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Business overview

Business viability

Based on the information provided, I believe the idea of creating an online platform
called uniconnect has the potential to be viable. Here are three pieces of data from
adjacent industries to support this opinion:

1. Revenue potential: Similar online platforms in the education industry, such as

college review websites and online course marketplaces, have demonstrated
substantial revenue potential. For example, according to Statista, the global e-
learning market size was valued at $144 billion in 2019 and is projected to
reach $375 billion by 2026. This indicates a growing demand for online
education-related services, including platforms connecting students with

2. Market size: The global higher education market is vast and continues to
grow. According to Research and Markets, the global higher education market
was valued at $2.03 trillion in 2019 and is expected to reach $2.65 trillion by
2027. This indicates a significant market opportunity for a platform like
uniconnect that aims to provide accurate information and connections for
students seeking higher education options.

3. Success of similar platforms: There are already successful platforms that

connect students with colleges and universities. For instance, platforms like
Common App and Naviance have gained popularity by providing students
with a centralized application process and access to college resources. This
demonstrates that there is a demand for such platforms and suggests that
uniconnect could find success by offering unique features and services.

This is just an opinion, not business advice. More analysis is available in the other
reports on this page.

Business overview

Problem: The current process of researching and applying to colleges is

overwhelming and lacks transparency, leaving students unsure about their options
and making it difficult for colleges to reach their target audience.

Solution: Our eureka moment came when we realized that there is a need for a
centralized platform that connects students with colleges worldwide, providing
accurate and up-to-date information. Our unique value proposition lies in our ability
to gather and verify information directly from colleges, ensuring that students have
access to reliable data to make informed decisions. This platform will not only
increase college visibility but also allow students to connect with alumni for
guidance, creating a supportive community.

Why now: The current situation has highlighted the need for online solutions in the
education sector. With travel restrictions and limited access to physical college fairs,
students are seeking alternative ways to explore their higher education options. Our
platform addresses this need by providing a comprehensive and accessible online

Market potential: Our target customers are students seeking higher education and
colleges worldwide. The market potential is significant, as there are millions of
students globally who are looking for accurate and reliable information about
colleges. By connecting colleges with their target audience, we create a win-win
situation for both parties.

Competition/alternatives: There are existing platforms that provide college

information, but they often lack accuracy and rely on user-generated content. Our
direct competitors include platforms that offer similar services, but our advantage lies
in our direct contact with colleges, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the
information provided. Indirect competitors include traditional college fairs and
recruitment agencies.

Business model: Our business model revolves around charging fees to both colleges
and students for access to the platform. Colleges will pay for increased visibility and
the ability to connect with potential students, while students will pay for access to
accurate information and the opportunity to connect with alumni for guidance.

Team: Our founding team consists of experienced individuals with a background in

education, technology, and business. We have a deep understanding of the pain
points in the college application process and the expertise to build and scale a
successful platform.

Financials: As a startup, we are currently in the early stages of development and do

not have financial data to share at this time.

Vision: In five years, we envision uniconnect as the go-to platform for students
worldwide to explore and connect with colleges. We aim to have a comprehensive
database of colleges, providing accurate and up-to-date information. Additionally, we
plan to expand our services to include features such as virtual campus tours and
personalized college recommendations, further enhancing the college search
experience for students.

Market research
Trends in the market sector

Market trends that would affect the business of uniconnect are as follows:

1. Increasing demand for international education: There is a growing trend of

students seeking higher education opportunities abroad. According to the
UNESCO Institute for Statistics, the number of internationally mobile students
reached 5.3 million in 2017, and this number is expected to continue rising.
This trend indicates a significant market opportunity for uniconnect to cater to
the needs of students looking for accurate information and connections with
colleges worldwide.

2. Shift towards online platforms for college search: The internet has
revolutionized the way students search for colleges. According to a survey by
the National Association for College Admission Counseling, 86% of students
use online resources as their primary source of information during the college
search process. This shift towards online platforms presents a favorable
environment for uniconnect to establish itself as a trusted source of accurate
and comprehensive information for students.

3. Increasing importance of alumni networks: Alumni networks play a crucial role

in the college decision-making process for students. According to a survey by
the Council for Advancement and Support of Education, 80% of students
consider alumni networks when choosing a college. By providing a platform
for students to interact with alumni, uniconnect can tap into this trend and
enhance its value proposition. This feature can help students gain insights
and guidance from alumni, increasing their confidence in making informed

Overall, the market trends of increasing demand for international education, the shift
towards online platforms for college search, and the growing importance of alumni
networks present favorable conditions for the success of uniconnect.

Launch and scale

MVP Roadmap

MVP: The Minimum Viable Product for uniconnect would be a basic online platform
that allows students to search for colleges, view basic information such as location,
programs offered, and admission requirements. It should also provide a way for
colleges to create profiles and showcase their offerings.

10 Step Plan to Achieve the MVP:

1. Develop a database of colleges worldwide, including basic information such as

location, programs, and admission requirements.
2. Build a user-friendly search interface for students to easily find colleges based on
their preferences.
3. Create a registration system for colleges to create profiles and provide detailed
information about their institution.
4. Implement a verification process to ensure the accuracy of the information
provided by colleges.
5. Enable students to create profiles and save their favorite colleges for future
6. Integrate a messaging system to allow students to connect with alumni for
guidance and advice.
7. Implement a fee structure for both colleges and students to access the platform.
8. Develop a user-friendly interface for colleges to manage their profiles and update
9. Conduct user testing to gather feedback on the usability and effectiveness of the
10.Iterate on the MVP based on user feedback, adding additional features and
enhancements as necessary.

Developing and Iterating on the MVP: To develop and iterate on the MVP, a lean
and agile approach should be followed. This involves continuously gathering user
feedback, analyzing data, and making iterative improvements to the platform.
Regularly releasing updates and new features based on user needs and market
demand will help to refine the product over time.

Feedback Mechanisms: To gather customer input and insights, the following

feedback mechanisms can be used:

1. Conducting user surveys and interviews to understand user needs and pain
2. Monitoring user behavior and engagement metrics to identify areas for
3. Implementing a feedback form or chat support system within the platform for
users to provide direct feedback.
4. Engaging with users through social media channels and online communities
to gather insights and suggestions.

Prioritizing Features and Enhancements: To prioritize features and enhancements

based on customer needs and market demand, the following steps can be taken:

1. Analyzing user feedback and identifying common pain points or feature

2. Conducting market research to understand industry trends and competitor
3. Prioritizing features that align with the platform's core value proposition and
address the most pressing user needs.
4. Considering the feasibility and impact of each feature or enhancement in
terms of development resources and potential market value.
5. Regularly reviewing and updating the prioritization based on new feedback
and market dynamics.

Business introduction
This company is for students who are unsatisfied with the current market
options for finding accurate information about colleges worldwide. This idea
is a new online platform called uniconnect that provides a comprehensive
and reliable resource for students to make informed decisions about higher
education. Unlike existing options, uniconnect charges fees to both
colleges and students for access, ensuring the platform's sustainability and
increasing college visibility. Key features of uniconnect include official
contact with colleges to gather and verify information, as well as the ability
for students to interact with alumni for guidance.

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