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***** WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 2023 ~ VOL. CCLXXXI NO. 142 U.S. Edition

DJIA 34053.87 g 245.25 0.72% NASDAQ 13667.29 g 0.2% STOXX 600 459.32 g 0.6% 10-YR. TREAS. À 11/32 , yield 3.726% OIL $70.50 g $1.28 GOLD $1,935.50 g $22.90 EURO $1.0920 YEN 141.44

Time Grows Short for Five Lost in the Ocean Deep Alibaba
News Shuffles


Business & Finance Top Posts
 Alibaba named Brooklyn
Nets owner Joe Tsai to be its
In Major
chairman, putting the close
ally of fellow co-founder Jack
Ma atop the Chinese e-com-
merce giant as it seeks a re-
vival from sluggish growth Co-founder Ma’s ally
amid fierce competition. A1 to lead board as the
 Investors have been ramp- e-commerce giant


ing up bets against stocks and
getting burned. Short sellers tries to boost growth
have incurred roughly $120 bil-

lion in mark-to-market losses


this year, including $72 billion in

the first half of June, according
to data from S3 Partners. B1
Group named Brooklyn Nets
 U.S. stocks fell to kick off owner Joe Tsai to be its chair-
a short week of trading, with man, putting the close ally of
the S&P 500, Dow industrials fellow co-founder Jack Ma
and Nasdaq losing 0.5%, 0.7% atop the Chinese e-commerce
and 0.2%, respectively. B12 giant as it seeks a revival from
TITANIC STRUGGLE: The five passengers on the missing submersible are, clockwise from left, Hamish Harding, a British sluggish growth amid fierce
 Rivian said it struck a deal
businessman and adventurer; Shahzada Dawood and his son, Suleman, part of one of Pakistan’s richest families; Stockton competition.
to expand access to Tesla’s
Rush, founder and CEO of OceanGate, the company that operates the tours; and French explorer Paul-Henry Nargeolet. A3 Tsai, 59 years old, is seen by
fast chargers to drivers of its
company insiders and analysts
EVs, further cementing Tesla’s
as being close to Ma, the com-
dominance in the U.S. for own-

Hunter Biden Agrees to Plead Guilty

pany’s largest shareholder who
ers looking to power up. B1
stepped down as executive
 Novo Nordisk sued sev- chairman in 2019 and has kept
eral spas and clinics, alleging a low profile after he appeared
they illegally said they were to have a fallout with Beijing
selling custom-made ver- President’s son The deal with federal pros- with the deal said. A judge amid a regulatory crackdown
sions of Ozempic and other ecutors marks the culmination By C. Ryan Barber, will ultimately decide the sen- on the tech industry.
company medicines to peo- reaches deal to of a yearslong investigation by Aruna Viswanatha tence, which is likely to in- Their relationship could
the U.S. attorney in Delaware, and Sadie Gurman clude a fine. give Tsai more heft than the
ple trying to shed pounds. B1 admit tax offenses,
David Weiss, who was ap- The U.S. attorney said the departing chairman Daniel
 FedEx posted its third con- resolve gun charge pointed by former President agreement on a separate fire- investigation is continuing, Zhang to push along the com-
secutive drop in quarterly rev-
Donald Trump and has re- arms charge. Under such while Biden’s defense lawyer, pany’s plans to reorganize it-
enue as it adapts to weaker
WASHINGTON—Hunter Bi- mained in office under the Bi- agreements, prosecutors gen- Chris Clark, said it was his self into multiple independent
demand after a pandemic-
den, President Biden’s son, has den administration to see erally forgo pursuit of a “understanding that the five- companies and get its e-com-
fueled boom in business. B3
reached an agreement to plead through the criminal inquiry charge if defendants submit to year investigation into Hunter merce business back on a
 Gannett sued Google and its guilty to misdemeanor tax into the president’s son. other training or treatment is resolved.” growth track.
parent Alphabet, alleging anti- charges, likely heading off In a letter filed in federal programs. “I know Hunter believes it Zhang will also be replaced
competitive monopolization of prison time and what would court in Delaware, Weiss’s of- Weiss’s office has agreed to Please turn to page A4 as chief executive officer by
ad-tech markets and decep- have been a politically explo- fice said Hunter Biden, 53 recommend a sentence of pro- Eddie Wu, another of Ma’s co-
tive commercial practices. B4 sive prosecution while his fa- years old, is entering a so- bation as part of the plea  Deal adds to president’s founders who currently heads
ther campaigns for re-election. called pretrial diversion agreement, a person familiar political headaches.......... A4 Please turn to page A2

 Hunter Biden has reached

an agreement to plead guilty
Founders’ INSIDE Wall Street Sours
to misdemeanor tax charges,
likely heading off prison time
and what would have been a
Feud Puts On America’s Downtowns
politically explosive prosecu-
tion while his father cam- Hedge Fund

paigns for re-election. A1, A4

 The judge overseeing the
prosecution of Trump on
At Risk Market signals are flashing red for bonds tied to cities
BY HEATHER GILLERS billions of dollars in tax revenue along with
charges that he illegally re-
their distinctive skylines. In turn, investors
tained and shared national-
BY JULIET CHUNG Wall Street is betting against America’s who bet on downtown office towers, or on
defense information ordered a
AND GREGORY ZUCKERMAN downtowns. the trains and buses delivering workers to
trial to begin as soon as Aug.
Investors are paying less for bonds them, could generally trust they held a win-
14, a timeline expected to be
delayed by pretrial litigation. A4
A long-running rift atop BUSINESS & FINANCE linked to New York subways and buses. ning hand.
one of the world’s largest Low water levels hit Downtown-focused real-estate investment Now, with white-collar workers spending
 A federal judge struck down hedge funds has burst into the trusts trade at less than half their prepan- more time in their home offices, a phenom-
Arkansas’s ban on gender-af- open, raising questions about
Panama Canal, posing demic levels. Bondholders are demanding enon that shows few signs of ending, in-
firming care for transgender the firm’s future. risk for global supply extra interest to hold office-building debt. Please turn to page A10
children, the first-of-its-kind Over the last 22 years, John chains. B1 Downtowns have been a mother lode for
law in the nation, finding it Overdeck and David Siegel American cities over the years, providing  Silicon Valley firms dump office space..... B1
was unconstitutional. A2 built Two Sigma Investments
into a $60 billion quant-trad-
 Russia launched 35 Iranian-
ing behemoth. But behind the
Instacart Fights Rudeness. ‘Go
This edition of The Wall Street Journal was originally published in the United States and reprinted locally for regional distribution.

made suicide drones at Kyiv

scenes, the billionaire co-
and other Ukrainian cities as
Ukrainian forces engaged in
founders have clashed over the
firm’s direction, succession
Back and Get the Bread Sliced!!!’
heavy battles in the south of
planning and more, people fa- i i i
the country as part of their
miliar with the matter said.
attempt to advance. A7
The relationship has deteri- The company warns customers to behave
 During the Trump adminis- orated to the point where Two
tration, U.S. officials reviewed Sigma felt the need to disclose better. Repeat offenders face being banned.
intelligence that tracked Hua- the friction in a March 31 secu-
wei and ZTE workers at facil- rities filing. In a little-noticed BY JAEWON KANG taking it.’”
ities suspected of housing Chi- section on “material risks” re- Arguments have long
nese eavesdropping operations lated to its investments strate- Instacart shopper Stephen erupted at the supermarket,
in Cuba, according to people gies, the firm warned that Two Delzer was at a New Hamp- where people go bananas over
familiar with the matter. A9 Sigma’s management commit- shire grocery store filling an shopping carts clogging the
tee—which includes only Over- order for a customer when he aisles and fender-benders in
 Two Palestinian gunmen
deck and Siegel—is having dif- saw that the variety of pasta parking lots. The rise of gro-
opened fire at a restaurant
ficulty making key decisions, a sauce the client wanted was cery-delivery apps such as
and gas station near the Israeli
disclosure that lawyers, inves- out of stock. Instacart, DoorDash
settlement of Eli in the West
tors and others said is virtu- Delzer messaged and Uber Eats has
Bank, killing four people, ac-
ally unprecedented in the in- the customer and let shifted the bickering
cording to Israeli authorities. A9
vestment world. her know, and then online. Shoppers and
Two Sigma, according to the things got saucy. The customers say app
CONTENTS Markets News... B12 filing, is experiencing “a variety product showed up on- disputes have at
Arts in Review....... A13 Opinion............. A15-17
Business & Finance B2,10 Property Report.. B6
of management and governance line, she insisted, and Slow times mushroomed
Business News...... B3,11 Sports....................... A14 challenges,” and the manage- should be right there your roll into battlefields over
Crossword................... A14 Technology.............. B4 ment committee has “been un- on the top shelf. He re- substitutions, pets
Heard on Street..... B13 U.S. News....... A2-4,6 able to reach agreement on a sponded, no, his eyes were and more.
Markets Digest........ B9 World News....... A7,9
number of topics.” These in- working just fine and the Instacart, the biggest U.S.
clude “defining roles, authori- sauce wasn’t there. grocery-delivery app by sales,
> ties and responsibilities for a Delzer finished the shop- in April began sending warn-
range of C-level officers, includ- ping, dropped off the bags, ing emails to customers who
ing for the various roles of the and broke up with the cus- had been flagged by shoppers
members of the Management tomer. “Next day, I got an- as troublemakers.
s 2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.
Committee,” as well as “organi- other order from her,” Delzer “Hi,” the emails begin, “We
All Rights Reserved Please turn to page A6 said. “I’m like, ‘Nope, I’m not Please turn to page A10
A2 | Wednesday, June 21, 2023 ** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Biden Pick Confirmed Judge Strikes Down Arkansas Ban
To Join Appeals Court On Care for Transgender Children
BY LAURA KUSISTO York’s Southern District.
These nominees “were seen BY ADOLFO FLORES care improves the mental part of a wave of state laws do so, Cooper said. For those
The U.S. Senate on Tuesday as really breaking the mold,” health and well-being of pa- targeting gender-affirming who don’t, children would be
confirmed abortion-rights said Marin K. Levy, a professor A federal judge on Tuesday tients and that, by prohibiting care for transgender children, forced to discontinue care and
lawyer Julie Rikelman to a at Duke Law School. “Time struck down Arkansas’s ban on it, the State undermined the with Tennessee, Arizona and experience great distress, she
U.S. appeals court, resolving a passed and there’s been a real gender-affirming care for interests it claims to be ad- Alabama following suit. Critics said.
high-profile nomination by interest in whether they would transgender children, the first vancing,” Moody said. of these efforts said they con- Opponents of gender-affirm-
President Biden that had been ultimately get to the bench.” of its kind law in the nation, The law, which was tempo- tribute to the fear and growing ing care for children often fo-
pending nearly a year. Biden has made filling judi- finding it was unconstitutional. rarily blocked in 2021 by violence trans people face. cus on surgeries, despite medi-
Rikelman, 51 years old, will cial vacancies a priority of his In an 80-page ruling, U.S. Moody, would have prohibited The Arkansas measure was cal guidelines advising against
join the Boston-based First administration, aided by his District Judge James M. doctors from providing gender- enacted in April 2021, after the it. Most treatments for trans-
U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, party’s retention of Senate Moody Jr. permanently blocked affirming care that includes state legislature overruled a gender minors involve hor-
which has jurisdiction over control in the November mid- Arkansas from enforcing the puberty blockers, hormone-re- veto by then-Republican Gov. mone therapies, not surgery,
four Northeastern states and terms. Democrats have faced law. placement therapy and transi- Asa Hutchinson to pass it. Cooper said.
Puerto Rico. She has worked complications in recent Moody said the ban violated tion-related In May 2021, The Endocrine Society and
as an advocate for abortion months, however, as California the plaintiffs’ equal-protection surgery to mi- four families of the World Professional Associ-
rights for more than a decade, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a Dem- and due-process rights because nors. Doctors transgender ation for Transgender Health
most recently leading U.S. liti- ocrat who sits on the Senate it denies medical care for trans who broke the The judge ruled children and recommend against genital
gation for the Center for Re- Judiciary Committee, was ab- children that it allows others law would have the ban violated two doctors surgery until someone is of le-
productive Rights. sent for health reasons. to receive and undermines par- faced discipline sued Arkansas. gal age. Chest surgery can be
Representing a Mississippi The president has vowed to ents’ rights to make medical from a licensing the plaintiffs’ Leslie Coo- considered for someone who
abortion clinic at the Supreme nominate candidates who decisions for their children. group or a re- per, deputy isn’t an adult but only after
Court, she was on the losing would diversify the federal ju- The ruling also said the law vi- view board, and
constitutional project director undergoing hormone treat-
end of last year’s ruling in diciary, both in terms of demo- olated healthcare workers’ may have also rights. for the ACLU’s ment and ample time living in
Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s graphics and professional expe- First Amendment free-speech been sued. LGBTQ and HIV the desired gender.
Health Organization that over- rience. Of the more than 130 rights by barring them from In a state- Project and one The Centers for Disease
ruled Roe v. Wade and ended Biden judicial nominees con- referring underage trans pa- ment following of the lawyers Control and Prevention said
nearly 50 years of constitu- firmed so far, two-thirds are tients to other providers. the ruling, Arkansas Attorney representing the plaintiffs in transgender minors are at
tional protections for women women and nearly 70% are peo- In court filings and state- General Tim Griffin said the court, said the law doesn’t pro- higher risk of suicide com-
seeking the procedure. ple of color. He also has sought ments, the Arkansas Attorney state would appeal Moody’s tect children as its proponents pared with their cisgender
The Senate confirmed her nominees who have done work General’s Office said the law decision to the Eighth Circuit. claim but instead harms ado- counterparts. In a brief to the
on a 51-43 vote. in areas such as criminal de- banning gender-affirming care “I am disappointed in the lescents who could benefit or Eighth Circuit Appeals Court,
Rikelman is one of several fense and civil rights. was constitutional because the decision that prevents our already depend on gender-af- the American Academy of Pe-
Biden judicial nominees who Biden is on pace to make state has a responsibility to state from protecting our chil- firming medical care. diatrics, the American Medical
have been confirmed recently more judicial appointments protect children from medical dren against dangerous medi- If the law had taken effect, Association, the American Pe-
after languishing for many during his first term than treatment that lawmakers be- cal experimentation under the families of transgender youth diatric Society and other medi-
months. The Senate last week many of his predecessors but lieve is unsafe. moniker of ‘gender transition,’” who are receiving care would cal organizations said if gender
confirmed Dale Ho, a voting- faces an uphill battle matching “Rather than protecting Griffin said. “I will continue have to move their families to dysphoria is treated improp-
rights attorney at the Ameri- former President Donald children or safeguarding medi- fighting as long as it takes.” another state or regularly erly or not at all, the condition
can Civil Liberties Union, to Trump’s record of appoint- cal ethics, the evidence showed Arkansas’s law was the first travel to another state to get can result in debilitating anxi-
the U.S. District Court for New ments to the federal bench. that the prohibited medical of its kind to pass in the U.S. as care, if they have the means to ety, depression, and self-harm.


Fire at E-Bike I-95 to Reopen
Shop Kills Four This Weekend
A fire at a New York City Temporary lanes on Inter-
e-bike shop quickly spread to state 95 will be open some-
upper-floor apartments and time this weekend, with per-
killed four people early Tues- manent repairs to follow,
day. Investigators deter- Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Sha-
mined it was an accident piro said Tuesday, over a week
caused by a lithium-ion bat- after a section of the highway
tery. collapsed in Philadelphia.
Two men and two women A section of the north-
died in the fire. Two other bound lanes of the elevated
women were hospitalized in highway collapsed June 11 af-
critical condition, officials ter a tractor-trailer hauling
said. A firefighter had minor gasoline flipped over on an
injuries. off-ramp and caught fire.
The fire, reported shortly State transportation officials
after midnight, happened at said the driver, who was
HQ E-Bike Repair. It was killed, lost control around a
cited last summer for safety curve. The resulting damage
violations related to the stor- necessitated demolition of
age and charging of batter- the southbound lanes as well,
ies, officials said. officials said.
A man who said he was Pennsylvania’s plan for a
the owner of the bike shop quick interim fix has involved
said he made his usual trucking in 2,000 tons of

checks of the store before he lightweight recycled glass

left Monday night. He denied nuggets to fill in the col-
that any e-bike batteries lapsed area, avoiding supply-
were being charged. chain delays for other materi-
So far this year, there als, officials said. After that, a
have been more than 100 replacement bridge will be
fires and 13 deaths linked to built next to it to reroute
battery explosions in the city, traffic while crews excavate
said Fire Commissioner the fill to restore the exit
The aftermath of a fatal fire Tuesday that began at an e-bike shop and spread to upper-floor apartments in Manhattan. Laura Kavanagh. ramp, officials said.
Investigators determined it was caused by a lithium-ion battery. The shop owner said no e-bike batteries were being charged. —Associated Press —Associated Press

Joe Tsai to engineered the breakup of the

e-commerce empire from afar
while he traveled overseas for
tors and his appointment
should be seen as good news,
said Vey-Sern Ling, a senior
Performance of Alibaba’s American Depositary Receipts
since listing
that it planned to fully spin
off the business and complete
its public listing in the next

Be Alibaba most of the year before the

plan was unveiled. On Satur-
day, he was in his hometown
adviser for Asia technology
stocks at Union Bancaire
Privée. But the move is un-

May 2015: Daniel Zhang
becomes Alibaba CEO.
Sept 2019: Zhang succeeds
Jack Ma as chairman.
12 months.
A former Pricewater-
houseCoopers financial con-

Chairman of Hangzhou, where Alibaba is

based, to attend an annual
global mathematics competi-
likely to boost Alibaba’s stock
price, which is suffering as a
result of geopolitical issues and
sultant, Zhang joined Alibaba
in 2007 to lead Taobao’s fi-
nance and operations and be-
tion he started in 2018 and concerns over China’s economy 200 came the group’s chairman in
Continued from Page One chatted with the finalists. rather than any questions 2019. “My appointment as
up the Taobao and Tmall do- Last month, Ma met execu- about management, Ling said. 150 CEO and chairman of Alibaba
mestic e-commerce business. tives of Alibaba’s Chinese Alibaba’s market capitaliza- Group was beyond my imagi-
The changes will be effective commerce division to discuss tion topped $850 billion at its 100 nation,” Zhang said in a letter
on Sept. 10. the intensified competition it peak in late 2020, but had to staff, seen by The Wall
Taiwanese-born and U.S.- is facing, people familiar with plummeted to about $238 bil- 50 Street Journal. He said the
educated Tsai was a practic- the talks said. He urged the lion before the leadership cloud unit is full speed ahead
ing lawyer and private-equity unit to adjust business strate- change was announced. The 0 on its spinoff plans.
investor after graduating gies and governance as he company’s New York-listed 2015 ’16 ’17 ’18 ’19 ’20 ’21 ’22 ’23 Alibaba’s restructuring cul-
from Yale. He co-founded Ali- warned that the methods that American depositary receipts minates a yearslong shift inside
baba with Ma in 1999, served Alibaba relied on to succeed in were down 2% in U.S. premar- Source: FactSet the company to make it more
as its chief financial officer, the past might not be applica- ket trading on Tuesday. nimble. Alibaba’s various busi-
and became executive vice ble anymore, the people said. Alibaba’s incoming CEO, baba business units including merce business, people famil- nesses will be split up into six
chairman in 2013. He and Ma Ma remains the biggest Wu, led the company’s strat- Taobao and digital-payment iar with the plan said. major areas: cloud computing,
are the only permanent mem- shareholder of Alibaba and still egy to develop and give prior- platform Alipay. Zhang will continue to Chinese e-commerce, global e-
bers of Alibaba Partnership, cares very much about the ity to its smartphone shopping The emergence of Wu, who head up Alibaba’s cloud-com- commerce, digital mapping and
the top decision-making body company, Michael Evans, presi- sites as consumers shifted to has a lower profile among Ali- puting unit, the second-larg- food delivery, logistics, and me-
for the e-commerce giant and dent of Alibaba, said at a tech- using the mobile internet. A baba executives, could con- est business by revenue after dia and entertainment.
its affiliates. nology event in Paris last week. graduate in computer science, tribute to Alibaba’s plans to its domestic e-commerce unit, —Weilun Soon
Tsai’s strong U.S. ties are The reshuffle indicates that he was previously chief tech- leverage technology, including as the group bets on it for and Yoko Kubota
rare these days among cap- Ma is returning “to exercise nology officer of several Ali- AI, to revive its stalled e-com- growth. Alibaba said in May contributed to this article.
tains of Chinese industry, al- more direct control,” said
though he has faced criticism Charlie Chai, a tech-focused
in the U.S. for parroting Bei-
jing’s standpoint on some
analyst at equity research
firm 86Research.
(USPS 664-880) (Eastern Edition ISSN 0099-9660)
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controversial issues. He Beijing might welcome Ma’s Editorial and publication headquarters: 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10036
played high-school football at continued influence, given The photo of the June- grants, among other steps, Published daily except Sundays and general legal holidays.
the Lawrenceville School in that Alibaba’s dominance is teenth festival on Tuesday’s since this year’s homeless Periodicals postage paid at New York, N.Y., and other mailing offices.

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ball team in 2018. He also consumption and speed up de- editions. $486 million.
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professional lacrosse team, gence, he said. The U.S. Interagency Weilun Soon’s byline was By web:; By email:
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women’s professional basket- Tsai helped it win invest- said that the Biden adminis- Markets article on Tuesday Reprints & licensing:
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The shake-up could main- team from scratch. Readers can alert The Wall Street Journal to any errors in news articles by GOT A TIP FOR US? SUBMIT IT AT WSJ.COM/TIPS
tain the influence of Ma, who Tsai is well-liked by inves- emailing or by calling 888-410-2667.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. **** Wednesday, June 21, 2023 | A3


The now-missing submersible Titan is shown preparing for a dive Sunday into a remote area of the Atlantic Ocean on an expedition to the wreckage of the Titanic.

Search for Titanic Explorers Races Clock

International rescue group had about 40 hours of The organization said
emergency oxygen left as of Inside OceanGate’s Titan Hull Made of a combination of titanium
and composite material, it holds up to OceanGate had sought assis-
mission presses on early Tuesday afternoon. The company's submersible vessel five occupants including the pilot. tance from Magellan, a deep-
amid fears craft will The search is about 900 Low roof requires passengers to sit. sea mapping and investigation
miles off Cape Cod, Mass., in
disappeared on a mission to see the company based in the U.K., to
run out of oxygen water about 13,000 feet deep. Titanic shipwreck. use its deep-sea remotely op-
The craft dived Sunday for a erated vehicle to help find the
U.S. and Canadian ships and closer glimpse at history’s Compartment Propulsion submersible. Magellan’s vehi-
planes mounted a broad effort most famous shipwreck. This section swings cle has the capacity to go far
to locate a missing submers- Former passengers on prior out as a door. deeper than the vehicles cur-
ible carrying five people that excursions aboard the Titan— rently on site, Explorers Club
disappeared days earlier on a the OceanGate craft that went said, but the U.S. hadn’t yet is-
mission to see the Titanic missing—said their dives into sued permits for the team to
shipwreck. the abyss were carefully exe- participate.
cuted missions. Magellan said in a state-
By Joanna Sugden, Retired private-equity-fund ment it has been working with
Erin Mulvaney, manager Colin Taylor, 60, took U.K. and U.S. agencies to “se-
Alyssa Lukpat an OceanGate expedition with cure the necessary air support
and Allison Pohle his now 22-year-old son last to move our specialist equip-
July. Taylor, who lives in Can- ment and support crew.” The
The saga has put a spot- ada, said they spent about a Coast Guard didn’t respond to
light on what is a niche and week running through numer- requests for comment. Ocean-
generally unregulated tourism ous training sessions such as Gate declined to comment.
industry, typically for wealthy safety briefings and risk as- The search for the vessel is
people, and the little-known sessments. He said his son a logistical challenge in the
company OceanGate Expedi- helped some of the engineers Atlantic, with experts saying
tions, founded in 2009 with and technicians complete that it is comparable to look-
the goal of enabling deep-sea checks on the systems. Pilot Video monitors track ing for a needle in a haystack.
exploration using robotics and “You’re just very, very in- Viewport A roughly position, oxygen levels and “GPS doesn’t work under-
submersibles. volved with all of the engineers 20-inch window allows Skids communications. A video water, nor does radio and that
Canadian aircraft con- and technicians,” Taylor said. passengers to see out. game controller steers makes it quite difficult to lo-
ducted sonar searches, and a Mike Reiss took an Ocean- Propulsion the vessel. cate it,” said Fotis Pagoulatos,
remotely operated vehicle was Gate expedition with his wife Note: Scale approximate
a naval architect and fleet
diving toward the Titanic, the last July. The 63-year-old Source: OceanGate Expeditions Kevin Hand/THE WALL STREET JOURNAL manager at Eastern Mediter-
U.S. Coast Guard said Tues- writer for “The Simpsons” said ranean Maritime shipping
day. Naval and marine-robot- the submersible was about the OceanGate were impressive Campbell University in North deep ocean,” Mercogliano said. company, based in Athens.
ics experts described the re- size of a minivan, and he felt expedition leaders and that Carolina. The irony, he said, is The Coast Guard said the Stefan Williams, a professor
covery efforts as a logistical so relaxed during the descent the company had performed a that the sinking of the Titanic submersible could be on the of marine robotics at the Uni-
nightmare. The total area that he dozed off and woke feat in developing a vessel inspired reforms in maritime surface or underwater. Heavy versity of Sydney, said reach-
searched thus far was 10,000 when the ship hit bottom. that could travel that deep in law, including requiring cer- fog made it difficult for crews ing the Titanic wreck takes
square miles, according to the As early as the 1980s, vari- the sea. tain safety procedures and to search Monday, but condi- about two hours in the sub-
Coast Guard. ous exploration groups But he said the experience distress signal improvements. tions were clearing up Tues- mersible, which usually com-
“To date those search ef- hatched plans allowing tour- was at times unnerving: being OceanGate didn’t seek clas- day. “There is a full-court- municates with a ship at the
forts have not yielded results,” ists to pay to see the wreck. locked in a tube, slowly de- sification by third-party press effort to get equipment surface using transponders
Capt. Jamie Frederick of the Tourists today are able to visit scending toward the ocean groups—such as the American on scene as quickly as we that aren’t always reliable.
First Coast Guard District said. the Titanic’s grave, but only floor, knowing that the crew Bureau of Shipping, which of- can,” the Coast Guard’s Fred- —Saeed Shah,
The submersible was carry- scientists and experts can members are depending on fers detailed standards for erick said. Arian Campo-Flores,
ing Hamish Harding, chairman touch the artifacts. the electrical, pressurization vessels including submers- Sonar had detected “poten- Nick Kostov, Costas Paris,
of an aircraft service com- OceanGate’s first tour in and other systems to work ibles—according to a February tial ‘tapping sounds’ at the lo- Scott Calvert
pany; Paul-Henry Nargeolet, 2021 used the Titan. The com- just right. “It was a wonderful 2019 blog post. The company cation” that the submersible and Rebecca Ballhaus
who has made dozens of dives pany boasted that it was the experience,” Wortman said, said: “Innovation in design is dived from, which could indi- contributed to this article.
to the Titanic wreckage; first deep-sea submersible but added: “I had the opportu- outside of an already accepted cate a signal from the crew or
Shahzada Dawood and his son, constructed from carbon-fiber nity to go back down, and I system.” simply be random noise, ac-
Suleman Dawood, who are composite and the only vessel chose not to.” While the ships carrying cording to an email reviewed Watch a Video
members of one of Pakistan’s that could then currently Submersibles operate out- the submersible are subject to by the Journal that the Ex- Scan this code
richest families; and Stockton reach the depths. side the boundaries that regu- inspection by Canadian or U.S. plorers Club—an organization for a video on
Rush, founder and chief execu- Joseph Wortman, who par- late other vessels, said Salva- officials, “they don’t do that for scientific exploration that the search for
tive of OceanGate. ticipated in a Titan mission in tore Mercogliano, who teaches with submersibles. They oper- Harding belongs to—sent to the missing
The Coast Guard said the 2021, said Rush and others at maritime-industry policy at ate in confined areas in the members. submersible.

‘He Was Super Excited About This Trip’

Five people were aboard In 2019, Harding was part of Shahzada and arm in Pakistan, which was
OceanGate Expeditions’ sub- a crew that gained a Guinness particularly involved during
mersible when it went missing World Record for the fastest Suleman Dawood the Covid-19 pandemic and
Sunday, shortly after descend- circumnavigation of the Earth Shahzada Dawood, a mem- the floods in southern Paki-
ing to tour the wreckage of the via the North and South Poles. ber of one of Pakistan’s rich- stan in 2022.
The crew made the journey in a est families, is aboard the
By Joanna Sugden, Gulfstream G650ER jet in 46 craft with his son, Suleman
Nick Kostov hours, 40 minutes and 22 sec- Dawood. Suleman, 19, is a uni- Stockton Rush
and Saeed Shah onds. In June of last year he versity student in Scotland. OceanGate’s founder and
took part in a Blue Origin hu- Shahzada’s wife, Christine, chief executive, Stockton
Titanic. Friends and associates man space flight aboard the and his 17-year old daughter, Rush, has long been an adven-
described several of them as New Shepard rocket. Alina, are on a ship at the ture seeker. He became a cer-
adventure seekers, world trav- surface in the Atlantic Ocean, tified scuba diver when he
elers and in some cases ex- from which the submarine was 14, and at 19 he became
perts at maritime dives. Paul-Henry Nargeolet had departed on its voyage. the world’s youngest jet trans-
Paul-Henry Nargeolet, in “Shahzada loved travel, ad- port rated pilot, according to
his 70s, is considered a lead- venture, technology,” said a OceanGate’s website. He flew
Hamish Harding ing authority on the Titanic. close friend. “He was super around the world under a sub-
Early Sunday morning, He has completed more than excited about this trip.” contract from Saudi Arabian
Hamish Harding sent a Whats- three dozen dives to the site They often traveled to- Airlines.
App message telling a friend of the wreckage, and super- gether as a tight family unit, Rush later worked as a
that he would be diving to the vised the recovery of thou- this person said. Shahzada’s flight test engineer and was
Titanic later that day, “If the sands of artifacts from the de- past trips included travel to on the board of directors for
weather holds.” bris field around it. Antarctica and the Kalahari several tech companies.
“Stay safe,” the longtime Born in Chamonix, France, desert, and he enjoyed adren- He founded OceanGate in
friend replied, according to Nargeolet spent 22 years in the aline-pumping pastimes such 2009, saying in a speech last
WhatsApp exchanges viewed French navy, rising to the rank as white-water rafting. year that he wanted to expand
by the Journal. of commander. In 1986, he re- Despite his wealth, 48- deep-sea exploration. He said
A little over a day later, the tired from the navy and joined year-old Shahzada led a low- he has traveled to the Titanic
first reports emerged that the the French Institute for Re- key, unflashy lifestyle, in a shipwreck several times. In in-
vessel Harding was on—a tita- search and Exploitation of Sea, suburb of London, the friend terviews, he has said regula-
nium and carbon fiber submer- where he developed a passion said. tions in the submersible in-
sive named Titan—had disap- for the wreckage of the Titanic. The Dawoods are the own- dustry have slowed
peared. Mathieu Johann, Nargeolet’s ers of a conglomerate called innovation.
Harding, who is married friend and literary representa- Engro that produces every- He studied aerospace engi-
with two sons, lives in Dubai tive, said he enjoyed showing thing from electricity to fer- neering as an undergraduate
and is chairman of Action Avi- tourists the wreckage, but his tilizer and milk. The family student at Princeton Univer-
ation, the aircraft service real passion is bringing objects oversees the businesses in sity and then in 1989 he ob-
company he founded in 2004. such as jewelry from the Pakistan, but its members tained a master’s degree in
The Titanic mission was wreckage to the surface. “He mostly live elsewhere, while business administration from
just the latest in the list of even returned objects to fami- professional managers run the University of California,
big-ticket bucket-list items the lies, to the children or grand- the various Engro enter- Berkeley.
58-year-old Harding has ac- children of people who were on prises. The family also has a —Alyssa Lukpat
complished in recent years. the Titanic,” Johann said. large and active philanthropic contributed to this article.
A4 | Wednesday, June 21, 2023 HK JP TU ML SI IN UK FR MN PR * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


GOP Candidates Will Soon Be Pressured

Large field of can all drive candidates to run When 2016 GOP candidates entered and exited the race minds of all the candidates.” “Anyone can get in. But
and think they have a shot, The GOP field for 2024 you’ve got to have the disci-
challengers boosts though some might have other Announced Withdrew grew to 11 major candidates pline to get out,” New Hamp-
Trump’s chances of motivations—such as the de- Cruz with last week’s entry in the shire Gov. Chris Sununu said
sire to be famous or be picked Rubio race of Miami Mayor Francis in a Wall Street Journal inter-
winning nomination for vice president. Those who Carson Suarez. Trump continues to view, not long before he de-
fail to register early stick Paul lead the field, and his recent cided against joining the race.
BY ALEX LEARY around hoping for a moment. Kasich indictment in the Mar-a-Lago He told CNN, “Come Novem-
While money is a significant document case once again ber, late December, if you’re

With the 2024 Republican determinant, recent history Santorum prompted many rank-and-file sitting in low single digits, get
presidential crop now largely has shown a wealthy donor Republicans to rally to his your butt out of the race.”

in place, another guessing can sustain a candidate deep Christie side. He faces other investiga- The super PAC era of un-

game begins. When will candi- into the process. Pataki tions related to the Jan. 6, limited donations means a
dates start dropping out? “Running for president is Graham 2021, Capitol riot and an ef- rich benefactor can keep a
As the shine from campaign an endeavor that generally re- Gilmore fort to overturn the results in candidate going even if they
launches wears, candidates wards the stubborn,” said GOP Jindal Georgia. Trump denies wrong- aren’t raising much money for
will feel pressure to show strategist Mike Murphy. Can- doing in those cases, and their campaigns. In the 2012
progress. That tension is likely didates should spend wisely, pleaded not guilty to the doc- GOP race, two years after the
to be more intense than usual display polish and do things Jan. July Jan. July ument charges. Supreme Court’s landmark
given what happened in the that attract media attention, 2015 2016 Opponents such as Florida Citizens United campaign fi-
GOP’s raucous 2016 primary, he said. Source: news reports Rosie Ettenheim/THE WALL STREET JOURNAL Gov. Ron DeSantis, who runs nance decision, former Penn-
during which Donald Trump Since 1976, more than 40% second in most polls, are sylvania Sen. Rick Santorum
bested a massive field. Given of Republican presidential nors, with a minimum number fanfare, ended his bid the day treading carefully around the battled eventual nominee Mitt
his base of core supporters, candidates have dropped out of donors required from at after placing third in the Iowa classified documents case, Romney but was hurt by an-
both pro- and anti-Trump Re- before the balloting in Iowa least 20 different states, and event in August 2011. largely mirroring Trump’s as- other challenger, Newt Ging-
publicans agree that the for- and New Hampshire. Another reaching 1% in three qualify- The 2016 primary featured sertions that the case is politi- rich, who was fueled by $15
mer president benefits from batch of hopefuls typically ing polls. The candidates also 17 major candidates—a dozen cally motivated. More broadly, million in super PAC dona-
having a large crop of rivals drops out just after the first must agree to support the of whom were still in the race DeSantis and some others tions.
divvy up the rest of the GOP few states cast votes. eventual nominee. Front-run- when voting started—and the have begun to more directly Dave Carney, a New Hamp-
electorate. An early test could come in ning Trump has signaled he large field aided Trump. draw contrasts with Trump. shire-based consultant who
“Everyone realizes that mid-July when quarterly fund- might skip the debate. “It took too long for sup- Just as in 2016, the Trump has advised presidential cam-
candidates that are just taking raising reports are due. A The debate could take on porters to consolidate behind campaign has a “more the paigns, offered another moti-
up space are also helping more likely winnowing point some of the role of the Iowa our campaign and by the time merrier” perspective. His op- vation. “When there’s money
Trump,” said Alex Conant, is the first GOP debate on Straw Poll, which before being they had…Trump had too big a ponents, the thinking goes, in the bank, consultants will
who worked for Sen. Marco Aug. 23. To make the stage, eliminated in 2015 tended to lead to catch up to,” said will split the anti-Trump vote convince the candidate to stay
Rubio’s (R., Fla.) campaign in candidates must meet stan- cull poorly performing candi- Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who in early primary states. That in regardless of what’s in their
that 2016 contest. dards set by the Republican dates. Former Minnesota Gov. mounted the strongest chal- worries Republicans who want best interest,” he said.
Experience, ego and en- National Committee, including Tim Pawlenty, who entered lenge. “I’m sure that experi- to move on from the former —John McCormick
couragement from supporters having 40,000 individual do- the 2012 presidential race to ence is front and center on the president. contributed to this article.

Son’s Deal Adds to President’s 2024 Worries Judge Sets

BY ANNIE LINSKEY re-election, the guilty plea the sentiment, telling CNN have focused on his legal it “a sweetheart deal.”
Aug. 14
den’s plea deal with the Jus-
provides fodder to Biden’s
GOP opponents to drive a
message that Biden’s family is
that the resolution of the case
should enable the Justice De-
partment to provide addi-
problems as a key reason why
he doesn’t deserve another
term as president; Hunter Bi-
The White House had long
anticipated that the GOP reac-
tion would be to question the
Trial Date
tice Department reduces his
legal jeopardy but adds to
President Biden’s political
corrupt—an argument that
former President Donald
Trump has pushed for several
tional information to Congres-
sional probes. “It should
actually enhance our investi-
den’s admission of guilt could
make that argument harder to
sell with independent voters
independence of the Justice
Department and attack its in-
tegrity, and therefore sought
For Trump
headaches, as Republicans ac- years and that Democrats dis- gation because who are grow- to wall off the Hunter Biden
cuse his administration of miss as a distraction from the DOJ should ing weary of investigation, which was BY SADIE GURMAN
maintaining a two-tiered sys- Trump’s own controversies. not be able to candidates on launched under Trump and
tem of justice and vow to con- None of The Wall Street withhold any The plea gives both sides of was allowed to continue when The federal judge overseeing
tinue probing the younger Bi- Journal’s reporting has found information the GOP fodder the aisle. Biden took office. It was con- the prosecution of former Pres-
den’s business dealings. that Joe Biden was involved in now saying ‘be- Republicans ducted by U.S. Attorney for ident Donald Trump on charges
For the White House and his son’s business activities. cause of a as polls show a have been quick Delaware David Weiss, a that he illegally retained and
the Biden re-election cam- Republicans said they would pending inves- to suggest that Trump appointee who was al- shared national-defense infor-
paign, the deal avoids a messy continue their search for ways tigation,’”
tight race for the relatively lowed to stay on. mation has signaled she is
public trial that would have that Hunter Biden’s business McCarthy said. re-election. minor punish- Hunter Biden’s troubles seeking a fast pace for court
gobbled public attention and dealings touched his father. Trump was ment that fed- also put the president in a dif- proceedings, ordering a trial to
distracted from the presi- “We will not rest until the indicted this eral authorities ficult personal position, as he begin as soon as Aug. 14.
dent’s attempts to sell his full extent of President Biden’s month for his offered Hunter has sought to defend his son The timeline set by Judge
agenda. The agreement also involvement in the family’s handling of classified materi- Biden shows different stan- to a point of potentially un- Aileen Cannon is widely ex-
front-loads some of the politi- schemes are revealed,” said als—charges that he has cho- dards of justice based on po- dermining his own credibility. pected to be delayed by
cal impact: better to rip the House Committee on Over- sen to fight rather than seek a litical leanings. Donald Trump “My son has done nothing months of pretrial litigation,
Band-Aid off now than have sight and Accountability plea agreement. He also faces Jr., son of the Republican for- wrong. I trust him,” Biden including over how to handle
the case linger into 2024. Chairman James Comer (R., charges in New York for his mer president, said the deal said last month on MSNBC. classified material in
But with Biden’s approval Ky.). business affairs and could also “reeks of favoritism.” Florida —Simon J. Levien court. Such procedures could
ratings stubbornly low and House Speaker Kevin be indicted in Georgia. Gov. Ron DeSantis, a GOP and Eliza Collins push Trump’s trial into late
polls showing a tight race for McCarthy (R., Calif.) amplified Trump foes in both parties presidential contender, called contributed to this article. 2024, well into the presiden-
tial campaign in which he is
the Republican front-runner.

Hunter Cannon said all hearings

would be held at the federal
courthouse in Fort Pierce, Fla.,

Biden to where she is based, about 130

miles north of Miami.
Special counsel Jack Smith,

Plead Guilty whose prosecutors brought the

case, promised a speedy trial
this month when he an-
nounced the 37-count indict-
Continued from Page One ment alleging Trump held on
is important to take responsi- to sensitive military secrets he
bility for these mistakes he knew he shouldn’t have re-
made during a period of tur- tained access to, shared them
moil and addiction in his life,” with others and directed his
Clark said. “He looks forward staff to help him evade author-

to continuing his recovery and ities’ efforts to get them back.

moving forward.” Trump last week pleaded
Most federal tax prosecu- not guilty to all counts, which
tions involve felony charges, cover seven different charges
such as tax fraud and evasion, including willful retention of
not the misdemeanor offenses national-defense information,
to which Hunter Biden intends withholding a record, false
to plead guilty: two counts of statements and conspiracy to
willful failure to pay federal in- obstruct. On five of the
come tax. counts, Trump was charged
Biden faces a maximum sen- alongside his former military
tence of a year in prison on valet, Walt Nauta, who sepa-
each of the misdemeanor tax rately faces a false-statements
charges. But tax prosecutions charge and is scheduled to be
for misdemeanor offenses, arraigned on June 27.
without other charges, rarely The charges all relate to
lead to prison time. Trump’s handling of docu-
“In my experience, misde- President Biden and Hunter Biden in February, arriving in Syracuse, N.Y. ‘I’m very proud of my son,’ the president said Tuesday. ments at his Mar-a-Lago re-
meanor tax prosecutions fre- sort.
quently result in noncustodial have no further comment.” tors struggled with whether Weiss told the House Judi- cussed the matter with the The difficulty of dealing
sentences. So this is not un- Begun in 2018, the investi- his drug addiction would pres- ciary Committee in a letter president. Garland’s office had with highly classified evidence
usual,” said Caroline Ciraolo, a gation first examined the youn- ent an effective defense against this month that “I have indeed no comment Tuesday. in criminal proceedings, pre-
former acting head of the Jus- ger Biden’s foreign business a potential criminal tax case. been granted ultimate author- Trump immediately seized trial disputes between
tice Department’s tax division. dealings but has come in more In a meeting in October, ity over this matter.” on Biden’s plea agreement, Trump’s team and prosecutors
In a statement, Weiss said recent years to focus on his federal prosecutors were in- Biden’s agreement comes saying in his Truth Social and other complications aris-
Hunter Biden received more taxes and his false claim, on a formed of investigators’ “long- after special counsel Jack platform that the Justice De- ing from the unprecedented
than $1.5 million in annual in- form to purchase a gun, that he standing concerns” about Smith brought charges against partment had handed the prosecution could long delay a
come in both 2017 and 2018 wasn’t using or addicted to what they described as irregu- Trump, in a 37-count indict- president’s son “a mere traffic trial, legal experts said.
and didn’t pay taxes on it, de- drugs. In his 2021 memoir, larities in the handling of the ment, unsealed on June 9, al- ticket.” Rep. James Comer (R., Cannon will have to resolve
spite owing more than “Beautiful Things,” Hunter Bi- Justice Department’s investi- leging that the former presi- Ky.), chairman of the House disagreements between
$100,000 each year. den detailed his long addiction gation, according to a lawyer dent unlawfully retained and Oversight Committee, said the Trump’s lawyers and the gov-
According to a court docu- to drugs and wrote that he for an Internal Revenue Ser- concealed sensitive govern- plea deal revealed a “two- ernment over how much na-
ment filed Tuesday related to smoked crack “every 15 min- vice supervisor who in April ment documents. That indict- tiered system of justice.” tional-security information
the firearms charge, Biden had utes” for stretches in 2018. expressed concern to lawmak- ment has rocked the 2024 The criminal inquiry into can be introduced in the
a Colt Cobra 38SPL revolver in The meandering inquiry ers about political interfer- presidential race, prompting Hunter Biden unfolded against courtroom. That process is
October 2018, even though he lasted five years over two ad- ence in the probe. other Republican candidates the backdrop of congressional governed by a law that allows
was addicted to drugs and ministrations and was beset In the weeks leading up to to address the allegations and investigations into President prosecutors to conduct a trial
barred from owning a gun. with many challenges, includ- the plea deal, Biden’s legal face questions about whether Biden and his family. A Repub- about classified material while
“I’m very proud of my son,” ing disagreements among in- team met with Justice Depart- they would pardon Trump if lican-led House inquiry has still protecting some of that
President Biden said in San vestigators over how to pro- ment officials about the inves- elected to the White House. highlighted unflattering but information from public dis-
Francisco, responding to ques- ceed. By mid-2022, tigation and argued against In much the same way Gar- previously known details closure.
tions about the plea agreement. investigators believed there criminal charges. Ahead of the land handled the Trump in- about Hunter Biden’s business A magistrate judge, Bruce
White House spokesman was enough evidence to charge meeting, Attorney General dictment, he sought to dis- dealings abroad, including one Reinhart, on Monday issued a
Ian Sams said the president Hunter Biden but prosecutors Merrick Garland testified be- tance himself from the episode in which he accepted a protective order barring
and first lady “love their son held off for months while they fore the Senate that he had investigation into Hunter Bi- 2.8-carat diamond—estimated Trump and his lawyers from
and support him as he contin- reviewed defense evidence. given Weiss broad indepen- den, saying in congressional to be worth up to $80,000— sharing any evidence in the
ues to rebuild his life. We will Among other issues, prosecu- dence to pursue charges. testimony he had never dis- from a Chinese businessman. case.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, June 21, 2023 | A5




A6 | Wednesday, June 21, 2023 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


U.S.-Funded Scientist in Wuhan Fell Ill Private Eye

Convicted of
CoV-2, the virus behind the
Covid-19 pandemic, first began
circulating around Wuhan, a
Acting as
A prominent scientist who
worked on coronavirus proj-
ects funded by the U.S. gov-
city in central China. China
has said the first confirmed
case was a man who fell ill on
China Agent
ernment is one of three Chi- Dec. 8, 2019.
nese researchers who became Hu is a leading researcher BY JAMES FANELLI
sick with an unspecified illness on coronaviruses who worked AND ISAAC YU
during the initial outbreak of closely with Shi Zhengli, the
Covid-19, according to current leading expert on bat corona- A private investigator and
and former U.S. officials. viruses at the Wuhan Institute another man were found guilty
The identity and role of the of Virology. Much of Hu’s re- Tuesday of acting as illegal
researchers is one piece of in- search focused on modifying agents of the Chinese govern-
telligence that has been cited coronaviruses so they could ment in a harassment cam-


by proponents of the judg- bind to human cells. paign of a former Chinese offi-
ment that the pandemic origi- cial and his family living in
nated with a lab leak, though New Jersey.
the nature of their illness Lab biosafety levels The convictions, by a Brook-
hasn’t been conclusively es- The stated purpose of the lyn federal jury, capped the first
tablished. research was to identify vi- trial of defendants charged for
Ben Hu, a scientist at the ruses that could lead to a pan- their alleged participation in
Wuhan Institute of Virology demic and facilitate the devel- Beijing’s “Operation Fox Hunt,”
who had done extensive labo- opment of a vaccine. Critics a yearslong effort to forcibly re-
ratory research on how coro- say such research requires patriate Chinese nationals liv-
naviruses infect humans, was stringent precautions because ing abroad. The Justice Depart-
identified in U.S. intelligence such work can make the vi- ment has sought to root out the
reports as one of the research- ruses in the lab more infec- harassment campaigns in re-
ers who became ill in Novem- tions for humans. cent years, bringing cases
ber 2019 with symptoms that Security personnel outside the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China in February 2021. Yu Ping, who also worked against alleged Chinese agents,
American officials said were for the institute along with while warning that Beijing has
consistent with either confidence. Four other U.S. in- ported in 2021 that U.S. intelli- he worked on were funded by Zhu, is an expert on the geo- sought to recruit American pri-
Covid-19 or a seasonal illness. telligence agencies assess with gence about the sick research- U.S. government grants, ac- graphic spread of coronavi- vate eyes to aid their efforts.
None of the researchers died. low confidence that the virus ers was fueling the push for a cording to documents ac- ruses and wrote a thesis that Michael McMahon, a retired
More than three years after arose naturally, while the Cen- fuller investigation into quired through the Freedom of was the first to describe a new New York Police Department
the pandemic began, and with tral Intelligence Agency has whether the virus might have Information Act by the White family of SARS-like coronavi- sergeant turned private inves-
almost seven million deaths been agnostic. escaped from a laboratory in Coat Waste Project, a non- ruses that are most closely re- tigator, was found guilty of
around the world, the virus’s Robert Kadlec, a former se- Wuhan. Neither the names of profit that opposes taxpayer lated to SARS-CoV-2. three counts. Jurors convicted
origins remain a subject of de- nior Health and Human Ser- the scientists, nor their spe- funded research on animals. That thesis and published him of failing to register with
bate, with implications for vices Department official, said cific positions at the institute, Hu and the other two re- scientific articles by other the Justice Department as an
U.S.-China relations, global the three scientists “published nor the fact that the work one searchers didn’t respond to Chinese scientists also indi- agent of a foreign country and
biosafety and international re- on SARS-related coronavirus of them did was funded by the emailed requests for com- cate that much coronavirus re- two charges related to stalking.
search practices. experiments done at inappro- U.S. government was disclosed ment. The Wuhan Institute of search was done in Biosafety He was acquitted on a fourth
priately low biosafety settings at the time. Virology said it had nothing level-2 facilities, a lower stan- count of conspiring to act as
that could have resulted in a The current and former U.S. new to say about the research- dard than the Biosafety level-3 an illegal foreign agent.
Origin disputed laboratory infection.” officials told the Journal the ers, and declined to comment or Biosafety 4 laboratories One of McMahon’s co-defen-
The initial hypothesis that Kadlec also conducted a three who fell ill were Hu; Yu further. The Chinese Foreign that are normally used around dants, Chinese national Zhu
the virus arose naturally has Senate study that concluded a Ping, a Chinese scientist who Ministry didn’t respond to an the world, including in China, Yong, was convicted of all four
been challenged as a host ani- lab leak was the more likely wrote a 2019 thesis on SARS- emailed request for comment. for the riskiest research. of those same charges. Another
mal has never been confirmed. cause of the Covid-19 pan- related coronaviruses found in Beijing has consistently re- The Government Account- co-defendant, Zheng Congying,
The scientific community is demic. bats; and another scientist jected the notion that Covid ability Office noted in a report was acquitted of two charges
divided over the possibility The U.S. intelligence com- named Yan Zhu. first emerged in China, includ- last week that some of the re- related to acting as an illegal
that the virus emerged from a munity is planning to declas- The researchers’ names ing a possible lab leak. Chi- search at the Wuhan Institute foreign agent but convicted on
lab leak or was transmitted to sify more information regard- were noted last week in an ar- nese Foreign Ministry Spokes- was funded by the U.S. Agency two counts of stalking.
humans from an infected ani- ing its search for Covid’s ticle in Public, which publishes man Wang Wenbin said in for International Development The Brooklyn U.S. attorney’s
mal, as is the U.S. intelligence origins as soon as this week. It on the Substack platform, and March that Beijing supported and the National Institutes of office charged the three defen-
community. couldn’t be determined if the were independently confirmed efforts to trace the origins of Health. Between 2014 and dants in 2020, alleging that
The Federal Bureau of In- declassified intelligence would by the Journal. Covid. “The real obstacle 2019, about $1.4 million was they and others conspired to
vestigation has assessed with include the names of the re- Hu is noteworthy, current thwarting global origins-trac- disbursed for work at the in- stalk and intimidate Xu Jin, a
moderate confidence that a searchers, and representatives and former officials say, be- ing study is the U.S.’s political stitute by both agencies before former Chinese government of-
lab leak was the most likely for the director of national in- cause of his central role in manipulation,” he said. such grants were suspended. ficial, and his family in an ef-
origin of the virus, and the telligence declined to com- coronavirus research at the November 2019 is roughly —Clarence Leong fort to scare him into return-
Energy Department came to a ment. Wuhan Institute of Virology. when many epidemiologists in Singapore ing to China to serve a 10-year
similar conclusion with low The Wall Street Journal re- Further, some of the projects and virologists think SARS- contributed to this article. prison sentence.

Feud Puts
Delightful Deep-Sea Style Hedge Fund


Continued from Page One
zational design and manage-
ment structure of various
teams” and “succession plans,”
among other disagreements.
“I’ve never seen anything
like this,” said Jamie Nash, a
partner at law firm Kleinberg In recent years, Two Sigma co-founders John Overdeck, left,
Kaplan who advises hedge and David Siegel have rarely appeared together at firm events.
funds. “Disagreements among
founders aren’t uncommon, Early on, Overdeck, 53 years The slated retirement of
but I’ve never heard of a dis- old, and Siegel, 61, appeared Chief Operating Officer Jona-
Our handmade 18" multicolored closure like this.” close, people who know them than Hitchon, who has played
The operating agreement the said. They and their families something of a diplomat’s role
Murano glass fish necklace stands two men drew up decades ago vacationed together, and the between the men in recent
specifies they must agree on two founders ate lunch to- years, was one trigger for Two
out in vibrant hues inspired by most decisions, people familiar gether often at Lupe’s East L.A. Sigma’s recent disclosure, peo-
coastal Italy. This playful statement with Two Sigma said. So when Kitchen, a Mexican spot near ple familiar with the firm said.
they disagree, little gets done. their office in Manhattan’s Overdeck and Siegel have dis-
finishes with an 18kt gold over People who work for the two SoHo neighborhood. agreed about whom to hire as a
men feel caught in the middle. The executives, who have replacement for Hitchon.
sterling silver lobster clasp In early 2022, a group of senior offices about 30 feet from Those discussions have
modelers who report to Over- each other, split their duties. prompted broader conversa-
and 2" extender. deck threatened to resign if Sie- Overdeck has managed the in- tions—and disagreements—
gel didn’t step back at the firm, vestment researchers, or mod- between the pair. Together,
according to people familiar elers, usually favoring a they control virtually all of the
Available in 20" $189 with the matter. Siegel called hands-off approach. Siegel equity in the firm, though
their bluff. The group, which in- oversees the firm’s engineers Overdeck holds a slightly
cluded investment chiefs Alex and appears at industry con- larger stake.
Ginsburg and Geoffrey Dun- ferences, often to speak about In recent years, Overdeck
combe, ended up staying. artificial intelligence, which he and Siegel have rarely appeared
Overdeck is a mathemati- studied decades together at firm

cian who worked for Jeff Be- ago at MIT. events. They
$ zos in’s early Each executive
The two men frequently snipe
days. He and Siegel, a Massa- has groups of at each other in
Compare at $240 chusetts Institute of Technol- loyalists. also have meetings, at-
ogy-educated computer scien- “It’s two tendees said.
tist who also worked at Tudor tribes,” a per- clashed over Decisions get
Investments, met while work- son close to the delayed and
ing at quant firm D.E. Shaw firm said.
succession projects killed
Group in the 1990s and went In a 2015 planning. because employ-
on to found Two Sigma in profile of Two ees assume they
2001. Mark Pickard, another Sigma, Forbes won’t be able to
co-founder, retired in 2006. described Over- get both found-
The firm’s computers digest deck as the “master chef” at ers to agree, the people said.
torrents of information from Two Sigma, and Siegel as the One person familiar with
earnings reports, weather bul- firm’s manager. Soon after, Overdeck and Siegel described
letins and more, and its scien- Overdeck brought a chef’s hat their relationship as evolving
tists write trading algorithms into a meeting with Siegel, over the years “from irritation
to invest based on patterns and people familiar with the situa- to Cold War to hot war.”
signals detected in the data. tion said. Siegel was furious In the March filing, Two
Two Sigma has described about the incident for days, Sigma said that the discord
itself to prospective employ- the people said. could affect the firm’s “ability
ees—often math and engineer- The two men also have to retain or attract employees
ing Ph. D.s—as “the best place clashed over succession plan- (including very senior employ-
for nice geeks to work,” cur- ning, some of the people said. ees) and could continue to im-
ORDER TODAY! rent and former employees Siegel has favored a plan to pact the ability of employees
To receive this special price and free shipping use offer code: SWIM16 said, a slogan that emphasized hand control to a chief execu- to fully implement key re-
the importance of passion and tive officer, while he and search, engineering, or corpo-
1.800.556.7376 or visit collegiality. The New York firm Overdeck would keep their rate business initiatives.”
Item #932281 has expanded into venture, chairmen roles. Overdeck, Ongoing disputes could af-
private equity, reinsurance and meanwhile, has wanted to fect investors’ returns over
market-making businesses. maintain an operating role. time, the firm said.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, June 21, 2023 | A7

Russian Drones Pummel Ukrainian Cities
Kyiv officials say the destroy dozens of Western-
supplied Ukrainian tanks, in-
offensive is going to fantry fighting vehicles and
plan, and the main armored personnel carriers.
Despite these setbacks, and
thrust is still ahead the thick layers of Russian
minefields and other fortifica-
BY YAROSLAV TROFIMOV tions, Ukrainian forces have ad-
vanced along two of the three
Russia launched 35 Iranian- axes of offensive, toward the
made suicide drones at Kyiv town Vasylivka on the banks of
and other Ukrainian cities Dnipro and south of Velyka No-
overnight as Ukrainian forces vosilka, on the border between
engaged in heavy battles in the the Donetsk and Luhansk re-
south of the country as part of gions, retaking a total of eight
their attempt to advance. villages and 44 square miles.
Russia, which intensified Most of the reserve brigades
cruise-missile and drone trained and equipped by the
strikes on Kyiv during the past West and Ukraine for the offen-
two months, lobbed the major- sive haven’t yet engaged in com-
ity of the Iranian-made Sha- bat. “The biggest strike is still
hed drones at the Ukrainian ahead,” said Ukraine’s Deputy
capital. While all the drones Defense Minister Hanna Malyar.
that headed to Kyiv were shot On Tuesday, Ukrainian
down, Ukraine’s military said, forces were pushing from the
three others hit their targets village of Piatykhatky that


elsewhere in the country. they seized over the weekend
The mayor of Lviv in west- to the next village on the way
ern Ukraine reported a drone to Vasylivka, Zherebyanky,
strike on a critical-infrastruc- Russian military correspon-
ture site in the city. Moreover, dents said. Ukraine confirmed
according to the Ukrainian the liberation of Piatykhatky.
military, Russia hit the south- In Russia, an explosion at
ern city of Zaporizhzhia with Mourners join family members in Kyiv to pay respects to a Ukrainian soldier who was killed fighting Russian forces. the Tambov Powder Plant, one
ballistic missiles. There were of the country’s main producers
no reported casualties. cause its old Soviet-vintage jet pects to be able to operate Russia has ramped up its the south. Since Ukraine be- of ammunition for artillery and
The drones are getting fighters lack the radars needed next year as its pilots are be- missile and drone attacks on gan its offensive in the east- small arms, killed four people
through to cities such as Lviv to thwart the threat, said ing trained in the West, would Ukrainian cities in part to pre- ern Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia and injured 12 on Tuesday, ac-
because Ukraine has insuffi- Ukraine’s Air Force spokesman greatly enhance Ukraine’s abil- vent Kyiv from deploying regions this month, Russia has cording to Russian state media.
cient air defenses to protect Yuriy Ihnat. More modern F-16 ity to protect its skies against more of its scarce air-defense effectively used its Ka-52 heli- Local officials said the incident
the entire country, and be- aircraft, which Ukraine ex- drones and missiles, he added. systems to the front line in copter gunships and drones to wasn’t caused by an attack.

EU Proposes $55 Billion in Economic Aid Over 4 Years

BY LAURENCE NORMAN derpin other programs. It will of Ukraine’s longer-term assis- and recovery costs already Ukraine’s progress in working Member states agreed to an
depend in part on the EU issu- tance needs. It also is at the low stand at $411 billion as the toward eventual EU accession. €18 billion package of emer-
The European Union is ing debt to fund the payments. end of the range EU officials war grinds on. In Washington, signs of a gency budget support, with
seeking to lock in 50 billion The proposal will need back- floated recently with member The EU proposal is one of partisan divide concerning monthly disbursements of
euros, $54.62 billion, in financ- ing from EU member states, states, which was between €50 many big decisions Western long-term support for Ukraine around €1.5 billion. The EU
ing for Ukraine between 2024 many of which face tight bud- billion and €72 billion, people countries face on Ukraine that are growing, with former Pres- also is covering the interest-
and 2027, to provide sustained get conditions amid the eco- involved in discussions said. will test their willingness to ident Donald Trump leading rate costs of the loan.
external funding regardless of nomic slowdown and high in- The EU, U.S. and Interna- continue backing Kyiv fully Republican calls for the war to U.S. officials said this
Washington’s decisions after flation unleashed by Russia’s tional Monetary Fund are help- over time and offer military wind down as soon as possible. month that Washington has so
its 2024 presidential election. invasion of Ukraine. While ing to keep emergency budget assistance and protection. The EU late last year far contributed more than $19
The proposal from the Euro- most capitals support extend- support on tap for 2023, but NATO allies in July must moved to start ensuring a billion in budget support to
pean Commission, the European ing additional help for Kyiv, Ukraine says it will need at least decide on Ukraine’s push for a steady flow of economic sup- Ukraine. The International
Union’s executive arm, would they could struggle to agree on another $20 billion next year. road map to membership, and port to Ukraine after falling Monetary Fund agreed in
provide budget support for Kyiv, details, diplomats have said. The World Bank separately the EU is expected in coming short of promised pledges in March to a 48-month $15.6 bil-
help for reconstruction and un- The financing falls far short said Ukraine’s reconstruction weeks to update its view on 2022. lion program for Ukraine.

Schools in Occupied Regions

Now Teach Loyalty to Moscow

Monday mornings at Daniil
Popov’s high school in the oc-
cupied southern Ukrainian
town of Pryazovske started
with a Russian civics lesson.
Health class was replaced by
“Defense of the Motherland,”
where he was taught the
structure of the Russian army.

One day, Daniil, 17 years old,

came home and asked his
mother, “Is it true that Russian
speakers are oppressed in
Ukraine?” That is what the
teachers kept telling him, par- STAR SPANGLED
roting the official Russian ex-
cuse for the invasion. A Russian CARTIER SPINEL BROOCH
speaker himself, he was ques-
tioning his own experience.
In occupied parts of
Ukraine, the Russian-installed
governments are in the midst
of a massive campaign to turn
Ukrainian children into loyal School bags carry the logo of Vladimir Putin’s political party.
Russian citizens.
The school year began with rubles, about $124, to enroll year remained. The others were
some 37,000 students enrolled their children in Rus- brought in from other parts of
in Russian-run schools in the sian schools. Still, Marina the region, or from Russia.
Zaporizhzhia region, which in- Popova, Daniil’s mother, didn’t Daniil said most of the stu-
cludes Pryazovske, Russian want to send him. dents who remained at school
state media reported. Before the invasion, Popova were those who welcomed the Inventive design. Patriotic gem. Iconic firm.
Interviews with students, worked in the Pryazovske new regime. Bursting with American pride, this original Cartier Home Front
parents and teachers in occu- mayor’s office. When the Rus- In February, Daniil’s home- brooch showcases their patented illusory design that reflects an
pied areas, as well as docu- sians seized the town, she room teacher told him he American flag on the gold star-shaped body. Associated with the
ments viewed by The Wall stopped going to work but should get a Russian passport.
Street Journal, reveal a dra- didn’t flee to Ukrainian terri- As final exams before Daniil’s
Friends of Soldiers & Sailors organization, these Cartier brooches
matic redesign of the educa- tory—Popova’s elderly mother graduation approached, she were designed to promote patriotism during WWII. The radiant
tion system. couldn’t make the journey. told him he needed to do it to unheated 6.35-carat Burma spinel at the center is accompanied by a
Occupation authorities all Ukraine continued to pay her attend university. coveted appendix letter from the AGL. Diamond accents. 14K gold.
but banished Ukrainian from salary electronically. Only when teachers began Circa 1942. Marked “HYA 226” and “US
the curriculum in the Zapori- One morning last June, asking about the passport did Scan to view
PATENT 2199222.” 11/2”dia. #31-7154 a video of
zhzhia region. Russian lan- Daniil woke up with a start: his mother understand the im-
guage and literature classes An armed soldier in a bala- plications of her son getting a this brooch
have been added. Ukrainian clava was shaking him awake. Russian education.
textbooks have been replaced Two others were interrogating “My son would go to a Rus-
by Russian ones. his mother about why she sian university,” Popova said.
The overhaul is a central wouldn’t go back to work. “He’d have to take a Russian
thrust in the Kremlin’s effort The men left, but four sol- passport. He could be drafted
to erase Ukrainian identity diers returned in late August, into the Russian army.”
and consolidate its hold on oc- seizing Popova’s phone. She decided to flee, even
cupied territories. When school started in though it meant leaving her
After Russia took over September, she felt she had no mother behind.
swaths of territory in Ukraine’s choice but to send Daniil. During the March break from 622 Royal Street, New Orleans, LA • 877-677-2801 • •
south last spring, occupation Only 16 students began the school, she and Daniil—along
authorities quickly moved to year in Daniil’s 11th-grade class, with her niece and the niece’s Since 1912, M.S. Rau has specialized in the world’s finest art, antiques and jewelry.
get schools reopened. First, down from about 50 before the boyfriend—drove thousands of Backed by our unprecedented 125% Guarantee, we stand behind each and every piece.
Russian officials offered raises invasion. The other families miles through occupied terri-
for those willing to come back had fled Pryazovske, which had tory, through mainland Russia
to work, school directors in oc- about 6,000 residents when the and into Latvia. Then they went
cupied territories said. war began. About half the through Poland, back into
Parents were offered 10,000 teachers from the previous Ukrainian-held territory.
A8 | Wednesday, June 21, 2023 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Our friend and colleague, Evan Gershkovich, was detained by Russia on

March 29 during a reporting trip and accused of espionage. The Wall
Street Journal and the U.S. government vehemently deny the allegation
and have called for his immediate release.

Evan’s Journal colleagues will be sharing stories of their work with him
each week.

To show support for Evan, please follow the latest updates at
and add the hashtag #IStandWithEvan across social media.

I met Evan shortly after he joined The Wall Street Journal in early 2022.
He had moved to London temporarily after a lot of reporters left Moscow,
and I had just started working in London a few months before that. I had
been at the paper for more than four years at that point but he already
seemed more at ease than me in the newsroom.

Everyone will tell you he’s just a really fun person to be around—a really
infectious guy. I think that’s one of the things that make him such a good
journalist; he’s someone that people enjoy being around and want to talk
to. He’s always busy, he’s always doing a lot, but he always makes it look
fun and effortless. I was always struck by the fact that he could do so
much, make it look so easy and still make people laugh.

We were in touch sporadically while I reported from Ukraine and he

traveled back and forth to Russia. In March, I asked if he was enjoying
life in Moscow. He said “enjoying” wasn’t the right word, but that hewas
feeling more comfortable there.

We also spoke about the book “Life and Fate” by Vasily Grossman.
I had been reading it last year and told him how much I loved the book.
He told me how much he was enjoying it, too. He finished reading it in
a Russian prison.

I can only hope we get another chance to share a byline soon.

Isabel Coles
Reporter, The Wall Street Journal


©2023 Dow Jones & Co, Inc. All rights reserved. 6DJ0011
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. ******* Wednesday, June 21, 2023 | A9


Uganda Massacre Shows Group’s Reach Huawei,

ZTE Were
Islamist militants’
assault on school is
to a report published by
Bridgeway this month.
The ruins of the Lhubiriha
country’s worst in
more than a decade
Secondary School speak to the
group’s growing threat.
The school sits less than 2
In Cuba
miles from Uganda’s porous
BWERA, Uganda—For border with Congo. The school BY KATE O’KEEFFE
Zephana Kirilhuhandi and Syl- was a haven compared with
via Biira, the brick buildings the lawlessness of eastern WASHINGTON—During the
of Lhubiriha Secondary School Congo. Trump administration, U.S. offi-
presented a gateway to a fu- Students mostly came from cials reviewed intelligence that

ture they and other parents in Bwera, a bustling market tracked workers from Chinese
this impoverished border town, and nearby villages. telecom giants Huawei Tech-
town never had. Many spent weeknights sleep- nologies and ZTE entering and
ing in the school’s dormito- exiting from facilities suspected
By Nicholas Bariyo, ries. of housing Chinese eavesdrop-
Gabriele Steinhauser That calm ended shortly ping operations in Cuba, say
and Benoit Faucon before midnight Friday, when people familiar with the matter.
a gang of between five and 10 The intelligence contributed
Now half its buildings lie in suspected ADF militants found to suspicions within the Trump
ruins and 37 of its 63 stu- their way to the school. administration that the tele-
dents—between the ages of 12 Ugandan officials say the communications firms might be
and 22—are dead, as are five fighters had initially planned playing a role in expanding
adult community members. A woman consoles another mourner during the funeral ceremony for victims of the attack. to strike a military installa- China’s ability to spy on the U.S.
Among them are Elton, the tion. They are investigating from the island, according to
Kirilhuhandis’ studious 17- “He badly wanted his chil- worst terrorist attack in more beheaded villagers in eastern what led the militants to people familiar with the matter.
year-old son, and his father, dren to study,” Moses Kirilhu- than a decade, is a grisly Congo in a terror campaign change their target and why It couldn’t be learned whether
Zephana, the school’s security handi said of his uncle, Zeph- marker of how far militants of that has claimed around 4,000 nobody stepped in to stop the Biden administration has
guard. ana, fighting back tears at a the Allied Democratic Forces civilian lives, according to es- them. pursued that line of inquiry.
Another son, 15-year-old hastily arranged funeral on have expanded the territory in timates by the U.S.-based Zephana Kirilhuhandi, hired While neither Huawei nor
Brian, is missing. Authorities Sunday. “He valued education which they operate. Bridgeway Foundation, which in May as the school’s security ZTE are known to make the
couldn’t determine whether he a lot and he wanted to do ev- Formed in Uganda, the Isla- tracks militant activity in east guard, was the fighters’ first tools governments would use
was among a handful of stu- erything in his power to make mist group now operates from and central Africa. victim, killed with a bullet for eavesdropping, both spe-
dents kidnapped when Islamic sure his children attain that.” the neighboring Democratic Other African Islamic State through the head, Ugandan of- cialize in the technology
State-linked militants raided Elton’s and Brian’s mother, Republic of Congo. affiliates have helped fund the ficials said. needed to facilitate such an op-
the school Friday night or if Biira, was too distraught to Since 2019, when Islamic group, including one in Soma- Boys locked the door of eration, the people familiar
his is one of the bodies recov- speak. State recognized the ADF as lia, and it benefits from opera- their dormitory, but the men with the matter said.
ered from one of its dormito- The massacre at Lhubiriha one of its franchises, fighters tional links to Islamist fight- shot through the windows and In a statement, Huawei de-
ries. Secondary School, Uganda’s have bombed churches and ers in Mozambique, according hurled gasoline bombs inside. nied “such groundless accusa-
tions” and said it was “com-
mitted to full compliance with

Europe Looks to ‘De-Risk, China Cuts More Rates

the applicable laws and regula-
tions where we operate.” ZTE
didn’t respond to a request for

Not Decouple’ From Beijing As Recovery Falters

China has maintained a spy
base in Cuba since at least
2019, when Trump was presi-
dent, and the two countries
BY KIM MACKRAEL tary or intelligence purposes. released a joint statement BY JASON DOUGLAS China cut benchmark rates jointly run four eavesdropping
AND LAURENCE NORMAN To address those risks, the with President Biden in March on loans in an effort to revive stations on the island, accord-
EU strategy calls on member that floated the possibility of SINGAPORE—Chinese banks flagging growth. ing to U.S. officials.
BRUSSELS—Europe says it states to consider tools that, if investment controls to protect trimmed benchmark interest Loan prime rates U.S. officials have long said
wants to push back against implemented, could mark a sig- European and U.S. companies. rates on loans to households the Chinese government might
China’s economic might. Its nificant shift in the bloc’s ap- Beijing has warned Europe and businesses, a telegraphed 4.75% use the nation’s telecom firms
resolve faces an early test. proach to trade and investment. not to take further steps that move that follows earlier rate to spy. The U.S. has been en-
The European Union’s exec- Those include the possibility of could undercut economic ties. cuts aimed at reigniting a fad- 4.50 gaged in a yearslong campaign
utive body released an eco- new controls on specific types The strategy outlined by the ing economic recovery. to persuade allies to shut Hua-
nomic-security strategy that of investments in other coun- bloc doesn’t immediately Economists say lower bor- 4.25 wei in particular out of their
included a call for member tries and more coordination of change the EU’s trade or secu- rowing costs might not be the Five-year rate next-generation telecommunica-
states to consider new controls export controls for goods that rity policies. It is intended to be right medicine for China’s 4.00 tions networks. Huawei has said
for European investment in can have both civil and military a starting point for discussions economy, however, as house- it wouldn’t spy for China.
other countries that might pose uses. among Euro- holds and businesses have 3.75 One-year rate The Chinese Embassy didn’t
security risks. Although the “We need to pean countries shown little appetite to bor- respond to requests for com-
document didn’t name specific ensure that Eu- ahead of a lead- row with debt levels already 3.50 ment. The Chinese Foreign Min-
countries, officials have said it ropean compa- China has ers’ summit this high and prospects for jobs istry has denied that China is
is aimed largely at reducing the nies’ capital, warned EU not to month. Deci- and growth deeply uncertain. spying in Cuba. The Cuban Em-
risks in its economic relation- their knowledge sions might not On Friday, Chinese Premier 2021 ’22 ’23 bassy in Washington didn’t re-
ships with China and Russia. and expertise, take further come until 2024. Li Qiang said the government spond to a request for comment
Europe has long taken an their research, More than a is studying policy measures to Source: CEIC but has called the Journal’s ear-
open and liberal approach to is not abused
steps to undercut year after Rus- promote sustained economic lier report on a Chinese spy sta-
free trade and investment. But by countries of economic ties. sia’s war with growth. Among the policies be enough,” said Serena Zhou, tion on the island “totally men-
China’s growing economic concern for Ukraine began, being considered by Beijing, senior China economist at Mi- dacious and unfounded.”
power is raising concern across military appli- Europe is join- The Wall Street Journal ear- zuho Securities in Hong Kong. The U.S. Office of the Direc-
the continent that it might be cations,” Euro- ing the U.S. in lier reported, is the issuance Tuesday’s reduction in tor of National Intelligence
exposing itself to risks from a pean Commission President making decisions about its re- of roughly one trillion yuan in banks’ so-called loan prime didn’t respond to requests for
geopolitical rival. Now the bloc Ursula von der Leyen said. lationship with China. Euro- special treasury bonds, about rates is the final step in a rapid comment.
is looking for ways to curb Whether member states, pean officials have expressed $140 billion, to help fund new round of policy easing initiated On Tuesday, U.S. Secretary of
those risks without abandoning which would have to agree to concern about Beijing’s ties to infrastructure investment. by China’s central bank. State Antony Blinken said he
a trade relationship valued at such measures, are willing to Moscow and its push to exert Economists say to foster a The one-year loan prime told his counterparts in Beijing
roughly $2.6 billion a day. back them remains uncertain. global influence by funding in- stronger recovery, the govern- rate offered by banks was low- that the U.S. had “deep con-
The strategy, laid out in a Some diplomats have ex- frastructure projects in develop- ment should also consider tax ered to 3.55% from a previous cerns” about Chinese spying
paper the EU published Tues- pressed concern that the com- ing countries and pursuing key cuts or other forms of finan- rate of 3.65%, while the five- and military activities in Cuba.
day, spells out some of the main mission is aligning itself too positions in multilateral bodies. cial support to help struggling year rate—typically used to The White House didn’t respond
economic risks officials believe closely with the U.S. when it They have marked out the small and midsize businesses, price mortgages—was cut to to a request for comment on
Europe faces, including supply- comes to trade relations with bloc’s dependencies in specific as well as vouchers or similar 4.2% from 4.3%, the People’s Huawei and ZTE.
chain disruptions and the use of China. Von der Leyen, whose economic and technological sec- measures to finance house- Bank of China said Tuesday. —Vivian Salama
European technology or knowl- team has worked closely with tors on Chinese trade, supply hold consumption. —Grace Zhu in Beijing and Liyan Qi
edge for another country’s mili- the White House over Russia, chains and raw materials. “Rate cuts alone may not contributed to this article. contributed to this article.


Influencer Faces Gunmen Kill
Rape Charge Four Israelis
Social-media influencer Two Palestinian gunmen
Andrew Tate was formally opened fire Tuesday at a res-
charged with rape, human taurant and gas station near
trafficking and being part of the Israeli settlement of Eli in
an organized-crime ring along the West Bank, killing four peo-
with his brother and two ple and wounding four, Israeli
women, Romanian prosecu- authorities said, the latest in a
tors said on Tuesday. string of violent attacks in the
The charges will be re- occupied territory.
viewed by a judge within 60 The Israeli military said the
days, and unless thrown out for gunmen opened fire at a res-
procedural errors, head to trial. taurant, killing three, and then
Tate, the U.S.-British for- went to a nearby gas station,
mer kickboxing champion, de- where they killed a fourth
nies wrongdoing. He was ar- person. One of the shooters
rested in December while was killed by a civilian at the
prosecutors investigated. He gas station and the Israeli
and his brother Tristan were army tracked down and killed
jailed before being released the second shooter, it said.
to house arrest in March. The Israeli military said the
The brothers and two Ro- Palestinian gunmen were affil-
manian women formed a iated with Hamas.
criminal gang in 2021 with The shooting came a day
the aim of trafficking women, after a gunbattle between Pal-
prosecutors said. Seven fe- estinian militants and Israeli
male victims were befriended troops who raided the West
by the gang and promised ro- Bank city of Jenin to arrest
mantic relationships, enticed suspected militants left six
to come to Romania and then Palestinians dead and more
sexually exploited, they said. than 90 hurt, Palestinian offi-
Tate’s spokeswoman said cials said. Seven Israeli troops

the brothers would “demon- were injured after militants

strate their innocence,” accord- ambushed an Israeli convoy
ing to the Associated Press. with a rare use of an ad-
On his Twitter account, vanced improvised explosive
Tate posted a video montage device. Israel used combat he-
of men who were accused of licopters for the first time in
sexual assault only to be years in the West Bank to
cleared in court or have their help extract its troops. Hamas
cases dismissed, including soc- said Tuesday’s attack was re-
cer star Cristiano Ronaldo. taliation for the Monday raid. WELCOMING COMMITTEE: Members of a formation of the Mountain Rifles fired weapons before a meeting between
—David Luhnow —Dov Lieber Bavarian Governor Markus Soeder and Chinese Premier Li Qiang in Munich on Tuesday.
A10 | Wednesday, June 21, 2023 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


has been a recent top priority and said the tip assigned for on the freshness of banana vice line and asked to cancel deactivation. The company
Instacart for the company’s team over-
seeing shoppers. Instacart
the order wasn’t enough to
haul grocery bags up three
bread or the expiration dates
on tubs of cottage cheese, and
the order. He also blocked and
reported the customer.
added that customers can
share substitution preferences
said reports of rudeness fell flights of stairs to Talley’s more recently, fixate on how “She might have been hav- before or during the order.
Sends Out by 90% after the warning no-
tices started going out to cus-
“She was like, ‘Have a
package sizes have gotten
smaller while prices remain
ing a bad day, but I mean, you
are having somebody else do
Uber said earlier in the
year that it made changes to

Warnings tomers flagged by multiple

The company said reports
day,’” Talley said.
In St. Petersburg, Fla.,
Ph.D. student
the same or higher.
Alexander Morris, another
New Hampshire
the shopping for you,” said
Morris, who shops daily for
Instacart up to 110 hours a
its app to address shoppers’
pain points, including out-of-
stock items.
of rude behavior represent a Shelley Puchal- shopper, said week. Over Easter weekend,
Continued from Page One very low percentage of total sky said one when a lactose- On another Reddit page for Emma Rodriguez was filling a
recently received a report of orders, and that it also seeks Instacart order Shoppers and free milk was Instacart shoppers, with DoorDash order in Kansas
your behavior going against feedback from customers. arrived smell- customers say out of stock, he 127,000 members, more than City, Mo. when she realized
our Community Guidelines.” They have their own gripes. ing like ciga- grabbed the 300 replies and much com- the store was out of premade
The notices caution cus- “Two cans of black beans I rettes. “I liken tiffs over whole milk the miseration rolled in after a baked potatoes. Rodriguez
tomers not to berate shop- ordered had massive dents in it to when you customer had shopper recently vented about said she texted and called the
pers, argue over out-of-stock them. Massive dents,” wrote a actually go to
grocery orders approved as a a customer who requested an customer but never heard
items or their own murky di- customer in recent days on an the grocery can mushroom. substitute. unsliced loaf of bread to be back, so she proceeded to get
rections or refuse to show Instacart users’ and shoppers’ store,” Puchal- Morris said sliced—after the shopper was everything else and drop off
identification for alcohol. Re- Reddit page with about sky said of the the customer driving out of the parking lot. the groceries.
peat offenders can be kicked 27,000 members. dust-ups. “You started shoot- The shopper said the cus- Ten minutes later, she re-
off the app, according to the Shelise Talley turned to experience it in the app ing him messages through tomer texted, “GO BACK AND ceived a starchy message
company. Instacart for groceries after form.” Instacart’s app, arguing she GET THE BREAD SLICED!!!!!!” from the client, asking where
Instacart relies on more knee surgery several months Delzer, the shopper in New hadn’t selected it and asking DoorDash said it prohibits those potatoes were and what
than 600,000 shoppers—all ago and said her experience Hampshire, said some cus- why he thought she would harassment by workers and she was supposed to do.
gig workers—and says ad- has been mostly good, al- tomers text nonstop while he choose such a replacement. users, and that violators are “I try to keep my emotions
dressing customer rudeness though one shopper arrived fills their orders, quizzing him Morris called Instacart’s ser- subject to reduced service or out of it,” Rodriguez said.

ent households and other cli-

Wall Street ents. The team—which works
from the office four days a
week—combs through data
Sours on such as cellphone activity in
downtowns and sewer hook-

Downtowns ups for new homes in expand-

ing metro areas.
Increasingly, the team is
finding opportunity in subur-
Continued from Page One ban bonds in lower-tax South-
vestments linked to down- ern and Western states that
towns are trading at falling have drawn companies and
prices in volatile markets. workers now untethered from
“You could see this as a Northern big-city centers. Se-
slow-motion change or as the curities-industry jobs, tradi-
beginning of a slow-moving tionally tied to Wall Street,
train wreck,” said Richard have increased by 20% or
Ciccarone, president emeritus more in Utah, Georgia, Ten-
of Merritt Research Services, nessee, Texas, Wyoming and
a municipal credit-analysis North Carolina since 2019, ac-
firm. “I hope it’s not a train cording to the U.S. Labor De-
wreck, but it could be.” partment.
Investors’ dimming view of Hedge fund Citadel moved
downtowns isn’t good news its headquarters to Miami
for cities’ finances, nor for from Chicago, and Elliott


their residents. It puts under Management from New York
strain some of city govern- moved its headquarters to
ments’ traditional ways of ex- West Palm Beach, Fla. Invest-
tracting wealth: collecting ment giant BlackRock opened
property taxes on office a satellite office in West Palm
buildings, taxes on wages Beach in January.
earned within city limits, and One city Woods’s team has
fares from office workers’ backed away from is San
commutes. Francisco, where the tech in-
Residents of some cities dustry embraced remote work
are bracing for austerity. early on and now is laying off
Many New York library employees.
branches expect to close an Movers clear out office space in San Francisco’s Financial District. Businesses there have struggled since the pandemic. “We’re seeing an emperor
additional day each week un- without clothes to a certain
der cuts proposed as the city Office building occupancy by select metro area, as a percentage of pre-pandemic occupancy* Downtown cellphone activity, degree,” said Woods. “We just
faces rising labor costs and as a percentage of pre-Covid want to be very cautious.”
budget gaps projected to levels Meta Platforms, Salesforce,
reach $7 billion in 2027. From Yelp and Block have an-
New York to Chicago to San San Francisco nounced plans to sublease or
80 32%
Francisco, residents and visi- not renew office space. Twit-
tors complain about empty Philadelphia ter stopped paying rent on
downtown streets and transit Houston 47% some of its San Francisco of-
stops that have become way Chicago fices, according to a lawsuit
stations for the mentally ill Atlanta by its landlord, an affiliate of
New York 49%
and homeless. 40 Los Angeles Pimco-owned Columbia Prop-
San Francisco Boston erty Trust, which later de-
52% faulted on the building.
City vs. suburb 20 Cellphone activity in down-
Analysts at Asset Preserva- Austin town San Francisco was at
tion Advisors, a municipal- 32% of its pre-Covid level as
bond management firm, are 0 Chicago of last winter, according to
watching downtowns closely. 57% research from the University
March 2020 2021 ’22 ’23
The team remains confident of Toronto.
of certain tax-backed bonds Average change in share price of five largest Passenger trips on public transit, monthly‡ 60%
sold by New York City and real-estate investment trusts, by sector†
Boston, but has grown wary Los Angeles Cellphone signal
about debt of some other 40% 600 million 62% San Francisco laid out bud-
Northern urban centers and Residential getary risks when it sold
San Antonio
big California cities, even bonds in March. About a
bonds backed by those cities’ quarter of its office space is
full taxing power. 0 400 vacant, according to real es-
“The suburbs are going to Retail 64% tate services firm CBRE, in
be one of the big winners in the biggest increase from be-
this, and the potential losers fore Covid of any major city.
–40 200 67%
could be the large cities that Downtown ridership on the
have depended on people Washington Bay Area Rapid Transit sys-
coming back and forth to 70% tem in April was 34% of its
work,” said Ken Woods, Downtown office prepandemic level. S&P
–80 0 New York
founder and chairman of the 75%
Global Ratings downgraded
firm. 2020 ’21 ’22 ’23 2019 ’20 ’21 ’22 ’23 some of San Francisco’s com-
Office buildings are only *Measured via keycard swipes to enter buildings †Change since the end of 2019 ‡In major metropolitan areas muter rail bonds on June 1,
about 50% as full as before Sources: Kastle Systems (occupancy); FactSet (share price); Federal Transit Administration (transit); University of Toronto School of Cities (cellphone) though they remain invest-
Covid-19 across 10 major ment grade.
metro areas, according to holding them, Asset Preserva- downtown office buildings cials will face an uncomfort- and companies. Certain resi- There have been some
keycard tracking by Kastle tion Advisors has stopped were down 63% on June 15, able choice: Collect less reve- dential neighborhoods benefit signs of recovery. Downtown
Systems, a building-security buying fare-backed debt of on average, from the end of nue or lean more heavily on from the work shift. The big sales tax revenue was 19%
company. Federal transit data the New York Metropolitan 2019. Price declines were other taxpayers. price swings of publicly higher in the last three
show public-transportation Transportation Authority un- much smaller for REITs fo- Office-building property traded securities linked to of- months of 2022 compared
ridership at less than 70% of less it matures relatively cused on retail property taxes make up about 10% of fice towers and transit will with that period in 2021.
pre-Covid levels in major soon. (down 7%) and apartment-fo- revenue in major cities, ac- have limited significance if A particular concern, in
metro areas. In another indication of in- cused REITs (down 8%). cording to a calculation by the underlying assets recover Asset Preservation Advisors’
President Biden said more vestor worries, those who buy What has happened to the Green Street, a real-estate an- quickly. view, is a flurry of requests
than a year ago it was time a common type of low-rated value of downtown office alytics firm. It projects “a Cities’ operating expendi- from landlords of downtown
for America to get back to commercial mortgage-backed buildings isn’t easy to gauge, dire picture for future city tures declined in 2022, on av- office buildings to reduce the
work “and fill our great security are demanding 9.25 because sales have slacked budgets with high levels of erage, according to budget properties’ tax values. A re-
downtowns again.” Yet even percentage points more inter- and many office rents don’t remote work.” Older North- figures compiled by the Na- sult of those appeals could be
in the federal workforce, more est than that on 10-year Trea- adjust with shifting demand— eastern, Midwestern and Cali- tional League of Cities, an ad- that San Francisco’s annual
than half of employees surys as of June 12, according they are locked in place by fornia cities with high debt vocacy group. Adjusted for in- property-tax revenue, cur-
worked remotely at least one to research from Bank of long leases. loads and pension liabilities flation, cities had the largest rently around $3 billion, will
day a week last year, accord- America. This spread is three “Over the next 10 years, already were facing budget drop in both spending and be $100 million to $200 mil-
ing to one survey. times as big as before the we’re gradually going to come struggles, a contrast with revenue in almost 40 years lion lower than expected in
One indication of investors’ pandemic for such securities, to grips with this, and the sprawling metropolises in except for that following the each of the next five years,
wariness of downtowns can which finance a property mix stuff will slowly reprice,” said South and West states. 2008-09 financial crisis. according to a forecast by the
be seen in how they price that is around 30% office Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh, a Los Angeles this year be- controller’s office.
bonds backed in part by com- space. Columbia Business School gan charging a tax on home The firm is cautious about
muter fares. The lower a professor. sales above $5 million. New Aid runs dry counting any city out, though.
bond’s price, the higher its in- He and colleagues at Co- York Mayor Eric Adams sup- Federal aid provided when In the early 2000s, it decided
terest yield. In New York, Office space lumbia and New York Univer- ports putting two newly Covid struck staved off to mostly steer clear of bonds
some bonds partly backed by Subsidiaries of Pacific In- sity estimate that the value of state-authorized casinos in deeper budget cuts. Sales- from its hometown, Atlanta,
bus, subway and commuter- vestment Management and office property across U.S. the city. Many ideas for rein- and income-tax revenue concerned about city finances
train fares yielded a lofty 1.25 Brookfield Asset Management cities is 38% lower than be- vigorating downtowns appear surged in 2020 and 2021 and a bribery scandal.
percentage points above top- recently defaulted on more fore the pandemic, equaling a years away from a financial when stocks boomed and con- In 2012, its credit analysts
rated municipal bonds on than $2 billion in commercial loss of about $500 billion. payoff, such as converting sumers spent stimulus took another look and noticed
June 14, a spread 56% wider mortgage-backed securities As values weaken, some of- empty office space to homes, checks. improved city governance, a
than before Covid, according related to office towers in fice-building owners are chal- entertainment venues or even Both the tax windfalls and rainy-day fund and pension
to ICE Data Services, a finan- New York, San Francisco, Los lenging their tax bills. If day cares. the aid money are running cuts, as well as Atlanta’s pop-
cial analytics company. Angeles and other cities. lower tax assessments result The cities aren’t going out. ulation growth, bustling air-
While the bonds remain in- Share prices of the five from these challenges, leading broke. Even those most af- Asset Preservation Advi- port and universities. The
vestment grade and many as- largest real-estate investment to lower tax revenue from the fected by remote work remain sors manages about $6 billion firm soon started buying At-
set managers are comfortable trusts that concentrate on office buildings, big-city offi- home to many wealthy people in municipal bonds for afflu- lanta bonds again.
© 2023 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved.

BY RACHEL WOLFE A Dollar Tree in Fort Myers, Fla.
Wealthy Americans long viewed
hat Mercedes in the dol- discount stores as ‘not for them.’
lar-store parking lot
isn’t an illusion. branch popped up near his tony
High-earners joined Palm Springs, Calif., community.
the rest of the country “We see lots of people driving
in flooding discount re- Porsches, Mercedes and BMWs in
tailers such as Dollar General, the parking lot,” Gillman says.
Aldi grocery store and Five Below “No matter how much you make,
as prices for food and staples rose. you don’t want to spend $4 on an
Now, with inflation at half its avocado when you can get one for
peak, they aren’t letting up. 59 cents.”
InMarket, which tracks retailer Few seem to mind feeding a
foot traffic, measured a 4% aver- quarter to check out a shopping
age increase in the share of dollar- cart, or bagging their own grocer-
store visits this year among those ies, Gillman says.
making more than $100,000, com- Gillman’s daughter, Rachel Gill-
pared with the second half of man Rischall, often rolled her eyes
2022. Households with six-figure at her dad’s zealous discount
incomes are 15% more likely to say shopping. That is, until this past
they would shop at dollar stores year, when her grocery bills
than they were last June, going soared, and birthday-party gifts
from 39% to 45%, according to for her kids’ friends topped $50 a
daily surveys from Morning Con- pop near her Chicago home. Fed
sult of about 50,000 Americans. up, she checked out the toy selec-
Wealthy Americans long viewed tion at Five Below and hasn’t
discount stores as “not for them,” looked back. She also now buys
says Michael Liersch, who consults journals, art supplies, stationery
with high-net-worth individuals as and snacks there.
head of advice and planning at “My dad is so proud,” she says.
Wells Fargo. Yet paying $8 for a Shopping at dollar stores is a
carton of eggs struck even many choice for some, yet it is a neces-
affluent people as ridiculous. sity for many, and Americans in-
Overspending on things was creasingly get their groceries from
once fashionable for some, Liersch these retailers.
says. “These days, it’s about mak- Expanding into more-prosper-
ing the most of your money and ous areas is part of Aldi’s strategy,
not getting ripped off.” analysts say. The retailer plans to
No matter how much you make, add 120 new U.S. stores in 2023,
consumers say, there is no longer a after opening and remodeling 139
stigma in going after a good deal. stores last year. The brand says it
attracted 9.4 million new U.S. cus-
Cheap kombucha tomers in 2022.
Autry Liggett, who works in oper-

That’s Rich: The Wealthy Budget influence


ations for a Santa Barbara, Calif.,

hedge fund, exclusively shopped at Social media is also helping make
Whole Foods and other high-end dollar and discount stores cool.
chains for groceries and household Videos tagged #dollartree have a
goods until recently. Growing up, combined 7.6 billion views on Tik-
he says he looked down on what
he saw as poor-quality products at
discount retailers.
Then, one of his friends
Scour Discount Aisles Tok. Many feature influencers try-
ing out what are known as dupes
of popular high-end beauty prod-
ucts and other goods.
brought over a case of 99-cent- High-earners continue to shop at dollar retailers, boast of good deals Entrepreneur Bethenny Frankel
store kombucha and probiotic says her discount and drugstore
drinks a few months ago. “She hauls have attracted
makes good money, so I just as- restock, for the best selection. He more attention than
sumed she also shopped at Whole recently bought vitamins that re- anything she did when
Foods and the other places I tail at Whole Foods for $25 for she was featured on
shop,” he says. “I was shocked.” $1.99, and a pint of organic blue- the reality show “The
He now pops into the 99 Cents berries for 99 cents. Real Housewives of
Only store downtown at least once A Dollar General spokeswoman New York City.”
a week, making sure to visit on says the brand has attracted and “I go in there with
Tuesday or Thursday, when they retained higher-income customers my Hermès bag,” says
lately. A recently updated fresh- Frankel, whose You-
produce section, now available in Tube and TikTok vid-
Share of people considering nearly 3,900 stores, might be eos shopping at dollar
purchases from dollar stores, bringing more customers in. stores and unboxing
by income group* Plenty of wealthy people point ultracheap products
out that they got that way partly regularly ring up mil-
by not overspending on the small lions of views. She
stuff—especially when it is all the says she isn’t paid by
55 Under $50,000
same stuff. any of the discount
“A carrot is a carrot is a car- chains for her videos.
50 rot,” says Morgan Pierce, who While some viewers
earns about $200,000 a year have accused her of
45 working at McDonald’s Chicago pretending to like and
$50,000 to under $100,000 corporate office. She frequently use a $1 lip gloss or
hits up Aldi and her local dollar storage bin when she
$100,000+ store for groceries and other sta- Many shoppers report less of a that are, and I am not ashamed to could easily afford its more expen-
ples. Her last birthday party fea- stigma for shopping at dollar stores go into those places and get them, sive counterpart, Frankel says her
35 tured a private chef—and $1 plates like this one in Alhambra, Calif. and I’m not afraid to tell people enthusiasm is genuine.
and decorations. about it,” Pierce says. “What’s the difference between
30 Pierce, who was quick to tell family always had to hunt for Bob Gillman, an executive a dollar-store and a $20 pair of
June 2022 2023 her guests where many of the sales. Now, she says she realizes transition consultant, has flip flops? Is there such a thing as
party supplies came from, says her mom has always been a bar- shopped at Aldi and other dis- truffle-oil-infused rubber?” she
* For Dollar General, Dollar Tree and Family Dollar. people were impressed. It is a gain hound. count chains for decades. He says. Lip gloss, meanwhile, “stays
Source: Morning Consult Brand Intelligence surveys,
most recent of 1,553 U.S. adults conducted June 1-12; shift from how she felt as a child, “Not everything on the shelves didn’t mention the habit to his on for five minutes no matter how
approximate margin of error: +/-2.49 pct. pts. when she questioned why her is well-made, but there are things friends until recently, when a much you spend.”

based in Chicago.
Online Stores Reach Andrew Matos, 29, says he
shops final sales online with his
tailor’s blessing. Purchasing pants

Point of No Returns that are too long or a shirt that

needs to be taken in allows him to
buy cheaper items with plenty left
in the budget for alterations. But
BY ALINA DIZIK “It can create unnecessary fric- even with a go-to tailor, Matos
tion and start annoying them,” says only four out of five items he

oday’s shoppers are still try- Devillard says. purchases end up a good fit. He
ing to figure out life after the donates or resells the rest.
end of unlimited returns. Change of mind “Psychologically, it always feels
Early in the pandemic, online Angela Gatto thought she scored like a risk,” says Matos, a men’s
shopping and easy returns prolif- some great deals when buying clothing-store supervisor in Miami.
erated as millions hunkered down. clothes online. Having a close family member
Then, in 2022, clothing retailers But a dress turned out to be a or friend accept your castoffs at
started selling some more nonre- shade of mustardy yellow. And a the ready helps Cathy Williamson,
turnable items, when the decline crushed velvet bodysuit looked 62, make that gamble. Her daugh-
of pandemic-related “revenge great on the model but proved too ter and two daughters-in-law get
shopping” coincided with an influx revealing. Both went straight into items that she can’t wear, so it is
in inventory, says Sandrine Devil- the donation pile. “You get suck- easier to decide to buy something
lard. She is a senior partner at ered in,” says Gatto, a 44-year-old she loves. Williamson, who writes
McKinsey & Co., who leads the human-resources executive in Bed- a blog for women over 50, says
consulting firm’s apparel, fashion minster, N.J. she keeps the purchases at least
and luxury practice for North Clearance racks have always in- half the time, but still finds it
America. cluded nonreturnable merchan- stressful to pay $300 for a shirt
Nonrefundable items are now dise. But more of today’s final that doesn’t fit.

popping up in even more places. sales offer clothing items from the Shoppers say they are learning
Secondhand website Poshmark re- current season. They aim to entice sale for $400 last summer. Cock- marked down to $145. from their final-sales mistakes.
ports a 61% rise in garments shoppers to pull the trigger on an tail dresses also sell quickly, while An estimated 16.5% of items Lakeisha Rush, 39, decided to
marked “new with tags” and fea- item without needing to give an jeans only sell at a loss. Still, the were returned in 2022, according create a wish list of items that she
ture the words “final sale” in the even steeper discount later in the branding-agency executive contin- to the latest numbers from the Na- wants to purchase each season.
description since 2022. When a re- season, Devillard says. ues to shop final sales because she tional Retail Federation. When all else fails, Rush, a
tailer includes the words “final Lainne Bacharach, 37, has a bin is eager to find bargains on de- Charlotte, N.C.-based content cre-
sale,” the company means that in the spare bedroom of her Pitts- signer pieces. Playing the game ator, says she has had luck calling
even if the item doesn’t fit, you burgh home for items purchased AYR, an online retailer known For those who must shop final- the retailer and negotiating for a
can’t send it back. on sale that don’t fit. Though she for its denim, added a final-sale sale sections, wardrobe stylist Ka- credit or a different size. Earlier
Consumers are having a hard posts the unwanted garments for section to the website last year. tie Schuppler recommends pur- this year, she scored a refund on a
time adjusting. Some are continu- sale on secondhand websites in- The 40% off section allows the chasing a size up from your usual red chiffon Versace skirt that was
ing to buy goods like they did be- cluding Poshmark or Vestiaire Col- company to move discontinued size or opting for brands that are too small and bought as final sale.
fore retailers clamped down, lective, it can take months to re- colors, clothing styles and remain- already in your closet so you can Having a prior shopping history
tempted by the final-sale deals. coup the money she spent. ing sizes out of their inventory better understand the fit. with the retailer, being kind to the
They often get stuck with their This spring, Bacharach resold more quickly, says New York-based “It comes up a lot when you’re customer-service representative
online purchases or must get cre- for $700 a pair of Bottega Veneta co-founder Max Bonbrest. In some panic-buying and not even paying and acknowledging that she was
ative in unloading them. flats that she purchased on final instances, jeans that cost $245 are attention,” says Schuppler, who is asking for an exception helped.
A12 | Wednesday, June 21, 2023 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


AI Apps That Do the Trick

BY CORDILIA JAMES the time you spend writing emails,
taking notes or even attending
rtificial intelligence is meetings. If you want to use these
having a big moment tools at work, you might need
right now. your company’s approval.
Tech giants and Artificial intelligence tools can turn your ideas into impressive text
tiny startups alike are and graphics—if you know the right ones to use GrammarlyGo
experimenting with GrammarlyGo, powered by its own
generative AI, which creates text tech and OpenAI’s GPT-3.5, can
and images based on patterns in help you draft emails in a pinch by
training data. It promises to make scanning your email and summa-
our lives easier. These tools also rizing a reply. You can also use the
blur the line between what came tool to rephrase your wording or
from a human and what didn’t: adjust your tone, and it learns
Type a few words—the all-impor- your preferences over time. Users
tant “prompt”—and watch text, get 100 prompts a month free.
graphics, even music materialize Grammarly Premium gives users
as if from nowhere. 1,000 prompts for $30 monthly, or
While a majority of U.S. adults $144 annually.
have heard of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, grammarlygo
only 14% have tried it, according
to a report by the Pew Research OtterPilot
Center. Many free AI-powered’s smart meeting assistant
tools have appeared since Chat- automatically handles live note-
GPT’s debut, and there are many taking and action-item tracking.
more on the way. To use it, log into your Otter ac-
Generative-AI tools aren’t a count and connect your Google or
fad. They will only become more Microsoft calendars. OtterPilot
present in our daily lives, as then automatically joins your
money pours into the sector, tech meetings and takes notes—even if
companies continue to innovate you’re not in the meeting yourself.
and more services become avail- (Your workplace administrator
able. Deciding which AI tools to might prohibit this tool.) The free
take for a spin can be overwhelm- version includes 300 monthly min-
ing, so we’ve compiled a list of utes of note-taking, up to 30 min-
easy-to-try apps and websites to utes per conversation. The $16.99-
get you started. a-month Pro version is better for
longer meetings.
Search & chatbots
AI-enabled chatbots are an en- Khan Academy’s Khanmigo
hanced way to search for informa- The OpenAI-powered chatbot is
tion in a conversational form, It lets you write prompts to de- or older with a Google account to free fast results. You need to log for students in need of personal-
brainstorm work ideas and even liver text, image and video search use the free software, which works in with a Microsoft account but ized homework assistance. Its
write poetry. results. That’s helpful if a sug- on a variety of browsers. can use any browser. When you “Tutor me” mode and quiz module
gested recipe isn’t what you’re sign up, you get “boosts,” tokens help with subjects including math,
ChatGPT by OpenAI looking for, and you’d rather have to generate images quickly. Boosts reading, science and history. It is
ChatGPT, the most famous genera- a video walk you through the pro- Image generators are replenished over time, but if most accurate for questions about
tive-AI tool right now, lets users cess step-by-step. The bot cites its AI images can be based on text or you run out, image creation can major K-12 subjects but can still

type text-only prompts in exchange sources, though that doesn’t mean visual prompts, such as “King take longer. make mistakes. To get on the wait
for text-only responses. It was it’s immune to AI “hallucina- Kong roller skating down the Em- list, you need a Khan Academy ac-
trained on huge amounts of data tions.” It’s free to use, but to ac- pire State Building.” Adobe Firefly count. You must be 18 to sign up,
found on the internet, so it’s great cess all its features, you’ll have to Adobe Firefly does a lot free of but you can give access to your
for complex questions and drafting download the Edge browser and OpenAI’s DALL-E 2 charge. You can generate images kids. Once selected, you will be
letters. To access the bot, create an log in with a Microsoft account. OpenAI’s DALL-E was one of the from a text description, apply asked to donate $20 a month.
account with OpenAI, or log in via earliest image generators, and it’s styles or textures to text and edit
Google, Microsoft or Apple. The still a fun, if clunky, tool. It gener- images based on text descriptions.
free version is open to everyone, Google’s Bard ates four images based on a text You can also change the back- Expedia’s trip planning
but it’s slow and can refuse re- Bard is great if you want to get description—“a chair shaped like ground, remove objects or zoom Expedia’s AI assistant, also pow-
quests if too many people are using straight to the point. You can use an avocado”—or even a photo. If out the image beyond what was ered by ChatGPT, offers travel rec-
it. The faster, $20-a-month Chat- it to draft a blog post or an email you signed up after April 6, you’ll captured. Adobe said Firefly is ommendations to book directly in
GPT Plus doesn’t have congestion to a boss, and even search the have to buy credits to try it. trained using Adobe Stock images the app. When a user asks the bot
outages, and gets under-the-hood web. The company is working on and other data sets to respect art- for lodging suggestions, it orga-
updates sooner. an update that would let users ists’ ownership. nizes them in the app’s Trips sec-
prompt Bard with images, and in Bing Image Creator tion. Just be aware: The tool is
Microsoft’s Bing the coming months, Bard will be Bing Image Creator is powered by Career & productivity still in beta, it is only available in
The new Bing incorporates Ope- able to generate images using the latest version of OpenAI’s Companies are looking to AI to English, and it doesn’t have access
nAI’s tech with Microsoft’s search Adobe Firefly, a generative-AI im- DALL-E, but improves on it with a boost productivity in the work- to real-time pricing information.
engine for up-to-date responses. age tool. You must be 18 years old slick interface and a way to get place. These tools help cut back on

Left AirPod Seeking Right AirPod

BY ANN-MARIE ALCÁNTARA members around the Cob- experience researcher
ble Hill, Gowanus, Red posted in the “Buy Noth-

osing an AirPod has al- Hook, Boerum Hill, Carroll ing” group.
most become a rite of Gardens and Columbia Wa- Subracko got lucky. In
passage. Finding a terfront neighborhoods of their second marriage, her
free replacement has be- Brooklyn, New York. AirPods survived a laundry
come a sport. cycle and currently reside
Apple’s earbuds are easy Just in case in Colorado with family
to misplace. They also have Nicole Barron dropped her friends. Had she not found
tiny batteries that wear out left AirPod on the New a replacement AirPod, the
fast. Sometimes one ear York subway tracks in the loner would probably still
dies before the other. But spring of 2021. Metropoli- be in a drawer.
buying a single AirPod can tan Transportation Author-
cost as much as $89, de- ity staff members helped Missed connections
pending on the model. her snag the bud from the Pairing two random Air-
Rather than handing money tracks—but it turned out to Pods isn’t always seamless,
over to Apple, many people be another right AirPod. Af- as Shahla Jabeen found out
are turning to neighbor- ter the workers rescued the in December.
hood Facebook groups. correct one, the 32-year-old The 37-year-old stay-at-
That includes Elana product manager pocketed home mom lost her right
Taubman. In March, the 34- the spare, just in case. AirPod Pro and turned to

year-old sixth-grade math Nelson Rodriguez had the “Buy Nothing” group.
teacher went for a run and
then to the grocery store.
She stuck her AirPods in her
pocket. When she got home,
she only had the left one.
Taubman turned to her

local Brooklyn “Buy Noth-
ing” group on Facebook,
where neighbors give away
used kitchenware, furniture
and even half-eaten pizzas.
Taubman posted a plea

in the group. A neighbor
said she had an extra Air-
Pod Taubman could have
free. She picked it up that
night and paired it with her

case and iPhone. Within

hours, she had a complete
set of AirPods once again.
“I was pretty amazed,” Elana Taubman lost an AirPod after a run, but got a
Taubman says. “The fact working replacement free from a neighbor within hours.
The greatest investment you that someone had the older
generation just kind of sit-
can make is in a child's future. ting around and they’re,
like, ‘Yeah, come grab it to-
lost his right bud at the
gym in June 2021 and
The next afternoon, a
woman offered an AirPod
night.’” posted a request for a re- she had found in the neigh-
$250 provides the prosthetic limb that will transform Replacing a bud with a placement in the “Buy borhood. Jabeen paired it
used, free one isn’t just a Nothing” group. Barron with her existing earbud.
the entire course of her life. way to save money. For spotted the note and gave That’s when the AirPods
many, it’s also a way to Rodriguez her extra AirPod. started yelling at her.
break out of the cycle for The only problem? The “This has been reported
Donate to give mobility and the opportunities it offers: access how and why we buy these adopted AirPod was newer. lost,” Jabeen remembers
to education, future employment, independence, and hope. products. “When I would put them the Siri voice speaking
“You’re keeping one less on, I would have that issue firmly into her ear. It also
embedded battery in the e- of the old one running out said the original owner waste stream,” says Maria
Jensen, an advocacy man-
of battery faster than the
new one,” says Rodriguez,
could track her location.
“It kept popping up ev-
ager at Repowered, a non- 38. “That wasn’t ideal.” ery time I was turning it
profit that recycles and re- on,” she says. “It was giv-
furbishes electronics. The beat goes on ing me stress.”
To track the colorful Susan Subracko realized After a few days, Jabeen
second acts of separated she was missing a left Air- gave up. She went to an
AirPods, we looked at a Pod after a bike ride with Apple Store, handed over
thriving “Buy Nothing” her children in October the used AirPod and bought
group of more than 8,000 2020. The 44-year-old user- a full-priced replacement.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, June 21, 2023 | A13



Realism and Abstraction in Dialogue

An exhibition dedicated to Cecily Brown’s works reveals their clever imagery, but also their teetering balance between styles

BY PETER PLAGENS York and considered giving up Cecily Brown’s ‘Fair of Face, Full

painting. Not for long: By 1998 of Woe’ (2008), above, and
New York she’d had two exhibitions in ‘Untitled (Vanity)’ (2005), left
he painter Cecily Brown SoHo, and was on her way to a
says she thinks of herself career that includes solo exhibi-
as a realist. In her survey tions at the Museum of Fine Arts Brown’s riffs on this theme (for
exhibition (that is to say, in Boston, the Reina Sofia in Ma- example, a small 2006 watercolor
a thorough show, but not drid, and the Hirshhorn Museum of two children on a sled barely
a full retrospective), in Washington. coalescing into a skull), her pur-
“Cecily Brown: Death and the Although she says in a catalog suit of it seems mostly concerned
Maid” at the Metropolitan Museum interview that “I do very little with the mechanics of the double
of Art through Dec. 3, Ms. Brown planning, almost none,” her art- image itself, rather than a medita-
(b. 1969) stretches the definition of historical borrowings, both self- tion on death.
realism almost beyond recognition. proclaimed and noticed by critics, Ms. Brown has told interviewers
Granted, her paintings do include are many and diverse; they range that she wants her paintings to re-
Rorschach-like allusions to human from Fragonard to Bosch, from quire viewers to look more slowly
figures and skulls, and piles of food Bruegel to El Greco. (The catalog and appreciate everything that’s
upon tables—and the exhibition even includes reproductions of gone into the work. This is where
does include explicitly figurative paintings by Peter Paul Rubens, the problems begin. While Ms.
drawings and sketchbook excerpts. Edouard Manet, Rosa Bonheur and Brown’s brushwork is hyperactive,
The overall effect, however, is that Chaim Soutine.) Whatever the ref- it seems less a product of painterly
of an intended display of the art- erences, many of Ms. Brown’s passion than of didactic display.
ist’s virtuoso ability to apply paint paintings are veritable blizzards of The now-it-is-now-it-isn’t quality of
to canvas. brushstrokes—bloody blizzards, her figuration seems more simply
Organized by Ian Alteveer, cu- given the abundance of red—that wanting to have it both ways than
rator of modern and contemporary cause Mr. Alteveer to note, as if it genuine visual intrigue. Moreover,
art at the Met, “Death and the were an accomplishment, that the Ms. Brown’s avalanche of titular
Maid” is the first such survey of artist’s “practice necessitates a references to other artists, while
Ms. Brown’s work in New York certain temporal labor.” presumably sincere, isn’t of much
since she moved to the city from “Lobsters, Oysters, Cherries use to the viewer.
England in 1994. It comprises 47 and Pearls” (2020), 59 inches tall It’s not as if Ms. Brown is an
works altogether, including 21 by 67 inches wide, is a case in unremarkable painter; she has am-
paintings on canvas, with the rest point. It’s a semi-abstract still- bition, flair, talent at least a few
consisting of monotypes, drawings life—emphasis on the abstract— notches above mere facility, and
and sketchbook pages. with a nicely adumbrated black an apparently tireless work ethic.
While she was a 21-year-old cat peering from underneath the In the end, however, the amalgam
student at the Slade School of table. The paint application is vig- of representation and abstraction
Fine Art in London, Ms. Brown orous, if not fevered, and the red diminishes both. The still-lifes and
learned that the art critic and bi- runs orange-ish and, intentionally gestalt skulls are neither convinc-
ographer of the painter Francis or not, alludes to both fire and ing nor moving, and the abstrac-
Bacon, David Sylvester—whom blood. The upper lefthand corner, tion is tethered to them. A decided
she was led to believe was merely almost politely impressionist by swerve to one side or the other
a close family friend—was her bi- comparison, is flecked with greens would probably make for a more
ological father. (Ms. Brown’s and neutrals. White mixed in as compelling exhibition.
mother is the Scottish novelist the still-life table recedes to the show is Ms. Brown’s interest in, large circular mirror; with either a

Shena Mackay.) Sylvester took right yields a fatty flesh-like ele- and pictorial “takes” on, vanitas bit of distance or a squint, the im- Cecily Brown: Death and the Maid
Ms. Brown to galleries and gave ment. The painting—and others pictures. Her primary pictorial age coalesces into a skull. Gilbert’s Metropolitan Museum of Art,
her a first encouragement in art. much like it in the exhibition—is a source is a 1902 Life magazine il- memento mori serves as the basis through Dec. 3
In 1994, a year after graduating testament to Ms. Brown’s relent- lustration by Charles Allan Gilbert of several drawings and a large
from the Slade, the artist worked less energy as an artist. depicting a woman with a Gibson untitled 2005 painting. While Mr. Plagens is an artist and writer
a series of menial jobs in New The other main thread in the Girl hairdo looking at herself in a there’s inventiveness in Ms. in Connecticut.

TELEVISION REVIEW ular kind of magic—Cootie’s XXXL

presence in a small-to-medium
JOHN ANDERSON world is done in a naturalistic fash-
ion while never losing the cockeyed
‘I’m a Virgo’: sense of a comic book. Cootie’s be-
lief that life will change if he can
Boots Riley’s just get a Bing-Bang Burger—his
aspirations are the product of TV
advertising—is, like his faith in The
Tall Tale Hero, something to be crushed; it is
a cruel world out there. But while

blend of screwball comedy the politics and the absurdist sensi-
and socioeconomic outrage, bility of this seven-part series list
“I’m a Virgo” might have toward the revolutionary, the story
been written by the team of Harpo is less a racial allegory than one
and Karl Marx, though it is basi- about self-realization and of being
cally a fairy tale—about a 13-foot- an outsider. Flora, for instance: Orig-
tall black man, cloistered his whole inally diagnosed as autistic, she re-
life and then unleashed upon the Jharrel Jerome, left, and Olivia alized as a child that she was pro-
world. Or, rather, the world is un- Washington, above, in the new grammed at a higher speed than
leashed upon him. series on Prime Video everyone else and slowed herself
The brainchild of Boots Riley (of down to accommodate the “real”
the 2018 cult hit “Sorry to Bother world; reverting to her Flash-like na-
You”), “Virgo” is precisely what naïve and headstrong, a true Virgo ture comes in handy at her job at
viewers complain they can’t find on if you buy the standard astrological Bing-Bang Burger, as well as in
television—something novel, some- profile—is going to break out even- fighting vigilantes. She may be a
thing offbeat, something surpris- tually. He does so in the company more provocative character than
ing; something that lacks serial of Jones (Kara Young), Scat (Allius Cootie, in what she reflects about
murder, true crime or, for that mat- when he grows up and falls in love— ing the drywall while being enter- Barnes) and Felix (Brett Gray), a neurology and altered states.
ter, an abundance of explanations which he does, with the convention- tained on a diet of TV and comic trio of hedonist-activists who intro- But Mr. Jerome is a charmer, his
to the inevitable questions. For in- ally proportioned Flora (Olivia Wash- books. To make the case for Coo- duce the not-so-wild child to a portrayal of Cootie fairly adorable.
stance, why is Cootie (Jharrel Je- ington). That we will get to witness tie’s seclusion, they keep a scrap- slightly futuristic Oakland. There, Ms. Young is a powerhouse and Ms.
rome) so big? in rather explicit and protracted de- book of clippings—about giants who vigilante justice is meted out by Washington is a find. As he indi-
It isn’t an adolescent growth tail. But as in many a fable, a lot is were exploited, murdered and put The Hero (a nicely sinister Walton cated already with “Sorry to Bother
spurt. The opening shot, of a just-de- left to our imaginations, piqued by a on display either alive or dead. They Goggins). Hero began life in the You,” Mr. Riley is a political provoca-
livered baby the size of a love seat, few clues scattered throughout the build a Cootie-size house, in their graphic novels of Musk-like tech teur. But an original one.
shows Cootie in the arms of the dialogue. backyard in Oakland, Calif. (They magnate Jay Whittle (also Mr.
alarmed-looking Lafrancine (Carmen What’s clear right off is how ter- have an abundance of urban real Goggins), who now flies around I’m a Virgo

Ejogo) and one wonders how she’s rified Lafrancine and her husband, estate, but hey, this is a fairy tale.) town with a jetpack breaking up il- Friday, Prime Video
standing up. One might also specu- Martisse (Mike Epps), are about the And this mollifies the restless lad to legal assemblies and inhabiting his
late about how this oversize infant is future of their boy, who is kept in- some extent. own fictional character. Mr. Anderson is the Journal's
going to conduct himself biologically doors, filling up space and imperil- But Cootie—curious, endearingly Visually, Mr. Riley works a partic- TV critic.
A14 | Wednesday, June 21, 2023 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

son specifically because of his

Arraez’s Old-School Chase to Hit .400 uniquely traditional offensive ap-

proach. In 2022, the Marlins
ranked second-to-last in average
In a power-obsessed era, the Marlins star is having one of the biggest outlier campaigns in history with runners in scoring position
at .228. This year, they find them-
selves in the middle of the pack,
BY LINDSEY ADLER and Arraez himself is hitting for a
.469 average with runners in scor-

he strange legacy of baseball’s ing position.
data revolution is that it “Luis was a much-needed bat
aimed to break the sport out in our lineup,” said Marlins gen-
of a one-dimensional measure of eral manager Kim Ng. “We’ve had
what makes a great hitter—batting him hit in many different places in
average—and somehow led to a the lineup, including at clean-up—
new, even more homogenous view real high-production spots.”
that power is the only metric that It has presented a fun dilemma
matters. for manager Skip Schumaker, who
But this year, Miami Marlins has decided to mostly bat Arraez
second baseman Luis Arraez is leadoff to get him an extra plate
sparking a renaissance of old- appearance each night. Arraez is
school thinking. Arraez is an old- leading off the lineup, Schumaker
school contact hitter who has a says, while also leading his team-
.400 batting average, which would mates by example. As they watch
make him an outlier in any year— his meticulous routines and see
but which, in a power-obsessed the results that have followed, it
era, may make his 2023 season sends a strong message that is of-
one of the biggest outlier offensive ten lost in this efficiency-chasing
campaigns in MLB history. era of baseball: Just be yourself.
After going 5-for-5 against the “Players get in trouble when
Blue Jays on Monday, Arraez is they don’t realize who they are as
hitting .400 in 255 at-bats. At hitters,” said Schumaker. “The
times this month, Arraez’s average younger generation especially
has climbed north of .400—a hal- thinks that slug and power are the
lowed figure last achieved by Ted ways to get up here and be a suc-
Williams in 1941, a mark many cessful major leaguer. But a lot of
have believed would never be guys get in trouble when they try
reached again. The last time a ma- to be somebody else, and then
jor-league batter was hitting at they’re in and out of the league.”
least .390 through the end of June Miami Marlins second baseman Luis Arraez is sparking a renaissance of old-school thinking this season. Arraez clearly has a standout
was Chipper Jones in 2008, finish- skill set and results to match, but
ing the month with a .394 mark. and watch the sport today. and not be a really good hitter.” style. it may be his willingness to go
“I try to make strong contact, This is one of the unintended James nonetheless is criticized Arraez prefers not to speak against the grain that has led to
but I don’t worry about home consequences of the discipline for the way his work led hitters to publicly about his hitting philoso- this success. Average, long demon-
runs,” Arraez said of his approach. known as Sabermetrics—the name seek power over contact. This phies or practices, but the num- ized by people who misunderstood
“I like to look at the defense and used to describe the pursuit of ob- week, no less an authority than bers speak for themselves. Enter- the initial backlash against it,
then form my plan on where I jective information in baseball. Rod Carew—the Hall of Famer ing Tuesday, he leads baseball in might be cool again.
want to hit it. I focus on putting The devaluation of batting average who also made a run at .400, average (.400), on-base per- “When singles become rela-
the ball in play. I know my as a measuring stick for hitting and a vocal supporter of centage (.450), and his tively scarce, that makes them
strengths and I know I am not a prowess has gone too far even for Arraez—tweeted at .941 on-base plus slug- more valuable—but not to an ex-
home run hitter.” the person who first articulated James: “Your ‘new ging percentage (OPS) tent that matters a lot,” James
(Arraez, who grew up in Vene-
zuela, cites fellow left-handed hit-
ter Endy Chavez—a lifetime .270
the concept.
“I started out saying that you
should not treat batting average
statistics’ hurt the
game…Baseball is
in trouble. That
Luis Arraez’s
makes him a top-10
hitter this season
and puts him in the
said. “From a fan perspective, it
may be more satisfying to see peo-
ple hit more singles because it’s a
hitter—as his favorite player to as a reliable indicator of a player’s wasn’t the case be- batting average in company of power team thing. For those of us who
watch growing up.) value,” said Bill James, whose fore people who hitters like Shohei were born in the 19th century, we
255 at-bats, entering
Arraez is standing out in a work around player valuation led have done nothing Ohtani and J.D. Mar- still think of baseball as watching
Tuesday’s play.
data-obsessed offensive climate in to the game’s “Moneyball” era and in this sport had a tinez. Where he a team do this rather than an indi-
which power is seen as the mark the hunt for “market inefficien- say about how it’s stands out, however, is vidual do that.”
of a great hitter, while slapping to- cies” revealed by data. “Quite a played.” in the composition of The game’s greatest champion
gether base hits is viewed as an few people within my profession Nevertheless, the idea that OPS: Of his 102 hits this of objective evaluation then threw


inefficient method of creating took that to mean ‘batting average that batting average isn’t the sole season, 84 of them have been sin- out some lofty praise for the
runs. His profile, which finds him is meaningless.’ Batting average is mark of a great hitter has become gles. He has climbed to the upper- standout singles-hitter.
hitting the ball to all-fields but not a significant portion of offense, a runaway train in the game. Now, echelon of run creators this sea- “I haven’t seen this since Tony
sending it out of the ballpark, though it is true that it’s not all Arraez, who won the American son while hitting only two home Gwynn,” James said. “Rod Carew,
would seem to make him an an- offense.” League batting title in 2022 as a runs. Wade Boggs—it’s been a while
tagonist to the many value-ob- James added: “It is totally and member of the Minnesota Twins, The Marlins acquired Arraez in since we have had a guy like this.
sessed baseball fans that operate completely impossible to hit .400 has a chance to bring it back into a trade from the Twins this offsea- It’s good to have him. “

The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 24 Flooring
13 14 15 16
25 It may be
17 18 19
26 Tent for rent,
20 21 say
22 23 27 Half of an LP
31 Furnace
24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31 32 33 32 Additionally

34 35 36 37 38 39 33 Bellyache
36 Withholding
40 41 42 43 44 in some
45 46 47 48
37 Part of a
49 50 51 52 Molière play

53 54 55 56 57 38 College

58 59 41 Descriptor
for some
60 61 62
63 64 65 44 Like some
worshipers Investigators searched the headquarters of the Paris 2024 organizing committee.
46 Suffers
1 Change for a
29 Investment
option, for
58 Confusing
7 Galley tool
8 Motorcade
47 Lifesaving
allergy device
French Authorities Raid Offices
short review: “This
5 Wind-driven
30 Yonder
flag is a...”
perhaps 48 Republican Of Paris 2024 Olympics Organizers
people attorney
waves 9 Most likely to general twice
34 Cut off 60 Nailed BY JOSHUA ROBINSON let’s let the investigators do construction projects in the
make you
9 Robe obliquely 49 Some paid their job.” Saint-Denis area north of
35 How some pucker
cincher rides FRENCH AUTHORITIES car- The Paris organizing com- the city. Those clusters of
idiotic things 61 Suit to ___ ried out searches at the mittee had already been the towers are due to be sold to
10 Paul who
13 Was furious are done 50 Alphabet headquarters of the organiz- target of two reports by the public as housing once
62 Nouveau co-founded
15 Get wind of follower Microsoft quintet ing committee for the Paris France’s anti-corruption the Olympics and Paralym-
39 “Mr. Blue Sky” 2024 Olympics on Tuesday agency in early 2021 that pics are over.
16 Bread group 63 Empire 11 Assail 51 Glossy black as part of an investigation were detailed in the French Corruption investigations
spread 40 God with State sch. shade into suspected embezzle- press. Those assessments have previously cropped up
12 Party
arrows system 54 District ment, the national financial highlighted a risk for con- around the past two sum-
17 Confusing leaders
64 Wolverine, prosecutor’s office said. flicts of interest involving mer Olympics, in Rio de Ja-
consumer 42 Crackerjack 14 “White 55 A whole lot Authorities didn’t disclose the Paris 2024 organizing neiro in 2016 and Tokyo
review: for one
43 Tibet’s Noise” details of what it called two committee and Solideo, the 2021.
“With these 56 Close
capital 65 Eats author Don preliminary probes, which company formed to oversee Those cases, linked to
new golf balls, imitation
came 13 months before the the delivery of construction vote-buying in the bid pro-
I’ve had...” 45 Confusing Down 18 Dispensary Games’ Opening Ceremony. projects for the Games. It cess, led to the resignations
57 Worry
consumer unit The first was opened by the also noted “imprecise and in- of several Olympic commit-
20 Standard of 1 Many an 59 Where to
comparison review: Al Jazeera 19 Punch central office against corrup- complete” procedures for the tee members in the buildup
“These eggs...” find your tion and financial and tax hiring of contractors. to the Games. But Paris had
viewer 23 Ambience balance
21 Irritated with crimes in 2017, proving The International Olympic pledged to be more trans-
49 Original 2 Sponge cake
22 Irritate Previous Puzzle’s Solution whether there was favorit- Committee said it was parent than its predecessors
“SNL” cast typically
ism and misappropriation of aware of the investigation under the organizing com-
23 Mountaineer’s member soaked in rum funds by Paris 2024. The and referred inquiries to mittee’s chief executive, the
Newman N O S I R A R I A R A G E
feats OM E G A R A C Y OM E N second, run by the financial Paris 2024. former Olympic canoeist
3 They may B E R MU D A S H O R T S
52 Campaign- brigade of the Paris police, Ever since Paris won the Tony Estanguet.
24 Confusing clash E D O E E N I E was opened in 2022, author- right to host the Games in French sports minister
consumer backing orgs. GWE N C P R A C C R U E
4 Four, maybe E A R T H A S T R O T U R F ities said. 2017, it has committed to a Amélie Oudéa-Castéra said
review: 53 How I D O O U I R A H S K I “We are fully cooperating plan that focuses mainly on after her appointment in
“This vacuum birthdays are 5 Lon who C E D A R T R E E S T E E L with investigators,” Paris existing competition venues 2022 that, “The success of
cleaner...” celebrated played O D E T T E A X E I S L E 2024 said in a statement in and around the French these Games will be irre-
Quasimodo T O N E R L I E
28 Pastoral 54 When the R U N S I N C I R C L E S
confirming Tuesday’s raid. capital. But accommodating proachable organization.”
poem shows go on 6 Roll call reply N E O N I D E A O L I V E “Today, we are totally fo- around 14,000 athletes and —Matthew Dalton
T Y P E L E S S N I V E N cused on the delivery and delegates in the Olympic Vil- and Rachel Bachman
▶ Solve this puzzle online and discuss it at H E E D S R T A S P E N D organization of the Games: lage has still required major contributed to this article.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, June 21, 2023 | A15

The Establishment vs. Trump BOOKSHELF | By Marc Weingarten

The country
might get
lucky, all the
Goodman. Because the judge in
the documents case once is-
sued a ruling favorable to Mr.
helping Mr. Trump accomplish
some useful goals.
Instead, it gave us the collu-
Trump is the nominee, accus-
ing him of planning to hand
over Ukraine to Mr. Putin, and
Meet Me
c u r re n t
buildup may
Trump, she’s supposedly in the
tank for Mr. Trump. If she
were now to issue rulings fa-
vorable to the prosecution,
sion hoax so Democrats and
others could tell themselves
Mr. Trump’s election was a
message from Vladimir Putin,
yet no president would be bet-
ter designed by history to de-
liver the outcome Mr. Biden
has secretly wanted all along:
In Jakarta, Baby
will give us a this must be a smoke screen. not voters. Mrs. Clinton can be End the shooting, end the es-
race of non- Any open questions of fact or remembered now in history calation risk, permit a frozen
The Con Queen of Hollywood
By Holman W.
Trump vs. law can be resolved by recall- with one word: coward. What- conflict that certifies Russia’s By Scott C. Johnson
Jenkins, Jr.
non-Biden. ing how much we dislike Mr. ever else, Mr. Trump can say weakness and cements Ukraine (Harper, 244 pages, $30)

But every Trump. Needed is a judge who as the de facto porcupine of
tendril senses that the whole- already knows Mr. Trump is the Western alliance. e’re living in a boom time for scams, much of it
of-establishment effort to stop guilty and will supply the max- Yet no president The Russian media, follow- thanks to digital tools that can make for immacu-
Donald Trump’s return to imum penalty. ing ours, will have declared so late deceptions; imposter fraud swiped nearly $2.6
power is reaching a climax. How is it possible to learn is better suited to many times that a Trump vic- billion from our bank accounts last year, the FTC reports.
Like too much that has already so little from searing experi- deliver Joe Biden’s tory in 2024 would be a Putin Our increased vulnerability to being taken in might be the
happened, it may also over- ence? Not a few self-identified victory that it could become reason why we’re eager to hear the stories of con artists—
reach. Republican and conservative Ukraine endgame. the Russian leader’s substitute so long as it’s someone else getting swindled. The flood of
The intelligence prosecution pundits were so terrified of a victory in Ukraine, allowing twisty stories featuring confidence men and women, to be
is said to be strong as if this Trumpian threat to their per- him to back away on terms im- streamed, read, or otherwise ingested, continues unabated.
assures Joe Biden’s re-elec- sonal “brands” on day one that he withstood the most scurri- possible with Mr. Biden still in While Scott C. Johnson’s fascinating book “The Con
tion. It doesn’t. Up through at they’ve been useless ever lous plot against an incoming office. The slander Mr. Trump Queen of Hollywood” conforms to some of the familiar out-
least the Kennedy, Johnson since. president since Lincoln, with a endured over the collusion lines of the 21st-century high-tech swindle, this particular
and Nixon presidencies, an in- Number them among the resilience and humor that few hoax, the awkward moments scheme’s pretty poison, the smooth, purring engine that
cumbent in Mr. Biden’s shoes many who made a merely dif- would have matched. Millions America had to suffer because drove the entire operation, was the siren call of a single
might well have phoned up the ficult situation, finally, apoca- of voters saw it and can still of his rational unwillingness to human voice. Finding out just how this scheme transpired
Justice Department after the lyptic. I called it the Trump-as- see it. oblige Democrats by acknowl- is the big fun of Mr. Johnson’s book, which folds the official
FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago and democratic-accident problem By now the establishment’s edging Russian meddling the investigation of “The Con
told his attorney general: “You amid the 2016 primaries. The losing streak shouldn’t make 2016 race, will become a card Queen of Hollywood” into Mr.
got the documents back. Good. improbable enthusiasm of a us hopeful of the further ef- to play. Johnson’s own deep reporting
Now let’s drop it.” large minority of GOP voters forts of Mr. Biden, Attorney The price might still be too for the Hollywood Reporter.
And not out of consider- metastasized with the Demo- General Merrick Garland and high given the concomitant What emerges is the profile of
ation for Mr. Trump; out of an cratic determination to nomi- special counsel Jack Smith, risks of a Trump presidency, a troubled serial fantasist who
innate sense that in the oppor- nate the repellant Hillary Clin- not to mention a national me- namely rampant domestic dis- derives pleasure from inflict-
tunism of partisan warfare the ton, who only showed herself dia so inept in its intellectual order from the left. As I said in ing widespread psychic pain.
perfect can be the enemy of more repellent in how she re- dishonesty that it has long 2016, victory next year might In the spring of 2018, Mr.
the good. For reference, Mr. sponded to defeat. It culmi- been Mr. Trump’s best asset. belong to whichever party is Johnson received a tip about
Biden might check out the nated in the bizarre antics of It isn’t too early to ask what ruthless enough to unburden “an imposter . . . running amok
hundreds of pages his Justice FBI chief James Comey who, in the next Trump presidency itself of its current front-run- around [Hollywood], co-opting
Department had to spend his determination to “fix” the might be like, given the sort of ner. the identities of prominent
cleaning up after itself in the problem, likely elected Mr. people “protecting us” from it. We can always hope. But female executives” in order to
collusion hoax. Net result: 74 Trump Mr. Trump has a record, after our country remains burdened scam unwitting victims of
million votes for Mr. Trump in At this point, the establish- all, delivering on trade, taxes by a press so weak-minded, so their time and money. Creative
2020. ment might have responded and immigration largely in line mesmerized by the shiny ob- strivers eager for a break were
Sadly emblematic, though, with maturity, restraint and a with alternating major-party ject and cheap grace of anti- being lassoed by scammers posing as Hollywood big shots:
is a podcast from Never determination to put some norms. Get ready for a giant Trump virtue signaling, that billionaire Gigi Pritzker, former Sony Pictures chair Amy
Trumper William Kristol and guardrails on an interesting irony. “Collusion” will be res- it’s unfitted to be of much help Pascal, megahit producer Kathleen Kennedy, and other L.A.
anti-Trump legal expert Ryan voter experiment, maybe even urrected in spades if Mr. in our interesting times. power players, all of them women. The pitch: We have an
exciting film (or TV) project set in Indonesia, and we want
you to be a part of it. The first stage in each fictitious

Ukraine Could Be Forced to Compromise production sent the mark on a fact-gathering trip to the
East Asian country.
Will Strathmann, a photographer based in Nebraska,
All wars have as it takes.” The underlying it prepares for its annual McCarthy rebuffed a plan was swallowed up whole by the fake Amy Pascal’s seductive
political di- question: As long as it takes to meeting next month. Although backed by both Senate Majority pitch, which alternated between businesslike and inti-
mensions, the do what? For President Volod- recent signals have been Leader Chuck Schumer and Mi- mately conspiratorial: the caller “asked how he felt about
war in ymyr Zelensky, the answer is mixed, Mr. Biden may be open nority Leader Mitch McConnell working with powerful women,” Mr. Johnson writes. “She
Ukraine more clear: As long as it takes to to the suggestion, promoted by that would provide supplemen- called him ‘darling’ and ‘honey.’ By the end of the first
than most. As clear Russian troops from in- NATO Secretary General Jens tal aid for Ukraine outside the phone call, they were on a first-name basis.”
POLITICS leader of the ternationally recognized Ukrai- Stoltenberg, that Ukraine normal appropriations process, Mr. Strathmann bought a round-trip plane ticket to
international nian territory. For the alliance, could join NATO after the war on which the debt-ceiling Jakarta. Then another. In a matter of weeks, he was
coalition sup- I suspect, the answer is differ- without going through the agreement imposes caps for wrecked—his savings depleted by the large sums he had
By William
porting Kyiv, ent: As long as it takes for lengthy and elaborate prepara- defense as well as nondefense paid up front for hotels, drivers and guides. Reimbursement
A. Galston
President Bi- Ukrainian troops to regain as tory steps typically required of spending. Assistance to Kyiv never materialized, then “Amy Pascal” disappeared. A few
den must re- much territory as possible, applicants. France, Germany could be cut as soon as the end direct phone calls to Ms. Pascal’s real office revealed the
tain domestic support for our with the outcome of the cur- of September. truth: The producer was not developing any projects based
massive financial contribution rent counteroffensive defining Mr. Zelensky must also take in Indonesia.
to Ukraine while maintaining a possible perimeter. With support waning into account the possibility In the space of a few months, someone posing as Ms.
the unity of the coalition. Put simply, I believe that that Donald Trump, no friend Pascal and other moguls had lured unsuspecting photog-
The evidence suggests that 2023 will be the decisive year in the U.S., the of Ukraine, will return to the raphers, drone operators and screenwriters into multiple,
he is doing better with the lat- for the war—and that by the counteroffensive may Oval Office after the November all-cash trips to Indonesia at the mark’s own expense—all
ter task than the former. Yes, end of the year, support for a 2024 election. Mr. Trump has at the behest of a fake producer with a non-existent project
there have been recurrent dis- cease-fire as a prelude to nego- define a new border. promised to end the war who never showed her face. The subjects were told to pay
agreements with allies about tiations will become too strong within 24 hours of taking of- drivers and handlers up front: Most of this money was
the kinds of weapons Ukraine to resist, even if some Eastern fice. Allowing for hyperbole, funneled back to the scammer via a network of bag men.
should receive and the pace of European allies doubt the wis- and many Eastern European there is every reason to be- No one was ever reimbursed.
delivery. Mr. Biden has made dom of this course. I find it countries are also indicating lieve that he would swiftly re- The real Amy Pascal filed a complaint with K2 Intelli-
it clear that he wants to do ev- hard to believe that the coali- they are open to this plan. verse current policy, weaken- gence, known as the “CIA for the corporate world,” to find
erything possible to assist tion is prepared to maintain its Within this framework, it ing Ukraine’s ability to resist out what individual or group of individuals was pretending
Ukraine without triggering a current level of effort for a should be possible to work out Russian aggression. Unless Mr. to be the producer. K2’s investigator Nicole Kotsianas
wider war. Because the line trench-warfare conflict lasting the security guarantees that Zelensky is prepared to wager scraped metadata from emails, non-disclosure agreements
between maximum effort and as long as World War I. Ukraine would need before it the future of his country on and travel itineraries and found her way to an Instagram
dangerous overreach is un- This hard reality will be a joins NATO. the whims of American voters, account called Purebytes, where a man named Gavin Lal
clear, he has proceeded at bitter pill for most Ukraini- But why would Ukraine he should seriously consider kept a curated visual record of Indonesia’s finest restau-
times more deliberately than ans, who are committed, un- agree to arrangements that locking in the best deal he can rants and hotels. That led in turn to an Indonesian gamer
other countries, especially derstandably, to liberating ev- would probably mean the per- get from his allies while sup- who admitted that he had purchased a phone number for
those in Eastern Europe, ery square mile of their manent loss of a substantial port remains strong. the fake Gigi Pritzker. Shortly thereafter, Ms. Kotsianas
would have preferred. But he territory. Mr. Zelensky has en- portion of its internationally Charles de Gaulle once received a frantic call from Gavin Lal himself, pleading,
has moved forward enough to couraged his people to believe recognized territory? The an- dreamed of a Europe stretch- for the sake of his family, for her to stop the investigation.
mute coalition discontent that this goal isn’t only right swer is U.S. domestic politics. ing “from the Atlantic to the
while assisting Ukraine with but also possible. He can’t At the beginning, support Urals,” and for a fleeting mo-
robust offensive capacities persuade them to accept less, for Ukraine in the U.S. was ment after the collapse of the For an aspiring filmmaker, an unexpected call
and surprisingly effective air unless his country receives strongly bipartisan. No longer. Soviet Union, this dream from a Hollywood player was the break that
defense. binding interim security guar- While Democrats continue to seemed possible. Now it’s clear
As Ukraine begins its long- antees along a credible path back current levels of assis- that Europe must end at could make a career. But it was all a scam.
awaited counteroffensive, the to accelerated membership in tance, the share of Republicans Ukraine’s border with Russia.
issue of what comes next has the North Atlantic Treaty Or- who believe that we are doing For the peace of the world, the
moved to the center of discus- ganization. too much has risen steadily, West must establish this bor- Who was Gavin Lal? It took Ms. Kotsianas nearly a year
sions within the coalition. Offi- The good news is that NATO from 9% in March 2022 to 44% der and defend it against fu- to sort through a vast trove of data pulled from the so-
cially, the allies are committed is moving closer to agreement today, according to Pew. Re- ture aggression from a nation called Lal’s network of go-betweens. Lal was in fact
to aiding Ukraine for “as long on such a security package as cently, House Speaker Kevin that will never be European. Hargobind “Harvey” Tahilramani, the disgraced son of well-
off family in Jakarta. The younger Tahilramani—who would
repeatedly get in legal trouble over his propensity for

China Tries to Cancel an Art Show in Poland fraud—had failed at everything in life save for one thing:
an uncanny ability to mimic virtually any male or female
regional accent. There was no large cast of co-conspirators.
By Jillian Kay Melchior pressure to cancel Badiucao awarded a grant funded by the Poland as he issued his threats. Amy Pascal, Gigi Pritzker, Kathleen Kennedy. All of them
exhibits. The artist, who keeps government for a politically “You could read it in two had been Tahilramani.

Warsaw his real name secret, lives in themed graphic novel. ways,” Ms. Kolek observed. Ms. Kotsianas’s investigation had uncovered the how of
senior Chinese diplomat exile in Australia, where he is a In remarks at the opening of Perhaps he was “marking the scam; what remained blurry was the why. Mr. Johnson
visited the Centre for citizen. He says no Australian the Warsaw exhibit, Badiucao down that there are a number digs deep into Tahilramani’s backstory. He grew up in
Contemporary Art in Po- museum has been willing to noted how the fates of Poland of students in Poland—they Jakarta with a disapproving father and a doting mother
land’s capital with an ultima- host an exhibit of his art, in and China diverged in 1989 as could be mobilized.” But who died prematurely. “Conversion therapy,” administered
tum: A planned exhibit by Chi- part because left-leaning ad- the Poles threw off communism maybe he feared that the stu- to cleanse Tahilramani of supposed homosexality, seems to
nese-dissident artist Badiucao ministrators are cowed by Bei- while Beijing slaughtered pro- dents would be exposed to the have done considerable psychological damage. He devel-
“hurts the feelings of the Chi- jing’s accusations of anti-Chi- testers in Tiananmen Square. truth about their government. oped a tendency to converse with invisible companions,
nese people and it should not nese racism. “Every communist regime is Enzo Lai, 37, who is from and became obsessed with movies, picking up the subtleties
be opened,” museum director similar,” Mr. Bernatowicz told South China, got Badiucao’s of various dialects by studying Meryl Streep’s shape-shift-
Piotr Bernatowicz says the me. “They try to block other autograph and said he admired ing roles. As the product of a prosperous family, Tahilra-
diplomat told him. “It could The effort backfired, types of narratives, and they the artist’s bravery. He asked mani expected to strike it rich, but it never quite worked
destroy the good relations be- stiffening the spine try to control the narratives of me not to print a photo of him out and, according to Mr. Johnson, “if he couldn’t have
tween China and Poland.” their country.” for fear that China would use his dream, no one else would, either.”
Mr. Bernatowicz rejected of Australian officials. Badiucao’s Warsaw exhibit facial-recognition technology There is some unfortunate overreach in “The Con
the demand, and Badiucao’s borrows its title from Xi Jin- to identify him and arrest him Queen,” particularly Mr. Johnson’s weak attempt to link
show opened Friday. Radio- ping’s 2013 exhortation to “tell if he returned home. the Indonesian con with his own family history of secrets
FreeEurope/Radio Liberty re- Badiucao’s experience in China’s story well.” The art “The Communist Party and lies. Mr. Johnson certainly doesn’t need to add any
ports Chinese diplomats also Warsaw, however, appears to portrays the Tiananmen mas- claims my art hurts Chinese emotional ballast to what is already a gripping story, and
contacted the Polish Ministry have stiffened Canberra’s sacre, the Covid coverup, the feelings, but I am speaking for the snippets of memoir he includes feel out of place here.
of Culture and National Heri- spine. Australia’s Department genocide of Uyghur Muslims, Chinese people the government As Mr. Johnson moves deeper into the labyrinth, he
tage, which partially funds the of Foreign Affairs said in a the destruction of freedom in has oppressed and deprived of eventually comes face to face with his quarry. Confronted
museum. Mr. Bernatowicz says statement that Ambassador Hong Kong, and Beijing’s cozy a voice,” Badiucao said. Mr. Lai by the author with his crimes, Tahilramani spins an uncon-
he received no pressure from Lloyd Brodrick met with the relationship with Moscow. One agreed: “In China, there’s no vincing tale about being a pawn in some larger scheme
the Polish government to shut artist before the exhibit painting shows Mr. Xi and election. You cannot vote your involving players far more powerful than himself. But he
the exhibit down. opened to discuss his “work, Vladimir Putin feasting on hu- president. So how can you rep- also admits to a motivation that rings true. Wearing the
China often attempts to his concerns in relation to per- man flesh. resent the Chinese people?” masks of these powerful identities allowed him, for a
censor speech abroad that’s sonal safety, and the support Agnieszka Kolek, the cen- moment, to feel as if he were them: “And they felt great.”
critical of the Communist the Australian government ter’s deputy director, said that Ms. Melchior is a London-
Party. Venues in Italy and the was providing.” Badiucao an- the Chinese diplomat cited the based member of the Journal Mr. Weingarten is the author of “Thirsty: William
Czech Republic defied similar nounced Monday that he was number of Chinese students in editorial board. Mulholland, California Water, and the Real Chinatown.”
A16 | Wednesday, June 21, 2023 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


The Blue State Budget Blues Debating the Scope and Merits of ESG Investing

e hope progressive states enjoyed plunge in income-tax, and 44% drop in corpo- There is no way to reconcile envi- Mr. Puzder argues that ESG is sim-
their Covid spending party while it rate-tax, collections. Income-tax revenue in the ronmental, social and governance in- ply “politically motivated investing.”
vesting with the fiduciary duty of in- This is wrong. In fact, in a piece that
lasted. Now arrives the hangover as current fiscal year that began last July is run-
vestment managers unless it can be Mr. Puzder cites as evidence the ESG
federal largesse ebbs and tax ning 9.2% lower than in the claimed that ESG won’t result in juggernaut has slowed, my co-author
revenue falls from unsustain- The fiscal crash arrives previous year while corporate- lower investment returns (“Red States and I specifically argue that “ESG-re-
able heights. following years of tax revenue is down 5.7%. For Have Slowed the ESG Juggernaut” by lated considerations can have strong
The Federal Reserve’s mon- the first time in nearly three Andy Puzder, op-ed, June 15). Black- connections to investment return.”
etary policy during the first profligate spending. years, sales tax revenue in May Rock goes further by claiming ESG in- ESG is about incorporating mate-
two years of the pandemic in- also dropped. vestments will provide “better long- rial factors for risk and opportunity
flated asset prices and capital Recall that Democrats in term financial outcomes.” in investing. Nothing more. Many
gains, which produced a revenue rush in blue Trenton raised income taxes and extended a Any such argument flies in the face supposed anti-ESG initiatives, includ-
states with steeply progressive tax rates. Corpo- 2.5 percentage point corporate surtax in au- of conventional investing wisdom. ing one that Mr. Puzder cites, allow
rate tax revenue also surged as profits increased tumn 2020. New Jersey’s 11.5% top corporate Voluminous research attests to both the use of ESG factors “that qualified
the folly of trying to predict invest- investment professionals would treat
owing to inflation and transfer payments that tax rate is now the highest in the country. Gov.
ment returns and the benefits of di- as material economic considerations
fueled consumer spending. Phil Murphy has said he wants the surtax to versification in providing higher risk- under generally accepted investment
But as the Fed has tightened to bring inflation expire this year, but don’t count on it. adjusted, long-term returns. Yet ESG theories.” I agree.
under control, asset prices and corporate profits Time and again, progressives use putative proponents blithely assert that a less- The problems aren’t with ESG it-
have declined and consumer spending has budget emergencies to impose supposedly tem- diversified investment approach will self—which is simply analyzing poten-
slowed. Tax revenue in blue states is now falling porary tax increases that invariably become provide superior returns. If this were tial externalities—but rather with pro-
as precipitously as it rose. permanent as the revenue is baked into spend- the case, coerced ESG investment posals, largely in blue states, which
New York State Comptroller Thomas Di- ing baselines. This is what happened in Califor- wouldn’t be necessary; unless invest- mandate wholesale divestment from
Napoli said Friday that state tax collections in nia in 2012 when Democrats raised the top rate ment managers were incompetent or certain industries and those, mostly
the past two months are running 32.2% lower to 13.3%. criminal, they would all embrace ESG. in red states, which create “blacklists”
By hijacking other people’s money of companies and investment manag-
than a year ago, with personal income tax reve- California’s budget has since become even
to pursue outcomes they haven’t ers. These laws, portrayed as pro- and
nue lagging 45%. His report follows Gov. Kathy more dependent on the affluent. The top 0.5% agreed to, coerced ESG investing is a anti-ESG, respectively, undermine fi-
Hochul’s revised budget forecast this month of taxpayers pay 40% of state income tax, and form of theft. Voluntary ESG is al- duciary responsibility standards in
projecting a $36.4 billion shortfall over the next their capital gains have plunged. Income-tax col- ready an option and, if the predic- the name of politics. Considering ESG
three years. lections in the fiscal year that started last July tions of higher returns are correct, it factors, on the other hand, is often a
While income-tax withholding is still increasing are 34.6% below a year earlier and corporate-tax will become increasingly popular key aspect of upholding standards.
as payrolls grow, capital gains have fallen. Demo- revenue is down 33.7%. Gov. Gavin Newsom last without the need for regulation. PROF. ROBERT G. ECCLES
crats in Albany exacerbated the state’s fiscal reli- month increased the state’s projected budget JONATHAN COBURN Oxford University
ance on the rich in 2021 when they raised the com- deficit to $32 billion, but revenue is already Apex, N.C. Concord, Mass.
bined state and New York City top rate to 14.8% trailing his revised forecast.
from 12.7%. Millionaires now pay as much state in- By contrast, tax revenue in Florida is ex-
come tax as the bottom 98.9% of tax filers. ceeding forecasts. Florida’s corporate-tax reve-
Cities may also soon feel budget pain since nue—at a 5.5% rate—during the first 10 months The Last Thing Reagan National Airport Needs
year-over-year growth in local sales tax collec- of this fiscal year is up 57.7% year-over-year. Expansion of long-haul flights at increase in passenger delays.
tions has run below 2% in each of the last three States tax corporate income based on the share Reagan National Airport (“Tear Down Expansion is also opposed by local
months, Mr. DiNapoli warns. That’s well below of business done in their borders. So while cor- This Perimeter” by Michael Huerta, interests due to concerns over noise,
the rate of inflation. No doubt one contributing porate earnings generally are shrinking, Flor- op-ed, June 13) is opposed by the air- traffic and congestion. Reagan Na-
factor is New York’s loss of some 525,000 in pop- ida appears to be grabbing a larger share of port’s own operator as dangerous and tional was never intended to be,
ulation between 2020 and 2022. profits as businesses expand in the state. The impractical. Reagan National has one wasn’t designed for, and can’t accom-
Yet Democrats in Albany this spring boosted opposite may be happening in California, New main runway that is already the busi- modate more traffic. The region has
spending by $9 billion in their $229 billion bud- York and New Jersey. est in the nation. The airport is oper- two other airports at Dulles and BWI
get. New York City Mayor Eric Adams last week Florida’s $117 billion budget this year is half ating above its designed capacity and that are available for and capable of
has one of the worst records of flight handling increased traffic. There al-
reached generous five-year labor agreements as large as New York’s, though it has 2.5 million
delays and cancellations. The Federal ready is enough hot air in Washing-
with 11 government unions. Teacher pay will in- more people. The Sunshine State lacks an in- Aviation Administration found that ton without the introduction of more
crease by about 20%, raising the top salary to come tax and mandatory government collec- air-traffic control conditions are flights to Reagan National.
$151,271. tive-bargaining, which together create a tax- strained and that any addition of new STEVE CHAMEIDES
Next door in New Jersey, officials reported and-spend ratchet. An iron law in progressive flights would result in a significant Bethesda, Md.
Monday that tax revenue last month declined states is that when revenue falls, taxes go up.
20% from the previous May, driven by a 55% Look out below.
What Does It Take to Get a Real Education?
New York’s Unconstitutional Mail-Vote Bill I read with admiration Andrew
Delbanco’s discussion of various at-
eliminate the mishmash entirely by
prescribing a program of study in

tempts at universities and community which all texts are read in common for
lbany is again thumbing its nose at New ballot process. This bill relates to a form of colleges to engender diversity all four years. Whatever its shortcom-
Yorkers and the state constitution, this early voting.” What a hilarious semantic con. through conversation about texts that ings, this solution at least acknowl-
time on mail voting. The supreme law You see, the state constitution prohibits potay- all students read in common (“Great edges that the true diversity of which
of the Empire State reserves tos. This new legislation con- Books Can Heal Our Divided Cam- Mr. Delbanco speaks is extremely
absentee ballots for residents Gov. Hochul should templates potahtos. Com- puses,” Review, June 10). I hope it hard-won, emerging only after years
who are out of their county or veto this out of respect pletely different. isn’t churlish, however, to ask of patient listening in the classroom.
New York City on Election Day, To finish the old Gershwin whether a single year, let alone a sin- BRENDAN BOYLE
as well as those who can’t “ap- for the electorate. song, let’s call the whole thing gle semester, of such conversation is Annapolis, Md.
pear personally” at the polls off. “The voters of New York enough to hold at bay Daniel Bell’s
“because of illness or physical said no, we’re going to stick to worry about a “mishmash of courses Exposure to the classics should
that are only superficially connected.” come before college. I spent my high-
disability.” the constitution, and we’re going to say that only
One radical solution, adopted at St. school years in the late 1960s work-
Two years ago, in a shock to Democrats, the certain circumstances should allow someone to John’s College, where I teach, would ing through the great-books program
electorate rejected a proposed constitutional vote by mail, vote by absentee, or whatever it available in my average Midwestern
amendment that would have loosened the rules might be,” said Republican Sen. George Borrello. high school. It served me well in col-
and permitted no-excuses absentee voting. The “This bill essentially ignores the will of the peo- Confronted With Common lege and law school and then after-
ballot measure failed 45% to 55%. Yet the so- ple of New York State.” He’s right. ward, in my career. College is far too
lons in Albany must think the dummies who Even if Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul agrees
Sense, SPLC Cries ‘Hate’ late. Eighteen-year-olds can vote; why
vote don’t know what’s good for them. This with the idea on the merits, she should veto it Margaret Huang, president of the delay exposure to the critical moral
month the Legislature passed a bill to let any- out of respect for the electorate. Otherwise, the Southern Poverty Law Center, defends and ethical issues of our society?
one vote by mail. courts might have to kill this legal runaround. her group’s decision to list Moms for ERICK HOLT
Isn’t this what the citizenry rejected in 2021? The simple fact is that New York’s constitution Liberty as a hate group on the Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla.
grounds that it hates . . . the govern-
“No, you are mistaken,” argued Democratic Sen. sets out a provision for “absent” voters. The
ment (Letters, June 15). Specifically, No one would teach a child to
Michael Gianaris, during the brief floor debate. Legislature can’t get around that provision by Moms for Liberty hates the school throw a curve or knuckler before
“The referendum was relevant to the absentee renaming it. system’s insistence on exposing very teaching the child to throw. It works
young children to drag queens, having the same way with the mind: The
discussions with young children about broad skills of reasoning and writing
The Hunter Biden Business sexuality and trans identity, and mak- must precede the more specialized

ing efforts to either hide this from skills found in narrower disciplines.
resident Biden’s son Hunter agreed veteran who oversees a team specializing in parents or insisting that parents have RICHARD MCGOWAN
Tuesday to plead guilty to two misde- international tax crimes. The whistleblower no say in the matter. Green Bay, Wis.
meanor tax charges that will likely says his team was assigned to the Hunter case The real hate group here is the one
that vilifies parents who wish to pro-
keep him out of prison. The in early 2020, and he “imme-
lenient treatment is firing up Joe’s son cuts a plea deal diately saw deviations from
tect their young children. The Writing on the Wall
Republican claims of two- Reading the Journal with my cof-
tiered justice, especially be-
for minor offenses that theHenormal process.”
says “multiple steps”
New York
fee, I glanced up to see on the wall
cause there are no answers will keep him out of jail. were “just completely not The SPLC tells us that Moms for
what my husband had framed. It is
about the Biden family’s for- done” and that “each and ev- Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not
Liberty espouses “anti-government
Taken.” It was my choice to recite de-
eign influence peddling. ery time” decisions “seemed principles,” “targets funding for public
cades ago in a classroom (“Kids and
U.S. Attorney David Weiss began investigat- to always benefit the subject.” Mr. Shapley education” and, worst of all, the group
the Power of the Spoken Word” by
ing Hunter in 2018, and former Attorney Gen- says when he pushed back, his team was ex- “advocates the abolition of the Educa-
Mark Bauerlein and David Mikics, op-
eral Bill Barr said Tuesday these charges cluded—and later removed—from the probe. tion Department” (a position strongly
ed, June 15) and it has stayed with
could have been brought within months of his In any case, is that all there is? What about argued by Ronald Reagan in 1980,
me. I found meaning in choices we
when he won the presidency in a land-
own confirmation in early 2019. the Biden family’s income windfall from make. I cherish the poem and my hus-
slide, and held by many Republicans
The tax charges stem from Hunter’s “willful Hunter’s foreign business deals? since). Ms. Huang’s letter confirms
band, who knew its importance to me.
failure” to pay more than $200,000 in taxes House and Senate Republicans have docu- LYNDA GODDARD
that the SPLC considers any organiza-
in 2017 and 2018 on income of more than $3 mented dozens of suspicious financial transac- Redondo Beach, Calif.
tion positioned to the right of Sen.
million from his foreign business deals. The tions related to Hunter’s overseas business Bernie Sanders a “hate group.”
press is reporting that prosecutors will recom- while his father was Vice President. The evi- ROBERT DAME
mend probation instead of jail time. dence includes a web of shell companies that Charlottesville, Va. Pepper ...
The gun plea says Hunter lied on the fed- appear to have funneled large sums of cash to And Salt
eral background-check form by denying he Hunter and other Biden family members.
was an unlawful user of a controlled substance Congressional investigators have also re- Newsom vs. DeSantis, 2024 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL

when buying a gun. Hunter has admitted he vealed the existence of an FBI document in The world would be in a better
was a cocaine addict at the time. He’ll be al- which a confidential FBI source says a Ukrai- place with a Gavin Newsom vs. Ron
lowed to enter a pretrial diversion agreement nian oligarch claimed to have made bribery DeSantis presidential race, not merely
in which he promises to stay drug free for two payments to Hunter and Joe Biden. Mr. Barr a TV debate (“Newsom vs. DeSantis:
years and never again own a firearm. The gun says that FBI document was sent to Mr. Bring It On,” Review & Outlook, June
charge will then be dropped. Weiss’s office. The bribery claim remains 16). They are at opposite ends of
their ideologies, but that won’t keep
One question is why Hunter faced only “will- hearsay, but Hunter’s financial dealings with
me awake at night. What keeps me up
ful” misdemeanor tax charges rather than fel- shady foreign actors—some connected to the is a megalomaniac running against a
ony count of “tax evasion”—given April news Chinese Communist Party—contain enough befuddled guy on the verge of falling.
reports that Mr. Weiss’s office felt it had enough smoke to warrant a thorough probe. WILLIAM GOLDMAN
evidence for the latter. It’s true DOJ has rarely DOJ said in a press release Tuesday that Los Angeles
pursued “lie and buy” gun cases—a longtime the “investigation is ongoing.” But Hunter’s
complaint of progressive gun-control groups. attorney said “it is my understanding that
Letters intended for publication should
But DOJ has elevated its focus in recent years, the five-year investigation into Hunter is re- be emailed to Please
and other attorneys have bragged about their solved.” Which is it? Mr. Weiss ought to include your city, state and telephone
aggressive pursuit of such cases. clarify matters and cooperate with Congress number. All letters are subject to “Thank you for this food, and
There’s also the testimony by Internal Rev- to put any suspicion of favorable treatment editing, and unpublished letters cannot protect us from the additives
be acknowledged.
enue Service agent Gary Shapley, a 14-year- to rest. and preservatives therein.”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, June 21, 2023 | A17


ProPublica Misleads Its Readers

By Samuel A. Alito Jr. we have never talked about any case and until the recent amendment of
or issue before the Court. On two oc- the filing instructions, justices com-
Editor’s note: Justin Elliott and casions, he introduced me before I monly interpreted this discussion of
Josh Kaplan of ProPublica, which gave a speech—as have dozens of “hospitality” to mean that accommo-
styles itself “an independent, non- other people. And as I will discuss, he dations and transportation for social
profit newsroom that produces in- allowed me to occupy what would events were not reportable gifts. The
vestigative journalism with moral have otherwise been an unoccupied flight to Alaska was the only occa-
force,” emailed Justice Alito Friday seat on a private flight to Alaska. It sion when I have accepted transpor-
with a series of questions and asked was and is my judgment that these tation for a purely social event, and
him to respond by noon EDT Tues- facts would not cause a reasonable in doing so I followed what I under-
day. They informed the justice that and unbiased person to doubt my stood to be standard practice.
“we do serious, fair, accurate report- ability to decide the matters in ques- For these reasons, I did not in-
ing in the public interest and have tion impartially. clude on my Financial Disclosure Re-

won six Pulitzer Prizes.” Here is Jus- Second, when I reviewed the port for 2008 either the accommoda-
tice Alito’s response: cases in question to determine tions provided by the owner of the

whether I was required to recuse, I King Salmon Lodge, who, to my
roPublica has leveled two was not aware and had no good rea- knowledge, has never been involved
charges against me: first, son to be aware that Mr. Singer had in any matter before the Court, or
that I should have recused an interest in any party. During my the seat on the flight to Alaska.
in matters in which an en- time on the Court, I have voted on In brief, the relevant facts relating
tity connected with Paul approximately 100,000 certiorari pe- to the fishing trip 15 years ago are as
Singer was a party and, second, that titions. The vast majority receive lit- the merits briefs. Because his name Language 690 (2001) (defining a “fa- follows. I stayed for three nights in a
I was obligated to list certain items as tle personal attention from the jus- did not appear in these filings, I was cility” as “something designed, built, modest one-room unit at the King
gifts on my 2008 Financial Disclose tices because even a cursory unaware of his connection with any installed, etc., to serve a specific Salmon Lodge, which was a comfort-
Report. Neither charge is valid. examination reveals that they do not of the listed entities, and I had no function affording a convenience or able but rustic facility. As I recall, the
• Recusal. I had no obligation to meet our requirements for review. good reason to be aware of that. The service: transportation facilities” and meals were homestyle fare. I cannot
recuse in any of the cases that Pro- See Sup. Ct. R. 10. To ensure that I entities that ProPublica claims are “something that permits the easier recall whether the group at the
Publica cites. First, even if I had been am not required to recuse, multiple connected to Mr. Singer all appear to performance of an action”). Legal us- lodge, about 20 people, was served
aware of Mr. Singer’s connection to members of my staff carefully check be either limited liability corpora- age is similar. Black’s Law Dictionary wine, but if there was wine it was
the entities involved in those cases, the names of the parties in each case tions or limited liability partner- has explained that the term “facili- certainly not wine that costs $1,000.
recusal would not have been required and any other entities listed in the ships. It would be utterly impossible ties” may mean “everything neces- Since my visit 15 years ago, the lodge
or appropriate. ProPublica suggests for my staff or any other Supreme sary for the convenience of passen- has been sold and, I believe, reno-
that my failure to recuse in these Court employees to search filings gers.” Federal statutory law is vated, but an examination of the pho-
cases created an appearance of im- The publication levels false with the SEC or other government similar. See, e.g., 18 U.S.C §1958(b) tos and information on the lodge’s
propriety, but that is incorrect. bodies to find the names of all indi- (“ ‘facility of interstate commerce’ website shows that ProPublica’s por-
“There is an appearance of impropri- charges about recusal, viduals with a financial interest in includes means of transportation”); trayal is misleading.
ety when an unbiased and reasonable financial disclosures every such entity named as a party 18 U.S.C §2251(a) (referring to an As for the flight, Mr. Singer and
person who is aware of all relevant in the thousands of cases that are item that has been “transported us- others had already made arrange-
facts would doubt that the Justice and a 2008 fishing trip. brought to us each year. ing any means or facility of inter- ments to fly to Alaska when I was
could fairly discharge his or her du- • Reporting. Until a few months state commerce”); Kevin F. O’Malley, invited shortly before the event,
ties” (Statement on Ethics Principles ago, the instructions for completing Jay E. Grenig, Hon. William C. Lee, and I was asked whether I would
and Practices appended to letter from corporate disclosure statement re- a Financial Disclosure Report told Federal Jury Practice and Instruc- like to fly there in a seat that, as
the Chief Justice to Senator Durbin, quired by our rules. See Supreme judges that “[p]ersonal hospitality tions §54.04 (February 2023) (“the far as I am aware, would have oth-
April 25, 2023). No such person Court Rule 29.6. Mr. Singer was not need not be reported,” and “hospi- term ‘uses any facility in interstate erwise been vacant. It was my un-
would think that my relationship listed as a party in any of the cases tality” was defined to include “hos- commerce’ means employing or uti- derstanding that this would not im-
with Mr. Singer meets that standard. listed by ProPublica. Nor did his pitality extended for a non-business lizing any method of . . . transporta- pose any extra cost on Mr. Singer.
My recollection is that I have spoken name appear in any of the corporate purpose by one, not a corporation or tion between one state and an- Had I taken commercial flights, that
to Mr. Singer on no more than a disclosure statements or the certio- organization, . . . on property or fa- other”). would have imposed a substantial
handful of occasions, all of which rari petitions or briefs in opposition cilities owned by [a] person . . .” This understanding of the require- cost and inconvenience on the dep-
(with the exception of small talk dur- to certiorari. In the one case in Section 109(14). The term “facilities” ment to report gifts reflected the ex- uty U.S. Marshals who would have
ing a fishing trip 15 years ago) con- which review was granted, Republic was not defined, but both in ordi- pert judgment of the body that the been required for security reasons
sisted of brief and casual comments of Argentina v. NML Capital, Ltd., nary and legal usage, the term en- Ethics in Government Act entrusts to assist me.
at events attended by large groups. No. 12-842, Mr. Singer’s name did compasses means of transportation. with the responsibility to administer
On no occasion have we discussed not appear in either the certiorari See, e.g., Random House Webster’s compliance with the Act, see 5 U.S.C. Justice Alito is an associate jus-
the activities of his businesses, and petition, the brief in opposition, or Unabridged Dictionary of the English App. §111(3). When I joined the Court tice of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Why Barack Obama Is Afraid of Tim Scott

The recent dust-up living proof that we are making prog- tling with the ideal—the world as we But Ms. Haley and Mr. Scott aren’t Obama’s. The former president in-
between Barack ress as a country. I wouldn’t be here want it to be—and the world as it is.” campaigning on “everything’s great,” sists otherwise because that is what
Obama and Republi- but for that progress.’ ” The former president tried to con- and Mr. Obama knows that is a straw- today’s Democratic Party demands.
can presidential Mr. Axelrod was referring to Mr. trast his own use of biography with man argument. Rather, they are using Racial identity politics often leads to
hopeful Tim Scott Obama’s 2004 keynote address at the that of Mr. Scott and Nikki Haley, an- their personal histories to illustrate a sort of competition among blacks
might seem strange Democratic National Convention in other Republican running for presi- the opportunities for current and fu- over who represents the interests of
at first glance. Mr. Boston, the one that made his politi- dent, who frequently speaks about ture generations that didn’t exist to the group. Mr. Obama is playing the
MOBILITY Scott is polling in cal career. It’s the speech where he her experience growing up as an In- the same extent for racial and ethnic role of soul patrol. He wants Mr.
the low single digits invoked his biracial ancestry as a dian-American in the Deep South. Mr. minorities in bygone eras. Both can- Scott canceled, or at least dismissed
By Jason L.
and is more likely to metaphor for the country’s racial and Obama accused both minority candi- didates speak regularly about dis- as someone who holds unrepresenta-
be nominated for the political advancement and said that dates of glossing over the effects of crimination in America, past and cur- tive and inauthentic black views that
vice presidency than “there is not a liberal America and a rent—“Racism is real. It is alive,” Mr. shouldn’t be taken seriously.
the presidency. Why pick on Mr. conservative America” or “a black Scott has remarked—even if they Mr. Scott currently is in no danger
Scott? America and a white America” but The left doesn’t want don’t obsess over it or cite it as a ma- of winning the GOP nomination for
In a podcast discussion with David only “a United States of America.” Yet jor barrier to upward mobility. president, but so long as he’s running
Axelrod, chief strategist of his 2008 when Mr. Axelrod compared those re- voters exposed to black “My hope and my theory is that he will command a measure of atten-
and 2012 campaigns, Mr. Obama was marks to what Mr. Scott is saying to- candidates with different America has been waiting for some- tion in the media and remain a target
critical of Mr. Scott and other minor- day, Mr. Obama got defensive. one to show up who’s more inter- of black liberals. The fear on the left
ity GOP candidates for presenting “Those lines are aspirational and political opinions. ested in American progress and the is that millions of minority voters
their personal biographies as evi- always have been,” Mr. Obama said. big windshield of the car, and less in- will be exposed to a different black
dence of America’s racial progress. “We’re closer to an approximation of terested in that rearview mirror,” Mr. opinion on everything from tax policy
That is precisely what Mr. Obama did the ideal than we were 100 years ago racism. “I’m not being cynical about Scott said during an appearance ear- and immigration to education, polic-
when he ran for president, a point or 200 years ago,” but “they are al- Tim Scott individually,” he said. “I lier this month on ABC’s “The View.” ing and racial inequality. Democratic
that wasn’t lost on his interviewer. “I ways in tension and contradiction think there’s a long history of Afri- “Making sure that every single per- success at the polls is heavily reliant
listened to Tim Scott,” said Mr. Axel- with what has been another version can-American or other minority can- son, based on their character, their on blacks voting as a single bloc. The
rod, “and half of it sounds a lot like of America that is based on exploita- didates within the Republican Party grit and their talent, can rise as high last thing Democrats want is some-
us. Half of it sounds a lot like what tion and violence and hierarchies and who will validate America and say, as humanly possible.” one who looks like Mr. Scott casting
you were talking about in the speech great wealth and power taking ad- ‘Everything’s great, and we can all Mr. Scott’s biography exemplifies doubt on the efficacy of liberal poli-
in 2004 and in all of our speeches vantage of those who aren’t power- make it.’ I mean, Nikki Haley, I think, tremendous strides in American race cies and making the case for an alter-
from that point on, which was: ‘I’m ful.” He added: “We are always wres- has a similar approach.” relations no less so than does Mr. native approach.

A Growing India Is Good for the U.S.

By David Malpass reach in a world of weak growth, side facing daunting barriers to ex- cure adequate bank financing or ruption. Reforms would create a

but India has grown by 6% or more pansion from overgrown govern- delist under current regulatory more level playing field for busi-
hen India’s Prime Minister in recent years and is building ment, regulation and high taxes. On policies. This blocks consolidation, ness growth. Mr. Modi has taken
Narendra Modi visits the from a relatively low base ($2,200 the other side are the government which allows companies to re- steps to reduce bureaucracy, but
U.S. this week, Americans per capita). When offered sound and a few big companies as mas- structure to improve efficiency training more than three million
should pay careful attention to his policies and the tolerance inherent sive employers. While Mr. Modi’s and productivity. central government employees is a
vision for 8% growth. Both coun- in rules-based government, people budget calls for more government tall order.
tries would benefit greatly from from anywhere in the world can investment, it is critical that in- • Land and labor reform. Land
faster growth. achieve fast compound growth vestment shift to the private sec- New trade and investment acquisition remains a barrier to
India has entered the 25-year rates. China’s economy grew 10% a tor, particularly so small busi- new and expanding businesses and
period leading to the 100th anni- year throughout its 1993-2012 era nesses can grow. Reforms offer big opportunities will help the transformation of agriculture.
versary of its independence with a of currency stability, market and potential upside in three particular both countries become Most agricultural land transfers are
growth plan. Called Amrit Kaal, price liberalization, and tolerance areas. through inheritance. Land acquisi-
which roughly translates to “Golden for growing businesses. • Capital markets. India’s finan- less dependent on China. tion remains time-consuming and
Era,” it is Mr. Modi’s rallying cry India has shown that it can hold cial industry is dominated by big prone to delays from litigation. Di-
and blueprint for India to reach 8% down external indebtedness and banks. More needs to be done to rect transactions between landown-
growth and a much higher median that the rupee can be relatively increase credit to smaller busi- • Civil service. State-owned en- ers and businesses are also con-
income. Faster growth in India stable. It should build on that. Key nesses that are growing. This is terprises and government jobs play strained by the limited availability
would help the U.S. by allowing reforms would shrink spending and vital for competitiveness, and In- too big a role in the economy. of reliable records and by opaque
new opportunities for trade and in- bureaucracy and allow increased dia needs to speed this transition. Civil-service reforms are important land-use regulations. As a result,
vestment, less dependence on investment and jobs in medium- A related problem is the great for freeing private growth. The the market for buying and selling
China, and better balance for the size companies. India’s job creation number of publicly listed compa- government must make it easier land is vanishingly small. States re-
bipolar world economy. is shaped like a barbell, with start- nies that aren’t competitive. They for businesses to obtain permits strict land leasing even though this
Eight percent sounds out of ups and small businesses on one went public too soon and can’t se- and licenses while reducing cor- would help allocate land more effi-
Getting more women into the

Notable & Quotable: Biden

workforce will also be crucial. The
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY female labor-force participation
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson rate in India is low compared with
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp Alex Thompson writing for Axios, what he means by them. other middle-income countries.
Emma Tucker Almar Latour June 18: Flashback: Biden also said, “God Flexible working arrangements, in-
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher
save the queen,” when he was vice creased access to financing, and
Liz Harris, Managing Editor DOW JONES MANAGEMENT: President Biden often uses old- president in January 2017, after he better infrastructure to improve
Charles Forelle, Deputy Editor in Chief Daniel Bernard, Chief Experience Officer; timey expressions that confound certified Donald Trump’s 2016 elec- safety and reduce transit time
Thorold Barker, Europe; Elena Cherney, News; Mae M. Cheng, SVP, Barron’s Group; David Cho,
Andrew Dowell, Asia; Brent Jones, Culture, Barron’s Editor in Chief; Jason P. Conti, General
even his own staff. That happened tion victory, The Telegraph reported could help.
Training & Outreach; Alex Martin, Print & Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer; Dianne DeSevo, again Friday when he ended a at the time. India is a rising power. Mr.
Writing; Michael W. Miller, Features & Weekend; Chief People Officer; Frank Filippo, EVP, Business speech on gun violence with “God Axios asked several current and Modi’s visit to the U.S. is an oppor-
Emma Moody, Standards; Shazna Nessa, Visuals; Information & Services, Operations; save the queen, man.” . . . former Biden aides what the phrase tunity for the two countries to im-
Philana Patterson, Audio; Matthew Rose, Elizabeth O’Melia, Chief Financial Officer; Why it matters: Biden’s quirky meant. Several gave different an- prove growth prospects as India
Enterprise; Michael Siconolfi, Investigations; Josh Stinchcomb, EVP & Chief Revenue Officer,
Amanda Wills, Video WSJ | Barron’s Group; Sherry Weiss, Chief
aphorisms are sometimes weap- swers and some said they still aren’t sets its sights on 8%.
Marketing Officer onized by Republicans to insinuate sure.
Paul A. Gigot
Editor of the Editorial Page the 80-year-old president is in men- As a proud Irishman whose ances- Mr. Malpass served as president
Gerard Baker, Editor at Large
1211 Avenue of the Americas
tal decline. But Biden has been using tors probably weren’t fans of the of the World Bank, 2019-23, and
New York, N.Y., 10036 unique phrases for years—but even crown, Biden may use the phrase undersecretary of the U.S. Trea-
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES some of his aides aren’t exactly sure more as sarcasm. sury, 2017-19.
A18 | Wednesday, June 21, 2023 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

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Short Sellers Take $120 Billion Hit Silicon

Bearish bettors
have incurred big
and then sell them, hoping to
buy them back at a lower price
later and pocket the difference.
Short interest

Tesla $23.5 billion

funds that are adding leverage
after coming into the year po-
sitioned defensively.
losses, while Tesla,
big-tech stocks soar
They have added to their bear-
ish wagers in recent weeks,
while the S&P 500 climbed to a
Apple 22.4
“Hedge funds are increasing
their market exposure, adding
to both their long and short
14-month high. The index is up
14% in 2023 and 5% in June
Microsoft 16.5
holdings, looking to play catch-
up after missing some of the
early year rally,” said Du-
Investors have been ramp- That rally has been punish- Nvidia 11.4 saniwsky.
ing up bets against stocks— ing: Short sellers have in- The list of companies with BY PETER GRANT
and they are getting burned. curred roughly $120 billion in Amazon 9.6 Note: As of June 15 the biggest short positions is a
Total short interest in the mark-to-market losses this Source: S3 Partners who’s who of the market’s hot- Silicon Valley companies
U.S. market topped $1 trillion year, including $72 billion in test stocks this year: Tesla, are dumping office space at an
this month, hitting the highest the first half of June, accord- tions and the potential for fur- saniwsky, managing director of Apple, Microsoft, Nvidia and accelerating pace, as tech
level since April 2022, accord- ing to S3. ther interest-rate increases predictive analytics at S3. “Or Tesla overtook leaders such as Alphabet’s
ing to data from S3 Partners. The bearish bets, most of from the Federal Reserve are at least that several of the Apple for the top spot on June Google and Facebook parent
That is up from $863 billion at which are made by hedge among their chief concerns. highflying stocks will lose 8. Of the five, it has by far the Meta Platforms close loca-
the start of the year and repre- funds and other institutional “There are still many inves- steam and revert back to the highest short interest as a per- tions and reassess their com-
sents about 5% of all shares investors, reflect their unease tors and hedge funds who mean.” centage of available shares, at mitments to the workplace.
that are available to trade. about the market rally. A lack think that this rally is ready Another driver of the in- 3.3%. Office-vacancy rates in Sili-
Short sellers borrow shares of breadth, stretched valua- for a pullback,” said Ihor Du- creased short selling: hedge Please turn to page B12 con Valley, which includes the
Northern California communi-
ties of San Jose, Palo Alto and

Panama Canal Copes With Severe Drought

Sunnyvale, were up to 17% in
June from 11% in 2019, accord-
ing to data firm CoStar Group.
In some spots, such as Menlo
Park and Mountain View, the
rate surpassed 20% this
spring, CoStar said.
The level of surplus office
space remains below what is
available just north in San
Francisco, where the vacancy
rate has more than tripled
from 2019 to more than 25%.
But some analysts and inves-
tors expect Silicon Valley will
narrow the gap because tech
companies are going through
layoffs and shedding un-
wanted floors.

“There’s not a lot of tech-

nology demand in the market
today,” Douglas Linde, presi-
dent of office owner Boston
Properties, said on the com-
pany’s earnings call in April.
Leasing activity at the of-
fice tower his company is de-
veloping in San Jose has been
practically nonexistent.
“There are no conversations
going on there,” he added on
A ship navigates through the Panama Canal. the call.
San Francisco’s vacancy
BY COSTAS PARIS Canal officials hope the nal executives. Gatún Lake, which supplies water for the Panama Canal’s lock rates rose faster and sooner
second half of the year brings Officials have spent years system, has recently experienced some of its lowest water levels than in Silicon Valley, in part
The Panama Canal is going some relief. Panama is one of planning for more extreme on record. because much of the demand
through its driest spell in the world’s wettest countries, weather events to preserve Less than 82 feet 82 to 84 84 to 86 More than 86 in the city was fueled by
more than a century, and an but in the first five months of the canal’s role as a vital smaller firms that were
extended lack of rainfall could the year accumulated rainfall trade route and avoid supply- quicker to cancel leases, ac-
saddle global supply chains in the area around the canal chain bottlenecks like the cording to brokers and land-
with delays and higher fees to was 47% below the historical grounded vessel that clogged 2005
move cargo. average, according to the the Suez Canal in March 2021. Silicon Valley offices are
The government agency Panama Canal Authority. The The large containership Ever dominated by top companies
that manages the artificial canal opened to traffic in Given blocked the waterway such as Google, Meta and Ap-
waterway implemented travel 1914. for six days, causing a back- ple, which have been slower
restrictions in May to avoid The Panama Canal, whose log of more than 400 vessels 2010 to give up space in a market
ships running aground, and daily water use is triple that and costing billions in trade. that is usually tight. “Histori-
since then some large vessels of New York City, relies on Meanwhile, shipowners cally those firms almost never
have had to reduce container rainfall. More than 50 million and charterers are adjusting gave up space,” said George
loads by roughly one-quarter. gallons of water are lost to their operations to meet the Fox, executive vice president
Further restrictions could the sea every time a ship lighter-load requirements and with commercial real-estate
go into effect in late June, au- moves through the locks. are weighing the costs of services firm CBRE Group.
thorities say. Meteorologists That water is replenished routing shipments elsewhere. Rising office vacancies in
have warned that the water from a reservoir, which is in Disruptions in the canal’s Silicon Valley have worried
levels in Gatún Lake—located turn filled up when it rains. If operations would hurt South- 2020 the region’s retailers, restau-
in the center of the canal— there isn’t enough rain, as ern Hemisphere exporters rants and other small busi-
could hit record lows in July was the case during and importers in the north. nesses that depend on tech
with the occasional climate droughts in the late 1990s, a Brazilian meat, Chilean wines 2023 employees. Google prompted
event El Niño bringing higher number of ships could avoid and bananas from Ecuador Note: Data are monthly averages through June 16. concerns in San Jose earlier
temperatures and less rain. the passage, according to ca- Please turn to page B2 Source: Panama Canal Authority Alana Pipe/THE WALL STREET JOURNAL Please turn to page B6

Product Suits INSIDE Tesla Recruits Another Rival

Threaten to
To Its Supercharger Network

Reshape 3M

For more than a century, 3M Tesla’s Supercharger net-

introduced thousands of prod- work has won another convert.
ucts ranging from water-resis- Electric-vehicle startup Riv-
tant sandpaper to Scotch tape. BUSINESS NEWS MEDIA ian Automotive on Tuesday
Today, the company’s business FedEx posts third Gannett sues Google, said it has struck a deal to ex-
also includes contending with pand access of Tesla’s fast-
straight drop in Alphabet over

tens of billions of dollars in po- chargers to drivers of its vehi-

tential liability costs. quarterly revenue as advertising-technology cles, further cementing the EV
3M is contesting thousands shipping weakens. B3 practices. B4 leader’s dominance in the U.S.
of lawsuits alleging that long- for owners looking to power
lasting chemicals known as up.
PFAS developed by the com- The deal gives Rivian driv-
pany decades ago have con-
taminated soil and drinking
water and contributed to ill-
Ozempic Maker Sues ers access to more than 12,000
Tesla Superchargers in the U.S.
and Canada starting in 2024,
nesses. The company also is a
defendant in what has become
the largest civil injury case in
Over Custom Versions using an adapter for Rivian’s
R1T and R1S models. Future
Rivian models will incorporate
U.S. history, with about Tesla’s charging-port configu- Rivian is the latest EV maker to tap Tesla’s charger network.
250,000 veterans alleging that BY SARA ASHLEY O’BRIEN tising, trademark infringement ration, starting in 2025.
3M’s foam earplugs failed to and unfair competition. Rivian’s agreement follows adopt the Tesla connector. hand, many EV owners stand
protect them from service-re- Drugmaker Novo Nordisk The company asked the similar deals Tesla reached in Since Ford last month became to instantly broaden their fast-
lated hearing loss. sued several medical spas, courts to prevent the spas and recent weeks with Ford Motor the first automaker to declare charger access.
3M is in talks to settle the weight-loss clinics and well- clinics from claiming their and General Motors. Both au- plans to make the switch, a Still, most of the chargers
earplugs case, as well as a ma- ness clinics, alleging they ille- drugs contain the main ingredi- tomakers also said they are in- wave of charging companies now in operation at stations
jor part of the PFAS litigation gally said they were selling ent in Ozempic and related corporating the Tesla-style and equipment manufacturers across the U.S. use a separate
dealing with contamination of custom-made versions of drugs. It also asked the courts charging ports on future EVs have said they would be able to charging system. Migrating to
municipal drinking water from Ozempic and other company to require the spas and clinics starting in 2025, and their cus- support Tesla’s charging setup. the one Tesla uses, while it has
firefighting foam produced by medicines to people trying to to disclose their products tomers will get use of about The automakers’ embrace of benefits, could further push
the company. shed pounds. aren’t affiliated with Novo Nor- 12,000 Superchargers. the Tesla connector, and the the industry away from a uni-
Fighting the cases at trials In lawsuits filed in federal disk’s and are unapproved An already confusing land- deals to broaden Supercharger Please turn to page B2
would take years. Settling the courts across the U.S. on Tues- drugs. scape of U.S. EV charging access to non-Tesla owners,
litigation will come with a day, Novo Nordisk accused the The legal actions are a fresh stands to become even more so are a mixed bag for consumers,  Heard on the Street: The
Please turn to page B11 spas and clinics of false adver- Please turn to page B4 as automakers move swiftly to some analysts say. On one problem with rally.......... B13
B2 | Wednesday, June 21, 2023 **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople in
today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

A.P. Moller-Maersk...............B2
Fenice Energy............................B2
Samsung Electronics..........B4
Schneider National...............B2
Delays Hit EV Charging Projects
Advance Publications.........B4 Fidelity Investments...........B4
Alibaba Group Holding...B12 Ford Motor.......................B1, B13 Sequoia Capital......................B11 BY PAUL BERGER America. “That’s the easy part,”
Alphabet...............................B1,B13 GameStop.....................................B4 Shake Shack.............................B13 Rourke said.
Andreessen Horowitz.........B6 Gannett...........................................B4 Siemens Gamesa The rollout of heavy-duty Installing the infrastructure
Apple...............................................A12 General Motors............B1, B13 Renewable Energy............B2
electric trucks in the U.S. is fac- for heavy-duty electric trucks is
Bank of America..................A10 Hapag-Lloyd................................B2 Snap...................................................B4
ing speed bumps at charging a challenge, said Zeina El-Azzi,
Barclays........................................B13 Honda Motor.............................B2 Stellantis........................................B2
stations, where executives say CEO of Gage Zero, a startup
Battle Road Research......B13 HSBC Holdings.......................B13 SunEdison.....................................B2
delays getting everything from that develops and manages in-
BBVA...............................................B13 Hudson River Trading......B11 T parts to permits are slowing frastructure for electric fleets.
Block...............................................A10 Hyundai Motor.........................B2
Boston Properties..................B1 Jack in the Box.....................B13
Tesla.........................................B1,B13 down construction of the cru- El-Azzi said because electric
Brookfield Asset
Toyota Motor.............................B2 cial infrastructure. trucks have a limited range,
Management.......................A10 Kastle Systems.....................A10 Twitter..........................................A10 Electrical equipment manu- chargers must be located close
ChargePoint Holdings........B2 Loke Marine Minerals.....B12 U facturers and startups that to ports or warehouse districts
Coinbase Global.....................B11 McDonald's..................................B4 Uber.................................................B13 build charging networks say where land may already be in


Constellation Brands...........B6 Merritt Research Services V shortages of equipment includ- short supply. Startups must
Cosco Group...............................B2 A10 ing transformers, switchgear also navigate local permitting
D.E. Shaw Group....................A6 Meta Platforms...........B1, A10 Vanda Research....................B13
and electrical steel are adding requirements and coordinate
Direxion Daily Miami International Virtu Financial.........................B11
months to the time it takes to with power companies to en-
Semiconductor Bear 3X Holdings....................................B11 W build charging facilities to sure they have enough electric-
Shares........................................B12 Morgan Stanley..........A10,B13
Dollar General..........................A11 Nissan Motor.............................B2
Wedbush Securities..........B13 power electric fleets. ity, or the needed power up-
Domino's Pizza......................B13 Nvidia.............................................B13
Wellington Management Industry officials say the de- grades, to charge dozens of
B10 lays are being fueled by a boom Equipment shortages are delaying new charging facilities. trucks at the same time. “We
D.R. Horton................................B12 PDD Holdings..........................B12 Wendy's.......................................B13 in power-hungry renewable-en- are at less than 1 percent of
DV Trading.................................B11 ProShares UltraPro Short
EDX Markets............................B11 QQQ.............................................B12 Y ergy projects, data centers and Beginning Jan. 1, California formers and other electrical what needs to be built out,” she
EVgo..................................................B2 PulteGroup.................................B12 Yelp..................................................A10 semiconductor factories, will start phasing in a ban on parts. said.
stretching the production capa- older diesel trucks from calling Mark Rourke, CEO of truck- El-Azzi, who managed new
bilities of electrical equipment at the state’s seaports while re- ing company Schneider Na- large wind and solar energy
INDEX TO PEOPLE suppliers.
Neha Palmer, co-founder and
quiring that new trucks are
fueled by clean energy. The
tional, said it took almost three
years to install 16 dual-corded
projects for the global wind
turbine manufacturer now
chief executive of startup Tera- state is also requiring that elec- chargers, which can charge two known as Siemens Gamesa Re-
A Gundlach, Jeffrey.................B12 Ma, Jack..........................................A1 Watt Infrastructure, said the tric trucks make up an increas- trucks at once, at the com- newable Energy and for Fenice
Aasland, Terje.........................B12 H Murphy, Mike............................A4 shortages are hitting just as the ing share of the state’s heavy- pany’s operations center in Energy, formerly known as
B Hughes, Nigel............................B6 N U.S. is pivoting toward an “elec- duty truck sales and fleets over South El Monte, near Los Ange- SunEdison, said EV-charging
Bills, Victoria............................B12 Huffman, Steve........................B4 Narayan, Tom..........................B13 trification of everything mode” the coming years. Federal and les. Rourke said the Green Bay, projects require detailed sched-
C I Nargeolet, Paul-Henry.......A3
that includes the growth of local governments in states Wis.-based company faced de- ules, contracts that penalize
Iachini, Marco..........................B13 Nazarali, Jamil.........................B11
Carmen, Michael..................B10 electric-powered cars, buses such as California, New Jersey lays securing permits, getting suppliers for delays and “a little
Ives, Dan......................................B13 R
Casson, Louisa........................B12 and trucks. “The demand for and Texas are also offering power to the site and getting bit of a buffer” to account for
J Redett, John...............................B3
D Roman, Mike..............................B2 this type of equipment is in- grants to offset the cost of safety certification for the char- holdups.
Jae, Lee...........................................B4
Din, Phillip....................................B4 Rose, Ben....................................B13 creasing,” Palmer said. building charging docks and gers, which went live earlier Electrical equipment manu-
Draho, Jason............................B12 S Truckers are turning toward buying electric trucks. this month. facturers said companies
Kenna, Thomas........................B2
Dusaniwsky, Ihor.....................B1
Schwartz, Harvey...................B3 electric heavy-duty trucks un- Utility companies are caught He said installing the infra- should expect delays to worsen
Spiegel, Evan.............................B4 der pressure from new emis- in the middle as large-scale structure was a bigger chal- for some time as the growth of
Langa, Doug...............................B4
Fox, George..................................B1
Lee, Rich......................................B12
Subramaniam, Raj.................B3 sions rules and other regula- projects demand upgrades and lenge than ordering dozens of new technologies flowering at
G Lenz, Mike....................................B3 T tions designed to spur growth expansions of existing power Freightliner eCascadia trucks, once strains power-generation
Grecsek, Dave.........................B12 Linde, Douglas...........................B1 Tsai, Joe..........................................A1 in the sector. grids that require more trans- built by Daimler Truck North supply chains.

Tesla party charging providers, such

as EVgo and ChargePoint.
Tesla uses a different con-
if every single [automaker] de-
cided tomorrow that they were
going to go to NACS, it would
half of car shoppers who won’t
consider an electric vehicle
point to the lack of charging
The U.S. is trying to create a
web of fast chargers that can
repower cars in about 30 min-
neering, in April.
Charging prices at Tesla’s
stations vary by location and

Recruits nector, known as the North

American Charging Standard,
or NACS. Its Supercharger net-
be years before that would be
Jeep maker Stellantis said
stations as the primary reason,
according to a J.D. Power study
released last week.
utes. The federal infrastructure
law passed in 2021 provides
$7.5 billion to jump-start the
are viewable on the auto
maker’s app.
The company has said pric-

Rivian work includes more than

19,400 fast-chargers in the U.S.
at nearly 1,800 locations, ac-
Tuesday that it is evaluating
Tesla’s charging standard. Toy-
ota, Honda, Nissan and Hyun-
Reliability outside of the
Tesla network has been prob-
lematic, with equipment often
The timing of Tesla’s charg-
ing deals coincides with the Bi-
ing for non-Tesla drivers re-
flects additional costs associ-
ated with opening its network.
cording to a U.S. Department of dai said that they are exploring on the fritz. Studies have cited den administration’s calls for Those drivers can pay $12.99 a
Continued from page B1 Energy database, and is widely different charging options for communication breakdowns the automaker to open access month for a charging member-
versal charging standard that regarded as the most reliable. the future. between the car and the char- to its Supercharger network to ship that reduces the per-kilo-
some policy makers say is the While Tesla drivers can buy Rivian said it would con- ger, the charger and the com- non-Tesla EV owners to qualify watt-hour price.
best way to encourage EV adapters that allow them to tinue to build out its own net- pany operating the charging for future federal money. At a station outside of Santa
adoption and avoid confusion, use CCS fast chargers, the re- work of charging stations, network, and with payment Tesla stands to reap addi- Cruz, Calif., for example, Tesla
said Eleftheria Kontou, an as- verse—an adapter that lets a many of which are at or near systems. tional revenue from an influx charges non-Tesla drivers 53
sistant professor at the Univer- CCS driver tap a Tesla char- outdoor destinations such as Part of Tesla’s reliability ad- of new customers to its charg- cents per kilowatt-hour, or 43
sity of Illinois who studies EV ger—isn’t sold today. state and national parks. Those vantage has been that it only ing stations. However, expand- cents per kilowatt-hour for
infrastructure. Around a million EVs on the stations are currently CCS charges its own vehicles, ing access to non-Tesla cus- those with a membership.
Nearly all non-Tesla manu- road in the U.S. have CCS con- compatible. For future stations, smoothing the communication tomers also undercuts what Last week, Tesla CEO Elon
facturers today use a charging nectors, and more are on the Rivian will switch to the charg- needed between the charger has long been an advantage for Musk described the auto-
standard called the Combined way, said Cathy Zoi, chief exec- ing hardware used by Tesla, and EV. the company and a selling maker’s decision to expand ac-
Charging System, or CCS. The utive of fast-charging provider the company said. “How well does it work point for Tesla buyers. cess to its network as “morally
U.S. federal government, which EVgo. The company already Shares of Rivian and Tesla from a performance stand- In Europe, Tesla was able to right.”
has put billions of dollars on has Tesla connectors along both rose more than 5% in point?” asked Nick Nigro, open half of its fast-charging He added: “But whether it’s
the table for building out a with CCS connectors at many Tuesday’s trading. founder of EV research firm stations to other electric vehi- financially smart remains to be
highway network, backs CCS. of its sites, she said. While most charging hap- Atlas Public Policy. “Drivers cles without wait times in- seen.”
Europe uses a similar CCS “There’s going to continue pens at home, stress over EV will be paying close attention creasing, said Drew Baglino, —Rebecca Elliott, Sean
standard. Most U.S. automak- to be a significant demand for road trips is hindering wider because they’re going to expect Tesla’s senior vice president of McLain and Ryan Felton
ers rely on a network of third- CCS charging,” Zoi said. “Even adoption, analysts say. Nearly this amazing experience.” powertrain and energy engi- contributed to this article.

Canal enue generator, responsible

for more than $3 billion from
tolls last year.

Copes With In addition to cutting

cargo loads, shipowners are
adjusting to Panama Canal re-

Drought strictions by moving contain-

ers to trains to ensure safe
passage through locks. In
some instances boxes are un-
Continued from page B1 loaded from ships on the Pa-
are routinely shipped across cific Ocean side of the canal,

the canal, along with copper moved by rail and returned to

from Chile and liquefied natu- ships before they continue
ral gas from the U.S. Gulf their voyage through the At-
Coast. The isthmus connects lantic Ocean.
the Atlantic and Pacific The Panama Canal Railway
oceans and handles about has had a 20% increase in vol-
one-third of Asia-to-Americas ume in recent weeks from
seaborne trade. carriers affected by the
Any issues also could up- drought, said Thomas Kenna,
end the Panama Canal Au- president of the railway.
thority’s effort to boost busi- Carrying larger amounts of
ness. It spent $5.4 billion for cargo can help improve the
a new set of locks that ac- economics of operating along A woman and a child walk in Lake Alhajuela during the summer drought, in the Colon province, north of Panama City.
commodate larger container- shipping routes. The ship op-
ships, aiming to be more erators will likely reroute to drought conditions persist.
competitive with Egypt’s Suez avoid the canal if they face “The low water levels at
Canal. Routes through the prospects of carrying fewer the Panama Canal are a clear
Panama Canal shorten the boxes in the summer, indus- example of the effects of cli-
one-way trip by sea from Asia try executives and analysts mate change, which causes a
to the U.S. East said. ripple effect through the sup-
“If the canal
is seen as hav-
ing limitations,
ply chain,” said a spokes-
woman for Maersk, the
world’s second-biggest liner
Jump on this

hauls in more
rainfall in the
area around the
it’s not good
for anybody,”
Mr. Kenna said.
“The cargo will
in terms of capacity.
Vásquez Morales said ex-
treme rain or drought condi-
tions are more frequent oc-
one today.
crossing the
canal is 47% always find the currences than in the canal’s
newer locks, below average. most efficient earlier years of operation.
which are now way.” That issue presents a chal- Open an HIGH YIELD SAVINGS
responsible for Shipowners lenge for the Panama Canal
account today at

4.30 %
about half of are also re- Authority, which supplies wa-
its business. About 10 ships a sponding by charging custom- ter to about 2.5 million peo-
day move through the newer ers an average $600 more a ple, or about half of the coun- APY*
locks, and about 27 smaller box on vessels crossing the try’s population.
vessels travel through the canal. The daily freight rate The canal has hired the
older locks. from Asia to the U.S. East U.S. Army Corps of Engi- No monthly fees
“The rainfall volume has Coast was $2,400 a container neers, the original canal
been consistently falling over in May, according to the builder, and earmarked $2
No minimum balance
the past 20 years,” said Freightos Baltic Index, but it billion over the next 10 years
Ricaurte Vásquez Morales, is expected to rise in June, in to divert as many as four riv-
the Panama Canal Authority part, because of the Panama ers into the waterway in ad-
administrator. “We are deal- Canal drought surcharge. dition to the three that al-
ing with a climate crisis when For now, A.P. Moller- ready feed it. *ANNUAL PERCENTAGE YIELD (APY): APY is accurate as of 6/7/23. APY is subject to
we are at peak capacity, and Maersk and other liners such “We would have done the change at any time without notice. Offer applies to personal accounts only. Fees may
we have to find new sources as Germany’s Hapag-Lloyd same over a 25-year period if reduce earnings. For High Yield Savings accounts, the rate may change after the account
of water to store in our and China’s Cosco Group the weather stayed normal, is opened. Visit for current rates, terms and account requirements.
lakes.” have no plans to divert ships but now it has to be done in
The Panama Canal is the away from Panama, but exec- 10 years,” Vásquez Morales © 2023 Synchrony Bank
country’s biggest foreign-rev- utives said it could happen if said.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. ** Wednesday, June 21, 2023 | B3


FedEx Sales
Slide 10% as
Demand Falls
BY BEN GLICKMAN FedEx's average daily package
AND ESTHER FUNG volume, change from
a year earlier
FedEx on Tuesday posted its
third straight drop in quarterly
revenue as the delivery giant
adapts to weaker demand after Express
a pandemic-fueled boom in 10
The company is in the early
stages of combining its Express 0
and Ground delivery networks


into a single business to help
cut costs. It has trimmed flight –10
hours and parked aircraft. It
has also sought to charge
higher shipping rates to offset
a decline in the number of
packages shipped. FY2020 ’21 ’22 ’23
FedEx executives aren’t ex- Note: Fiscal year ended May 31
pecting a strong turnaround in Source: the company FedEx is cutting costs and squeezing higher shipping rates out of customers to manage the slowdown in shipping volumes.
business soon. Inflation, higher
interest rates and a slowdown But Subramaniam said some of for his replacement. transitioning to Express. This FedEx Express Canada. tractors will be handling the
in global trade are likely to that spending might return to The Memphis, Tenn., com- change will begin in April 2024 FedEx has said the combina- pickup and delivery of Ground
temper parcel volumes and rev- e-commerce over the next year. pany plans to cut around $4 and is expected to yield more tion between its U.S. Express and Express packages and in
enue growth, Chief Executive “On the e-commerce side, billion in costs over the next than $100 million in savings. and Ground networks will take others, these operations will be
Raj Subramaniam told analysts we expect to see growth now,” two years by combining its Ex- There are around 4,700 several years. It has already handled exclusively by em-
on a conference call. said Mr. Subramaniam. press and Ground networks. On FedEx Ground employees and started the streamlining efforts ployee couriers.
With the pandemic in the FedEx also said that Chief Tuesday, FedEx said it is com- 12,000 Express employees in in about 20 markets, including FedEx has more than
rearview mirror, consumers Financial Officer Mike Lenz will bining its Express and Ground Canada, and FedEx said it Hawaii, Alaska and Minneapo- 275,000 Express employees and
have been spending more on retire next month and that an networks in Canada, with would work with affected staff lis. more than 215,000 Ground em-
services rather than on goods. external search is under way Ground operations and staff to identify new positions in In some U.S. markets, con- ployees in the U.S.

Carlyle Names Redett as Its Chief Financial Officer

BY MIRIAM GOTTFRIED Goldman Sachs Group and JP- assist in the transition before institutional knowledge, it’s a firm after clashing with the fore moving into the C-suite.
Morgan Chase, will begin the retiring at the end of the very natural fit,” Schwartz founders. Among the investments the
Carlyle is naming firm new role on Oct. 1, firm execu- year. told The Wall Street Journal. Carlyle shares are down Carlyle executive has led or
veteran John Redett to the tives said. Redett will also assume the Schwartz was named CEO around 3% over the past 12 played a key role in are ones
roles of chief financial officer He has led Carlyle’s private- newly created role of head of in February after a long career months, while the S&P 500 for the risk- and financial-ad-
and head of corporate strat- equity investments in the fi- strategy, aiding Schwartz in building and leading various has risen about 17%, as the visory firm Duff & Phelps, now
egy in the first major ap- nancial-services sector since his plan to expand the firm by businesses at Goldman Sachs leadership turmoil exacer- called Kroll; the asset manager
pointment by Chief Executive 2020 and was co-head of the targeting areas that haven’t before being passed over for bates the effects of an already TCW Group; BankUnited; and
Officer Harvey Schwartz, as group before that. been priorities in the past, the top job at the Wall Street difficult market for fundrais- the insurance agency Hilb
the new leader seeks to jump- Redett will take over as fi- such as arranging debt and powerhouse. ing and deal making. Group.
start the private-equity firm’s nance chief from Curt Buser, equity financing for Carlyle’s He succeeded Carlyle co- Like Redett, the chief finan- Jim Burr, a senior member
growth and revive its flag- who has served in the role portfolio companies. founder William Conway, who cial officers of Carlyle compet- of the financial-services team,
ging stock. since 2014. Buser, who turns “Having someone that has had been serving as interim itors Blackstone and KKR will become the head of in-
Redett, who started at Car- 60 years old this year, will be- all of the qualifications of his CEO since August 2022, when worked on the investment side vestments in the sector when
lyle 16 years ago after stints at come a senior adviser and will industry experience and his Kewsong Lee abruptly left the of their respective firms be- Redett assumes his new roles.

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Snap AI Bot Could Aid Advertisements Gannett

CEO Spiegel says Files Suit
150 million people
have used the social- Against
media offering
As many big tech compa-
nies embrace artificial intelli-
gence, Snap is no exception.
Over Ads
Snapchat users have flocked BY WILL FEUER
to use the social-media plat-
form’s AI-powered chatbot, News publisher Gannett
which the company’s CEO says said it has sued Google and its
could be used to help improve parent company, Alphabet, al-
targeted ads. leging anticompetitive monop-
Some 150 million people olization of advertising-tech-
have used Snapchat’s My AI nology markets and deceptive
chatbot since its launch, send- commercial practices.
ing more than 10 billion mes- Gannett said Google and Al-
sages, Evan Spiegel, Snap’s phabet are maintaining monop-
chief executive, said Tuesday olies over the tools that pub-
at a Wall Street Journal event lishers and advertisers use to
in Cannes, France. The chatbot buy and sell online ad space.
made its debut to all of Snap- Gannett said the lack of

chat’s 750 million users in competition in the space “de-

mid-April after an initial roll- presses prices and reduces the
out to Snap+ subscribers in amount and quality of news
February. content available to readers.”
Topics of interest to users Dan Taylor, vice president
included five million messages of Google Ads, disputed the al-
about McDonald’s and “tens legations. “These claims are
of millions of conversations simply wrong,” he said.
about cars and recommenda- Publishers have many op-
tions about what car to buy,” tions when it comes to adver-
he said. tising technology, he said. “In
Speaking at the Cannes Li- fact, Gannett uses dozens of
ons International Festival of Snap CEO Evan Spiegel, right, spoke Tuesday at a WSJ event in Cannes, France, alongside Journal reporter Sam Schechner. competing ad services, includ-
Creativity, Spiegel said the ing Google Ad Manager.”
company had discovered one nal,” he said. “When people initial rollout to Snap+ sub- forming half percent is “the kind of tool is to everyday He said that when publish-
user had used My AI to learn are communicating with My scribers, Snapchat evaluated chatbot just repeating an in- people. ers use Google tools, they keep
how to ask their boss for a AI, we can then use those in- the new data—all chats with appropriate thing said to it,” “It’s part of that evolution most of the revenue.
raise. “They practiced talking sights to help improve recom- the bot are stored—and inte- he said. from the command line to the “We’ll show the court how
back and forth and ended up mendations across our plat- grated features such as an age Spiegel said that machine graphical user interface to our advertising products ben-
getting an extra five dollars form.” signal for the bot to facilitate learning itself isn’t new—most now conversational AI, which efit publishers and help them
an hour,” Spiegel said. Despite concerns about age-appropriate conversa- of the advertising that people is a totally familiar way to in- fund their content online,”
In time, Spiegel said, the putting AI in the hands of us- tions. see online comes from how teract with computers,” Spie- Taylor said.
use of the AI-powered tool ers as young as 13, Spiegel The CEO added that more those kinds of models deter- gel said. Because Snapchat is a Gannett said Google’s al-
could help improve advertis- said the company “certainly than 99.5% of My AI responses mine what they should see, for messaging app, Spiegel said leged misconduct has harmed
ing. thinks it’s a safe product for conform to the company’s instance. the company is well posi- news publishers, particularly
“My AI definitely helps pro- our community.” community guidelines. A The new big aspect is how tioned to offer AI-based tools those running local news op-
vide a privacy-safe intent sig- Spiegel said that after an “huge chunk” of that noncon- much more accessible that like its chatbot. erations. Gannett said it is
seeking substantial damages
from Google and Alphabet.

Reddit Hackers Threaten to Leak Stolen Data

“It will take substantial dis-
covery in the case fully to un-
derstand Google’s misconduct
and the damage it has caused
Gannett,” the publisher said
BY SARAH E. NEEDLEMAN bersecurity firm Human Secu- protest, which in many cases dize commercial entities that 2011 and remains a share- on its website.
rity. He reviewed the group’s prevented users from creating, require large-scale data use,” holder. Huffman joined as CEO Earlier this year, the Jus-
A hacker group is threaten- posts and confirmed its de- commenting on and voting on he said in a post on the plat- in 2015. It had 57 million daily tice Department filed an anti-
ing to leak confidential infor- mands of Reddit. posts they like. form. users as of January 2021. trust lawsuit against Google in
mation it stole from Reddit if Hassan said BlackCat has As of Tuesday morning, The company isn’t profit- San Francisco-based Reddit a bid to break up Google’s
the social-media company previously claimed responsi- more than 90% of Reddit’s top able. It generates revenue gained attention in early 2021 business brokering digital ad-
doesn’t pay a $4.5 million ran- bility for high-profile attacks 5,000 communities by daily mainly from advertising. Ear- when its WallStreetBets sub- vertising across much of the
som and abandon plans to on Australian businesses. It users were operating, the lier this month, Reddit said it reddit became a hot spot for internet. That suit asked the
start charging fees to some has been rela- company said. was laying off roughly 90 em- individual investors who ral- court to unwind Google’s al-
third-party developers. tively quiet in Days before ployees, around 5% of its lied around GameStop and legedly anticompetitive acqui-

The group, known as Black- recent months the blackout workforce, and slowing hiring other so-called meme stocks. sitions, including its 2008
Cat, stole the data in February with fewer at- went into ef- to address priorities, including Huffman later told the Journal purchase of ad-serving com-
and initially demanded just tacks, he said. fect, Reddit funding projects and achieving that the episode brought mil- pany DoubleClick, and called
the ransom fee. Lacking a re- Reddit is a Chief Executive its goal of breaking even next lions of new users and adver- for the divestiture of its ad ex-
sponse from Reddit, the group free online hub The number of users Steve Huffman year. tisers. change.
on Friday added it also wants comprising
the company to abide by the more than
on the social-media defended the
company’s de-
The developer of a popular
third-party app called Apollo
In mid-2021, Reddit said it
had a valuation of about $10
Alphabet executives have
said the Justice Department’s
demands of the scores of Red- 100,000 active company’s platforms cision to im- said in a post on Reddit a few billion after raising more than case is “wrong on the facts
dit communities that pro- communities, as of January 2021 pose the fees days before the protests began $400 million from longtime and the law” and that the
tested the developer fees last known as sub- on third-party that he planned to shut the investor Fidelity Investments. company will defend itself.
week. reddits, which Reddit apps, app down later this month be- Reddit filed paperwork to go The Justice Department
Reddit confirmed the Feb- are dedicated saying they ap- cause he couldn’t afford to public in late 2021, just as sued Google in 2020 for alleg-
ruary hack around the time it to a range of subjects. Last ply only to ones that generate pay the new fees. tech-stock valuations began to edly maintaining a monopoly
occurred and said the group week many communities revenue and eat up swaths of The cost for those required slip. It hasn’t followed through in online search and related
accessed some business infor- ceased operating and pledged its application programming to pay is 24 cents for every on those plans. advertising. Google’s chief le-
mation but no user data. On to remain dark for two days or interface, or API. 1,000 requests for data. Huff- Hackers seeking to extract gal officer at the time said the
Tuesday, a spokeswoman for more to protest the fees, He said the policy change man said that amounts to less money from businesses aren’t lawsuit was deeply flawed.
Reddit declined to comment which were announced in impacts a fraction of develop- than $1 per user a month for a as successful as they used to That case is scheduled to go to
on either of the group’s de- April and are due to go into ers and noted that it is costly typical Reddit third-party app. be. Extortion payments from trial in September.
mands. effect on July 1. for Reddit to maintain its Founded in 2005, Reddit ransomware, a hacking News Corp, owner of The
BlackCat, also known as Al- Several subreddits with API. was sold to Condé Nast in scourge that has crippled hos- Wall Street Journal, has a
phv, has been around since tens of millions of subscribers, “Reddit needs to be a self- 2006. The magazine pub- pitals, schools and public in- commercial agreement to sup-
late 2021, according to Tamer such as funny, aww, gaming, sustaining business, and to do lisher’s parent, Advance Pub- frastructure, fell significantly ply content on Google plat-
Hassan, chief executive of cy- music and pics, joined the that, we can no longer subsi- lications, spun Reddit off in last year. forms.

Elliott Wins Award Ozempic gredient, called a semaglutide

salt, than the one approved in

Ozempic and Wegovy.

In Samsung Ruling Maker Sues Novo Nordisk said last week

it was investigating, in con-
junction with the FDA, a coun-

BY JIYOUNG SOHN vestor-state dispute against

Clinics terfeit pen for injecting Ozem-
pic that actually contains a
different diabetes medicine and
South Korea at the court in reportedly resulted in an ad-
An international arbitra- 2018. It claimed the govern- Continued from page B1 verse reaction.
tion tribunal has ruled that ment intervened on behalf of sign of how popular Ozempic— The company said it had
South Korea should pay Samsung in the $8 billion and two other Novo Nordisk sent cease-and-desist letters to
about $53.6 million in com- merger of Cheil Industries medicines called Wegovy and Novo Nordisk’s Ozempic has taken off in popularity. medical spas, clinics and phar-
pensation to U.S. hedge-fund and Samsung C&T in 2015—a Rybelsus—have become after macies selling products they
manager Elliott Management deal the U.S. activist hedge- researchers found their main vestments in Memphis, couldn’t keep up with it. To get said contained semaglutide.
in a case stemming from a fund manager said had ingredient could help certain Tennessee. the drugs, many would-be cus- The company sued five spas
controversial 2015 merger of brought on losses. overweight people lose pounds Dr. Phillip Din, the owner of tomers turned to spas, clinics and clinics in federal courts in
two Samsung units that trig- The merger enabled Sam- and celebrities began touting Flawless Image, said the com- and pharmacies that said they Florida, Texas, Tennessee and
gered a far-reaching corrup- sung’s now-Chairman Lee their benefits. pany hasn’t seen much interest sold custom-made versions of New York. It said the firms
tion scandal. Jae-yong to increase his con- “We’re trying to eliminate in semaglutide injections but semaglutide. The bespoke man- bought, from compounding
The compensation equates trol over the conglomerate. any confusion and any poten- rather writes a large number of ufacturing is known as com- pharmacies, drugs purporting
to roughly 7% of the damages Elliott had opposed the tial deception that could be out prescriptions for patients to pounding. to contain semaglutide.
initially sought by the invest- merger, saying it hurt share- there,” said Doug Langa, who get Wegovy or Ozempic from a Some of the businesses also The company alleged the
ment firm, South Korea’s Min- holders. Samsung ultimately oversees Novo Nordisk’s North pharmacy. The other compa- charged less than Novo Nor- spas and clinics engaged in un-
istry of Justice said. South Ko- won approval, with a decisive America operations. He said nies didn’t respond to requests disk, which lists the drugs for lawful marketing, promotional
rea must also pay Elliott vote of support from South the company hopes that it will for comment. as much as $1,350 a month. and sales practices, such as us-
about eight years’ worth of Korea’s state-owned National send a message to other spas Ozempic and Rybelsus were Novo Nordisk, which has ing Novo Nordisk trademarks
compound annual interest at a Pension Service. and clinics that the drugmaker approved by the Food and Drug patents on the drugs that are and falsely stating their com-
5% rate, and $28.9 million for The ensuing political scan- won’t tolerate efforts to por- Administration to treat diabe- supposed to protect against pounded drugs were genuine
legal fees, while Elliott has to dal led to jail terms for the tray compounded products as tes, while Wegovy was cleared sales of copies, has said the Novo Nordisk products or FDA
pay the state some $3.5 mil- country’s former president the real thing. for chronic weight manage- sales have spurred confusion approved.
lion for legal bills. Park Geun-hye and Samsung’s Novo Nordisk filed the law- ment in people who are over- among consumers and exposed —Peter Loftus
Elliott Management didn’t Lee on charges of bribing the suits against Champion Health weight and have a related con- them to safety risks. The com- and Liz Essley Whyte
have an immediate comment. government in exchange for and Wellness Clinics, which op- dition such as high blood pany said it has gotten safety contributed to this article.
The firm has fought a series its support for the merger. erates in Houston; Effinger pressure. All three drugs con- reports related to use of com-
of lengthy battles, including a Lee received a presidential Health’s Nuvida RX Weight tain the main ingredient sema- pounded semaglutide.
15-year contest with Argen- pardon last year that wiped Loss clinic in Tallahassee, Fla.; glutide. Their use has taken off, The FDA has also said it re- Watch a Video
tina over a debt default. his records clean. He was ap- Ekzotika’s Cosmetic Laser Pro- even among people who ceived safety reports regarding Scan this code
Tuesday’s decision came pointed chairman of Samsung fessionals Med Spa in Miami; wouldn’t meet the FDA’s crite- people who had taken com- to watch a
from the Netherlands-based Electronics, the smartphone Flawless Image Medical Aes- ria for who should take them. pounded semaglutide, and has video on the
Permanent Court of Arbitra- and semiconductor giant, thetics operating in East Syra- Demand increased so much, said some compounded prod- science behind
tion. Elliott had lodged an in- months later. cuse, N.Y.; and Pro Health In- so quickly that Novo Nordisk ucts contained a different in- Ozempic.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, June 21, 2023 | B5
B6 | Wednesday, June 21, 2023 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Rate Hikes Risk Boosting Housing Costs
Fewer builders are know when that will be.
Buch said the consequences
starting new homes of less housing construction
amid high prices for would be “brutal” as more
households struggle to find
materials and loans homes, adding, “This is a ca-
tastrophe for German soci-
Most economists say that
Central banks in the West central banks have no choice
are fighting inflation today at but to raise rates if they want
the risk of boosting inflation to bring prices under control,
in the future. even if it comes at the cost of
The Federal Reserve, Euro- less housing construction.
pean Central Bank and policy “Inflation is issue number
makers in other developed one and that probably does
countries are trying to stop mean policy makers in the
surging price growth by rais- short term have to shut their
ing short-term interest rates, eyes and really kind of ignore
something that pushes mort- what’s happening,” Wolf
gage rates higher. But these said.
efforts threaten to choke off During previous periods of
construction and worsen high interest rates, govern-
housing shortages. That could ments often managed to keep


push up inflation in the years construction going. In the de-
ahead through higher rents cades after World War II, the
and home prices. U.S. federal government built
In North America and Eu- hundreds of thousands of
rope, higher rates are already public-housing units, meaning
contributing to an easing in it could add to supply even at
construction. New building times when higher rates made
permits for private housing in it harder for private develop-
the U.S. fell by a seasonally ers to build.
adjusted 21.1% in April com- New building permits for private housing in the U.S. fell by a seasonally adjusted 21.1% in April compared with a year earlier. And in the early 1980s,
pared with a year earlier, around the time when the Fed
while construction starts were which would lift them to a 22- New building permits for chief economist at housing- from less than 1% to almost raised rates quickly to fight
down 22.3%, according to the year high. The ECB last week private housing in the U.S., data and consulting company 4%, Pakleppa said. Higher inflation, Congress changed
Census Bureau. raised rates again and indi- change from a year earlier Zonda. Owners of vacant land costs make it harder to turn a tax rules to make rental-
Residential building per- cated further increases. are often patient and prefer to profit with new construction, apartment development more
mits have also been falling in The slowdown in construc- 60% wait until prices rise again so fewer developers are build- profitable. The tax change
the eurozone—down 13% in tion comes as many developed rather than sell at a bargain ing. helped cause a construction
the fourth quarter of 2022 countries are already strug- 40 today, preventing prices from Apartment construction or- boom that ultimately contrib-
from a year earlier—and con- gling with housing shortages falling. ders in Germany fell by 37.9% uted to a property bubble and
struction is slowing, accord- and rising rents, a key compo- 20 Meanwhile construction in real terms in March com- financial crisis but also cre-
ing to a Moody’s Analytics nent of inflation. costs are still high because of pared with a year earlier, ac- ated plenty of housing.
analysis of Eurostat data. In the U.S., shelter ac- labor shortages and expensive cording to the country’s fed- Today, with Congress di-
High interest rates hurt counts for about a third of the 0 materials. eral statistical agency. vided, federal intervention on
construction because they consumer-price index and was Before Russia’s attack on Germany’s federal govern- that scale is unlikely, shifting
make it more expensive for a key force behind rising –20 Ukraine last year, Germany’s ment earlier this year said it the onus to the local level.
developers to build. They also prices over the past year. In construction industry got expects to miss its target of Freddie Mac’s Khater said
make it more expensive for high-cost cities, where house- much of its steel from Russia, building 400,000 new apart- more state and local govern-
–40 Monthly
households to buy homes, hit- holds often spend more than a Belarus and Ukraine, and ments a year. ments could lift zoning re-
ting demand for new housing third of their income on rent, 2020 ’21 ’22 ’23 switching to new sources has Vonovia, Germany’s biggest strictions and expedite per-
and leading some developers the impact has been greater. Note: Seasonally adjusted annual rate been more expensive, said Fe- for-profit apartment landlord, mitting for new housing to
to delay projects. “Shelter is the 800-pound Source: U.S. Census Bureau lix Pakleppa, head of the trade said that it will no longer encourage construction and
Some economists and real- gorilla within the CPI,” said group German Construction start any new projects this address chronic shortages.
estate developers expect Sam Khater, chief economist land costs as fewer builders Confederation. year, citing higher inflation “More and more of the
building activity to drop fur- at Freddie Mac. compete for sites, materials On top of that, the ECB’s and interest rates. Chief Exec- problem that [the Fed is] fac-
ther if rates stay high. The In theory, higher mortgage and workers. But that hasn’t decision to raise rates to fight utive Rolf Buch said the com- ing is related to housing,” he
Fed held interest rates steady rates and a slowdown in prop- happened yet. inflation has roughly quadru- pany will start new projects said. “And that problem is
in June, but two more rate in- erty development should lead “Traditionally land prices pled the annual interest on “when the math works again,” something that they cannot
creases are expected this year, to lower construction and are very sticky,” said Ali Wolf, typical construction loans, but cautioned that he doesn’t tackle on their own at all.”

Office Office space in Silicon Valley/

San Jose available on the
sublease market
demic as business boomed.
Even though they allowed
most of their employees to

Surplus 7 million sq. ft.

continue working from home,
they held on to their office
space anticipating that they

In Valley 5
would need it when their ex-
panded workforce returned to
their prepandemic spaces.
4 It hasn’t worked out that
Continued from page B1 way. Silicon Valley has had
this year when it said it was 3 one of the lowest return-to-
rethinking when it would office rates, according to Kas-
break ground on its planned tle Systems, which tracks se-

Downtown West project in 1 curity swipes in office

that city, which is slated to buildings. In the first week in
take up 80 acres and provide 0 June, the return rate in San
space for up to 25,000 em- 2018 ’19 ’20 ’21 ’22 ’23
Jose was 39% of its prepan-
ployees. demic level, the lowest of the
Several big tech companies, Note: 2023 figure as of June Source: CoStar 10 cities Kastle tracks. The
including Amazon, Lyft, and average was 50%.
Salesforce, are calling their as it lays off workers and Falling office demand isn’t
workforces back to the office moves to a hybrid workplace. limited to the Valley’s tech gi-
at least part time, according Meta recently put on the ants. Vacancy along Sand Hill
to Scoop Technologies, a soft- market an additional 700,000 Road, one of the world’s most
ware firm that monitors work- Office-vacancy rates in Silicon Valley up to 17% in June from 11% in 2019. square feet of Silicon Valley of- prestigious addresses for ven-
place strategies. fice space related to shutting ture-capital firms, has more
Google, which requires policies haven’t stopped the in 2019, according to CoStar. square feet of office space in offices in Sunnyvale, according than tripled since 2019 to
most workers to be in the of- firms from slashing their of- “Tech companies have done Mountain View and Moffett to brokers. The company said about 14%, according to CBRE.
fice three days a week, re- fice footprints—a trend that their research,” said Nigel Park. last year that it was taking $2 Andreessen Horowitz, one of
cently sent a companywide can be seen playing out in the Hughes , a CoStar senior The move was part of a billion in charges to consoli- the largest venture-capital
email telling workers that of- sublease market, where a re- market analyst, “and they’re program Google announced in date offices as it downsized. firms, still maintains offices
fice attendance would be a cord 7.6 million square feet of starting to let space go.” February, when it said it Many large tech companies on Sand Hill Road, but said it
part of performance reviews. office space is available in Sili- Google recently made avail- would incur $500 million in went on hiring binges during was operating “primarily vir-
But such return-to-office con Valley, up from 2.7 million able for sublease 1.3 million costs to reduce its office space the early years of the pan- tually.”


Modelo Was Primed to Take Top Spot From Bud Light

BY JENNIFER MALONEY elob Ultra. Modelo, meanwhile, has growing in numbers and in grandmother toiling over Census Bureau. And that de-
Modelo surpassed Bud been on the rise. purchasing power. Modelo, homemade tortillas, a bodega mographic represents about
When a boycott tanked Bud Light in dollar sales in the Constellation has held a li- which is in a more premium owner helping customers, and 21% of beer consumption, ac-
Light’s sales this spring, a for- month of May, with 8.4% of cense to sell Modelo in the tier than American light lagers garage-band musicians trying cording to AB InBev.
mer also-ran was lurking to U.S. retail-store beer sales in U.S. since 2013, when AB In- like Bud Light, benefited from a to make the big time. Modelo and Michelob Ultra
unseat it as the bestselling the four weeks ended June 3, Bev, seeking to gain clearance trend of consumers trading up In Constellation’s 2019 fis- were on track to overtake Bud
beer in America. compared with 7.3% for Bud from U.S. regu- to more expen- cal year, 70% of Modelo’s con- Light. But before the boycott
Modelo Especial, a Mexican Light, according to an analysis lators for its sive drinks. sumers were Hispanic, accord- this spring, a reshuffling of
import sold by Constellation of Nielsen data by consulting acquisition of In 2018, ing to Constellation. The U.S. beer rankings appeared to
Brands, wasn’t a top-10 U.S. firm Bump Williams. Mexican brewer Modelo Modelo over- company was working to be at least a year away.
beer as recently as a decade “We’ve been very fortunate Grupo Modelo, surpassed Bud took Corona broaden its mass-market ap- Now that Modelo has
ago. Its ascent is a product of that that’s gone a little sold Constella- Extra in retail- peal, however, and by the end reached the top spot, New-
shifting demographics, chang- quicker than we had antici- tion a Mexican Light in U.S. store dollar of the 2021 calendar year, lands said he sees more room
ing consumer tastes, savvy pated,” Constellation Chief Ex- brewery and sales, becoming Modelo Especial had passed for Modelo to grow. Modelo’s
marketing and, most recently, ecutive Bill Newlands said at perpetual U.S.
dollar sales the No. 6 beer fast-growing AB InBev brand household penetration hasn’t
a culture-war storm. an analyst conference at the licensing rights in May. in the U.S., ac- Michelob Ultra to land the No. yet reached that of Corona Ex-
In April, transgender in- end of May. “But what a great for brands in- cording to Jenn 2 spot by retail-store dollar tra, he said. “So, there’s just
fluencer Dylan Mulvaney position to be in.” cluding Modelo Litz-Kirk, direc- sales, according to Litz-Kirk. so many opportunities to con-
posted an image on Insta- Bud Light in 2001 dethroned and Corona. tor of content Some 45% of Modelo’s con- tinue to extend that fran-
gram of a personalized Bud Budweiser as the reigning beer At the time, Corona was a for Beer Business Daily, an in- sumer base is now non-His- chise,” he said.
Light can that the brand had in the U.S., according to indus- well-established brand in the dustry tracking firm. Modelo’s panic, Constellation said. Bud Light’s total sales over
sent her as a gift. The uproar try-tracking firm Beer Mar- U.S., popular among drinkers of growth then accelerated, as Modelo is the top brand in the first five months of the
that followed, and further keter’s Insights. But in recent many ethnicities. Modelo didn’t Constellation pushed for more California as well as in metro- year are still higher than any
anger over Anheuser-Busch years, Bud Light’s U.S. sales rank among the top-10 U.S. store-shelf space for Modelo politan areas such as Chicago, other beer, AB InBev said. But
InBev’s response, have bat- have fallen as drinkers beer brands. But it turned out and leaned into a Modelo ad- Dallas and Baltimore, the com- some Bud Light distributors
tered the sales of Anheuser- switched to craft beers, Mexi- to be highly popular among vertising campaign called pany said. About 19% of the said they believe the brand
Busch brands including Bud can import brands, hard selt- Hispanic people—a demo- “The Fighting Spirit.” Televi- U.S. population is Hispanic or may be permanently de-
Light, Budweiser and Mich- zers and canned cocktails. graphic that in the U.S. was sion ads have featured a Latino, according to the U.S. throned.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, June 21, 2023 | B7


Net Net Net Net Net Net
How to Read the Stock Tables Footnotes: Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg
The following explanations apply to NYSE, NYSE s-New 52-week high. AveryDennison AVY 168.04 -3.05 Bio-RadLab A BIO 370.75 -5.81 CH Robinson CHRW 92.66 -1.96 CharterComms CHTR 331.86 -9.38 ConagraBrands CAG 34.24 -0.40 DarlingIngred DAR 60.42 -4.70
Arca, NYSE American and Nasdaq Stock Market t-New 52-week low. AvisBudget CAR 224.14 19.85 Biogen BIIB 293.79 -3.69 CME Group CME 182.69 -1.42 CheckPoint CHKP 128.47 -2.44 Confluent CFLT 33.72 -0.97 Datadog DDOG 96.68 0.93
listed securities. Prices are composite quotations dd-Indicates loss in the most recent four AxaltaCoating AXTA 32.10 -0.36 BioMarinPharm BMRN 95.21 -1.08 CMS Energy CMS 60.13 -0.61 Chemed CHE 540.92 -5.74 ConocoPhillips COP 102.03 -2.89 DaVita DVA 97.91 0.29
that include primary market trades as well as quarters. AxonEnterprise AXON 204.77 2.41 BioNTech BNTX 109.94 -2.61 CNA Fin CNA 38.35 -0.16 CheniereEnergy LNG 148.93 0.25 ConEd ED 92.02 -0.95 DeckersOutdoor DECK 508.35 -4.37
trades reported by Nasdaq BX (formerly Boston), FD-First day of trading. BCE BCE 45.13 -0.57 BlackKnight BKI 58.34 0.96 CNH Indl CNHI 14.30 -0.23 CheniereEnerPtrs CQP 46.40 -0.67 ConstBrands A STZ 243.74 -2.29 Deere DE 407.98 0.35
Chicago Stock Exchange, Cboe, NYSE National and h-Does not meet continued listing BHP Group BHP 62.36 -0.81 BlackRock BLK 690.95 -11.83 CRH CRH 52.85 -0.29 ChesapeakeEner CHK 81.01 -1.35 ConstellationEner CEG 91.99 -0.90 DellTechC DELL 49.33 -0.34
Nasdaq ISE. standards BILL BILL 111.81 0.55 Blackstone BX 90.62 -0.51 CSX CSX 32.91 -0.30 Chevron CVX 153.68 -3.58 Cooper COO 369.13 1.72 DeltaAir DAL 42.48 -0.31
The list comprises the 1,000 largest companies lf-Late filing BJ'sWholesale BJ 61.24 0.17 Block SQ 66.80 0.29 CVS Health CVS 68.67 0.95 ChewyA CHWY 38.34 -1.30 Copart
based on market capitalization. q-Temporary exemption from Nasdaq CPRT 87.77 0.49 DentsplySirona XRAY 39.22 -0.51
BP BP 35.07 -0.28 BlueOwlCapital OWL 11.58 0.03 CadenceDesign CDNS 232.53 -3.31 Chipotle CMG 2049.80 16.88 Core&Main CNM 28.84 0.27 DescartesSystems DSGX 78.22 -0.31
Underlined quotations are those stocks with requirements. Baidu BIDU 143.52 -1.59 Boeing BA 212.37 -7.62 CAE CAE 21.75 0.22 Chubb CB 193.27 -1.67 CorebridgeFin CRBG 16.53 0.06 DeutscheBank DB 10.20 -0.22
large changes in volume compared with the t-NYSE bankruptcy BakerHughes BKR 29.80 -0.77 Booking BKNG 2636.65 -4.34 CaesarsEnt CZR 49.19 0.35 ChunghwaTel CHT 40.59 -0.29 Corning
issue’s average trading volume. v-Trading halted on primary market. GLW 34.90 -0.95 DevonEnergy DVN 48.27 -1.53
Ball BALL 56.00 -2.43 BoozAllen BAH 109.55 0.94 CamdenProperty CPT 111.58 -1.53 Church&Dwight CHD 94.43 -1.73 Corteva CTVA 56.54 -0.69 DexCom DXCM 129.97 -0.13
Boldfaced quotations highlight those issues vj-In bankruptcy or receivership or being
BancoBilbaoViz BBVA 7.36 -0.09 BorgWarner BWA 46.39 -2.21 Cameco CCJ 31.95 0.19 ChurchillDowns CHDN 135.39 -1.00 Cosan CSAN 14.64 0.06 Diageo DEO 170.39 -3.07
whose price changed by 5% or more if their reorganized under the Bankruptcy Code,
BancoBradesco BBDO 3.00 ... BostonProps BXP 54.11 -0.93 CampbellSoup CPB 45.79 -0.63 Ciena CIEN 43.05 -1.26 s CoStar CSGP 85.31 1.17 DiamondbkEner FANG 126.97 -1.77
previous closing price was $2 or higher. or securities assumed by such companies.
BancodeChile BCH 20.69 -0.56 BostonSci BSX 54.04 -0.28 CIBC CM 43.16 -0.99 Cigna CI 270.05 1.22 Costco COST 519.70 -3.95 Dick's DKS 135.58 0.48
s BancSanBrasil BSBR 6.46 0.07 BoydGaming BYD 68.36 0.36 CanNtlRlwy CNI 117.40 -1.55 CincinnatiFinl CINF 98.93 -1.97 CoterraEnergy CTRA 24.44 -0.77 DigitalRealty DLR 104.90 -0.28
Wall Street Journal stock tables reflect composite regular trading as of 4 p.m. and BcoSantChile BSAC 19.09 -0.15 BristolMyers BMY 66.03 -0.13 CanadianNatRscs CNQ 53.33 -1.68 Cintas CTAS 484.44 -6.92 Coty DiscoverFinSvcs DFS 115.53 0.21
changes in the closing prices from 4 p.m. the previous day. COTY 12.21 -0.23
BancoSantander SAN 3.46 -0.03 BritishAmTob BTI 32.67 -0.15 CdnPacKC CP 77.56 -0.96 CiscoSystems CSCO 51.55 -0.52 Coupang CPNG 17.20 -0.08 Disney DIS 89.75 -1.57
BanColombia CIB 27.29 -0.17 BrixmorProp BRX 21.47 -0.33 CapitalOne COF 109.12 -0.95 Citigroup C 47.61 -0.58 Credicorp BAP 149.05 -0.24 DocuSign DOCU 52.01 -1.84
Tuesday, June 20, 2023 Net Net BankofAmerica BAC 28.87 -0.32 Broadcom AVGO 868.03 -0.08 s CardinalHealth CAH 91.24 -0.01 CitizensFin CFG 27.20 -0.06
Crocs CROX 105.95 -4.00 DolbyLab DLB 84.47 0.49
Net Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg BankofMontreal BMO 89.21 -1.00 BroadridgeFinl BR 158.78 -2.02 Carlisle CSL 239.56 -0.02 s CleanHarbors CLH 158.19 1.52
CrowdStrike CRWD 152.08 -3.06 DollarGeneral DG 164.99 0.67
BankNY Mellon BK 44.36 -0.29 BrookfieldAsset BAM 32.71 -0.55 Carlyle CG 31.37 -0.01 Cleveland-Cliffs CLF 16.44 -0.03 CrownCastle CCI 112.45 -2.16 DollarTree DLTR 136.54 0.32
Stock Sym Close Chg Alibaba BABA 87.93 -4.17 AB InBev BUD 56.76 -1.45 BankNovaScotia BNS 49.35 -0.81 Brookfield BN 32.78 -0.76 CarMax KMX 78.59 -1.04 Clorox CLX 155.47 -1.07 CrownHoldings CCK 87.98 -0.83 DominionEner D 53.17 -0.16
AlignTech ALGN 331.43 1.14 AnnalyCap NLY 20.53 -0.06 Barclays BCS 7.93 ... BrookfieldInfr BIP 35.24 -0.17 Carnival CCL 15.90 0.10 Cloudflare NET 67.18 -0.45 CubeSmart CUBE 44.60 -0.03 Domino's
A B C Allegion ALLE 118.22 -0.21 AnteroResources AR 21.55 -0.91 BarrickGold GOLD 16.05 -0.66 BrookfieldRenew BEPC 32.44 -0.45 Carnival CUK 14.33 0.11 Coca-Cola KO 61.26 -0.41 Cullen/Frost CFR 110.89 -0.82 Donaldson
DPZ 325.54 -5.87
DCI 61.01 -0.74
ACM 86.42 -0.25 AllegroMicro ALGM 41.76 1.60 Aon AON 328.95 -0.43 Bath&BodyWks BBWI 38.80 -0.15 Brown&Brown BRO 66.05 -0.20 CarrierGlobal CARR 47.61 0.73 Coca-ColaEuro CCEP 65.17 -0.18
Bausch+Lomb BLCO 19.48 -0.12 Brown-Forman A BF.A 66.47 -0.44 CaseysGenStores CASY 218.53 -1.09 Cognex Cummins CMI 233.13 -2.68 DoorDash DASH 73.00 -0.26
AES AES 21.01 -0.33 AlliantEnergy LNT 52.96 -0.78 ApellisPharm APLS 88.16 -1.11 CGNX 54.87 -0.88 Curtiss-Wright CW 175.59 -0.93 Dover DOV 143.43 -4.30
BaxterIntl BAX 44.94 -0.42 Brown-Forman B BF.B 64.83 -0.57 Catalent CTLT 44.26 0.15
Aflac AFL 67.80 -1.63 Allstate ALL 108.61 -2.56 ApolloGlbMgmt APO 76.40 -0.68 CognizantTech CTSH 64.64 -0.44 Dow DOW 51.92 -1.24
AGCO AGCO 132.33 0.46 AllyFinancial ALLY 27.80 -0.57 AppFolio APPF 172.63 -0.61 BectonDicknsn BDX 256.47 -2.16 Bruker BRKR 75.39 -0.09 Caterpillar CAT 241.15 -4.12 s Coherent COHR 55.31 0.44 D E F
DrReddy'sLab RDY 60.41 0.14
AAPL 185.01 0.09 BeiGene BGNE 191.57 -8.64 s BuildersFirst BLDR 126.76 5.35 Celanese CE 108.82 -5.18 CoinbaseGlbl COIN 57.09 1.50
AMC Ent AMC 4.59 -0.11 AlnylamPharm ALNY 201.60 0.03 Apple DraftKings DKNG 24.76 0.25
Alphabet A GOOGL 123.10 -0.43 ApplMaterials AMAT 138.52 -0.41 BentleySystems BSY 53.00 -0.29 Bunge BG 93.51 -2.92 CelsiusHldg CELH 141.36 -3.08 ColgatePalm CL 77.62 -0.16 DTE Energy DTE 113.19 -0.93 Dropbox DBX 25.95 -0.02
Ansys ANSS 331.31 -3.06
APA APA 33.50 -0.88 Alphabet C GOOG 123.85 -0.21 Applovin APP 23.58 -0.39 Berkley WRB 58.45 -0.83 BurlingtonStrs BURL 151.01 -0.54 Cemex CX 7.02 -0.18 Comcast A CMCSA 40.64 -0.56 Danaher DHR 236.60 -5.20 DukeEnergy DUK 90.95 -1.23
ASE Tech ASX 8.80 -0.05 Altria MO 43.47 -0.60 Aptargroup ATR 115.71 -1.44 BerkHathwy A BRK.A 5150001000.00 s CACI Intl CACI 327.92 2.23 CenovusEnergy CVE 16.40 -0.25 SABESP SBS 11.53 0.37 Darden DRI 165.82 -0.19 Continued on Page B10
ASML ASML 720.41 -1.47 AMZN 125.78 0.29 Aptiv APTV 100.16 -1.28 BerkHathwy B BRK.B 338.67 0.36 CBRE Group CBRE 76.94 -0.87 Centene CNC 65.92 0.26
AT&T T 15.78 -0.28 Ambev ABEV 3.11 0.02 Aramark ARMK 40.47 -0.06 BerryGlobal BERY 62.77 -1.95 CCC Intelligent CCCS 10.80 -0.10 CenterPointEner CNP 29.08 -0.10
AbbottLabs ABT 106.70 0.50 Amcor AMCR 10.19 -0.16 ArcelorMittal MT 27.21 -0.91 BestBuy BBY 78.82 -0.97 CDW CDW 177.30 -0.85 CentraisElBras EBR 8.18 0.17
ABBV 137.82 -0.82 Amdocs DOX 96.76 -0.84 ArchCapital ACGL 70.79 -0.37 Bilibili BILI 15.97 -1.50 CF Industries CF 71.75 0.48 CeridianHCM CDAY 67.36 0.28
AcadiaHealthcare ACHC 72.92 -0.23 Ameren AEE 82.88 -1.20 ADM ADM 74.08 -1.40 Bio-Techne TECH 77.43 -1.06 CGI A GIB 103.02 -1.56 CharlesRiverLabs CRL 209.53 -0.46 Cash Prices Tuesday, June 20, 2023
Accenture ACN 317.40 -2.14 AmericaMovil AMX 21.89 -0.13 AresMgmt ARES 93.38 -1.05
ActivisionBliz ATVI 81.89 -0.08 AmerAirlines AAL 16.32 -0.16 argenx ARGX 401.29 1.35 These prices reflect buying and selling of a variety of actual or “physical”
ADBE 485.86 -9.32 AEP AEP 84.54 -0.39 AristaNetworks ANET 154.50 -3.29
AdvDrainageSys WMS 112.38 1.86 AmerExpress AXP 169.41 -2.80 ArrowElec ARW 138.11 -0.34 Borrowing Benchmarks commodities in the marketplace—separate from the futures price on an
AdvMicroDevices AMD 118.93 -1.15 AmericanFin AFG 115.41 -0.98 AspenTech AZPN 166.35 -0.98 exchange, which reflects what the commodity might be worth in future
Aegon AEG 4.76 -0.03 AmHomes4Rent AMH 35.08 -0.32 Assurant AIZ 129.41 -2.03
AerCap AER 60.97 -0.23 AIG AIG 56.08 -1.22 AstraZeneca AZN 73.95 -1.27 months.
AgilentTechs A 118.16 -2.97 AmerTowerREIT AMT 190.05 -2.84 Atlassian TEAM 175.83 -1.97
Tuesday Tuesday
agilon health AGL 17.23 -0.13 AmerWaterWorks AWK 148.11 -0.87 AtmosEnergy ATO 115.91 -1.09
AgnicoEagleMines AEM 48.73 -2.27 AmericoldRealty COLD 31.89 -0.16 Autodesk ADSK 211.99 -1.51 Money Rates June 20, 2023
Energy Grains and Feeds
AirProducts APD 289.30 -3.87 Ameriprise AMP 322.13 -2.87 Autoliv ALV 84.99 -3.14
Airbnb ABNB 126.45 -2.23 s AmerisourceBrgn ABC 184.49 1.48 ADP ADP 220.28 -1.04 Key annual interest rates paid to borrow or lend money in U.S. and Coal,C.Aplc.,12500Btu,1.2SO2-r,w 65.500 Barley,top-quality Mnpls-u n.a.
AkamaiTech AKAM 90.68 -0.82 Ametek AME 155.34 -0.57 AutoNation AN 150.02 0.86
Albemarle ALB 232.22 4.05 Amgen AMGN 228.59 -1.07 AutoZone AZO 2453.07 -40.76 international markets. Rates below are a guide to general levels but Coal,PwdrRvrBsn,8800Btu,0.8SO2-r,w 14.450 Bran,wheat middlings, KC-u,w 135
Albertsons ACI 21.44 0.07 Amphenol APH 81.05 -1.10 Avalonbay AVB 190.20 -2.25 don’t always represent actual transactions. Corn,No. 2 yellow,Cent IL-bp,u 6.3500
Alcon ALC 80.40 -0.87 AnalogDevices ADI 187.98 -0.38 Avangrid AGR 37.89 -0.77
Metals Corn gluten feed,Midwest-u,w 159.3
AlexandriaRlEst ARE 114.04 -1.41 AngloGoldAsh AU 23.19 -0.97 Avantor Week —52-WEEK—
AVTR 19.65 -0.30 Inflation Latest ago Gold, per troy oz
High Low
Corn gluten meal,Midwest-u,w 506.9
May index Chg From (%) Engelhard industrial 1944.00 Cottonseed meal-u,w 363
Federal funds Handy & Harman base 1930.45 Hominy feed,Cent IL-u,w 185
level April '23 May '22
Key Interest Rates U.S. consumer price index
Effective rate n.a. 5.0800 5.1000 1.5800
Handy & Harman fabricated
LBMA Gold Price AM
Meat-bonemeal,50% pro Mnpls-u,w
Oats,No.2 milling,Mnpls-u
Data are annualized on a 360-day basis. Treasury yields are per annum, High 5.4000 5.4000 5.4000 1.7000 LBMA Gold Price PM *1951.15 Rice, Long Grain Milled, No. 2 AR-u,w 37.25
All items 304.127 0.25 4.0 Low 5.0600 5.0500 5.0800 1.5500 Krugerrand,wholesale-e 2013.44 Sorghum,(Milo) No.2 Gulf-u n.a.
on actively traded noninflation and inflation-indexed issues that are Core 308.096 0.39 5.3 Bid 5.0800 5.0700 5.0800 1.5200 Maple Leaf-e 2032.80 SoybeanMeal,Cent IL,rail,ton48%-u,w 421.40
adjusted to constant maturities. Data are from weekly Federal Reserve American Eagle-e 2032.80 Soybeans,No.1 yllw IL-bp,u 14.5800
International rates Offer 5.1100 5.0800 5.1200 1.5800
release H.15. Mexican peso-e 2342.24 Wheat,Spring14%-pro Mnpls-u 10.2150
Week Ended 52-Week Week Ended 52-Week Treasury bill auction Austria crown-e 1900.67 Wheat,No.2 soft red,St.Louis-u 7.0125
Week 52-Week Austria phil-e 2032.80
Jun 16 Jun 9 High Low Jun 16 Jun 9 High Low Latest High Low 4 weeks 5.010 5.090 5.840 1.100 Wheat - Hard - KC (USDA) $ per bu-u 9.0100
6-month 5.36 5.42 5.48 2.30 13 weeks 5.130 5.150 5.300 1.670 Silver, troy oz. Wheat,No.1soft white,Portld,OR-u 7.5000
Federal funds (effective) 1-year 5.23 5.16 5.23 2.83 Engelhard industrial 23.6500
5.08 5.08 5.08 0.83
Prime rates 26 weeks 5.170 5.155 5.290 2.390 Food
2-year 4.66 4.53 4.89 2.94 Handy & Harman base 23.1320
3-year 4.17 4.57 2.91 U.S. 8.25 8.25 8.25 4.75 Handy & Harman fabricated 28.9150 Beef,carcass equiv. index
Commercial paper 4.28 Secondary market
5-year 3.97 3.88 4.32 2.80 Canada 6.95 6.70 6.95 3.70 LBMA spot price *£18.7000 choice 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 302.89
Nonfinancial 7-year 3.88 3.81 4.23 2.78 Japan 1.475 1.475 1.475 1.475 Fannie Mae (U.S.$ equivalent) *23.9500 select 1-3,600-900 lbs.-u 275.83
1-month 5.09 5.12 5.12 1.40 10-year 3.78 3.73 4.12 2.72 Coins,wholesale $1,000 face-a 21556 Broilers, National comp wtd. avg.-u,w 1.3696
30-year mortgage yields
2-month 5.16 5.18 5.21 1.79 Policy Rates
20-year 4.06 4.05 4.44 3.19 30 days 6.098 6.097 6.812 4.321 Other metals Butter,AA Chicago-d 2.3500
n.a. 5.20 5.20 2.35
Euro zone 3.75 3.75 3.75 0.00 60 days 6.104 6.102 6.988 4.390
LBMA Platinum Price PM *983.0 Cheddar cheese,bbl,Chicago-d 151.00
Financial Treasury yields (secondary market) Switzerland 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.25 Platinum,Engelhard industrial 968.0 Cheddar cheese,blk,Chicago-d 137.75
1-month 5.15 5.09 5.15 1.42 Palladium,Engelhard industrial 1410.0 Milk,Nonfat dry,Chicago lb.-d 115.50
1-month 5.03 5.03 5.62 1.06 Britain 4.50 4.50 4.50 1.25 Other short-term rates
2-month 5.26 5.19 5.26 1.75 Aluminum, LME, $ per metric ton *2195.0 Coffee,Brazilian,Comp-y 1.8023
3-month 5.22 5.21 5.25 1.93 3-month 5.10 5.15 5.25 1.62 Australia 4.10 4.10 4.10 0.85
6-month 5.13 5.19 5.25 2.23 Week 52-Week Copper,Comex spot 3.8785 Coffee,Colombian, NY-y 2.1481
Discount window primary credit Overnight repurchase Latest ago high low Iron Ore, 62% Fe CFR China-s n.a. Eggs,large white,Chicago-u 1.1150
TIPS Shredded Scrap, US Midwest-s,m n.a. Flour,hard winter KC-p 22.05
5.25 5.25 5.25 1.75 U.S. 5.11 5.09 5.12 0.71
5-year 1.83 1.74 1.83 0.14 Call money Steel, HRC USA, FOB Midwest Mill-s n.a. Hams,17-20 lbs,Mid-US fob-u 0.88
Treasury yields at constant 7-year 1.68 1.62 1.70 0.18 U.S. government rates Battery/EV metals Hogs,Iowa-So. Minnesota-u 88.26
maturities 10-year 1.58 1.53 1.66 0.24 7.00 7.00 7.00 3.50
BMI Lithium Carbonate, EXW China, =99.2%-v,w 43475 Pork bellies,12-14 lb MidUS-u 1.2369
1-month 5.19 5.19 5.81 1.09 20-year 1.59 1.58 1.70 0.53 Discount Commercial paper (AA financial) BMI Lithium Hydroxide, EXW China, =56.5% -v,w 42625 Pork loins,13-19 lb MidUS-u 1.0790
3-month 5.36 5.41 5.52 1.67 Long-term avg 1.70 1.71 1.94 0.87 5.25 5.25 5.25 1.75 BMI Cobalt sulphate, EXW China, >20.5% -v,m 5041 Steers,Tex.-Okla. Choice-u n.a.
90 days n.a. 5.20 5.29 2.10
BMI Nickel Sulphate, EXW China, >22%-v,m 4512 Steers,feeder,Okla. City-u,w 253.50
Notes on data: Notes on data:
Federal-funds rate is an average for the seven days ended Wednesday, weighted according to rates Libor BMIFlakeGraphite,FOBChina,-100Mesh,94-95%-v,m 688
Fats and Oils
U.S. prime rate is the base rate on corporate
on broker trades; Commercial paper rates are discounted offer rates interpolated from sales by loans posted by at least 70% of the 10 largest One month 5.15414 5.19329 5.22243 1.62357 Fibers and Textiles
discounted averages of dealer bid rates on nationally traded certificates of deposit; Discount window Three month 5.52029 5.55200 5.55743 2.15443 Degummed corn oil, crude wtd. avg.-u,w n.a.
U.S. banks, and is effective May 4, 2023. Other
primary credit rate is charged for discounts made and advances extended under the Federal Six month 5.67400 5.65043 5.67400 2.82657 Burlap,10-oz,40-inch NY yd-n,w 0.7425 Grease,choice white,Chicago-h 0.5800
prime rates aren’t directly comparable; lending
Reserve's primary credit discount window program; rate is average for seven days ended Wednesday; practices vary widely by location; Discount rate One year 5.89786 5.80343 5.89786 3.53329 Cotton,1 1/16 std lw-mdMphs-u 0.7974 Lard,Chicago-u n.a.
Inflation-indexed long-term TIPS average is indexed and is based on the unweighted average bid is effective May 4, 2023. Secured Overnight Cotlook 'A' Index-t *91.65 Soybean oil,crude;Centl IL-u,w 0.6244
yields for all TIPS with remaining terms to maturity of 10 years or more; Financing Rate is as of June 19, 2023. DTCC Secured Overnight Financing Rate Hides,hvy native steers piece fob-u n.a. Tallow,bleach;Chicago-h 0.6000
Sources: Federal Reserve; for additional information on these rate data and their derivation, GCF Repo Index is Depository Trust & Clearing 5.05 5.05 5.08 1.44 Wool,64s,staple,Terr del-u,w n.a. Tallow,edible,Chicago-u n.a.
please see, Corp.'s weighted average for overnight trades in
applicable CUSIPs. Value traded is in billions of Value 52-Week KEY TO CODES: A=ask; B=bid; BP=country elevator bids to producers; C=corrected; D=CME; E=Manfra,Tordella &
U.S. dollars. Federal-funds rates are Tullett Latest Traded High Low Brookes; H=American Commodities Brokerage Co;
Prebon rates as of 5:30 p.m. ET. K=bi-weekly; M=monthly; N=nominal; n.a.=not quoted or not available; P=Sosland Publishing; R=SNL Energy;
BANKRATE.COM® MMA, Savings and CDs Sources: Federal Reserve; Bureau of Labor
Statistics; DTCC; FactSet;
DTCC GCF Repo Index
Treasury 5.094 27.846 5.195 1.176
S=Platts-TSI; T=Cotlook Limited; U=USDA; V=Benchmark Mineral Intelligence; W=weekly; Y=International
Coffee Organization; Z=not quoted. *Data as of 6/19
Tullett Prebon Information, Ltd. MBS 5.111 37.220 5.199 1.546 Source: Dow Jones Market Data
Average Yields of Major Banks Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Type MMA 1-MO 2-MO 3-MO 6-MO 1-YR 2-YR 2.5YR 5YR
National average
Savings 0.33 0.21 0.25 1.22 1.24 1.45 1.23 1.13 1.08 ADVERTISEMENT
Jumbos 0.76 0.23 0.27 1.35 1.33 1.57 1.36 1.23 1.19
Weekly change
Business Real Estate & Auctions
To advertise: email or

Consumer Savings Rates

Below are the top federally insured offers available nationwide according to's
weekly survey of highest yields. For latest offers and reviews of these financial institutions, please
visit Information is believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed.
JULY 20, 2023
Bank Yield Bank Yield
Phone number Minimum
Money market and savings account
(%) Phone number
Six-month CD
Minimum (%)
CFG Community Bank
(888) 205-8388
$1,000 5.12 Bank5 Connect
(508) 679-8551
$500 5.30
(866) 395-8693
Popular Direct
(800) 274-5696


America First FCU
(801) 627-0900

Colorado Federal Savings Bank $5,000

(877) 484-2372

1.1 ACRES 5.5
One-month CD One-year CD (High-Profile Chicago Suburban Locale)
VirtualBank $10,000 2.48 CFG Community Bank $500 5.42 High Visibility Across from Walmart At the Exit of I-55 and RT. 47
(877) 998-2265 (888) 205-8388 Built in 1999, with updating in 2022, and situated
Busy RT. 83 & Monaville Rd. Adjacent to Hotels, BP Gas,
Colorado Federal Savings Bank $5,000 1.00 BrioDirect $500 5.35 on approximately 19 acres with 950 parking spaces
(877) 484-2372 (877) 369-2746 Stoplight Intersection McDonald’s, Subway, etc.
Lone Star Bank $1,000 0.20 Popular Direct $10,000 5.30 and excess land in the Cantera Business Park. This
(713) 358-9400 (800) 274-5696 currently vacant property was formerly owned and PREVIOUSLY VALUED OVER PREVIOUSLY VALUED OVER
Two-month CD Two-year CD occupied by oil giant BP subsidiary Amoco Research. $800,000 $500,000
VirtualBank $10,000 2.74 Merrick Bank $25,000 4.80
(877) 998-2265 (866) 638-6851 Ideal potential uses include: school, training center,
Colorado Federal Savings Bank $5,000 0.75 CIBC Bank USA $1,000 4.75 church, data center, corporate headquarters, etc. SUGGESTED OPENING BID SUGGESTED OPENING BID
(877) 484-2372 (800) 662-7748 $250,000 $185,000
Lone Star Bank
(713) 358-9400
$1,000 0.20 First Internet Bank of Indiana $1,000
(888) 873-3424
4.70 Replacement Value in Excess of $20,000,000
Three-month CD Five-year CD Suggested Opening Bid $4,750,000 BROKER


Merrick Bank $25,000 4.75 Popular Direct $10,000 4.53
(866) 638-6851 (800) 274-5696 On-site Inspections 11am to 2pm on June 27th, Rick Levin & Associates, Inc. | since 1991
America First FCU
(801) 627-0900
$500 4.50 First National Bank of America $1,000
(800) 968-3626
4.50 July 12 and 17 and by Appointment. 312.440.2000 |
Popular Direct $10,000 4.50 CFG Community Bank $500 4.50
(800) 274-5696 (888) 205-8388 CO-OP
High yield jumbos - Minimum is $100,000
Money market and savings account Six-month CD Rick Levin & Associates, Inc. | since 1991 INDIANA

CFG Community Bank 5.12 Bank5 Connect 5.30 312.440.2000 |

(888) 205-8388 (508) 679-8551 DUAL BID
Vio Bank
(888) 999-9170 4.85
America First FCU
(801) 627-0900
Colorado Federal Savings Bank 5.15
(800) 581-2889
One-month CD
(877) 484-2372
One-year CD
(877) 998-2265
2.48 CFG Community Bank
(888) 205-8388
Colorado Federal Savings Bank
(877) 484-2372
1.00 Connexus Credit Union
(800) 845-5025
Lone Star Bank
(713) 358-9400
0.20 BrioDirect
(877) 369-2746
Two-month CD
VirtualBank 2.74
Two-year CD
CIBC Bank USA 4.80
Surrounded by new construction and fabulous area
(877) 998-2265 (800) 662-7748 every Wednesday amenities. Don’t miss this unique chance to acquire
Colorado Federal Savings Bank 0.75 Merrick Bank 4.80 prime real estate in sought-after Crown Point.
(877) 484-2372 (866) 638-6851
Lone Star Bank 0.20 Connexus Credit Union 4.76 LIST YOUR PROPERTY TOdAY ON-SITE INSPECTIONS NOON - 2 P.M. ON JULY 11, JULY 14
(713) 358-9400 (800) 845-5025
Three-month CD Five-year CD
Merrick Bank 4.75 Popular Direct 4.53 BROKER PARTICIPATION INVITED
(866) 638-6851 (800) 274-5696
(800) 366-3975 LEND
America First FCU 4.50 CFG Community Bank 4.50
(801) 627-0900 (888) 205-8388
Popular Direct 4.50 First Internet Bank of Indiana 4.49 For more information visit: JOEL ZEGART
(800) 274-5696 (888) 873-3424 JBS ADVISORS INC. • 312.671.7877 •
Notes: Accounts are federally insured up to $250,000 per person. Yields are based on method of
compounding and rate stated for the lowest required opening deposit to earn interest. CD Rick Levin & Associates, Inc. | since 1991
figures are for fixed rates only. MMA: Allows six (6) third-party transfers per month, three (3) of
which may be checks. Rates are subject to change.
312.440.2000 |
Source:, a publication of Bankrate, Inc., Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410
All Rights Reserved.
B8 | Wednesday, June 21, 2023 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Futures Contracts Open

High hilo Low Settle Chg
interest Open
High hilo Low Settle Chg
interest Open
High hilo Low Settle Chg

Metal & Petroleum Futures Sept 835.00 845.50 825.75 834.50 –4.50 77,538 Dec 1.1340 1.1399 1.1320 1.1345 –.0055 495 Dec 4497.25 4497.75 4456.75 4481.25 –19.50 9,538
Cattle-Feeder (CME)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Australian Dollar (CME)-AUD 100,000; $ per AUD Mini S&P Midcap 400 (CME)-$100 x index
Contract Open July .6858 .6864 .6759 .6792 –.0092 580 Sept 2586.50 –17.60
Aug 234.750 235.850 231.875 232.150 –2.775 29,464 2605.60 2605.70 2572.20 38,538
Open High hi lo Low Settle Chg interest Sept .6866 .6872 .6770 .6803 –.0092 148,740
Sept 238.050 239.200 235.250 235.625 –2.550 10,051 Dec 2602.00 –16.10 n.a.
Copper-High (CMX)-25,000 lbs.; $ per lb. Cattle-Live (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Mexican Peso (CME)-MXN 500,000; $ per MXN Mini Nasdaq 100 (CME)-$20 x index
June 3.8440 3.8945 3.8415 3.8785 –0.0060 787 June 178.650 178.650 176.625 177.125 –1.225 5,643 July .05776 .05826 .05775 .05777 –.00058 69 Sept 15244.50 15310.75 15126.50 15256.50 –11.50 249,893
Sept 3.8785 3.9070 3.8490 3.8935 –0.0050 89,925 Aug 171.875 171.975 169.425 169.700 –2.025 145,373 Sept .05753 .05756 .05699 .05708 –.00057 232,210 Dec 15435.00 15500.00 15316.50 15447.25 –16.75 1,449
Gold (CMX)-100 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Hogs-Lean (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Euro (CME)-€125,000; $ per € Mini Russell 2000 (CME)-$50 x index
1931.30 1935.50 –22.90 July 1.0936 1.0961 1.0908 1.0933 –.0029 1,967 Sept 1885.40
June 1951.70 1951.70 1,664 July 94.500 95.975 94.250 95.850 3.000 29,927 1889.10 1893.20 1870.70 –8.00 532,321
Sept 1.0973 1.0997 1.0943 1.0968 –.0028 715,641
July 1955.40 1959.20 1932.40 1938.90 –23.30 2,469 Aug 92.100 93.375 91.050 93.200 2.525 73,912 Dec 1907.00 1911.90 1889.60 1904.30 –7.70 158
Aug 1962.70 1968.70 1940.80 1947.70 –23.50 365,067 Lumber (CME)-27,500 bd. ft., $ per 1,000 bd. ft. Mini Russell 1000 (CME)-$50 x index
July 535.00 544.00 530.50 538.50 13.50 4,469
Index Futures Sept 2432.90 2437.50 2415.60 2428.20 –9.60 8,056
Oct 1983.50 1988.00 1960.40 1967.20 –23.50 11,929
Dec 2002.40 2007.00 1979.80 1986.60 –23.50 40,228 Sept 543.50 549.50 538.00 544.50 12.50 2,191 Mini DJ Industrial Average (CBT)-$5 x index U.S. Dollar Index (ICE-US)-$1,000 x index
Milk (CME)-200,000 lbs., cents per lb. Sept 34532 34551 34197 34356 –248 90,405 Sept 102.08 102.38 101.92 102.13 .29 27,612
Feb'24 2018.00 2026.20 1999.80 2006.70 –23.00 5,912
June 14.93 14.95 14.93 14.94 … 7,132 Dec 34769 34851 34509 34656 –243 186 Dec 101.85 101.86 101.85 101.80 .29 411
Palladium (NYM) - 50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz.
July 15.26 15.41 t 15.18 15.37 .06 6,930 Mini S&P 500 (CME)-$50 x index
June 1366.50 1366.50 1361.50 1363.20 –38.60 3
Cocoa (ICE-US)-10 metric tons; $ per ton. Sept 4449.00 4451.00 4410.50 4434.75 –19.00 2,210,290 Source: FactSet
Sept 1399.50 1413.50 1351.50 1379.10 –37.10 12,119
July 3,192 3,192 3,129 3,142 –46 14,052
Platinum (NYM)-50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Sept 3,239 3,239 3,203 3,211 –25 157,353
June 976.10 –19.30 100 Coffee (ICE-US)-37,500 lbs.; cents per lb.
July 988.40 989.00 956.30
Silver (CMX)-5,000 troy oz.; $ per troy oz.
968.00 –19.30 37,250 July 185.10 185.75 176.40 177.45 –7.45 9,241 Bonds |
Sept 180.20 181.65 175.00 176.10 –4.65 90,446
June 23.193 –0.883 431 Sugar-World (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
Sept 24.440 24.470 23.315 23.445 –0.894 76,509 July 26.25 26.48 25.93 26.22 –.21 139,577 Tracking Bond Benchmarks
Crude Oil, Light Sweet (NYM)-1,000 bbls.; $ per bbl. Oct 26.07 26.19 25.62 26.03 –.06 391,777
Return on investment and spreads over Treasurys and/or yields paid to investors compared with 52-week
July 70.96 72.09 69.65 70.50 –1.28 26,360 Sugar-Domestic (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
Aug 71.51 72.38 69.76 71.19 –0.74 356,277 Sept 41.50 … 1,033 highs and lows for different types of bonds
Sept 71.50 72.31 69.81 71.18 –0.74 285,836 Cotton (ICE-US)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Total Total
July 81.65 81.78 80.51 80.66 –.80 10,495 return YTD total Yield (%) return YTD total Yield (%)
Oct 71.29 72.08 69.66 71.00 –0.75 192,206
Dec 80.44 81.20 79.58 80.70 .60 118,766 close return (%) Index Latest Low High close return (%) Index Latest Low High
Dec 70.74 71.48 69.20 70.49 –0.74 210,299
Orange Juice (ICE-US)-15,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Mortgage-Backed Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices
Dec'24 67.33 67.90 66.19 67.24 –0.58 122,712 Broad Market Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices
July 266.90 268.75 264.20 267.55 1.90 4,009
NY Harbor ULSD (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. Sept 262.20 265.30 261.10 264.30 2.25 3,827
1998.25 2.4 U.S. Aggregate 4.710 3.370 5.210 1980.92 2.3 Mortgage-Backed 4.690 3.300 5.380
July 2.5196 2.5196 2.4417 2.4754 –.0760 49,568
Aug 2.4739 2.4740 2.4074 2.4367 –.0681 59,738 Interest Rate Futures U.S. Corporate Indexes Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices 1952.70 2.4 Ginnie Mae (GNMA) 4.740 3.320 5.370
Gasoline-NY RBOB (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal.
July 2.6588 2.6680 2.5690 2.6092 –.0713 52,659 Ultra Treasury Bonds (CBT) - $100,000; pts 32nds of 100% 2964.17 3.2 U.S. Corporate 5.430 4.280 6.130 1165.62 2.2 Fannie mae (FNMA) 4.670 3.300 5.390
2.5199 –.0686 June 136-230 137-230 135-200 137-190 31.0 2,566
Aug 2.5652 2.5719 2.4855 90,082 2852.69 2.4 Intermediate 5.420 4.050 6.050 1783.16 2.1 Freddie Mac (FHLMC) 4.720 3.300 5.370
Natural Gas (NYM)-10,000 MMBtu.; $ per MMBtu. Sept 136-180 137-290 135-090 137-160 29.0 1,467,837
July 2.658 2.696 2.484 2.492 –.140 103,387 Treasury Bonds (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% 3978.65 4.8 Long term 5.440 4.690 6.370 569.19 2.3 Muni Master 3.292 2.419 3.936
Aug 2.755 2.783 2.562 2.570 –.151 171,692 June 126-280 128-160 126-190 128-080 29.0 283
Sept 127-120 128-110 126-120 128-020 23.0 1,228,466 577.09 3.4 Double-A-rated 4.750 3.630 5.320 405.81 1.9 7-12 year 2.946 2.325 3.794
Sept 2.748 2.775 2.548 2.557 –.158 280,244
Oct 2.836 2.874 2.658 2.667 –.151 111,325
Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% 787.93 3.4 Triple-B-rated 5.710 4.620 6.440 458.01 3.4 12-22 year 3.632 2.991 4.428
June 112-170 112-285 112-110 112-215 8.5 2,863
Nov 3.218 3.263 3.050 3.065 –.152 71,141
Sept 113-025 113-170 112-230 113-100 8.5 4,638,855 High Yield Bonds ICE BofA 431.91 4.8 22-plus year 4.269 3.700 5.131
Jan'24 3.870 3.906 3.757 3.765 –.108 78,957
5 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% 488.07 5.3 High Yield Constrained 8.564 7.409 9.623 Global Government J.P. Morgan†
June 107-097 107-222 107-082 107-175 5.0 3,415
Agriculture Futures 461.92 9.9 Triple-C-rated 13.946 12.836 16.916 532.46 2.1 Global Government 3.020 2.010 3.250
Sept 107-260 108-035 107-187 107-300 5.0 4,925,879
Corn (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. 2 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$200,000; pts 32nds of 100%
July 640.75 647.00 635.50 643.75 3.50 220,592 3285.73 5.6 High Yield 100 7.966 6.786 8.753 771.62 1.0 Canada 3.460 2.720 3.780
June 101-307 102-027 101-29 102-003 1.6 1,684
Dec 600.00 609.00 588.50 597.50 … 484,469 2.4 EMU§ 3.181 1.594 3.490
Sept 102-043 102-081 102-013 102-056 1.6 3,471,396 425.12 4.8 Global High Yield Constrained 8.661 7.593 9.945 341.15
Oats (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. 30 Day Federal Funds (CBT)-$5,000,000; 100 - daily avg.
July 404.75 406.00 392.50 397.00 –7.50 1,652
June 94.9225 94.9225 94.9200 94.9200 .0000 325,729 323.97 4.9 Europe High Yield Constrained 7.320 5.952 8.508 631.02 1.8 France 3.050 1.410 3.310
Dec 409.75 412.25 399.25 404.75 –2.75 1,519
Soybeans (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. July 94.8950 94.8950 94.8850 94.8900 .0000 353,017 U.S Agency Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices 449.36 1.3 Germany 2.500 0.770 2.760
July 1472.75 1489.25 1459.75 1477.25 10.75 134,917
Three-Month SOFR (CME)-$1,000,000; 100 - daily avg.
March 95.0575 95.0575 95.0550 95.0550 .0000 1,027,042 1723.36 1.9 U.S Agency 4.780 3.060 5.080 286.12 3.0 Japan 0.740 0.570 1.060
Nov 1352.25 1364.75 1324.25 1342.75 .50 285,131
Soybean Meal (CBT)-100 tons; $ per ton. June 94.7850 94.7850 94.7725 94.7775 –.0075 1,534,686 1.7 10-20 years 4.790 3.020 5.100 1.6
1522.80 487.10 Netherlands 2.750 1.080 3.000
July 418.90 423.60 411.10 412.80 –3.60 74,245
Dec 408.00 409.70 397.80 402.60 –.70 176,881 Currency Futures 3349.72 4.9 20-plus years 4.580 3.600 5.240 754.58 -3.6 U.K. 4.420 2.100 4.680
Soybean Oil (CBT)-60,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Japanese Yen (CME)-¥12,500,000; $ per 100¥ 2609.47 3.0 Yankee 5.220 3.970 5.840 793.56 3.3 Emerging Markets ** 7.699 7.084 9.159
July 59.95 60.06 58.76 59.63 –.06 69,381 July .7070 t
.7110 .7059 .7103 .0020 4,797
Dec 57.78 58.18 56.62 57.66 –.21 174,575 Sept .7142 t
.7181 .7128 .7173 .0020 236,381 *Constrained indexes limit individual issuer concentrations to 2%; the High Yield 100 are the 100 largest bonds † In local currency § Euro-zone bonds
Rough Rice (CBT)-2,000 cwt.; $ per cwt. Canadian Dollar (CME)-CAD 100,000; $ per CAD ** EMBI Global Index Sources: ICE Data Services; Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices; J.P.Morgan
July 17.99 17.99 17.13 17.19 –.61 1,747 June .7570 .7572 .7547 .7548 –.0041 45,351
Sept 15.37 15.65 15.31 15.64 .21 6,160 Sept .7579 .7583 .7546 .7569 –.0029 127,128
Wheat (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu.
July 687.00 700.00 676.25 695.75 7.75 87,511
British Pound (CME)-£62,500; $ per £
July 1.2802 1.2810 1.2720 1.2764 –.0075 2,032
Global Government Bonds: Mapping Yields
Sept 701.50 713.25 689.25 708.75 7.25 142,622 Sept 1.2806 1.2820 1.2726 1.2772 –.0075 206,182 Yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year and 10-year government bonds in
Wheat (KC)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Swiss Franc (CME)-CHF 125,000; $ per CHF
July 839.75 848.00 829.00 836.00 –6.00 31,611 Sept 1.1268 1.1274 1.1212 1.1240 –.0055 34,515 selected other countries; arrows indicate whether the yield rose(s) or fell (t) in the latest session
Country/ Yield (%) Spread Under/Over U.S. Treasurys, in basis points
Coupon (%) Maturity, in years Latest(l)-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Previous Month ago Year ago Latest Prev Year ago
ADVERTISEMENT 4.250 U.S. 2 4.695 t l 4.720 4.287 3.164
3.375 10 3.726 t l 3.768 3.690 3.238

Business Real Estate & Services

To advertise: email or
Australia 2
4.161 t
4.036 s
0.000 France 2 3.254 t l 3.299 2.962 0.924 -145.0 -142.1 -226.9
3.000 10 2.924 t l 3.033 3.008 2.306 -79.8 -73.6 -93.0
2.800 Germany 2 3.116 t l 3.164 2.762 1.146 -158.8 -155.6 -204.7
2.300 10 2.406 t l 2.519 2.425 1.749 -131.6 -125.0 -148.7
3.400 Italy 2 3.727 t l 3.730 3.437 1.616 -97.8 -99.0 -157.7
4.350 10 4.023 t l 4.123 4.251 3.668 30.1 35.4 43.2
0.005 Japan 2 -0.063 s l -0.066 -0.058 -0.065 -476.7 -478.6 -325.7
0.500 10 0.390 t l 0.395 0.407 0.233 -333.2 -337.4 -300.3
0.000 Spain 2 3.362 t l 3.404 3.107 1.411 -134.3 -131.6 -178.1
3.150 10 3.342 t l 3.448 3.513 2.816 -38.0 -32.1 -42.1
0.625 U.K. 2 4.940 t l 5.084 3.943 2.314 23.6 36.4 -87.8
4.250 10 4.336 t l 4.491 3.988 2.604 61.4 72.2 -63.2
Source: Tullett Prebon, Tradeweb ICE U.S. Treasury Close

Corporate Debt
Prices of firms' bonds reflect factors including investors' economic, sectoral and company-specific
Investment-grade spreads that tightened the most…
Spread*, in basis points
Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Yield (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week

UBS UBS 4.125 5.76 April 15, ’26 147 –36 165
Royal Bank of Canada RY 6.000 5.03 Nov. 1, ’27 107 –17 133
PacifiCorp BRKHEC 6.250 5.66 Oct. 15, ’37 194 –13 n.a.
Bank of Montreal BMO 5.300 5.30 June 5, ’26 101 –12 116
Jackson National Life Global Funding JXN 5.500 6.48 Jan. 9, ’26 220 –11 n.a.
Vodafone VOD 4.375 4.77 May 30, ’28 78 –11 90
Sumitomo Mitsui Financial SUMIBK 1.474 5.63 July 8, ’25 94 –10 108
JPMorgan Chase JPM 4.125 5.17 Dec. 15, ’26 89 –9 105

…And spreads that widened the most

FedEx FDX 1.875 3.73 Feb. 20, ’34 1 125 n.a.
Berkshire Hathaway Energy BRKHEC 6.125 5.59 April 1, ’36 186 11 n.a.
Macquarie Bank MQGAU 5.208 5.34 June 15, ’26 104 10 n.a.
KeyCorp KEY 4.150 8.08 Aug. 8, ’25 339 9 342
ADVERTISEMENT Wells Fargo WFC 4.300 5.36 July 22, ’27 143 7 n.a.
Banco Santander SANTAN 2.749 6.60 Dec. 3, ’30 284 6 283

To advertise: 800-366-3975 or
Unilever Capital
Anheuser–Busch Inbev Worldwide
Nov. 15, ’32
Jan. 15, ’39
5 127

High-yield issues with the biggest price increases…

Bond Price as % of face value
PORSCHE Issuer Symbol Coupon (%) Yield (%) Maturity Current One-day change Last week

Marks & Spencer MARSPE 7.125 7.50 Dec. 1, ’37 96.700 1.20 n.a.
Occidental Petroleum OXY 6.200 6.23 March 15, ’40 99.731 0.61 98.011
Regal Rexnord RRX 6.050 6.02 Feb. 15, ’26 100.065 0.45 99.890
Prime Security Services Borrower PRSESE 5.250 6.05 April 15, ’24 99.375 0.31 99.188
United States Cellular USM 6.700 8.35 Dec. 15, ’33 88.625 0.18 82.125
OneMain Finance OMF 6.875 7.83 March 15, ’25 98.466 0.09 98.500
Nissan Motor Acceptance NSANY 1.125 6.89 Sept. 16, ’24 93.288 0.07 93.067
Navient NAVI 5.875 6.76 Oct. 25, ’24 98.875 0.07 98.594

…And with the biggest price decreases

Dish DBS ... 5.125 21.36 June 1, ’29 46.750 –0.75 45.500
Navient NAVI 5.625 9.37 Aug. 1, ’33 75.844 –0.66 75.750
OneMain Finance OMF 7.125 8.11 March 15, ’26 97.625 –0.38 97.750
Prime Security Services Borrower PRSESE 5.750 6.38 April 15, ’26 98.402 –0.35 98.000
Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands … 3.150 6.73 Oct. 1, ’26 89.625 –0.28 89.875
ZF North America Capital ZFFNGR 4.750 6.12 April 29, ’25 97.625 –0.25 97.908
*Estimated spread over 2-year, 3-year, 5-year, 10-year or 30-year hot-run Treasury; 100 basis points=one percentage pt.; change in spread shown is for Z-spread.
Note: Data are for the most active issue of bonds with maturities of two years or more
Source: MarketAxess

Dividend Changes
Amount Payable / Amount Payable /
Company Symbol Yld % New/Old Frq Record Company Symbol Yld % New/Old Frq Record
Reduced Banco Bradesco Pref ADR BBD 4.6 .04061 Jul13 /Jun28
Permianville Royalty Tr PVL 18.0 .0125 /.0135 M Jul14 /Jun30 Grupo Aeroportuario ADR OMAB 4.5 1.86359 Jun29 /Jun21
Opera ADR OPRA 2.2 .80 Jul12 /Jun30
Stocks Seapeak 8.5% Pfd. B SEALpB 8.8 .5313 Q Jul14 /Jun30
Energy Focus EFOI 1:7 /Jun20 Seapeak 9% Pfd. A SEALpA 9.1 .5625 Q Jul14 /Jun30
Shapeways SHPW 1:8 /Jun23 TFI International TFII 1.3 .35 Q Jul17 /Jun30
SQZ Biotechnologies SQZ 1:10 /Jul07
Yunji ADR YJ 1:10 /Jun20 Special
Spirit Airlines SAVE ... .10 Jun30 /Jun26
Banco Bradesco Ord ADR BBDO 4.5 .03692 Jul13 /Jun28 Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data
KEY: A: annual; M: monthly; Q: quarterly; r: revised; SA: semiannual; S2:1: stock split and ratio; SO: spin-off.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, June 21, 2023 | B9


Dow Jones Industrial Average S&P 500 Index Nasdaq Composite Index
Last Year ago Last Year ago Last Year ago
34053.87 t 245.25, or 0.72% Trailing P/E ratio 22.68 17.39 4388.71 t 20.88, or 0.47% Trailing P/E ratio * 19.75 20.33 13667.29 t 22.28, or 0.16% Trailing P/E ratio *† 31.47 23.22
High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 18.28 15.70 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 20.12 16.10 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate *† 29.76 19.85
trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 2.09 2.32 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield * 1.57 1.76 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield *† 0.74 0.98
All-time high 36799.65, 01/04/22 All-time high 4796.56, 01/03/22 All-time high: 16057.44, 11/19/21

Current divisor 0.15172752595384

34400 4400 13500

33800 4300 13100

33200 4200 12700

Session high moving average 32600 4100 12300

Session open Close

32000 4000 65-day moving 11900
Close Open 65-day moving average average

Session low 31400 3900 11500

Bars measure the point change from session's open

30800 3800 11100
Mar. Apr. May June Mar. Apr. May June Mar. Apr. May June
*Weekly P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.; † Based on Nasdaq-100 Index

Major U.S. Stock-Market Indexes Late Trading Trading Diary

Latest 52-Week % chg Most-active and biggest movers among NYSE, NYSE Arca, NYSE Amer. Volume, Advancers, Decliners
High Low Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg YTD 3-yr. ann. and Nasdaq issues from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. ET as reported by electronic NYSE NYSE Amer.
Dow Jones trading services, securities dealers and regional exchanges. Minimum Total volume*1,024,247,588 11,061,648
Industrial Average 34206.66 33915.93 34053.87 -245.25 -0.72 34589.77 28725.51 11.5 2.7 9.6 share price of $2 and minimum after-hours volume of 50,000 shares. Adv. volume* 218,214,127 4,858,668
Transportation Avg 14845.07 14668.29 14735.47 -57.39 -0.39 15640.70 11999.40 12.8 10.0 17.5 Most-active issues in late trading Decl. volume* 798,373,636 6,122,183
Utility Average 925.21 913.36 916.26 -8.66 -0.94 1061.77 838.99 1.3 -5.3 5.9 Volume After Hours Issues traded 3,077 314
Company Symbol (000) Last Net chg % chg High Low
Total Stock Market 43898.08 43576.42 43795.76 -220.08 -0.50 44194.00 36056.21 15.9 13.7 11.6 Advances 954 117
Finl Select Sector SPDR XLF 20,644.4 33.16 -0.02 -0.06 33.20 33.10
Barron's 400 965.57 954.80 959.27 -6.30 -0.65 1023.20 825.73 10.4 4.2 12.9 Declines 2,025 185
Synchrony Financial SYF 7,536.2 32.80 0.09 0.28 32.80 32.68
Unchanged 98 12
Nasdaq Stock Market SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust SPY 7,114.8 436.95 -0.23 -0.05 437.38 436.68 New highs 69 1
Nasdaq Composite 13711.18 13561.84 13667.29 -22.28 -0.16 13782.82 10213.29 23.5 30.6 11.2 AMZN 5,857.6 125.91 0.13 0.10 126.38 125.49 New lows 19 11
Nasdaq-100 15127.42 14946.72 15070.15 -13.77 -0.09 15185.48 10679.34 30.5 37.8 14.6 Visa Cl A V 5,228.0 226.46 -0.01 -0.004 228.91 226.00 Closing Arms† 1.42 0.43
Intel INTC 4,715.3 34.95 -0.05 -0.14 35.58 34.91 Block trades* 4,355 153
iShares China LC ETF FXI 4,711.0 27.60 -0.07 -0.25 27.70 27.57
500 Index 4400.15 4367.19 4388.71 -20.88 4425.84 3577.03 16.6 14.3 12.3 Nasdaq NYSE Arca
TAL Education Group ADR TAL 4,621.4 5.84 0.01 0.17 5.84 5.79
MidCap 400 2572.05 2548.86 2561.26 -18.81 -0.73 2726.61 2203.53 13.9 5.4 12.8 Total volume*5,237,719,001 285,173,422
SmallCap 600 1203.02 1194.28 1199.60 -5.20 -0.43 1315.82 1064.45 8.0 3.6 13.6 Percentage gainers… Adv. volume*2,190,294,253 68,229,456
Arbor Realty Trust ABR 79.8 14.39 0.95 7.07 14.67 13.44 Decl. volume*3,013,951,501 215,585,792
Other Indexes
Wahed FTSE USA Shariah HLAL 232.3 44.23 1.91 4.51 44.23 42.14 Issues traded 4,627 1,763
Russell 2000 1871.49 1856.20 1866.70 -8.77 -0.47 2021.35 1655.88 10.2 6.0 9.6
Advances 1,700 402
NYSE Composite 15795.12 15605.84 15648.92 -146.20 -0.93 16122.58 13472.18 8.6 3.1 9.3 Mirati Therapeutics MRTX 98.7 37.90 1.58 4.35 38.00 35.80
Declines 2,770 1,348
Value Line 566.73 559.94 562.13 -4.61 -0.81 606.49 491.56 7.7 4.8 8.1 Pebblebrook Hotel Trust PEB 332.9 13.24 0.43 3.36 13.24 12.77
Unchanged 157 13
NYSE Arca Biotech 5468.84 5410.59 5443.05 -25.79 -0.47 5644.50 4390.11 23.8 3.1 -2.3
WestRock WRK 110.0 29.48 0.89 3.11 29.48 28.48
New highs 91 14
NYSE Arca Pharma 877.04 869.68 872.36 -1.46 -0.17 892.45 737.84 9.2 0.5 10.5 ...And losers New lows 100 8
KBW Bank 81.25 80.06 80.82 -0.83 -1.02 115.55 71.96 -21.1 -19.9 0.9 La-Z-Boy LZB 115.7 25.90 -1.56 -5.68 29.00 25.00 Closing Arms† 0.84 0.69
PHLX§ Gold/Silver 122.30 119.51 119.63 -4.63 -3.72 144.37 91.40 -2.6 -1.0 0.8 LifeStance Health Group LFST 1,255.6 8.76 -0.46 -4.99 9.22 8.76 Block trades* 36,443 1,208
PHLX§ Oil Service 76.18 74.73 75.90 -1.11 -1.44 93.94 56.08 9.8 -9.5 29.9 Harmonic HLIT 86.3 17.44 -0.81 -4.44 18.25 17.44 * Primary market NYSE, NYSE American NYSE Arca only.
PHLX§ Semiconductor 3693.41 3616.05 3647.56 -25.58 -0.70 3739.75 2162.32 37.7 44.1 22.9 Knowles Corp. KN 60.0 17.21 -0.64 -3.59 17.85 17.21 †(TRIN) A comparison of the number of advancing and declining
issues with the volume of shares rising and falling. An
Cboe Volatility 14.67 13.86 13.88 0.34 2.51 33.63 13.54 -54.0 -35.9 -26.6 iSh MSCI Peru Glbl Exp EPU 50.0 29.92 -1.08 -3.48 30.94 29.92 Arms of less than 1 indicates buying demand; above 1
 Nasdaq PHLX Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data indicates selling pressure.

International Stock Indexes Percentage Gainers... Percentage Losers

Latest YTD
Region/Country Index Close Net chg % chg % chg Latest Session 52-Week Latest Session 52-Week
Company Symbol Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg Company Symbol Close Net chg % chg High Low % chg
World MSCI ACWI 678.97 –3.95 –0.58 12.2 VCI Global VCIG 7.25 4.42 156.18 24.20 1.53 ... Dragonfly Energy DFLI 1.50 -1.29 -46.24 28.75 1.38 -85.2
MSCI ACWI ex-USA 305.24 –2.24 –0.73 8.5 DICE Therapeutics DICE 46.44 12.59 37.19 46.75 14.14 217.2 Hitek Global HKIT 6.03 -4.05 -40.18 11.46 4.40 ...
MSCI World 2939.54 –15.58 –0.53 12.9 Zura Bio ZURA 12.80 3.32 35.02 37.55 4.87 29.0 ROC Energy Acquisition ROC 5.09 -2.02 -28.41 11.24 4.70 -49.1
MSCI Emerging Markets 1013.24 –10.18 –0.99 5.9 Virgin Galactic SPCE 6.01 1.28 27.06 8.56 2.98 -1.2 NeoVolta NEOV 3.62 -0.78 -17.73 5.49 1.11 -9.5
Americas MSCI AC Americas 1662.85 –8.73 –0.52 14.1 MGO Global MGOL 2.64 0.54 25.71 16.61 0.92 ... PepGen PEPG 10.10 -2.12 -17.35 20.00 4.32 -14.5
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 19754.14 –180.07 –0.90 1.9 CXApp CXAI 13.60 2.57 23.30 21.00 1.21 33.3 iClick Interactive ADR ICLK 1.82 -0.37 -16.89 7.23 1.80 -70.6
Latin Amer. MSCI EM Latin America 2485.54 –20.64 –0.82 16.8 Predictive Oncology POAI 4.45 0.83 22.93 13.88 2.47 -44.0 Lordstown Motors RIDE 3.50 -0.69 -16.47 55.95 2.90 -85.8
Brazil BOVESPA 119622.40 –235.36 –0.20 9.0 Lyra Therapeutics LYRA 3.69 0.66 21.78 6.99 1.86 -26.3 WeTrade Group WETG 9.13 -1.76 -16.16 9342.50 6.12 -98.8
Chile S&P IPSA 3268.29 16.32 0.50 3.0 Iris Energy IREN 4.14 0.72 21.05 6.94 1.02 16.9 Altice USA Cl A ATUS 2.51 -0.47 -15.77 13.17 2.31 -69.6
Mexico S&P/BMV IPC 54365.68 –565.38 –1.03 12.2 Gyrodyne GYRO 11.70 1.95 20.00 12.66 7.80 -2.6 Nauticus Robotics KITT 2.10 -0.39 -15.66 13.00 1.70 -79.1
EMEA STOXX Europe 600 459.32 –2.72 –0.59 8.1 ATI Physical Therapy ATIP 12.61 2.08 19.75 97.50 7.55 -86.0 Sigilon Therapeutics SGTX 4.79 -0.87 -15.37 20.93 3.77 -57.5
Eurozone Euro STOXX 456.34 –2.43 –0.53 11.3 Empresa Distribuid ADR EDN 14.20 2.22 18.53 14.50 3.88 195.8 Gaotu Techedu ADR GOTU 3.08 -0.54 -14.92 5.49 0.64 62.1
Belgium Bel-20 3584.67 –12.05 –0.33 –3.1 Summit Therapeutics SMMT 2.46 0.38 18.27 5.78 0.66 146.0 Brainstorm Cell Therap BCLI 2.25 -0.37 -14.12 4.70 1.09 -23.2
Denmark OMX Copenhagen 20 2032.42 0.34 10.7 Marathon Digital MARA 11.72 1.74 17.43 18.88 3.11 62.3 HUTCHMED (China) ADR HCM 11.95 -1.96 -14.09 21.28 7.39 1.9
France CAC 40 7294.17 –0.27 12.7 Vera Therapeutics VERA 15.05 2.18 16.94 23.39 5.20 4.9 Opera ADR OPRA 17.94 -2.86 -13.75 21.75 3.92 306.8
Germany DAX 16111.32 –89.88 –0.55 15.7
Israel Tel Aviv 1811.62 1.62 0.09 0.8
Most Active Stocks Volume Movers Ranked by change from 65-day average*
Italy FTSE MIB 27576.11 –178.07 –0.64 16.3 Volume % chg from Latest Session 52-Week Volume % chg from Latest Session 52-Week
Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low
Netherlands AEX 763.09 –5.89 –0.77 10.8
Norway Oslo Bors All-Share 1408.39 1.96 0.14 3.4 Mullen Automotive MULN 334,351 725.9 0.16 -29.91 42.75 0.16 Angel Oak UltSh Incm UYLD 614 9810 50.39 0.10 54.78 50.01
South Africa FTSE/JSE All-Share 76769.22 –1245.14 –1.60 5.1 Faraday Future FFIE 213,838 170.7 0.28 -37.57 7.85 0.15 Global Blue Group GB 1,520 9020 5.14 1.38 7.60 3.49
Spain IBEX 35 9439.80 0.08 14.7 Tesla TSLA 163,050 21.4 274.45 5.34 314.67 101.81 DICE Therapeutics DICE 33,185 6829 46.44 37.19 46.75 14.14
Evelo Biosciences EVLO 121,777 1650.2 0.18 46.42 3.29 0.02 Magnum Opus Acqn Cl A OPA 1,527 4656 10.43 0.48 10.82 9.77
Sweden OMX Stockholm 839.85 –5.83 –0.69 7.4
Ideanomics IDEX 117,972 26.3 0.10 23.82 0.89 0.02 Franklin Resp Srce Gold FGDL 705 4184 25.89 -1.00 28.80 21.48
Switzerland Swiss Market 11215.91 –90.73 –0.80 4.5
Turkey BIST 100 5251.61 –17.70 –0.34 –4.7 VCI Global VCIG 117,836 15057.0 7.25 156.18 24.20 1.53 Bilander Acquisition A TWCB 1,017 3934 10.16 -1.07 10.80 9.65
U.K. FTSE 100 7569.31 –19.18 –0.25 1.6 Virgin Galactic SPCE 111,651 778.8 6.01 27.06 8.56 2.98 Innov EM Pwr Buffer Jul EJUL 367 2883 23.24 -1.45 24.56 20.89
U.K. FTSE 250 18746.16 –108.13 –0.57 –0.6 ProSh UltraPro Shrt QQQ SQQQ 110,527 -10.6 19.57 0.41 69.55 18.73 BondBloxx Bbg 2Y US Trea XTWO 391 2796 49.24 0.08 50.28 48.83
ProShares UltraPro QQQ TQQQ 83,784 -32.3 40.60 -0.49 42.44 16.10 Franklin FTSE India FLIN 1,528 2406 30.45 0.03 31.24 26.82
Asia-Pacific MSCI AC Asia Pacific 167.46 –0.99 –0.59 7.5
Marathon Digital MARA 80,935 137.3 11.72 17.43 18.88 3.11 Innov Intl Dev Pwr Jul IJUL 292 2307 26.24 -1.08 26.65 21.02
Australia S&P/ASX 200 7357.80 62.91 0.86 4.5
* Volumes of 100,000 shares or more are rounded to the nearest thousand * Common stocks priced at $2 a share or more with an average volume over 65 trading days of at least
China Shanghai Composite 3240.36 –15.44 –0.47 4.9 5,000 shares =Has traded fewer than 65 days
Hong Kong Hang Seng 19607.08 –305.81 –1.54 –0.9
India S&P BSE Sensex 63327.70 0.25 4.1
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Japan NIKKEI 225 33388.91 18.49 0.06 28.0 Get real-time U.S. stock quotes CURRENCIES & COMMODITIES
Singapore Straits Times 3220.23 –20.94 –0.65 –1.0 and track most-active stocks,
South Korea KOSPI 2604.91 –4.59 –0.18 16.5 new highs/lows, mutual funds Currencies
Taiwan TAIEX 17184.91 –89.65 –0.52 21.6 and ETFs. U.S.-dollar foreign-exchange rates in late New York trading
Thailand SET 1537.59 –19.33 –1.24 –7.9
All are available free at US$vs, US$vs,
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data Tues YTDchg Tues YTDchg
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%)
Americas Vietnam dong .00004249 23534 –0.4
CREDIT MARKETS Argentina peso .0040249.3235 41.1 Europe
Brazil real .2088 4.7897 –9.4 Czech Rep. koruna .04596 21.759 –3.6
Canada dollar .7555 1.3236 –2.3 Denmark krone .1466 6.8224 –1.8
Consumer Rates and Returns to Investor Benchmark
Treasury Yields
yield curve Forex Race Chile peso .001246 802.43 –5.4 Euro area euro 1.0920 .9158 –2.0
U.S. consumer rates Selected rates andtoRates
Yield maturity of current bills, Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. Colombiapeso .000241 4149.85 –14.4 Hungary forint .002935 340.74 –8.7
notes and bonds major U.S. trading partners Ecuador US dollar 1 1 unch Iceland krona .007342 136.20 –3.8
A consumer rate against its Money Market/Savings Accts Mexico peso .0581 17.2188 –11.6 Norway krone .0933 10.7212 9.3
benchmark over the past year 5.00% Uruguay peso .02636 37.9300 –5.1 Poland zloty .2457 4.0704 –7.0 avg†: 0.54% t 16% Asia-Pacific Russia ruble .01180 84.749 14.9
Federal-funds DollarSavingsDirect 5.00% Tradeweb ICE 4.00 WSJ Dollar Index Sweden krona .0927 10.7881 3.4
.6788 1.4732 0.4
target rate 5.00% New York, NY 866-395-8693 Tuesday Close 8 Switzerland franc 1.1137 .8979 –2.9
China yuan .1392 7.1819 4.1
t 3.00 Turkey lira .0424 23.5730 26.1
MyBankingDirect 5.00% t Hong Kong dollar .1278 7.8259 0.3
3.75 0 Euro Ukraine hryvnia .0271 36.9500 0.3
2.00 India rupee .01220 81.992 –0.9
Westbury, NY 516-683-4100 One year ago s UK pound 1.2765 .7834 –5.2
Indonesia rupiah .0000666 15015 –3.6
2.50 Popular Direct 5.00% –8 s Japan yen .007070 141.44 7.9 Middle East/Africa
Money market Miami Lakes, FL 800-274-5696 Yen Kazakhstan tenge .002230 448.51 –3.1 Bahrain dinar 2.6529 .3770 –0.03
account yields 1.25 0.00 Macau pataca .1240 8.0645 0.2 Egypt pound .0324 30.8944 24.8
Varo Bank 5.00% –16
t Malaysia ringgit .2155 4.6405 5.3 Israel shekel .2763 3.6186 2.6
Draper, UT 877-377-8276 1 3 6 1 2 3 5 7 10 20 30 2022 2023
0.00 New Zealand dollar .6167 1.6215 3.0 Kuwait dinar 3.2563 .3071 0.4
CFG Community Bank 5.12% month(s) years
J A S O N D J F MAM J Pakistan rupee .00348 287.463 26.8 Oman sul rial 2.5974 .3850 unch
Baltimore, MD 888-205-8388 maturity Philippines peso .0180 55.659 –0.04 Qatar rial .2746 3.641 –0.7
2022 2023
Sources: Tradeweb ICE U.S. Treasury Close; Tullett Prebon; Dow Jones Market Data Singapore dollar .7445 1.3431 0.2 Saudi Arabia riyal .2666 3.7509 –0.2
Yield/Rate (%) 52-Week Range (%) 3-yr chg South Korea won .0007760 1288.74 2.1 South Africa rand .0544 18.3769 7.9
Interest rate Last (l)Week ago Low 0 2 4 6 8 High (pct pts)
Corporate Borrowing Rates and Yields Sri Lanka rupee .0032470 307.98 –16.2
Close Net Chg % Chg YTD%Chg
Federal-funds rate target 5.00-5.25 5.00-5.25 1.50 l 5.25 5.00 Taiwan dollar .03231 30.955 1.0
Yield (%) 52-Week Total Return (%) Thailand baht .02869 34.850 0.7 WSJ Dollar Index 96.78 0.14 0.14 0.23
Prime rate* 8.25 8.25 4.75 l 8.25 5.00 Bond total return index Close Last Week ago High Low 52-wk 3-yr
Libor, 3-month 5.52 5.55 2.15 l 5.56 5.22 Sources: Tullett Prebon, Dow Jones Market Data
U.S. Treasury, Bloomberg 2133.040 4.230 4.280 4.560 2.840 –0.381 –4.535
Money market, annual yield 0.54 0.54 0.10 l 0.54 0.26
Five-year CD, annual yield 2.81 2.81 1.35 l 2.84 2.05 U.S. Treasury Long, Bloomberg 3290.930 3.940 4.050 4.570 3.060 –4.314–11.627 Commodities Tuesday 52-Week YTD
30-year mortgage, fixed† 7.07 7.11 5.26 l 7.41 3.67 Aggregate, Bloomberg 1998.250 4.710 4.770 5.210 3.370 0.645 –3.799 Pricing trends on someClose
raw materials, or commodities
Net chg % Chg High Low % Chg % chg
15-year mortgage, fixed† 6.50 6.53 4.62 l 6.65 3.63 Fixed-Rate MBS, Bloomberg 1980.920 4.690 4.750 5.380 3.300 0.696 –3.580
Jumbo mortgages, $726,200-plus† 7.16 7.18 5.19 l 7.44 3.71 DJ Commodity 971.25 -13.19 -1.34 1163.49 930.59 -16.52 -7.38
High Yield 100, ICE BofA 3285.732 7.966 7.952 8.753 6.786 8.195 2.608 Refinitiv/CC CRB Index 267.41 -3.49 -1.29 309.00 253.85 -13.46 -3.72
Five-year adj mortgage (ARM)† 6.16 6.04 4.11 l 6.16 2.98
Muni Master, ICE BofA 569.189 3.292 3.339 3.936 2.419 3.875 –0.659 Crude oil, $ per barrel 70.50 -1.28 -1.78 111.76 66.74 -36.29 -12.16
New-car loan, 48-month 7.27 7.27 4.56 l 7.33 3.08 rates based on survey of over 4,800 online banks. *Base rate posted by 70% of the nation's largest EMBI Global, J.P. Morgan 793.562 7.699 7.731 9.159 7.084 5.588 –2.843 Natural gas, $/MMBtu 2.492 -0.140 -5.32 9.680 1.991 -63.40 -44.31
banks.† Excludes closing costs. Gold, $ per troy oz. 1935.50 -22.90 -1.17 2048.00 1623.30 5.50 6.36
Sources: FactSet; Dow Jones Market Data; Sources: J.P. Morgan; Bloomberg Fixed Income Indices; ICE Data Services
B10 | Wednesday, June 21, 2023 * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Wellington Gathers $2.6 Billion for Plan

New Hadley Harbor vehicle, Wellington Hadley powder that we can invest [at] cluding the more than $200 pace from the $16.94 billion sale. Under the strategy, the
Harbor Partners IV, provides much better valuations, and million in new co-investment that 42 funds collected during firm invests in the technology,
vehicle will capitalize the Boston firm with fresh we’re seeing materially less commitments, which can am- all of 2022, according to data consumer, healthcare and fi-
on lowered values of ammunition to take advantage competition for the deals that plify the firm’s buying power provider Preqin. nancial services sectors.
of depressed valuations of we’re looking at,” Carmen said. as an investor. Investments in Meanwhile, just 59 growth The firm has made six
late-stage startups late-stage startups after Despite a difficult market the new fund came from public equity funds have amassed deals out of the new Hadley
higher interest rates pushed for raising new funds, inves- and private pension plans, in- only around $41.89 billion Harbor fund so far, including
BY ISAAC TAYLOR up financing costs and the tors embraced Wellington’s surers, a sovereign-wealth fund through June 14, a pace that, backing SeatGeek late last
market for new equity issues latest growth vehicle. The and family offices, according to if continued, would fall short year through participation in
Investment manager Wel- froze last year. amount raised over the past a news release. of the $104.17 billion raised by a $238 million investment
lington Management has “Today, we’re seeing a tre- year exceeded the firm’s $2.5 Wellington succeeded in its 185 funds in 2022, Preqin data round.
amassed at least $2.6 billion mendous correction in valua- billion fundraising target for fundraising campaign as fund- show. In 2021, the company
for its strategy to back late- tion,” said Michael Carmen, the new pool, according to raising for both late-stage ven- Wellington, which traces its agreed to go public by com-
stage startups, and said it has the firm’s co-head of private Wellington executives. ture and growth equity funds roots to 1928, uses the new bining with special-purpose
commitments of more than investments. The new money brings Wel- has slowed dramatically. Ven- fund to back late-stage start- acquisition company RedBall
$200 million for co-invest- “What we’re really excited lington’s total capital raised for ture firms collected just $1.95 ups looking to sustain or ac- Acquisition Corp., but termi-
ments. about right now is being in the the growth strategy to more billion for nine such funds this celerate growth before an ini- nated that plan about a year
The latest Hadley Harbor position of having a lot of dry than $6 billion since 2014, in- year through June 14, well off tial public offering or outright ago to remain private longer.

New Highs and Lows Stock

52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock
52-Wk %
Sym Hi/Lo Chg
EmpresaDisCom EDN 14.50 18.5 MSA Safety MSA 164.46 0.7 RoyalCaribbean RCL 96.74 1.4 Doma DOMA 0.23 -7.6 KioraPharm KPRX 0.70 -7.7 RoyaltyPharma RPRX 31.11 -1.5
The following explanations apply to the New York Stock Exchange, NYSE Arca, NYSE
American and Nasdaq Stock Market stocks that hit a new 52-week intraday high or low
EnergyRecovery ERII
EnerTransferPfC ETpC
M3-BrigadeIII A MBSC 10.60
MamaMancini's MMMB 3.41
SKGrowthOpps SKGRU
SPS Commerce SPSC
11.20 3.9
185.99 -1.0
Lows DouglasElliman DOUG
DragonflyEnergy DFLI
2.23 -5.3
1.38 -46.2
LifetimeBrands LCUT
LocalBounti LOCL
4.64 -3.9
3.71 -9.1
Safehold SAFE
SenecaFoods A SENEA
23.04 -1.1
42.04 -1.4
in the latest session. % CHG-Daily percentage change from the previous trading session. ExactSciences EXAS 95.65 1.0 Marsh&McLen MMC 183.30 -0.1 Schrodinger SDGR 48.76 4.4 AerwinsTech AWIN 0.40 -5.6 SenmiaoTech AIHS 0.61 -0.5
EBET EBET 0.17 -7.3 MaiaBiotech MAIA 2.06 -9.4
Flex FLEX 27.32 1.5 MauiLand MLP 14.12 1.5 ShakeShack SHAK 74.84 4.0 AMC Networks AMCX 10.53 -6.8 EdibleGarden EDBL SmartforLife SMFL 1.00 ...
1.15 -4.3 Mytheresa MYTE 3.74 -2.9
Fortrea FTREV 35.00 6.3 McCormickVtg MKC.V 94.20 2.4 SilverspacA SLVR 10.39 0.1 AdicetBio ACET 4.18 -1.8 Soligenix SNGX 0.65 -2.9
Tuesday, June 20, 2023 EledonPharm ELDN 1.49 -3.8 MarinePetrol MARPS 6.32 -2.8
GOL Linhas GOL 4.93 4.5 McCormick MKC 94.25 0.3 SimpsonMfg SSD 133.67 2.6 AdvEmissions ADES 1.17 -6.7 StarWi STHO 13.63 -0.6
EsportsEnt GMBL 1.60 -2.7 mCloudTechWt MCLDW 0.01 191.0
52-Wk % 52-Wk % 52-Wk % GSRIIMeteoraRt GSRMR 3.05 75.8 McKesson MCK 412.61 1.0 StarEquity STRR 1.59 8.9 AgEagleAerial UAVS 0.26 -3.0 StrongholdDig SDIG 3.58 3.3
F45Training FXLV 0.66 -8.8 MCOM 0.16 -12.7
Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg Stock Sym Hi/Lo Chg GpoFinGalicia GGAL 17.34 1.7 MeritageHomes MTH 133.73 2.0 StealthGas GASS 3.84 12.7 Akerna KERN 0.66 -2.7 SuperCom SPCB 0.94 -13.1
FaradayFutureWt FFIEW 0.04 -42.8 micromobilitycomWt MCOMW 0.02 -49.1
Gyrodyne GYRO 12.66 20.0 Mesoblast MESO 4.41 7.8 TMCthemetals TMC 1.67 21.2 Akumin AKU 0.27 -5.4 Surgalign SRGA 0.20 -82.0
BWX Tech BWXT 69.92 -1.3 CipherMiningWt CIFRW 0.60 -5.8 FeutuneLightRt FLFVR 0.01 -1.6 MomentusWt MNTSW 0.02 -14.5
AmericanPubEdu APEI
Highs BancoBBVA
6.15 3.9
26.11 5.9
CleanHarbors CLH
Coherent6%Pfd IIVI
HealthwellAcqnI HWEL
DR Horton DHI
MontereyCapA MCAC 10.43
NVR NVR 6079.06
TactileSystems TCMD
Tecnoglass TGLS
25.38 1.9
49.57 3.2 AmeriServFin ASRV
3.76 -4.7
2.64 -2.2
FirstMajestic AG
FirsthandTechVal SVVC
5.38 -2.9
0.73 4.6
0.16 -29.9
1.08 -6.0
TOP Ships
15.02 -0.5
0.65 -3.2
ANI Pham ANIP 52.80 2.6 HowmetAerospace HWM 46.88 1.3 NautilusBiotech NAUT 4.58 13.6 TesscoTech TESS 8.96 -0.2 AppliedUV AUVI 0.95 -7.5 TraconPharm TCON 0.40 -2.3
BancSanBrasil BSBR 6.48 1.1 Coherent COHR 60.46 0.8 ArcadiaBiosci RKDA 3.70 -5.8 ForwardIndustries FORD 0.93 -2.9 NeuroBoPharm NRBO 0.42 -8.5
ATS ATS 47.22 2.8 IRSA IRS 7.83 9.1 NewparkResources NR 5.01 2.0 TigoEnergyWt TYGOW 1.38 15.4 TastemakerWt TMKRW 0.03 -27.2
BeaconRoof BECN 81.23 1.4 Cohu COHU 41.00 -0.4 Assure IONM 0.85 1.5 FreshVineWine VINE 0.33 1.1 Novan NOVN 0.67 -5.5
Alkermes ALKS 32.49 0.7 Immunogen IMGN 19.71 3.5 NextNavWt NNAVW 1.06 -5.0 TopBuild BLD 249.58 1.5 TilrayBrands TLRY 1.52 -0.6
BelFuse B BELFB 60.39 2.1 ColiseumAcqn MITAU 11.41 -3.5 AtlanticAmerican AAME 2.08 -6.3 GetaroundWt GETR.WS 0.02 -12.8 NutexHealth NUTX 0.38 -0.5
AllegiantTravel ALGT 124.88 4.6 InspireMD NSPR 2.88 14.7 NorthernStrII A NSTB 10.18 ... TownsquareMedia TSQ 12.55 6.6 TopKingWin TCJH 1.78 -9.8
BelFuse A BELFA 60.43 3.0 ColiseumAcqnWt MITAW 0.17 19.8 AtlanticaSust AY 23.40 -0.4 GoldRoyalty GROY 1.74 -3.9 Nutriband NTRB 2.39 -7.3
AllstatePfdJ ALLpJ 26.86 1.1 InstalledBldg IBP 129.71 0.8 NuHoldings NU 7.74 1.9 TransActTechs TACT 9.31 4.4 ToughBuiltInds TBLT 0.56 -29.1
BitDigital BTBT 3.97 14.6 ConsldWater CWCO 23.57 4.5 Beneficient BENF 4.54 -10.7 HEXO HEXO 0.70 -5.3 Opthea OPT 2.97 -3.6
AlpineImmune ALPN 11.97 5.6 InterlinkElec LINK 11.51 -0.2 NVIDIA NVDA 439.90 2.6 TransportadGas TGS 13.73 -0.2 TrioPetroleum TPET 1.00 -10.8
AlsetCapAcqnA ACAX 10.90 4.8
BlueWorldWt BWAQW 0.85 242.6 ConstructionPtrs ROAD 33.50 1.8
iRadimed IRMD 51.04 -5.4 Oil-Dri ODC 57.90 4.6 TsakosEnergyPfdF TNPpF 25.05 0.2 BioCryst BCRX 7.13 -2.0 HarborCustomWt HCDIZ 0.01 ... PanbelaTherap PBLA 2.14 -12.7
22ndCentury XXII 0.40 -3.9
AlTiGlobalWt ALTIW 1.97 6.9 BoiseCascade BCC 79.96 2.5 CoStar CSGP 85.53 1.4 Jabil JBL 106.53 0.5 OverseasShip OSG 4.05 3.6 TwelveSeasII Wt TWLVW 0.15 -14.3 BitBrother BTB 0.48 -10.9 Hempacco HPCO 0.41 -5.7 PaxMedica PXMD 0.85 -14.4 23andMe ME 1.63 -7.5
AmbrxBio AMAM 16.30 7.3 BowmanConsult BWMN 34.37 2.2 CreativeRealities CREX 3.09 -1.7 JohnBeanTech JBT 123.05 2.6 OwensCorning OC 125.40 2.1 UFP Tech UFPT 194.99 4.3 BluescapeOppsWt BOAC.WS 0.02 -16.2 HighPeakEnerWt HPKEW 6.81 -8.9 PlanetLabs PL 3.14 -6.3 UnitedGuardian UG 8.29 -3.4
AmericanWoodmark AMWD 72.58 2.4 BranchOutFood BOF 6.20 1.1 Cresud CRESY 8.47 11.1 KB Home KBH 51.71 0.6 PGT Innovations PGTI 28.54 2.3 US Foods USFD 42.49 1.4 BoneBiologics BBLG 1.43 -7.6 HubCyberSecurity HUBC 0.46 -6.5 Polished.comWt POL.WS 0.05 -5.3 UnvlElectronics UEIC 7.59 2.1
AmerisourceBrgn ABC 185.04 0.8 BreezeHldgs BREZ 10.88 0.7 CXAppWt CXAIW 0.57 29.6 LG Display LPL 6.69 0.9 PampaEnergia PAM 43.00 4.5 UltraparPart UGP 3.75 2.8 BristolMyersRt CELGr 0.08 -27.2 HycroftMiningWt HYMCW 0.02 40.5 PopCulture CPOP 0.43 1.1 Vacasa VCSA 0.62 -6.8
AmphastarPharm AMPH 56.17 1.4 BuildersFirst BLDR 127.20 4.4 DiceTherap DICE 46.75 37.2 LandseaHomes LSEA 8.46 6.0 PioneerPwrSols PPSI 8.57 -0.1 UnvlStainless USAP 13.00 7.3 BroogeWt BROGW 0.03 -29.0 IGM Biosci IGMS 9.31 -3.0 Precipio PRPO 0.37 -7.7 Veradigm MDRX 11.40 0.2
Amrep AXR 17.65 0.5 CACI Intl CACI 330.00 0.7 DeepMedicineAcqnRt DMAQR 0.25 5.0 Lennar B LEN.B 107.70 1.0 PulteGroup PHM 75.18 1.9 VectivBio VECT 16.94 ... CamberEnergy CEI 0.94 -8.7 iClickInteract ICLK 1.80 -16.9 ProSomnus OSA 4.00 -4.0 VertexEnergy VTNR 5.37 -5.9
AppliedOptoelec AAOI 5.67 7.2 CTI BioPharma CTIC 9.09 0.2 DiamedicaTherap DMAC 4.05 11.7 Lennar A LEN 123.06 1.3 QuadroAcqnOneWt QDROW 0.22 81.7 VeriskAnalytics VRSK 227.83 0.6 CanopyGrowth CGC 0.59 -4.3 IndonesiaEnergy INDO 4.17 -2.5 Psychemedics PMD 4.52 -1.7 ViewRay VRAY 0.46 -1.1
ArcosDorados ARCO 9.56 4.1 Cantaloupe CTLP 7.64 1.9 DoubleVerify DV 37.92 1.6 LennoxIntl LII 314.04 0.4 Quanterix QTRX 24.00 4.8 Vertiv VRT 23.41 3.5 CarverBancorp CARV 3.00 -10.4 InovioPharm INO 0.43 2.6 ROCEnergyAcqnUn ROCAU 5.74 -22.8 VincoVentures BBIG 1.77 -6.8
AresAcqn AAC.U 10.68 0.4 CardinalHealth CAH 92.09 ... DreamFinders DFH 25.01 0.7 LifeMD LFMD 3.60 5.6 ROC Energy Rt ROCAR 0.47 39.4 Vishay VSH 28.10 0.9 Cato CATO 7.83 -0.4 IntegraResources ITRG 0.92 0.1 ROC Energy ROC 4.70 -28.4 VistaGenTherap VTGN 1.92 -7.6
AresAcqnA AAC 10.53 0.1 Celestica CLS 14.97 3.8 DuosTechs DUOT 6.06 -2.7 LifeMD PfdA LFMDP 17.20 0.9 RamacoRscsA METCV 7.89 14.8 VistaEnergy VIST 24.20 0.6 ChinaJoJoDrug CJJD 0.42 -9.6 JX Luxventure JXJT 2.80 -9.0 RamacoRscsB METBV 9.02 ... WilliamsIndlSvcs WLMS 0.39 -1.1
AxsomeTherap AXSM 88.19 1.3 CentralPuerto CEPU 7.51 2.3 elfBeauty ELF 109.05 3.0 Liquidia LQDA 9.13 5.0 ResearchSolutions RSSS 2.45 -3.9 YunhongCTI CTIB 2.16 11.9 Cineverse CNVS 2.10 -9.7 KaryopharmTherap KPTI 1.95 1.5 RealGoodFood RGF 3.23 -1.8 ZimIntShipping ZIM 12.43 -3.5
Azul AZUL 13.54 5.2 Cerence CRNC 36.79 -1.5 Eltek ELTK 10.92 4.1 M/I Homes MHO 79.90 0.8 RoseHillAcqn ROSE 12.18 0.4 ZuraBioWt ZURAW 0.69 61.7 DineBrands DIN 58.44 -0.3 Kineta KA 2.77 -1.7 ReToEcoSol RETO 1.12 -10.9 ZappEV ZAPP 2.00 2.9

Biggest 1,000 Stocks | Stock

Sym Close Chg Stock
Sym Close Chg Stock
Sym Close Chg Stock
Sym Close Chg Stock
Sym Close Chg Stock
Sym Close Chg
Continued From Page B7 Net Net
Medtronic MDT 88.94 -0.21 PaycomSoftware PAYC 322.46 2.54 Sea SE 61.21 -0.87 TradeDesk TTD 75.68 -0.75 Vale VALE 14.05 -0.39 WestFraserTimber WFG 81.43 2.18
Net Stock Sym Close ChgStock Sym Close Chg
MercadoLibre MELI 1197.74 3.00 Paylocity PCTY 188.51 3.53 Seagate STX 62.58 -1.02 Tradeweb TW 70.33 -0.46 ValeroEnergy VLO 110.96 -3.25 WestPharmSvcs WST 366.11 4.07
Stock Sym Close Chg GeneralMills GIS 80.64 -0.07 JacobsSolns J 115.50 -1.07 Merck MRK 110.23 0.91 PayPal PYPL 68.89 2.46 Seagen SGEN 198.78 0.46 TraneTech TT 185.71 -1.35 VeevaSystems VEEV 202.37 2.32 WesternDigital WDC 39.12 -1.35
37.32 -0.64 JamesHardie JHX 27.40 -0.11 MetaData AIU 1.08 -0.02 Pearson PSO 10.44 -0.11 Sempra SRE 147.43 -0.77 TransDigm TDG 821.56 5.67 Ventas VTR 45.42 -0.66 WesternMidstrm WES 26.85 -0.30
DuPont DD 68.70 -0.71 GeneralMotors GM
GMAB 38.42 -0.35 JazzPharm JAZZ 128.05 -0.65 MetaPlatforms META 284.33 3.33 PembinaPipeline PBA 30.87 -0.36 SensataTech ST 44.87 -0.47 TransUnion TRU 74.81 -0.66 VeriSign VRSN 221.69 -2.00 Westlake WLK 111.16 -3.54
Dynatrace DT 51.00 -0.21 Genmab
38.71 -0.40 JefferiesFinl JEF 33.07 0.11 MetLife MET 54.52 -0.98 PenskeAuto PAG 154.00 0.28 ServiceCorp SCI 65.32 -0.89 Travelers TRV 175.56 -1.19 s VeriskAnalytics VRSK 225.97 1.45 WestRock WRK 28.59 -0.89
EMCOR EME 174.74 -0.99 Genpact G
GNTX 27.72 -0.40 J&J JNJ 164.13 -0.10 Mettler-Toledo MTD 1283.80 -38.17 Pentair PNR 60.74 -0.07 ServiceNow NOW 559.49 -5.99 Trimble TRMB 51.58 -1.09 Verizon VZ 35.81 -0.65 Weyerhaeuser WY 31.26 0.26
ENI E 27.98 -0.45 Gentex
65.70 0.23 MicrochipTech MCHP 84.39 -1.10 Penumbra PEN 337.77 0.40 Shell SHEL 60.33 -0.02 TCOM 34.70 -1.30 VertexPharm VRTX 342.69 -5.20 WheatonPrecMet WPM 42.99 -1.88
EOG Rscs EOG 110.33 -3.08 GenuineParts GPC 159.59 -1.88 JohnsonControls JCI
5.34 -0.01 JonesLang JLL 148.00 -3.02 MicronTech MU 66.90 -0.76 PepsiCo PEP 185.31 -0.73 SherwinWilliams SHW 248.37 0.48 TruistFinl TFC 31.35 -0.55 s Vertiv VRT 23.34 0.80 Whirlpool WHR 146.45 -0.06
EPAM Systems EPAM 219.15 -0.36 Gerdau GGB
Microsoft MSFT 338.05 -4.28 PerformanceFood PFGC 54.83 -1.48 ShinhanFin SHG 26.71 -0.62 Twilio TWLO 67.14 -0.51 Viatris VTRS 10.19 -0.10 Williams WMB 30.64 0.11
EQT EQT 39.30 -0.34 GileadSciences GILD 77.71 -1.15 JuniperNetworks JNPR 31.50 -0.97
GTLB 49.56 -1.68 KB Financial KB 36.86 -1.11 MidAmApt MAA 153.61 -1.68 PetroleoBrasil PBR 14.23 0.33 ShockwaveMed SWAV 299.77 5.40 TylerTech TYL 391.66 -2.14 Vipshop VIPS 17.05 -0.74 Williams-Sonoma WSM 121.68 -2.96
EastWestBncp EWBC 53.05 -0.38 GitLab
KBR 64.90 -0.67 Middleby MIDD 143.42 -1.14 PetroleoBrasilA PBR.A 12.76 0.39 Shopify SHOP 64.26 -0.45 TysonFoods TSN 49.83 -0.56 Visa V 226.47 -2.44 WillisTowers WTW 232.64 -2.36
EastGroup EGP 172.70 -1.94 GlobalPayments GPN 101.04 0.36 KBR UBS Group UBS 20.09 -0.32
MitsubishiUFJ MUFG 6.87 -0.06 Pfizer PFE 39.34 -0.72 SimonProperty SPG 110.73 -2.06 Vistra VST 24.97 0.11 WillScotMobile WSC 47.36 0.37
EastmanChem EMN 80.26 -2.41 GlobalFoundries GFS 61.85 -0.61 KKR KKR 56.63 -0.57
KLAC 464.45 -0.44 MizuhoFin MFG 2.93 -0.05 PhilipMorris PM 94.82 -0.07 SiriusXM SIRI 3.75 -0.19 UDR UDR 42.89 -0.53 VMware VMW 141.28 -0.08 Wipro WIT 4.63 -0.04
Eaton ETN 194.23 2.97 Globant GLOB 188.12 4.22 KLA
GL 106.74 -1.27 Kanzhun BZ 15.59 -1.64 Mobileye MBLY 37.23 -1.93 Phillips66 PSX 93.48 -3.65 SiteOneLandscape SITE 161.82 3.03 U-Haul UHAL 52.78 -1.28 Vodafone VOD 9.33 -0.14 Wolfspeed WOLF 51.56 -1.51
eBay EBAY 44.84 -0.22 GlobeLife
KarunaTherap KRTX 237.70 0.28 Moderna MRNA 124.23 -4.50 PinnacleWest PNW 82.63 -0.62 SkechersUSA SKX 50.49 -1.29 U-Haul N UHAL/B 47.90 -1.37 VoyaFinancial VOYA 71.46 -0.45 WoodsideEnergy WDS 24.26 -0.47
Ecolab ECL 180.60 -1.44 GoDaddy GDDY 73.34 -1.57 s US Foods USFD 42.25 0.60 VulcanMatls VMC 208.68 1.37 Woodward
MolinaHealthcare MOH 278.81 0.79 Pinterest PINS 25.21 -0.15 Skyworks SWKS 107.30 -1.96 WWD 115.79 1.55
Ecopetrol EC 10.32 -0.13 GoldFields GFI 14.50 -0.48 Kellogg K 65.56 -0.73
KVUE 26.06 -0.19 MolsonCoorsB TAP 66.60 0.32 PioneerNatRscs PXD 201.84 -4.96 SmithAO AOS 70.09 -0.91 UWM UWMC 5.65 0.03 WooriFin
EdisonIntl EIX 68.77 -1.41 GoldmanSachs GS 330.72 -7.59 Kenvue WF 27.92 -0.32
EdwardsLife EW 91.91 -0.03 Grab GRAB 3.38 -0.04 KeurigDrPepper KDP 31.93 -0.24 MNDY 174.80 -4.01 PlainsAllAmPipe PAA 13.37 0.01 Smith&Nephew SNN 31.69 -0.47 Uber UBER 42.17 -1.35
Workday W X Y Z
WDAY 223.74 1.34
KeyCorp KEY 9.85 -0.08 Mondelez MDLZ 73.26 -0.31 PlainsGP PAGP 13.99 -0.03 Smucker SJM 151.34 -1.76 Ubiquiti UI 180.44 -5.86
WW Ent WWE 101.01 -1.71
ElbitSystems ESLT 209.83 3.78 Graco GGG 84.00 -2.12
MongoDB Snap UiPath PATH 17.49 -0.61 WEC Energy WEC 90.02 -1.41
MDB 379.78 -0.12 Polaris PII 119.33 -1.95 SNAP 10.58 -0.10
ElectronicArts EA 126.41 -2.25 Grainger GWW 730.68 -1.75 KeysightTech KEYS 162.58 -2.28 WEX 175.10 -1.43 WynnResorts WYNN 106.17 2.44
MonolithicPower MPWR 510.23 -7.38 Pool POOL 353.51 -4.44 Snap-On SNA 273.02 -0.85 UltaBeauty ULTA 447.09 -0.82 WEX
ElevanceHealth ELV 437.93 -5.28 GraphicPkg GPK 24.66 -1.35 KimberlyClark KMB 136.39 -1.29 MonsterBev MNST 58.36 -0.09 SNOW 179.08 -5.10 Unilever UL 51.52 -0.41 W.P.Carey WPC 68.86 -1.48 XP XP 23.62 1.49
Primerica PRI 192.18 -1.83 Snowflake
EmersonElec EMR 86.78 -0.63 Grifols GRFS 9.27 0.19 KimcoRealty KIM 19.23 -0.22 WPP 54.79 -1.52 XcelEnergy XEL 63.07 -0.85
KinderMorgan KMI 16.66 -0.38 Moody's MCO 340.19 -1.66 PrincipalFinl PFG 73.00 -1.78 SOQUIMICH SQM 71.98 -0.18 UnionPacific UNP 201.38 -3.29 WPP
Enbridge ENB 36.89 -0.59 GpoAeroportuar PAC 183.87 -9.13 MorganStanley MS 86.73 -1.36 ProcoreTech PCOR 65.62 -0.93 SoFiTech SOFI 8.59 -0.01 UnitedAirlines UAL 52.70 -0.80 Wabtec WAB 101.87 -1.77 XPeng XPEV 10.88 -0.50
Endeavor EDR 22.10 -0.23 GpoAeroportSur ASR 288.47 -8.71 KinsaleCapital KNSL 355.50 -0.05 Morningstar MORN 203.52 -2.51 Procter&Gamble PG 148.16 -1.38 SolarEdgeTech SEDG 255.36 -21.34 UnitedMicro UMC 8.65 -0.10 WalgreensBoots WBA 32.39 -0.28 Xylem XYL 113.25 -0.19
EnergyTransfer ET 12.75 -0.07 HCA Healthcare HCA 285.30 -4.78 Knight-Swift KNX 53.37 -1.60 Mosaic MOS 34.77 -1.05 Progressive PGR 129.48 -0.51 Sony SONY 96.31 -1.26 UPS B UPS 177.27 -1.31 Walmart WMT 154.16 -1.37 YPF YPF 14.54 -0.01
EnphaseEnergy ENPH 171.99 -9.82 HDFC Bank HDB 66.20 -0.25 Philips PHG 20.34 -0.07
MotorolaSol MSI 279.11 -1.14 Prologis PLD 120.84 -1.79 Southern SO 70.34 -1.42 UnitedRentals URI 407.01 3.92 WarnerBrosA WBD 12.19 -0.61
Yum!Brands YUM 135.82 -2.76
ENTG 107.33 0.82 HF Sinclair DINO 44.49 -1.51 KoreaElecPwr KEP 7.22 -0.19
Entegris NICE NICE 215.80 -7.80 PrudentialFinl PRU 85.05 -1.98 SoCopper SCCO 73.16 -1.28 US Bancorp USB 33.58 0.13 WarnerMusic WMG 26.51 -0.65 YumChina YUMC 58.07 -1.33
ETR 99.53 -2.48 HP HPQ 30.16 -0.84 KraftHeinz KHC 36.62 -0.37
45.83 -0.34 NIO NIO 9.35 -0.05 Prudential PUK 28.12 -0.77 SouthwestAir LUV 34.47 0.40 UnitedTherap UTHR 223.40 -6.86 WasteConnections WCN 136.70 -0.84 ZTO Express ZTO 25.82 -1.64
EnterpriseProd EPD 26.11 -0.28 HSBC HSBC 39.37 0.19 Kroger KR
NNN REIT NNN 42.52 -0.12 PublicServiceEnt PEG 62.02 -0.52 Splunk SPLK 107.71 -0.31 UnitedHealth UNH 469.39 10.90 WasteMgt WM 164.86 -0.17 ZebraTech ZBRA 277.55 -4.85
Equifax EFX 227.76 -2.01 H World HTHT 40.67 -2.33 LKQ LKQ 54.21 -0.02
NRG Energy NRG 33.52 -0.60 PublicStorage PSA 285.02 -2.08 Spotify SPOT 156.82 -3.17 UnitySoftware U 40.01 -2.55 Waters WAT 263.27 -5.93 Zillow C Z 47.87 1.19
Equinix EQIX 780.24 1.63 Haleon HLN 8.26 -0.16 LPL Financial LPLA 209.21 0.23 s NVR NVR 5982.43 -7.95 s PulteGroup PHM 74.88 1.37 StanleyBlackDck SWK 89.38 -1.52 UnivDisplay OLED 141.28 -2.09 Watsco WSO 358.46 -8.12 Zillow A ZG 46.84 1.08
Equinor EQNR 30.13 ... Halliburton HAL 31.48 -1.10 L3HarrisTech LHX 195.30 -0.27 NXP Semi NXPI 195.40 -2.45 PureStorage PSTG 37.02 -0.72 Stantec STN 63.14 -0.59 UniversalHealthB UHS 149.12 0.50 Watsco B WSOB 364.81 -2.29 ZimmerBiomet ZBH 143.66 -0.44
Equitable EQH 26.28 -0.15 HartfordFinl HIG 70.60 -1.28 LabCorp.ofAmerica LH 231.47 -2.80 Nasdaq NDAQ 51.62 0.40 Qiagen QGEN 46.07 -0.69 Starbucks SBUX 101.27 -0.60 UnumGroup UNM 45.55 0.15 WebsterFin WBS 38.27 -0.51 Zoetis ZTS 168.91 -1.83
EquityLife ELS 68.21 -0.49 Hasbro HAS 61.47 0.02 LamResearch LRCX 614.28 1.63
QRVO 102.86 0.24 StateStreet STT 73.16 -0.61 VF VFC 19.73 0.22 WellsFargo WFC 41.89 -0.29 ZoomVideo ZM 70.56 0.50
EquityResdntl EQR 66.04 -0.68 HealthcareRealty HR 19.13 -0.33 LamarAdv LAMR 94.99 -1.51 NationalGrid NGG 67.83 -0.10 Qorvo
NatlInstruments NATI 57.20 -0.30 Qualcomm QCOM 119.82 -2.86 SteelDynamics STLD 100.98 -1.55 VICI Prop VICI 31.91 -0.43 Welltower WELL 79.22 -1.19 ZoomInfoTech ZI 26.50 -0.32
ErieIndemnity ERIE 211.12 -5.87 HealthpeakProp PEAK 20.18 -0.49 LambWeston LW 113.30 -1.04 NatWest NWG 6.26 -0.33 QualtricsIntl XM 18.07 ... Stellantis STLA 16.88 -0.46 VailResorts MTN 246.16 -2.31 WescoIntl WCC 170.22 2.17 Zscaler ZS 148.66 -5.35
EssentialUtil WTRG 41.13 -0.30 Heico HEI 167.81 1.92 LandstarSystem LSTR 184.66 -3.32 NetApp NTAP 72.83 -1.54 QuantaServices PWR 185.75 -0.20 Steris STE 213.59 -0.02
EssexProp ESS 234.20 -2.72 Heico A HEI.A 134.17 1.63 LasVegasSands LVS 58.69 0.24
LatticeSemi LSCC 87.27 -1.39 NetEase NTES 95.25 -3.20 QuestDiag DGX 138.04 -0.56 Stevanato STVN 32.32 -0.05
EsteeLauder EL 197.55 -6.40 HenrySchein HSIC 77.89 -0.13 STMicroelec STM 48.86 -1.13
LEA 142.62 -0.44 Netflix
Exchange-Traded Portfolios |
NFLX 434.70 2.74
Etsy ETSY 96.19 1.59 Hershey HSY 258.46 -2.26 Lear R S
EverestRe RE 352.74 0.39 Hess
Neurocrine NBIX 96.99 -0.61
HES 132.36 -3.20 LegendBiotech LEGN 72.25 2.18 NewOrientalEduc EDU 38.90 -3.40
Stryker SYK 297.80 3.45
Leidos LDOS 85.19 -0.70 SumitomoMits SMFG 8.20 -0.06
Evergy EVRG 58.85 -0.46 HessMidstream HESM 29.87 -0.14 RB Global RBA 57.15 0.06 SunComms SUI 133.56 -1.31
s Lennar A LEN 121.58 1.56 NY CmntyBcp NYCB 10.73 0.08 RELX RELX 33.31 -0.73 SunLifeFinancial SLF 50.37 -0.54
EversourceEner ES 70.64 -1.44 HewlettPackard HPE 17.01 -0.56 Newmont
s NEM 43.10 -0.73 Largest 100 exchange-traded funds, latest session
s ExactSciences EXAS 94.34 0.92 Hilton HLT 139.63 -1.18 Lennar B LEN.B 106.76 1.04 R1 RCM RCM 17.60 0.32 SuncorEnergy SU 29.09 -1.05
s LennoxIntl LII 312.17 1.13 NewsCorp B NWS 19.35 -0.45 RPM RPM 83.29 -1.93 SuperMicroComp SMCI 222.40 -8.37
Exelon EXC 40.74 -0.47 Hologic HOLX 82.04 0.84
LiAuto LI 33.74 -0.67 NewsCorp A NWSA 19.09 -0.48 RalphLauren RL 123.38 0.20 Tuesday, June 20, 2023 Closing Chg YTD
Expedia EXPE 106.92 1.05 HomeDepot HD 301.41 1.03 Suzano SUZ 9.83 -0.18
LibertyBroadbandC LBRDK 73.66 -2.94 NextEraEnergy NEE 74.76 -0.83 Rambus RMBS 59.84 -0.54 SynchronyFinl SYF 32.71 -0.19 ETF Symbol Price (%) (%)
ExpeditorsIntl EXPD 115.79 -3.04 HondaMotor HMC 30.47 -0.85 Closing Chg YTD
LibertyBroadbandA LBRDA 73.44 -2.83 Nike NKE 109.54 -4.05
RangeResources RRC 28.59 0.10 Synopsys
ExtraSpaceSt EXR 143.80 -1.48 Honeywell HON 200.40 -2.57 SNPS 435.50 -5.69 ETF Symbol Price (%) (%) SPDRBbg1-3MTB BIL 91.67 0.02 0.2
LibertyGlobal C LBTYK 17.61 -0.49 NiSource NI 27.22 -0.16
RaymondJames RJF 98.88 -1.21 Sysco
ExxonMobil XOM 102.72 -2.41 HorizonTherap HZNP 101.43 -0.20 SYY 72.48 -0.91 CnsmrDiscSelSector XLY 167.29 SPDR DJIA Tr DIA 340.46 –0.73 2.8
LibertyGlobal A LBTYA 16.73 -0.50 Nokia NOK 4.20 -0.08
RaytheonTech RTX 97.70 -0.04 0.75 29.5
F5 FFIV 149.14 -2.84 HormelFoods HRL 40.78 -0.49 SPDR Gold GLD 179.75 –1.04 6.0
LibertyFormOne A FWONA 69.69 -0.63 Nomura NMR 3.86 -0.10 CnsStapleSelSector XLP 73.58 –0.76 –1.3
FMC FMC 105.28 -1.49 s DR Horton DHI 118.32 1.92
LibertyFormOne C FWONK 77.78 -0.31 Nordson NDSN 235.47 -1.64
RealtyIncome O 60.33 -1.06
RegalRexnord RRX 152.61 1.37
DimenUSCoreEq2 DFAC 26.74 –0.67 10.1 SPDRPtfDevxUS SPDW 32.55 –1.29 9.6
FTI Consulting FCN 192.06 -1.07 HostHotels HST 16.61 -0.44 SPYV 42.60 –0.78 9.5
LibertyBraves A BATRA 40.61 -0.72 NorfolkSouthern NSC 220.40 -3.74 RegencyCtrs REG 60.66 -0.48 TC Energy TRP 40.55 -0.04 EnSelSectorSPDR XLE 78.36 –2.24 –10.4 SPDRS&P500Value
FactSet FDS 421.55 0.64 s HowmetAerospace HWM 46.57 0.59
LibertyBraves C BATRK 39.17 -0.56 NorthernTrust NTRS 73.41 -1.30 RegenPharm REGN 781.21 -1.84 TD Synnex SNX 96.48 -0.29 FinSelSectorSPDR XLF 33.18 –0.75 –3.0 SPDRPtfS&P500 SPLG 51.41 –0.52 14.3
FairIsaac FICO 795.54 -4.42 Hubbell HUBB 321.06 0.68
LibertySirius C LSXMK 30.28 -0.63 NorthropGrum NOC 454.34 -4.01 RegionsFinl RF 17.87 -0.25 TE Connectivity TEL 135.21 -0.44 HealthCareSelSect XLV 131.52 –0.11 –3.2 SPDRS&P500Growth SPYG 60.18 –0.22 18.8
Fastenal FAST 56.75 0.17 HubSpot HUBS 515.64 -3.68
LibertySirius A LSXMA 30.38 -0.52 NorwegCruise NCLH 19.29 0.16 ReinsGrp RGA 144.25 1.22 Telus TU 19.26 -0.24 InvscQQQI QQQ 366.90 –0.14 37.8 SPDR S&P 500 SPY 437.18 –0.52 14.3
FederalRealty FRT 94.25 -1.68 Humana HUM 446.71 1.06
LifeStorage LSI 128.28 -1.50 Novartis NVS 100.82 -1.01 SchwabIntEquity SCHF 35.99 –1.34 11.7
FedEx FDX 231.65 -1.81 JBHunt JBHT 173.94 -2.74 RelianceSteel RS 252.43 -3.64 Ternium TX 40.39 -0.54 InvscS&P500EW RSP 146.84 –0.91 4.0
EliLilly LLY 451.95 4.24 NovoNordisk NVO 161.67 0.38 RenaissanceRe RNR 190.23 -1.60 TFI Intl TFII 104.59 -1.66 iShCoreDivGrowth DGRO 50.95 –0.84 1.9 SchwabSrtTRmUSTrsr SCHO 48.17 0.06 –0.1
Ferguson FERG 150.20 -0.87 HuntingtonBcshs HBAN 10.72 -0.20 LincolnElectric LECO 194.45 -1.48 s NuHoldings NU 7.68 0.14
RentokilInit RTO 40.33 -0.32 TIM TIMB 15.54 0.07 iShCoreMSCIEAFE SchwabUS BrdMkt SCHB 51.17 –0.52 14.2
Ferrari RACE 306.16 -1.86 HuntingIngalls HII 218.47 -2.71 Linde Nucor NUE 149.52 -1.89 IEFA 67.57 –1.33 9.6
LIN 368.68 -6.61 Repligen RGEN 151.16 -6.30 TJX TJX 80.39 -0.87 iShCoreMSCIEM SchwabUS Div SCHD 72.64 –0.95 –3.8
FidNatlFin FNF 34.45 -0.31 HyattHotels H 109.42 -3.75 IEMG 49.80 –1.78 6.6
LithiaMotors LAD 276.51 4.72 Nutanix NTNX 29.24 0.05
RepublicSvcs RSG 145.87 0.14 T-MobileUS TMUS 131.23 0.30 iShCoreMSCITotInt SchwabUS LC SCHX 51.87 –0.50 14.9
FidNatlInfo FIS 54.65 -0.13 ICICI Bank IBN 22.62 -0.25 Littelfuse LFUS 278.83 7.06 Nutrien NTR 58.67 -1.40 IXUS 62.74 –1.49 8.4
RMD 216.81 -2.23 TPG TPG 29.76 -0.13 iShCoreS&P500 SchwabUS LC Grw SCHG 74.06 ... 33.3
FifthThirdBncp FITB 26.69 0.15 ICL Group ICL 5.75 -0.20 LiveNationEnt LYV 89.13 -1.05 nVentElectric NVT 47.72 0.08 ResMed IVV 439.54 –0.47 14.4
RestaurantBrands QSR 76.12 -0.31 T.RowePrice TROW 112.45 -1.73 iShCoreS&P MC SPDR S&PMdCpTr MDY 467.06 –0.74 5.5
FirstCitizBcshA FCNCA 1275.74 -7.25 IdexxLab IDXX 482.22 -0.81 LloydsBanking LYG 2.23 -0.04 s NVIDIA NVDA 438.08 11.16 IJH 255.22 –0.73 5.5
FirstIndRlty FR 52.39 -0.47 ING Groep ING 13.35 -0.05 LockheedMartin LMT 458.38 -0.79 Revvity RVTY 116.09 -3.17 TaiwanSemi TSM 103.98 -0.59 iShCoreS&P SC SPDR S&P Div SDY 121.68 –1.23 –2.7
IJR 98.26 –0.39 3.8
TechSelectSector XLK 171.66 –0.68 37.9
FirstSolar FSLR 186.10 -2.89 Invesco IVZ 16.54 -0.24 Loews L 58.09 -0.48 O P Q
RexfordIndlRealty REXR 53.11 -0.61 TakeTwoSoftware TTWO 139.03 0.39 iShCoreS&PTotUS
RioTinto RIO 65.93 -1.62 TakedaPharm TAK 16.11 0.02 iShCoreTotalUSDBd IUSB 45.53
ITOT 96.49 –0.51 13.8
UtilitiesSelSector XLU 65.98 –1.17 –6.4
FirstEnergy FE 39.29 0.22 IQVIA IQV 214.93 -1.09 LogitechIntl LOGI 56.05 -0.86 0.09 1.3
Fiserv FI 119.57 -0.39 ITT ITT 88.19 -1.02 Lowe's OGE Energy OGE 36.44 -0.36 Rivian RIVN 15.70 0.82 Tapestry TPR 43.47 0.10 VangdInfoTech VGT 437.00 –0.58 36.8
LOW 215.46 -1.62 ONEOK iShCoreUSAggBd AGG 98.32 0.18 1.4
FiveBelow FIVE 193.26 2.83 IcahnEnterprises IEP 28.40 0.46 Lucid OKE 59.32 -1.63 RobertHalf RHI 71.56 -1.86 TargaResources TRGP 70.94 -0.85 VangdSC Val VBR 162.92 –0.77 2.6
LCID 6.32 -0.16 ON Semi TGT 132.72 -1.09 iShESGAwareUSA ESGU 96.25 –0.50 13.6
FleetCorTech FLT 242.48 -1.15 Icon ICLR 230.29 -3.83 lululemon ON 89.38 -0.77 Robinhood HOOD 10.00 -0.03 Target VangdExtMkt VXF 147.10 –0.70 10.7
LULU 383.49 0.47 OReillyAuto ORLY 917.49 -1.53 iShEdgeMSCIMinUSA USMV 73.34 –0.76 1.7
s Flex FLEX 27.17 0.40 IDEX IEX 205.14 -4.61 LyondellBasell LYB 89.45 -2.79 Roblox RBLX 41.77 -0.03 TeckResourcesB TECK 41.23 -0.73 VangdDivApp VIG 160.11 –0.71 5.4
iShEdgeMSCIUSAQual QUAL 132.91 –0.44 16.6
Floor&Decor FND 96.02 -0.24 IllinoisToolWks ITW 244.06 -3.93 OccidentalPetrol OXY 57.23 -0.92 RocketCos. RKT 8.98 -0.21 TeledyneTech TDY 399.67 -6.76 VangdFTSEAWxUS VEU 54.43 –1.49 8.6
Okta OKTA 73.35 -2.40 Rockwell ROK 315.39 -0.41 Teleflex TFX 252.98 0.58 iShGoldTr IAU 36.68 –1.03 6.0 VangdFTSEDevMk VEA 46.13 –1.34 9.9
FomentoEconMex FMX 110.18 -1.01 Illumina ILMN 202.13 -3.74 M N OldDomFreight ODFL 320.61 -4.85 RogersComm B RCI 43.91 -0.06 Ericsson ERIC 5.31 -0.12 iShiBoxx$HYCpBd HYG 74.73 –0.27 1.5 VangdFTSE EM VWO 40.97 –1.78 5.1
FordMotor F 14.22 -0.20 ImperialOil IMO 48.97 -0.76
MTB 122.20 -0.96 OldRepublic ORI 24.57 -0.34 RoivantSciences ROIV 9.79 0.14 TelefonicaBras VIV 9.00 0.01 iShiBoxx$InvGrCpBd LQD 108.08 0.36 2.5 VangdFTSE Europe VGK 61.30 –1.42 10.6
Fortinet FTNT 71.66 -1.12 Incyte INCY 61.75 -1.48 M&T Bank
OLN 48.90 -3.46 Roku ROKU 67.96 -2.73 Telefonica TEF 3.92 0.06 iShJPMUSDEmBd EMB 85.83 0.05 1.5
Fortis FTS 42.47 -0.40 Infosys INFY 15.64 -0.19 MGM Resorts MGM 43.06 0.42 Olin VangdGrowth VUG 279.39 –0.18 31.1
MKS Instrum MKSI 105.98 0.80 OmegaHealthcare OHI 30.67 -0.39 Rollins ROL 40.91 -0.18 TelekmIndonesia TLK 26.73 0.02 iShMBS MBB 93.52 –0.05 0.8 VangdHlthCr VHT 244.44 –0.04 –1.5
Fortive FTV 71.50 -0.32 IngersollRand IR 64.12 -0.40
FortuneBrands FBIN 67.38 0.39 Ingredion INGR 105.13 -1.56 MPLX MPLX 33.64 -0.43 Omnicom OMC 93.65 -1.50 RoperTech ROP 455.75 -3.03 TempurSealy TPX 38.09 -0.34 iShMSCIACWI ACWI 95.20 –0.92 12.2 VangdHiDiv VYM 105.14 –1.02 –2.8
FoxA FOXA 33.25 -0.39 InspireMedical INSP 313.14 1.74 MSCI MSCI 473.78 -3.95 OnHolding ONON 29.51 -0.42 RossStores ROST 107.28 -0.56 10xGenomics TXG 57.91 -0.20 iShMSCI EAFE EFA 72.42 –1.32 10.3 VangdIntermBd BIV 75.48 0.20 1.6
FoxB FOX 31.09 -0.41 Insulet PODD 288.71 4.21 MagellanMid MMP 59.15 -0.95 OpenText OTEX 41.00 -0.49 RoyalBkCanada RY 94.36 -1.09 Tenaris TS 27.70 -0.55 iSh MSCI EM EEM 40.08 –1.96 5.8 VangdIntrCorpBd VCIT 79.08 0.28 2.0
Franco-Nevada FNV 138.41 -7.33 Intel INTC 35.00 -1.37 MagnaIntl MGA 55.61 -1.38 Oracle ORCL 122.04 -3.42 s RoyalCaribbean RCL 96.60 1.30 TencentMusic TME 7.54 -0.49 iShMSCIEAFEValue EFV 48.79 –1.21 6.3 VangdIntermTrea VGIT 58.98 0.17 0.9
FranklinRscs BEN 26.40 -0.57 InteractiveBrkrs IBKR 80.31 0.03 ManhattanAssoc MANH 191.17 -0.64 Orange ORAN 11.17 -0.11 RoyalGold RGLD 113.27 -4.34 TenetHealthcare THC 78.40 -0.03 iShNatlMuniBd MUB 106.87 0.12 1.3 VangdLC VV 200.72 –0.47 15.2
FreeportMcM FCX 39.40 -0.49 ICE ICE 112.17 0.49 ManulifeFinl MFC 18.72 -0.27 Orix IX 87.90 -1.43 t RoyaltyPharma RPRX 31.41 -0.49 Teradyne TER 108.69 -2.37 iSh1-5YIGCorpBd IGSB 50.18 0.10 0.7 VangdMC VO 215.85 –0.84 5.9
FreseniusMed FMS 23.45 -0.12 InterContinentl IHG 69.45 -1.78 MarathonOil MRO 22.82 -0.68 OtisWorldwide OTIS 87.08 -1.54 RyanSpecialty RYAN 43.06 0.09 Tesla TSLA 274.45 13.91 iSh1-3YTreaBd SHY 81.24 0.04 0.1 VangdMC Val VOE 136.13 –1.04 0.7
FullTruck YMM 6.63 -0.25 IBM IBM 135.96 -1.52 MarathonPetrol MPC 110.94 -2.35 Ovintiv OVV 36.20 -1.70 Ryanair RYAAY 106.00 -1.89 TetraTech TTEK 162.05 -0.27 iShRussMC IWR 71.42 –0.83 5.9 VangdMBS VMBS 46.06 –0.04 1.2
IntlFlavors IFF 79.21 -1.14 Markel MKL 1336.74 -6.95 s OwensCorning OC 124.78 2.62 SAP SAP 136.01 -1.27 TevaPharm TEVA 7.55 0.01 iShRuss1000 IWB 240.38 –0.43 14.2 VangdRealEst VNQ 82.93 –1.18 0.5
G H I IntlPaper IP 31.52 -0.46 MarketAxess MKTX 274.47 -2.68 PDD PDD 74.32 -5.55 S&P Global SPGI 391.84 -3.37 TexasInstruments TXN 174.36 -2.40 iShRuss1000Grw
PCG 16.87 -0.53 SBA Comm SBAC 224.60 -5.97 TexasPacLand TPL 1326.77 -31.83 iShRuss1000Val
IWF 271.82 –0.17 26.9 VangdS&P500ETF VOO 403.38 –0.46 14.8
Interpublic IPG 39.45 -0.59 Marriott MAR 173.79 -2.57 PG&E IWD 155.32 –0.84 2.4 VangdST Bond BSV 75.74 0.09 0.6
GE HealthCare GEHC 78.90 0.25 Intuit INTU 455.13 0.10 s Marsh&McLen MMC 181.05 -0.10 PNC Finl PNC 126.46 -2.01 SEI Investments SEIC 59.01 -0.32 TexasRoadhouse TXRH 108.07 -1.90 iShRussell2000 IWM 185.13 –0.44 6.2 VangdSTCpBd VCSH 75.71 0.12 0.7
GFLEnvironmental GFL 37.25 -0.03 IntuitiveSurgical ISRG 327.83 -1.53 MartinMarietta MLM 430.17 3.63 POSCO PKX 74.71 -1.27 SK Telecom SKM 20.09 -0.32 Textron TXT 66.06 -0.58 iShS&P500Grw IVW 69.51 –0.24 18.8 VangdShtTmInfltn VTIP 47.50 ... 1.7
GSK GSK 34.62 -0.53 InvitatHomes INVH 34.39 -0.01 MarvellTech MRVL 60.83 -0.29 PPG Ind PPG 142.04 -1.04 s SPS Commerce SPSC 182.84 -1.86 ThermoFisher TMO 527.40 -9.90 iShS&P500Value IVE 158.96 –0.74 9.6
GXO Logistics GXO 59.92 -1.23 IridiumComm IRDM 61.71 1.40 Masco VangdShortTrea VGSH 57.86 0.07 0.1
MAS 56.01 0.51 PPL PPL 26.70 -0.29 SS&C Tech SSNC 59.83 -0.29 ThomsonReuters TRI 130.38 0.59
iShSelectDiv DVY 112.85 –1.23 –6.4 VangdSC VB 195.86 –0.65 6.7
Gallagher AJG 211.64 -2.14 IronMountain IRM 55.45 -1.31 Masimo MASI 164.34 2.87 PTC PTC 141.74 -1.41 STAG Indl STAG 35.80 -0.79 3M MMM 102.30 -2.24
GameStop GME 24.58 0.02 ItauUnibanco ITUB 5.98 0.13 MasTec iSh7-10YTreaBd IEF 97.16 0.30 1.4 VangdTaxExemptBd VTEB 50.20 0.08 1.4
MTZ 109.79 -0.25 Paccar PCAR 77.77 -0.86 Saia SAIA 306.71 -9.16 Toast TOST 21.64 -0.07
Gaming&Leisure GLPI 49.05 -0.78 TOL 75.33 1.84 iShShortTreaBd SHV 110.26 ... 0.3 VangdTotalBd BND 72.83 0.14 1.4
Mastercard MA 374.62 -1.91 PackagingCpAm PKG 131.68 -0.74 Salesforce CRM 216.97 5.21 Toll Bros
28.20 -0.70 s TopBuild BLD 246.99 3.71 iShTIPSBondETF TIP 108.00 0.21 1.5 VangdTotIntlBd BNDX 48.76 0.25 2.8
GRMN 105.42 -0.58
IT 353.36 -3.18
J K L MatchGroup MTCH 42.42 0.17 PalantirTech PLTR 15.79 -0.51 Samsara
s McCormickVtg MKC.V 93.75 2.20 PaloAltoNtwks PANW 241.60 -4.93 Sanofi
SNY 53.10 1.06 Toro TTC 97.27 0.18 iSh20+YTreaBd TLT 103.31 0.69 3.8 VangdTotIntlStk VXUS 56.17 –1.46 8.6
GenDigital GEN 18.58 -0.05 JD 37.17 -2.68 s McCormick MKC 92.94 0.29 ParamountA PARAA 18.07 -0.70 SareptaTherap SRPT 131.40 0.96 TorontoDomBk TD 60.61 -0.55 iShUSTreasuryBd GOVT 23.02 0.24 1.3 VangdTotalStk VTI 218.18 –0.49 14.1
Generac GNRC 128.87 9.45 JPMorganChase JPM 142.53 -0.73 McDonald's MCD 293.04 -0.66 ParamountB PARA 15.67 -0.61 Sasol SSL 13.96 -0.35 TotalEnergies TTE 57.28 -0.76 JPMEquityPrem JEPI 54.67 –0.33 0.3 VangdTotWrldStk VT 96.17 –0.99 11.6
GeneralDynamics GD 215.49 -1.85 s Jabil JBL 105.89 0.53 s McKesson MCK 410.33 4.13 ParkerHannifin PH 371.85 2.75 Schlumberger SLB 47.26 -0.52 ToyotaMotor TM 157.15 -7.20 JPM UltShIncm JPST 50.09 0.02 –0.1 VangdValue VTV 141.18 –0.84 0.6
GeneralElec GE 104.02 -2.27 JackHenry JKHY 163.76 0.22 Medpace MEDP 225.29 3.47 Paychex PAYX 112.24 -1.35 SchwabC SCHW 53.93 -0.47 TractorSupply TSCO 217.01 -1.92 ProShUltPrQQQ TQQQ 40.60 –0.49 134.7 WisdTrFRTrea USFR 50.45 0.02 0.4

Mutual Funds Data provided by

NAV Chg % Ret Fund
NAV Chg % Ret Fund
NAV Chg % Ret Fund
NAV Chg % Ret Fund
NAV Chg % Ret Fund
NAV Chg % Ret
Fidelity NASDAQ 173.00 -0.28 31.2 JPMorgan I Class HelSci 90.89 -0.08 1.2 MuShtAdml 15.61 +0.01 1.3 WellsI 24.49 -0.06 1.8
Top 250 mutual-funds listings for Nasdaq-published share classes by net assets. 500IdxInstPrem 152.81 -0.73 15.2 OTC 16.47 -0.05 28.4 CoreBond 10.24 +0.02 NA LgCapGow I 58.96 -0.03 28.4 PrmcpAdml r 152.20 -1.10 16.3 Welltn 40.64 -0.17 6.9
e-Ex-distribution. f-Previous day’s quotation. g-Footnotes x and s apply. j-Footnotes e and s Contrafund K6 20.58 -0.03 22.4 Puritn 22.74 -0.05 11.4 EqInc 22.00 -0.18 NA MidCap 98.33 -0.59 10.8 RealEstatAdml 117.49 -1.48 1.5 WndsrII 40.50 -0.34 9.5
apply. k-Recalculated by Lipper, using updated data. p-Distribution costs apply, 12b-1. r- ExtMktIdxInstPre 69.89 -0.46 11.0 SAIUSQtyIdx 17.79 -0.11 16.2 LgCpGwth 54.62 -0.04 NA NHoriz 52.83 -0.12 14.0 SmCapAdml 93.83 -0.62 7.1 VANGUARD INDEX FDS
Redemption charge may apply. s-Stock split or dividend. t-Footnotes p and r apply. v-Footnotes FidSerToMarket 14.44 -0.07 14.6 SrsEmrgMkt 17.13 -0.30 9.7 JPMorgan R Class R2025 15.75 -0.06 7.7 SmGthAdml 79.44 -0.39 12.8 ExtndIstPl 275.47 -1.81 11.1
x and e apply. x-Ex-dividend. z-Footnote x, e and s apply. NA-Not available due to incomplete GrowthCompanyK6 20.42 +0.05 32.7 SrsGlobal 13.61 -0.19 10.2 CoreBond 10.25 +0.02 NA R2030 23.79 -0.11 8.8 STBondAdml 9.92 +0.01 1.5 IdxIntl 18.06 -0.24 9.8
price, performance or cost data. NE-Not released by Lipper; data under review. NN-Fund not InflPrBdIndInsPr 9.24 +0.03 2.5 SrsGroCoRetail 18.24 +0.05 32.5 CorePlusBd 7.22 +0.02 NA R2040 27.06 -0.17 10.8 STIGradeAdml 10.01 +0.01 2.0 MdCpGrAdml 86.53 -0.65 12.1
tracked. NS-Fund didn’t exist at start of period. IntlIdxInstPrem 46.22 -0.56 12.2 SrsIntlGrw 16.31 -0.19 14.4 Lord Abbett I Schwab Funds STIPSIxAdm 23.82 +0.02 1.8 MdCpVlAdml 70.52 -0.70 1.2
LgCpGwId InstPre 26.52 -0.06 27.4 SrsIntlVal 11.09 -0.12 10.6 ShtDurInc p 3.82 ... 1.9 1000 Inv r NA ... NA TotBdAdml 9.59 +0.02 2.6 SmValAdml 69.99 -0.55 3.2
MidCpInxInstPrem 27.63 -0.24 6.6 TotalBond 9.46 +0.01 3.3 Metropolitan West S&P Sel NA ... NA TotIntBdIdxAdm 19.49 +0.04 3.6 TotBd2 9.48 +0.02 2.6
Tuesday, June 20, 2023 SAIUSLgCpIndxFd 19.36 -0.10 15.2 Fidelity SAI TotRetBdI 9.13 +0.02 2.8 TSM Sel r NA ... NA TotIntlAdmIdx r 30.20 -0.40 9.8 TotIntlInstIdx r 120.76 -1.62 9.8
Net YTD Net YTD Net YTD SeriesBondFd 8.98 +0.02 2.6 TotalBd 8.95 +0.01 3.4 TRBdPlan 8.56 +0.02 2.8 TIAA/CREF Funds TotStAdml 106.18 -0.53 14.5 TotItlInstPlId r 120.79 -1.61 9.8
Fund NAV Chg % Ret Fund NAV Chg % Ret Fund NAV Chg % Ret SeriesOverseas 12.47 -0.20 14.8 U.S.TreBdIdx 8.77 +0.02 2.3 MFS Funds EqIdxInst 31.07 -0.16 14.4 TxMCapAdml 226.73 -1.18 15.0 TotSt 106.15 -0.53 14.5
AB Funds Artisan Funds 5GlbFxdInc 10.03... 2.0 SerLTTreBdIdx 6.05 +0.03 4.7 Fidelity Selects IIE 31.99 -0.54 13.7 IntlEqIdxInst 21.42 -0.25 12.1 TxMIn r 14.85 -0.18 11.3 VANGUARD INSTL FDS
SmCpIdxInstPrem 23.19 -0.11 6.9 Semiconductors r 24.04 ... 64.9 MFS Funds Class I VANGUARD ADMIRAL
USGroAdml 131.62 -0.28 29.9 DevMktsIndInst 14.87 -0.18 11.3
MuniIncmShares 10.98 +0.01 3.5 IntlVal Inst 43.89 -0.44 13.7 EmgMktVa 28.83
-0.34 9.3
AB Funds - ADV Baird Funds EmMktCorEq 22.09
-0.28 9.8 TMktIdxInstPrem 121.22 -0.61 14.6 Softwr 25.42 -0.19 29.4 GrowthI 161.91 -0.59 22.1 500Adml 406.32 -1.93 15.2
ValAdml 55.06 -0.46 1.2 DevMktsInxInst 23.24 -0.28 11.3
LgCpGrAdv 84.22 -0.34 20.5 AggBdInst 9.73 +0.02 2.7 IntlCoreEq 14.79
-0.20 9.7 TotalMarketIndex 15.30 -0.08 14.6 Tech 25.99 -0.08 45.7 ValueI 47.82 -0.42 0.5 BalAdml 43.10 -0.08 9.7
WdsrllAdml 71.83 -0.61 9.5
ExtndInst 111.62 -0.74 11.1
First Eagle Funds Northern Funds CAITAdml 11.22 ... 2.0 GrwthInst 143.79 -0.28 31.3
American Century Inv CorBdInst 10.01 +0.02 2.8 IntSmCo 18.67
-0.23 7.3 TtlIntIdxInstPr 12.87 -0.18 9.9 WellsIAdml 59.31 -0.14 1.8
Ultra 71.78 +0.07 30.1 BlackRock Funds IntSmVa 20.20
-0.25 7.5 USBdIdxInstPrem 10.30 +0.01 2.5 GlbA 62.82 -0.66 8.4 StkIdx 46.83 -0.22 NA CapOpAdml r 166.72 -0.97 14.1
WelltnAdml 70.17 -0.30 7.0
InPrSeIn 9.62 +0.02 2.3
Franklin A1 Old Westbury Fds DivAppIdxAdm 43.43 -0.30 5.9 InstIdx 367.62 -1.75 15.2
American Funds Cl A HiYldBd Inst 6.79 ... 5.5 LgCo -0.15 15.2 Fidelity Freedom
30.01 EMAdmr WndsrAdml 70.98 -0.74 4.8
IncomeA1 2.28 -0.01 3.3 LrgCpStr 16.28 ... 11.7
34.08 -0.57 5.8 InstPlus 367.62 -1.75 15.2
AmcpA 35.28 -0.09 17.6 BlackRock Funds III US CoreEq1 -0.20 11.4 FF2020
33.06 13.70 -0.04 7.5 EqIncAdml 83.13 -0.85 -0.4
InstTStPlus 76.33 -0.38 14.5
AMutlA 49.12 -0.36 2.3 iShS&P500IdxK 516.27 -2.45 15.2 US CoreEq2 -0.19 10.2 FF2025
29.82 12.68 -0.05 8.3 FrankTemp/Frank Adv Parnassus Fds DivdGro 35.87 -0.25 1.9
ExplrAdml 95.27 -0.41 9.7 MidCpInst 59.05 -0.51 6.3
BalA 30.28 -0.11 6.0 BlackRock Funds Inst US Small -0.18 5.8 FF2030
40.82 15.95 -0.07 9.0 IncomeAdv 2.26 -0.01 3.4 ParnEqFd 53.54 -0.43 14.3 IntlVal 40.11 -0.57 12.2
ExtndAdml 111.63 -0.73 11.0 MidCpIstPl 291.20 -2.55 6.3
BondA NA ... NA EqtyDivd 19.15 -0.15 5.3 US SmCpVal -0.23 2.1 FF2035
39.94 13.85 -0.09 10.4 FrankTemp/Franklin A PGIM Funds Cl Z LifeCon 20.28 -0.04 6.8
GNMAAdml 9.26 +0.01 2.3 RealEstaInstl 18.19 -0.22 1.6
CapIBA 64.17 -0.40 3.3 StratIncOpptyIns 9.20 ... 2.1 US TgdVal -0.17 3.4 FF2040
28.22 9.91 -0.07 11.9 Growth A 119.20 -0.71 16.7 TotalReturnBond NA ... NA
GrwthAdml 143.78 -0.28 LifeGro 39.86 -0.25 10.6
31.3 SmCapInst 93.83 -0.61 7.2
CapWGrA 57.04 -0.45 11.7 TotRet 10.02 +0.01 3.3 USLgVa -0.45 1.8 Freedom2030 K 15.95
42.01 -0.07 9.1 RisDv A 87.67 -0.55 6.4 PIMCO Fds Instl
HlthCareAdml r 90.36 -0.40 4.0 LifeMod 29.82 -0.12 8.7 STIGradeInst 10.01 +0.01 2.0
EupacA 54.84 -0.78 12.2 Bridge Builder Trust Dodge & Cox Idx2030InsPre 18.28 -0.07 9.0 Guggenheim Funds Tru AllAsset NA ... NA HYCorAdml r 5.22 -0.01 4.2 PrmcpCor 30.41 -0.22 11.9 STIPSIxins 23.84 +0.02 1.8
FdInvA 66.78 -0.42 12.5 CoreBond 8.92 +0.01 2.0 Balanced 96.66 -0.51 4.6 Idx2035InsPre 20.62 -0.11 10.3 TotRtnBdFdClInst 23.55 +0.04 3.5 TotRt 8.53 +0.01 2.6 InfProAd 23.62 +0.06 2.3 STAR 26.58 -0.12 10.0 TotBdInst 9.59 +0.02 2.6
GwthA 60.03 -0.16 21.3 CorePlusBond 8.82 +0.01 2.4 GblStock 13.81 -0.13 9.5 Idx2040InsPre 21.15 -0.15 11.6 Harbor Funds PIMCO Funds A IntlGrAdml 102.50 -1.71 13.4 TgtRe2020 27.09 -0.06 6.8 TotBdInst2 9.48 +0.02 2.6
HI TrA 9.15 -0.01 4.0 Intl Eq 12.05 -0.16 12.4 Income 12.48 +0.02 3.3 Fidelity Invest CapApInst 85.29 +0.01 35.9 IncomeFd 10.44 +0.01 3.7 ITBondAdml 10.22 +0.03 2.8 TgtRe2025 18.03 -0.07 8.1 TotBdInstPl 9.59 +0.02 2.6
ICAA 46.72 -0.32 14.0 LargeCapGrowth 20.30 -0.09 18.8 Intl Stk 47.43 -0.50 10.0 Balanc 25.80 -0.05 13.0 Harding Loevner PIMCO Funds I2 ITIGradeAdml 8.45 +0.02 3.4 TgtRe2030 34.20 -0.15 9.0 TotIntBdIdxInst 29.25 +0.06 3.6
IncoA 22.69 -0.16 1.8 LargeCapValue 15.60 -0.11 4.4 Stock 224.56 -1.88 5.3 BluCh 154.40 -0.04 37.3 IntlEq 26.00 -0.33 NA Income 10.44 +0.01 3.8 LarCapAd 101.33 -0.50 15.6 TgtRe2035 21.24 -0.11 9.8 TotStInst 106.20 -0.53 14.5
N PerA 55.05 -0.40 16.4 MunicipalBond 9.80 +0.01 1.9 DoubleLine Funds Contra 14.72 -0.01 23.5 Invesco Funds Y PIMCO Funds Instl LTGradeAdml 8.01 +0.04 4.9 TgtRe2040 37.57 -0.22 10.5 ValueInst 55.06 -0.46 1.2
NEcoA 50.75 -0.26 16.7 Calamos Funds TotRetBdI 8.87 +0.02 2.8 CpInc 9.30 -0.01 5.6 DevMktY 39.28 -0.79 12.4 IncomeFd 10.44 +0.01 3.9 MidCpAdml 267.28 -2.34 6.3 TgtRe2045 25.39 -0.17 11.3 WCM Focus Funds
NwWrldA 74.08 -0.79 11.5 MktNeutI 14.45 +0.01 5.5 Edgewood Growth Instituti GroCo 30.20 +0.07 34.2 JHF III DispVal Price Funds MuHYAdml 10.47 +0.02 3.9 TgtRe2050 42.21 -0.30 11.7 WCMFocIntlGrwIns 22.12 -0.32 12.5
SmCpA 62.29 -0.47 11.0 Columbia Class I EdgewoodGrInst NA ... NA InvGrBd 9.99 +0.02 3.3 DispValMCI 25.56 -0.19 4.7 BlChip 137.66 +0.05 33.0 MuIntAdml 13.48 +0.01 2.2 TgtRe2060 43.37 -0.31 11.7 Western Asset
TxExA 12.21 +0.02 2.7 DivIncom I 29.42 -0.23 2.3 Federated Hermes Int LowP 47.51 -0.31 2.9 John Hancock DivGro 66.84 -0.55 4.6 MuLTAdml 10.74 +0.01 3.2 TgtRet2055 47.09 -0.34 11.7 CoreBondI NA ... NA
WshA 53.52 -0.40 6.4 Dimensional Fds TtlRtnBdI 9.51 +0.01 2.2 Magin 11.06 -0.04 15.8 BondR6 13.49 +0.02 3.1 Growth 80.33 -0.03 30.4 MuLtdAdml 10.70 +0.01 1.4 TgtRetInc 12.88 -0.01 5.6 CorePlusBdI NA ... NA
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. ** Wednesday, June 21, 2023 | B11


Street-Backed 3M Suits
Crypto Market Heavy Costs
Gets to Work Continued from page B1
steep price tag that would po-
tentially reshape the company.
Some analysts expect 3M to
reduce its stock dividend that
Exchange EDX seeks serve individual investors. In- costs $3.4 billion a year as it
stead, it expects that retail becomes a smaller company
business from those brokerages will send inves- with a heavier debt load. The
wary of troubles at tors’ orders to buy and sell company said last July that it


digital coins to its market- planned to spin off its health-
FTX and Binance place. care business—its best-per-
The stock market operates forming unit—to shareholders
BY ALEXANDER OSIPOVICH under a similar model, in as a separate public company
which investors don’t directly late this year or in early 2024.
A new cryptocurrency ex- access the New York Stock Ex- The dividend, which was al-
change backed by Citadel Se- change or Nasdaq, but instead most $6 a share last year, is a
curities, Fidelity Investments submit orders through broker- crucial reason why Kinloch
and Charles Schwab is seek- ages such as Fidelity and Capital has held its invest- Settling the litigation would come with a steep price tag that could reshape the company.
ing business from brokers and Schwab. ment in 3M despite the share
investors interested in digital EDX Chief Executive Jamil price falling by about one-fifth panic, not an enterprise trial-conglomerate sector. The lated to PFAS and cases filed
assets but wary of troubles at Nazarali said the failure of in the past year, said Peter panic,” he said. company maintains a streak of by state attorneys gen-
FTX and Binance. FTX stoked demand for a Walls, chief investment officer 3M traditionally has been a increasing shareholder divi- eral over water and soil con-
The venture, EDX Markets, crypto exchange without the for the Virginia-based firm. A prodigious cash generator, dends annually for more than tamination. 3M, which manu-
quietly began executing trades built-in conflict of interest cut in the dividend would be a with thousands of products in 60 years. About 94% of 3M’s factured PFAS in Belgium, also
in recent weeks. that comes with storing cus- reason to sell, he said. business lines that carry high free cash, which is the money is facing PFAS complaints in
EDX released a statement tomer funds. “We are willing to ride rel- profit margins. 3M hives off left over after interest pay- other countries.
about the launch Tuesday, Nazarali was a longtime ex- atively large ups and downs products from a core set of ments and capital expendi- “It’s going to be a liability
nine months after its backers ecutive at Citadel Securities and be extremely patient as materials that include adhe- tures, is channeled to the divi- with a lot longer tail,” said Gi-
unveiled their plans for the before joining EDX. long as the dividend is coming sives, abrasive materials, non- dend, according to analysts. anna Kinsman, a vice presi-
crypto marketplace. EDX says it will offer trad- in every year and being in- woven fabrics and reflective The healthcare spinoff is ex- dent for Capstone, a Washing-
The launch shows that ing in just four cryptocurren- creased every year,” he said. films. This year, 3M is likely to pected to reduce 3M’s earnings ton-based firm that advises
some Wall Street firms remain cies—bitcoin, ether, litecoin 3M declined to comment on have more cash on hand than before taxes and interest by investors and companies on
interested in crypto despite a and bitcoin cash—none of potential settlement strategies usual because of the spinoff of $2.4 billion, leaving less money regulatory issues.
regulatory onslaught by the which have been identified as or how the company could pay its healthcare business. in the future for the dividend, Capstone, which doesn’t
Securities and Exchange Com- securities by the SEC. for any settlements. 3M Chief RBC Capital Markets esti- according to analysts’ calcula- work for any company that
mission and a market that has Such a conservative ap- Executive Mike Roman said in mates that 3M will have ac- tions. As more of 3M’s free produces PFAS chemicals,
cooled off substantially over proach to listing cryptocur- May at a conference that the cess to about $17.4 billion of cash is needed for settlement- forecasts that 3M’s cost to
the past 18 months. rencies could help EDX stay dividend has been a priority capital by the end of the year, related expenses in the coming settle PFAS litigation will be
A spokeswoman for Citadel out of trouble with the SEC, for the company. including an estimated $6.7 years, analysts expect the ever- more than $40 billion.
Securities, an electronic mar- which has sued Coinbase Some analysts have esti- billion from a one-time divi- increasing dividend to become The litigation hangover
ket-making firm with a huge Global and a number of other mated the cost of settling the dend the new healthcare com- unsustainable. prompted credit-ratings firm
presence in stocks and op- crypto exchanges for listing earplug litigation at $10 bil- pany is expected to pay to its “They’re now a dividend Moody’s to give 3M debt a
tions, confirmed it was trad- coins that the agency deems lion to $15 billion. A settle- former parent. 3M is expected aristocrat, but we think that negative outlook in February,
ing cryptocurrencies on EDX. to be securities. Coinbase has ment with municipalities for to retain a 19.9% equity stake likely comes to an end,” said though the agency left 3M’s
Citadel Securi- disputed the PFAS in drinking water alone in the new company, which Deane Dray, an analyst for rating at an investment grade
ties’ billionaire agency’s cate- could cost $10 billion or more, could be valued at roughly RBC Capital. “They’ll be a of A1. Moody’s Senior Vice
founder Ken gorization of they have estimated. $3.2 billion if 3M opts to sell smaller company.” President David Berge said the
Griffin was EDX won’t cryptocurren- Ryan Batchelor, chief in- it, according to RBC. Even if 3M settles the case outlook reflects uncertainty
earlier a very directly handle cies as securi- vestment officer of Utah- Roman has said he is in no currently due to go to trial, in- over PFAS litigation inside
public critic of ties and vowed based Clifford Capital Part- rush to sell the stake after the volving firefighting foam with and outside the U.S.
crypto. customers’ to fight back in ners, said his firm believes 3M spinoff. “We can monetize over PFAS produced by 3M, the Analysts expect that 3M
EDX says its court. can absorb large settlements time,” he said in announcing company faces other PFAS-re- eventually will need to borrow
approach draws
crypto like other EDX’s other without undermining its busi- the move last summer. lated litigation. 3M is also a to pay PFAS settlements. 3M
on standard exchanges. original back- nesses. 3M’s dividend is the highest defendant in thousands of currently has nearly $16 bil-
practices in tra- ers include “We think this is an equity among its peers in the indus- personal-injury lawsuits re- lion in debt.
ditional, regu- electronic-trad-
lated financial ing firm Virtu
markets and differs in key Financial and venture-capital
ways from how crypto ex- investors Sequoia Capital and
changes typically operate.
One major difference is that
The venture said in its
The Marketplace
To advertise: 800-366-3975 or
EDX is a “noncustodial” ex- statement Tuesday that it has
change, meaning it doesn’t di- closed a second funding
rectly handle its customers’ round.
Instead, EDX runs a mar- clude options-exchange opera-
ketplace where firms agree to tor Miami International
execute trades of coins and Holdings and affiliates of pro- YOUR BOOK alliance mortgage fund
Owner Retiring, Small Biz for Sale
dollars, using its platform to
agree on prices. Then the
prietary trading firms DV
Trading, GTS, GSR and Hud-
We Write Your Biography for
Your Family. Or We Write & 7%-8% Return Commercial Fuel and Propane Distribution Co.
firms move crypto and cash son River Trading. Publish a Book of Your Success REAL ESTATE SECURED
between each other to settle Both Citadel Securities and FIXED INCOME FUND
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In Business & Lessons Learned. Founded in 1929 serving 2,000+ loyal customers in
Later this year, EDX plans NYSE.
Earn Royalties on Book Sales. SEEKING RIA’S & rural upper NC/VA region (north of Raleigh). Over
to launch a clearinghouse to Citadel’s founder, Griffin, ACCREDITED INVESTORS 1 million gallons of fuel sold annually. Consistent
facilitate the process of set- made his fortune in tradi- CALL: income: $4.8M gross sales, $1M+ gross profit in 2022.
tling trades, but even then it
plans to use third-party banks
tional markets and was pub-
licly hostile to crypto as re-
(904) 293-9893 * Since 1999
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In contrast, crypto ex- “I wish all this passion and permitted oil and gas tank storage, main office and
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include expanded service to neighboring towns and
coins in wallets run by the ex- United States stronger,” Grif-
marketing HVAC services.
change, creating the risk that fin said at a public appearance (818) 340-5115
the exchange could lose the in Chicago in October 2021. MK INVESTMENT
funds or be tempted to misuse “Let’s face it, it’s a jihadist SERVICES, INC.
Sale price: $3.5M.
them. call that we don’t believe in Cal Dept of Real Estate Lic #02141734 No. 2023/ 96 COS
No. 2023/33 COM Offering prospectus and financials available
Sam Bankman-Fried’s FTX the dollar.” IN THE MATTER OF CRH PLC
collapsed in November after Griffin also acknowledged AND IN THE MATTER OF THE COMPANIES ACT 2014
with signed NDA.
its affiliated crypto-trading at the time that his firm AND IN THE MATTER OF SECTION 450 OF THE
Send contact information to
firm, Alameda Research, would still trade crypto on be- AND IN THE MATTER OF A PROPOSAL FOR A SCHEME Steve Weintz at
tapped billions of dollars’ half of online brokerages if OF ARRANGEMENT

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Section 453(2)(b) Qualified cash buyers only. No owner financing. No brokers.
worth of customer assets to there were regulatory clarity. of the Irish Companies Act 2014 (the “2014 Act”) that
fund risky trades and venture- Citadel Securities had been the following resolution approving a proposed scheme
of arrangement (the “Scheme”) between CRH plc (the
capital investments. researching crypto as a poten- “Company”) and the holders of the Ordinary Shares
(as defined in the scheme document (the “Scheme
Earlier this month, the SEC tial trading opportunity as Document”)) was approved at a meeting of the Ordinary BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NOTICE OF SALE
alleged in a lawsuit that Bi- early as March 2021, more Shareholders held on 8 June 2023 (which meeting was
ordered by the High Court of Ireland (the “Court”) on
nance commingled billions of than half a year before Grif- 8 May 2023 following an application by the Company
pursuant to Section 450(3) of the 2014 Act): NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF COLLATERAL

dollars of customer assets in fin’s comments, according to a “THAT the Scheme in its original form or with or subject THERE IS ONLY ONE… PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that in accordance with
an account held by a trading lawsuit the firm filed last year to any modification(s), addition(s) or condition(s)
approved or imposed by the High Court be agreed to.” 1A applicable provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code
as enacted and currently in effect in New York, and
firm owned by Binance
founder Changpeng Zhao. Bi-
in Chicago against a former
employee whom it accused of
The purpose of the Scheme is to provide for the transfer New York on account of a default under a certain Pledge and
Security Agreement dated as of April 4, 2022 ( “Security
(800) 366-3975

of the legal title (but not the beneficial interest) in the

Scheme Shares (as defined in the Scheme Document) so Best offer / Transferable Agreement”), executed and delivered by 421 Kent
nance responded that its us- misusing confidential infor- as to (i) permit the Ordinary Shares to be transferred, Development Holdco, LLC, a Delaware limited liability
ers’ assets are “safe and se- mation. settled and cleared through the Depositary Trust company (“Pledgor”) and by virtue of that certain
Company (“DTC”) (a central securities depository that UCC-1 Filing Statement made in favor of KM 429 KENT
cure” and vowed to defend Citadel Securities executed provides settlement services for companies whose - Ends 8/25 - AVENUE US FINANCING LLC (“Secured Party”), Mannion
securities are listed on the New York Stock Exchange) Auctions, LLC on behalf of Secured Party, will offer
itself against the SEC’s allega- its first systematic crypto

or be eligible for such transfer, settlement and clearing for sale, at public auction, all of Pledgor’s right, title,
through DTC; (ii) terminate the transfer, settlement and and interest in and to: (i) 100% of the limited liability
tions. trade in March 2022 through clearing of the Ordinary Shares through the settlement company membership interest in 421 Kent Development,
Unlike most crypto ex- an affiliate in Asia, the lawsuit system operated by Euroclear Bank S.A./N.V.; and (iii)
take certain steps to facilitate the foregoing.
LLC (“Pledged Entity”), owned by 421 Kent Development
Holdco, LLC; and (ii) All other “Pledged Interests”, as that
changes, EDX won’t directly said. The Company will make an application to the Court term is defined in the Pledge Agreement (collectively,
pursuant to section 453(2)(c) of the 2014 Act for an (i) and (ii) are the “Collateral”). Secured Party’s
order sanctioning the Scheme. NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF COLLATERAL understanding is that the principal asset of the Pledged
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to an order Please take notice that 100% of the membership Entity is that certain fee interest in condominium units
made by the Court on 19 June 2023, the Company will interests in ONH 14 53rd ST LLC, a Delaware limited designated and described as Unit Nos. TH1, TH5, TH7,
apply to the Court on 11 July 2023 under Section 453(2) liability company (the “Company”), will be offered TH8, 207, 231, D315, D327, L32, L52, L61, L62, L63,
For more information visit: (c) of the 2014 Act for an order sanctioning the Scheme. for sale at a public auction and sold to the highest L65, D720, D725, PH5, 812, 830, 834 and 912 in the
“qualified bidder” on August 9, 2023 at 11:00 A.M. The Court has directed that the application for the
sanctioning of the Scheme and any related orders be
(New York time). The sale will be held virtually (i.e.,
not in person) via (case
building known as Oosten Condominium, located at 421
Kent Avenue, Brooklyn, New York. Mannion Auctions,
heard in the Commercial List of the Court sitting in the LLC (“Mannion”), under the direction of Matthew D.
sensitive). Mannion, licensed auctioneer (DCA #1434494) (the
Four Courts, Inns Quay, Dublin 7, D07 N972, Ireland at
10:30 a.m. (Irish time) on 11 July 2023 (the “Hearing”). The principal asset of the Company is the property “Auctioneer”), will conduct a public sale consisting of
The Hearing will take place in a hybrid fashion and located at 14 53rd Street, Brooklyn, New York. the Collateral (as set forth in Schedule I below), at the
virtual meeting details are available from the email This sale is held to enforce the rights of 14 53rd Street offices of Secured Party’s counsel, Herrick, Feinstein
address below on request. LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, as secured LLP, 2 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016, on July 25,
Any shareholder or creditor that wishes to obtain a copy party (including its successors and assigns, “Secured 2023 at 2:00 p.m. ET, in satisfaction of an indebtedness
of the Company’s filings relating to the Hearing should Party”) under (A) that certain (i) that certain Senior in the approximate amount of $36,211,589.94, including
contact the solicitors for the Company at the address Loan Agreement, dated as of September 25, 2020 by principal, interest on principal, and reasonable fees and
below. and among the Company and TPG RE Finance 2, Ltd. costs, plus default interest through June 5, 2023, subject
(“TPG”), (ii) that certain Amended and Restated to open charges and all additional interest, costs, fees
Any party with such an interest in the Scheme may Building Loan Agreement, dated as of September
appear at the Hearing personally or be represented by and disbursements permitted by law. The Secured Party
25, 2020 by and among the Company and TPG, and reserves the right to (i) credit bid its claim secured by
a solicitor or by counsel. Any such party intending to (iii) that certain Project Loan Agreement, dated as
so appear should give notice in writing to the Solicitors of September 25, 2020 by and among the Company the collateral; (ii) reject any and all bids found to be
for the Company by no later than 5:30 p.m. (Irish time) and TPG , and (B) that certain Pledge and Security made in bad faith, (iii) cancel the sale in its entirety,
on 4 July 2023, and any affidavit in support of any such Agreement dated as of September 25, 2020, executed and/or (iv) adjourn the sale. The collateral will be sold
appearance should be filed with the Central Office of the by ONH 14 53rd ST Mezz LLC, a Delaware limited as a block and will not be divided or sold in any lesser
High Court of Ireland, and served on the Solicitors for liability company, in favor of TPG, both of which amounts.
the Company, by no later than 5:30 p.m. (Irish time) on Interested parties who would like additional

are currently held by Secured Party. Secured Party

4 July 2023. The Scheme proceedings are also listed in reserves the right to reject all bids and terminate information regarding the Collateral and the terms and
the Call Over List in the Commercial List on 7 July 2023 or adjourn the sale to another time, without further conditions of the Sale (the “Terms and Conditions”)
at 10:45 a.m. publication. should contact counsel for Secured Party, Herrick,
21 June 2023 Interested parties who would like additional Feinstein LLP, 2 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016, Attn:
ARTHUR COX LLP information regarding the Company, the collateral, Avery S. Mehlman, Esq., at 212-592-1400 or by email at
Solicitors for the Company property visits, and the terms of the public sale
Ten Earlsfort Terrace (including the requirements to be a “qualified bidder”) SCHEDULE I: Issuer: 421 Kent Development, LLC; Owner:
Dublin 2 should contact Greg Corbin at Rosewood Realty 421 Kent Development Holdco, LLC; Form of Equity/
D02 T380 Group at (212)-359-9904 to obtain a non-disclosure Class: Limited Liability Company; Percentage of Equity
© 2023 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. Ireland agreement which must be executed before obtaining Interests: 100%; Certificate Number: 003.
All Rights Reserved. access to the Rosewood Realty Group due diligence
Ref: COS/AR/40755/362 website.
EDX CEO Jamil Nazarali is a veteran of backer Citadel.
B12 | Wednesday, June 21, 2023 ***** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Rally Stalls After Strong Housing Data

Yields on Treasurys Index performance Tuesday Oil and energy stocks fell as
traders worried the move by
drop ahead of 0.2% Beijing officials could reflect
congressional underlying weakness in global
0 demand. Brent crude pulled
testimony by Powell back 19 cents, or 0.2%, to
Nasdaq $75.90 a barrel.
BY HANNAH MIAO –0.2 Composite The S&P 500 energy sector


dropped 2.3%, the worst per-
Stocks fell to kick off a short –0.4 forming segment of the broad
week of trading, stalling a rally index.
S&P 500
that has seen indexes climb to U.S.-listed shares of Chinese
their highest levels of the year. –0.6 companies slipped. fell
The S&P 500 fell 20.88 Dow Jones $2.68, or 6.7% to $37.17, and
points, or 0.5%, to 4388.71. The Industrial PDD fell $5.55, or about 7%, to
–0.8 Average
Dow Jones In- $74.32. Alibaba declined $4.17,
TUESDAY’S dustrial Aver- or 4.5%, to $87.93 after the e-
MARKETS age lost 245.25 Shares of home builders rose after U.S. housing-start data –1.0 commerce giant said it was re-
p o i n t s , came in stronger than the market had expected. placing its chief executive offi-
or 0.7%, to 34053.87. The Nas- –1.2 cer.
daq Composite dropped 22.28 Investors have turned opti- ings as a gauge for whether Early Wednesday, Japan’s
10 a.m. 11 noon 1 p.m. 2 3 4
points, or 0.2%, to 13667.29. mistic about stocks. Bullish stocks appear cheap or expen- Nikkei 225 was up 0.4%, but
The major indexes have sentiment is at the highest sive. Source: FactSet Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index
marched higher in recent level since November 2021, ac- In economic data, U.S. hous- was down 1.6%. S&P 500 fu-
weeks as enthusiasm around cording to the latest American ing starts for May came in last week after 10 consecutive day. Market participants will tures were flat.
artificial intelligence sent in- Association of Individual Inves- higher than expected, driven increases but signaled they be attuned to messaging from
vestors flocking to shares of tors survey. by both single-family and mul- were prepared to raise rates central-bank officials that
megacap tech stocks. The tech- As a contrarian indicator, tifamily projects. Shares of next month if the economy and could provide clues about the AUCTION RESULTS
Here are the results of Tuesday's Treasury auctions.
heavy Nasdaq Composite is high levels of optimism among home builders rose, with inflation don’t cool more. path of rates moving forward. All bids are awarded at a single price at the market-
clearing yield. Rates are determined by the difference
coming off its eighth consecu- investors could signal a decline PulteGroup adding $1.37, or “We keep expecting a reces- The benchmark yield on the between that price and the face value.
tive weekly gain, its longest in stocks ahead. 1.9%, to $74.88 and D.R. Hor- sion, but all of the indicators 10-year Treasury note eased to
winning streak since 2019. The The S&P 500 is up 14% this ton gaining $1.92, or 1.6%, to are pointing towards a very 3.726% from 3.768% Friday. U.S. 13-Week 26-Week
S&P 500 rose for five straight year, trading at about 19 times $118.32. slow crawl out of the inflation markets were closed on Mon- Applications $169,164,535,600 $154,757,254,700
Accepted bids $66,371,035,600 $59,223,284,700
weeks, its longest stretch since projected earnings over the The strong housing-market spiral,” said Victoria Bills, chief day for the Juneteenth holiday. " noncomp $2,660,740,200 $2,194,938,800
2021. next 12 months, according to indicator is the latest signal investment strategist at Ban- Overseas, Chinese banks " foreign noncomp $645,000,000 $0
“The markets have become a FactSet. That’s up from a mul- showing the U.S. economy re- rion Capital Management. “In- trimmed benchmark interest Auction price (rate) 98.703250 97.386278
(5.130%) (5.170%)
little bit extended from a valua- tiple of roughly 17 at the begin- mains robust even as the Fed- flation is going to continue to rates on loans to households 5.284% 5.397%
tion and sentiment perspective,” ning of the year and higher eral Reserve attempts to quell be very sticky.” and businesses in a well-tele- Bids at clearing yield accepted 71.60% 34.94%
912796CR8 912797FV4
said Dave Grecsek, managing di- than the five-year average of inflation through aggressive in- Fed Chair Jerome Powell is graphed move as Beijing at-
Both issues are dated June 22, 2023. The 13-week bills
rector in investment strategy 18.6. Market participants often terest-rate increases. Fed offi- set to testify before Congress tempts to revive its flagging mature on Sept. 21, 2023; the 26-week bills mature on
and research at Aspiriant. use the ratio of price to earn- cials held interest rates steady on Wednesday and Thurs- economic rebound. Dec. 21, 2023.

Funds Buy More T-Bills, Park Less at Fed Norway Seeks to Allow
BY ERIC WALLERSTEIN Short-term rates net issuance in the next two
Mining in Deep Sea
Money-market funds are 6% Wall Street banks have BY YUSUF KHAN looking to extract these nod-
placing less cash in a Federal One-month Treasury yield cited reverse repo as provid- ules, such as Norway’s Loke
Reserve borrowing program, a 5
Fed reverse repo rate
ing an adequate buffer for the The Norwegian government Marine Minerals, say that
sign that efforts to replenish new bill supply, and the Trea- opened the door for deep-sea harvesting them provides an
Two-year Treasury yield
government coffers after the 4 sury Department emphasized mining in its waters, despite alternative supply of the min-
debt-ceiling fight haven’t dis- its ability to handle debt-limit opposition from environmen- erals needed for renewables,
rupted markets. episodes in the past without tal groups and a growing list while avoiding the harm to in-
Analysts said funds are in- market consequence. of nation states arguing to digenous civilizations or rain-
stead likely stepping up to buy Some analysts think the de- ban the practice. forests when mining on land.
new Treasury bills that the 2 cline could be temporary. The The government said it was In Norway, the focus will be
government is issuing as it $117 billion drop on Thursday proposing parts of the Norwe- on seabed crusts on the coun-
looks to borrow up to $1 tril- 1 might have been amplified by gian continental shelf be try’s continental shelf. The
lion through the end of the corporate-tax payments June opened for deep-sea mining target crusts contain copper,
year. If so, that could ease 15, when companies typically and other commercial seabed zinc and cobalt, as well as
fears that a flood of short- pull cash from money-market mineral activities. It added some rare-earth elements, ac-
term bonds into the market 2021 ’22 ’23 funds to pay the government. that environmental consider- cording to the Norwegian Pe-
could boost volatility and gov- Overnight reverse repurchase transactions at Federal Reserve Coming reverse repo data will ations would be safeguarded troleum Directorate.
ernment funding costs. be closely watched to see and extraction permitted only “We need minerals to suc-
The Fed’s facility for so- $2.5 billion whether this marks the start if the industry could demon- ceed in the green transition,”
called reverse repurchase of a promising trend or proves strate “sustainability and re- said Terje Aasland, minister
agreements—which borrows 2.0 transitory. sponsible practices.” of petroleum and energy.
from money-market funds and “We would not be surprised Deep-sea mining has at- Deep-sea mining in interna-
other firms in exchange for se- to see if [reverse repo] bal- tracted growing opposition, tional waters isn’t yet legal,
curities such as Treasurys, ances rebound over the com- both in Europe and the rest of but it is expected to become so
then returns the money the ing days as the effect of the the world, over concerns that this year. Next month, the In-
next day—had its biggest 1.0 tax deadline fades,” wrote JP- it could significantly damage ternational Seabed Authority—
drain in roughly six months on Morgan analysts. marine ecosystems. However, a U.N. observer organization
Thursday. Reverse repo fell 0.5 The reverse repo rate is companies and countries are tasked with creating rules cov-
below $2 trillion for the first also mechanically tied to the scouring the planet to find ering the practice—is expected
time since June 2022, after 0 federal-funds target range set and secure additional sources to meet to agree upon regula-
peaking above $2.5 trillion at by the Fed. Should policy mak- of metals and minerals critical tions for deep-sea mining.
2021 ’22 ’23
the end of last year. ers opt to increase rates at for the energy transition, in- Deep-sea mining remains
The declining use of the Source: Federal Reserve their July meeting—which an- cluding manganese and cobalt. controversial, with a number
program—which rebounded alysts said looks likely given To date deep-sea mining of NGOs and national govern-
slightly on Friday to a touch money funds, which are gener- 4.720%. Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s re- has focused on the extraction ments calling to ban the prac-
above $2 trillion, remaining ally limited to ultrasafe assets The Treasury’s checking ac- cent comments—the yields on of seabed nodules—tennis- tice or at least obtain a mora-
near its lowest levels of the such as Treasurys and repur- count held at the Fed, known short-term Treasurys might ball-sized pieces of rock that torium to further investigate
past year—offers hope that chase agreements. Fears of a as the Treasury General Ac- have to climb above 5.3% to contain manganese, cobalt and its environmental impacts.
the smooth flow of money in widening banking crisis or U.S. count, had fallen as low as $50 keep pulling money-market nickel, all of which are used in “To forge ahead and un-
short-term markets dimin- default pushed investors into billion as of the end of May. It funds from the facility. electric-vehicle batteries. leash deep-sea mining in the
ishes a potential risk to Treasurys, driving yields had since rebounded to Marginally higher govern- So far much of the atten- Arctic would be criminal. Nor-
stocks’ rally. Some feared lower relative to the reverse roughly $135 billion as of ment borrowing costs might be tion has centered on the Pa- way talks about leading the
money-market funds could repo rate. Wednesday, but that remains less of an issue than a potential cific Ocean’s Clarion Clipper- world, but they clearly didn’t
continue sapping deposits Yields on Treasury bills well below officials’ targeted snarl in the short-term lending ton Zone, which is an area of get the memo of the growing
from banks and stashing that have now climbed high enough balance of $600 billion for the markets that underpin the fi- water between Mexico and opposition to this industry,”
cash at the Fed, adding stress for money-market funds to go end of September. nancial system, some analysts Hawaii that contains millions said Louisa Casson of Green-
to the financial system. buy them. The government’s After the debt-ceiling deal said. Should bank liquidity de- of tons of nodules. Companies peace International.
“The issuance has gone latest one-month and two- passed, Wall Street braced for cline too rapidly as the TGA re-
about as well as anyone could month bill auctions offered in- the Treasury Department to fills, the Fed could have to step
have imagined,” said Joseph vestment rates of 5.113% and sell more than $1 trillion of in to support markets at the
Brusuelas, principal and chief 5.206%, respectively. That short-term debt in the coming same time it is winding down
economist at RSM US. “That compares to reverse repo’s of- months. Extraordinary mea- its balance sheet—an atypical
doesn’t mean it’ll continue fered rate of 5.05%. sures enacted during the debt- policy stance.
that way, but so far Wall “We’ll see an increase in ceiling fight and weaker-than- Steven Kelly, a researcher
Street is handling the tsunami short-term yields when the expected taxes had bled the at Yale University’s program
of bills.” bulk of issuance hits in the government’s coffers. on financial stability, said that

Money-market funds in- second half of this month,” Earlier in June, the Trea- if there isn’t enough cash in
vested much of their nearly said Brusuelas. “There’s defi- sury Department said it would the right place at the right
$5.5 trillion in assets at the nitely some worries—the local rebuild its balances gradually. time, short-term rates could
Fed to earn large fees on and regional banks started to It is targeting a $425 billion surge. A period of low liquid-
highly safe, daily transactions. break when the 2-year yield TGA balance by the end of ity caused an unexpected rate
Fewer Treasury bills going breached 5%.” June, down from May’s esti- spike in September 2019.
around meant there were The yield on the 2-year mate of $550 billion. That still “Someone can get pinched,” Rock extracted by an expedition off Norway’s coast. The
fewer buying opportunities for Treasury finished last week at requires nearly $300 billion of he said. seabed crust contains materials used in electric-car batteries.

Nvidia shares are down 105%. last summer, in anticipation of easy to source, making the fee more like long positions in million of short interest as of
Short The potential loss on a short
sale is unlimited, since the
this recession that has yet to to borrow them low. Investors
materialize,” said Jason Draho, were shorting about $235 bil-
practice. Two of the three
most profitable on a percent-
the end of May, according to
S3. Similar wagers against the
shares need to be repurchased head of asset lion worth of age-gain basis in May were in- smaller Direxion Daily Semi-
Sellers and returned eventually. allocation ETFs at the end vestors shorting inverse ETFs, conductor Bear 3X ETF are

The most popular short Americas at of May, accord- or those that seek to provide also prevalent.

Take Hit trades have inflicted outsize

losses on investors: A Gold-
man Sachs Group index track-
UBS Global
Wealth Man-
agement. “The
ing to S3.
Not all
shorts are out-
the opposite return of their
underlying assets.
An investor can theoreti-
As U.S. stocks keep rallying
and losses among short sellers
grow, professional investors
ing the 50 most-shorted stocks more the mar- Total short interest right bearish cally outperform a benchmark have been left increasingly
Continued from page B1 in the Russell 3000 has ad- ket goes up, the
Tesla shares have more than vanced 20% this year, outpac- more I think
in the U.S. market in plays. Investors
are often short-
by shorting an inverse ETF
that tracks it, taking advantage
“The stock market, frankly,
doubled in 2023, while Nvidia’s ing the S&P 500. those who are June, highest since ing ETFs to of the tracking error that is exhibiting signs of a mania,”
have nearly tripled. The other More pain could be on the on the sidelines April 2022 hedge their ex- causes an inverse ETF to drop DoubleLine Capital founder
three stocks are up at least way. Analysts note that many have to figure posure to a sec- by more than the percentage and Chief Executive Jeffrey
40%. Together, big-tech stocks institutions are boosting their out how to get tor that has that the asset it tracks rises. Gundlach said on CNBC
are responsible for almost all stock-market exposure, propel- back in.” several individ- Betting against the Wednesday. “This is feeling a
of the S&P 500’s gains. ling a hot stretch for equities Increasingly, investors are ual stocks they might like, said ProShares Ultrapro Short lot like the lead-up to January
Investors shorting Elon in which the S&P 500 has ad- using exchange-traded funds Rich Lee, head of program and QQQ ETF, which aims to pro- 4, 2022. There were a lot of
Musk’s electric-vehicle maker vanced in nine of the past 13 to bet against the market. Be- ETF trading at Robert W. vide three times the opposite shorts, there was a lot of pes-
are down about 78%, or $12.4 sessions. cause it is easy to create new Baird. return of the Nasdaq-100 In- simism, and then you had the
billion, this year, according to “Investors have been cau- shares in ETFs to meet de- And some of the popular dex, has grown in popularity. kind of retracement that one
S3. Those betting against tiously positioned really since mand, the shares are typically ETF short trades have looked The inverse ETF amassed $609 would expect.”
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, June 21, 2023 | B13



The Problem With Tesla’s AI Rally

Wall Street’s focus has moved from Tesla’s price cuts to a more distant future of driverless vehicles. It may shift again.

There are a lot of theories for why menters. While Chief Executive Tesla's share price, past two years All these threads can be woven
Tesla’s market value increased by Elon Musk has talked about robo- together to depict Tesla as a tech-
about a quarter-trillion dollars dur- taxis, Alphabet’s Waymo and GM’s nology ecosystem with several rev-
ing the past month. You have to go Cruise operate fleets of them, al- enue streams, rather than as a car-
far down the list to find the thing in- beit in limited areas and condi- Third-quarter sales maker. Tech analyst Dan Ives of
vestors usually pay most attention tions. GM and Alphabet moved for- 300 Wedbush Securities wrote of an
to: the foreseeable outlook for profit. ward with understandable caution. “AWS moment” for Tesla, referring
Even by Tesla’s standards the A mangled line from ChatGPT may to the emergence of’s
recent rally has been dizzying. The not have big consequences, but a cloud-computing business.
stock opened after the long week- stray robotaxi would. Uber found 200 Such comparisons are by nature
end above $260, a level last seen this out the hard way when one of imprecise. Tesla has interesting side-
in September, before a disappoint- its test vehicles hit a pedestrian in lines in charging and insurance—
ing third-quarter update started a 2018, triggering a sector downturn. both mostly accounted for in its ser-
run of bad news. Slow progress makes the business 100 vices division—and energy storage,
One commonly cited explanation expensive: Cruise burned through which has been growing very fast.
is artificial intelligence. A record- $1.8 billion of cash last year. But nothing seems likely to generate
breaking 13-day streak of gains in Robotaxis offer a problematic 0 revenues on anything like the scale
Tesla’s stock started about the time explanation for the latest Tesla of Tesla’s car sales.
July 2021 ’22 ’23
chip maker Nvidia gave a punchy rally. Over the past month, GM un- While much of the Street chatter
sales forecast based on booming derperformed Ford, which doesn’t Net purchases from retail investors, Deferred revenues $300 billion once again recasts Tesla as a tech gi-
demand for AI applications. Marco have a business like Cruise, while 10-day moving average* recognized by Tesla ant, there are more down-to-Earth
Iachini, senior vice president at Alphabet’s stock is broadly flat. for FSD features, explanations for the recent rally. Ben
Vanda Research, which analyzes Tesla sees the potential to take $400 billion charging-network 250 Rose, an analyst at Battle Road Re-
investor flows, points out small drivers out of cars to create robo- Tesla access, internet search, points out it started when
shareholders bought into Tesla and taxis as an extension of its existing connectivity and Musk appointed a new CEO at Twit-
AI basket† 200
the AI theme at similar times dur- driver-assistance package—so-called 300 OTA updates ter, alleviating worries about his get-
ing the past year. “We think the full-self-driving. This software offers ting distracted by the platform.
market wants to believe Tesla is an another justification for the AI hopes 150 Tesla updated its website this
AI name first, an auto company swirling around the company. month to show that all its vehicles
second,” Morgan Stanley analyst Tesla now charges $15,000 for FSD wide release qualify for the full U.S. tax credit,
Adam Jonas wrote last week. FSD, but doesn’t book all the reve- 100 which depends on complex battery-
Although the latest AI hopes have nue because the product is in test- sourcing requirements. Previously
been focused on the “large language ing mode. After years of disappoint- 100 most of its models got only half the
models” that power ChatGPT, some ment, its recognition of deferred 50 $7,500 subsidy. If second-quarter
investors appear to see a read-across revenue took a step up in the final Nvidia gives earnings show signs of stabilization,
to driverless cars. RBC analyst Tom quarter of last year, when it made 0
bullish revenue target
Quarterly 0
analysts could start to increase earn-
Narayan published a note last week FSD more widely available, and it ings forecasts that they have spent
with a new valuation methodology was higher than usual in the first July 2022 ’23 2020 ’21 ’22 ’23 the past six months or so cutting.
that attributed little value to Tesla’s quarter. This could be a sign—albeit *As of June 13 †Top 5 holdings: Nvidia,,, Microsoft, Alphabet Second-quarter sales and earn-
car-making business but a lot to its one open to manipulation—that the Sources: FactSet (share price); VandaTrack (purchases); the company (revenues) ings next month could refocus
promise of “robotaxis”—driverless technology is finally working better. minds on how things look in the
vehicles for hire that one day might Still, putting a high value on FSD Leaving aside AI, the deals Ford never really warmed to indepen- more immediate future. Whether
replace some cases of car ownership. is problematic even if its perfor- and GM have signed to use Tesla’s dent charging-network builders the news is good or bad, it is
Pinning hopes on Tesla robotaxis mance turns a corner. Cutting-edge Supercharger network coincide with such as EVgo, given the capital in- likely to bring a reminder that
requires a double leap of faith be- technology in the car industry has the latest rally. They should help tensity of their rapid growth. Sud- Tesla still depends overwhelm-
cause the technology is at an ex- historically commanded a sales pre- Tesla wring better returns from of denly seeing huge profit potential ingly on selling vehicle hardware
perimental stage and Tesla isn’t mium only for limited periods before its fixed assets, but the response in Tesla’s charging business smacks and will do for many years to
among the most visible experi- competitors catch up. seems disproportionate. Investors of cognitive dissonance. come. —Stephen Wilmot

Fixing Burger King’s Royal Mess

Burger King, the longtime No. 2 Domino’s Pizza veteran Tom Curtis ings before interest, taxes, depreci-
U.S. burger chain, looked even more as Burger King’s president for the ation and amortization reaching
like a pretender to the throne after U.S. and Canada has been well re- $175,000 annually by 2024, the par-
slipping to third place in 2020 behind ceived. ent company has promised to kick
Wendy’s by revenue. The bad news: McDonald’s con- in more cash for advertising. Last
But market share was the least tinues to tower over Burger King year, average restaurant Ebitda was
of its concerns after the pandemic on virtually every operating mea- about $140,000, according to the

roiled the restaurant industry. Its sure that matters. chain.

franchisees have seen revenue and According to a ranking last year Even with a minority of the prom-
profitability sag, and two of its of top U.S. quick-serve restaurants ised sums invested, there has been
largest owners have been forced by QSR Magazine, Burger King some improvement with comparable
into bankruptcy recently with an- placed 12th out of 15 burger con- sales growing by 10.8% in the first
other failing to pay royalties. Now cepts by average unit volume at quarter from a year earlier. Investing
the chain is nine months into a $1.47 million a year. McDonald’s in only the strongest franchisees
mission to “reclaim the flame”—a and five other chains had $3 million makes sense. Fast-food chains with
tough-love approach to beef up its or more. financially weak partners have a
best operators and encourage Curtis told an Evercore ISI audi- harder time pushing through promo- The chain has seen improvements in comparable sales growth.
weaker ones to cut back. ence last week that “operations and tional discounts or launching prod-
There is good news and bad news the marketing have improved dra- ucts. Dirty, understaffed or poorly lo- RBI have slipped over the past 12 will be a Pyrrhic victory.
for investors in parent Restaurant matically” as franchisees are being cated restaurants detract from a months, according to FactSet. The In an ominous sign, a 2022 UBS
Brands International, which also given letter grades. Its “Royal Re- chain’s overall corporate image. sole exception: McDonald’s, which Evidence Lab survey of consumers
owns Tim Hortons, Popeyes and Fire- set” plan for its approximately But continuing cost pressures seems to be moving from strength found that only 27% considered
house Subs. On the positive side, an 7,000 U.S. restaurants involves car- and now signs of fatigue by core to strength. Burger King to offer “good value.”
infusion of cash and discipline at rots as well as sticks, showering fast-food customers, who skew One seeming positive for the No prizes for guessing which chain
what had been a neglected franchise high performers with $250 million younger and lower income, are whole sector is a recent rapid re- was No. 1 in the category with 48%
that has changed owners several for equipment and remodeling and weighing on quick-serve restau- versal in food and freight costs and of respondents saying so, likely be-
times over the decades, including $150 million in marketing and digi- rants. Along with Wendy’s, Jack in an easier time hiring burger flip- cause of its ability to push out digi-
two private-equity overseers, is tal spending. the Box, Shake Shack and even pers. But if that is a precursor to tal promotions: McDonald’s.
showing results in its early stages. If its initiatives begin to bear Taco Bell owner Yum Brands, 2023 what many economists predict is You come at the king, you best
The 2021 appointment of 35-year fruit, with average restaurant earn- earnings-per-share forecasts for an oncoming U.S. recession, then it not miss. —Spencer Jakab

Bond Market Ignores $17 Billion Credit Suisse Loss China’s Yuan
Goes Global
Investors in a type of perpetual Additional Tier 1 bonds, spread narrower than on the older bond. very large.
bond don’t seem willing to think over risk-free interest rates In short: Once the impact of More broadly, getting converted Hong Kong’s latest plan to boost
very long term. central banks raising rates is fac- into the equity of a lender that is use of the yuan outside mainland
8 pct. pts.
Last week, Spain’s BBVA said it tored in, banks may actually be about to fail isn’t much better China is off to a slow start.
had issued €1 billion, equivalent to 7
getting cheaper AT1 funding. than being written off. Credit The city’s stock exchange started
$1.1 billion, in so-called Additional European officials designed Suisse has shown that confidence allowing trading in two dozen com-
Tier 1, or AT1, securities. This 6 AT1s in the aftermath of the 2008 in a bank can evaporate quickly panies in yuan on Monday, including
market was upended in March financial crisis so that lenders and that, if this happens, the fact Alibaba and Tencent.
when, in the process of rescuing 5 would automatically top up their that lenders today have big capital One aim is to create more invest-
Credit Suisse, Swiss regulators capital once a key ratio fell below buffers could matter little. More- ment channels for the yuan outside
wiped out the full $17 billion value 4 a certain threshold. To make them over, it has become clear that reg- mainland China. But trading has
of its AT1s. Three months later, count as capital, these bonds ulators will always step in early to been lackluster: turnover in yuan-
BBVA got bids for three times the 3 needed to be perpetual, but banks preserve financial stability, and denominated Alibaba and Tencent
issue on offer. Bank of Cyprus also also found a way to make them then wipe out AT1 holders to make shares was less than 1% of that in
sold new AT1s last week. 2 appeal to traditional bond inves- the bank easier to sell. their Hong Kong dollar equivalents
Both wanted to test whether tors. By custom, they regularly There is also the complicated in the first two days. Shares denom-
the door of the AT1 market was 1 send cash back to holders when- nature of AT1s. Had the market re- inated in either currency are mutu-
open, and the answer has been a ever call dates come due. mained frozen during the coming ally convertible.
resounding yes. 0 Are investors being too blasé? months, many large banks facing Investors from mainland China
It speaks to how short-lived 2015 ’16 ’17 ’18 ’19 ’20 ’21 ’22 ’23 The consensus position is that calls—BBVA, Barclays, HSBC and can buy many Hong Kong stocks
soul-searching in the bond market Note: As of Monday; Using Bloomberg Global
fears in March were overblown, as UBS, among others—could have through Stock Connect. A yuan-de-
has been. Back in March, the Contingent Capital index, option-adjusted spread officials only had the power to opted not to trigger them. nominated stock is supposed to help
Bloomberg Global Contingent Cap- Source: FactSet wipe out Credit Suisse AT1s due to To be sure, BBVA’s success them avoid currency risk. Theoreti-
ital index lost 15% of its value in language contained in Swiss con- paves the way for the opposite to cally, it shouldn’t matter which cur-
just a few days. A big concern was This is important because AT1 tracts. Many AT1s are converted happen. Banks will likely use the rency a stock is denominated in. But
that Swiss regulators didn’t wipe bonds work in quirky ways: At into equity when triggered, rather opportunity to refinance and then investors may perceive a risk and
out Credit Suisse shares, which predetermined dates, issuers have than being written down to zero, call the bonds, attracting even the option could save them some
appeared to violate the seniority the option to call the bond. If they and regulators in the European more buyers. If no further banking administrative hassle.
of debt over equity. don’t, coupons are reset to what- Union and the U.K. have stated panics materialize, investors may If the yuan is ever to become a
Returns since the start of ever spread they had when they that bonds will only bear losses warm further to AT1s with early major trade or reserve currency,
March are still negative and yields were issued plus the floating five- after equity has been written off. call dates. China likely needs to dismantle its
are above 8%. But in terms of the year risk-free rate. For BBVA, But this is missing the forest When it comes to the long-term capital controls and boost offshore
spread above interest rates, AT1 which had a big coming AT1 call in for the trees. For one, the impact balance between risk and reward, yuan-denominated investment op-
debt is back to 2022 levels, and September, funding was about to on AT1s issued by UBS, the Swiss though, the market doesn’t seem portunities. The latest move is a
around where it was in the 2014 get more expensive. In fact, the bank that bought Credit Suisse, to be internalizing the lesson. step in the right direction—but a
to 2016 period. spread on its latest issuance is has been more persistent, but not —Jon Sindreu very small one so far. —Jacky Wong
B14 | Wednesday, June 21, 2023 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

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