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Mayor de San Andrés University

Economic and Financial Sciences Faculty

Economics Department Subject: English Workshop

TASK 14: Reading, Grammar, Economic concepts, common text _______ /10
Surname and name(s): ___________________________________Date: _____________

1. Complete the definitions with the verbs in simple present tense.

An economic system 1_____ (be) the way a society 2______ (use) its scarce resources to satisfy
its people’s unlimited wants. There are three basic types of economic systems: traditional
economies, command economies, and market economies.

1. A traditional economy 3_____ (be) an economic system in which people 4_______

(produce) and 5_______ (distribute) goods according to customs handed down from
generation to generation.
2. A command economy 6____ (be) an economic system in which the government 7______
(make) all economic decisions.
3. A market economy 7_______ (be) based on individual choice, not government directives.
In other words, in this system consumers and producers 8______ (drive) the economy.
Consumers 9_____ (be) free to spend their money as they 10_____ (wish), to enter into
business, or to sell their labor to whomever they 11________ (want).

2. Complete the texts with the verbs in simple present tense.

He 1_____ (be) Max Power. His real name 2______ (be)

Homer Simpson. Max Power 3_______ (work) as a nuclear

technician. He 4__________ (not want) to go to Nuclear

Power Plant. He 5__________ (prefer) to work from home.

He 6________ (use) a broom to type on the computer.

Bart’s friends 7________ (say) that he 8_________ (seem)

a spider pig. Marge 9____________ (not think) he is

attractive. Lisa 10__________ (think) that to gain weight is

very dangerous for her dad’s health.

Max Power 11__________ (talk) to Lisa and Bart,

and he 12__________ (laugh) at them because

they 13___________ (need) to go to school and

Max 14_________ (say) I 15__________ (not have)

to go to school like you lol. Then, Bart just

16_________ (look) at him and Lisa 17_________

(tell) him: I 18________ (like) to go to school.

Max Power 19______ (be) bored, and he 20__________

(not like) to be at home. He 21__________ (take) his cape

and 22_________ (leave) the house. When he 23______

(be) in the movies, someone 24________ (say): Sorry, but

we 25____________ (not have) a suitable space for you.

People 26____________ (laugh) at him and Max

27________ (say): I just 28_________ (want) to see

“Parque Jurasico” in peace. And an insensitive person

29________ (say): Hey man, I 30_________ (think) about

a movie for you, “Parque Gordasico”.

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