10 Holiday Home Work

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General Instructions:
 Do the assigned work on an A4 size paper and submit to the respective subject teachers.
 Ensure that the work is neatly written with page margins.
 For subject information technology submit as instructed in the assignment
1. Read the extracts from the lesson THE MIDNIGHT VISITOR & answer the questions that follow.
i) The fat man chuckled to himself as he unlocked the door of his room and stood aside to let the
frustrated guest enter.
a) Who is the fat man in the above lines?
b) Why did the fat man chuckle to himself?
c) Whom does the ‘frustrated guest’ refer to in the above lines?
ii) For half across the room a small automatic pistol in his hand stood a man.
a) Who stood with an automatic pistol in his hand?
b) Who experienced the first authentic thrill of the day? Why?
iii) And we wish we knew how your people got the report.
a) Who is speaking to whom?
b) Which report is being referred to in the above line?
iv) You are disillusioned, but take cheer of my young friend. Presently see a paper quite an
important paper for which several men and women have risked their lives.
a) Who is speaking to whom?
b) Which paper is being referred to as quite important in the above line? Why?
1. मीरा के ‘पद’ पाठ के आधार पर वर्णित किसी एक कहानी को अपने शब्दों में लिखिए |
2. रेखांकित पदबंध का प्रकार पहचान कर लिखिए-

   क.दौड़ता हुआ बच्चा  अचानक गिर पड़ा |   

   ख. सबसे अधिक बोलने वाली नलिनी आज चुप क्यों हो  ?

3. क.निम्नलिखित दो सरल वाक्यों से एक मिश्र वाक्य बनाइए |                

   मैंने उसे समझाया | उसने अनसुना कर दिया |

ख. निम्नलिखित वाक्य को  संयुक्त वाक्य में परिवर्तित कीजिए |                                         

   जिसने नीली कमीज पहनी है ,वह मेरा भाई है |

ग. निम्नलिखित वाक्य को सरल वाक्य  में परिवर्तित कीजिए |

  वह लड़का जो गाँव गया था, बीमार हो गया |

1. కారే రాజులు---------- యిక్కాలమున్ భార్గ వా! (పద్యము రాసి ప్రతిపదార్థము రాయుము)

2. నిరయంబైన--------------------- వేయేటక
ి ిన్? (పద్యం రాసి ప్రతిపదార్థము వ్రా యుము)

Collect the data of monthly expenditures of 60 families in your locality and
1. Prepare frequency distribution table.
2. Calculate mean, median and mode of the data and compare them.
1. Write a paragraph on Effect of pH on Marine Life.
2. Draw ray diagrams for images formed in concave and convex mirrors for different positions of
the objects.
3. Prepare dietary nutritional requirement of an average adolescent.
Locate and label the following on the political map of India:
1. Indian National congress session-
A. Calcutta (sep-1920)
B. Nagpur (Dec-1920)
C. Madras (1927)
2. Important Centres of Indian Freedom movement
A. Champaran (Bihar)-Movement of Indigo Planters
B. Kheda (Gujarat)- Peasant Satyagraha
C. Ahmedabad (Gujarat)-Cotton mill workers Satyagraha
D. Amritsar (Punjab)- Jallianwala Bagh incident
E. Chauri Chaura (U.P.)-Calling off non-cooperation movement
F. Dandi (Gujarat)-Civil Disobedience Movement

1. Using document templates create your resume in open office writer.
2. Create Table of Content (ToC) of Information Technology text book in open office writer.
Pls note: Take the print of your work on a formatted A4 size paper and submit

Signature of VP:

Signature of English HOD: Signature of Hindi HOD:

Signature of Telugu HOD: Signature of Math HOD:

Signature of Science HOD: Signature of Social Studies


Signature of Computer Science HOD:

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