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How to Make Time

for Journaling
(and anything else in life!)
These are the tried and true
steps to make time for this
program and anything else you
may be wanting to squeeze in.
Step One

List out your current priorities.

Think things like work, family, self-care, journaling...

Narrow them down to no more than five.
Remember that this is for this season of life, not for forever.

Top 5 Priorities





Step Two

Make a Schedule
Using a weekly calendar with half hour increments for scheduling,
schedule in everything that has to happen at a certain time.
Schedule in your commute time as well.
Schedule in white space (nothing to do) for at least a half hour around each
Here's a link for a printable copy
Step Three

Schedule in your priorities!

Family time, Journaling, etc.
Get creative!!!
For example, you can listen to the
Journaling private podcast while driving, cleaning, or walking.
What are some creative ways to get these done!





Step Four

Journal Your Success!!

1.Where did you create an hour or more?
(Example, reduced trips to grocery store daily to once a week, reduced Netflix time
to only the hour before bed, set an alarm to wake up on the weekend so you don't
over sleep)

2. What did you do with the time you created?

(Example, went to a yoga class, watched live videos for journaling class, meal
prepped for the week)

3. What was your Return on Investment?

(Example, felt better in my body because I went to yoga class, didn't feel rushed and
was able to be present for journaling, didn't feel rushed at dinner time and had more
quality time over a meal with my family)
That's it!

Here at TSE we are serious about being intentional with our

time, its one of the things we value most and its one of the
things we constantly hear as a challenge from our students.

As a homeschool mom, successful business owner, and a person

who helps care for my aging grandparents, this is what I do
every single week (and check in on daily) to create time
for the things that matter.

It's really that simple.

Focus on fewer priorities and

schedule them in.


Go to the Journaling Facebook Group

and share in the community thread.

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