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North South University

Summer 2022
Submitted To: FYRUZ KHAN
Submitted by : kazi mahima sultana
ID: 2111585630
First and foremost, I'd like to use this opportunity to thank everyone who has contributed
to my research and to convey my heartfelt gratitude to everyone. By Allah's mercy, I was able to
finish my research paper before the deadline, for which I will be eternally grateful. I'd also want
to thank Fyruz Khan for enabling me to conduct this research on my chosen topic, as well as for
all of her kind recommendations, opinions, and support, as well as for giving us such absolutely
fantastic sessions and lessons. This research paper would not be possible without her guidance.
I’m also appreciative to everyone who completed my survey form and assisted me in gathering
critical primary data for the study. Last but not least, I'd want to express my gratitude and
affection to my parents and friends, who have been a source of inspiration and without whom
none of this would be possible.
My research is based on The Impact of Social Media on Human relationships
(Family, peers and society). Social media has had a significant impact on many facets of
human life, influencing both people and society at large. This study explores the wide-
ranging effects of social media on daily life. This study reveals the complex
consequences of social media by investigating a wide range of variables, including
psychological well-being, interpersonal connections, personal identity, and mental health.
It also looks into broader societal repercussions like political participation, cultural
blending, and privacy issues. This research provides a vivid and detailed understanding of
the transformative power of social media, arming people, policymakers, and researchers
with helpful insights into its multifaceted impact on human life through a thorough
exploration of both positive and negative implications.
 Table of Contents

1) Introduction………………………………………………………….….05

2) Background………………………………………………………….…..06

3) Research Question………………………………………………………09

4) Hypothesis………………………………………………………………10

5)      Methodology………………..…………………………………………….11

6) Data presentation and analysis………………………………………….12

7) Summary of Research Findings………………………………………...22

8) Suggestions/Recommendations…………………………………………23

9) Conclusion………………………………………………………………24

10) References………………………………………………………………25

11)        Appendix……………………………………………………………….27


Social media has had a significant impact on society in the twenty-first century, allowing people
to interact in radically new and different ways. It has transformed how we communicate with
friends, shop, network, and get news in less than a decade. Many of Facebook's nearly 1 billion
users — and the millions who use Twitter or blogs — can't imagine communicating without
these tools. As a result, social media has a significant impact on interpersonal relationships.
Social media can have a negative impact on our relationships as we frequently compare
ourselves to social media's perfect image of others, including friends. Our interpersonal
relationships with our family, peers, and society are deteriorating. We are spending less time
with our loved ones as a result, there is a lack of communication, and conflict is rising.
A study conducted in 2018 by Brigham Young University found that extensive social media
usage is linked with decreased emotional wellness and lower satisfaction in interpersonal
relationships (Christensen, 2018). Social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and
Facebook now have billions of users. In fact, in today's society, using one, if not all, of these
technological communication networks is required or nearly expected. The increased use of
social networking has had both a positive and negative impact on relationship communication.
"Research has shown that excessive social media use can harm the quality of interpersonal
interactions," (Charoensukmongkol). Relationships are becoming more complicated as social
media technology advances. Social media "increases unfaithfulness, increases jealousy, and puts
pressure on relationships to be perfect" (Snyder). As a result, even the simplest activities on
social media can easily generate arguments. People of all ages use social media, including
children, teenagers, adults, and even the elderly.

Literature review
Our lives are influenced by social media, particularly interpersonal relationships. Social media
has both positive and negative effects on our interpersonal relationships. Because there is no
substitute for face-to-face communication, social media causes conflict in our social
relationships. Relationships between siblings, partners, or parents and children are frequently
strained or nonexistent as a result of technology. It makes it difficult for the family to connect,
learn, and practice social cues, interpersonal connection skills, and communication skills
together. We are social creatures by nature, and we crave connection within affectionate bonds.
Social media may make us feel connected, but it takes away our ability to hear and understand.
According to a study that looked at how the use of social media affects the user's emotional well-
being and offline interpersonal relationships. It is natural for us as social beings to want to
connect with those around us, and social media has certainly made this easier. However, as this
study has demonstrated, social media is not without its drawbacks. The findings in that study,
which are supported by quantitative data, provide compelling evidence that social media use has
more negative consequences than benefits. The data suggest that unless we take appropriate steps
to become more aware of how our social media use affects us and what we can do to resolve
those issues, we will likely develop negative habits and plunge ourselves into a state of deeper
emotional distress by passively allowing our health and relationships to deteriorate
According to a journal named “The Influence of Social Media on Social Relationships among
the Middle Class Youths in the United States of America” in general, the study's findings
revealed that the majority of youths agreed that social media has a positive impact on their daily
lives because it facilitates communication and support among youths. On the negative side, the
findings revealed that the use of social media has occasionally led to misunderstanding and the
destruction of relationships between individuals in society. This study validates previous
research on usages and satisfaction theory, social network outcomes, and relationship issues, but
it also provides additional data that may extend previous research beyond previous constraints to
show that social media sites play a role in the development of addictive habits. It is entirely
possible that social media sites are fostering an addiction culture. This may necessitate taking a
break from social media for a short time and also taking stock of our lives in order to better see
what needs social media sites has actually satisfied and afterwards making the choice of either
continuing to use social media sites to fill up those requirements or discovering various other
sources of gratification that are a lot more long-lasting (Mary & Linden, 2020).
In another study they looked at the use of social media and its effects on interpersonal
relationship satisfaction in a specific population. As social media remains a popular tool for
communicating with others, more research is needed to determine the long-term effects of social
media use on individuals and their interpersonal relationships. According to our findings, social
media users are not dissatisfied with their interpersonal relationships, but rather believe that the
accessibility of social media can be used to improve relationship satisfaction through more
frequent interaction. The data gathered in this study can help us gain a better understanding of
how members of society prefer to communicate and their intentions when using social media.
(Kathryn & Jessica & Meghan & Shawna & Valerie, 2012).



In the century, the number of social media users is increasing rapidly. Social media is
used by people of all ages, including children, teens, adults, and even the elderly. Social media
has an impact on our lives, particularly interpersonal relationships. Social media has an impact
on our interpersonal relationships in both positive and negative ways. Social media creates
conflicts in our social relationships because there is no alternative to face-to-face
communication. Technology may frequently result in poor or nonexistent relationships
between siblings, partners, or parents and children. It prevents the family from connecting,
learning, and practicing social cues, interpersonal connection skills, and communication skills
together. We are social creatures by nature, and we long for connection within bonds of
affection. Social media may make us feel connected, but it deprives us of the capacity to hear
and see verbal and nonverbal cues. Social media creates misunderstandings among people.
Although it has enhanced our interpersonal relationships with our peer groups, Meeting and
knowing a group of individuals with similar interests or backgrounds allows people to discover
their own identity, sense of self, develop their potential, and gain peer and social support. The
main outcome we anticipate from our primary research is the mixed impact of social media on
human relationships, as it influences us in both positive and negative ways.


In my research, I plan to investigate whether social media platforms for example – facebook,
Instagram, twitters are influencing our relationships with our family, peers and society in a
positive way or negative way. The increased usage of social networking has had both a
beneficial and bad impact on relationship communication. To that end, I will be addressing
the following research questions.

 What do you understand by social media and its impact on society?

 Which types of interpersonal relationship conflicts are mostly seen in our society?
 What effect does social media have on relationships and interpersonal interactions?
 Does social media enhance or detract from personal connections?
 What is the future of interpersonal relationships based on current overuse of social


Research Strategy:
The research strategy followed in this research is the quantitative research strategy as the
respondents had to answer close-ended questions with fixed options, which they were free to
Research Method:
For the primary research, a survey has been conducted on a representative sampling of the
randomly chosen 20 university students. To that end, a questionnaire with different types of
survey questions had been designed so as to get a range of useful data which had helped to
answer the research questions. The survey questionnaire consisted of 14 questions, with
multiple-choice questions.
For the secondary research, sources from various newspaper articles have been referred to. The
internet had also been browsed and standard search engines like Google scholars, and other
scholarly and peer-reviewed journals and articles were used.
Focus Point of my Research:
Here I will focus on the relationship between family, friends, and society.
Sampling Strategy: The targeted group for this research was university students between the
ages 19 to 25. Here, I have used simple and systematic random sampling strategy technique to
collect the data.
For family I will go for the Interview Method.
For friends I will chose Mix Method.

Data Representation and Analysis

RESPONDENT: NSU students both Male and Female.

Age: 19 to 25 years old

Total Response: 56

Male: 50%
Female: 50%
Gender Respondent:

Gender Respondent

Female Male Female
50% 50%

1. Which social media you use
the most?
35% 30%
20% 15%
15% 10%
Facebook Intagram Messenger Whatsapp

The survey findings highlight the preferences and usage patterns of social media
platforms among university students. Facebook maintains its dominance, followed by
Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp, each appealing to different segments of the
surveyed population.
According to the survey results, Facebook emerged as the most popular social media
platform among the university students, with 45% of the respondents indicating it as
their primary choice. This high percentage suggests that Facebook continues to
maintain its stronghold as a dominant force in the social media landscape, despite the
emergence of numerous alternatives. The reasons for its popularity could be attributed
to its longevity, user-friendly interface, and diverse features that cater to a wide range
of interests and activities. Messenger, the messaging app owned by Facebook,
emerged as the second most popular choice among the surveyed students, with 30%
of them reporting its usage. Messenger's popularity can be attributed to its seamless
integration with Facebook, making it a convenient choice for communication among
friends and acquaintances. The availability of additional features, such as video
calling, group chats, and the ability to share multimedia content, likely contributed to
its appeal among the surveyed students.
Instagram, a visual-centric platform, garnered 15% usage among the university
students. This finding suggests that Instagram's emphasis on photo and video sharing
resonates with a considerable portion of the younger demographic. The platform's
focus on visual aesthetics, storytelling through imagery, and the ability to engage with
influencers and celebrities likely contributes to its appeal among university students
seeking to express their creativity and connect with others. Among the surveyed
students, WhatsApp emerged as the least popular choice. , with only 10% indicating
its usage. This lower percentage could be attributed to various factors, such as the
platform's primary focus on messaging and communication rather than content
creation or social networking. Additionally, WhatsApp's prevalence as a more
commonly used platform among older demographics, as well as the presence of other
messaging apps that offer similar functionalities, may have contributed to its
relatively lower usage among the surveyed university students.
The survey conducted among university students aimed to explore the preferences and usage
patterns of different social media platforms. The findings reveal that Facebook is the most
widely used platform among the participants, followed by Messenger, Instagram, and
WhatsApp, which garnered varying percentages of usage. The following paragraphs provide
a more detailed analysis of the data.

2. How much time do you

spend each day on social
hours 5%

6-8 hours 15%

4-6 hours 20%

3-5 hours 60%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

The graph highlights the varying degrees of time investment in social media by

The graph showcases that the largest proportion, 60%, spends an average of 3-5 hours
per day on social media platforms. This suggests that a significant number of
individuals engage with social media extensively, allocating a substantial portion of
their daily routine to online activities. The reasons behind this considerable time
investment may vary, ranging from entertainment, communication, information
consumption, to professional networking. Approximately 20% of the respondents
indicate spending 4-6 hours daily on social media. This category represents
individuals who dedicate a relatively longer time to their online interactions. The
reasons for this extended duration may include factors such as personal interests,
work requirements, or a strong desire to stay connected and engaged with their social
media networks.

15% of the respondents report spending 6-8 hours per day on social media, which
reflects a significant investment of time in online activities. This group represents
individuals who spend a considerable portion of their day engrossed in social media
engagement. Possible reasons for this prolonged usage may include heavy reliance on
social media for work, continuous scrolling and exploration, or a strong emotional
attachment to the platform. The graph reveals that the smallest percentage, only 5%
of respondents, spends the maximum time of 10 -12 hours daily on social media. This
group represents individuals who dedicate a substantial portion of their waking hours
to social media engagement. Such extensive usage may indicate dependency,
addiction, or compulsive behavior towards social media platforms, which can
potentially impact their daily routines, productivity, and overall well-being.

The provided graph depicts the distribution of individuals' daily time spent on social
media. The majority, 60%, allocate approximately 3-5 hours each day to social media
engagement. The next category comprises 20% of respondents who spend 4-6 hours,
followed by 15% who dedicate 6-8 hours to social media. Finally, a mere 5% of
individuals invest the maximum time, 10-12 hours, on social media. The following
paragraphs elaborate on these findings in greater detail.

3. Do you ever promote your

reletionships with others on
social media
Yes No

The survey findings highlight the diversity of attitudes among university students regarding
promoting relationships on social media. While the majority of respondents embrace the idea of
showcasing their relationships, a notable proportion chooses to keep their relationships offline.
According to the survey results, a significant majority of university students, comprising around
85% of respondents, reported that they actively promote their relationships on social media. This
suggests that social media platforms serve as a means for individuals to publicly showcase their
relationships and share their milestones with their network of friends, family, and acquaintances.
Promoting relationships on social media can involve sharing photos, expressing affectionate
messages, updating relationship statuses, or highlighting significant events such as anniversaries
or engagements. On the other hand, 15% of the surveyed students expressed a negative response,
indicating that they do not promote their relationships on social media. This minority group may
have personal reasons for refraining from sharing their relationship details publicly. Privacy
concerns, a desire to maintain a more intimate and private sphere, or simply personal preferences
that prioritize keeping their relationship offline could be potential factors contributing to their
Conversely, some individuals may choose not to promote their relationships on social media due
to concerns about privacy, maintaining boundaries between personal and public life, or simply
preferring to keep their relationship more private and intimate. They may prioritize real-life
interactions For those who do promote their relationships on social media, there may be various
reasons behind their decision. Social media platforms provide a digital space to express love,
affection, and pride in their relationships. It allows individuals to receive support and validation
from their online network, strengthening their bonds and creating a sense of belonging.
Additionally, promoting relationships on social media can serve as a way to document and
preserve memories, as well as to engage and connect with others who share similar experiences.
and connections over virtual displays of affection, valuing the offline dynamics and intimacy of
their relationships.
The survey conducted among university students aimed to explore their attitudes towards
promoting relationships on social media. The findings indicate that the majority of respondents,
approximately 85%, agreed to promote their relationships on social media. Conversely, 15% of
the participants expressed a negative stance towards promoting their relationships through online
platforms. The following paragraphs provide a more detailed analysis of these findings.

4. Has anybody ever requested

you to put down the phone
because it is too distracti ng?
No; 25%

Yes; 75%

Yes No

The survey findings highlight the varied experiences of university students

concerning requests to put down their phones due to excessive distraction. While a
significant majority acknowledges such requests, a notable proportion reports not
encountering these interventions.
According to the survey results, a significant majority of university students,
constituting around 75% of respondents, acknowledged being asked to put down their
phones due to excessive distraction. This indicates that smartphones have become a
prevalent source of distraction, prompting others to intervene and encourage
individuals to minimize their screen time. Such requests may stem from concerns
about productivity, academic performance, interpersonal interactions, or overall well-
being. On the other hand, 25% of the surveyed students disagreed with this notion,
indicating that they have not encountered requests to put down their phones due to
excessive distraction. This minority group may have a better ability to manage their
phone usage and minimize distractions, or they may have environments that are more
accepting or tolerant of smartphone use. It is also possible that their personal
circumstances or daily routines differ, resulting in less interference or fewer occasions
where such requests are necessary.
For those who have been requested to put down their phones, there could be various
reasons behind such interventions. Excessive smartphone usage can negatively impact
academic performance, productivity, and social interactions. Requesting individuals
to reduce phone usage aims to enhance focus, promote meaningful engagement, and
foster healthier habits. It may also reflect the concern and desire of others to maintain
meaningful connections and conversations without the interference of constant digital
distractions. Conversely, individuals who have not experienced such requests may
either have better self-regulation in managing their phone usage or may be in
environments where smartphone distractions are more socially accepted or tolerated.
It is also possible that their routines and activities may not require constant interaction
with smartphones or that they have developed strategies to balance their phone usage
with other responsibilities and priorities.
The survey conducted among university students aimed to gauge their response to
being asked to put down their phones due to excessive distraction. The findings reveal
that the majority of respondents, approximately 75%, agreed that they have been
requested to do so. However, 25% of the participants disagreed with this notion and
reported not experiencing such requests. The following paragraphs provide a more
detailed analysis of these findings.
5. Do you beleive that you
would have more intimate and
personal relationships if social
media weren't used? Yes


The survey findings highlight the diversity of attitudes among university students
regarding promoting relationships on social media. While the majority of respondents
embrace the idea of showcasing their relationships, a notable proportion chooses to
keep their relationships offline.
According to the survey results, a significant majority of university students,
comprising around 85% of respondents, reported that they actively promote their
relationships on social media. This suggests that social media platforms serve as a
means for individuals to publicly showcase their relationships and share their
milestones with their network of friends, family, and acquaintances. Promoting
relationships on social media can involve sharing photos, expressing affectionate
messages, updating relationship statuses, or highlighting significant events such as
anniversaries or engagements. On the other hand, 15% of the surveyed students
expressed a negative response, indicating that they do not promote their relationships
on social media. This minority group may have personal reasons for refraining from
sharing their relationship details publicly. Privacy concerns, a desire to maintain a
more intimate and private sphere, or simply personal preferences that prioritize
keeping their relationship offline could be potential factors contributing to their
For those who do promote their relationships on social media, there may be various
reasons behind their decision. Social media platforms provide a digital space to
express love, affection, and pride in their relationships. It allows individuals to
receive support and validation from their online network, strengthening their bonds
and creating a sense of belonging. Additionally, promoting relationships on social
media can serve as a way to document and preserve memories, as well as to engage
and connect with others who share similar experiences. Conversely, some individuals
may choose not to promote their relationships on social media due to concerns about
privacy, maintaining boundaries between personal and public life, or simply
preferring to keep their relationship more private and intimate. They may prioritize
real-life interactions and connections over virtual displays of affection, valuing the
offline dynamics and intimacy of their relationships.
The survey conducted among university students aimed to explore their attitudes
towards promoting relationships on social media. The findings indicate that the
majority of respondents, approximately 85%, agreed to promote their relationships on
social media. Conversely, 15% of the participants expressed a negative stance
towards promoting their relationships through online platforms. The following
paragraphs provide a more detailed analysis of these findings.

6. Do you beleive that you have

solid bonds with your family and
friend? Which of the following
statement on how social media
affects people's behaviour do you
believe to be true?
There are underlying trends in how social media 20%
influences various people's behaviour.
Social media primarly has highly good effects on 30%
people's conduct
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

The graph provides insights into respondents' perceptions of how social media
influences their bonds with friends and family.

According to the graph, the largest proportion of respondents, comprising 45%,

perceives social media as having a limited role in shaping their bond with friends and
family. This suggests that for these individuals, social media does not significantly
impact the quality or depth of their relationships. They may prioritize face-to-face
interactions, direct communication, and shared experiences as the primary drivers of
their connections with others. These respondents may view social media as a tool for
incidental communication or staying connected with distant acquaintances, but not as
a significant factor in shaping the strength of their relationships. Approximately 20%
of the respondents perceive underlying trends in how social media influences people's
behavior and their bond with friends and family. This group recognizes that social
media can shape individuals' conduct and relationships in subtle ways. They may
observe shifts in communication patterns, increased reliance on virtual interactions, or
changes in social dynamics due to social media usage. These respondents likely view
social media as a nuanced force that has the potential to impact relationships
positively or negatively depending on individual usage, motivations, and

In contrast, 15% of the respondents hold the belief that social media primarily has a
detrimental impact on people's conduct and relationships. They perceive negative
consequences resulting from excessive social media usage, such as reduced face-to-
face interactions, increased isolation, or shallow connections. These individuals may
associate social media with feelings of envy, social comparison, or the erosion of
authentic communication. Their perspective highlights concerns regarding the
potential pitfalls of social media and its impact on personal relationships. Conversely,
30% of the respondents believe that social media primarily has highly positive effects
on people's conduct and relationships. They perceive social media as a valuable tool
for building connections, staying connected with friends and family, and enhancing
communication. These respondents likely appreciate the opportunities for self-
expression, sharing experiences, and accessing diverse perspectives offered by social
media platforms. They may view social media as a means to foster genuine
connections, maintain relationships across distances, and build supportive

The graph presents data on respondents' perceptions of how social media influences
their bond with friends and family. The findings reveal that 45% of the respondents
believe that social media has a limited role in shaping these relationships. Another
20% perceive underlying trends in how social media influences people's behavior. In
contrast, 15% of the respondents consider social media to primarily have a
detrimental impact on conduct, while 30% believe it primarily has highly positive
effects. The following paragraphs provide a detailed analysis of these findings.

7. How does social media in-

fluence users online behav-
Survey Findings Highlight Diversity of Beliefs and Students Regarding the Impact of
Not Using Social Media on Personal and Intimate Relationships.
According to the survey results, a substantial majority of students, constituting around
80% of respondents, hold the belief that refraining from social media usage would
lead to more intimate and personal relationships. This suggests that many students
perceive social media as a potential barrier to developing deep connections. They
may associate social media with superficial interactions, limited emotional depth, and
a tendency to prioritize virtual relationships over real-life connections. The belief that
abstaining from social media can foster more personal and intimate relationships
highlights the desire for authentic and meaningful connections. On the other hand,
20% of the surveyed students expressed a different perspective, indicating that social
media does not hinder the development of personal and intimate relationships. This
minority group may argue that social media platforms provide opportunities for
maintaining and strengthening existing relationships, connecting with distant friends
and family members, and sharing personal experiences. They may believe that social
media can enhance communication and bridge gaps between individuals, allowing for
meaningful connections that might not have been possible otherwise.
For those who believe that not using social media would lead to more intimate and
personal relationships, there could be various reasons behind their viewpoint. They
may perceive social media as a source of distraction, superficial comparisons, or
constant availability, which can hinder genuine emotional connections. They might
prioritize face-to-face interactions, deep conversations, and shared experiences that
go beyond the limitations of social media platforms. Additionally, they may value
privacy, authenticity, and the ability to be fully present in their relationships without
the influence of online personas or curated representations. Conversely, individuals
who believe that social media does not hinder personal and intimate relationships may
emphasize the positive aspects of these platforms. They may view social media as a
tool for building and maintaining connections, sharing vulnerable experiences, and
accessing diverse perspectives. They might appreciate the ease of communication and
the ability to connect with others who share similar interests, values, or experiences.
Furthermore, they may argue that social media can facilitate social support networks
and provide a sense of belonging in an increasingly interconnected world.
The survey conducted among students aimed to explore their beliefs regarding the
potential impact of not using social media on their personal and intimate
relationships. The findings reveal that a significant majority, approximately 80% of
respondents, believe that they would have more intimate and personal connections if
social media were not used. However, 20% of the participants disagreed with this
notion and expressed that social media does not hinder the development of personal
and intimate relationships. The following paragraphs provide a more detailed analysis
of these findings.

8. How the use of social media cre-

ates problem with the family
People get discouraged to do
other works.
20% Fully depends on other
25% Not aware of the ongoing
Behave rudely duw to stress


The graph illustrates the problems that social media can create within families. The
findings highlight a lack of awareness, stress-induced rude behavior, time-wasting
tendencies, and a sense of dependence as key issues.
According to the graph, the largest proportion of respondents, comprising 40%,
express a sense of being unaware of the ongoing situation regarding social media's
impact on families. This suggests a lack of awareness or understanding among these
individuals regarding the potential problems arising from social media use within
family relationships. They may not fully comprehend the ways in which social media
can affect communication, time management, or emotional dynamics within the
family unit. The second highest response, accounting for 25% of respondents, reflects
the belief that rude behavior is caused by stress, which is intensified by social media
use, can create problems within families. This group perceives social media as a
source of stress and depression, leading individuals to behave rudely towards their
family members. They believe that prolonged social media use can contribute to
communication gaps, strained relationships, and emotional disturbances within the
family setting.
In addition, 20% of respondents reported feeling discouraged from doing other work
due to the time-wasting nature of social media. They believe that social media acts as
a distraction, leading to a waste of important time and contributing to a sense of
laziness and decreased motivation. This perception suggests that social media can
impede productivity and the willingness to engage in other meaningful activities,
potentially causing tension and conflicts within the family. Lastly, 15% of
respondents indicate a high level of dependence on others due to their social media
usage. They perceive themselves as relying heavily on others, potentially in terms of
emotional validation, social interaction, or decision-making. This dependence on
social media and the resulting reliance on others may lead to imbalances in family
relationships, affecting autonomy, independence, and the ability to make personal
The graph presents data on the problems social media creates within families. The
findings reveal that 40% of respondents feel unaware of the ongoing situation, 25%
believe that rude behavior caused by stress can lead to problems, 20% get
discouraged from doing other work due to social media's time-wasting nature, and
15% are fully dependent on others. These responses highlight the various ways in
which social media impacts family dynamics. The following paragraphs provide a
detailed analysis of these findings.

9. What is the major impact of social

media on peer?
Distracting them; 10%
Rumor their sleep;
spreading; 15%

them to bul-
lying; 30%

The graph presents the major impacts of social media as perceived by the respondents.
The graph indicates that 45% of respondents believe that spreading rumors through social media
can have a profound impact on users. These individuals argue that users are easily swayed by
rumors, often expressing their thoughts without exercising critical judgment. Such behavior can
lead to misinformation spreading rapidly and potentially harming individuals' reputations,
relationships, and overall well-being. The perception of social media as a platform for rumor
propagation raises concerns about the lack of critical thinking and the potential negative
consequences of information sharing. Around 30% of respondents express concern about the
potential risks of exposing themselves to others on social media. They believe that sharing
personal information and opinions can make individuals vulnerable to harassment, blackmail,
and damage to their reputation. This perception suggests a heightened awareness of the potential
dangers associated with online interactions and the importance of finding like-minded
individuals who respect privacy and boundaries. It highlights the need for caution and
consideration when sharing personal information online.
A notable 15% of respondents consider social media a major problem in their regular lives,
particularly in relation to disrupting their sleep patterns. They report difficulties sleeping at the
proper time due to social media usage. This perception suggests that excessive engagement with
social media platforms can lead to disrupted sleep schedules, potentially impacting individuals'
overall well-being and daily functioning. It highlights the need for mindful usage and setting
boundaries to maintain healthy sleep habits. Moreover, 10% of respondents acknowledge that
social media has a significant impact on their daily lives, manifesting in various negative ways.
They report experiencing distractions, laziness, depression, overthinking, short tempers, and
addiction resulting from excessive social media use. This perception underscores the potential
detrimental effects of social media on individuals' mental health, productivity, and emotional
well-being. It suggests that individuals may struggle with balancing social media engagement
and other aspects of their lives, leading to negative consequences.
The graph depicts the major impacts of social media as perceived by respondents. It reveals that
45% of people believe rumors spreading through social media can significantly affect users.
Additionally, 30% of respondents think that exposing themselves to others on social media can
lead to harassment, blackmail, and reputational damage. Another 15% perceive social media as a
major problem in their daily lives, disrupting their sleep patterns. Finally, 10% of individuals
claim that social media has various negative impacts on their daily lives, such as distractions,
laziness, depression, overthinking, short tempers, and addiction. The following paragraphs
provide a detailed analysis of these findings.

10. How the use of social media disrupting

the interpersonal relationship in a soceity?




10% 15% 20%

0% 10%
Spreading misinformation amonth the people
Decreasing attention
The graph demonstrates how social media usage is perceived to disrupt interpersonal
relationships with society.
According to the graph, the majority of respondents, accounting for 55%, believe that
spreading misinformation on social media disrupts interpersonal relationships in
society. This perception reflects the concern that the dissemination of false or
misleading information can lead to misunderstandings, mistrust, and conflicts among
individuals. It suggests that the rapid and widespread nature of social media makes it
an effective platform for the spread of misinformation, potentially eroding the
foundations of interpersonal relationships and societal cohesion. Approximately 15%
of respondents express belief in the influence of conspiracy theories on interpersonal
relationships. They perceive social media as a breeding ground for the dissemination
and proliferation of conspiracy theories, which can fuel suspicion, division, and
hostility among individuals. This perception suggests that the spread of conspiracy
theories through social media platforms may undermine trust, generate polarization,
and strain interpersonal connections within society.
In addition, 10% of respondents see social media as a means of diverting attention
away from important topics, leading to disruption in interpersonal relationships. They
believe that the constant influx of information, trends, and distractions on social
media platforms can draw people's attention away from significant issues, inhibiting
meaningful conversations and engagement. This perception reflects concerns about
the superficiality and lack of depth in social media interactions, potentially hindering
meaningful connections between individuals. Furthermore, 20% of respondents
highlight the disruptive effects of malicious trolling on interpersonal relationships.
They recognize that social media can provide a platform for individuals to engage in
online harassment, bullying, and malicious behavior, which can damage relationships
and inflict emotional harm. This perception reflects the negative impact of toxic
online behavior on the quality of interpersonal connections, emphasizing the need for
promoting a culture of respect, empathy, and responsible digital citizenship.
The graph illustrates the perceived impact of social media on interpersonal
relationships within society. The findings reveal that 55% of respondents believe that
spreading misinformation disrupts these relationships, 15% believe in the influence of
conspiracy theories, 10% perceive a diversion of attention from important topics, and
20% point to the disruptive effects of malicious trolling. This data highlights the
various ways in which social media usage is seen as negatively impacting
interpersonal connections. The following paragraphs provide a detailed analysis of
these findings.
11. What is the effect of social
media on human relationship?

25% Negetive


The pie chart illustrates that the majority of respondents perceive a negative effect of
social media on human relationships, with 75% acknowledging this impact.
According to the pie chart, a significant majority of 75% of respondents acknowledge
the negative effects of social media on human relationships. This perception aligns
with concerns regarding the potential detrimental impacts of social media use on
communication, authenticity, and emotional well-being. It suggests that individuals
recognize the challenges posed by social media in maintaining meaningful and
healthy relationships, possibly due to issues such as online conflicts, comparison, and
the superficial nature of digital interactions. Conversely, the remaining 25% of
respondents perceive social media as having a positive impact on human
relationships. This group of individuals may emphasize the potential benefits of social
media, such as enhanced connectivity, opportunities for networking, and the ability to
stay in touch with friends and family. They might argue that social media can
facilitate the exchange of ideas, foster communities, and provide a platform for
support and expression. However, it is important to note that this perspective
represents a minority viewpoint compared to those who perceive negative effects.
The survey's findings, with a majority of respondents acknowledging the negative
impact of social media on human relationships, indicate a prevalent concern among
individuals. This suggests that a significant portion of society has experienced or
observed adverse effects such as decreased in-person interactions, strained
relationships, and emotional challenges linked to social media use. The recognition of
these negative consequences highlights the need for individuals to navigate social
media platforms mindfully and establish healthy boundaries to protect and nurture
their relationships. The survey's results confirm that the majority of people surveyed
experience the negative effects of social media on human relationships. These effects
may include feelings of isolation, reduced face-to-face communication, comparisons
leading to jealousy or dissatisfaction, and the blurring of personal boundaries. The
findings reflect the evolving landscape of digital interactions and the need for
individuals to critically evaluate their social media usage to mitigate the potential
negative impacts on their relationships and overall well-being.
The pie chart presents the responses of survey participants regarding the effect of
social media on human relationships. The data reveals that 75% of respondents
believe social media has a negative impact on relationships, while the remaining 25%
perceive it as having a positive influence. This information underscores the prevailing
perception that social media predominantly carries adverse consequences for human
connections. The following paragraphs provide a detailed analysis of these findings.

12. Do you think that spending too

much ti me on social media is a major
reason behind lack of bonding be -
tween family and as well as peers?
Partially correct, as individuals starts ignoring family and 5%
obligations due to social media

I think it varies from person to person whereas social media 40%

is not related to it

No, I think social media has created more opportunities for 20%
us to communicate easily

Yes, I think social media creates a lack of communication 35%

between individuals
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

The graph illustrates that respondents' perception of spending excessive time on

social media is a major reason behind lack of bonding.
According to the graph, 40% of respondents believe that the lack of bonding varies
from person to person and is influenced by spending too much time on social media.
This perspective suggests that individuals recognize the individualized nature of
bonding and acknowledge that excessive social media usage can hinder the
development of strong connections. It implies that the time and attention invested in
social media may detract from opportunities for meaningful interactions and shared
experiences, ultimately affecting the depth and quality of bonding. Additionally, 35%
of respondents identify social media as a specific factor contributing to the lack of
bonding. , both within family dynamics and among peers. This perception highlights
the impact of social media on these specific relationship domains. It implies that the
presence of social media can create a sense of disconnection and distraction, leading
to reduced engagement, decreased communication, and limited opportunities for
meaningful bonding. This finding underscores the potential negative consequences of
social media on family and peer relationships.
The data from the graph suggests that the main reasons for the lack of bonding
revolve around the belief that spending excessive time on social media disrupts the
formation and maintenance of strong connections. This aligns with concerns about the
superficiality of digital interactions, the potential for comparison and envy, and the
limited time and attention available for meaningful in-person engagement. It reflects a
growing recognition that finding a balance between social media usage and fostering
genuine connections is crucial for establishing and nurturing strong bonds. The
graph's findings indicate that a significant portion of respondents attributes the lack of
bonding to the influence of social media. This suggests a broader societal awareness
of the potential drawbacks of excessive social media use on relationship building. It
emphasizes the need for individuals to reflect on their social media habits, set
boundaries, and prioritize face-to-face interactions to foster deeper connections.
Recognizing the impact of social media on bonding can motivate individuals to seek
healthier digital habits and invest more time and effort into nurturing meaningful
The graph depicts the main reasons for the lack of bonding as perceived by
respondents. It reveals that 40% of individuals believe that spending too much time
on social media is a major contributor to the lack of bonding, while another 35%
attribute it specifically to social media's impact on family and peer relationships.
These findings indicate a general consensus among respondents that excessive social
media use negatively affects the formation and maintenance of strong connections.
The following paragraphs provide a detailed analysis of these findings.

13. What do you beleive are social

media's harmful effects on rela-
10% 25%
Reduced quality 15%
time with a partner Disagreements or 15%
hurt feelings that Jealousy
lead to cconflict Unfavorable
The graph illustrates various harmful effects of social media on relationships. The
data reveals that respondents perceive a reduction in quality time with a partner as the
most damaging effect, followed by conflicts arising from disagreements or emotional
The highest percentage, 45%, indicates that respondents perceive a reduction in
quality time with a partner as one of the most damaging effects of social media on
relationships. This suggests that individuals recognize how excessive social media
use can consume time and attention that could otherwise be invested in nurturing and
strengthening the bond with a romantic partner. It reflects concerns about the
distraction and disengagement caused by social media, leading to a decreased sense
of closeness and intimacy in relationships. Additionally, 25% of respondents
identified conflicts arising from disagreements or sharing emotional feelings as a
harmful effect of social media on relationships. This implies that social media
platforms can be a breeding ground for misunderstandings, arguments, and
unresolved conflicts. It suggests that the digital medium may hinder effective
communication, leading to misinterpretation, heightened emotions, and increased
tension between individuals. This finding highlights the need for open and honest
communication beyond the realm of social media to address conflicts constructively.
Another 15% of respondents highlighted jealousy and unfavorable comparisons as
detrimental effects of social media on relationships. The perceived prevalence of
showcasing idealized lifestyles and achievements on social media platforms can
trigger feelings of envy and inadequacy in individuals. It fosters a culture of
comparison that can erode self-esteem and generate resentment among peers and
partners. The negative impact of jealousy and unfavorable comparisons emphasizes
the importance of cultivating healthy perspectives and boundaries when engaging
with social media. The overall result of the graph highlights that reduced quality time
is one of the most damaging effects of social media on relationships, according to 45
% of respondents. This finding underscores the potential trade-off between investing
time in digital interactions versus face-to-face connections, potentially leading to
emotional distance and individualization. It calls for individuals to reflect on their
social media habits, establish healthy boundaries, and prioritize quality time spent
with their partners to foster stronger and more fulfilling relationships.
The graph presents different types of harmful effects of social media on relationships.
The highest percentage of 45% of respondents believe that social media usage
reduces the quality time spent with a partner, leading to distance and
individualization. Additionally, 25% of respondents identified conflicts arising from
disagreements or emotional sharing, while another 15% highlighted jealousy and
unfavorable comparisons as damaging effects. These findings emphasize the
detrimental impact of social media on relationship dynamics, particularly in terms of
reduced quality time. The following paragraphs provide a detailed analysis of these

The graph underscores the importance of recognizing the detrimental effects of social
media on bonding and work. It calls for individuals to evaluate their social media
usage patterns and make conscious efforts to establish a healthier balance in their
The highest percentage, 40%, indicates that respondents view a lack of bonding as the
primary problem caused by spending excessive time on social media. This suggests
that individuals recognize how social media can detract from meaningful connections
and interpersonal relationships. Excessive usage can lead to a sense of disconnection,
reduced engagement, and a lack of quality time spent with loved ones. The result is a
weakening of social bonds and potential difficulties in establishing and maintaining
healthy relationships. The second-highest percentage, 35%, indicates that respondents
believe social media reduces the importance of work and productivity. They perceive
that spending excessive time on social media platforms leads to laziness, decreased
motivation, and neglect of responsibilities. This can have detrimental effects on
personal growth, career development, and overall well-being. The addictive nature of
social media can divert attention and energy away from meaningful pursuits, leading
to decreased productivity and a lack of fulfillment.
The data from the graph suggests that a lack of bonding and a reduction in the
importance of work are the two main types of problems caused by social media.
These issues are interconnected, as spending excessive time on social media can
contribute to a lack of engagement in both personal relationships and professional
endeavors. The constant distractions and addictive nature of social media can hinder
the development of meaningful connections and compromise one's focus and
commitment to tasks at hand.
The graph presents the types of problems that arise due to social media usage.
According to the data, 40% of respondents believe that a lack of bonding is the main
issue resulting from excessive time spent on social media. Additionally, 35% of
respondents perceive a reduction in the importance of work and productivity as a
significant problem. These findings highlight the negative consequences of social
media on both personal relationships and individual motivation. The following
paragraphs provide a detailed analysis of these problems.

Finding of my research:

As per my research I find out a lot of information about the impact social media on human
relationship. In our research both male and female participate equally.
Most common social media apps are Facebook, Instragram, Massenger, and Whatsapp. Among
all most use app is facebook almost 45% responders use it and the least use app is Whatsapp.
60% responders use social media for 3-5 hours which is very alarming. Most of responders says
they give priority to their friends rather than their family member. Clearly it create a bad impact
on the relationship. Almost 85% of people promote their relationship in social media. Sometimes
we sow some relationship may not work properly most of the people try to take advantage of it
or make fun of it. As I mentioned before almost 60% of people use social media for 3-5 hours, so
there is no wonder our most of the responded were requested to put down their phone because it
was so distracting. Our 80% responders believe that they can have more intimate and personal
relationship. 45% responders think that they can have solid bonding with their primary and peer
group. Our 25% responders mention that sometimes they do rude behave with their family due to
stress. In social media people do show off about what they have it sometimes create mental
stress. 20% responders say they are addicted to social media which discouraged them to do other
work. Unfortunately we can have all type of news from social media but 40% of our responders
don’t know about the ongoing situation. As we know we can spread any news through social
media so quickly and most of us don’t judge if it’s right or wrong news. Trough social media
rumors spread so quickly our 45 % of responders think it’s create mental pressure for many
people. For this reason 30% responders think people has to tolerate bully it’s create very bad
impact on peer group. As rumor spread so quickly 55% responders thinks it make huge problem
on our interpersonal relationship. Most of the people think social media has good impact on
human relationship. Social media has very harmful impact on our life it’s create jealousy and
sometimes people can’t balance the timing so they miss their quality time with family member.
For spending so much time in social media we are losing our bonds with close one.

Social media may have so many good impact on our life but it has mostly negative impact on
human relationship with our family. As I choose 19-25 age group as our responder we so that
most of them are addicted to social media. They prefer to spend more time on social media rather
than face to face communication. For this reasons young people losing their bonding with their
parents. As young people share about their relationship in social media without informing their
parents it may create misunderstanding among family member and individual. Whatever I think
that most of cases its varies person to person in terms of maintaining good relationship with their
family member. But through our research we find out that social media has a very bad
impression in terms of maintaining a good relationship with family members.


This study looked at the effects that social media use has on users' emotional health and their
offline interpersonal connections. The data suggest that if appropriate steps are not taken to
increase awareness of how our use of social media affects us, we will likely develop unhealthy
habits. Social media does have its drawbacks, as this study has demonstrated. The study's
conclusive conclusions, which are supported by quantitative data, show that using social media
has more drawbacks than advantages. The information gathered, however, was still useful in a
variety of ways. One final observation for this research study is that social media are still very
new to the world, and as this issue develops, only more research and time will be able to discern
what is truly happening to mankind in the coming years. We have to ensure social media
enhances, rather than hampir, our ability to connect with others at more meaningful level.


I encountered numerous challenges while conducting my research. The majority of my targeted

respondents refused to take part in this survey. One common issue is obtaining accurate and
reliable data because they did not read the questions in my survey question and chose their
answer at random from the options provided. I struggled to find appropriate sources with data
quality, validity.
Recommendation and suggestion:

 Set time limits for social media use and prioritize in-person interactions with friends and

 Set aside specific times for social media use, such as during meals or before bedtime.

 Take breaks from social media on a regular basis to focus on real-life relationships,
hobbies, and self-care activities. Take advantage of this time to engage in meaningful
offline interactions.

 Instead of wasting time scrolling through feeds, prioritize cultivating a few meaningful
relationships through deeper conversations and spending quality time with family and
 Christensen, Spencer Palmer, "Social Media Use and Its Impact on Relationships and
Emotions" (2018). Theses and Dissertations. 6927.

 Porter,K.,Mitchell,J.,Grace,M.,Shinosky,S.,Gordon,V.,(2012): “A Study of the Effects of

Social Media Use and Addiction on Relationship Satisfaction”.

 Stewart, M., & Linden, J. (2020): The Influence of Social Media on Social Relationships
among the Middle Class Youths in the United States of America, Journal of Sociology,
Psychology & Religious Studies. Vol 1(2) pp. 63-77.


TOPIC: The Impact of Social Medias on Human Relationships (Family, peers and society).

RESPONDENTS: NSU students both male and female.

AGE GROUP: 19 to 25 years old

1. Which social media you use the

most? A) facebook

b) instagram
c) messenger
d) whatsapp

2. How much time do you spend each day on social

media? o 3-5 hours o

4-6 hours o 6-8

hours o 10-12

3. Do you ever promote your relationships with others on social media?

o Yes o

4. Has anybody ever requested that you put down your phone because it
is too distracting? o Yes o No

5. Do you believe you would have more intimate and personal

relationships if social media weren't used?
o Yes o


6. Do you believe that you have solid bonds with your friends and family?
Which of the following statements on how social media affects people's
behavior do you believe to be true?

o Social media primarily has highly good effects on people's conduct. o Social media
primarily has a detrimental impact on people's conduct. o There are underlying trends

in how social media influences various people's behavior.

o Social media generally has little impact on how people behave.
7. How does social media influence users' online behavior?
o Online, people project incredibly terrible views of

o Online, people portray themselves in incredibly authentic, real-life ways.

o The majority of people today refrain from sharing personal information on social media.
o Online, people tend to project highly favorable views of themselves

8. How the use of social media creates problem among the family member?
o People get discouraged to do other works.

o Fully depends on other. o Not aware of

the ongoing situation.

o Behave rudely due to the stress.

9. What is the major impact of social media on peer?

o Distracting them. o
Disrupting their sleep. o

o Rumor spreading.

10. How the use of social media disrupting the interpersonal relationship in
a society?
o Spreading misinformation among the people.
o Conspiracy theories. o Decreasing

o Malicious trolling.

11. What is the effect of social media on human relationship?

a) positive

b) negative

12. Do you think that spending too much time on social media is a major reason
behind the lack of bonding between family members as well as peers?

o Yes, I think social media creates a lack of communication between individuals.

o No, I think social media has created more opportunities for us to communicate

o I think it varies from person to person whereas social media is not related to it.
o Partially correct, as individuals start ignoring family and obligations due to
social media.

13 What do you believe are social media's harmful effects on relationships?

o Reduced Quality Time with a Partner o Disagreements or hurt feelings that lead

to conflict
o Jealousy
o Unfavorable Comparisons

14 What types of problems create because of spending too much time on

social media?

o Lack of bonding

o Reduce the importance of family

o Not that much communicative with

o None of the above

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