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Problem Statement

Here, you explain the problem or pain point that you’re

trying to solve. You can use data and statistics to
support your claims and make your argument more

Remember, the problem you are working on should

align with one of the four themes of Battle of Minds
This year’s challenges

Tech Energy Inclusion Bio


Here you present your solution to the problem you just

outlined. This is where you explain how your product or
service solves your target audience's problem in a
unique and innovative way.

Here, you provide information about your target

market, including its size, demographics, and growth
potential. You can also highlight any trends or shifts in
the market that support the need for your product or
Business Model

Here you explain how your company plans to generate

revenue. You can discuss your pricing strategy, revenue
streams, and any partnerships or collaborations that
support your business model.
Competitive Landscape

Here, you provide an overview of your competitors and

highlight what makes your product or service unique in
comparison. You can discuss your competitive
advantages and how you plan to differentiate yourself
in the market.
Marketing and Sales Strategy:

In this slide, you explain how you plan to market and

sell your product or service. You can discuss your target
audience, marketing channels, and sales approach.

In this slide, you present your financial projections and

ask for investment or funding. You can discuss your
revenue projections, burn rate, and any previous
funding rounds.

Here, you introduce your team. You can highlight their

experience, qualifications, and expertise and how they
are contributing towards the common goal.

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