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Our target group reflects the insight we gained through our research, which is the lack of healthy
options in the packaged cookie industry.

The target group for this project consists of consumers in Bangladesh who prioritize their health
and are actively seeking healthier snack options. By understanding their preferences, buying
habits, and specific needs, we can develop a line of packaged cookies that caters to their
demands for natural ingredients, reduced sugar content, and other health-focused attributes

For filling the market gap we developed a product , which is “peanut butter chia seed cookie” it
includes sourcing high-quality ingredients and formulating recipes that meet the health criteria
while maintaining great taste. Packaging design will also be a crucial aspect to attract the target
group and communicate the product's health benefits effectively. Additionally, marketing
strategies will be devised to reach and engage the target audience through various channels,
emphasizing the health benefits and unique features of the healthy cookies.

By filling the gap in the market with our range of healthy cookies, we aims to capture a
significant market share and establish a strong presence in the packaged cookie industry in
Bangladesh. The ultimate goal is to provide a desirable and nutritious snacking option for health-
conscious consumers while achieving business success and growth.

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