somewhere
6. Where are they going on their vacation?
Nowhere / Anywhere
7. He won’t go_______________________ without his radio.
anywhere / nowhere
8. Have you seen my book_______________________ ?
nowhere / anywhere
9. Where have you been all day?
Nowhere / Anywhere
iO. Would you like us to move the table
somewhere / nowhere
11. Where does that road go?_______________________
Anywhere / Nowhere
12. Have we m et_______________________ before?
somewhere / nowhere
13. It’s too icy outside. Don’t drive_______________________ tonight.
anywhere / nowhere
14. I’m sure I’ve heard that m usic_______________________ before.
somewhere / anywhere

EXERCISE B Complete the sentences with anywhere, somewhere, or nowhere.

Some sentences have more than one correct answer.

1. Henry: I tried to call you last night. Did you go
Mike: No, I didn’t go______________________
2. Jack: Do you usually go on Friday night?
Chad: Yes, I always go_ on Fridays.
3. Ron: Do you live_______________________ near the base?
Ted: Yes, I live in the neighborhood behind the library.
4. Lt Alex: I couldn’t find you after lunch. Where did you go?
Lt N e i l : _______________________
Sharon: Have I seen vou before?
Diane: Yes, we had a class together last summer.
6. Mr. Lee: Where’s your family’s ranch?
Mr. Pitt: It’s _______________________ near San Antonio, Texas.
7. Dan: Where are you moving?
Keith: _____________________ _. I’m not moving. Who said I was moving?
8. Jane: Why did you drive from New York to Chicago?
Ann: I never fly_______________________ because I’m afraid to fly.

EXERCISE C Write a dialog with anywhere, somewhere, and/or nowhere.

Student 1:

Student 2:


Identifying the topic and main idea

Read the text. Then select the topic and main idea.
Chocolate fo r Everyone
Chocolate, the food we love to eat, used to look and taste very different than it
does today. Over 2,000 years ago, the Olmec Indians* of South America first grew
the cacao beans that give us chocolate. The Mayan Indians* used cacao to prepare a
bitter drink, which only important people had permission to drink. Much later, the
beans became money for the Aztec Indians*, and still only certain people could taste
the delicious chocolate drink. In the 1500s, the Spanish brought chocolate to Europe
and later began to add sugar to make it taste better. Only very rich people could
afford chocolate, but that changed in the 1700s. First, someone invented a machine
which could make chocolate more cheaply. Then, someone else helped reduce
chocolate prices more by removing some of the fat in it and making it smoother. In
1847, one company learned how to make chocolate harder. Soon people were buying
chocolate in a variety of shapes and sizes. Later, a Swiss man found a way to add
milk to chocolate, which gave us the lighter and sweeter chocolate we call milk
chocolate. Now we can find candies and candy bars made from dark chocolate, milk
chocolate, and white chocolate. And no two kinds of chocolate taste exactly the same.
Chocolate doesn’t look or taste the way it did when the people of South America first
used it, but it’s still delicious, and now everyone can enjoy it. v (


a. cacao beans
b. chocolate drinks
c. changes in chocolate
d. chocolate bars

a. Chocolate used to be cheap but is expensive now.

b. Chocolate has changed a lot in looks and taste.
c. Chocolate comes in a variety of shapes and sizes.
d. Chocolate is the most popular food in America.

Vocabulary We’re having a barbecue!

Brian and Cindy are preparing food in the kitchen.

Brian: When does the company arrive for our barbecue?
Cindy: All the guests are supposed to be here at noon.
Brian: I know you invited the Browns, the Jacksons, and the Watsons. Who else
are we having over?
Cindy: I also invited the Smiths. You’ve met them before. We’ll miss the Watsons
today. They had to take a rain check because they have other plans, but
they said they won’t miss the next barbecue.
Brian: So, what have we got to barbecue? The fire is almost ready.
Cindy: We’ve got chicken and hamburgers. But before you start to cook, will you
help me? There’s nowhere to put the food, and this bowl isn’t big enough
to hold the chips.
Brian: Here’s a bigger bowl. I’ll put this table outside the kitchen door on the
patio. It’s big enough to hold all of the food. Hey, that potato salad looks
Brian moves the table as Cindy finishes making the potato salad. Afterwards, the
first guests begin to arrive.
EXERCISE A Read the sentences. Write T for true and F for false.__________

1. The table with food will be inside the house.

2. The Watsons will miss the barbecue, so they took a rain check.
3. Cindy and Brian have got some vegetables to barbecue.
4. Brian has never met the Smiths before.
5. Brian will barbecue the meat.
6. Cindy and Brian will miss the Browns.
7. Cindy needs another bowl to hold the chips.
8 The company will come to the barbecue at around 3 p.m.
9. First, the guests begin to arrive. Then, Cindy finishes the potato salad.
10. Brian moves the table and Cindy finishes the potato salad at the same
EXERCISE B Read the dialog, and look at the pictures.
Brian answers the doorbell.
Judy: Hello, Brian. How are you?
Brian: Great. Come on in. Cindy’s in the backyard with the rest of the company.
Max: Hey, Brian. We brought some beer.
Brian: Thanks, Max.
Everyone goes to the patio in the backyard. Cindy has put m ayonnaise, m ustard,
ketchup, pickles, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, and cheese on the table for the
hamburgers. There is also barbecue sauce for the chicken.
Cindy: Thank you all for bringing the drinks. We have soda, iced tea, beer, and
wine. Help yourselves.
Brian cooks the chicken and hamburgers as the guests eat snacks and talk.
Cindy: Hey, Judy, how is everything?
Judy: Your potato salad is the best. But listen, I’m afraid that the chips are a
little stale.
Cindy: Oh, thanks for telling me. They don’t stay fresh very long in this humidity.
Let me open another bag of chips.
Brian: Okay, everyone. The food’s ready. Save some room for dessert. We’ve got
strawberry ice cream, and Judy brought a chocolate cake.

EXERCISE C Circle the best answer.

1. Another word for company is 5. Help yourself means

a. guests a. put the food on your own plate
b. party b. let me serve the food for you
2. A barbecue is an outdoor___ 6. Stale is the opposite of.
a. party a. afraid
b. table b. fresh
3. I’ll take a rain check means 7. I’m afraid that I broke the glass.
a. I’ll miss the next party. a. I’m sorry that I broke the glass.
b. I’ll come to the next party. b. I’m sure that I broke the glass.
4. Bob’s seen that man before. 8. Cindy opened a fresh bag of_____
a. Bob saw that man at a later a. beer
time. b. chips
b. Bob saw that man at an earlier

EXERCISE D Match each verb with its meaning.

Two words have more than one meaning.
1. have over a. to
2. miss b. to feel sad because someone isn’t there
3. barbecue c. to
4. have got d. to
5. hold e. to
f. to
g. to
and/or time


EXERCISE E Label the pictures.

With a partner, fill in the missing words.

Then listen to your teacher, and check your answers.
— —— — * — ——

Cindy’s Salad

1 lb. potatoes 1 tablespoon mustard

1 medium 1/2 -1 cup

2 eggs s a lt and

1. Wash the . Cook them in water until they are a

little soft. Take the skin off them.
2. Cook the in water until they are hard in the middle.
3 . Cut the into big pieces.
4 . Cut the eggs, , and into small
5 . Put all of the food into a large
6 . Add the »mayonnaise, ,
7. Mix carefully with a

EXERCISE G Match the w o rd s that belong together.

1. help a. over
2. rain b. sauce
3. have (someone) c. an anniversary
4. stale d. check
5. celebrate e. yourself
6. barbecue f. bread

EXERCISE H With a partner, ask and answer questions about the pictures.

Practice the verb hold. Number 1 is an example.

SI: What does this glass hold?
S2: That glass holds tea.
SI: How much does it hold?
S2: It holds 12 ounces.
SI: What else can a glass hold?
S2: A glass can also hold milk.


3 liters 300 passengers


EXERCISE I List short answers to the question. Then talk with a partner.

When you’re away from home, who and what do you miss?
People Activities Places Other
playing soccer Mom’s cooking

I miss my Mom’s cooking.

What do you miss?

EXERCISE J Fill in one blank with miss and the other with hold.

Use the correct tense for each word. Number 1 is an example.

1. The workers in our office________ held________a party last week, but Sam
_______missed_______^ because he was on vacation.
2. Mr. and Mrs. Carson will their 50th anniversary
reception on August 31. Their four children wouldn’t it
for the world.
3. Yesterday Jake the lesson because he didn’t know the
teacher w as__ class in a different room.
4. Every week our boss an important \ ^'?u)0uldn’t 'j
business meeting. No one ever lt.
Find four categories. Write words that belong in each category.

The first category is an example.

wedding potato salad strawberries
wine cheese rolls
mustard chocolate mayonnaise
sauces foods ketchup
pickles celebrations anniversary
steak beer drinks



How is a paraphrase different from a summary? How is it the same?

In a summary ... In a paraphrase ...

✓you give the main idea ✓you rewrite all of the
and the most important information in your own
information from the text. words.
✓your text is shorter than ✓your text is about the same
the original. length as the original.
✓you don’t show your opinion. ✓you don’t show your opinion.

Wedding Anniversaries in the US

In the US, people celebrate wedding anniversaries in a variety of ways.

They might have a party, eat in a restaurant, or just say happy anniversary.
On the first anniversary, the husband and wife give each other paper gifts.
Silver is common for the 25th anniversary, and gold for the 50th. For those
anniversaries, the couple’s family may hold a reception. Also, the newspaper
might show the couple’s anniversary picture. I loved you before, and I love
you today are what these celebrations say.

People in the US celebrate their wedding anniversaries in different

ways. Dinners and parties with family are popular, and the couple usually
give each other special gifts. Some couples put their picture in the paper.
These anniversary celebrations all say I love you.

Couples in the US celebrate wedding anniversaries in many ways. Some

have a party, some go out to a nice restaurant for dinner, and others just
say happy anniversary. Traditionally, the husband and wife give each other
presents made of paper for the first anniversary, silver for the 25th, and
gold for the 50th. Sometimes children and grandchildren give the couple a
big party for their 25th or 50th anniversary. Some couples put their
anniversary picture in the local newspaper. These celebrations are all ways
to say I loved you then, and I love you now.

EXERCISE Listen to a text. Then fill in the missing information.

How to paraphrase
1. Listen to the original text several times.
Be sure you understand what you hear.
2. Write down a word or phrase in the text that says the topic.
Write down the main idea of the text.
3. Think about the information in the text that you just heard.
4. Look at the paraphrase below.
Try to fill in the blanks with words that sound good to you.
5. Listen again and check your completed paraphrase with the
original. The words will be different, but the ideas should
be the same.

Main Idea:_____________________________________________________

Paraphrase of Cooking the Texan Way

Texans really like to O______________________ , and they are famous

for their ©______________________ way of cooking. At barbecues, Texans have
©______________________ , family, and 0 ______________________ over. They play
games, have fun ©______________________ , and, of course, eat. The weather is
©______________________ all year in many parts of the state, so Texans can always
find a ©______________________ to barbecue. In the fall, neighbors and friends
barbecue and ©______________________ games. Beef is the most popular food for a
barbecue, but people also like to barbecue ©______________________ , pork, and
vegetables. Come to Texas where the barbecue is really good.

delicious nice chicken

reason friends neighbors
watch football barbecue outside


Grammar Using will and would to offer to do something

Who will take me to

my appointment
this afternoon?

Who will take me to my appointment this afternoon?

I’ll take you.

I will.
I’d be happy
John w ould be glad to (take you).
We’d love
V We use will and would to say that we don’t mind doing something.

EXERCISE A Match the questions in Column A to answers in Column B.

Column A Column B
1. Will you give me a ride to the store? a. I’ll help you wash them.
2. Who wants to finish the cake? b. Tom will. He’s got change.
3. This box is very heavy. c. I’ll help you lift it.
4. Who can lend me 50 cents for coffee? d. Sure, I’d be happy to take you.
5. These dishes are dirty. e. Bobby would love to eat it.
6. Who will take care of the dog tonight? f. Jean will help us with it.
7. Who will help us with our homework? g. We’d be happy to take him for
a walk.
EXERCISE B Use the pronoun “I” and the words in ( ) to write short answers.
Use contractions when possible. Number 1 is an example.
1. Who will show me how to iron these BDUs? (would / happy)
I’d be happy to.__________________________________________________________
Who can help me study for the test? (will)

WTould you like to play tennis with me? (would / love)

Can you lend me your dictionary? (would / glad)

Will someone lock the door at the end of the day? (will)

Would you open this window for me, please? (would / happy)

1 1 3 2 3 3 ! Ask and answer questions with a partner. Use will and would.

Use the phrases in the box or your own ideas.

give me a ride to the post office lend me $5
show me how to polish my boots answer the door
help me with my homework iron my uniform
help me lift this package meet me at the gym
check my homework lend me some stamps


Reading Making inferences

How is guessing different from inferring?

Making an opinion or thinking Thinking something is true by using
something is true without information from the text: Reading
information from the text. between the lines.
Read the text. Then compare the guesses and inferences.
Linda got a $500 bill for the repairs the mechanic made to her car. She
put away her credit card and asked to speak to the manager immediately.
• Linda won’t pay the bill. • Linda was probably dissatisfied.
• The mechanic was impolite. • Linda expected a lower repair bill.
• Linda will yell at the manager. • She will complain to the manager.
• The garage doesn’t take credit cards. • The mechanic isn’t the boss.

EXERCISE A the sentences and check (✓) the inference or guess.
1. Yesterday Tom, George, and Mary went to an expensive restaurant downtown.
Inference Guess

a. Tom is rich and invited his friends to a nice restaurant. □

b. Tom and George like to go downtown in their free time. □
c. Tom and George are brothers who are both businessmen. | | □
2. “Wow! Look at that long line. Do you think well get in?”
Inference Guess

a. Some people are waiting to enter a popular place.

b. Two friends are going to the movies on a Friday night.
c. The speaker isn’t sure he’ll be able to enter.

EXERCISE B Use the information in the text to select the inference.

1. Everyone had a great time at the party. The couple danced with their guests
and ate great food. The new Mr. and Mrs. Slater were smiling because they
were happy to be together forever.
What are the people at the party celebrating?
a. a wedding
b. a promotion
c. a graduation
d. an anniversary
2. Capt Mora met Mr. and Mrs. Green at the barbecue. He didn’t know much
English, but he tried to speak with them. They talked, ate good food, and had a
wonderful time. Before they left, the Greens invited the captain to have dinner
with them the next evening.
W hat will probably happen next?
a. They’ll go to the park to have a picnic.
b. Capt Mora will accept the invitation.
c. The Greens will pick Capt Mora up.
d. Capt Mora will get sick and go home.
3. Tom drove into the parking lot and saw very few cars. He walked to the
front of the building and tried to enter, but the main door was locked. When he
looked at his watch and saw the date, he laughed.
Tom laughed because h e _____
a. didn’t know what to do next
b. thought that the door was open
c. saw few cars in the parking lot
d. realized that it wasn’t a work day
4. William prepared everything a few days before the party. He bought all the
food and some wood to cook the meat. He asked his wife to make a good sauce
and some salads. He put the beef and chicken in the sauce for about five hours.
He was really looking forward to making some delicious food for his good
William is _____
a. making a special birthday dinner
b. having an outdoor barbecue
c. asking his wife how to make sauces
d. cooking some meat for his wife’s office


Dial ogs Making and responding to invitations and offers


Roger: Hello, Margie. We’re going to have a barbecue this Saturday afternoon.
Would you like to come?
Margie: Thank you very much for the invitation, but I’m afraid I already have
plans. I’m going to Houston.
Roger: All right. I’ll give you a rain check for our next barbecue.
Margie: I look forward to it.


Stephanie: Marsha, I’d like to invite you to a party this Friday. My husband and I
are celebrating his promotion to colonel.
Marsha: How nice! I’d love to come. Where will it be?
Stephanie: It’ll be at our house at 7:00.
Marsha: Would you like me to bring anything?
Stephanie: Sure, can you bring some drinks?
Marsha: I’ll bring some wine.
Stephanie: Great. See you on Friday!


Cathy: Patty, would you like some more

Patty: No, thank you. I have enough.
Cathy: And what about you, Jenny?
Would you like something to
Jenny: What do you have?
Cathy: I have soda, wine, beer, iced tea,
and orange juice.
Jenny: I’d like a glass of white wine,

EXERCISE A In pairs, put the dialog’s sentences in order.
Number 1 starts the dialog.
An Invitation to a Luncheon
____ See you then.
____ Yes, we will, but we’re keeping the celebration a secret.
____ Okay. I won’t tell anyone. Where are you holding the luncheon?
1 We’re having a luncheon for Lt Miller on Friday. Can you make it?
____ At the Officers’ Club. The ceremony will start at noon. Then we’ll eat.
____ Of course. Will we be celebrating her promotion to captain?
____ I’m afraid I’ll have to leave before the meal, but I’ll be there for the ceremony.
Thanks for the invitation. See you on Friday.
EXERCISE B With a partner, role-play accepting and declining invitations.

• Host / Hostess • Guest

You are going to have a You want to know
barbecue at your house. • the time and date
Invite the guest to your • the location
party. Accept the invitation, but
Answer the questions. explain that you’ll have to
Ask the guest to bring a dish leave early because you have
or some drinks. an appointment afterwards.

• Host / Hostess • Guest(s)

You are having a party. When You arrive at a party. Talk to
guests arrive, invite them the host or hostess.
into your home. Accept and decline offers of
Offer your guests food and food and drink. Ask your host
drinks. or hostess about what they
Answer any questions. have to offer you.


Writing Scanning a text to complete a chart

Look at the chart. Then scan the text to complete the missing information from the chart.

The Caribbean

□ ___________________

I I Other

Favorite Honeymoon Locations

About 99 percent of American couples go on a honeymoon after their wedding.
Most couples visit warm climates to enjoy a nice time alone for their honeymoons.
One popular place that a lot of honeymooners visit is Hawaii. About 34 percent of
couples visit this beautiful island state in the Pacific Ocean. Islands in the
Caribbean Sea are also popular places for American couples to spend their
honeymoons. Thirty-three percent of American couples pack their bags for islands in
the Caribbean. The favorite Caribbean island location is the Bahamas. Beautiful
beaches and great entertainment are two reasons that 7 percent of newly married
couples go to Mexico. Europe is also a popular honeymoon destination for 4 percent
of American honeymooners. Couples who go to Europe like to visit Italy, France,
Greece, and England. The final 22 percent of couples travel to other locations for
their honeymoon.

Grammar Modal review

To talk about... Modals Examples

can What can we watch on TV tonight ?

We can watch a football game.
should Should I buy a new car?
ought to Tom ought to join the army.
used to I used to ride my bike every day.
past routine
would Years ago, we would go to the lake.
discontinued past I used to smoke.
habit, condition, or used to We used to live in New York, and
situation we didn’t use to have a car.
must He’s wearing BDUs. He must not be
must not the manager; he must be a soldier.

would like (to) Would you like to order dessert?

want or desire
Yes, I’d like some chocolate cake.

obligation be supposed to You’re supposed to salute officers.

Match the sentences that have similar meanings or ideas.

1. I’d like to go to Hawaii. a. I want to go next summer.

2. You can go to the movies. b. You have to go.
3. You’re supposed to go home. c. We used to go every fall.
4. You must be going to the gym. d. I’m sure that you’re going.
5. We would go to the mountains. e. We ought to go now.
6. We used to live in Florida. f. We don’t live there anymore.
7. We should go to the store now. g- You have the opportunity to go.
EXERCISE B Match each sentence with a purpose. Write the letter.

To talk about... 1. Years ago, I would play the piano for hours.
a. possibility
2. We’d like to add on to our house.
3. We can eat at home or go to a restaurant.
b. advice
4. Sam used to be a mechanic before he retired.
c. past routine
5. You’re not supposed to drive without insurance.
6. Carol’s strong. She must be a good swimmer.
d. past habit, 7. You’re supposed to iron your uniform.
condition, or
situation 8. I’d like to have some chocolate ice cream.
9. PVT Thomas should practice his push-ups.
e. deduction
10. Alan is wet. It must be raining outside.
f. want or desire 11. We can have a luncheon at the Officers’ Club.
12. We ought to plan the reception soon.
g- obligation
13. I used to have three cars.
EXERCISE C Write a new sentence for each purpose listed in Exercise B.


EXERCISE D Role-play with a partner. Use m o d a ls in your dialogs.

• New recruit • Retired military person i

Ask your partner to tell you
about the things he or she
used to do in the military.
Talk about things that you
used to do when you were
in the military.

• Tourist
Ask questions and get
advice about places you can
• Travel agent
Answer your customer’s
questions, and give advice

~ rJ
visit and things you can do about traveling and doing m m
next summer. interesting things.
- J

» Friend 1 • Friend 2
Ask each other questions Ask each other questions B
about the future, and talk about the future, and talk «rag
about what each of you about what each of you
would like to be doing five, would like to be doing five, I
ten, and twenty years from ten, and twenty years from I
now. now. H

• New student • Instructor

Ask the teacher to talk to Answer your student’s
you about the rules of the questions. Talk about the
school and the rules the rules. Give advice about
teacher uses in the studying.
classroom. Also ask for
advice about studying.


Stamp collecting
VOCABULARY: A whole world of s ta m p s................................................. 61
GRAMMAR: Using was / were going to for past in te n tio n s............. 66
VOCABULARY: The continents of the world..............................................69
READING: Writing the topic and main id e a ....................................71
VOCABULARY: We’re going overseas..........................................................72
READING: Making in feren ces...........................................................76
SPEAKING: Practicing pronunciation.................................................77
GRAMMAR: Using e ls e ........................................................................... 78
READING: Summarizing a text o ra lly ..............................................80
DIALOGS: Talking about travel p la n s ..............................................81
WRITING: Working with paraphrases..............................................83
READING: Reading faster for better com prehension....................84

Preview What’s new in Lesson 3?


Nouns photograph (photo) Other

a while reason alive
Africa ride around
Antarctica South America by air
application visa dead
Asia in addition to
Australia Verbs overseas ^
continent apply take a photograph
death die unusual
document earn unusually
Europe leave —►left/left usual
history notice
holiday order
life/lives postpone
museum require
North America was/were going to


Henry was going to play baseball, Ask about and express plans to travel.
but he couldn’t find his glove. Where are you going for your
Jane’s working until 7:30 p.m. vacation?
Does anyone else want to work late? I’m going to Australia.
No, no one else wants to. Why did you postpone your trip?
It’s noisy here. Let’s go somewhere else We were going to visit family, but we
to study. decided to go to San Francisco


Vocabulary A whole world o f stamps

Why do people collect stamps? Who do we see on stamps?

mm31 t Some of us Stamps also help ^
don’t notice the us remember the
small piece of lives of famous or
paper that we stick important people
on envelopes, but from around the
there are millions of world. People
people who look at from history or
Singer and actor stamps very closely. entertainment are Farm workers’ leader
born 1898- d ie d 1976 the usual subjects born 1 9 27- d ie d 1993
These stamp /// for stamps. In some
collectors can’t wait countries, stamps show people who
to buy the newest are still alive. In the US, a stamp can
stamps at the post show only people who have been dead
office, and they for ten or more years. There’s a good
hunt everywhere reason for this rule: We need ten years
for unusually old after a person’s death to understand the
or uncommon ones. bomComedy actress importance of his or her life.
Stamps aren’t only
1911- d ie d 1989
The exception to
for collectors. this rule is for US
We all can learn a presidents. They
lot when we notice earn their place on
Wtm' '..- those sticky little stamps sooner. After
pictures. Stamps George Washington a president dies,
are much more than 1st US President,
the United States
just a way to pay for
born 1 7 32- d ie d 1799
Postal Service
H i 111 a letter; they show
us our world and
puts his picture on a special
stamp. We can buy this stamp on
help us remember the president’s first birthday after
the anniversary of his death.
40th US President
born 1911 - died 2004 our history.

All images of stamps - Copyright 2001 U.S. Postal Service. All rights reserved.

EXERCISE A Read the sentences. Write T for true and F for false.
1. In the US, stamps can show people who are alive.
2. Some people don’t really notice the stamps they put on envelopes.
3. There is a reason that only dead people’s pictures are on US stamps.
4. We can learn a lot when we notice stamps.
5. The usual subjects for stamps are common people.
6. Stamps help people remember history.
7. US presidents earn their place on a stamp ten years after they die.
8. Collectors enjoy finding unusually old stamps.
9. We often forget about the lives of famous people when we see stamps.
10. The US Postal Service puts presidents’ pictures on special stamps.
EXERCISE B Use the prefix un~ to make words with opposite meanings.
The prefix un- means not. Number 1 is an example.
1. usual unusual 6. happy
2. usually 7. pleasant
3. common 8. safe
4. certain 9. important
5. comfortable 10. healthy
raM gsfflw M M Match the word to its meaning.
1. to notice a. common
2. unusuallv b. an explanation
3. historv c. to stop living
4. dead d. to look at something carefully
5. reason e. the opposite of death
6. to earn f. not alive
7. life g. not commonly
8. die h. things that happened in the past
9. usual i. to get something for doing something
EXERCISE D Read m o re about s ta m p collecting.

What else do we find Have you ever thought about

on stamps? collecting stamps?
In addition to pictures of people, we You can easily afford to start a stamp
can find stamps with pictures of almost collection. Just save the stamps from the
anything. They come from all the countries letters you receive in the mail. You can
on every continent of the world. Stamps leave the stamps on the envelopes or take
celebrate everything them off. Then keep your collection
from holidays and together by putting your stamps in a
history to paintings in special book. When you’re not looking at
\ ; museums and your collection,

; photographs of the i keep it in a safe
B?4 lib e rato r

] outdoors. People love place with low

^ " J to collect stamps with humidity. Soon
unusually beautiful or you’ll probably
entertaining begin buying old
pictures. Some and expensive
collectors choose stamps which are
stamps with unusual and difficult to find.
pretty flowers or As your
different kinds of collection grows, [vss(Viv-..-
animals. Other you’ll enjoy talking I
collectors might about your stamps,
like stamps that show military topics. showing them to
Stamps with airplanes, cars, and ships are friends, and
always popular. There certainly is a stamp exchanging them
for everyone. with other
W M ’.
O n u ift'


W Eugene Smith 1918-1978

All images of stamps - Copyright 2001 U.S. Postal Service. All rights reserved.

EXERCISE E Match the words to their meanings.

1. holiday a.
2. in addition to b.
3. museum c.
4. photograph d.
5. unusual e.
6. continent f.
things for people to see

EXERCISE F Fill in each blank with the best word from the gray box.

This morning Tom 0_ a sad article

life in the newspaper. One of his friends from college, Billy Cole,
earned ©------------------------------ last night. They both earned their
degrees in ©____________________ in 2002. The
©------------------------------ for Billy’s ©-------------------------------
lives was a car accident.
unusually The article described Billy’s ©-------------------------------
death because he was very popular in town. When Billy was
alive ©____________________ , he helped make many people’s
noticed ©____________________ better. He was ©---------------------
nice and spent his free time helping his neighbors. He certainly
© ----------- many people’s friendship.
Tom’s upset now because his friend is ®----------------------------
but he realizes that death is a ©____________________ part of
life. He’ll never forget the good times he had with Billy in college.


EXERCISE G Write each word in the correct column.

One word is a noun and a verb.

alive life death lives
die dead dies died
live deaths lived

Adjectives Nouns Verbs

Use words from Exercise G to complete the sentences._____

1. The Hunter family ©____________________ in Kansas City. They

O____________________ a happy ©_____________________together on Main
Street. Two of the children’s grandparents are still O_____________
They’re from St. Louis. They’ve ©____________________ there for 40 years.
The grandfather is 87 years old, and the grandmother is 85; they’ve had
long © ____________________

2. The ©____________________ of the famous singer made everyone sad. The

world found out he was ©_________________ __ from the news on the
television and radio. He was born in 1931, and he ©-------------------------------
in 2001.
Grammar Using was/were going to for past intentions

Did everyone do the things they planned to do last weekend?

I was going to

Jim was going to

We were going to

Use this grammar to talk about plans in the past that changed.

Match the two columns to make complete sentences.

1. I was going to study, a. but she changed her mind.
2. Jim was going to lift weights, b. but it rained.
3. We were going to swim, c. but he hurt his arm.
4. It was going to be a long briefing, d. but they missed their son.
5. Mary wasn’t going to go to the party, e. but I fell asleep.
6. The Smiths weren’t going to call, f. but we finished early.
EXERCISE B Fill in the blanks with was/were (not) going to.
Number 1 is an example.
1. Lee: Were___ y0U__ going to__eat more?
Sara: No, I wasn’t going to (ea^ more), but the cake looked really good.
2. Fred: ____________your brother____________run in the race?
Bob: Yes, h e _____________________(run in the race) before he hurt his knee.
3. Todd: W here____________you____________fly before the flight was canceled?
Tim: W e_____________________fly to Paris.
4. Ted: W hat____________your sister____________ do before she forgot?
Alex: My sister_____________________buy more milk.
5. Bill: W hat____________they____________ do before they got sick?
Jane: They_____________________take us out to dinner.

EXERCISE C Finish the sentences about plans that changed. Add but
Use the words in parentheses (). Change the verbs to past tense. Number 1 is an example.
1. I was going to play tennis, (it/rain )
but it rained.________________________________________________________
2. We were going to bake you a cake, (our oven / break)

3. They were going to show us the city, (they / not have time)

4. She was going to start a diet, (she / eat too much)

5. He wasn’t going to ask any more questions, (he / not understand)

6. She was going to get married, (her parents / not like the man)

EXERCISE D Give reasons for not doing the things you were going to do.
Use was going to and the past tense in your answers. Follow the examples.
I was going to wash
Things you were going my clothes, but I ran
to do last weekend,
but didn’t:
out of detergent.
X wash your clothes
X pay your bills
X do some exercise
X go grocery shopping
X clean the kitchen
X study for a test
X call your mother



EXERCISE E Tell the class three things your partner didn’t do yesterday.
Use the modal was going to.

Sergeant Larson was going to do

some exercise, but she decided to
read a good book instead.


Vocabulary The continents of the world

Unscramble the names, and write them below. Capitalize the first letter of each word.
uaialarst peuore
hnrto acrieam aatriccant htosu ramciea
saai fciara


3. 7.

EXERCISE Write the nam e of the continent that each stamp shows.

10. 11. 12.

Reading Writing the topic and main idea

Read the text. Then write its topic and main idea.
The Lost Continent
There are many stories about the lost
continent of Atlantis. One story is from
the great thinker, Plato, who wrote the
first story about Atlantis around 2,300
years ago. His story of Atlantis has one
false idea, but his basic story is probably
true. He believed that the island was
west of the Mediterranean Sea, in the
Atlantic Ocean. He also thought that the
people who lived there were advanced in ■
business. Plato wrote that high sea
water destroyed the island long ago.
The truth about Atlantis is probably a little different from Plato’s story. People
who study history believe that there was an advanced island city long ago, but they
think that it was near the island of Crete in the Mediterranean Sea. So perhaps
Plato’s idea of a lost continent in the Atlantic Ocean wasn’t exactly correct. But he
had the right idea about some other parts of the story. The people of the
Mediterranean island probably were good businessmen, teachers, and builders just
like Plato thought. He was also correct to think that the sea covered Atlantis and
destroyed it. But the water didn’t destroy the island completely. This destruction
happened because the island was on a volcano. Long ago, fire and smoke inside the
mountain increased and caused the island to shake. Afterwards, the water in the
sea rose very quickly and destroyed part of the island and its people.
The island’s terrible destruction is probably the real history of Atlantis, but
people don’t know for sure if it was Plato’s Atlantis or not. Some people think
Atlantis was somewhere else. Plato’s main idea about the sea destroying an island
was correct, but that’s all we really know. We can only guess about Atlantis: Where
was it? What was it like? What really happened to it? The whole truth about this
island continent is still a secret under the sea.

Main Idea:

Vocabulary We’re going overseas.

Gloria sent an e-mail to her husband’s mother in Denver, Colorado.

From Gloria Thompson Sent: Thur. September 29 9:02 a.m.
To Elizabeth Thompson
Subject Big news!
We have great news! Bill just got orders to go overseas. He’ll be stationed at
a navy base in Japan for a while, but we don’t know exactly how long yet. His
commander ordered him to leave next week, so he’s already packing his bags.
The children and I will join him in around three weeks.
There’s one small problem. I’ve found all of Bill’s important documents
except his civilian passport. He hasn’t used it since he was in college, so could
you please look for it?
We want to travel around Asia during the holidays. We’ll have some extra
money to spend because Bill’s going to earn more than usual while we’re in
Japan. I’ve been busy looking on the Internet, to find out which countries
require travel visas. We’ll have to send our visa applications right away.
We’ll call on Sunday. Thanks for your help.

EXERCISE A Match each word with its meaning.

1. application a.
2. to order b.
3. a while c.
4. document d.
5. to apply e.
6. overseas f.
7. to require g-
8. visa h.
9. around i.
10. earn j-


EXERCISE B Read Elizabeth’s e-mail to Gloria.

From Elizabeth Thompson Sent: Thur. September 29 10:30 a.m.

To Gloria Thompson
Subject Re: Big news!
Wow! That’s the best news I’ve heard in quite a while. I’ve always wanted to
travel overseas. Where exactly in Japan will Bill be stationed? Will you apply for
a job over there? I’m sure you’ll all like the assignment.
I found Bill’s passport, so I’ll send it to you this afternoon. Are you planning
to travel around Asia by air or by ship? Don’t leave your camera at home. Take
lots of photographs of the wonderful places you’ll see. I want to see all the
photos when you return. Also, please bring back some stamps for my overseas
I guess we’ll have to postpone the family vacation that we were going to
take together in the Colorado mountains. I was looking forward to taking a boat
ride down the Colorado River with you all, but I can wait. We’ll plan a long
vacation together after you return.
Tell Bill that his father and I are very proud of him. We miss you and the
children already.
Elizabeth _________________________________________________________________________

EXERCISE C Use the words in the box to complete the sentences.__________

leave overseas photos by air apply

was going to ride postpone take photographs
1. Gloria m ight_______________ for a job in Japan.
2. Gloria won’t _______________ her camera at home. She’ll take it with her.
3. People can take a _______________ on a boat down the Colorado River.
4. The fam ily_______________ go to the mountains together, but now they won’t.
5. Gloria will use her camera to _______________ m any________________in Asia.
6. Gloria and Bill can travel around Asia by boat o r_______________
7. The family w ill_______________ their vacation together until another time.
8. Elizabeth asked for stamps to add to h e r_______________ collection.
9. Gloria will show Elizabeth all th e _______________ from her trip.

EXERCISE D Look at the sentences, and discuss the meanings of a while. 1
1. We were there a while. 2. I saw him a while ago.
We were there a little while. I saw him a short while ago.
We were there quite a while. I saw him a little while ago.
I saw him quite a while ago.

EXERCISE E Select the best question for the answer.

1. a. Did you notice the map of Africa?
b. What else are you taking overseas?
In addition to my passport and visa, I ’m taking my camera.
2. a. When is the holiday for New Year’s?
b. What information is on that certificate?
This year, we’ll celebrate January 1st on a Monday.
3. a. Which museum is the most interesting?
b. Which continent has the most countries?
The one in Cairo, Egypt, is my favorite.
4. a. What did you leave at home?
b. Where are the photographs from our trip?
The photos are on the bookcase in the bedroom.
5. a. Why did you throw away that photo?
b. Why is that stamp so unusual?
Because there are only five like it in the world.
6. a. Who will take photographs at Betsy’s wedding?
b. Who did you say is going overseas with you?
She hopes John Tate will take them.
7. a. What was the reason for the man’s death?
b. What was the reason for the man’s decision to drive?
He doesn’t travel by air because he doesn’t like airplanes.
8. a. How many people are coming to your celebration?
b. How many years was President Reagan alive?
Around 50. We have enough room for 65.


EXERCISE F Read the sentences. Write T for true and F for false.

1. When you take a photograph, you use a camera.

2. Passengers may have to wait a while before boarding a plane.
3. When you travel overseas, you travel inside your own country.
4. People often fill out applications when they try to get a job.
5. If your friend’s car doesn’t work, you might give him a ride.
6. People often postpone a barbecue when it rains.
7. A private can order a colonel to do something.
8. If you leave your book at home, you remember to bring it.
9. The military often requires personnel to travel.
10. An envelope and a street sign are both documents.

EXERCISE G Complete the sentences with your own words.

1. We will postpone the picnic if____________________________

2. I live on the continent of________________________________
3. You need a travel visa to go______________________________
4. I was going to do my homework, b u t______________________
5. If I leave something important at home,__________________
6. Learning a language takes a while. “A while” for me is ______
7. The most important thing in life is _______________________
8. Some holidays that I usually celebrate a re ________________

',n 1 l I p,i l l Making inferences

Use the information in the text to select the best answer.

1. John entered the tall building and looked for the personnel office. When
he found the right office, he filled out an application and returned it to the
secretary. Then the secretary told him that he would need to wait for thirty
minutes. While he was waiting, John walked to the bulletin board and started
reading. After 20 minutes, he decided that he would talk to the manager about
being a salesman or a phone operator.
What was John doing?
a. attempting to get a travel visa
b. applying for a new job
c. waiting for an examination
d. complaining to the manager
2. At first, everything went smoothly, but then the ride became rough. The
storm outside was bad, and everything was shaking. The captain told the
passengers not to worry and to fasten their seat belts for safety. All personnel
sat down and fastened their seat belts, too. Some people were worried about
the pilot not being able to land safely.
What kind of trip does this paragraph describe?
a. a plane trip
b. a bicycle trip
c. a train trip
d. a bus trip
3. The month before last, the office workers got a small cake to celebrate
Janet’s birthday. They sang a song to her and gave her a card. Last month they
got another cake to celebrate Brian’s birthday, and they gave him a plant. This
month they got a cake to celebrate Robert’s birthday, and they took him to his
favorite restaurant. Next month they want to get a cake to celebrate Mary’s
birthday. She may take the day off.
W hat is probably true about birthday celebrations in this office?
a. People would like to eat more cake.
b. Everybody gets a card and a gift.
c. Workers also get presents on their birthday.
d. People often celebrate birthdays with a cake.


Speakini Practicing pronunciation

Listen to your teacher pronounce the words. Then repeat them.

1. ACcident acciDENtally
2. introDUCE introDUCtion
Q CELebrate
U. celeBRAtion
4. prePARE prepaRAtion
5. inVITE inviTAtion
6. apPLY appliCAtion
7. reDUCE reDUCtion
8. sign SIGnal

EXERCISE Read the sentences with a partner. Use correct word stress.

1. The man accidentally went through the red light and caused an accident.
2. The first two pages of each lesson are the introduction. These pages
introduce students to new words and grammar.
3. My favorite celebration is on December 31st. I love to celebrate the new year.
4. If you want to prepare for a career in the military, you need to study hard
and plan ahead. When you have good preparation, you’ll have a good future.
5. I invited John to the party, but he didn’t get the invitation in the mail.
6. You need to fill out an application for a travel visa. If you apply several
weeks before you travel overseas, you’ll receive the visa in time.
7. Many heavy people with health problems try to reduce their weight. Doctors
say that weight reduction makes people healthier.
8. The car’s flashing turn signal was a sign that the driver wanted to turn

Read the dialog. Then underline the word else.
Dora: Can I go to the movies with my friends?
Mom: Yes, but only go to the movies. Don’t go anywhere else.
Dora: But everyone else is going somewhere else after the movies.
Dad: Everyone else may be going somewhere else, but you may only go to the
movies. Nowhere else!
Mom: Who are you going to the movies with?
Dora: I’m going with Jane and Sue.
Mom: Is anyone else going with you?
Dora: No, nobody else is going with us.
Mom: Are you sure no one else is going with you?
Dad: Go only with your friends. Don’t go with anybody else!
Dora: Yes, mother. Yes, father. I will go only with my two friends and no one else.

some body a different or extra person

any =
no thing + else a different or extra thing
every where a different or extra place
Else means some other person, thing, or place than the one just talked about.

EXERCISE A Put the words in the correct order, and write the sentences.

1. somewhere / let’s / else / go / .

2. else / like / something / drink / you / would / to / ?

3. do / else t is / here / there / anything / to / ?

4. accident / nobody / the / else / saw / .


EXERCISE B Fill in the blanks with words from the box + else.

someone anyone no one everyone

somebody anybody nobody everybody
something anything nothing everything
somewhere anywhere nowhere everywhere
1. You: Would you like some soda?
Guest: Sorry, I can’t drink soda. Do you have____________________________?

2. Ann: Let’s go to that new restaurant, Mario’s.

Pam: I’ve heard it isn’t very good. Could we go_________________________ ?

3. You’re the only person left at your office. The boss comes in.
Boss: Where’s ____________________________________ ?
You: ____________________________________ has gone home.

4. You’re at the mall with friends. You feel tired and want to go home.
Friends: Let’s go_____________________________________
You: I’m sorry, but I don’t want to go_____________________________ now.

5. You’re at a restaurant, and you’ve just finished dessert.

Server: Can I get you____________________________________ ?
You: No, thank you. I don’t need_____________________________________ .

6. Paul wrote a love letter to his wife. It says:

‘You are the only person for me. I love you, only you. I don’t love
. I love but you.

7. Mother: Is th ere_____ you need to do for homework?

Son: No, there’s __ _______that I need to do, and
there’s ______ _ to do at home. Can I go out?
Mother: I can find you ________ to do. Wash the car!

Read one paragraph. Then, with a partner, give an oral summary of it.
A Holiday for Giving Thanks

Paragraph 1:
Family, food, and football. If you ask
Americans to describe Thanksgiving
Day, they will probably think of these
three words. Every fourth Thursday in .,
November, people in the US celebrate a A-'-%IS 0

special day for giving thanks. For

Americans, Thanksgiving is, first of all,
about family. People often travel long
distances to be with the rest of their .......
y? //-. ir
family on this day. Second, food is very '3
important. Turkey, potatoes, corn, and
pumpkin pie are popular on many Paragraph 2:
American Thanksgiving tables. Third, it What is the history of the
is a day that Americans celebrate at Thanksgiving holiday? History books tell
home. After eating a large Thanksgiving us that the Pilgrims celebrated the first
meal, many people like to watch football Thanksgiving in 1621. The Pilgrims
on television. Others enjoy relaxing, arrived in America from Europe in 1620.
talking with the family, or playing Their first year was very difficult, and
games. because of a cold winter, many people
died. But with help from Native
American friends, the Pilgrims had a
very good harvest the next year. That
autumn, the two groups got together for
a large meal to give thanks for the
harvest, their health, their friends, and
their families. Today Thanksgiving is
also a time when Americans remember
i that they are very lucky for all of the
good things in life.
Dialogs Talking about travel plans

Mary: Beth, where are you going on vacation?

Beth: Well, we were going to go to Florida to see
my brother, but he’s going to be out of town.
Mary: Are you postponing the trip?
Beth: No, we’re thinking about going to San
Francisco for a few weeks instead.
Mary: San Francisco’s a beautiful city. I was there
last year.

* * *
Lt Dean: Someone told me you got orders to Japan.
Lt May: That’s right. I’m leaving in a month.
Lt Dean: Will your family be able to go with you?
Lt May: No, not immediately. They’ll leave as soon as
I find an apartment.
Lt Dean: How long is your assignment?
iji May;
t j_ i / r _____
Three years.
Lt Dean: That’s a long time! Are you looking forward to it?
Lt May: You bet. It’s our first trip overseas. My wife and the kids are excited.
EXERCISE A Write questions that ask about travel orders or a trip.

1. Where
2. Were you going to ?
3. W hen__________ ?
4. W hat___________ ?
5. How long_______ ?
6. Will you________ ?
7. Are you________ ?

EXERCISE B Do these role-plays w ith a partner.

• Sergeant Wilcox • Private Jones

One of your privates has You’re in follow-on training
requested emergency leave in Arizona. You just heard
in the middle of follow-on that your father, who lives in
training. Ask him to explain New York, is very sick. You
his problem, the amount of have asked for leave to visit
time he needs to be absent, and him. Answer the sergeant’s
the location where he’ll be. questions.

• Customer • Travel Agent

You’d like to go to San Help the customer make
Francisco this Saturday or travel plans. You have no
Sunday. You’ll return the flights to San Francisco this
following weekend. You can Saturday or Sunday. Find
only take leave for that week. some other dates, and help
Call a travel agent to help you the customer make a plane
make plane reservations. reservation.

• Friend • Friend 1
Your friend is getting You’re getting married soon. i
married and told you that You were going to go to 1___
the honeymoon was going to Los Angeles for your Jjpw*'
be in Los Angeles. Now the honeymoon, but you decided 1
plans have changed. Ask your it was too expensive. What 1
friend about the reason for should you do? Get advice from 1
the change. your friend. 1

• Major Matthews • Major Kent

Lieutenant Rodgers just You are excited about your
told you that Major Kent’s new training that starts in two
training has been postponed days. You have planned to take
for three more weeks because annual leave in three weeks.
the base doesn’t have enough Major Matthews wants to
empty classrooms. Talk speak with you.
to Major Kent about the


Writing Working with paraphrases

Listen to a text. Then fill in the missing information.

Paraphrase of Shah Jehan’s Love

A rich man whose name was Shah Jehan ©_ in the

1600s. Jehan and his wife were married ©____ and had 14
children. When the ©_______________________ was born, Jehan’s wife died. He was
very upset, and he made a 0_ ______to build a great place to
_____________________the Taj
keep her body. There were 20,000 workers who ©_________
Mahal. The building has beautiful 0 ___________________ which changes
colors 0 ________________________ The Taj Mahal has ©____________
and art inside. Jehan loved his wife when she was alive and after she
©________________________ The Taj Mahal ®_____________________ remember
this man’s love for ©_

lived in India for 18 years

last child promise
white stone built
famous writings with the sun
died helps us
his wife

Reading Reading faster for better comprehension

Listen for instructions. Your teacher will tell you when to start.
1. Ansel Adams was a professional_____
a. teacher
b. photographer
c. hunter
2. Ansel Adams began taking photos when he w as__
a. young
b. married
c. old
3. Ansel Adams is famous for his photos of_____
a. people
b. museums
c. nature
4. The subject of a photograph by Adams might b e __
a. people at a meeting about nature
b. a forest of icy trees in winter
c. large houses in the mountains
5. Ansel Adams probably wanted to save_____
a. old books
b. his photos
c. the outdoors
6. Adams probably believed th a t_____
a. buildings are good subjects for photos
b. mountains are hard to climb
c. people should take care of forests


Medical treatment

VOCABULARY: Going to military sick call . ........................................... 87

Signing in at the clinic and filling out forms................ 89
READING: Writing the topic and main id e a .....................................91
VOCABULARY: Getting an examination......................................................92
WRITING: Working with paraphrases...............................................93
GRAMMAR: More linking v e rb s ............................................................94
VOCABULARY: Receiving lab results and a prescription........................ 97
GRAMMAR: Using reflexive pronouns — Part 1.................................103
Using reflexive pronouns — Part 2.................................106
DIALOGS: Talking about medical problem s....................................107
GRAMMAR: Adjectives and adverbs of time with - l y .......................110
WRITING: Scanning a text to complete a c h a r t............................. 112

Preview What’s new in Lesson 4?


Nouns sick call Other

allergy social security number (all) by oneself
aspirin (SSN) allergic
bed rest tablet daily
blood treatm ent dizzy
blood pressure herself
care Verbs himself
clinic appear ill
drug bleed —►bled/bled itself
flu calm (down) myself
injury examine ourselves
laboratory (lab) get a prescription filled pulled
medication injure sprained
mirror lie —►lay/lain (down) still
muscle operate swollen
operation prescribe themselves
penicillin quiet (down) yourself/yourselves
pharmacy seem
pill sign in
prescription sign out
pulse treat
record wipe


Jane became dizzy. Ask about and describe medical problems
You seem very calm. and symptoms.

How did you hurt yourself? How long have you had high blood
I hurt myself when I fell down. pressure?
For about five years.
Rob painted the house himself.
John gets a yearly checkup. Are you taking any medication?
I’m taking aspirin.


Vocabulary Going to military sick call

Staff Sergeant Stone is getting ready to go to the medical clinic because he

doesn’t feel well. His throat hurts, his nose is runny, and his eyes are swollen. In
fact, he almost can’t open his eyes
anymore. He’s also very dizzy, so he’s
been lying on the sofa most of the
morning. He took two aspirin when he
got up, but they didn’t help. Until he sees
the doctor, he doesn’t want to take
another drug. He’s sure that the doctor ■
will prescribe the best medicine for his 5E
symptoms. f. |
Military sick call is at 0700. Because
SSgt Stone feels too ill to drive, he u
doesn’t want go to the clinic by himself.
He decides to call his good friend, Staff
Sergeant Cole, to help him get there.
Thirty minutes later, SSgt Cole arrives.
SSgt Cole: Hello, Donald. Are you ready to go?
SSgt Stone: Yes. I have my ID, and the clinic has my medical records. Do I need
anything else?
SSgt Cole: Take some tissue to wipe your runny nose. You look pretty bad. You
must feel terrible. Maybe you have the flu. Are you running a fever?
SSgt Stone: I don’t think so, but I might have allergies. This city has so many
different trees and flowers which are blooming right now. I have
another big problem, John. I have to attend the graduation party for
the trainees tomorrow, and I feel terrible.
SSgt Cole: You’re getting too excited, Donald. Calm down. I’ve always received
very good care at the clinic, and I know that you will, too. The doctors
will prescribe the medication you need. I’m sure you’ll get some
pills or tablets that will make you feel better.
SSgt Stone: I hope so.

EXERCISE A M a tc h th e beginning of the sentence with the best ending.

Use information from the text that you just read.

1. SSgt Stone’s medical records are a. two aspirin, but they didn’t
2. SSgt Stone doesn’t think b. the medication and care he
3. SSgt Cole told SSgt Stone c. to the clinic by himself.
4. SSgt Stone doesn’t want to go d. he might have allergies.
5. SSgt Stone took e. tissue to wipe his nose.
6. Military sick call begins f. at the clinic.
7. SSgt Stone thinks g- to calm down because he was
too excited.
8. The doctor will give SSgt Stone h. at 0700 at the clinic.
9. SSgt Stone needed a i. he has the flu.

EXERCISE B Write i for true and F for false.________________________

1. SSgt Stone is going to sick call because he’s ill.

2. If something is swollen, it’s larger than usual.
3. One symptom of the flu is a fever.
4. SSgt Stone felt very dizzy, so he stood up.
5. A doctor can’t prescribe drugs.
6. SSgt Stone needed to wipe his runny nose.
7. The medicine in some pills and tablets can make people feel better.
8. SSgt Stone doesn’t think he has allergies.
9. People usually get better with good care from their doctors.


Vocabulary Signing in at the clinic and filling out forms

SSgt Stone and SSgt Cole arrive at the clinic at 0730. The clerk tells
SSgt Stone to sign in. SSgt Stone writes down his name and the time and then
finds a seat next to SSgt Cole.
SSgt Cole: How are you feeling?
SSgt Stone: I still feel awful, but I don’t feel as dizzy as before.
Clerk: Staff Sergeant Stone?
The sergeant stands up and goes to the clerk’s desk.
SSgt Stone: Yes, I’m Sergeant Stone.
Clerk: You need to fill out this form, please. Be sure to write your social
security number on the second line next to SSN.

This is the form that SSgt Stone filled out.

Lackland Air Force Base
Name: Stone, Donald _________________ Date: 16 Apr 0 6
SSN: 0 0 0 -5 5 -4 4 5 5 Rank: SSgt DOB: 14 Jun <32

1. What are your symptoms?

I’m dizzy. M.y eyes are swollen, and m.y nose is runny.____________

Please check yes or no. YES NO

2. Are you allergic to any medication or food? If yes, which one(s)?

3. Have you taken any medication today? If yes, which one(s)?
Two aspirin_____________________________________________
4. Have you had any injuries in the past year? If yes, explain:

a epra'med w rist; a pulled muscle in my back________________

Did you injure yourself at work? If yes, explain:
had the pulled muscle from lifting a heavy box. 1fell on my
hand and g o t the sprained wrist.
5. What is your blood type? 0 positive (0+)

Patient signature:

EXERCISE A Match each question to the correct response.

1. How did you injure your ankle? a. Yes, I can’t take that
2. Are you allergic to penicillin? b. Yes, I cut my hand on some
3. What injuries do you have? c. Some pills for my allergies.
4. How did you get a pulled muscle? d. In the book at the clerk’s
5. Where do I sign in? e. A pulled shoulder muscle
and a swollen thumb.
6. Is that blood on your shirt? f. It’s 000-44-3322.
7. What’s your social security number? g- I sprained it when I stepped
on a rock and fell down.
8. What do you have in that bottle? h. I lifted a heavy box and hurt
my back.

Choose the best answer.

1. Another way to say alone is _____ 6. Another word for pill is _____
a. calm down a. blood
b. by himself b. tablet
2. One symptom of allergies is _____ 7. Military personnel must sign in for
a. sneezing
b. prescribing a. sick call
3. Another word for drug is _____ b. the flu
a. record 8. Tom got a pulled____ when he
b. medication lifted his television.
a. bone
4. A sprained ankle is usually_____ b. muscle
a. dizzy
b. swollen 9. Use a cloth to ____ your boots.
a. wipe
5. Medical personnel often work in a b. injure
a. clinic 10. Another word for sick is _____
b. dorm a. ill
b. drug
Reading Writing the topic and main idea

Read the text. Then write its topic and main idea.
Another Kind o f Bank every five patients who enters a hospital
Everyone knows about banks that will need to receive another person’s
keep money, but have you ever heard blood. In fact, someone in the US needs
about blood banks? Blood banks keep blood every five seconds. Blood banks in
blood ready for patients who will need it. the US alone save over 4.5 million lives
When a person has lost a large amount every year.
of blood, doctors must exchange it with Sometimes when doctors take blood
“new” blood. To do that, they often get from a donor, or a person who gives
the blood from a blood bank. People who blood, they give it to a patient
need an operation, have been in an immediately. Hospitals can also save a
accident, or have other serious medical patient’s own blood before an operation.
problems often need blood. One out of But usually blood goes to a blood bank
first. People at the blood bank test the
blood to find out its type. They also make
sure that it’s safe to use. Then they put
the blood into a refrigerator or freezer
until someone needs it.
Many people are afraid to give blood
because they don’t have good
information. Giving blood is not
dangerous to people’s health, and it
doesn’t make people weak. Also, it takes
only one hour to give blood. So if you’re
in good health and want to help others,
give blood. The life you save might be
your own.


Main Idea:

Vocabulary Getting an examination

SSgt Stone is in a small room where the doctor will examine him. The sergeant
is very nervous and can’t keep still, so he walks around the room. A nurse enters
and takes his blood pressure, temperature, and pulse.
Nurse: You seem nervous. Are you?
SSgt Stone: I guess I am.
Nurse: Try to relax. Your blood pressure is a little high, and your pulse is
fast probably because you’re nervous. Your temperature is normal —
98.6 degrees.
The doctor enters.
Nurse: Hello, Dr. Thomas. This is Staff Sergeant Stone.
Dr. Thomas: Good morning. W hat seems to be the problem, sergeant?
SSgt Stone: I feel dizzy, my throat hurts, my eyes are swollen, and my nose is
runny. Can you give me a prescription for some kind of drug that
works fast? I have to get well by tomorrow.
Dr. Thomas: First, I’ll examine you and order some blood tests. When the lab
returns the results, I might treat you with some medicine then.
SSgt Stone: All right. Thank you, doctor.
| EXERCISE Wk Read the sentences. Write T for true and F for false.

1. SSgt Stone has a fever, and his pulse is slow.

2. SSgt Stone’s blood pressure is low.
3. At first, SSgt Stone was still and stayed in his seat.
4. The nurse thought SSgt Stone seemed nervous.
5. SSgt Stone asked the nurse for a prescription.
6. The doctor will order blood tests.
7. The nurse will examine SSgt Stone.
8. The doctor will treat SSgt Stone immediately.
9. The lab will return the test results to the doctor.


Writing Working on paraphrasing

Listen to a text. Then fill in the missing information.

Paraphrase of Some Im portant Numbers
Blood pressure is more than a couple of
O______________________ If it’s too high, it can
cause ©______________________ Reducing Jill i
0______________________ can improve your
health. First, you should try to
Q______________________ every day by finding
a ©______________________ to relax. Next,
people who are too heavy can also decrease their
blood pressure by ©______________________ ,
eating healthy foods, and ©___________________
Using @______________________ and drinking
less coffee and alcohol can also help lower your
blood pressure. Having high blood pressure can
be dangerous, so try to lower ©______________________ , and keep your body
© ___________________________

problems for your calm down

body high blood pressure quiet place
exercising losing weight
less salt
the numbers numbers healthy

Grammar More linking verbs

You appear different

today. You seem tired,
and your eyes look red
W hat’s the matter?

Subject Linking Verb Adjective

appear different.
seem tired.
am sick.
feel hot.
W e use linking verbs the sam e way we use BE to describe subjects.

Common Linking Verbs

be appear
become look
get feel
keep smell
remain sound
stay taste
Use an adjective after a linking verb, not an adverb:
Tina looks beautiful, and she sings beautifully.
The food tastes wonderful because Ann cooks wonderfully.


EXERCISE A Fill in the blanks with any adjectives that fit.
Underline the linking verbs.
1. The food at the mess hall is
2. When thev heard the good news, thev became
3. When thev heard the bad news, thev S'ot
4. Todav, the students seem
5. If vou’re sick, vou might appear
6. When vou’re sick, vou probablv look
7. After a long dav at work, I feel
8. Fresh coffee smells
9. I hear music. It sounds
10. Mv mother’s food tastes
11. Put the drinks in the refrigerator to keep them
12. We do exercise because we want to remain
13. Cover the teapot with a towel because I want it to stav
Complete each sentence with the adjective or adverb in ().

1. Do you think that you dance ? (poor / poorly)

2. She answered the question . (easy / easily)
3. Did we speak too ......... ? (loud / loudly)
4. Please remain ..... (quiet, / quietly)
5. He appears .... today, (happy / happily)
6. She smiled at me. (polite / politely)
7. They seemed.............. during the storm, (calm / calmly)
8. Did the waitress sound to you, too? (rude / rudelv)
9. Was your flight ? (rough / roughly)
10. The trip w ent... . (smooth / smoothly)
11. These shoes feel too . (tight / tightlv)
Have you tasted Yes, I tasted
my soup yet? your soup. It
tastes great!

10 Special Verbs

get appear smell

keep look sound
stay feel taste
* These verbs can be both linking verbs and non-linking verbs.

EXERCISE C Check (✓) the sentences that have jinking verbs.

1 . Stan looks confused. Your ideas sound wonderful.

__ Stan’s looking at the map. The bell will sound at noon.
2 . Mark felt the rough rock. 8. I got angry in class.
__ Mark felt bad yesterday. I got some mail after class.
__ The flowers smell wonderful. 9. The customer tasted the food.
__ Mary could smell the flowers. __ The food tasted great.
4. A bird appeared in the window. 10. Please remain in your seats.
The bird appeared sick and tired. __ Please remain calm.
5. I usually stay at this hotel. 11. Did Ann look happy?
I stay healthy by walking. __ Did Ann look for a gift?
6. __ We keep awake with coffee. 12. __ Do you keep wood in the shed?
__ We keep the coffee in the breakroom. ___ Do you keep warm with a fire?


Vocabulary Receiving lab results and a prescription

As SSgt Stone waits for his lab results, he decides to go to the bathroom. He
looks at himself in the mirror and notices that his eyes are still swollen.
Afterward, he goes back to his seat in the waiting room.
A young airman in the next seat has a sprained ankle which is very swollen.
SSgt Stone remembers the operation he had on his own ankle. The doctor had to
operate to fix it and make it strong again. SSgt Stone hears a woman say, “Quiet
down, dear.” Her child is crying loudly because she’s bleeding from a cut on her
arm. The mother is trying to calm her upset daughter as they sign in. She continues
to quiet her as they wait. “Sh, don’t cry, honey. You’ll be all right.”
The clerk calls SSgt Stone back to the examination room. The doctor comes in with
the results from the laboratory.
Dr. Thomas: I have good news. We won’t have to operate.
SSgt Stone: What?
Dr. Thomas: Calm down, sergeant. It’s a joke. Nothing appears terribly wrong with
you. You just have allergies.
SSgt Stone: What am I allergic to?
Dr. Thomas: I don’t know. We need to do
some more tests to find out.
For now, the nurse will give
you a shot. It won’t hurt
much, and it’ll make you feel
better. I’ll also give you a
prescription for some
medication that should help.
In fact, I take it myself. Take
one pill every morning.
SSgt Stone: Okay. Do I need a few days of bed rest?
Dr. Thomas: No. Just go home and lie down for a while, and take the first pill.
That’s all the treatment you need.
SSgt Stone meets SSgt Cole in the waiting room.
SSgt Cole: Well, what did the doctor say?
SSgt Stone: He said that I have allergies. Let’s go to the pharmacy. I need to get
a prescription filled. Afterwards, I need to go home and lie down,
but I’m going to that party tomorrow!
SSgt Cole: Good. I didn’t want to go and have fun all by myself. Now go sign
out. I want to leave.

EXERCISE A Who said it, or who did it? Check the box.

SSgt SSgl Dr.

Who ...
Stone Cole Thomas

1. told his friend to sign out? □ □

2. looked at himself in the mirror? □ c □

3. asked what he was allergic to? □ c □

4. said he took the medication himself? □ IZ □

5. wrote a prescription? □ IZ □

6. said he didn’t want to have fun all by himself? □ IZ □

7. thought about an operation on his ankle? □ c 1 □

8. told the patient to lie down for a while? □ □ □

9. said nothing appeared wrong? □ □ □

10. asked if he needed some bed rest? □ n □

Work with a partner to put the sentences in order._________

Begin with Number 2.
Ill with the Flu

_____ He also ordered five days of bed rest.

_____ He decided to go to the clinic to see a doctor.
_____ Afterwards, the doctor came in and examined Gary.
_____ Gary left the clinic, went to the pharmacy, and got the prescription filled.
_____ Then he wrote a prescription for some medication.
1 This morning, Gary woke up ill with a fever and stomachache.
_____ When he arrived home, he immediately took his medicine and lay down.
_____ The nurse took his temperature, pulse, and blood pressure.
_____ The doctor told Gary that he had the flu.
_____ He signed in at the clinic at 8:30 and waited until the nurse called him.
EXERCISE C Look at the pictures. Then listen to a sentence.

Write the correct letter on the line.



EXERCISE D Choose the best answer to the question.

1. “Here’s your prescription,” said the 6. Steve can’t take penicillin or drink
man to the customer. milk because they make him ill.
Where are they'? Why do they make him ill?
a. At the lab. a. Because he doesn’t like them.
b. At the club. b. Because they are in a bottle.
c. At the pharmacy. c. Because he’s allergic to them.
2. John has a fever and can’t sleep. 7. The soldier described his symptoms
Where should he go? to the doctor.
a. To sick call. What did the soldier say?
b. To the barracks. a. I signed in at the desk.
c. To the classroom. b. I don’t work at this clinic.
3. Dr. Clark is cleaning Joe’s cut and c. I’m dizzy and have a fever.
putting medicine on it. 8. David runs the fastest.
What is the doctor doing? Why does David run the fastest?
a. He’s calming Joe. a. David has a sprained ankle.
b. He’s treating Joe. b. David has strong leg muscles.
c. He’s injuring Joe. c. David injured his right leg.
4. Dr. Smith asked the nurse, “When 9. I see my reflection in the water.
was Mr. Bell’s operation?” Why do I see my reflection?
Where will the nurse look? a. Because the water is still.
a. In Mr. Bell’s medical record. b. Because there’s no water.
b. On Mr. Bell’s social security card. c. Because it’s raining a lot.
c. At Mr. Bell’s pulled muscle.
10. Mary is alone in the room.
5. The nurse put two fingers on my What can we say about Mary?
wrist. a. She’s talking to the doctor.
What was she doing?
a. Looking in a mirror. b. She’s all by herself.
b. Taking my pulse. c. She’s helping the nurse.
c. Giving me a prescription.

EXERCISE E Fill out the medical form in the appendix.

Then in groups of three, summarize one partner’s medical problem. Decide on a treatment
plan for the other.


EXERCISE F Fill in the blank with the correct word.

1. I can see my reflection in the

flu / mirror
2. The doctor is waiting for the results from the
laboratory / pharmacy
3. Dr. Jones w ill_______________________ on Jack’s eye tomorrow.
operate / bleed
4. Students, you’re too noisy. Please
sign in / quiet down
5. I’m going to th e _______________________ to get my medicine.
pharmacy / clinic
6. Don’t get up. The doctor said you needed two days of-
bed rest / blood pressure
7. T his_______________________ of penicillin will make you feel better fast.
record / shot
8. I don’t see anybody in there. The clinic_______________________ closed.
bleeds / appears
9. T he_______________________ on his stomach took four hours.
operation / aspirin
10. Before you leave the clinic, you m u st_______________________ at the desk.
sign in / sign out
11. Cindy needs to get her prescription .
filled / treated
12. Take tw o_______________________ for your headache.
allergies / aspirin
13. When the children get too loud, their m other_______________________ them.
calms / quiets
14. When the children get upset, their m other_______________________ them.
calms / quiets
15. A nn_______________________ on the sofa and watched TV last night.
lay / seemed

BOOK 15 LESSON 4 101

EXERCISE G Complete the sentences with words from the box.
Use the correct form of the words.
pharmacy treatm ent shot bleed
seem sign in lie down
operation operate wipe calm down

1. Your son is fine. N othing____________________ to be wrong with him.

2. T he____________________ for a bad cold is bed rest, medication, and good care.
3. Pm going to th e ____________________ to pick up my medicine.
4. I have a headache. I think I’ll take an aspirin. Then I’ll go home and

5. Jim ’s in the hospital for a n _____________________The doctors will

____________________ on him for about two hours.
6. Capt Simms got all of h is ____________________ before he went overseas.
7. Use some cotton to ____________________ the blood from the cut.
8. The m other____________________ her frightened children after the accident.
9. If a pilot goes too high in his jet, his nose can start to ____________________
10. When you arrive, please____________________ at the front desk.


Molly was in the
kitchen. She was cooking
dinner for Mark and
herself when she cut
herself with the knife. She
went to the bathroom and
cleaned the cut. Then she
looked at herself in the
mirror and told herself, “I
did that to myself because I
was in a hurry. I need to
slow down.” She went back
to the kitchen and finished
cooking dinner.

Molly was cooking dinner for Mark and herself.

Molly cut herself.

Molly looked at herself in the mirror.

V♦ Use reflexive pronouns when the subject and object of a sentence are the same.

EXERCISE A Repeat these sentences after your teacher.

Then underline the reflexive pronouns. They end in -self or -selves.

1. I hurt myself 5. This oven cleans itself.
2. Pour yourself a drink, please. 6. Men, you must train yourselves to listen.
3. We are very proud of ourselves. 7. Are the boys taking care of themselves?
4. Mary made herself a dress. 8. He gave himself a car for graduation.

BOOK 15 LESSON 4 103

EXERCISE B Listen to your teacher read sentences. [
Write only the words that end in -self or -selves.

1. 5.
2. fi.

3. 7.
4. 8.

EXERCISE C Circle the correct reflexive pronoun in ().

Draw an arrow to the subject. The second sentence in Number 1 is an example.

1. Dan: Did the children buy their own movie tickets?

Tom: Yes, theyjpaid for(^^mselves^)
2. Ali: When did Marie hurt ( himself / herself / themselves )?
Jack: She hurt ( himself / herself / yourselves ) when she was
climbing the mountain.
3. Andy: How did you prepare ( yourselves / ourselves ) for the test?
Carlos: I prepared ( himself / herself / m yself) by reading my notes, and
Jim prepared ( himself / herself / m yself) by listening to tapes.
4. Mother: Be careful, John.
Son: Don’t worry, mom. I don’t plan to hurt ( himself / m yself).
5. Frank: Do you see that bird on the grass over there?
Jane: Yes, I think it has injured ( myself / itself).

6. PVT Jones: We need to give ( themselves / ourselves ) a break.

PVT Lee: You’re right. I’ll give ( himself / m yself) one in a minute.


EXERCISE D Complete the dialogs w ith the correct reflexive pronoun.

1. Mike: How did you injure

Fran: I dropped an iron on my foot.
2. Phil: Why is that dog so still?
Greg: It’s looking a t ______________ in the mirror.
3. Peggy: Let’s g e t______________ some ice cream.
Elaine: Sorry, I’m on a diet. I promised______________ I wouldn’t eat
any snacks between meals.
4. Robert: Where’s the boss today?
Ricky: I think he gave______________ a day off work.
5. Bob: There’s nobody here. Who are you talking to, John?
John: Well,______________ , of course.
6. Lois: Why is Lisa going to the mall?
Mary: She wants to buy______________ a new coat.

EXERCISE E Ask two students questions. Write short answers.

Then report to the class two things about the students you talked to.
EXAMPLE: Ali h u r t himself tw o da ys ago.

When was the

Student 1 Student 2
last time you ...

1. hurt yourself?
2. laughed at yourself?
3. gave yourself a present?
4. talked to yourself?
5. were proud of yourself?

BOOK 15 LESSON 4 105

Grammar Using reflexive pronouns— Part 2

Stress the words in italics.

1. Dan: Did John get the message?
Amy: Yes, I gave it to him myself.
2. Mark: Are you sure Greg wants us to come to his party?
Todd: Completely. Greg himself invited us.
3. Mr. Roberts: Who built the Wilsons’ house?
Mrs. Jones: They built it themselves.
We can use reflexive pronouns to emphasize that the subject does the action.

EXERCISE A With a partner, talk about 2 or 3 things that you did yourself.

EXAMPLE: I baked a cake myself.

I myself built a table.
I fixed my car myself.

EXERCISE B Complete the dialogs. Then practice them with a partner.

Use myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, or themselves.
1. Jane: Who cut your hair?
Sally: I cut i t _______________Do you like it?
2. Bill: Do the secretaries manage the officers’ e-mail?
Ken: No, the officers like to manage i t _______________
3. Alice: Is the latest report really important?
Harry: Yes, the boss wrote i t _______________He wouldn’t let me do it.
4. PVT Lee: Are the others going to help us with this job?
PVT Kim: No, we have to do i t _______________


Dialogs Talking about medical problems

Read, the dialog with a partner.

Clerk: May I help you? PVT Olsen: No. I stopped before I
PVT Olsen: I’d like to see a doctor, joined the army.
please. Clerk: Good. Have you taken any
Clerk: Sure. May I see your ID? medication?
PVT Olsen: Yes. Here it is. PVT Olsen: I took two aspirin this
Clerk: Do you have a medical Clerk: Are you allergic to any
record here? drugs, like penicillin?
PVT Olsen: No, I’ve never been here PVT Olsen: I don’t think so.
Clerk: Okay. Then I need to get Clerk: What are your symptoms?
some information from you. PVT Olsen: I have a fever, and I feel
How old are you? dizzy. I also have a sore
PVT Olsen: I’m twenty. throat and a headache.
Clerk: Where do you work? Clerk: Okay. Have a seat. In a few
minutes, the nurse will
PVT Olsen: I’m with DLL check your temperature,
Clerk: Do you smoke? blood pressure, and pulse.
Afterwards, the doctor will
examine you.

Match the sentences that have the similar meanings.

1. Do any drugs make you sick? a. I sprained my ankle.

2. Please sit down. b. Are you taking any medication?
3. Write your name here. c. I got an order for some medicine.
4. What’s the matter? d. Do you have a fever?
5. Do you have a temperature? e. Please sign in.
6. Are you taking any pills? f. Have a seat.
7. He wrote me a prescription. g- Are you allergic to any medicine?
8. I injured my ankle. h. What are your symptoms?

BOOK 15 LESSON 4 107

EXERCISE B Listen to a question and a dialog. Then answer the question.

Clerk: How did you hurt Nurse: How did you bum
yourself? yourself?
TSgt Cole: I fell down the stairs. Capt Jones: I tried to put a grease
Clerk: Where’s the pain? fire out in my kitchen,
and I burned my hand.
TSgt Cole: In my leg. I think I Nurse: Did you put anything
broke it. It’s very on it?
Clerk: Did you injure anything Capt Jones: Yes. I put some ice on it.
TSgt Cole: No, just my leg.

Doctor: How do you feel? Nurse Calm down, private.
SSgt Lee: I have a stomachache PVT Day I’m shot! I shot myself!
and feel dizzy and hot. I Please help me.
can’t eat. Nurse: Okay. Calm down. How
Doctor: How long have you felt did you shoot yourself?
this way? PVT Day: I was at the firing
SSgt Lee: Since yesterday. range, and I dropped
Doctor: Do you have any other my rifle.
symptoms? Nurse: I don’t see much blood.
SSgt Lee: Yes, I’m sweating a lot. Do you think the bullet
went in your hand?
PVT Day: I don’t know. It hurts a


EXERCISE C P re p a re a role-play about medical problems.

• doctor in the examining room • soldier in the examining room

Ask your patient questions. You took two aspirin this
You want to find out about the morning for a headache. Now
patient’s symptoms. you can’t breathe very easily,
Give the patient some advice. and your eyes are swollen.
Answer the doctor’s questions.
Listen to the advice he or she

clerk at the clinic • soldier at the clinic

A soldier comes into the clinic, You were cleaning the barracks
signs in for sick call, and tells when you fell down and hit your
you about his or her medical knee on the floor. Now you can’t
problem. Ask more questions. put any weight on your knee.
Then tell the soldier that the Tell the clerk what happened,
doctor will be in the room in a and answer the clerk’s questions.
few minutes.

® pharmacy clerk • soldier at the pharmacy

A doctor just gave you a

A soldier comes in and requests
■B5TPI1 aallergies
prescription. Ask about any
the soldier might have.
prescription for penicillin, and
you want to get it filled.
Fill the prescription, and
instruct the soldier on how to
Answer the clerk’s questions,
and listen to the instructions.
take the medication.
• trainee in the hospital • doctor in the hospital ■
emergency room emergency room
This morning you started
feeling dizzy, and your stomach
Ask the trainee some questions
about his or her symptoms.
started hurting. Three other people you saw this
Tell the emergency room doctor morning had the same
about your symptoms, and symptoms.
answer the doctor’s questions. Give a prescription and some
advice on how to get better.

BOOK 15 LESSON 4 109


Yes, sir.
Do you I always do
men exercise my daily
every day? exercises.

V Add -ly to some nouns of time to make adjectives and adverbs.

'I Complete the chart.

Noun Adjective / Adverb

day daily*

week + ly =

V* The spelling of most nouns doesn’t change when you add -ly.

EXERCISE B Answer the questions with adverbs of time.

1. What do you do daily?

I shave daily. I go to
2. W hat do you do weekly? the movies weekly.
3. What do you do monthly?
I call my
4. What do you do yearly? grandparents monthly.
I take a vacation yearly.


EXERCISE C Write three sentences with information from Exercise B.
Use a time word from Exercise A.
1 _____________________________________________________________________________

2 ______________________

EXERCISE D | Change the sentence you hear using an -ly adverb.
EXAMPLE: T: Mary takes her medicine every night.
S: Mary takes her medicine nightly.
EXERCISE E Change the sentence you hear using an -ly adjective.
EXAMPLE: T: Sam has guard duty every week. What kind of guard duty does he have?
S: He has weekly guard duty.
EXERCISE F Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words.

1. I’m reading a _______________________ magazine.

month. / monthly
2. How much money does he e a rn __
year / yearly
3. The nurse was late with th e _______________________ medications.
hour / hourly
4. The pharmacy fills her prescription every_____________________
month / monthly
5. She goes to Houston for a special treatm ent once a __
year / yearly
6. He gets a _______________________ shot for his allergies.
week / weekly
7. Phillip works at the laboratory every__________________
night / nightly
8. John has been sick, so he visits the clinic_______________
day /daily
BOOK 15 LESSON 4 111
Look at the chart. Then scan the text to complete the missing information from the chart.
Annual Earnings
(in thousands)
60-r □ Bachelor’s Degree
$60 (or higher)





More Education = More Money

Getting an education helps men and women make more money. US workers
who go to college earn about twice as much money as people who have only a high
school diploma. A man with a high school diploma earns about $32,000 a year. A
man who graduates from college makes around $60,000. Women with degrees
make less than men with degrees, but education helps women as well as men. A
woman with a bachelor’s degree makes about $42,000 a year, but a woman without
a degree earns only $24,000. About 73 percent of Americans have a high school
diploma, while only about 27% have a bachelor’s degree or higher. That means
$28,000 to $18,000 less per year for those who haven’t graduated from college.
Education is expensive, but it is worth every penny because it pays people back
with better pay and better jobs.



BOOK 15 LESSON 5 113

EXERCISE A Circle the best answer.

1. A person should keep all im portant_____in a safe place.

a. museums
b. documents
c. continents
2. We need a good____ an d _____ to clean the barracks.
a. broom, mop
b. iron, polish
c. dorm, boot
3. Our 25th wedding____ is tomorrow.
a. reception
b. barbecue
c. anniversary
4. There’s no school tomorrow. It’s a _____
a. ride
b. holiday
c. visa
5. I want to ____ the Marines after I finish high school.
a. join
b. march
c. scrub
6. Take th is ____ every four hours.
a. medication
b. pharmacy
c. operation
7. You must show your ID to th e ____ at the gate.
a. guest
b. clerk
c. guard


8. T he____ is open from 0700 to 2000 hours.
a. barbecue
b. pharmacy
c. luncheon
9. Bob: Is it raining outside? Your clothes are wet.
Tom: No. I’m _____I just ran three miles.
a. sweating
b. complaining
c. polishing
10. usually causes pain.
a. A pulse
b. A pill
c. An injury
11. Australia is the sm allest_____
a. continent
b. land
c. ranch
12. The nurse took Sgt Dell’s ____ an d _____ because he said he didn’t feel well.
a. medicine, prescription
b. pulse, blood pressure
c. operation, treatm ent
13. Jerry painted his house a ll____ himself. He didn’t need any help.
a. in
b. on
c. by
14. I don’t want to ____ , but this food is terrible.
a. scrub
b. iron
c. complain
15. Did you g e t____ to Mary’s wedding?
a. an invitation
b. a document
c. a holiday

BOOK 15 LESSON 5 115

16. Will you need your passport an d ____ to travel in Africa?
a. visas
b. mirrors
c. irons
17. David: Susan, are you going b y ____ to the dance?
Susan: No, I’m not. I’m going with Janet.
a. himself
b. yourself
c. itself
18. People with strong____ can run fast and far.
a. traditions
b. injuries
c. muscles
19. T he____ of their grandfather made Sam and Betty very sad.
a. reason
b. death
c. drill
20. The D I____ the trainees every day for four hours.
a. drills
b. celebrates
c. invites
21. It’s been____ cold this winter.
a. unusually
b. usually
c. usual
22. Mike had several____ for entering the navy.
a. areas
b. lives
c. reasons
23. Steve and Jane invited 150____ to their wedding.
a. ceremonies
b. company
c. guests


EXERCISE B Write the words that belong in each category.
One word belongs m two categories.
pickles beer
bed rest South America allergic
firing range Asia
ill strawberry shot
aspirin clinic
museum club sauce
operation mayonnaise

Medical Words Food & Drinks Places

EXERCISE C Match each vocabulary word with its meaning.

1. trainee a. to give medical help to a person

2. treat b. a round piece of bread
3. prescription c. regular practice, often by soldiers
4. roll d. a person who receives training
5. BDUs e. an order for medicine
6. wipe f. causes a fever and stomachache
7. flu S- to clean something with a cloth
8. drill h. a military uniform for battle

BOOK 15 LESSON 5 117

EXERCISE D Circle the correct answer.

1. We have barbecues____ the house. 6. The bread tastes awful because

a. inside it’s _____
b. outside a. fresh
b. stale
2. The soldiers marched to
the mess hall. 7. I filled out an application.
a. looked at the menu a. a special form
b. walked in a military way b. a certificate
3. A drill instructor is a special 8. Tim accidentally hit me with the
kind of_____ ball. Now my eye is swollen.
a. teacher a. It’s bigger.
b. exercise b. It’s dizzy.
4. The mother told her children to sit 9. Before I leave the clinic, I need to
a. on a chair a. sign m
b. without moving b. sign out
10. A luncheon is a type of.
5. I haven’t talked to Betty in a while. a. uniform
a. I just talked to her. b. meal
b. I talked to her a month ago.

EXERCISE E Match the words that belong together.

Some words have more than one answer.

1. help a. training
2. sign b. yourself
3. sick c. in
4. fall d. attention
5. physical e. call
6. at f. down
7. lie g- out


EXERCISE F Put the words in the correct order, and write a sentence.

Number 1 is an example.
1. go / barbecues / 1/ to / never / .
I never go to barbecues.____________
2. travels / overseas / Tom / frequently / .

3. has / duty / occasionally / SSgt Blake / guard / .

4. doctors / clinics / always / do / work / in / ?

5. ever / the / you / go / library / do / to / ?

6. they / study / weekends / usually / do / on / ?

7. June / the / weddings / for / is / month / often / .

EXERCISE G Select the best response.

1. We would like you and your wife to 3. Why do you feel dizzy?
come to our barbecue this Saturday. a. I sprained my ankle.
a. Ill make the potato salad. b. I injured my finger.
b. Thank you. Well be there. c. I hit my head.
c. I’m afraid the company is late. d. I pulled a muscle.
d. The steak is delicious.
4. What did you like the least about
2. How long will you be overseas? basic training?
a. I want to travel to Africa. a. Doing PT every day was tough.
b. I don’t need a visa to go there. b. We scrubbed the floors today.
c. My orders are for a year. c. I earn a lot of money.
d. I’ll send you an e-mail. d. I’d like to iron my BDUs.

BOOK 15 LESSON 5 119

EXERCISE H Read the text. Then select the topic and main idea.

Dirty Big Cities

The problem of air pollution, or dirty
air, is greater when there are a lot of
people living together in an area. For
that reason, large cities have a more
dangerous problem with air pollution
than small towns have. There are
several causes of air pollution, but the
greatest cause is the automobile. The
burning of gasoline and oil in
automobiles fills the air with pollution
every day. And, of course, where there
are a lot of people, there are also a lot of automobiles. In addition to cars, another
cause of air pollution is the burning of oil, wood, and other materials to operate
homes and businesses. Some people burn their trash, or the things they want to
throw away, which also adds dirt to the air. A large amount of pollution in big cities
is dangerous to plants, animals, and people. It causes headaches, eye pain, dirty
rain, dark clouds, and perhaps death. Pollution is a problem everyone should think
about and try to reduce or stop.
a. dirty automobiles
b. air pollution
c. medical problems
a. Automobiles are the main cause of air pollution in cities.
b. Large cities have a dangerous air pollution problem.
c. The burning of oil and wood causes air pollution.

EXERCISE I Change each verb to a noun using the suffix -ion.

1. instruct 5. select
2. celebrate 6. locate
3. operate 7. educate
4. promote 8. confuse


EXERCISE J Make questions using how often ...?
Number 1 is an example.
1. The cadets always polish their boots.
How often do the cadets polish their boots?
2. My son calls me daily.

3. I sometimes have a drink after dinner.

4. Mr. Smith frequently travels by air.

5. Tim doesn’t ever wash his car.

6. My son takes his allergy pill nightly.

7. The students seldom barbecue during the week.

Complete the sentences with the correct word.

Use somewhere, nowhere, or anywhere. Some sentences have more than one answer.
1. Is the restaurant near the base?
2. Where’s the wine? I don’t see it in the dining room.
3. The students have ............ . _ _ ____ to go after class.
4. Steve is working ............ . _ _ _ _ in Africa.
5. Have you seen the iron . _ _ _ _ _ ?
6. Where are the cadets going this weekend?......................... . ............
7. I lost my watch _ at school. I’ve been looking for it, but
can’t find it _

BOOK 15 LESSON 5 121

EXERCISE L Use the information in the text to select the correct inference.

1. We hung all the decorations on the walls and put the presents on the table.
Then we turned out all the lights and waited in the dark house. We heard
George drive up to the house. Then we heard him come to the front door and
start to unlock it. George’s best friend, Tom, told everyone to be quiet. As
soon as George opened the front door and walked into the room, we all yelled,
Why did everyone yell?
a. George arrived home in the evening.
b. George didn’t pay his light bill.
c. George’s friends were giving him a party.
d. George wasn’t at home all day.
2. David likes his job and has been working hard for many months. His boss is
very happy with his work. David also works well with other people in his office.
He has been at this job for about a year. His boss said he wants to meet with
David tomorrow to give him some good news.
What will probably happen at the meeting? David’s boss w ill_____
a. give him a promotion
b. ask him to write a report
c. answer any questions David has
d. send him to another company
3. The trainees were proud and excited. They worked hard for nine weeks,
and now their family and friends were coming to see them. The guests arrived
and sat down before 1500. The students waited in the hallway in their best
uniforms. During the ceremony, each student received a certificate. By 1530
the ceremony was over, and everyone was smiling and taking pictures.
This text describes a m ilitary_____
a. briefing
b. examination
c. graduation
d. meeting


EXERCISE M Write the comparative or superlative to complete the sentence.

Use the word in (). Number 1 is an example.

1. Bill finished the test in 30 minutes. Henry finished it in 45 minutes.
Bill finished more quickly than Henry.
2. The Smiths invite company to their house every month. The Jones invite
company to their house every week.
The Jones invite company________________________ the Smiths.
3. Mr. Cole drives 55 miles per hour. He never eats, drinks, or talks on the phone
while he drives. I drive 75 miles per hour, drink my coffee, and sometimes talk
on my phone.
I drive________________________ Mr. Cole.
4. We understood everything that A1 said.
He spoke________________________ of all the speakers at the meeting.
5. I go to the movies once a week. John goes twice a week. Larry goes five times a
I go to the movies________________________ of the three of us.
6. The children look both ways before they cross the street. I look only one way.
I cross the street_________________________the children.
7. All DIs yell, but everyone in the barracks can hear DI Tate yelling.
He yells_________________________of all the DIs in basic training.
8. Lt Dole answers the phone immediately. Lt Sill lets it ring a couple of times
before he answers it.
Lt Sill answers the phone________________________ Lt Dole.

EXERCISE N Scan the text to fill in the missing information in the calendar.

; ■ 1
b Wl 1 Vi/ 1 te w

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29

30 31

Lt Allen’s August Schedule

August is going to be a very busy month for Lt Allen. On Saturday, August 1,
he will have dinner with his sister. On Monday, August 3, at 10 a.m., he has an
appointment at the clinic. H ell meet his friend, Jake, for lunch on Wednesday,
August 5. On August 6, he has leave. On Saturday, August 8, he’ll go to Lt Blair’s
wedding. The next week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, he must return to
the clinic for medical treatments at 3 p.m. On Thursday morning, August 13, he
must give a briefing to the new DIs. Then, finally, on August 16, he can begin his
two weeks of vacation.


EXERCISE O Write the letter of the correct response.

1. I need a ride to work. a. I’ll help you carry it.

2. Would you dance with me? b. I’ll tell the children.
3. I forgot my umbrella. c. I’ll clean them.
4. Dinner’s ready. d. I’ll buy you a soda.
5. Who’ll scrub the floors? e. I’ll lend you mine.
6. This bag is heavy. f. I’ll take you.
7. I’m thirsty. g- Sure. I’d love to.

Match each sentence with its purpose. Write the letter.________

1. I'd like to have a big wedding.

To talk a b o u t...
2. We can have pork or beef at the barbecue.
a. possibility 3. You’re supposed to salute an officer.
b. advice
4. He has a star on his cap. He must be a general.
5. I’d like to study Italian and French.
c. past routine 6. You’re supposed to bring paper to class.
past habit,
7. You should get a new passport photo.
d. condition, or 8. You can study now or after dinner.
9. The lights are off. They must not be home.
e. deduction 10. When I was young, I would ride my bike to school.
f. want or desire
11. You’re not supposed to drive without a license.
12. Did you use to smoke?
g- obligation

BOOK 15 LESSON 5 125

EXERCISE Q Circle the letter of the sentence with the same meaning.

1. The club is open again, so it’s possible to go there this weekend.

a. We must go to the club.
b. We can go to the club.
c. We should go to the club.
2. You should study hard to get a good score on the test.
a. You ought to study hard.
b. You used to study hard.
c. You’d like to study hard.
3. The DI expects us to clean our barracks daily.
a. We used to clean our barracks daily.
b. We’d like to clean our barracks daily.
c. We’re supposed to clean our barracks daily.
4. My brother doesn’t eat meat anymore.
a. My brother is supposed to eat meat.
b. My brother used to eat meat.
c. My brother can eat meat.
5. Maj Solis wants to go to Spain.
a. Maj Solis would like to go to Spain.
b. Maj Solis must not go to Spain.
c. Maj Solis used to go to Spain.
6. I haven’t seen Cathy at work today.
a. She must be at work today.
b. She could be at work today.
c. She must not be at work today.


EXERCISE R Give excuses for Jane, who didn’t follow her schedule.

Use was going to and the past tense in your answers. Follow the example.

T h in g s J a n e w a s g o in g
Jane was going to visit to d o la s t w e e k e n d ,
her parents, but her car b u t d id n ’t:
didn’t work. X visit her parents

---------------------- < X bake a cake

X go running
X buy a new rug
Jane was going X clean the bathroom
to visit her parents, but
she visited her friends X iron her uniform


E X E R C IS E S W ith a p a rtn e r, a s k q u e s tio n s u s in g was/were going to.

Answer with but and a reason of your own.

BOOK 15 LESSON 5 127

EXERCISE T Match the words that belong together.

1. medical a. bread
2. iron b. the military
3. enter c. tired
4. fresh d. a trip
5. g0 e. record
6. mop f. overseas
7. appear g- a uniform
8. postpone h. the floors

EXERCISE U Put the words in the correct order. Then write the sentences.

1. need / else / I / do / something / to / .

2. they / else / go / did / anywhere / ?

3. didn’t / we / anyone / invite / else / wedding / the / to / .

4. please / else / do / someone / will / this / ? / ,

5. let / else / drive / anybody / don’t / this / car / .

6. students / have / else / do / anything / to / the / don’t / today / .


EXERCISE V Circle the correct reflexive pronouns in ().

1. Dan: Did you teach ( yourselves / yourself) to speak English?

Betty: Yes, I taught ( herself / m yself) a little before I came to DLI.
2. PVT Smith: What happened to the horse?
PVT Jones: It hurt ( itself / m yself) this morning.
3. Linda: Students, did you go to the mess hall by ( yourself / yourselves )?
Student: Yes, we went by ( themselves / ourselves ).
4. John: I ( itself / m yself) made the whole dinner.
Cindy: You ought to be proud of ( myself / yourself).
5. Mrs. Clark: Did Jim go to the party by ( himself / m yself)?
Mr. Clark: Yes, and Mary came by ( herself / itself), too.
6. Larry: Is there someone in the room with John?
Sandra: No. He’s talking to ( him self/ itself) again.
7. Gracie: You can come over to my house if you want.
Fran: Thanks. I don’t like to stay home by ( yourself / m yself).

EXERCISE W Use the correct reflexive pronoun to complete the sentence.

Number 1 is an example.
1. A single woman must cook for_____ herself_____ .
2. Does Mr. Jones like living b y _________________ ?
3. The students need to study b y _________________ sometimes.
4. The food is over there, Judy. Please, h elp_________________ .
5. Is my eye swollen? I need to look a t _______________ in the mirror.
6. After it ate, the cat cleaned_________________ .
7. Ben, our car is old. Let’s g et___________________ a new one.
8. The parents told their children, ‘You need to stay at home b y ____________

EHSEDL Circle the correct word.
1. John seemed ( happy / happily ) about moving to Florida.
2. Betty exercises ( regular / regularly ).
3. He walked very ( cautious / cautiously ).
4. Did he appear ( angry / angrily ) after he talked to the captain?
5. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson were ( proud / proudly ) of their son.
6. Don spoke ( polite I politely) to his grandfather.
7. We all became ( quiet / quietly ) when we heard the news.
8. I was ( nervous / nervously ) before the test.
9. Don’t you think this coffee tastes ( bitter / bitterly )?
10. They learned about the promotion ( accidental / accidentally ).

Complete the sentence with a linking verb and an adjective.

Use each verb only once. Use the correct tense. Number 1 is an example.
Linking Verbs
appear get smell
be keep sound
becomc remain stay
feel seem taste
1. After work, Bob felt tired
2. Mack ___ just after the accident.
3. I in my office this morning.
4. My wife’s food
5. The soup___________________ because it’s not fresh.
6. During the meeting, the colonel
7. This blanket
8. Pat always on the phone.


A company............................................ 2
(all) by oneself............................ ... 4 complain............................................ 1
a while........................................ ... 3 continent................................ ..........3
afraid.......................................... ... 2 craw l...................................... .......... 1
Africa.......................................... ... 3 D
afterward(s)................................ ... 2 daily (adj) (adv)...................... ..........4
alive............................................ ... 3 dead (adj)................................ ..........3
allergic........................................ ... 4 death...................................... ..........3
allergy........................................ ... 4 die (v)...................................... ..........3
anniversary................................ ... 2 dizzy........................................ ..........4
Antarctica........... , ................... ... 3 document................................ ..........3
anywhere.................................... ... 2 dorm ...................................... .......... 1
appear (lv).................................. ... 4 drill (n) (v).............................. .......... 1
application.................................. ... 3 drill instructor (DI)................ .......... 1
apply.......................................... ... 3 drill sergeant.......................... .......... 1
area........................................... ... 1 drug........................................ ..........4
around (prep)............................ ... 3 E
as (conj)...................................... ... 2 earn .................................. ..........3
Asia............................................ ... 3 enter ................................ .......... 1
aspirin.................................... ... 4 TCuroue.................................... ..........3
at attention................................ ... 1 everything.............................. .......... 1
attend........................................ ... 1 examine.................................. ..........4
Australia.................................... ... 3 F
B fall in ...................................... .......... 1
bag ^ ........................................ ... 2 fall out.................................... .......... 1
barbecue (n) (v).......................... ... 2 firing range............................ . . . . . . 1
basic training............................ ... 1 flu............................................ ..........4
battle dress uniform (BDUs) . . . ... 1 fresh ................................ .......... 2
bed rest ...................................... ... 4 G
beer............................................ ... 2 get a prescription filled........ ..........4
before (adv)................................ ... 2 glad........................................ .......... 2
bleed —>bled / bled.................... ... 4 guard (n) (v)............................ .......... 1
blood.......................................... ... 4 guest ...................................... .......... 2
blood pressure............................ ... 4 H
briefing...................................... ... 1 have got.................................. .......... 2
broom.......................................... ... 1 have over................................ .......... 2
by a ir.......................................... ... 3 help yourself.......................... .......... 2
C herself .................................... ..........4
cadet .......................................... ... 1 himself.................................... ..........4
calm (down) (v).......................... ... 4 history .................................... ..........3
care (n)........................................ ... 4 hold -> held/held & .......... .......... 2
celebrate.................................... ... 2 holiday.................................... ..........3
celebration................................ ... 2 honeymoon............................ .......... 2
ceremony.................................... ... 2 1
cheese ........................................ ... 2 ill............................................ ..........4
chocolate.................................... ... 2 in addition to (prep).............. ..........3
clinic.......................................... ... 4 injure...................................... ..........4
club............................................ ... 2
injury..................................................4 polish (n)(v)........................................ 1
inside (prep)...................................... 2 postpone................................
instruct.............................................. 1 potato salad............................
instruction.......................................... 1 prescribe................................
invitation............................................ 2 prescription............................
invite.................................................. 2 pulled (adj).............................
iron (n) (v).......................................... 1 pulse.......................................
itself....................................................4 Q
J quiet (down) (v).......................
join...................................................... 1 R

K rain check...............................

ketchup.............................................. 2 reason.....................................

L reception.................................

laboratory (lab)..................................4 record (n).................................

leave —►left / left................................3 require.....................................

lie —►lay / lain (down)........................4 ride (n).....................................

life / lives (n)......................................3 roll (n )....................................

luncheon............................................2 S
M sauce .......................................
march (v)............................................ 1 scrub.......................................

^ C O t O ^ t O ^ O ^ ^ ^ ^ I - ^ t O
mayonnaise........................................ 2 seem (lv)...............................
medication.............. , .........................4 sh o t.........................................
m irror................................................4 sick call...................................
miss (v) « ............................ .......... 2 sign i n ...................................
mop (n) (v).......................................... 1 sign o u t.................................
muscle................................................ 4 slice (v ).................................
museum..............................................3 social security number (SSN)
mustard.............................................. 2 somewhere...........................
myself................................................4 South America.....................
N sprained (adj).......................
North America..................................3 stale
notice (v)............................................3 steak ..................................... ►(^l-'l-'h-'tO^tOtO

nowhere.............................................. 2 still (adj)...............................

K strawberry.............................
operate................................................4 sweat (n)...............................
operation............................................4 sweat —►sweat / sweat.........
order (v)..............................................3 sweep —1►swept / swept.........
orders (n)............................................3 swollen (adj).........................
ourselves............................................4 j
outside (prep).................................... 2 tablet.....................................
overseas (adjXadv)............................3 take a photograph.................
P themselves.............................
penicillin............................................4 Thig is kming me...................
pharmacy...........................................4 tough.....................................
photograph (photo)............................3 tradition...............................
physical (adj)...................................... 1 trainee...................................
physical training (PT)........................1 training instructor (TI).........
pickles................................................ 2 treat (v)..................................
......................................................4 treatm ent..............................


v isa ....................................................3
was / were going to ............................3
wedding.............................................. 2
will...................................................... 2
wine.................................................... 2
wipe (v)..............................................4
would.................................................. 2
-< X

yell (v)................................................1



APPENDIX B Structure List



Adjective Subject complement Tom appeared calm. 4

after linking verbs Alex seems angry.
Adverb Frequency: never, seldom, ever, I usually swim once a 1
always, usually, often, week.
frequently, occasionally, I don't ever swim on
sometimes Sunday.
I seldom swim on Friday.
Adverb Interrogative: How often... ? How often do you swim? 1
Adverb Comparative / superlative for Robert types more quickly 1
2-syllable adverbs: than Sally.
more / less+ adverb + than John types the most
the most / least + adverb quickly.
Adverb Indefinite: some-, any-, nowhere Did you go anywhere? 2
Affix Suffix: noun to adjcctive or I do daily exercises. 4
adverb with -ly I exercise daily.
Affix Suffix: verb to noun with -ion We had a lot of confusion. 1
Pronoun Indefinite compounds + else Can I get you anything 3
Pronoun Reflexive John gave himself a 4
Pronoun Reflexive with emphatic use I baked this cake myself. 4
Verb Modals will/would for Who'll help Jack? I will. 2
Verb Past intention: was I were going He was going to go, but it 3
to rained.



Verb Modal review: Advice: should, You're supposed to go 2

be supposed to, ought to. Past home.
routine/past state: used to, I would go swimming
would. Deduction: must. Desire every day. I used to like
would like (to). Possibility: can swimming.
He must be home. Yd like
a piece of cake. We can


APPENDIX C The English Alphabet



A a A a A a
B b B b £ k
c c C c e G
D d D d 5) d
E e E e g e
F f F f 4 I
G g G 3 Q 9
H h H h Jl k
I i 1 i 9 l
J j J j 9 f
K k K k K k
L 1 L 1 Jl I
M m M m M m
N n N n ft u
0 0 0 0 0 a
Q q Q 2 9
R r R r (I
S s S e £ A-
T t T t J t
U u U u U H.
V V V V V V-
w w W w w IV-
X X X X X &
Y y Y y y f
Z z Z z 3 f




APPENDIX D American English Sounds

English is not spelled phonetically. The same sound is spelled several different ways.
For this reason it is helpful to assign separate symbols to each sound. The following
is the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) system. Twenty-four (24) consonant
symbols, eleven (11) vowel symbols, and five (5) symbols representing diphthongs
are used to represent the significant sounds of American English.
These charts are only aids and not to be memorized. However, the students must
be aware of the different sounds represented in these charts. They must be able to
recognize and repeat them accurately.
Symbol Examples Symbol Examples
N he, meet, teach, chief /P / past, stop, put, paper
N in, is, sit, big /b / bed, baby, barber, lab
/e i/ day, make, train, vein, steak N take, sent, ten, gentle
III met, let, said, bread /d/ date, student, do, hard
/ae/ cash, half, laugh, hand M car, chemical, recorder, book
/a / father, far, heart, pot, not /9l gas, eggs, dog, cigar
hi all, saw, bought, caught /m / arm, my, number, from
lou/ go, know, coat, tow, pole no, line, find, noon
M book, took, good, should hi sing, long, wrong, rank
/u / food, blue, blew, do, soup /I/ well, laboratory, always, let
/A/ cup, son, sun, enough M read, course, fox’, write
/a i/ I , nice, tie, buy, by, write IV farmer, affirm, phone, laugh
hi! noise, boy, point, oil M very, give, live, seven
lav/ out, now, town, mouth IQI thank, Thursday, bath, north
M ago, alphabet, listen, student I&I the, this, these, weather
N her, bird, doctor, earn Is/ see, this, lesson, tapes
Izl zero, rose, blows, dozen
/// ship, nation, should, push
III pleasure, measure, usual
/h / have, he, how, hot
/t V chair, teacher, picture, march
Idzl judge, bridge, page, July
/w / we, walk, wish, away
HI yes, you, yesterday, young




APPENDIX E List of Contractions

aren’t - (are not) we’ll (we will / we shall)

can’t - (cannot) we’re - (we are)
couldn’t - (could not) we’ve - (we have)
didn’t - (did not) what’s - (what is)
doesn’t - (does not) where’s - (where is)
don’t - (do not) who’s - (who is / who has)
hasn’t - (has not) won’t - (will not)
haven’t - (have not) wouldn’t - (would not)
he’d - (he would / he had) you’d - (you would / you had)
he’ll - (he will) you’ll (you will)
he’s - (he is / he has) you’re - (you are)
how’s - (how is) you’ve - (you have)
I’d - (I would / 1had)
I’ll - (I will / 1shall)
I’m - (I am)
I’ve - (I have)
isn’t - (is not)
it’s - (it is / it has)
let’s - (let us)
mustn’t - (must not)
she’d - (she would / she had)
she’ll - (she will / she shall)
she’s - (she is / she has)
shouldn’t - (should not)
that’s - (that is)
they’d - (they would / they had)
they’ll - (they will / they shall)
they’re - (they are)
they’ve - (they have)
we’d _ (we would / we had)



APPENDIX F Spelling Rules for Regular Past Tense Verbs


talk talked
2consonants CC
want wanted
repeat repeated
2vowels + 1consonant VVC
add clean cleaned
vowel + y VY -ed play played
vowel + consonant in open opened
a 2-syllable word with VC
stress on first syllable answer answered

Drop the -e circle circled

consonant + e Ce ana add
-ed shave shaved

vowel + consonant in a stop stopped

1-syllable word VC
Double the
vowel + consonant in and add occur occurred
a 2-syllable word with VC -ed
stress on second syllable prefer preferred

study studied
Change y to i
consonant + y Cy and add dry dried
try tried




APPENDIX G Principal Parts of Some Irregular Verbs

Present Past Past Participle Present Past Past Participle

arise arose arisen fall fell fallen
feed fed fed
be was been feel felt felt
bear bore borne fight fought fought
beat beat beaten find found found
become became become flee fled fled
begin began begun fly flew flown
bend bent bent forget forgot forgotten
bet bet bet forgive forgave forgiven
bid bid bid freeze froze frozen
bind bound bound
bite bit bitten get got gotten (got)
bleed bled bled give gave given
blow blew blown grind ground ground
break broke broken grow grew grown
bring brought brought
build built built hang hung hung
burst burst burst have had had
buy bought bought hear heard heard
hide hid hidden
cast cast cast hit hit hit
catch caught caught hold held held
choose chose chosen hurt hurt hurt
come came come
cost cost cost keep kept kept
creep crept crept know knew known
cut cut cut
lay laid laid
deal dealt dealt lead led led
dig dug dug leave left left
do did done lend lent lent
draw drew drawn let let let
drink drank drunk lie lay lain
drive drove driven light lit lit (lighted)
lose lost lost
eat ate eaten

Present Past Past Participle Present Past Past Participle
make made made spend spent spent
mean meant meant spin spun spun
meet met met split split split
spread spread spread
pay paid paid spring sprang sprung
put put put stand stood stood
steal stole stolen
quit quit quit stick stuck stuck
sting stung stung
read read read strike struck struck
ride rode ridden string strung strung
ring rang rung swear swore sworn
rise rose risen sweep swept swept
run ran run swim swam swum
swing swung swung
say said said
see saw seen take took taken
seek sought sought teach taught taught
shake shook shaken tear tore torn
sell sold sold tell told told
send sent sent think thought thought
set set set throw threw thrown
shed shed shed
shine shone shone understand understood understood
shoot shot shot
show showed shown wake woke woken
shrink shrank shrunk wear wore worn
shut shut shut weave wove woven
sing sang sung weep wept wept
sink sank sunk wet wet wet
sit sat sat win won won
sleep slept slept wind wound wound
slide slid slid wring wrung wrung
speak spoke spoken write wrote written


APPENDIX H Patterns of Irregular Verbs


1. Three principal parts the same hit hit hit
quit quit quit
split split split
bet bet bet
let let let
set set set
put put put
cut cut cut
shut shut shut
bid bid bid
hurt hurt hurt
burst burst burst
cost cost cost
shed shed shed
spread spread spread
cast cast cast
2. Last two principal parts the same
a. Final consonant change only have had had
make made made
build built built
bend bent bent
spend spent spent
send sent sent
b. Vowel change only meet met met
read read read
bleed bled bled
feed fed fed
lead led led
light lit lit
slide slid slid
sit sat sat
shoot shot shot
hold held held
win won won
shine shone shone


find found found
wind wound wound
bind bound bound
dig dug dug
stick stuck stuck
strike struck struck
c. Vowel change - Addition of -t or -d sleep slept slept
keep kept kept
creep crept crept
weep wept wept
think thought thought
teach taught taught
buy bought bought
catch caught caught
fight fought fought
seek sought sought
mean meant meant
leave left left
flee fled fled
tell told told
sell sold sold
lose lost lost
hear heard heard
understand understood understood
3. Three principal parts differ
a. No similarity be was been
go went gone
do did done
b. Vowel change - Addition of -n arise arose arisen
drive drove driven
fly flew flown
ride rode ridden
rise rose risen
c. Vowel change - No -n sing sang sung
ring rang rung
drink drank drunk
swim swam swum
begin began begun


d. First and third vowels similar blow blew blown
know knew known
grow grew grown
throw threw thrown
run ran run
come came come
eat ate eaten
give gave given
see saw seen
dray/ drew drawn
e. Second and third vowels similar break broke broken
speak spoke spoken
choose chose chosen
steal stole stolen
tear tore torn
wear wore worn
swear swore sworn
bear bore born
get got got (gotten)
forget forgot forgotten




APPENDIX I Punctuation and Capitalization


1. Use a period at the end of a statement or command.
The pen and paper are on the table.
Go to the chalkboard and write your name.
2. Use a period after an abbreviation or an initial.
NOTE: Abbreviated military ranks do not require a period.
Feb. (February) Mr. Brown a.m.
Dr. Smith (Doctor Smith) Ms. Little p.m.
J. Jones (John Jones) Mrs. White Maj Johnson


Use a question mark after a question. Sometimes the question may be written like a
How many children are in your family?
He’s here today?


Use an exclamation mark after words, sentences, or expressions that show excite­
ment, surprise, or emotion. Any exclamation, even if not a sentence, will end with an
exclamation mark.
What a game!
Look out!
Do it!
Wow! Oh!

1. Use quotation marks to show the words of a speaker. They’re always placed above
the line and are used in pairs.
John said, “The commissary closes at 2100 hours today.”
“Where are the children?” she asked.
2. If the words of the speaker are divided into two parts, use quotation marks around
both parts.
“Do you,” she asked, “go to the library after class?”
3. Use quotation marks around the titles of chapters, articles, parts of books and maga­
zines, short poems, short stories, and songs.
Last night, I read the chapter “Grammar Is Easy” in our book. Then, I read the article
“Learning English” in the newspaper.


1. Use an apostrophe in contractions.
I’m she’s they’re
isn’t aren’t can’t
what’s where’s Bob’s
o ’clock (of the clock)
2. Use an apostrophe to indicate possession.
a. If the noun is singular, add-’s.
Bill’s book
the girl’s coat
b. When the noun is plural, add-’s, if the plural does not end in s.
the children’s clothes
the men’s shirts
c. If the plural noun ends in s, add only an apostrophe.
the boys’ shoes
the libraries’ books

F. COMMA (,)
1. Use commas to separate items in a series.
We ate sandwiches, potato chips, and fruit for lunch.
She looked behind the chairs, under the bed, and in the kitchen for her notebook.
2. Use a comma before the conjunctions and, but, or, nor, for, yet when they join
independent clauses.
We lived in Venezuela for three years, and then we returned to the United States.
Frank can speak Chinese well, but he can’t read it.
3. Use a comma after an introductory clause or phrase to separate it from the rest of
the sentence.
After we study this book, we want to take a break.
Because John was sick, he didn’t take the test.
Looking up at the sky, the small boy suddenly ran home.
4. Use a comma after words such as yes, no, well when they begin a sentence.
Do you want to go to the library? I didn’t pass the test.
Yes, I do. Well, study more.
5. Use commas to separate the words of a speaker from the rest of the sentence.
“Listen to me,” she said.
Jack asked, “Where’s my lunch?”
“I don’t know,” said John, “the answer to the question.”
6. Use a comma in dates and addresses.
June 9, 1970
143 Main Street, Los Angeles, California


7. Use a comma in figures to separate thousands.
5.000 (or 5000)

1. Capitalize the first word of a sentence.
The boy stood up and walked outside.
Your book is behind the chair.
2. Capitalize the names of people, cities, states, countries, and languages.
Mark Bill Mary Linda
San Antonio Chicago Houston London
Texas California Florida New York
Spain United States Canada Venezuela
Arabic Chinese Russian English
3. Capitalize the names of schools, streets, buildings, bridges, companies, and
Defense Language Institute University of Chicago
Main Street Empire State Building
Golden Gate Bridge Ford Motor Company
General Motors National Football League
4. Capitalize the days of the week, months of the year, and holidays.
Sunday Monday Tuesday
June July August
Christmas Easter Thanksgiving
5. Capitalize titles and military ranks before names.
Gen Roberts Capt Smith Sgt Jones
Professor Land President Lincoln
6. Capitalize the pronoun “I.”
I can’t go with you.
I’m happy to see you again.
7. Capitalize the first word of every direct quotation.
She asked, “Can I sit here?”
“We saw her,” said John, “at the university.”




APPENDIX J Lesson Resources

B15L1 #1 Reading skill.......................................................................................... J-3

B15L2 #1 Writing skill.......................................................................................... J-5

B15L3 #1 Writing skill.......................................................................................... J-7

B15L3 #2 Reading skill.......................................................................................... J-9

B15L4 #1 Writing skill........................................................................................ J-ll

B15L4#2 Situation cards.................................................................................... J-13
B15L4 #3 Medical form.........................................................................................J-15



Reading skill — B15L1 #1
Lesson 1
Page 23

General Arnold and the US Air Force

Henry H. Arnold (1886-1950) did a lot to make the US Air Force
(USAF) the strong service it is today. People who knew him called
him “Hap.” He graduated from West Point, the army’s best school,
in 1911. As an army officer, he showed that the military could use
planes to see what the other countries’ armies were doing. In World
War I, he helped the US build many military air bases. To make
better planes, he talked to people at universities, and he asked for
money from civilian companies. During World War II, he wanted
the air force to bccome a service equal in rank to the other services.
Besides, Arnold thought that a strong air force would be necessary
for the army and navy to meet their goals. President Truman
listened to the general, and in 1947, the president made the air
force a new service. General Arnold became the US Air Force’s first
and only five-star general and helped the air force become a terrific
service of its own.

BOOK 15 APPENDIX J - Reading skill - B15L1 #1 MM

Writing skill — B15L2 #1
Lesson 2
Page 48

Cooking the Texan Way

People from Texas love to barbecue, and everyone
knows Texas barbecue is delicious. In Texas, a barbecue
is a way to get together with friends and family, talk to
the neighbors, play card games, enjoy the outdoors, and
most importantly, eat. Because the weather in many parts
of Texas is very nice all year, people can always find a
reason to barbecue. For example, in the fall, neighbors
and friends get together to barbecue and watch football
games. The most popular food for a Texas barbecue is beef.
People also barbecue other meats, like pork and chicken,
and vegetables. It’s all delicious, so come to Texas to enjoy
great barbecue.
Paraphrase of Cooking the Texan Way
Texans really like to barbecue, and they are famous
for their delicious way of cooking. At barbecues, Texans
have friends, family, and neighbors over. They play games,
have fun outside, and, of course, eat. The weather is nice
all year in many parts of the state, so Texans can always
find a reason to barbecue. In the fall, neighbors and
friends barbecue and watch football games. Beef is the
most popular food for a barbecue, but people also like to
barbecue chicken, pork, and vegetables. Come to Texas
where the barbecue is really good.

BOOK 15 APPENDIX J - Writing skill — B15L2 #1

Writing skill — B15L3 #1
Lesson 3
Page 83

Shah Jehan's Love

Shah Jehan was a rich man who lived in India in the
1600s. He was married for 18 years and had 14 children.
Jehan’s wife died when their last child was born. The
Shah became very sad and promised to build a wonderful
place for her body. It took 20,000 workers many years to
build the Taj Mahal. The building is made of a beautiful
white stone that changes colors with the sun. Inside there
are famous writings and beautiful art. Jehan loved his
wife while she was alive and his love continued after her
death. The Taj Mahal helps the world remember their
Paraphrase of Shah Jehan's Love
A rich man whose name was Shah Jehan lived in
India in the 1600s. Jehan and his wife were married
for 18 years and had 14 children. When the last child
was born, Jehan’s wife died. He was very upset, and he
made a promise to build a great place to keep her body.
There were 20,000 workers who built the Taj Mahal. The
building has beautiful white stone which changes colors
with the sun. The Taj Mahal has famous writings and art
inside. Jehan loved his wife when she was alive and after
she died. The Taj Mahal helps us remember this man’s
love for his wife.

BOOK 15 APPENDIX J - Writing skill - B15L3 #1 IB B !

Reading skill — B15L3 #2
Lesson 3
Page 84

Photographs in Black and White

Ansel Adams (1902 - 1984) was one of America’s most
famous photographers. Today many of his black and white
photographs of nature hang in museums around the
world. Trees, mountains, stones, flowers, and fields are
the subjects of many of his pictures. For 65 years, Adams
made a career of taking photographs and teaching people
about nature.
When he was a boy, he didn’t like school much, but he
enjoyed the outdoors. He would often go to state parks to
take pictures. Many people thought his photos were very
good, so he began selling them and became a professional
photographer. Later, Adams wrote books about taking
photographs. He also belonged to some important nature
groups which teach people about saving forests for the
Adams’s photographs are still popular today because
they show us nature in a beautiful and different way.

BOOK 15 APPENDIX J - Reading skill - B15L3 #2 I: .il^) !

Writing skill — B15L4 #1
Lesson 4
Page 93

Some Important Numbers

Blood pressure isn’t just two numbers. High blood
pressure can give your body problems. But there are some
things you can do to reduce high blood pressure and be
healthy. First, try to relax once a day. Go to a quiet place
to calm down. Second, exercise, eat healthy food, and lose
extra weight. Finally, don’t eat too much salt or drink too
much alcohol or coffee because they may increase your
blood pressure. Try to decrease the numbers because high
blood pressure isn’t safe for your health.
Paraphrase of Some Important Numbers
Blood pressure is more than a couple of numbers. If it’s
too high, it can cause problems for your body. Reducing
high blood pressure can improve your health. First, you
should try to calm down every day by finding a quiet place
to relax. Next, people who are too heavy can also decrease
their blood pressure by exercising, eating healthy foods,
and losing weight. Using less salt and drinking less coffee
and alcohol can also help lower your blood pressure.
Having high blood pressure can be dangerous, so try to
lower the numbers, and keep your body healthy.

BOOK 15 APPENDIX J - Writing skill — B15L4 #1 J-11

Situation cards — B15L4 #2
Lesson 4
Page 100
Exercise E

Your blood pressure is high. Your left eye is swollen.

You think your allergies are worse. Your nose won’t stop bleeding.

You've felt dizzy for two hours. You twisted your ankle.

You have to have some tests You pulled your back muscle
before your operation. during drills.

BOOK 15 APPENDIX J - Situation Cards - B15L4 #2 J-13

Medical form — B15L4 #3
Lesson 4
Page 100
Exercise E

Lackland AFB
Name: Date: _

SSN: Rank: DOB:

1. What are your symptoms?

Please check yes or no. YES NO

2. Are you allergic to any medication or food? If yes,
which one(s)?

3, Have you taken any medication today? If yes.

which one(s)?

4. Have you had any injuries in the past year? If yes, explain:

Did you injure yourself at work? If yes, explain:

5. What is your blood type?

Patient signature:

BOOK 15 APPENDIX J - Medical Form - B15L4 #3

APPENDIX K US Military Ranks, Grades, and Insignia




0-6 JSPr






0 -1
2nd l i e u t e n a n t 2nd l i e u t e n a n t 2nd l i e u t e n a n t ENSIGN



E-9* A &
Chief Master Sergeant Serf*eant Major Sergeant Miijor Master Chief Petty Officer

Master Master
Senior Master S ?rgeant Sergeant Sergeant Senior CMef Petty Officer

Master Sergeant Serge £mt Firs t Class Gunnery Serj reant Chie TPetty Officer

E-6 |
Technical Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Petty Officer First Class

Staff Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Petty Officer Second Class

Senior Airman
Corporal Specialist Corporal
Petty Officer Third Class

Airman First Class Private First Class Lance Corporal Seaman

A Private
Private First Class Seanlan Appre ntice
(no insignia) (no insignia) (no insignia) (no insignia)
E-l Airman Basic Private Private Seaman Recruit

*NOTE: In the chart above, we have chosen only one example of the possible ranks
and insignia for each senior NCO pay grade. Those who serve in certain positions,
such as first sergeant, wear similar insignia with varying symbols, and they are
addressed by different titles.



m 1!

■ ■

W-3 ! S fO l


W-2 a ■

“1 I
W-l I




EXERCISE A Complete the c ro s s w o rd puzzle.

Number 1 is an example.



1. When we exercise hard, we 2. length x height =
4. Use this to make your shoes shine. 3. the past of sweep
5. a way to walk in the military 5. a way to clean a floor
6. a place where trainees sleep 8. another word for teach
7. This workout is mei It’s tough. 9. practice something again and again
10. Use this to sweep a floor. 10. a short meeting
11. When you are 18, you can 12. a way to protect people
the military. 13. This makes your shirt smooth.
Write questions with How often.

1. Trainees have PT every morning.

2. They march to the mess hall three times a day.

3. They guard the barracks twice a week.

EXERCISE C Rewrite the questions using ever.

1. Do trainees go to the movies?

2. Has anyone complained about the food?

3. Will there be a woman president of the US?

m A m m W rn Rewrite each sentence with the adverb in ().

1. The TI repeats instructions. (frequently)

2. Trainees don’t go home during basic training. (ever)

3. Trainees have time to watch a movie. (seldom)

4, The DI yells at the trainees. (occasionally)

5. Trainees think about home. (often)


EXERCISE E Read the paragraph and complete the chart.

My Weekend Routine
On the weekends, I usually get up late. I frequently exercise, and I occasionally
take a walk in the park. I almost always go out to eat, so I seldom prepare a meal at
home. I frequently call my friends but never invite them over because my place
usually needs cleaning. I sometimes go to parties on Saturday night, but I don’t ever
go to parties on Sunday night because I have to go to bed early to be ready for work
on Monday. I guess you could say I’m pretty lazy on the weekend, and I like it that

frequently / o ften

never / not e v e r
o c c a s io n a lly
s o m e tim e s
My Weekend

u s u a lly

s e ld o m
a lw a y s

g o to p a rtie s S a tu rd a y n ig h t

g e t up late

p re p a re a m eal at h o m e

g o to p a rtie s S u n d a y n ig h t

call frie n d s

ta k e a w a lk in th e p a rk

in vite frie n d s to m y p la ce

e x e rc is e

go o u t to e a t

W rite a b o u t y o u r w e e k e n d ro u tin e . U s e fre q u e n c y a d v e rb s .


EXERCISE G Complete the dialogs below.

Use the correct form of the underlined word in the blank.

1. A: Have you selected the house you want to buy?
B: Yes, we’ve made o u r___________________

2. A: I have been___________________postcards for many years.

B: Really? You must have a large collection,

3. A: Did you already receive___________________on how to salute?

B: Yes, the DI instructed us yesterday.

4. A: The doctor m u st___________________immediately.

B: How long will the operation take?

5. A; What was all that confusion about?

B: The schedule ch an g e__________________ the students.

6. A: Can you locate the city of Los Angles on this map?

B: No, I don’t know th e ___________________of Los Angeles.

7. A: Will you be getting a promotion soon?

B: Yes, the navy w ill___________________ me next month.

8. A: Whose job is it to educate children?

B: Children’s __________________ is the parents’ responsibility.


EXERCISE H Use the comparative or superlative w ith the w o rd in ().

Change the adjectives in () to adverbs.

1. Sue and James are new drivers, but James is more afraid than Sue when he
drives a car. (nervous)
James drives__________________________________________-— ---------- ----- -----
Sue drives .__ .__ ________________________________________________________
2. Lee, Phil, and Joe are students. Lee asks a lot of questions, Phil asks a few, and
Joe doesn’t ask any. (frequent)
Lee asks questions_____________________________________________-— - of all.
Joe asks questions_________________________________________________ of all.
3. Richard thinks math is simple, but math confuses Tony, (easy)
Richard does m ath __ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tony does m ath ________________________________________________________ .
4. Everyone can hear my mother when she speaks, but no one can hear
Lisa, (loud)
My mother speaks______________________________________________________
Lisa speaks--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. Mr. Jones begins his class on time. Mr. Lee begins his class a few minutes late.
Ms. Smith starts her class 10 minutes after the bell, (prompt)
Of the three teachers, Ms. Smith starts her class___________________________
Of the three teachers, Mr. Jones starts his class___________________________
6. At the accident, the policeman spoke calmly. The first driver was also calm. The
second driver was very upset and angry when he spoke, (reasonable)
The second driver spoke_________________________________________________
The first driver spoke_________________________________________ -— -------—
7. Of the two people, the woman seemed relaxed in her chair. The man was
uncomfortable and moving a lot in his chair, (comfortable)
The man was sitting---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------
The woman was sitting---------------------------------------------------------------------------


EXERCISE I Choose the best answer.

1. Private Roland, I want you to sweep this room. Go get the

a. mop
b. polish
c. broom
2. Have you ever an American football game?
a. attended
b. marched
c. complained
3. When a person gets too hot, helps the body become cooler.
a. polish
b. sweat
c. break
4. Soldiers use dogs to __ the base entrance.
a. join
b. guard
c. instruct
5. A1 isn’t in good condition. He can do only five push-ups.
a. physical
b. tough
c. sweat
6. We stood . when the colonel came into the room.
a. tough
b. physical
c. at attention
7. I bought the food, cooked dinner, and cleaned up. I did
a. break
b. physical
c. everything
8. The have marched all morning and look very tired.
a. trainees
b. drills
c. BDUs


9. The test was really_____ ! Only three students passed.
a. sweat
b. tough
c. afraid
10. Don’t _____ the lab now. Students are taking a test.
a. attend
b. enter
c. join
11. My boots look great because I _____ them last night.
a. ironed
b. mopped
c. polished
12. If you want to learn a lot and become strong,_____ the military.
a. drill
b. guard
c. join

EXERCISE J Match the beginning of the sentence with the best ending.

1. The training instructors a. protect people and places.

2. The trainees must follow b. fall in and stand at attention.
3. A guard tries to c. some trainees can’t complete it.
4. Trainees often complain about d. the soldiers had to scrub it twice.
5. Basic training is tough, and e. instruction on military topics.
6. The DI yelled at the men because f. the food, which is not very good.
7. Before marching, trainees g. they didn’t iron their uniforms.
8. Because the floor was very dirty, h. prepare men and women for
military life.


EXERCISE K Put the sentences of the paragraph in order.

A Day in Basic Training

After lunch, we marched ten miles.
Then, we got our mail and went to dinner.
Later in the afternoon, we received instruction on medical emergencies.
Today was a tough day! We got up at 0530.
After that, we fell out, ate breakfast, and then had weapons training.
Next, we had 30 minutes to shave, shower, clean our area, and fall in for PT.
Last, we had to sweep the barracks and study.
There were only 30 minutes of free time before we had to turn out the lights.

EXERCISE L Put the sentences of the paragraph in order.

Start with Number 2.

How to Shine Your Boots

Then, put a little black polish on a dry cloth.

Now, take a clean cloth, and move it across a boot.
Next, remove any dirt from the top and bottom of each boot.
Get more polish. Repeat what you just did many times to cover both boots.
Repeat this action again and again on each boot until both shine.
It’s easy to make your boots look clean and shiny.
First, get your boots, polish, and several pieces of dry cloth together.
In small circles, put the polish from the cloth on a small area of a boot.


EXERCISE A Label the foods with the words from the box.

barbecue sauce beer bag of chips

strawberries pickles
wine rolls cheese
chocolate sauce mustard
steak mayonnaise ketchup

© X ^~ . h
© H ii
h >

©_ j

© ©

EXERCISE B Match each word with its meaning.

1. wedding a.
2. celebration b.
3. honeymoon c.
4. barbecue d.
5. reception e.
6. anniversary f.
7. luncheon g-


EXERCISE C Put each word in the correct category.

attend have got before will have stale

would miss fresh invite have over outside
as guests inside while company afterwards

Words with sim ilar meanings Words with opposite meanings

company = guests *
= *
= *
= *

EXERCISE D Choose the best answer.

Mary joined a sports 5. Fishing is a ____ in my family.

a. club a. tradition
b. invitation b. rain check
2. The Smiths like to meat 6. Ann will send us in the mail.
outside. a. an invitation
a. celebrate b. a wedding
b. barbecue
7. I can’t come to your party tomorrow.
3. We’l l __ New Year’s Eve I’ll ta k e _____
downtown. a. a rain check
a. hold b. an invitation
b. celebrate
8. The couple will the cake.
4. Will you come to my party? a. slice
a. Help yourself. b. invite
b. I’m afraid I can’t.


EXERCISE E Choose the correct word for each blank.

1. At the stadium, Sue looked for Jim but couldn’t find h im ____
a. anywhere
b. somewhere
c. nowhere
2. Jane guessed that she lost her earring____ in Betty’s house.
a. anywher e
b. somewhere
c. nowhere
3. Lisa couldn’t find pink shoes_____
a. nowhere
b. anywhere
c. somewhere
4. Gary: Where did you finally go on vacation?
M a ry :_____I stayed home.
a. Somewhere
b. Nowhere
c. Anywhere
5. We don’t want to go____ this weekend.
a. somewhere
b. nowhere
c. anywhere
6. Jack: Where did you go for lunch?
F r e d : _____We didn’t have enough time.
a. Anywhere
b. Nowhere
c. Somewhere
7. I know she’s traveled around Spain_____
a. somewhere
b. anywhere
c. nowhere


Ir- j Match each sentence with a purpose. Write the letter.

To talk about... Modals

a. possibility can
b. advice should / ought to
c. past routine used to / would
discontinued past habit,
condition, or situation
used to
e. deduction must / must not
f. want or desire would like (to)
g. obligation be supposed to

1. Tom ought to rest before he goes to the meeting.

2. No one’s wearing a coat outside. It must not be cold anymore.
3. Would you like to drive instead of flying to New York?
4. Rosa can buy a bicycle after the store orders some more.
5. We’re supposed to keep the grass short and the yard clean.
6. You should invite Ms. Novak to the luncheon.
7. Did you use to have a cat?
8. Where would your family go on vacation each summer?
9. The Nelsons must be out of town. Nobody’s been home for a week.
10. Is Joe supposed to take the test today?
11. They can take the train, or they can ride the bus.
12. I didn’t use to like vegetables.
13. Do you know you ought to eat healthier food?


EXERCISE G Complete the sentences with would and the words in ().
Use contractions and short answers. Number 1 is an example.
1. Carol: Who will sing at our party?
Jean: I ,d lovejo_____________________
(love to)
2. Jim: Who will fix my car?
Mark: My brother’s a mechanic. H e____________
(be glad to)
3. Amy: Do you think Mom will help with our class party?
Tommy: Of course. S he_____________________________
(be happy to)
4. Wendy: Will you ask the neighbors to help us repair the fence?
Max: Yes, I _____________________________
(be glad to)
5. Susan: Will you watch the children while we are away this weekend?
Mother: Yes, of course. I _____________________________
(love to)
6. Danny: Uncle Carl, could you show me your stamp collection?
Uncle: Sure. I _____________________________
(be happy to)

EXERCISE H Read the text. Then write sentences using will.

Tom and Susan Sanders are having a birthday party this Saturday for their son
Teddy. They don’t want Teddy to know, so they asked their friends to help them
prepare. Here’s a list of what the friends offered to do:
?;1 to Do List
1. Nicole
Nicole; buy
cake and

2. Barry i food
B arry: prepare •

3. Rachel R a c h e l: clean up
D a n ie l: wrap presents
4. D aniel. and drinks
Steve:. bring r"uS,c ;
5. Steve


EXERCISE I Complete the chart with information from the text.

From To Distance Travel Time MPH

Tokyo 2.5 hours
Florence 160 miles

190 miles

Fast Trains
The world’s first high-speed train was Japan’s Tokaido Shinkansen.
This famous passenger train travels a distance of 342 miles between
the cities of Tokyo and Osaka. People began using it in 1964 when the
trip took 4 hours. Today it takes passengers about 2.5 hours to travel
between the two cities. This fast train can run at up to 124 miles per
hour (mph).
Italy also has one of the best high-speed trains. It started service in
1978 and connects the cities of Rome and Florence, a distance of 160
miles. The train’s highest speed is 155 mph. The trip between the two
cities takes about 65 minutes.
A third high-speed train, the TGV, comes from France. This famous
group of trains is comfortable and very fast. A TGV train can travel up
to 190 mph. Other countries in Europe want to be connected to the
TGV because of its speed. One of the most popular trains runs from
Paris to Brussels, Belgium. This 190-mile trip lasts only about 90


EXERCISE J Use the information in the text to select the inference.

1. Everything looked smaller from above. The shapes of the houses and rivers
seemed different, too. The clouds were very close, and I felt that I could almost
touch them.
This person was riding on a _____
a. plane
b. boat
c. train
d. bus
2. Capt Mark Jones was preparing for his briefing to the generals. He thought
about the important people who would be there. He also thought about all the
difficult questions that they might ask. He started to feel sick. He didn’t have a
fever, but he had a stomachache, and his hands were sweaty.
Capt Jones probably felt sick because h e _____
a. was getting the flu
b. forgot to ask his boss for leave
c. ate some bad food yesterday
d. was nervous about giving the briefing
3. Eric, Mark’s friend, looked sad this afternoon. Eric didn’t talk much at the
briefing and went to his hotel room after it ended. Mark called Eric twice that
evening, but Eric didn’t answer the phone. Mark was worried about his friend
and decided that he should do something.
W hat will Mark probably do next?
a. He’ll watch TV and forget about Eric.
b. He’ll call his wife on the phone.
c. He’ll go to Eric’s room.
d. He’ll fall asleep.


EXERCISE K Read the text. Then select the topic and main idea.

A Beautiful Home
Every year about five million
people visit the Grand Canyon in
the state of Arizona. The Grand
Canyon is a large, or grand, and
beautiful hole, or canyon, in the
earth. It’s about 280 miles long.
The canyon, and the area around
it, is part of a very beautiful
park, and it’s home to many
plants and animals.
A long time ago, the Colorado
River slowly cut deeply into stone
to make the canyon, and the
river runs at the bottom of the canyon today. There are many different colors of
horizontal rock that go down into the earth, sometimes as deep as 6,000 feet. In the
morning at sunrise and in the evening at sunset, the canyon’s colors are the most
beautiful. Different colors of red, brown, gold and pink are everywhere.
The Grand Canyon area is a special home for many different plants and animals.
Sadly, some types of birds and fish that live in the park are few in number. The park
workers help to keep the animals safe from danger, and the park gives them a good
place to live. A lot of the plants in the canyon grow only in that area and nowhere
Every day, people come to the park to see the special plants and animals of the
Grand Canyon. They also enjoy walking through the canyon and looking at its
beautiful stone.

a. a beautiful place
b. the Grand Canyon
c. plants and animals
d. the Colorado River
a. The Colorado River cut the Grand Canyon a long time ago.
b. Many people climb the Grand Canyon each year.
c. The Grand Canyon is 280 miles long and 6,000 feet deep.
d. Many plants and animals live in the beautiful and popular Grand Canyon.


EXERCISE A Use words from the box to complete the paragraph.

overseas application applying

reason require
photos in addition to visa
unusual postpone

Traveling Overseas

People from some countries get their passports when they’re young. But in
the US, many people don’t have a passport. The most common O_____________
to get a passport in the US is to travel ©_____ _________ Before they travel,
people go to the post office to get a passport ©_______________©_______________
filling out the application, they must get a copy of their birth certificate and
tvVO 81ua11 @_________ _____ for the passport. A passport is usually the only
document Americans need to travel outside the US for a short time. But some
countries also ©______________ a travel visa. It takes around six weeks for
people to receive their passport or travel ©______________ in the mail. Some
people don’t know this and ©______________ filling out their application until
the last minute. @______________ for a passport is ®_______________for many
Americans, but when they finally have their passport, it’s good for 10 years.


EXERCISE B Choose the best answer.

1. Bill: What did you see at the museum?

Tim: We saw many im portant____ from World War II.
a. detergents
b. holidays
c. documents
2. Jane: W hat are your favorite kinds of books?
Rick: I like to read about early American_____
a. history
b. reason
c. chance
3. Capt Slater: Where are your BDUs, lieutenant?
Lt Williams: I’m sorry, sir, I ____ them in my other suitcase.
a. shot
b. fell
c. left
4. Jim: How long does it take to graduate from this school?
Tom: Most students____ their diplomas in six months.
a. notice
b. earn
c. invite
5. Bill: W hat’s your favorite American____ ?
Tim: I think I like Christmas Day the most. I love to get presents.
a. holiday
b. history
c. museum
6. Gloria: What happened this morning? I ____ that you looked upset.
Sarah: Well, I thought that I failed my test, but I got an 85!
a. applied
b. earned
c. noticed


7. Joe: What time do you have to go to work tomorrow?
Dean: The captain____ me to report for duty at 0700.
a. noticed
b. applied
c. ordered
8. Bill: W hat____ is the country of Russia on?
Tim: It’s part of Europe and Asia.
a. continent
b. museum
c. invitation
9. Sally: Why was Mary late to class?
Carol: I don’t know. She didn’t tell me th e ____ .
a. reason
b. order
c. while
10. Peter: Did you buy that beautiful necklace for your wife’s birthday?
Bob: No, I liked it a lot, but it w as____ expensive.
a. unusually
b. pleasantly
c. naturally
11. Jeff: When did you get your____ to go to the US?
Dan: I got them on Friday after our morning briefing.
a. orders
b. friends
c. photos
12. Glen: What do you want to do today?
Mike: Let’s rent a car and take a ____ in the country.
a. visa
b. ride
c. life
13. Maggie: Why did all my plants die?
Tom: They’r e ____ because I forgot to water them while you were gone.
a. dead
b. alive
c. left


EXERCISE C Match the best ending to make a complete sentence.

1. There’s lots of ice a. his death.

2. We’ll meet at b. in Antarctica.
3. An accident caused c. usual foods.
4. I’m happy to be d. lives.
5. Bread and rice are e. a photograph.
6. I want to take f. around 8:00.
7. Doctors save g- Asia.
8. China is in h. alive.
9. I’ll study for i. travel by air.
10. They like to j- a while.

EXERCISE D Put the words in the correct order, and write the sentences.

1. else / the accident / did / see / anyone / ?

2. like / to go / we’d / else / somewhere / .

3. came / else / the meeting / nobody / to / .

4. else / could / have /something /we / please / ? / ,

5. can’t / anything / do / we / else / we get orders / until / .


EXERCISE E Finish the sentences about plans that changed. Add but
Use the words in parentheses (). Use the connect verb tense. You may have to add words.
1. They were going to have a picnic, (it / rain)

2. Tom wasn’t going to eat more dessert, (pie / look extremely delicious)

3. Jim wasn’t going to join the military, (he / change his mind)

4. We weren’t going to buy a new car, ( it / be so cheap)

5. Sally was going to call her friends, (she / lose their phone number)

6. I was going to buy tickets for the game, (I / not have enough money)

EXERCISE F uomplete the sentences with your own ideas.

1. Sally was going to call her brother, but

2. Tom wasn’t going to slice the fresh bread, but

3. He was going to buy two tickets for the game, but

4. Jim was going to join the navy, but

5. , but she had to postpone
it because some friends came to visit.
6. , but he got a promotion.
7. , but we brought some potato
salad instead.
8. , but too many people
were waiting in line to buy a ticket.
EXERCISE G Fill in the chart with information from the text.
(in millions)

25 22

New York

The Top Ten in Population

The ten cities of the world with the highest populations are on only two
continents: Asia and North America. Six of the world’s largest cities are in Asia,
and the world’s largest city is Tokyo, Japan. It has about 36.5 million people. Osaka
is another large city in Japan with a population of 17.5 million. The second largest
city in Asia is Seoul, South Korea, with under 22 million people. Two Indian cities
also have large populations: 19 million people live in Mumbai, and 17.5 million live
in Delhi. One other large Asian city is Jakarta, Indonesia, with 18 million people.
North America is another continent that also has some of the largest cities in
the world. Two are in the United Sates, and one is in Mexico. The second largest
city in the world is New York City which has more than 22 million people. The
world’s third largest city is Mexico City. It used to be the biggest city in the world,
but now it has almost the same number of people as New York City. The third
largest city in North America is Los Angeles, California, with a population of 17.5
million people.


EXERCISE A Circle th e best answer.

1. Penicillin is a _____
a. drug
b. lab
c. muscle
2. The patient took h is ____ every four hours.
a. pharmacy
b. medication
c. allergy
3. T he____ returned the results to the doctor immediately.
a. lab
b. shot
c. tablet
4. is at 0700.
a. The clinic
b. Prescription
c. Sick call
5. Because I’m ____ to bananas, I don’t buy them.
a. ill
b. dizzy
c. allergic
6. Hospitals give patients th e ____ they need to get well.
a. flu
b. care
c. injury
7. SSgt Clark can’t put on his boots. His ankle is too____
a. swollen
b. allergic
c. dizzy


8. On the last day of school, the children are very noisy. The teacher often tells
them to _____
a. sign out
b. quiet down
c. sign in
9. The young man received m any____ in the car accident.
a. injuries
b. records
c. mirrors
10. John won’t be in class for a while. The doctor ordered two weeks of_____
a. blood pressure
b. bed rest
c. prescription
11. If I don’t eat all day, I g et_____
a. dizzy
b. pulled
c. swollen
12. Bill has heart trouble. He has to take a lot of____ an d _____ every day.
a. labs, records
b. clinics, muscles
c. pills, tablets
13. People who run a lot have strong leg____ .
a. mirrors
b. shots
c. muscles
14. Pat doesn’t look very happy. S he____ very sad.
a. seems
b. bleeds
c. wipes


BsMgsfflEiJsM Match each vocabulary item with its meaning.

1. record a. a place people go to for medical help

2. clinic b. information about a person
3. wipe c. not healthy
4. ill d. an order which a doctor writes for medication
5. aspirin e. a place to get prescriptions filled
6. mirror f. a drug for pain or fever
7. prescription g- to clean a dirty or wet area
8. pharmacy h. something we use to see our reflection

Use the words from the box to complete the text.

blood injured allergies treat bled appeared

clinic examined calm shot treatm ent prescribed
Last week my cat, Koko, _________himself when he fell from a tree. He
cut his ear, and i t _________ a lot. Koko wouldn’t ______________ down, so
I took him to the anim al___________ ______where Dr. Smith could_______________
After I signed in, I filled out a medical form. Some of the questions were How
old is your cat? Has your cat received______________ here before? Does your cat
have a n y______________ ?
Later, Dr. Smith carefully______________ Koko. He gave him a
______________ for the pain and wiped th e _______________from his ear.
Everything else______________ okay, but the doctor_______________some pills
to help Koko sleep. Afterwards, I thanked the doctor and went home.


EXERCISE D Read the sentence. Then choose the question it answers.

1. I need to get my prescription filled. 6. Yes. It’s penicillin.

a. When is your operation? a. Is this the lab?
b. Why is your nose bleeding? b. What’s my pulse?
c. Why are you going to the c. Is this a drug?
7. Because I’m very nervous.
2. I think I will, thanks.
a. Why is your blood pressure so
a. Do you want to lie down? high?
b. Did you go by yourself? b. Why are you bleeding?
c. Do you take a tablet every c. Why did you wipe the mirror?
8. Yes. Now they’re not making any
3. Dr. Blair will start at 0700. noise.
a. Whose seat is this? a. Are all of the students ill?
b. When is the operation? b. Did the children quiet down?
c. Who’s going to sick call? c. Are their ankles swollen?
4. Yes, I do. I take this pill every day. 9. I just ran three miles.
a. Are you going by yourself? a. Why is your pulse so fast?
b. Do they have your record? b. Is the laboratory on this floor?
c. Do you take any medication? c. Are your injuries serious?
5. I feel dizzy and have a fever. 10. In a notebook at the front desk.
a. Do you have any aspirin? a. What’s the doctor’s name?
b. When is sick call? b. Why did he go to the clinic?
c. What are your symptoms? c. Where do we sign in?


EXERCISE E Circle the correct word.
1. Paul appears ( nervous / nervously ) today.
2. Mary should go to the dentist ( regular / regularly ).
3. This bread is really ( good / w ell) for sandwiches.
4. Why does he drive so ( careless / carelessly )?
5. This cheese smells very ( strong /strongly ).
6. Andrew remained ( calm / calmly ) after the accident.
7. We heard a noise and went downstairs ( cautious / cautiously ).
8. Our team got ( lucky / luckily ) yesterday and won the game.

Underline the linking verbs._________

1. That dish smells delicious.

2. Robert looked upset after he talked with the boss.
3. I like wearing this fabric because it feels so soft.
4. The officer told us to remain calm in an accident.
5. I’ll tell you some news if you can keep quiet about it.
6. The children became loud after they ate the candy.
7. Basic training sounds difficult.
8. Food often tastes bad when you are ill.


EXERCISE G Complete the sentences with the correct reflexive pronoun.

Use myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, or themselves.

1. When did John m ake______________ a sandwich?
2. Mary burned______________ when she got too near the fire.
3. Jane, why are you so angry w ith______________ ?
4. Everyone, please help______________ to some cookies.
5. Little Mary is proud that she can tie her shoes______________ now.
6. I ______________ made sure that the iron was turned off.
7. Every hour, John gives______________ a five-minute break from studying.
8. My mother cooked all our m eals_______________
9. W e______________ have to make our own decisions in life.
10. The dog knows how to open the door and le t_______________outside.

EXERCISE H Change the phrase in ( ) to an -ly adjective or adverb.

1. I wash my h a ir_______________(every night)

2. Jim weighs him self_______________(once a day)
3. Paul takes a short break_______________(every hour)
4. Do you get that m agazine______________ ? (every month)
5. We take a ______________ trip to the country, (once a week)
6. The news comes on television_______________(once an hour)
7. It’s very dry here, so we need to water our law ns_______________(every day)
8. Doctors recommend a ______________ flu shot for patients, (once a year)


EXERCISE I Use the information in the text to select the inference.

1. Jane and Tim live in San Antonio, Texas. They had company over on Friday
night. Jane fixed a nice meal while Tim showed their guests the house and
the yard. After dinner, the guests showed Jane and Tim pictures of their
families and their small town. The guests talked about the ways their town
was different from San Antonio. They also talked about the trouble they were
having with the language and new traditions. Everyone enjoyed the evening.
The guests probably_____
a. got tired of talking.
b. come from another country.
c. left Jane and Tim’s house late.
d. want more dessert.
2. Just ten minutes ago, a car which was going too fast didn’t stop at the
intersection and hit another car. Everyone heard the sounds of tires stopping
quickly and glass breaking. Afterwards, the two drivers couldn’t get out of their
cars. The people on the street ran to see if the drivers were okay. Both drivers
were hurt, so one man made a call on his cell phone.
What will probably happen next?
a. Someone will have an operation.
b. Someone will sweep up the glass.
c. The drivers will get out of their cars.
d. An emergency vehicle will arrive.
3. All the doctors and nurses arrived and washed their hands very carefully.
Everyone checked the machines to be sure that they worked. The nurses laid
clean tools on a small table near the doctor. Then they gave the patient some
strong medication. The patient was asleep at 9:00, and they were ready to
What does this paragraph describe?
a. a patient asking questions during an examination
b. doctors and nurses getting ready for an operation
c. nurses recording medical information for doctors
d. medical personnel taking a patient’s blood pressure


EXERCISE J Read the text. Then write its topic and main idea.

A Good Sign
Hand signs can have a variety of thumbs-down, or weapons-down, sign.
meanings in different countries. For If they wanted the gladiator to die, they
example, in some places, moving your gave the thumbs-up, or weapons-up,
fingers up and sign. After many
down together years, the signs
means goodbye. exchanged
In other meanings.
countries, it US pilots
means come started using
here. People in the thumbs-up
the US hand signal
frequently use during World
hand signs m m War II to show
while they are their mechanics
talking or Wm
¥Jm that they were
instead of U ready to take
talking. One off. Now US
popular hand sign is the “thumbs-up” magazine and newspaper writers use
sign. Americans often say something is the hand sign frequently to say that a
okay or good by closing their fingers and movie or restaurant is good or bad. A
raising their thumb. picture of a thumb pointing up means
Hand signs usually have an good, and a thumb pointing down means
interesting history, and the thumbs-up bad.
sign does, too. The thumbs-up and In some countries the thumbs-up
thumbs-down signs started in Rome long sign is rude. In other countries it’s the
ago. At that time, people liked to watch sign for counting the number one.
soldiers and animals fight to the death Thumbs up may have more than one
for entertainment. They called the meaning around the world, but in the
soldiers gladiators. If the fans wanted US, a thumbs-up sign means everything
the gladiator to live, they gave the is okay.




EXERCISE A Select the sentence with the correct word order.

1. a. How does it snow often in San Antonio?

b. How often does it snow in San Antonio?
2. a. We use usually black polish on our boots.
b. We usually use black polish on our boots.
3. a. The DI’s instructions are always clear.
b. The DFs instructions always are clear.
4. a. Trainees don’t go home ever during basic training.
b. Trainees don’t ever go home during basic training.
5. a. Have you ever swept a floor?
b. Have you swept ever a floor?
6. a. We frequently march early in the morning.
b. We march frequently early in the morning.
7. a. Don’t be ever late!
b. Don’t ever be late!
8. a. She can understand never anything I say.
b. She can never understand anything I say.

EXERCISE B Read and complete the dialogs below.

For each dialog, use the correct form of the underlined word in the blank.
1. A: Clark has collected stamps since he was twelve years old.
B: How large is h is __________________ ?
2. A: W ho__________________ the trainees on weapons safety?
B: Sgt Miller gave the instruction.
3. A: Lt Collins__________________ the new mess hall easily.
B: Yes, it’s one of the easiest locations to find on the base.
4. A: Were you all confused by the last question on the test?
B: Yes, there was a lot of__________________ about that item.
EXERCISE C Read the paragraph. Then select the topic and the main idea.
A Military Meeting
A briefing is a special kind of meeting where a person gives a group information
clearly. Briefings are very common in the military. They follow certain rules and are
often short, usually 5 to 15 minutes. The speaker is friendly but usually doesn’t try
to be funny or entertain the listeners. People don’t ask questions during the briefing,
but they have time to ask any questions at the end of the briefing. In the military,
there are different kinds of briefings. For example, there are briefings which just
give information, there are briefings which ask people to make a decision, and there
are briefings which help workers understand what the boss wants to happen.
Briefings are a very useful way of exchanging information in the military.
a. the military
b. questions
c. information
d. briefings
a. Briefings should be short and friendly.
b. Briefings are a good way to give information.
c. Speakers give listeners time to ask questions.
d. There are several kinds of briefings.

EXERCISE D Match the words that belong together.

Number 8 has two correct answers.
1. training a. range
2. shoe b. mop
3. hot c. attention
4. firing d. trainee
5. basic e. polish
6. fall f. iron
7. at g- instructor
8. wet h. in
EXERCISE E Choose the best answer.
1. Someone spilled a drink. Please get th e _____ .
a. iron
b. broom
c. brush
d. mop
2. Mr. Lemon is very_____ , but you’ll learn a lot in his class.
a. tough
b. physical
c. strong
d. correct
3. Mike climbs a rope_____ Jim.
a. more easily than
b. most easily
c. easily than
d. the most easily
4. I’m supposed to sweep the floor, but I can’t find the
a. iron
b. mop
c. broom
d. instruction
5. The teacher never raises her voice. She never____
a. drills
b. polishes
c. sweats
d. yells
6. Don’t let anyone enter the building._____ the door.
a. Guard
b. Drill
c. Mop
d. Polish
7. Howard drives_____ of all the drivers.
a. the more cautiously
b. most cautiously than
c. more cautiously than
d. the most cautiously
8. When people are unhappy with something, they often a lot.
a. instruct
b. complain
c. march
d. sweep
9. The army trainees must obey th e ir____ orders.
a. mess hall’s
b. doctor’s
c. drill sergeant’s
d. cadet’s
10. Please_____ the other students in Room 212.
a. join
b. drill
c. attend
d. yell at
11. Dan studies Arabic_____ Tim.
a. less regularly
b. less regularly than
c. the least regularly
d. least regularly than
12. We cannot park near the building. We must keep th a t__ clear.
a. break
b. drill
c. area
d. guard
13. Your shirt looks like you slept in it. You need to _____ it.
a. polish
b. iron
c. dry
d. join
14. The mess hall is one of the easiest_____ to find on base.
a. locations
b. located
c. locates
d. locating


15. After you sweep the floor,____ it with soap and water.
a. polish
b. iron
c. drill
d. mop
16. T he_____ have 300 beds.
a. irons
b. dorms
c. mops
d. guards
17. I want to _____ a military school after this course.
a. complain
b. polish
c. sweep
d. attend
18. Trainees shoot their rifles at th e _____
a. dorm
b. firing range
c. dining hall
d. briefing
19. We had no problems._____ went well.
a. Anything
b. Something
c. Everything
d. Nothing
20. A ____ will become an officer after graduation.
a. trainee
b. guard
c. TI or DI
d. cadet
21. I had to _____ under the fence to get to the other side.
a. crawl
b. swim
c. sweep
d. march


22 . exercise helps keep people in shape.
a. Relaxed
b. Expensive
c. Physical
d. Quiet
23. After I _____ the floor several times, my hands were red.
a. entered
b. marched
c. drilled
d. scrubbed
24. If you want those boots to shine,_____ them!
a. polish
b. guard
c. join
d. mop
25. Basic trainees usually wear _
a. PT
b. TIs
c. BDUs
d. DIs
26. Lucy laughs_____ Robert.
a. the most loudly
b. most loudly than
c. more loudly than
d. the more loudly
27 Don’t go in! The sign says Do Not_____ .
a. Join
b. Enter
c. Sweep
d. Drill
28. We march very well because the instructors_____ us again and again.
a. drilled
b. guarded
c. joined
d. swept


EXERCISE A Listen to the question, and select the best answer.

1. I like_____
a. chocolate
b. mayonnaise
c. ketchup
d. barbecue
2. I’m going to buy som e____ and soda.
a. steak
b. cheese
c. wine
d. sauce
3. Yes, there are som e____ in the refrigerator.
a. dinner rolls
b. cheese slices
c. cold drinks
d. fresh vegetables
4. I’d like____ , please.
a. chocolate, pickles, and rolls
b. mustard, cheese, and mayonnaise
c. strawberries, pickles, and steaks
d. potato salad, sauce, and wine
5. I usually put some good_____on it and then cook it.
a. wedding cake
b. barbecue sauce
c. fresh strawberries
d. potato salad
6. Sure. Please buy two m ore_____
a. bags
b. steaks
c. gifts
d. rolls


EXERCISE B Give advice using ought to or should (not).

1. Mary hasn’t seen her brother in a long time. (call him)

2. I borrowed Helen’s radio, and I broke it. (tell her right away)

3. My car won’t start. I don’t know what to do. (call the garage)

4. Tom is coughing a lot. (smoke so much)

Show obligation using be supposed to.

1. What will Jane and Rick bring to the party tonight? (bring the drinks)

2. I never bring my book to class. (bring it every day)

Underline the correct word in parentheses ().________________

Ron: Are you going (anywhere / nowhere) this evening?

Bob: No. Let’s go (somewhere / anywhere). I haven’t been (nowhere / anywhere)
in a month.
Ron: Is there (somewhere / nowhere) special you’d like to go?
Bob: No. (Nowhere/Anywhere).
Ron: Okay! How about that new restaurant near the stadium? I’ve heard there’s
(nowhere / anywhere) better. It has a TV, so we can watch the football
Bob: That’s great, but I have some work to finish first. I can’t go (somewhere /
anywhere) right now. Give me the address, and I’ll meet you there later.


EXERCISE E Choose the best word to complete the sentence.

1. We’ve been married 25 years. O u r____ is this Friday.

a. honeymoon
b. anniversary
c. tradition
d. ceremony
2. I bought tw o____ of chips for my friend’s party.
a. dishes
b. bars
c. bottles
d. bags
3. How m any____ of meat do you want on this sandwich?
a. slices
b. guests
c. clubs
d. bags
4. Bill: May 1 have one of those?
Tim: Sure______
a. Help yourself
b. Take a rain check
c. Have them over
d. Look them up
5. He saw someone____ the classroom.
a. above
b. under
c. outside
d. between
6. When did you buy these rolls? They’re already_____
a. fresh
b. afraid
c. inside
d. stale
7. How much water can this bottle____ ?
a. barbecue
b. miss
c. hold
d. mop


8. How many are you inviting to the party?
a. guests
b. pickles
c. animals
d. babies
9. Bill: How many children do you have?
Tim: _____four.
a. I’ve gotten
b. I got
c. I’ve got
d. I am
10. Bill: Where did Jim go?
T im :_____He’s in the other room watching TV.
a. Any longer
b. Nowhere
c. Somewhere
d. No longer
11. How do I become a member of that sports____ c<
a. club
b. dorm
c. cuff
d. ring
12. Bill: How did you know about the party?
Tim: Mary called me the day_____
a. around
b. outside
c. inside
d. before
13. Bob and Tom____ just to say hi.
a. had over
b. fell in
c. dropped in
d. put aside


14. Bill: I’m getting married on Sunday.
Tim: That’s great. Where are you going on your
a. physical
b. ceremony
c. honeymoon
d. luncheon
15. Bill: W hat’s your favorite fruit?
T im :_____
a. Barbecues
b. Strawberries
c. Mayonnaise
d. Chocolate
16. Marie: Have you seen John and Linda this week?
Tony: No. Let’s _____
a. have them over
b. hold them up
c. have got them
d. turn them down
17. Bill: Is there something .____that box?
Tim: I don’t know. Let’s open it and see.
a. before
b. inside
c. outside
d. afterward
18. Bill: Let’s leave at 2:00 on Friday.
Tim: I can’t. The boss is ____ a meeting, and I need to be there.
a. canceling
b. inviting
c. celebrating
d. holding
19. T he____ came in the mail yesterday.
a. celebration
b. company
c. anniversary
d. invitation


EXERCISE F Match each question to the best response.

I’d have a big party
with friends.

1. What would you like to drink?

2. Can you and Charles come to a barbecue on Saturday?
3. Who is that man walking with Mrs. Burton?
4. Can you help me carry the drinks outside?
5. What is A1 going to do this summer?
6. What would you do on your birthday when you were a child?

f. Coffee would be
He’d like to get fine, thanks.
a job overseas. e.
I’m afraid we won’t
be able to.


Listen to the question and select the best answer.

1. I had to _____
a. complete a visa application
b. throw away my old passport
c. buy new office furniture
d. clean the floors in the barracks
2. Yes. You’re lucky to b e _____
a. married
b. alive
c. retired
d. rich
3. I worked a lot an d _____it.
a. cashed
b. earned
c. guarded
d. guessed
4. Because he didn’t like m y_____
a. service
b. roommate
c. medicine
d. reason
5. 2 , 000 .

a. Behind
b. Around
c. Between
d. Across
6. We went to the downtown.
a. museum
b. restaurant
d. hospital
e. stadium


EXERCISE B Answer the questions with No and was/were going to.
Use words in parentheses () and the correct form of the verbs. Number 1 is an example.
1. Did John study last night? (he / fall asleep)
No, he was going to (study) but he fell asleep.____________
2. Did you and Jane go to the beach last Saturday? (it / rain)
, but _
3. Did you and your friend go downtown last week? (we / have to study)
, b u t__________________________
4. Did you call Tim yesterday? (I / forget)
5 Did your children watch that funny TV show last night? (it / be on too late)
______________________________________, b u t__________________________

EXERCISE C Put the words in the correct order and write the sentences.

1. called / else / this / no one / afternoon /

2. I / to eat / something / need / else / .

3. anything 111 get / you / else / there / is / can / ?

4. never / anywhere / I’ve / lived / except / else / San Antonio / .


EXERCISE D Fill in the blanks with words from the box.

require noticed
ride unusual dead
ordered photos
usual around was going to
unusually in addition to

1. Since I was a small child, I’ve always wanted to take a ______________ on a

2. I’ve read that there are some really______________ animals in the ocean.
3. Have you ever______________ that there’s a face on the moon?
4. Most jobs that pay w ell______________ a high school diploma and bachelor’s
5. My sister______________ join the army, but now she’s interested in joining the
6. In the past, most fam ily______________ were in black and white.
7. We’re having______________ cold weather this winter.
8. Mary would like to buy some music CDs______________ some new English
9. When I came back from vacation, all of my house plants w ere_______________
10. There a re ______________ 250 students who attend our school.
11. The captain______________ everyone to stand at attention.
12. T he______________ winter weather in Canada is snowy and cold.


EXERCISE E Circle the best answer.
1. Where can I ____ for a visa?
a. afford
b. wrap
c. retire
d. apply
2. Famous Americans sometimes get their picture on stamps after they _
a. close
b. die
c. dial
d. oil
3. University students study for about four years before th ey ____ their
a. drive
b. drill
c. guard
d. earn
4. After the accident, the doctors had to work hard to keep the patient_
a. alive
b. full
c. dead
d. afraid
5. You need a good camera if you want to take beautiful_____
a. appliances
b. celebrations
c. pedestrians
d. photographs
6. Sarah: You didn’t come to the party last night. What happened?
Julie: I’m sorry, I don’t have a good_____I just forgot.
a. chance
b. reason
c. future
d. opinion


7. My friend drove me home because I ____ my house keys inside my car.
a. died
b. left
c. sliced
d. lived
8. I forgot to get m y____ early, so I couldn’t leave the country on time.
a. visa
b. broom
c. area
d. land
9. I love to try new food and hear new languages when I go_____
a. holiday
b. history
c. overseas
d. museum
10. Some people say that cats have nin e____ because they never get hurt when
they fall.
a. lives
b. deaths
c. meals
d. rides
11. It stopped raining, so the coach didn’t have to ____ the important soccer game.
a. postpone
b. celebrate
c. instruct
d. bargain
12. Which two words have opposite meanings?
a. briefing, meeting
b. mop, clean
c. anniversary, celebration
d. death, life
13. Sergeant Michaels got____ for his overseas assignment.
a. history
b. orders
c. holidays
d. applications


14. Does this jo b ____ a driver’s license?
a. require
b. notice
c. order
d. guard
15. To enter this school, you’ll need to bring several_____
a. rain checks
b. documents
c. statements
d. continents
16. The United States is on w h at____ ?
a. highway
b. company
c. holiday
d. continent
17. Tom: What was your favorite class in high school?
B i l l : _____
a. History
b. Death
c. Report
d. Future
18. US President George Washington was born in 1732 an d ____ in 1799.
a. ordered
b. applied
c. lived
d. died
19. We keep some old, beautiful, famous, and important items in
a. restaurants
b. countries
c. museums
d. stations


EXERCISE A Write the letter of the answer that matches the question.

Because she was crying She’s the doctor
a lot and wouldn’t quiet who’s operating
down. on me next
month. He ordered me to
wipe the water
from the table.

1. Why did you choose this hospital?

2. What did the DI order you to do?
3. Why is your daughter’s face so red?
4. What did the doctor do for you?
5. Why are we staying home tonight? Because they
6. Who’s doctor Smith? give the best
and newest
treatm ent her

Because I’m not He examined my
feeling well, and I injuries and gave me
need to lie down. some pills.


EXERCISE B Complete th e sentences w ith reflexive pronouns .
Use myself, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, or themselves.
1. Jane: Do they ever go b y _________________ to the movies?
Beth: Anna never goes b y _________________ , but Jim usually goes by

2. Do you like my dress? I made i t _________________

3. Bob: How did you g et_________________ ready for the trip overseas?
Lee: We planned the trip, got_________________ passports, and applied
for visas.
4. People can stay well by exercising, eating well, and taking care of

5. Ja n e_________________ wrote the letter to the newspaper.

6. Mary: How did you h u rt_________________ ?
Ron: I c u t_________________ with a sharp knife.
7. That dog is looking a t _________________ in the mirror.
8. H al_________________ cooked dinner and invited us to come over.


EXERCISE C Use an -ly adverb or adjective to complete the sentences.

1. I take these pills_______________(every night)

2. He has to go to the clinic_______________(every day)
3. They must review the records_______________(once a month)
4. Bob gets a ______________ checkup, (once a year)
5. We have to wash our clothes_______________(once a week)
6. My dad likes to watch th e ______________ news, (each night)

EXERCISE D Complete the sentences with a linking verb from the box.

Use the correct verb form. Try to use each word only once.
appear be become sound seem
get keep taste smell

1, Don’t tell Jane about the surprise party. She can never.
2. A1_______________________ sick today. He should go home early.
3. These strawberries w ill_______________________ great with fresh cream.
4. My brother_______________________ happy because he’s smiling.
5. Pat has a red face. H e_______________________ angry.
6. Tom called me at 4:00 in the morning, and h e _______________________ very
7. People should take care of themselves if they want to ______________________
healthy and live longer.
8. If you eat a good breakfast, you won’t _______________________ tired before
9. Fresh bread_______________________ delicious when it comes out of the oven.


EXERCISE E Circle the best answer.

1. You need to rem ain____ when someone takes your photo.

a. still
b. basic
c. easy
d. dizzy
2. You should rest, Mary. You____ tired.
a. seem
b. treat
c. doubt
d. mind
3. Which words go together?
a. dead, climate
b. fresh, airline
c. tough, midnight
d. ankle, sprained
4. Which two words have opposite meanings?
a. instruct, teach
b. prescribe, give
c. apply, fill out
d. injure, treat
5. When I stood up quickly, I felt_____
a. humid
b. local
c. dizzy
d. spare
6. After Major Green’s operation, his doctor prescribed two weeks of
a. laboratory
b. ankle bone
c. allergies
d. bed rest


7. Which two words have similar meanings?
a. seem, appear
b. enter, leave
c. slice, guess
d. earn, lose
8. Doctors tried to help the man quickly because he w as____ a lot from his
a. bleeding
b. bathing
c. pushing
d. inflating
9. Doctors often send patients’ blood to _____
a. barns
b. dens
c. stores
d. labs
10. Some people don’t like to ta k e ____ when they’re sick. They like to use natural
treatm ents instead.
a. drinks
b. drugs
c. breaks
d. records
11. If you’re in an emergency and upset, the first thing you should do is _____
a. turn down
b. get back
c. calm down
d. pass out
12. can be a tablet or a pill.
a. Blood
b. A mirror
c. An aspirin
d. Labs


EXERCISE F Fill in the blanks with words from the box.

sprained pulled flu

prescribed laboratory pharmacies
mirror social security number penicillin

1. The first medication didn’t help, so the doctor_______________________

another kind.
2. I had to stop exercising for a few days because I _______________________
a muscle.
3. The doctor called me after he got the tests back from th e ___________________
4. Some people believe that they’ll have seven years of bad luck if they break
a _______________________
5. Doctors often prescribe_______________________ for their patients.
6. All workers in the US must have a _______________________
7. M any_______________________ in the US have drive-thru service. This means
that people can get their medicine without leaving their cars.
8. Jacob fell down on the ice an d _______________________ his ankle.
9. The doctor prescribed a lot of bed rest because I have th e ___________________


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Am erican Language Course

The American Language Course is a comprehensive, multilevel program

for adults that teaches English for vocational and professional purposes.
The ALC is designed primarily for intensive English language training in
a classroom setting, but it can be adapted for slower-paced instruction. A
significant feature of the ALC is the inclusion of basic military topics and
Using traditional methods of language teaching as well as contemporary
communicative approaches, the ALC’s presentation is systematic and
carefully sequenced to ensure that learners can build on previously acquired
knowledge. Photographs, illustrations, charts, and tables explain vocabulary
and grammar, while dialogs and student-centered activities introduce and
reinforce language functions and skills. Each book is supplemented by an
instructional package that includes the following:
• Instructor text
• Student text
• Language laboratory activities text with audio scripts and answer keys
• Audio recordings
• Computer-delivered interactive multimedia instruction (IMI)
• Quiz kit
• Optional training aids
The ALC’s second edition features a completely revised student text with
an accompanying instructor text. Instructor notes offer detailed guidelines
for presenting classroom exercises, supplemental activities, and pertinent
cultural information. A variety of teaching strategies are provided to keep
students motivated and enliven the classroom.

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