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“I do not believe in ghosts”, said Tina to the others as they were coming out of
the theatre. “Neither do we”, said Vihaan, Aarna and Neil in unison. While
waiting outside the theatre for the cab, they started talking about the fun-filled
and probably the last day they all had spent together.
Tina, Vihaan, Neil and Aarna were in the same school and have been best
friends since first grade. Yesterday was their last day in the school and today
their last day together because of their admissions in colleges in different
cities. They had decided to refresh all their childhood memories today. At
about ten in the morning, they met at The Coffeehouse , a café near the school
which was the usual meeting point. While they were thinking of what can be
done, Tina suggested, “Let us go to Rose Valley Park, then to Krishna Centre for
lunch and then to watch a movie. Just like we used to do once every week
when we were young. It will be fun. What do you guys say? ” Everyone agreed
and they set off for the Rose Valley Park, one of the best amusement parks.
They went inside and sat in numerous rides reminiscing their childhood
memories, went into the huge open garden, sat on the mattress of soft grass,
jawing, laughing and reveling the fun they used to have, playing hide and seek,
running around in shouting circles, the petty fights, the things they missed in
the past two years because of too much pressure of studies. After some time,
they went to Krishna Centre, after one and a half years. “Remember the
cheese sandwich?” asked Neil, who was beaming at the sight of the restaurant.
“Of course, we do. Can anyone forget that?” said Vihaan to which the girls
nodded. While the food was being served, they were recalling the past
moments. After having their lunch, the flavorsome cheese sandwich, they went
to watch a movie. The tickets were available for only one movie, ‘Exorcism’,
which was a horror movie. On receiving the tickets, they went in for the movie
and now, here they were, outside the theatre, chattering with chuffed faces.
Their cab arrived and they headed back to The Coffeehouse, for the last time at
least for some years. When they reached the café, ready to depart on separate
paths, no one got emotional but they were all happy, contended with the day
and the twelve years spent together. None of them wanted to leave but they
had to so they bid each other adieu, promising to stay in contact and to meet
up as soon as possible. While leaving, they bid a final goodbye to the café,
which had so many memories. “Cheers to our ever-lasting friendship,” said
everyone. “No matter how far we are from each other, no matter how long we
don’t see or hear from each other, nothing can ruin our friendship,” said Aarna
undoubtedly. Giving each other a last hug, they finally parted ways.

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