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Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

Dosen : Bapak Purwanto Hudi
Nama : Tri Rahayu Ninda Larasati
NIM : 22010410074
Prodi : Manajemen

I. Directions: Answer the questions below in good English Sentences

1. What's your name ?
Let me introduce myself. My name is Tri Rahayu Ninda Larasati, you can call me
2. What's your student registration number ?
My student registration number is 22010410074
3. Where do you come from ?
I come from Yogyakarta
4. What do you study in this university ?
I study management at this university
5. What do you want to be after completing your study in this university?
After finishing my studies at this university, I hope to work for a well-known company
and continue my education at the postgraduate level. 

II. Directions: Write free sentences in the contexts of your own Department/Study Program
(AP, TL,TI,TP, Mjn, or Hkm) as follow.
A. Present Progressive Tense 5 sentences
1. I am an employee at PT Juara Muda Nusantara now.
2. Dani is studying management products.
3. Ninda and Ana are currently preparing for their meeting.
4. They are loosening the documents.
5. Tyas is a secretary now.
B. Simple Present Tense 5 sentences
1. Rara always plans a work schedule.
2. Angga studies management everyday.
3. I never arrive late for work. 
4. Every morning, Gita checks the document.
5. Sometimes, they learned how to be nice to an employee.

C. Simple Past Tense 5 sentences

1. I updated the documents last night.
2. He used my computer to check the schedule yesterday.
3. She checked this file last morning.
4. Axcel copied the file last day.
5. They learned how to be an effective manager.

D. Present Perfect Tense 5 sentences

1. I have studied management consulting for 3 years.
2. She has just completed this file.
3. Iqbal has planned his schedule for work.
4. We have just checked these documents.
5. Bara has just copied this email.

E. Any sentences using to be 5 sentences

1. Andre is an employee.
2. Betty was a secretary.
3. I will be the manager next month.
4. They have been with the company since 2020.
5. This email has been forwarded to Kemal.

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