Yojana Good Governance Cornerstone To Development 09-03-2019

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Good Governance: Gornerstone to Development

lbgesh Suri
Desh Gaurov Sekhri
lobal and Indian inclusion, participation, rights and
history is replete with security.
examples of how
good governance has Development Agenda -
improved the lives of India@75
the people and bad
governance has destroyed races NITI Aayog has brought
and nations. In Indian mythology, out a comprehensive document
the emphasis on governance viz. "Strategy for New India
and sustainable development @75"spelling out the broad
can be traced back to time roadmap for the 75,h year of
immemorial. The Bhagvad Gita India's Independence. This
provides numerous cues for good comprehensive document,
govemance, leadership, dutifulness comprising 4l chapters covering
and self-realisation which are almost all sectors, spells out
continuously re-interpreted in current status, binding constraints
the modern context. Even in and strategies to not only enable
Kautilya's Arthshastra (2"a4d India to become a 4 trillion dollar
century BC), welfare of people of basic needs, threat to life and economy by 2022 but also lay a
was considered paramount in the role personal security, marginalisation solid foundation for clean, inclusive,
of the King. Mahatma Gandhi, the and exclusion, lack of sensitivity, sustained and sustainable growth for the
Father of the Nation also emphasized transparency and accountability in next three decades. Ofthese, as many
"su-raj " which essentially means good state machinery delayed justice and as 7 chapters focus on governance,
governance. In a more recent context, existence of voiceless poor with covering subjects such as balanced
the importance of govemance is clearly little opportunity for participating regional development, legal, judicial
inscribed in the Indian Constitution in governance and deterioration of and police reforms, transforming
which is built on the premise of a physical environment. aspirational districts, civil service
Sovereign, Socialist, Secular and reforms, city governance, optimizing
Democratic Republic committing The United Nations has defined use of land resources, and data led
itself to democracy, the rule of law and eight pillars of good governance governance. In the remaining chapters
welfare of the people. as- consensus oriented, accountable,
also, especially those relating to social
transparent, responsible, equitabie
sectors, good govemance remains the
While the definition of good and inclusive, effective and efficient,
governance continues to evolve, key for better service delivery and
rule of law, and participatory. Under
more effective outcomes.
the Tenth Plan document had the Sustainable Development goals
highlighted some manifestations of also, Goal 16 can be considered to For instance, in the area ofeducation,
bad governance which include poor be directly linked as it is dedicated one of the key reforms suggested is
management of economy, denial towards improvement in governance, a revamped governance system to
...good governonce needs to tontinue being lhe tornerstone of vorious initiotives. 0nce implemented
in letter
ond spirit, the gools sel for nol only New lndio 2022,buiolso Sustoinohle Development Goots 2030 will
be in the
greoter reolm of ochievement, more sooner thon loter.

Yogesh Suri is Senior Adviser, NITI Aayog.

Desh Gaurav Sekhri is a Policy Specialist (Governance and Research), NITI Aayog.

YOJANA March 2019 21

improve monitoring and accountability.
Thus, States should develop and
formulate robust mechanisms to enforce
regulations on teacher qualifications,
teacher absenteeism and learning
outcomes. Furtheq learning outcomes
should be regularly assessed by bodies
independent of the line ministries.
Another reform entails an electronic
national educational registry for
tracking each child's learning outcomes
and final exams through a unique ID.
This will not only assist in preparing
a list of children who drop out after
elementary education, but will also
enable focused attention to the needs of
children from socially deprived groups Anchored in NITI, the programme l)ircct Benefits'l'ransl'er
and those with physical or intellectual is aimed at transforming I l5 most
disabilities. Direct Benefits Transfer (DBT)
backward districts with focused
interventions in the field of health
aims to develop a governance
Likewise, in the health sector, regime which ensures a simple
the document recommends improved and nutrition, education, agriculture
and user-friendly Government to
governance in medical,nursing, and water management, financial
People (G2P) interface and directly
dentistry and pharmacy education. It inclusion and skill development. The
ADP is a landmark initiative that aims
delivers entitlements to eligible
also suggests revamping the AYUSH, individuals and households in a fair,
nursing, dentistry and pharmacy to address governance issues by using
transparent, efficient and reliable
councils along the lines ofthe proposed a combination of approaches: hfting
National Medical Commission Bill,
2017. lt is also proposed to establish a Dirett Benefits Trunsfer (DBT)oims to develop 0 governon(e regime which
Council for Allied Health Professionals ensures o simple ond user-friendly Government to People (G2P) interfoce
to ensure standardization of education ond directly delivers entitlements to
and putting in place quality control
eligible individuuls ond households in u foir, tronsporent, efficient
mechanisms for educational institutions,
teaching methods, clinical protocols ond relioble monner.
and workforce management.
levels of aspirations through a vision manner. It helps in achieving
Aspirational Districts Progranrnre and district plan, adequate institutional multiple benefits. First of all, it cuts
arrangements, convergence in all down the multiple layers for delivery
The Aspirational Districts ofany benefit. Secondly, it reduces
stakeholders' efforts and above all,
Programme (ADP) was launched in
ranking-based publ ic competition the delay in payments. Thirdly, it
January 2018 to transform the lives of
among the districts by setting up a real- helps in accurate targeting of the
people in the under-developed areas of
time monitoring mechanism. beneficiaries and finally it facilitates
the country in a time bound manner.
b. RePeal redundant l,aws a1l
."rnoua restrictive clauses
existing laws'
c. R;f".; criminal justice and
f,ocus on
oro..autut laws with
Judicial ire-institution
u' i.educe the criminalization
Reforms ;'o1;;;;;' and move towards
of minor offences'
court Process
" Prioritize
uu,*ution and ICT enablement
of at higher levels' tor-electronic court
and case
pilferage a,d duplication
rrr ^r..ir
d. Bring down entry age
transfer "f
n",, .'":::1
fTd: . 'r."i'L d'li';;';;
rhrough DBr r,ode Ij.,l "":j;1i;:; ,,,,,I'X:,'.llcial
lakh irore.
Estirnated _tlutnCt
,o",rt Rs'l'r ,lakh
crore upto . ;l *{tf:;',lfrii:ti:[T"i[:
possible areas.
".*.,", an inclusive;'l:Tl; ":k3ffi,:i"itil',,:i:':ative
';;; made under the scherne
uttuw""..i,"p"uria usrtn:'v' grievance
- -nct
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Benefits -:-^^^^r
il"l*,*"looitr"Isrutiales. -=*, ,..r n,blic access ro b. States ro
to b' to ensure greatsr
^^^.,rhlic of women in the
llo t.*t...1 Act., 2016' liro.*u,ion wirh enhancei ur" or representation
and rication Police
and communlcatlon
purrvw force'
('iril ser'icc' ['cgal'
police llcfurnts
'luclicial l-nfot''ution
rJ'"r"gv Ocl' ('
c' Introductionofremodeledtraining
A ma:o1 ",""-:1,?il';':?t:
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..ror*, is the reorieit"ti:1,-:1,:l: ;;;;tt"; for personnel'

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the same protect hon
with change in trtt 'ol1l'-t:;;;t; servants' iniuding introducing
filing e-FlRs
fabric, emerg.n.. otn.*-*echanisms for minor offences'
of selice delivery uno
o'"t 2"7 ctore - Refornts
p"ra*e 1,,r*i"'i' '"ll",.l} u' t"ut"
state raws' 1-'-- -
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.',"""*i"". in the areas ofcivil servtce'
police rerorms'
i.iiiii"ii.i"l theandfollowtng:-
These include

C'ir Service Refbrnrs

i.' the teeth to tail ratio
and Promote an officer-oriented
of current 60
b. O"Ou"" the nurnber
services at the
plus separate ctvrl
state level through
i.n,rui and
.utionali'ation and harmonization
of services'
c. Un.o"urt lateral entrY bY

YOJANA March 2019

attend to emergency security needs of citizens.
f. Instituting a separate cadre fbr cyber-crimes, cyber
tl.rreats and fraud.

To ensure a New India by 2022, some fundamental
principles may need to be prioritized. These include
making services available to the public in a faceless,
Ffee IAS Preparation
paperless and cashless mode; providing connectivity and
digital identity to all; targeting benefits through Aadhaar Free guidonce for IAS Exom by
enabled DBT; sirnplifying forms and processes and
providing e-platforms. E.very Ministry/Department needs Dr. Viioy Agrowol on his websile
to have a closer look at the schemes, its implementation,
rnonitoring and evaluation framework with thrust on
outcomes, not mere outputs or expenditure incurred. Here you will find -
Wherever possible, ICT and in due course, Artificial . Daily Audio Guidance
Intelligence should be used for better outcomes. Likewise
civil society, corporates, markets and citizens at large . Newspaper Analysis
need to be involved in holistic development. Artificial
Intelligence can, in due course, play a major role in . Exam related Articles
better implementation. At the same time, portals such as
Centralized Public Grievance Redressal and Monitoring . AIR Nelvs
System (CPGRAMs), rhe Unified Mobile Application for
New-age Governance (UMANG) and the MyGov need to
. Videos
be rnade r.nore effective in information exchange, seeking . Knowledge Centre
feedback and addressing the grievances of citizens.

To summarize, good govemance needs to continue being

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the cornerstone of various initiatives. Once implemented in . Free Mock-Tests
letter and spirit, the goals set for not only New lndia2022,but
also Sustainable Development Goals 2030 will be in the greater
realm of achievement, more sooner than later. D
( E-ma i I : voges h.s uri@gov. i n

Swachh Shakti 201 9, a convention of Women Sarpanches

was organized in Kurukshetra recently. Swachh Shakti- Dr. Viioy Agrowol's
2019 is a national event which aims to bring in to focus the book
leadership role played by rural women in Swachh Bharat
Mission. Women Sarpanches and Panches from all over
the country attended the event. Around 15,000 women
participated in this year's Swachh Shakti event aimed at
empowering the women.
Best practices from grass root level in the rural areas
for Swachh Bharat were shared by them. The event also
showcased the Swachh Sunder Shauchalay, (neat and
clean toilet) - a unique and first of its kind in the world

Swachh Shakti is an example of how at the grass root level, A must, read for all lAg as?irant g v-
rural wornen champions are acting as a change agent to €
rnobilize the community and lead from the front. Avqiloble qt qll leoding bookstores 6

24 YOJANA March 2019

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