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The Cafeteria Diet as a Tool for Studies of


Department of Physiological Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester Ml 3 9PT, England and

"Department of Physiology, St. George's Hospital Medical School, Tooting, London SW17 ORE, England

commentary in this journal entitled, "The Cafeteria

ABSTRACT The cafeteria diet involves feeding experi
Diet—An Inappropriate Tool For Studies of Thermo
mental animals a choice of palatable human food items to
genesis." This article has prompted us to address these
stimulate energy intake, and has been used extensively to criticisms and to discuss their implications. We accept
study diet-induced thermogenesis. In a recent commentary that there are drawbacks and limitations to the use of
Moore has argued that this feeding regime is inappropriate
for such studies because the nutrient composition cannot
this diet, but believe nevertheless that the cafeteria
be controlled, many of the effects seen are due to protein feeding system still offers many advantages over con
or nutrient deficiency and accurate measurements of en ventional diets, and has proved invaluable in elucidat
ergy intake are difficult to achieve. We argue that all of ing some of the mechanisms of energy balance regu
these criticisms can be overcome by careful use of the lation. For clarity, we will consider the criticisms raised
feeding regime and well-controlled experiments. Gross nu
trient composition of cafeteria diets can be modified over
by Moore (1) in the same order and categories as in her
a wide range, and such studies demonstrate that the effects commentary.
of protein deficiency can be clearly dissociated from those
of hyperphagia. There is no experimental evidence for nu
tritional deficiency in cafeteria-fed animals even over very THE STRUGGLE FOR A CLEAN RESULT
long periods of time. Furthermore, the alternatives sug
gested by Moore, i.e., presenting sucrose solutions to drink We obviously agree that the ultimate aim of all ex
or high fat diets, suffer the same drawbacks of altered and periments is to obtain a "clean result" that is not open
often uncontrolled nutrient intake and yet produce little or
no increase in energy intake. Criticism of the cafeteria diet to variations in interpretation, and that this can only
is not justified simply because of its misuse by nutritionally be achieved when every variable (apart from the one
naive experimenters. The value and validity of this feeding that is the subject of study) is precisely controlled.
regime is further supported by the enormous impact it has However, because of the very nature of biological sys
made on our understanding of energy balance regulation
and thermogenesis. J. Nutr. 118: 925-928, 1988. tems this aim is rarely possible to achieve, and it could
be argued that when compared with the physical sci
ences, nearly all biological research falls short of this
INDEXING KEY WORDS: goal. Nevertheless, because of the complexity and plas
•cafeteria diet •diet-induced thermogenesis
ticity of biological systems, a rigorous and highly re
•energy balance
ductionist approach may actually hinder our under
standing of phenomena. Moreover, if the controls
imposed are too restrictive, one may even lose sight of
the function under investigation. This applies partic
The cafeteria diet is a feeding regime in which ani ularly to behavioral studies, of which experiments on
mals are offered a choice of several palatable food items food intake are pertinent to the present discussion. The
of varied composition, appearance and texture in ad use of relatively loosely defined feeding regimes, such
dition to their normal nonpurified diet. We and others as the cafeteria diet, by nutritionally naive researchers
have used this feeding system extensively to study the can lead to some disturbing conclusions. Hence the
mechanisms of energy balance regulation and diet-in highly suspect statement (2)that dietary obesity in caf
duced thermogenesis (DIT). However, the use of the eteria-fed dams impairs pup survival and growth rate.
cafeteria diet has been criticized, largely because of the The study referred to (2) involved animals with a lim
poor control over nutrient composition, and Moore (1) ited choice of low-protein foods and a relatively low-
recently detailed her criticisms at some length in a protein nonpurified diet. Thus the experiment was
0022-3166/88 $3.00 ©1988 American Institute of Nutrition. Received 4 August 1987. Accepted 11 March 1988.

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compromised by an inadvertent limitation on the pro (16), and questioned the validity of data obtained from
tein available to support lactation. However, if the op cafeteria-fed rats. Because the rats in this other study
portunity to abuse or mishandle a technique is suffi (16) were fed a purified diet and were neither hyper-
cient to invalidate it, we would be forced to reject nearly phagic nor thermogenic, the contradiction is not ob
every method available; obviously some compromise vious and the comparison not justified. Moore also stated
is necessary so that reasonable controls are imposed, that "some data in rats fed carefully controlled diets"
and those variables that cannot be maintained constant indicate that high carbohydrate diets stimulate ther
are at least quantified. In addition, more than one ap mogenesis to a greater extent than high fat diets, but
proach can be used, with each using controls over dif she ignored many other data (see refs. 3-7 for reviews)
ferent parameters. indicating the reverse. These apparent discrepancies can
be ascribed to many factors, particularly differences in
the energy cost of depositing fat, which is lower when
high fat rather than high carbohydrate diets are con
We have reviewed the evidence for DIT in cafeteria- sumed. However, these differences will only affect the
fed rats elsewhere (3-7) and have shown that the hy- obligatory DIT (or specific dynamic action), which Moore
herself has clearly distinguished from regulatory DIT.
perphagia associated with cafeteria feeding, rather than
the altered dietary composition (as Moore suggests), is
the primary stimulus to DIT. We described 18 experi MICRONÃœTRIENTCOMPOSITION
ments performed by ourselves and other groups that
demonstrate increases in DIT when energy intake is We have seen no evidence to support Moore's state
increased by cafeteria feeding (6).Interestingly, the two ments that "cafeteria foods are low in vitamin and min
groups (8, 9) that Moore reported as having failed to eral content" and that "it is likely that cafeteria-fed
observe significant DIT obtained only small increases rats consume diets of suboptimal vitamin and mineral
in energy intake in spite of an altered dietary compo content," and no reference to these claims was given.
sition, thereby illustrating the importance of hyper- Moreover, even if the proportion of micronutrients is
phagia. Moore misquoted our data (10, 11) by stating reduced in cafeteria-fed rats, total intake may be nor
that DIT was not present in older rats or in some strains. mal or elevated as a result of hyperphagia. It is highly
In fact DIT was always present, but varied in magnitude unlikely that the cafeteria diets that we have used are
and was usually inversely related to adiposity. We have nutritionally deficient because they do not adversely
also shown that rats fed a cafeteria diet at the same affect litter size, pup weight, growth rate or longevity
level of energy intake as control rats fed a purified diet when fed for long periods of time (réf. 17; and N. J.
fail to show an increase in DIT (12). Rothwell and M. J. Stock, unpublished data).


Protein deficiency is a potent stimulus to DIT (13),
but the effects on thermogenesis may be complicated Because of the choice of foods available to cafeteria-
or masked by the accompanying hypophagia and growth fed rats, it is impossible to control the composition of
retardation. These problems can be partly overcome by the diet consumed by each individual rat or by the
feeding of a palatable protein-deficient (< 10%)cafeteria group as a whole, although this has been deliberately
diet to maintain normal levels of energy intake (13). and extensively varied (protein 7-33%, fat or carbo
The effects of variations in nutrient intake and hyper- hydrate 7-73%) by presenting foods of different com
phagia on DIT have been distinguished in two ways. positions (12-15). The composition of the diet con
First, DIT is still present when adequate or high (20- sumed can be measured, either by direct analysis or
30% ) protein diets are fed, or when the carbohydrate from manufacturer's values, and variations within groups
and fat content are varied dramatically (13, 14).Second, are relatively small. For example, in a recent experi
when a purified diet of the same composition as the ment (to be published) in which the intake of each
cafeteria diet was fed at a normal level of intake, en nutrient was calculated we observed a 74% increase in
ergetic efficiency was not affected (15). In all our ex energy intake of cafeteria-fed rats and 20% of total in
periments, rats have been allowed access to high pro take was derived from the nonpurified diet. The coef
tein purified or nonpurified diets, and protein usually ficient of variation in intake (energy and nutrients) was
accounts for 17-23% of energy intake in cafeteria-fed similar for control and cafeteria-fed rats (energy 10.4%,
rats. However, because of their hyperphagia, total pro protein 9.6%, fat 11.7%, carbohydrate 11.1%). Total
tein intake was greater than that of controls. protein intake did not differ significantly between the
Moore (1) claimed that our finding (15) of a greater two groups and was adequate for growth. We routinely
acute thermic response to fat than carbohydrate in caf measure intake of nonpurified diet in cafeteria-fed rats
eteria-fed rats contradicts the observations of others and find that this remains relatively constant at 17—

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25% of metabolizable energy intake. Statements, such and the poor control over this factor. Nevertheless, it
as that quoted by Moore, that "animals tended to ig is possible to measure micronutrient intake and to vary
nore" the nonpurified diet, contribute little to the de this substantially by selection of the food items pre
bate. sented.
There is no evidence for nutritional deficiencies in
cafeteria-fed rats and, for a given level of hyperphagia,
ADDITIONAL LIMITATIONS the effects on DIT and energy balance are consistent.
Both hyperphagia and alterations in nutrient consump
Undoubtedly the composition of human foods used tion stimulate DIT independently and synergistically.
for cafeteria diets will vary, but this effect can be min Cafeteria experiments have been performed that clearly
imized by selection of standard food items. We have dissociate the effects of hyperphagia from nutrient
found that repetitive analysis of the same foods pur composition and/or deficiency and that demonstrate
chased over several years yields reproducible values (less that increases in intake per se can stimulate thermo-
than 5% variation). Furthermore, it is not always rea genesis.
sonable to assume that commercially available non-
Finally, although biologists must strive to design and
purified diets are of constant composition (18).We have perform controlled experiments that yield readily in
seen variations of up to 12% in metabolizable energy terpretable data, they must not lose sight of the rele
density and protein content of commercial nonpurified vance of this work to natural biological conditions. In
diets, and variations in the source of the nutrient, and this respect the cafeteria diet may have some advan
hence taste, smell and quality may vary according to tages over purified powdered or pelleted nonpurified
the market prices of feedstuffs. diets. We believe that the value of the cafeteria diet
can be best appreciated by considering its contribution
ALTERNATIVE DIETS to our understanding of energy balance regulation. This
argument is based on that well-known nutritional theo
rem that "the proof of the pudding is in the eating."
We (3-6) and others (19-22) have reviewed and tested
As Moore (1)clearly stated, "the concept of DIT is not
the methods available for producing reversible in new" and first appeared (as luxuskonsumption) over a
creases in energy intake (e.g., forced feeding, high fat
diets, sucrose solutions, pharmacological interven century ago. However, in spite of seemingly adequate
tions). All have some drawbacks or limitations, the methodology, little progress was made in this area until
most obvious being the alterations in nutrient com the late seventies. It can hardly be considered coinci
position. The statement by Moore (1) that "one can dental that since the development of the cafeteria feed
effectively stimulate hyperphagia in rats without com ing system there has been an explosive increase in stud
promising control over dietary composition if one sup ies on DIT that, hopefully, has considerably enhanced
plements the diet with sucrose solutions.. ." contra our understanding of energy balance regulation.
dicts her earlier arguments. Moore does not quote, nor A Mediine search for papers describing animal ex
are we aware of, any studies that have been able to periments using the cafeteria diet revealed that over
"control" the amount of sucrose solution consumed by 400 have appeared in the past 10 years. The cafeteria
rats. Thus, the total and proportional intake of nu diet has obviously proved useful to many workers, and
Moore's criticisms should not dissuade other research
trients will differ from controls and vary between an
imals, as it does for the cafeteria diet. Because the ad ers from adopting it. Provided that the limitations of
ditional food (in this case sucrose) contains no essential cafeteria diets are realized and appropriate caution is
nutrients and the intake of nonpurified diet is de exercised over interpretation of the data, this system
pressed, the likelihood of protein and/or micronutrient can be an appropriate and useful tool for studies of
deficiency is probably greater than for the cafeteria diet. thermogenesis and has already proved invaluable.
Moore (1) stated that alternative palatable diets to
the cafeteria system (e.g., high fat, sucrose) stimulate
hyperphagia by 50-60%, but gave no reference to this
claim. We have found (21) that such diets stimulate LITERATURE CITED
energy intake by up to 30%, whereas others (22, 23)
report hyperphagia of 0-25% in animals presented with 1. MOORE,B. J. (1987| The cafeteria diet—an inappropriate tool
high carbohydrate or high fat diets or with sucrose so for studies of thermogenesis. /. ÑutÃ-.117: 227-231.
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4. ROTHWELL,N. J. & STOCK,M. J. (1983) Luxuskonsumption,
We acknowledge that the major drawbacks of the diet-induced thermogenesis and brown fat: the case in favour.
cafeteria diet are the variations in nutrient composition Clin. Sci. 64: 19-23.

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