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The Effect of Chromium on the
Weldability and Microstructure
of Fe-Cr-Al Weld Cladding
The composition range of weldable alloys is identified along
with the potential beneficial role of carbides


ABSTRACT. Iron-aluminum-based weld welds could be obtained on some of the FeAl and/or Fe3Al intermetallics are sus-
cladding is currently being considered as cladding that contained the brittle inter- ceptible to cracking due to environmental
corrosion-resistant coatings for boiler metallic phases. This improvement in embrittlement.
tubes in coal-fired power plants. Although cracking resistance is attributed to the hy- Liu (Ref. 3) was one of the first inves-
these alloys could potentially be good drogen trapping potential of the carbide tigators to demonstrate that premature
coating candidates due to their excellent phases. Conversely, cracking was occa- cracking of FeAl and Fe3Al intermetallics
high-temperature corrosion resistance, sionally observed in high chromium/low is due to hydrogen embrittlement. In that
Fe-Al weld cladding is susceptible to aluminum alloys that did not exhibit any of work, the room-temperature ductility of
cracking due to hydrogen embrittlement the intermetallic phases. It is suggested FeAl and Fe3Al intermetallic alloys was
at elevated aluminum concentrations. Ad- that cracking in these alloys may be asso- investigated under carefully controlled
ditions of chromium to these iron- ciated with reaction of chromium and alu- environments. The FeAl and Fe3Al alloys
aluminum alloys have been shown to im- minum with water vapor in the arc that lib- each exhibited significant ductility (~12%
prove the corrosion resistance of the al- erates free hydrogen. elongation) when tensile tested under
loys and could potentially increase the high-vacuum or pure oxygen environ-
lifetimes of the coatings. The current Introduction ments (i.e., with no water vapor). The in-
study investigated the effect of chromium troduction of water vapor into the test
on the hydrogen cracking susceptibility of Iron-chromium-aluminum-based al- chamber decreased the ductility signifi-
Fe-Al weld cladding. The results showed loys are good candidates for corrosion- cantly down to 2–4%. Hydrogen embrit-
that chromium and aluminum are uni- resistant weld cladding because they ex- tlement of the intermetallic phases has
formly distributed in the cladding on both hibit excellent oxidation and sulfidation been attributed to their general lack of
a macroscopic and microscopic scale. The resistance in a wide range of high-temper- ductility coupled with the generation of
uniform microscopic distribution is attrib- ature environments. These alloys rely on hydrogen that occurs when aluminum re-
uted to the high diffusion rates of both aluminum and chromium additions acts with water vapor to liberate free hy-
chromium and aluminum in ferrite. The for increased corrosion protection, and it drogen via the reaction 2Al + 3H2O →
cracking susceptibility of these alloys is a has been shown that the corrosion resis- Al2O3 + 6H+ + 6e–.
strong function of the aluminum and tance of these alloys in simulated low NOx While many theories for hydrogen em-
chromium content of weld cladding. Ad- environments improved with an increase brittlement exist, the presence of hydro-
ditions of chromium to Fe-Al weld in the aluminum and chromium concen- gen in these alloys is expected to cause em-
cladding will decrease the amount of alu- trations1. Recent studies have indicated brittlement by significantly lowering the
minum that can be accommodated in the that Fe-Cr-Al-based alloys require ap- cleavage strength (Ref. 4). This type of
cladding before cracking occurs. The hy- proximately 7.5–10 wt-% aluminum and mechanism is also believed to be respon-
drogen cracking susceptibility of the welds chromium additions up to ~ 5 wt-% to re- sible for cracking observed in Fe-Al
was not linked exclusively to the formation main protective in a wide variety of low cladding that contains the intermetallic
of the inherently brittle intermetallic com- NOx-type atmospheres (Refs. 1, 2). Un- phases in which Al reacts with water vapor
pounds (Fe3Al and FeAl) as observed fortunately, work to date has shown that in the arc to liberate hydrogen. This, cou-
from previous results on Fe-Al weld weld cladding that contains the brittle pled with residual stresses from welding,
cladding. The presence of (Fe,Cr)xCy and can cause cracking in Fe-Al cladding that
(Fe,Al)3C type carbides was found to im- contains the FeAl and Fe3Al phases. For
prove the cracking resistance of the KEYWORDS example, it has previously been reported
cladding to the point where crack-free that Fe-Al cladding produced with both
Boiler Tubes the GTAW and GMAW processes were
J. R. REGINA, formerly a graduate student, is cur- Cladding
rently group leader of Welding and Fabrication at Corrosion Resistance 1. In this article, the nomenclature Fe-Al or Fe-Cr-
ExxonMobil, Houston, Tex. J. N. DUPONT is pro- Cracking Al is used to denote Fe-based alloys with additions
fessor, Materials Science and Engineering, and as- of Cr and/or Al without specific regard to the type
Hydrogen Embrittlement
sociate director, Energy Research Center; and A. of phases that form, while the FeAl and Fe3Al
R. MARDER is emeritus professor, Materials Sci- nomenclature is used to identify the corresponding
ence and Engineering, Lehigh University, Bethle- ordered intermetallics that can form in this alloy
hem, Pa. system at specific composition ranges.

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Fig. 1 — Cracking susceptibility of the weld cladding as a function of alu-

minum and chromium concentration.

subject to this cracking phenomenon when fect of Cr on the weld

the aluminum concentration in the weld de- cladding microstructure and
posit was greater than approximately corresponding cracking sus-
8–11%Al (Ref. 5), and this Al range repre- ceptibility of Fe-Al weld
sents the composition over which the inter- cladding under practical
metallics begin to form in the cladding. processing conditions with-
Cracks that formed on welds were observed out the use of preheat or
to penetrate through the thickness of the fu- postweld heat treatment.
sion zone where they stopped at the base The results of this work
metal. This type of cracking would provide forms the basis for identify-
direct paths through the corrosion-resistant ing Fe-Cr-Al cladding com-
weld coatings, and thus allow corrosive gas positions that can be used as
species to attack the underlying substrate. corrosion-resistant coatings.
Weld cladding containing these types of
cracks would essentially provide no corro- Experimental
sion protection at cracked areas and would Procedure
be unacceptable for these applications.
Other work (Refs. 6, 7) has shown that Single-pass gas tungsten
the use of a minimum 350°C preheat tem- arc (GTA) weld cladding
perature combined with postweld heat was deposited onto 4 × 12 ×
treating at a minimum of 750°C can be ¼ in. (102 × 305 × 6.4 mm)
used to alleviate the cracking in the weld A285C carbon steel using a
cladding. Experiments conducted under a dual wire feeder system with
controlled welding chamber has also commercially pure 1100 alu- Fig. 2 — LOM photomicrographs showing examples of typical
shown that reduction of the water vapor minum and 430 ferritic cracks observed in the cladding.
content helps eliminate the cracking. stainless steel filler metals.
However, these remedies are not practical A smaller matrix of welds
for most applications in which a relatively was prepared on a low-carbon experimen- may also provide a source of hydrogen as
large amount of surface area must be clad tal substrate. The chemical compositions it may be covered with a hydrated oxide.
for corrosion protection under industrial of the steel substrates and the filler metals Welds approximately 8 in. (∼200 mm) long
processing conditions. In these applica- are shown in Table 1. Welds with a wide were produced with a travel speed of 2
tions, the most practical route to avoiding range of aluminum and chromium con- mm/s, and welds were therefore produced
the problem is to identify weld compositions centrations were prepared by indepen- at an energy input of approximately 1210
that are resistant to cracking under pro- dently varying the feed rates of the two J/mm. The filler metal feed speeds were
cessing conditions that utilize typical shield- filler metal wires. The plate surfaces were then independently varied from 0 to 74
ing gases and no preheat or postweld heat ground using a SiC grinding wheel to re- mm/s to adjust the aluminum and
treatment. move any scale and to expose bare metal. chromium contents of the weld deposits.
In view of this, the influence of Cr on The weld deposits were produced using a The cracking behavior of the weld de-
the weldability of Fe-Al alloys warrants constant current power source at a fixed posits was investigated using a nonde-
further consideration. McKamey et al. current of 220 A. The voltage was con- structive dye penetration technique.
(Ref. 8) have shown that the ductility of al- trolled at approximately 11 V by main- Welds were allowed to cool and were left
loys exhibiting the intermetallic phases taining a constant arc length between the for at least 48 hours before testing for
can be improved significantly with Cr ad- tungsten electrode (∼4 mm diameter) and cracks. This was done to ensure sufficient
ditions, while more recent work (Refs. 9, the substrate. An argon shielding gas was time for cracking to occur, as welds sus-
10) has shown that Cr is also beneficial to used with a reported moisture content of ceptible to hydrogen cracking can require
corrosion resistance. Therefore, the ob- less than approximately 300 ppm. It an incubation period before cracks form
jective of this study is to determine the ef- should be noted that the Al filler metal within the weld (Refs. 11, 12). Weld


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Composition (wt-%)
cladding compositions were determined mately 5% HCl to reveal
using electron probe microanalysis the carbide microstruc- C
(EPMA) by taking several large-area ture. A microstructural
scans within the fusion zone of the weld replica was then pro-

Composition (wt-%)
(2–3 cm). Potential macrosegregation in duced by placing a drop
the welds was investigated with EPMA by of methyl acetate onto
measuring the chemical composition at the etched sample and
points spaced between 0.1 and 0.5 mm depositing a small
apart. Potential microsegregation of alloy- square of cellulose ac-
ing elements was investigated by measur- etate film onto the weld
ing the chemical composition across the metal surface. The
width of grains at 2-μm intervals. All methyl acetate allowed
EPMA data were collected at an acceler- for the cellulose acetate
ating voltage of 20 keV and a current of 50 to soften enough to pen-
nA. A phi (ρz) correction scheme was etrate into the mi-
used to correct for any absorption and flu- crostructural features of Fig. 3 — A — LOM photomicrograph showing location of EPMA traces
orescence of x-ray that occurs during the weld metal. A capil- on a Fe-2.7Cr-7.8Al weld; B — EPMA trace acquired from the weld sur-
EPMA collection. lary reaction between face to the substrate; C — EPMA trace acquired across the width of the weld.
Phase identification was conducted the cellulose acetate and
using x-ray diffraction (XRD) on a Bruker the weld metal resulted
AXS general area detector diffraction sys- in the extraction of car-
tem using Co Kα x-rays (λ= 1.78897 nm) bides present in the weld fusion zone. The remove the methyl acetate. Another cop-
over a 2Θ range of approximately 30–100 cellulose acetate film was then coated with per grid was used to remove the carbon
deg for times up to 2 h. Samples for XRD a thick layer of carbon using an evapora- film from the isopropyl alcohol, and it was
were ground with SiC paper to a 600-grit tion chamber, ensuring that the carbon left to dry on a mesh platinum drying rack.
finish and cleaned with acetone. Weld coat was applied to the side of the film that The copper grids containing the carbon
samples were removed in cross section, contained the particles from the weld film and carbides from the weld metal
mounted, and polished to a 0.01-μm SiO2 metal. The film was then submerged into were loaded into the transmission elec-
finish for light optical microscopy (LOM). a methyl acetate bath to allow the cellu- tron microscope (TEM) for analysis.
Samples were etched in a 4% picral solu- lose acetate to dissolve away, leaving be- Bright-field TEM images were taken at
tion containing a few drops of HCl for hind small carbon films suspended within 120 keV on a JEOL 420 TEM. Energy-
3–40 min. Measurements of the particle the solution. Copper grids were used to dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) was also
area fraction and number of particles per “catch” the carbon films floating in the performed on carbides using an accelerat-
unit area of weld were made using a methyl acetate solution, and they were ing voltage of 120 keV and a collection
LECO© quantitative image analysis transferred to an isopropyl alcohol bath to live-time of 60 s.
(QIA) system interfaced with a light opti-
cal microscope. Area fraction measure-
ments were assumed to be equivalent to Table 1 — Chemical Compositions of Filler Metals and Substrates Used in Welding Tests (wt-%)
volume fraction (Ref. 13). Scanning elec-
tron microscopy (SEM) was used to ob- Element Al Filler Metal Fe-Cr Filler A285 Grade C Low C
tain images of larger carbide particles at Metal Steel Substrate Steel Substrate
an accelerating voltage of 5 keV. Energy-
dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) was used to Fe 0.12 Balance Balance Balance
determine the chemical makeup of the Al Balance <0.001 0.031 <0.005
larger carbides and was taken using voltages Cr 0.011 16.63 0.086 <0.01
C 0.006 0.029 0.16 0.017
from 5 to 15 keV and a collection live time P 0.073 0.020 0.005 0.003
of approximately 100 s. S 0.001 0.003 0.001 0.003
Identification of fine-scale carbides Mn 0.011 0.32 0.52 <0.01
was performed by removing the carbide Cu 0.13 0.089 0.284 0.002
precipitates from the matrix using a car- Ni 0.009 0.20 0.148 0.02
bide extraction technique (Ref. 14). Weld Mo 0.003 0.034 0.055 <0.002
cladding samples were first etched in the Ti 0.013 <0.001 0.019 0.002
4% picral solution containing approxi- Si 0.36 0.33 0.043 <0.01

172 -s JUNE 2007, VOL. 86

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Concentration (wt-%)
Fig. 4 — A — LOM photomicrograph showing location of EMPA trace
conducted across a grain in a Fe-5.3Cr-11.0Al weld; B — EPMA trace ac-
quired across the grain.
Chromium Concentration (wt-%)

Fig. 5 — X-ray diffraction phase identification results of the cladding. The Fig. 6 — LOM photomicrograph of the (Fe,Al)3C carbides that were ob-
weldability boundary from Fig. 1 is superimposed on the results. served in welds with less than ~4 wt-% chromium.

Results and Discussion 15). Corrosion results of previous studies was a transition from the weld cladding
reported that Fe-Cr-Al alloys required ap- composition to the substrate composition.
Cracking Susceptibility and proximately 7.5–10% Al and chromium The partially mixed zones present in the
Microstructural Characterization additions up to approximately 5 wt-% Cr cladding were on the order of approxi-
to provide adequate corrosion protection mately 200 μm and did not significantly
Figure 1 shows the cracking suscepti- in simulated low NOx corrosion environ- deviate with the welding parameters.
bility of the weld cladding as a function of ments (Refs. 1, 2). The weldability results EPMA traces performed across the width
aluminum and chromium concentration. shown in Fig. 1 indicate crack-free of the weld fusion zones showed that the
The binary Fe-Al welds were deposited cladding should be obtainable with these weld cladding compositions remained
crack-free up to approximately 15 wt-% composition ranges under the current set constant through the width of the coat-
Al. Additions of chromium into the weld of processing conditions. ings. These results indicate there was good
decreased the amount of aluminum that A typical transverse cross section of the mixing between the two filler metal wires
could be accommodated before cracking Fe-2.7Cr-7.8Al (all values are in wt-%) and the substrate during weld deposition.
occurred. A typical example of the cracks weld cladding and the EPMA traces per- Microscopic segregation of alloying el-
observed in the cladding is shown in Fig. 2. formed on this sample can be seen in Fig. ements was investigated by performing
All the cracks were predominately trans- 3. EPMA traces taken from the weld sur- EPMA traces across entire weld grains at
granular with some small amount of inter- face into the underlying substrate showed 2-μm intervals. Typical results for weld
granular cracking, and this morphology is that the weld compositions remained con- cladding samples containing intermediate
consistent with hydrogen cracking of these stant through the fusion zone until the aluminum and chromium levels (Fe-
alloys observed in other research (Refs. 5, partially mixed zone (PMZ), where there 5.3Cr-11.0Al) are shown in Fig. 4. These


Regina 6 07 LAYOUT:Layout 1 5/8/07 3:40 PM Page 174

results show that the aluminum and intensity XRD peaks with
chromium concentrations are also evenly the reported powder diffrac-
distributed throughout the fusion zone on tion files for these mixed
a microscopic scale. Reference to the Fe- iron-chromium carbides
Cr-Al ternary liquidus projection (Ref. 16) (Ref. 19). Because there was
indicates that all the weld compositions in- very little molybdenum pre-
vestigated in this study will solidify as fer- sent within the filler metal
rite. The lack of any microsegregation in wires and the steel sub-
the weld cladding can be attributed to this strates, it was unlikely that
primary solidification mode. these carbides contained
It is well known that the diffusion rates any significant amount of
of chromium and aluminum are relatively Mo. Because both types of
high in ferrite when compared to austen- carbides were observed in
ite (Ref. 17). Thus, any solute redistribu- the weld samples and the ac-
tion that occurs during solidification can tual compositions of these
be homogenized during postsolidification carbides within the welds
cooling by back diffusion, which accounts were unknown, these types
for the uniform distribution of aluminum of carbides were collectively
and chromium shown in Fig. 4. referred to as (Cr,Fe)xCy.
As a result, these Fe-Cr-Al coatings The phase identification
should not experience any preferential results show that the inter-
corrosion when exposed to low NOx envi- metallic phases began to
ronments, which is typical of Ni-based and form at aluminum concen- Fig. 7 — Typical TEM image of the carbides observed in the welds
stainless steel alloys that experience mi- trations of approximately that had chromium contents greater than 4 wt-%.
crosegregation during welding (Ref. 18). 11% in the binary Fe-Al
Problems with corrosion-fatigue cracking weld cladding, which is in
in Ni-based alloys have been related to lo- agreement with the phases
calized preferential attack of the dendrite present within the Fe-Al
cores where the alloying elements needed phase diagram (Ref. 20).
for corrosion protection are low due to mi- Chromium additions ap-
crosegregation. Because the critical alloy- peared to moderately stabi-
ing elements required for corrosion pro- lize the ferrite phase, as in-
tection in Fe-Cr-Al weld cladding are creasing the chromium
homogeneously distributed, they should content of the weld caused
demonstrate improved resistance to this the intermetallic transfor-
form of corrosion-fatigue cracking. mation to occur at higher
The XRD phase identification results aluminum concentrations.
are shown in Fig. 5. There were four mi- According to the binary Fe-
crostructural regimes observed in the weld Al phase diagram, a two-
cladding: ferrite with (Fe,Al)3C carbides, phase region of ferrite +
ferrite with (Cr,Fe)xCy carbides, Fe3Al has been reported to
Fe3Al/FeAl with (Fe,Al)3C carbides, and exist between approximately
Fe3Al/FeAl with (Cr,Fe)xCy carbides. The 11 wt-% Al and 13 wt-%Al.
weldability boundary from Fig. 1 is super- From the reported phase di-
imposed on the phase ID results for refer- agrams, the actual order/dis-
ence, and the approximate location of the order transformation may
order/disorder transformation boundary have occurred over a range
that indicates the formation of of aluminum concentra- Fig. 8 — TEM photomicrograph showing examples of large hexago-
Fe3Al/FeAl intermetallic phases is also tions, where the onset of the nally shaped particles were observed in all the weld cladding.
shown. It was not possible to distinguish ordered transformation
between the Fe3Al and FeAl intermetallic began at approximately 11
phases, so they are collectively grouped as wt-% Al and may not have elongated, needle-like morphology and
Fe3Al/FeAl here. The phase fields con- completely transformed to the ordered in- were present at grain boundaries and
taining Fe3Al/FeAl phases may have also termetallic Fe3Al phase until approxi- within the grains. EDS analysis of these
contained ferrite, but due to the peak mately 13 wt-% Al (for binary Fe-Al carbides confirmed that they contained
overlap between these phases, it could welds). The (Fe,Al)3C carbides form in only Fe, Al, and C. Figure 7 shows a typi-
only be determined that the intermetallic the weld cladding containing less than 4 cal TEM image of the carbides observed
phases were present within the weld metal wt-% Cr, whereas welds containing above in the welds that had chromium contents
as a result of the super lattice reflections. approximately 4 wt-% Cr contained the greater than 4 wt-%. These welds exhib-
Thus, the order/disorder transformation (Cr,Fe)xCy-type carbides. The role of ited two types of carbide morphologies —
boundary describes the composition range composition and microstructure on the one with a block-like appearance that was
where ferrite phase begins to transform to cracking susceptibility of these alloys is on the order of ~ 150–300 nm in size, and
the ordered intermetallic phases. Iron and discussed in more detail below. smaller elongated carbides that were gen-
chromium rich carbides, such as Fe3C, Figure 6 shows an LOM photomicro- erally less than 200 nm long and 50 nm
M23C6, and M7C3 (where M typically rep- graph of the (Fe,Al)3C carbides that were wide. EDS analysis indicated that both
resents a combination of Fe, Cr, and Mo) observed in welds with less than ~ 4 wt-% types of carbides contained only iron and
were identified by comparing these low- chromium. The carbides exhibited an chromium. These results support the

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Calculated Particle Surface Area
per Unit Volume (mm2/mm3)

Carbon Concentration (wt-%)

Fig. 9 — Calculated particle surface area per unit volume of weld metal as Fig. 10 — Weld metal carbon concentrations as a function of dilution.
a function of volume percent particles for welds containing the (Fe, Cr)xCy-
type carbides.

the cladding warrants cation results. Thus, cracking in these al-

consideration for two loys cannot be attributed to martensite
Calculated Particle Surface Area

reasons. First, marten- formation.

per Unit Volume (mm2/mm3)

site can form in alloys

that enter the austen- Influence of Second-Phase Particles on
ite (γ) phase field on Cracking Susceptibility
cooling. The Fe-Cr and
Fe-Al binary systems Research conducted to date has shown
each exhibit a γ “loop.” that the hydrogen cracking susceptibility
The γ loop in the Fe-Cr of Fe-Al-type alloys is linked exclusively to
system exists from 0 to the presence of the brittle Fe3Al and FeAl
~ 13 wt-% Cr, while it intermetallic phases (Refs. 5, 15). How-
exists from 0 to ~ 2 wt- ever, the combined weldability and phase
% Al in the Fe Al sys- ID results shown in Fig. 5 indicate that the
tem (Ref. 22). Second, cracking susceptibility of these weld
the martensite phase claddings cannot be linked solely to the
is also well known to presence of the intermetallic phases.
be susceptible to Crack-free welds could be deposited on
Fig. 11 — Calculated particle surface area as a function of weld metal car-
cracking during weld- some compositions that exhibited the inter-
bon concentration for welds containing the (Fe, Cr)xCy-type carbides.
ing under the pres- metallic phases, while cracking was ob-
ence of hydrogen served on some of the alloys that did not ex-
(e.g., Ref. 11). Phase hibit any of the ordered intermetallic
XRD results, which indicated that M23C6 equilibria in the Fe-Cr-Al ternary system phases. These results indicate that the addi-
and M7C3 carbides were present in the has been well established and ternary tion of chromium and the presence of sec-
weld cladding containing greater than 4 phase diagrams are available from the liq- ond-phase particles has a strong influence
wt-% Cr. As shown in Fig. 8, large hexag- uidus projection down to 450°C for this on the cracking susceptibility of these alloys.
onal-shaped particles were also observed. system (Ref. 23). Inspection of those dia- Recent research has demonstrated par-
These particles were present in all the grams shows that, in the ternary Fe-Cr-Al ticles such as carbides, oxides, and nitrides
weld cladding, regardless of the coating system, the primary solidification phase is can act as hydrogen trapping sites (Refs.
composition, and typically ranged in size ferrite (α) under all the compositions con- 24–28). Permanent hydrogen trapping sites
from approximately 400 nm to larger than sidered in this study. In addition, the fer- can reduce the overall amount of diffusible
1 μm in diameter. EDS analysis revealed rite phase is stable at all lower tempera- hydrogen available to embrittle the metal,
that these particles were rich in aluminum, tures for Al concentrations greater than ~ and can therefore reduce the cracking sus-
but did not contain chromium or iron. 2 wt-%, regardless of the Cr content. This ceptibility of the alloy (Ref. 29). The effec-
These Al-rich particles were most likely covers the entire range of compositions in- tiveness of microstructural features to trap
Al2O3 particles that formed during depo- vestigated here. The α → γ transformation hydrogen depends largely on the type of
sition of the weld cladding due to the re- only occurs during cooling under a rela- feature. For example, oxide inclusions are
action between the liquid aluminum and tively small composition space for alloys more effective trapping sites than disloca-
water vapor present within the weld at- with less than 13 wt-% Cr and 2 wt-% Al. tions, while carbides are even more effective
mosphere (Ref. 21). Although these parti- This indicates that the Al level in the weld than oxides at trapping free hydrogen (Refs.
cles were large in size, there was a rela- cladding considered in this study ( > 6 25, 26, 30). A study investigating hydrogen-
tively low amount of these particles wt-% Al) is high enough to stabilize the assisted cracking of 1¼Cr-1Mo steel has re-
compared to the amount of carbides ferrite phase at all temperatures, thus ported that mixed iron, chromium, and
within the weld, and this accounts for their eliminating possible formation of marten- molybdenum carbides such as M23C6 and
inability to be detected by XRD. site. This is confirmed by the metallo- M7C3 are effective hydrogen trapping sites
The potential formation of martensite in graphic examinations and phase identifi- (Ref. 31). These results indicate that the


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Chromium Concentration (wt-%)

Volume Percent Carbide (%)

Fig. 12 — Influence of carbide content on the cracking susceptibility of welds Fig. 13 — Cracking results of welds made on the low-carbon substrate. The
containing the (Fe,Al)3C-type carbides. weldability limit from welds made on the higher carbon substrate are also shown
for reference.

presence of these types of carbides (M23C6 per unit area (NA) by (Ref. 36) but to demonstrate the important role of
and M7C3) may have a beneficial effect on particles in reducing the cracking suscep-
the hydrogen cracking susceptibility by re- PSA = 3 π ( fv N A ) (1) tibility of these alloys.
ducing the amount of diffusible hydrogen Use of this relation between fv, NA, and The primary source of carbon (and as-
within the weld metal. Other studies have PSA to determine the effectiveness of sociated carbide formation) in the
shown that Al2O3 particles can also act as these particles as trapping sites is only claddings comes from the substrate, which
effective hydrogen trapping sites and re- semiquantitative due to the following as- contained approximately 0.16 wt-%C. By
duce the susceptibility of steels to hydrogen sumptions: 1) the carbides and oxides are comparison, the Fe-Cr and Al filler metals
embrittlement (Ref. 32). In view of these equally effective hydrogen trapping sites, contained only 0.029 wt-%C and 0.006 wt-
factors, the quantity of second-phase parti- 2) the carbides and oxides were spherical %C, respectively. Low-dilution welds ob-
cles was considered in more detail in an ef- in nature, and 3) there was no particle tained by high filler metal feed rates ex-
fort to understand their influence on the clustering within the metal. hibit high chromium and aluminum
cracking behavior of these alloys. Figure 9 shows that the particle surface concentrations, but low-carbon concen-
area per unit volume of weld metal in- trations. Thus, the amount of carbides ob-
Weld Cladding Containing (Cr,Fe)xCy served in the weld deposits was observed
creases as the volume percent of particles
Type Carbides to increase with increasing dilution level
increases, which is expected. More impor-
tantly, the results indicate that the cracked (due to increased carbon from the base
The volume fraction and number of metal). This can be shown in more detail
and crack-free welds can be separated
particles per unit area of weld of by considering the quantitative relations
based on their particle surface area. For
(Cr,Fe)xCy and Al2O3 particles was deter- between dilution and weld metal carbon
the current welding conditions, welds con-
mined using quantitative image analysis content.
taining particle/matrix interfacial areas
for the welds that contained the The concentration of element i in the
less than approximately 80 mm2/mm3 were
(Cr,Fe)xCy-type carbides. These measure- weld metal varies with dilution by
susceptible to hydrogen cracking. Welds
ments included both carbides and oxide
particles because the two microstructural
containing between approximately 80 Cwi = Cbm
D + C ifm (1 − D ) (2)
mm2/mm3 and 100 mm2/mm3 particle sur-
features could not be accurately separated where D is the dilution, Ciw is concentra-
face area values appeared to undergo a
on a quantitative basis and because previ- tion of element i in weld metal, Cibm is the
transition between cracked and crack-free
ous results reported that both types of par- concentration of element i in base metal,
welds. Weld cladding containing particle
ticles can potentially act as effective per- and Cifm is the concentration of element i
surface areas greater than approximately
manent hydrogen trapping sites (Refs. 31, in filler metal. When two filler metals are
100 mm2/mm3 was found to be immune to
32). Although the size and number of par- used, an equation is needed for the effec-
hydrogen cracking. This correlation be-
ticles within the welds are expected to ef- tive filler metal composition fed into the
tween the amount of particle surface area
fect the amount of trapped hydrogen, the weld pool. The effective filler metal com-
and the susceptibility of the welds to hy-
amount of particle surface area within the position is simply given by a law of mix-
drogen cracking indicates that the size and
weld should provide a more direct indica- tures type expression as
distribution of particles within the weld
tion on the effectiveness of the particles to
has a significant effect on the hydrogen ⎛ ρ Al VAl ⎞ i
trap hydrogen. This is based on the idea
cracking behavior of the Fe-Cr-Al weld C ifm∗ = ⎜ C Al +
that hydrogen trapping sites rely on the
cladding. It should be noted that the ⎝ ρ Al VAl + ρFeCrVFeCr ⎟⎠
segregation of hydrogen to the
particle/matrix interface, rather than hy-
amount of PSA required to prevent crack- ⎛ ρFeCr VFeCr ⎞ i
ing is expected to depend on the particle ⎜⎝ ρ V + ρ V ⎟ CFeCr
drogen incorporation into the actual car- Al Al FeCr FeCr ⎠ (3)
type, amount of hydrogen available, and
bide or oxide (Refs. 29, 33–35). The
residual stress. Thus, the results presented
amount of particle surface area per unit where Cifm* is the effective concentration
here are not intended to provide a general
volume of weld (PSA) is related to the vol- of element i in the “effective filler metal,”
value of PSA required to prevent cracking,
ume fraction (fv) and number of particles

176 -s JUNE 2007, VOL. 86

Regina 6 07 LAYOUT:Layout 1 5/8/07 3:47 PM Page 177

CiAl is the concentration of element i in the surface area of the (Fe,Al)3C carbides sion. Up to this point, hydrogen embrit-
Al wire, CiFeCr is the concentration of ele- could not be made because the particles tlement of these alloys has been linked to
ment i in the Fe-Cr wire, VAl is the volu- were elongated and could not be approxi- the formation of the Fe3Al and FeAl in-
metric feed rate for the Al wire, and VFeCr mated as spherical. However, as shown in termetallic phases. However, the results
is the volumetric feed rate for Fe-Cr wire. Fig. 12, a general trend was still observed obtained here show that cracking can also
ρAl is the density of the Al wire, and ρFeCr in which crack-free welds could be made occur in the ferrite phase. Cracking in the
is the density of the Fe-Cr wire. The volu- above a certain volume percent of intermetallic phases has been attributed
metric feed rate for each filler metal wire (Fe,Al)3C carbides, which is ~ 9 volume to their general lack of ductility coupled
depends on the wire diameter and the lin- percent for the current conditions. These with the generation of hydrogen that oc-
ear feed rate for each wire measurements were made only on welds curs when aluminum reacts with water
that contained both the (Fe,Al)3C car- vapor in the arc to liberate free hydrogen.
VAl = ⎜ ⎟ ( d Al ) υ Al
bides and the intermetallic phases. Welds It should be noted that chromium can also
⎝ 4⎠ (4a) comprised of the ferrite phase and react with water vapor in a similar manner
(Fe,Al)3C carbides were excluded from to form free hydrogen. The corresponding
VFeCr = ⎜ ⎟ ( dFeCr ) υ FeCr
this analysis because these welds were im- reactions and Gibbs free energies of for-
⎝ 4⎠ (4b) mune to hydrogen cracking regardless of mation at approximately 1500°C for each
where dAl is the diameter of Al wire, dFeCr the presence of (Fe,Al)3C carbides. There case are given by (Ref. 37)
is the diameter of Fe-Cr wire, υAl is the lin- is no simple relation between carbon con-
ear feed rate for Al wire, and υFeCr is the tent and carbide volume percent for these 2Al + 3H2O → Al2O3 + 6H+ + 6e–
linear feed rate for Fe-Cr wire. Once the welds. Although this relation was not in- ΔG = –660.9 kJ (7a)
effective filler metal concentration is vestigated in detail, it may be related to
known, the dilution for each Fe-Cr-Al 2Cr + 3H2O → Cr2O3 + 6H+ + 6e–
formation of Al2O3 that competes with
weld cladding can be calculated by rear- ΔG = –235.2 kJ (7b)
formation of the (Fe,Al)3C carbide.
ranging Equation 2
The large, negative energies of forma-
Cwi − C ifm∗ Weld Cladding on Low-Carbon tion suggest that reaction of both alu-
D= Substrates minum and chromium with water vapor
Cbm − C ifm∗ are expected. If this reaction between
Using the calculated dilution values for The results described above suggest chromium and water vapor were to occur
each weld sample, the carbon concentra- that the carbon content of the weld should along with the reaction between alu-
tion could then be calculated knowing the influence the amount of carbides in the minum and water vapor, the amount of hy-
base metal and filler metal carbon weld and the corresponding resistance to drogen incorporated into the weld metal
concentrations hydrogen cracking. In general, welds could significantly increase. Also note that
made on higher carbon substrates should the higher chromium welds are made at
Cwc = Cbm
D + C cfm∗ (1 − D ) (6) form more carbides and therefore be low dilution levels where carbon pickup into
where Ccw is the weld metal carbon con- more resistant to hydrogen cracking. The the weld from the substrate will be low, re-
centration, Ccbm is the base metal carbon cracking results of welds made on the low- sulting in only a small amount of carbides
concentration, and Ccfm* is the effective carbon substrates shown in Fig. 13 con- that may be insufficient to resist cracking.
filler metal carbon concentration. form to this expected trend. The weldabil- These factors may account for the
The calculated carbon concentrations ity limit for the high-carbon substrate is cracking observed in the high-chromium
for the Fe-Cr-Al weld cladding are shown provided with these results for compari- ferritic weld cladding, although more
as a function of dilution in Fig. 10. Direct son. There is a rather distinct composi- work is needed to confirm this. Fully fer-
measurements of carbon contents made tional boundary between welds that were ritic welds may also possess low ductility
on several welds using wet chemical analy- cracked and crack-free for each substrate. due to large grain size. However, the grain
sis techniques are also shown in the figure, These results show that a reduction in car- size of the weld cladding was generally
and these measured carbon contents are bon content associated with the lower car- ≤ 300 μm, which would not be expected to
in good agreement with the carbon con- bon substrate significantly decreases the cause a significant loss in ductility. In ad-
tents calculated from dilution measure- range of weldable compositions. The dif- dition, all the welds exhibited similar grain
ments. These results demonstrate that the ference in cracking behavior between the sizes (which is expected since they were all
carbon concentration is expected to in- low- and high-carbon welds is most signif- prepared under similar processing condi-
crease with increasing dilution. The corre- icant at the lower chromium levels where tions), but exhibited a range of cracking
sponding relation between particle sur- the intermetallic phases form. Volume behavior. Thus, the cracking susceptibility
face area, carbon content, and associated fraction measurements made on select of the higher chromium welds with ferrite
cracking susceptibility is shown in Fig. 11. samples confirmed that the amount of car- and (Cr,Fe)xCy carbides is not expected to
As expected, the particle surface area gen- bides in welds made on the low-carbon be linked to the grain size.
erally increases with an increase in weld substrate was much lower than those
carbon content, which can be attributed to made on the high-carbon substrate. For Conclusions
increased formation of (Cr,Fe)xCy type example, a 10.2Al-5.3Cr cladding made on
carbides. This plot also shows that, for the the low-carbon substrate contained only The weldability and microstructure of
current welding conditions, approxi- ~1 vol-% of particles and cracked, Fe-Cr-Al weld cladding deposited onto
mately 0.08 wt-%C is required to prevent whereas a 9.8Al-5.2Cr cladding (i.e, simi- carbon steel substrates was investigated.
hydrogen cracking in cladding containing lar aluminum and chromium levels) de- The following conclusions can be drawn
greater than 4 wt-%Cr. posited on the higher carbon steel plate from this research:
contained ~15 vol-% particles and was 1) Chromium and aluminum are uni-
Weld Cladding Containing (Fe,Al)3C-Type deposited crack-free. formly distributed in these weld cladding
Carbides The cracking observed in the higher on both a macroscopic and microscopic
chromium welds with ferrite and scale. The uniform macroscopic distribu-
Accurate estimations of the particle (Cr,Fe)xCy carbides warrants some discus- tion is attributed to good mixing between


Regina 6 07 LAYOUT:Layout 1 5/8/07 3:48 PM Page 178

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