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Some individuals believe that for kids, attending an additional class after school is better than
playing in their free time. Personally, I agree with the point of view that having extra class is
better than spending a lot of free time .
On the one hand, it could be argued that some people think children should spend their free
tim playing. Initially, the greatest method for kids to unwind after school was to play. For
example, students require downtime after their demanding schooldays; they can play soccer,
play video games, or engage in other leisure activities. As a result, they will have less anxiety
and tension, allowing them to prepare for the next day of school.However, if childrens spent
too much time playing in free time, they will waste of time. In order for kids to grow to their
greatest potential, I thought they needed to strike a balance between play and learning.
On the other hand, there are some reasons why I agree that having extra lessons after school
is the more necessary choice. To illustrate, learning after school which was the greatest way
to systematize the knowledge learned in class. Consequently, children could learn more and
get more practice if they spend time to have extra class. By contrast, spending a plenty of
time on extra course also not good because students need time to have fun. The only path to
achievement is via learning, but children also need to have a childhood. Learning must be
balanced so that kids can grow up healthy.
To conclusion, I firmly believe that it is better for kids to take extra lessons; rather than using
their spare time to play, they should develop self-study skills and learn information to better

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