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HY-Grade Preacast Stair Reaction Calculation 2023-01-31

Stair Reaction Study

Stair Mold

N := 21 Number of risers

RUN := 280mm Run of the stair

RISER := 190mm Raiser of the stair
b := 1000mm Width of the stair
t := 178mm
Throat of the stair
kN Concrete density
γ := 23.5

1. Weight of the stair flight

Height of the stair

H := N RISER = 3.99 m

L := N RUN = 5.88 m Span of the stair

2 2 Diagonal of the stair

C := H + L = 7.106 m
Weight of the stair slab
Wslab := C b  t  γ = 29.724 kN

RISER RUN Weight of the stair step

Wsteps := N  γ b = 13.127 kN

Wself := Wslab + Wsteps = 42.851 kN Stair Self Weight (TOTAL)

HY-Grade Preacast Stair Reaction Calculation 2023-01-31

2. Calculation of the extra DL from Stair Steps and Slab for CONCISE Software
based on the span projection
∆L := C - L = 1.226 m
Difference between Stair length and Span Length of the stair

Wslab kN
DLslab := = 4.183
C m Weight of the stair per 1m of stair length

W∆ := DLslab ∆L = 5.128 kN
Stair weight pet ΔL

W∆ kN
DLExtra.slab := = 0.872
L m Extra DL on L span

3. Calculation of the Steps DL to add to CONCISE software

Wsteps 1
Wsteps.projected := = 2.232  kN Weight of the steps
L m

kN Total. Extra force on the projected span

DLTotal := DLExtra.slab + Wsteps.projected = 3.105

Reaction Calculation

αDL := 1.25 Dead Load factor

αLL := 1.5 Lave Load factor

LL := 4.8kPa Live Load on the stair

Ttotal.load := αDL Wself + αLL L LL b = 95.9 kN )
Reaction at the nose of the stair
Factored reaction

RLeft := = 47.95 kN RLeft = 10.78 kip Factored reaction on the left support

RRight := RLeft = 47.95 kN RRight = 10.78 kip Factored reaction on the right support

Data to be used for the stair Calculation Capacity use for Concast softwere

LLTotal := LL b = 4.8 Liner LL use for the CONCISE software

DLTotal := DLExtra.slab + Wsteps.projected = 3.105 Extra stairs weigt to be used in CONCISE

L = 5.88 m Span of the stair to be used in CONCISE

HY-Grade Preacast Stair Reaction Calculation 2023-01-31
LANDING LOAD From the stairs pressure

Unfactored Reaction Used in CONCISE Softwere

Dead Load from extra stair + steps

DLunfactored.stair := = 21.426 kN Unfactored DL reaction from the stair to landing

L := LL b  = 14.112 kN Unfactored LL reactio n from stair to
2 landing

3 Stair width
b = 1  10  mm

DLunfactored.stair kN
DLliner := = 21.426
b m kN
LLliner := = 14.112
b m
HY-Grade Preacast Stair Reaction Calculation 2023-01-31

Crash test of the stair nose

Pmax := 24kip N = 21
Pmax = 106.757  kN

c := 0.1m

L = 5.88 m

M 1 := Pmax c = 10.676 kN m

M 2 := M 1 = 10.676 kN m

P2 := = 1.816 kN
L P2 = 408.163  lbf

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