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D soan theo sach gido khoa tre h dugc yéu thich nhat bai cdc giao VERE inh toan quéc Em hoc gidi TIENG ANH LOP 7 TAP 2 TRAFFIC PHM A elk 1. VOEABULARY New word Type Pronunciation Meaning accident n_ | /‘ekstdant/ tainan bike n_| /batk/ xe dap bus n_ | /bas/ xe buyt bus stop n__ | /bas stop/ diém dirng xe buyt car n_ | /kax(r)/ xe 6t6 crossroad n_ | /‘kros,raud/ giao 6 crowded adj | /‘krauded/ dong diic cycle lane n_ | /'satkl lem/ lan duong danh cho xe dap dangerous adj | /‘demdgaras/ nguy hiém drive v /draiv/ Idixe driving license n__| /‘drarvin ‘laisns/ bang Idi xe fly v | /flar/ bay get off v_ | /get of/ xudng (xe) get on. v_ | /get on/ lén (xe) hospital ahead phr | /‘hospitl a'hed/ phia truéc cé bénh vién means of transport n__| /miznz vf'treenspo:t/ | phwong tién giao théng motorbike n_ | /‘mavtabaik/ xe may no cycling phr | /nau'saiklin/ cm xe dap no parking phr | /nau 'pa:kin/ céim dé xe © UNIT 7: Traffic no right turn phr | /nau rait ts:n/ cdim ré phdi parking n_ | /‘pazkin/ (bién bdo) cho phép a6 pavement n__| /‘pevmant/ via hé plane n_ | /plen/ mdy bay railway station n_ | /‘reilwet'sterfn/ tram xe lira ride v /raid/ cwdi, Idi (ngwa, xe 2 bdnh) roof n | /ru:f/ mdi nha safety n_ | /'serfti/ swan toan sail v_ | /seil/ chéo (thuyén) school ahead phr | /sku:l a'hed/ phia truéc c6 truéng hoc seat belt n_ | /si:t belt/ dai an toan speed limit n__| /spisd ‘imit/ téc d6 giéi han traffic jam n_ | /'traefik dgzem/ tdc dwong traffic light n_ | /'treefik lait/ dén giao théng traffic rule n | /‘traefik ru:l/ ludt lé giao thong train n_ | /trein/ xe lita train ticket n_| /trem 'tikit/ vé xe lika truck n= | /trak/ xe tdi vehicle n | /‘vi:akl/ xe c6 zebra crossing n_ | /‘zebra'krosin/ vach ké soc cho ngwoi di b6 1. GRAMMAR 1. "It" indicating distance ("It" ding dé ndi vé khoang cach) Chiing ta sit dung it dé chi khoang céch gitta hai dia diém/ ngui/ vat. Cau tric Cau héi How far is it from place A to place B? Cau tra loi It is (about) + khoang cach. minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh ry * Em hoc gidi TIENG ANH LOP 7 TAP 2 Ex I: How far is it from your house to the nearest bank? (Khodng cach tit nha cdu tdi ngan hang gan nhat la bao xa?) Itis about 3 kilometres. (Khodng 3km.) a Ex 2: How far is it from your house to my house? (Khodng cach tit nha ban dén nha td bao xa?) \ Itis about 200m. (Khodng 200m.) Mm. PHONETICS 1. Céch phat am nguyén am déi /a1/ Buéc 1; Bat dau tir 4m /a/, sau a6 di chuyén vé phia a: Buéc 3: Két thc 4m, méimé ho. 2. Cach phat Gm nguyén am doi /e1/ Buéc 1: Bat dau tir 4m /e/, sau dé di chuyén vé phia am /1/. Oe Buéc 2: Khi bat dau, miéng mé rong thoai mdi, dau iS ~ A ludi cham ham rang duéi, ham ha. Sau 46, mi dan kéo ° ae thp cham ham rang dw6i. Sau 46, méi dn kéo sang pan =S 2 bén vé phia tai, ham dwéi nanglén 1 chit. SS i tO Buéc 2: Khi bat dau, miéng mé hinh 6 van, ludi ha ~~ : : = sang hai bén vé phia tai, ham dwéi nang lén mot chut. Buc 3: Két thtic am, mdi mo“ ho. Listen and repeat these words. (Chung ta tap phat 4m cdc am sau). @ Track 01 bike buy guide pie Jaf /baik/ [pat/ /gaid/ [pai/ gate nation rain clay Jer/ /gert/ /'nerfn/ /rem/ /klet/ UNIT 7: Traffic 1. VOEABULARY Exercise 1. Find the odd one out among A, B, C or D. 1. A.riding B. driving C. gardening D. flying 2. cycling B.noparking C.norightturn _D. sign 3. A.train B. plane D. sail 4. A bycar B. on foot bus D. by bicycle 5. A.rule B. ride C. reverse D. drive Exercise 2. Look at the picture and put the word/ phrase under each sign. SS ae on oe no left turn no right turn @©e¢o®B @®R@A Exercise 3. Look at the pictures and complete with suitable means of transport. daa Se 1. train minhthangbooks - chuyén séch tiéng Anh &} Em hoc gidi TIENG ANH LOP 7 TAP 2 Exercise 4. Complete each phrase below. 1. zebra... 2. license 3. speed. 4. 5. railway 6. of transport 7. traffic 8. train. oF . lights 10, traffic .....eseeseeeee Exercise 5. Fill in each blank with a word in the box. feels roles it across did after vehicles break ride accidents 1. What you do last Sunday? 2. I stayed at home and looked my younger brother yesterday. 3. Does your bike ever down on the way to school? 4. We must always obey traffic for our safety. 5, How far is from your house to the bus stop? 6. He used to a tricycle when he was three years old. 7. Now there are more traffic than there used to be in this city. 8. There did not use to be many on the roads in my home town. 9. He lives in a small village in the mountains so he never worried about traffic jams. 10. You should remember to walk__ the streets at the zebra crossings. Tl. GRAMMAR Exercise 1. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence. 1. How far is it from your apartment (from/to) the 200? 2. Itis (at/ about) 2 kilometres. 3. Itis not very (near/far) from my house to the bank. It is just 500 metres. 4. How far (is it/ it is) from your country to the USA? 5. How (far/ much) is it from your house to the train station? UNIT 7: Traffic . My house is 2 kilometres (near/ far) from my grandparents’ house. . How far (is it/ are they) from here to the cinema? . I think it is about 400 (metres/ metre) from here to the nearest bus stop. |. My school is not far (from/to) my house. I can go to school on foot every day. 10. How far is it (from/ at) your office to the market? panna Exercise 2. Fill in the blank with a correct word to complete the sentence. 1. How is it from your house to the park? 2. How far is it from this restaurant to the nearest 2 ~ Itis about 1 kilometre from this restaurant to the nearest bank. 3. How far it from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City? 4. It is about 5 kilometres from my house yours. 5. How far is from your company to your apartment? 6. Itis 3 kilometres. 7. How far is it from my school to yours? - is about 8 kilometres 8. How farisit where you live to your company? Exercise 3. Decide the following sentences are grammatically correct or incorrect. 1. How long is it from Hanoi to Noi Bai Airport? - It is about 30 kilometers. A. True B. False 2. It is about 300 kilometers from Ho Chi Minh City to Phu Quoc. A. True B. False 3. How far it is from Hanoi to Lao Cai? A. True B. False 4. Ithink it is about 200 metres from our school to the bus stop. A. True B. False 5. Itis not very far from my school from the bus station. A. True B. False 6. Isit far from here to Hung Yen City? - No, it's just 10 kilometers. A. True B. False minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh “= a A TIENG ANH LOP 7 TAP 2 Em hoc Exercise 4 a. Make questions for the answers. ds 2 It is about 300 metres from here to the nearest post office. It is about 3,900 kilometres from New York to California. It is about 200 metres from my house to my family store. It is about 4576.89 miles from Beijing to Berlin. It is about 1 kilometer from my hotel to the beach. Exercise 4 b. Answer the questions using the information in the brackets. 1. How far is it from here to the theatre? (about 400 metres) 2. How far is it from your hometown to Ha Noi? (about 100 kilometres) 3. How far is it from the park to the zoo? (about 2 kilometres) 4. How faris it from here to the city centre? (about 50 kilometres) 5. How far is it from your house to school? (about 1 kilometre) Exercise 5. Give the correct form of the word given to complete the sentence. 1. Young children are expected to show to their parents. (obey) 2. When cycling on the roads, remember: first. (safe) 3. Children should avoid foods such as hamburgers and chips. (health) 4. Most road accidents happen because the motorists drive : (care) 5. Itis unsafe and to pass another vehicle on the left. (legal) 6. . My was delayed for over two hours due to bad weather. (fly) & UNIT 7: Traffic 7. Everyone should obey traffic rules for their own safety. (strict) 8. The policeman the car to stop with a flashlight. (sign) 9. Signs with red circles are mostly - that means you can't do 1 something. (prohibit) & 10. This, sign indicates that traffic lights are ahead. (warn) tm. PHONETICS Divide these words into two columns as below. (@ Track 02 while | pay | rice | fine | shade | tail [behind] child eight | nice | steak | face | kind | silent | raise | guide amazing| guy | hate | eye | baby | my | light | paper later | potato| sigh | gray | island| they | day | buy Nhan nhicu tai héu MIEN PHT ta group: y PART Ill: SKILLS 1. LISTENING Listen and do the tasks followed. @ Track 03 Exercise 1. Listen and decide if each statement is True (T) or False (F). 1. Mr. Hoang has no day off except Saturday. Mr. Hoang usually spends his day off in front of the TV screen. Mr. Hoang doesn't like his job. Mr. Hoang is going to retire. yok ey Mr. Hoang’s wife does not want him to retire. minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh = Exercise 2. TIENG ANH LOP 7 TAP 2 Listen again and answer the questions. 1. What does Mr. Hoang do? 2. What time does he start his work? 3. What is the destination of his route? 4. Why does Mr. Hoang love his job? 5. How many hours does he work on Saturdays? I. SPEAKING Write questions for the underlined parts. Then practise the dialogue with your partner. Mary: Tony: Mary: Tony: Mary: Tony: Mary: Tony: Mary: Tony: Mary: Tony: Mary: Hi Tony! (1) I came to class late this morning because I was stuck in a traffic jam. Really? (2) Yes, my house is rather far from school. (3) Uhm... about 5 kilometres. (4) I go to school by bike. (5) Ittakes me about 30 minutes. And it takes longer when the trafficis jammed. (6) I get stuck in a traffic jam once or twice a week. (7) & UNIT 7: Traffic Tony: I often get stuck in a traffic jam on Monday morning. Mary: (8) Tony: I usually go to school at 6.15. Mary: So why don't you start going to school a little earlier on Monday? Tony: Okay, I'll try. Ml. READING Exercise 1. Read the text and then choose the best answer A, B, C or D. Yesterday, on the way home from school, I saw an accident. A boy was run over bya taxi when he was riding his bicycle. The boy's leg was broken and it was bleeding badly. Someone there tried to stop the bleeding. They put pressure on it and held it tight. A man used his mobile phone to call the emergency service. Some minutes later, an ambulance arrived and sent the boy to the hospital. Two policemen came to the scene immediately. Some people told the police that the taxi driver was driving at avery high speed when the accident happened. Some others began talking about the traffic accidents these days and blamed the increasing number of accidents on the roads for careless driving and drunk drivers. Question 1. What did the writer see yesterday? A.A fire B.Anaccident C.Afighting —-D. Acrash. Question 2. The accident happened between a taxi and Z A.a bus B.acar C.abicycle D. motorbike Question 3. The boy was sent to the hospital by A.a police B.acar C.anambulance D.a passenger Question 4. What part of his body was hurt? - His A.arm B. leg C. head D. shoulder Question 5. How was the driver driving when the accident happened? - Very A. slowly B. fast C. carefully D. well minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh &> Em hoc gidi TIENG ANH LOP 7 TAP 2 Exercise 2. Fill in the blank with a word/ phrase in the box. discourage | transport pollution expensive problem trains cities example Traffic congestion in many (1). around the world is severe. One possible solution to this (2), is to impose heavy taxes on car drivers and use this money to make public transport better. One of the first benefits of such a measure is that the heavy taxes would (3), car owners from using their cars because it would become very (4). to drive. This would mean that they would begin to make use of public (5) instead, thus reducing traffic problems and (6). as well. Another benefit would be that much more use would be made of public transport if it was improved. It is often the case that public transport in cities is very poor. For (7), use. High taxes would generate enough money to make the necessary changes. ‘we often see old buses and (8). that people would rather not Exercise 3. Read the texts about model good road safety behavior at all times for parents, and then answer the questions. Top tips for pedestrian safety - Teach your children to hold hands with an adult whenever they go out. - Always use a zebra crossing when one is available and teach children that these are the safest places to cross. - Teach children that it’s still important to stop, look and listen at a zebra crossing. - Teach children always to stop at the kerb and look and listen for traffic (a third of children injured on roads said that they didn’t stop before stepping off the kerb and many said they didn't look). = Never use your mobile phone while crossing roads. - Children learn to make decisions about crossing the road and parents gradually let them take a lead when you are crossing together. - As children get older, practise routes with them before they walk alone. UNIT 7: Traffic Top tips for cycling - Always encourage children to wear a cycle helmet when they are on their bikes, and set a good example by wearing one yourself. - Children need to be able to judge speed and distance accurately before they cycle on public roads. They need to take lessons on cycling in order to travel more widely on their bikes. - Make sure children wear bright coloured clothing and fluorescent items whenever they are cycling on the road. And if they are cycling in the dark, they will need lights on their bikes and reflective items too. And of course, make sure you do this yourself, to set a good example. 1. What should children do when they go out? 2. Where should children cross the street? 3. What should children do to cross the street? 4. Where should children stop to look and listen for the traffic? 5. Can they use their mobile phones while crossing roads? 6. What should parents do to help older children before they walk alone? 7. What should children wear when they are on the bikes? 8. What should children do before they cycle on public roads? 9.. Which clothes should children wear whenever they are cycling on the road? 10. What should they do when they cycle in the dark? minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh & © Em hoc gidi TENG ANH LOP 7 TAP 2 IV. WRITING Exercise 1. Make questions for the underlined parts in the following sentences using question words in brackets. 1. Nam usually goes to school by bus. Sometimes, he rides his bicycle. (How) 2. My father went to the stadium yesterday. (Where) 3. There are a lot of trucks and cars on the highway in the rush hour. (When) 4, The students learn about road signs when they studied in secondary school. (What) 5. Hung always drives his car very carefully. (How) 6. Itis about 100 km from Ha Noi to Hai Phong. (How far) Exercise 2. Reorder the words to have correct sentences. 1. from/ the/ to/ kilometers/ house/ my/ 3/ nearest/ park./ It's 2. from/ far/ house / bus /the / it/ station?/ How/ is/ grandmats / your / to 3. father / gets / rush / My / often / hour. / stuck / in 4. can/go/ You/ foot. / on/ far / here. / Its / from / not 5. bus/700/the/ my/ metres / It’s / to / from / station./ office / about UNIT 7: Traffic‘ Exercise 3. Look at the information in the box then write questions and answers. No. Place 1 Place 2 Distance Vehicle 1. | Ha Noi Ho Chi Minh City |1000 kilometres | plane 2. |Ninh Binh |Da Nang 800kilometres | train 3. |The park | The 200 2 kilometres bus 4. |Thecinema |The museum 900 metres bike 1. How far is it from Ha Noi to Ho Chi Minh City? It's about 1000 kilometres. How do you get there? I go by plane. minhthangbooks - chuyén séch tiéng Anh Em hoc gidi TENG ANH LOP 7 TAP 2 FILMS PART I: THEORY 1. VOEABULARY English Type | Pronunciation Vietnamese action film n_ | /ekjn film/ phim hanh déng actor n | /ekta(r)/ dién vién nam actress n | /zktras/ dién vién nit animation n | /znr'merfn/ | phim hoat hinh bored adj | /bo:d/ budn chdn (ding cho ngwoi) boring adj | /'bo:rin/ buén chén (diing cho sur vat, sw viéc) cameraman n | /'kemramen/ | ngwoi quay phim character n | /kerakta(r)/ | nhén vat cinema n_ | /‘smama/ rap chiéu phim comedy n_ | /'komadi/ ic critic n_ | /‘krittk/ nha phé binh director n_ | /da'rekta(r)/ | dao dién documentary n__| /,dvkju'mentri/ | phim tai ligu dull adj | /dal/ ngéc, dain entertaining adj | /enta'temnmn/ mang tinh gidi tri entertainment n__ | /enta'temmant/| sw gidi tri excellently adv | /‘eksolantli/ | tuyét vai family film n /‘feemali film/ | phim dé tdi gia dinh film star n | /filmsta:(r)/ | dién vién (phim) néi tiéng frightened adj | /‘fratnd/ hodng so (diing cho nguoi) UNIT 8: Films frightening adj | /‘frattnin/ dang so (ditng cho sw vat, sw viéc) handsome adj | /‘hensam/ dep trai hilarious adj | /hi'learias/ hai hwéc horror film n_ | /‘hora(r) film/ | phim kinh dj moving adj | /‘mu:vin/ d6ng, cam d6ng must-see (n) n_ | /mast si:/ nén xem, phdi xem nightmare adj | /‘naitmea(r)/ | con dc méng perform n_| /pa'foxm/ trinh dién plot n_ | /plot/ cét truyén, phim popcorn n__| /‘popko:n/ bong ng6 romanticcomedy| n_ | /rav'mentik phim chi dé tinh yéu, phim lang man ‘komadi/ scary adj | /‘skeari/ dang sy science-fiction, n__| /'sarans'fik{n/, | khoa hoc vién tuéng (sci-fi) Jsau fai/ screen n_ | /skri:n/ ‘man hinh seat n_ | /si:t/ ché ngdi setting n_ | /‘setin/ béi cdnh shocking adj | /‘fokim/ gay séc success n_| /sak'ses/ su’ thanh cong successful adj | /sak’sesfl/ thanh céng surprised adj_| /sa'prarzd/ ngac nhién (ding cho nguéi) surprising adj | /so'prarzm/ ngac nhién (ding cho su vat, su viéc) terrible adj | /'terabl/ kinh khiing thriller n_ | /'@rila(r)/ truyén (kich, phim...) gidt gan, ly ky violent adj | /'varalent/ bao luc Tl. GRAMMAR Although, though, however 1. Although, though ALTHOUGH va THOUGH diing dé chi su twong phan, déilip gitta hai ménh dé. minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh = Y Em hoc gidi TENG ANH LOP 7 TAP 2 Cau tric va vi tri cia ALTHOUGH/ THOUGH Although/ Though + clause, main clause. Hoac: Main clause + although/ though + clause Ex 1: We enjoyed our holiday although it rained heavily. (Ching t6i thich ki nghi cita minh mic dit tréi mua to.) Ex 2: Although he is poor, he studies very well. (Mac dit cau dy nghéo, cau dy hoc rat gidi.) Chit ji: Ta cing cé thé ding in spite of hoic despite dé chi sy tuong phan, d6i lap. Cau tric va vi tri cha in spite of/ despite In spite of] Despite + N/ Noun phrase/ V-ing, main clause. Hoac: Main clause + in spite of/ despite + N/ Noun phrase/ V-ing Ex 1: We enjoyed our holiday in spite of the heavy rain. (Chiing téi thich ki nghi cia minh mac dit troi mua to.) Ex 2: Despite being poor, he studies very well. (Mac dts nghéo, céiu dy hoc rat gidi.) 2. However a. Cach st’ dung However duigc ding dé chi méi quan hé 46i lap gitia hai cau. b. Céu tric va vi tri cia however. - Ménh dé 1. However, ménh dé 2, - Ménh dé 1. Chit ngit, however, d6ng ti. - Ménh dé 1. Ménh dé 2, however Ex 1:1 love England. However, the weather is bad. Ex 2: [love England. The weather, however, is bad. Ex 3:1 love England. The weather is bad, however. Chui #2: Ta cting cé thé diing nevertheless thay cho however, 2 tit nay c6 y nghia va chifc nang ngi phap tong tu nhau. @& tm. PHONETICS Listen and repeat these words. (Ching ta tap phat 4m cac am sau). 1. Cach phat dm nguyén dm déi /1a/ Cing nhw cdc nguyén 4m d6i khdc, 4m /1a/ durgc tao thanh bdi su két hop gitta 2 nguyén am la /1/ va /a/. as Buc 1: Hai khée miéng hoi kéo sang hai bén, nang lui a =| f Z cao dé phat am am /1/ : “NS Buéc 2: Thu hai khée miéng lai, ha lw6i vé vi tri thw gidn. Ding thoi phat am am /a/. 2. Cach phat dm nguyén ém déi /ea/ Am /ea/ 1a su két hop gira /e/ va /a/. Bé phat 4m 4m nay, ban lam theo hai buéc sau: Ges er Burée 1: Hai khée ming hoi kéo sang hai bén,ludi data | C-<—~ 6 cao trung binh dé phat am am /e/. fc => Buéc 2: Thu hai khée miéng lai, lw6i hoi kéo vé phfa sau dé phat am am /2/. Listen and repeat these words. (Chung ta tap phat 4m cdc 4m sau). @ Track 04 fear deer hear beer fel | jor) |_jarer/ [oor/ [orat/ care hair their wear /ea/ /kear/ /hear/ /Sear/ /wear/ 1. VOEABULARY Exercise 1. Find the odd one out among A, B, C, or D. 1. A.cinema B. comedy C.documentary —_D. cartoon 2. B. actress C. character D. audience minhthangbooks - chuyén sich tiéng Anh & Y Em hoc gidi TIENG ANH LOP 7 TAP 2 3. A.frightening _B. exciting C. terrifying D. swimming 4, A.documentary — B, romantic C. science fiction _D. animation 5. A.enjoy B. like C. feeling D. annoy ~~ Exercise 2. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks with available adjectives. \ frightened romantic fonny | Surprised handsome __ ea Ws a 2 3. 4. 5 6. Exercise 3. Read and complete with the words/ phrases in the box. [ documentary | action film | cameraman | film star | family film| | horror film | cinema _| science-fiction | character | comedy _| . aman whose job is operating a camera for making films/ movies or television programmes ._a film with lots of funny scenes . a film that both children and adults can enjoy . a film that frightens and shocks people . a film that's about real people, events or issues . one of the people in a story . a film with many exciting and violent scenes . a place where films are shown on a big screen Pe rPrnaneown . a very popular film actor or actress 10.a genre with stories set in the future or in outer space & UNIT 8: Films Exercise 4, Put the words in brackets into the correct forms. 1. We were with the service at the cinema. Everything was terrible. (satisfy) 2. There are always cowboys in a . (west) 3. The film is a big . It is boring from beginning to end. (disappoint) 4, She started her career while still at school. (act) 5. The film is about two hijackers who to blow up the plane. (threat) 6. Horror films, my younger sister. (terrible) 7. I don't think it is good for young kids to see on TV. (violent) 8. Weare going to the cinema to see an film. (amazed) 9. Although Titanic is a film, it has a sad ending. (romance) 10. He falls in love with a pretty girl. Its a beautiful . (romantic) 11. His recent film received a lot of from the public. (critic) 12. My favourite -fiction films have been from Mars. (scientist) 13. I don't like horror films because they are too for me. (fright) 14, Dracula is the best film [ve ever seen. (impress) 15. Do you know Daniel Day-Lewis? He has won three Oscars for best (act) Exercise 5. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. 1. Iam very interested learning English. A. to D. for 2. At the party last night, she looked in the red dress. B. lovely C. loving D.lovelily 3. IsMinh with the final semester's result? A. satisfy B. satisfied C. satisfying D. be satisfying 4, The ending of the film is . All audiences are very sad. A. disappointed _B. satisfying C.disappointing _ D. satisfied minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh <= A * Em hoc gidi TENG ANH LOP 7 TAP 2 5. Thisisa film and it makes me cry a lot. A. funny B. moving C. comedy D. excited 6. he is a CEO and earns a lot of money, he is very mean. A. Because B. Although C. Despite D. Because of 7. This is a(n) on real life during wars in our country in 1945. A. horror film B. sci-fi C. comedy D. documentary 8. In 2002, Halle Berry made history when she became the first Black woman to the Oscars best actress award. B. act C. perform D. direct 9. She is hard-working. » She isn’t lucky in examinations. A. Therefore B. But C. However D.So 10. She decided to quit this job the low salary. A.becauseof —_B. despite C. because D. although 11. Myson feels very happy when he sees that with a lot of cute animals. A. horror film B. biopic C. thriller film D. animation 12. Most say that this film is worth watching. A. plots B. settings C. critics D.acting 13.He acts very well. 'm sure that yesterday he stayed up all night reading the A. acting B. character C. survey D. script 14. Before you go to the cinema, you can watch the trailer and read. of the film. A. reviews B. disaster C. critic D. character 15. That wasa and boring horror film so I slept from the beginning to the end. A. shocking B. entertaining —_C. gripping D. predictable Te GRAMMAR Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with although or in spite of/ despite. 1. she is beautiful, everybody hates her. 2. The children slept deeply the noise. earning a low salary, Sara helped her parents. . Jane rarely sees Alan they are neighbors. ._Kate did not do well in the exam working very hard. I was very hungry, I couldn't eat. the difficulty, they managed to solve the math problem. . Liza never talked to him she loved him. A it was cold, Marie didn't put on her coat. 10. Clara did the work being ill. ween ans wo Exercise 2. Match the sentence in column A with the correct answer in column B. 2 AL B 1. Although I have many friends, _| A. However, I admire her courage. 2, Ididn’t wake up late B. Nevertheless, he is good at Literature. 3. I don't really like Mary. C.Livingin it, however, is very comfortable. 4. Their project was finally successful | D. he didn’t skip the class. 5. Tom is not good at science subjects. | E. although my alarm clock didn't go off. 6. In spite of his headache, E I feel lonely sometimes. 7. My apartment is quite small. _| G. despite all the obstacles. 8. I rarely go travelling H. although many friends like to travel with me. Your answer: 1 2. as 4, St, 6. re 8. Exercise 3. Combine the two sentences in one using however or nevertheless. 1. Mrs. Smith loves her children so much. She's sometimes very strict. 2. We can go there by bus. It is not the only way. 3. Jim is good at English. He is not the best student. minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh & TIENG ANH LOP 7 TAP 2 * Em hoc gi « 4. My new phone costs a lot of money to buy. It isn’t as good as I expected. 5, It’s hard to find a parking lot near here on Sunday. I think we can find one. 6. My mother wants to go to Paris this summer. My dad wants to go to Berlin. 7. Jane doesn’t like salads. She likes vegetables. 8. My father loves watching football match. He never plays football. Exercise 4. Circle the incorrect part in each sentence. 1. In spite of the weather was bad, we had a good time. A B Cc D 2. Inspite of all our we work hard, a lot of things went wrong. Ay Cc D 3. Although we had plan everything carefully, a lot of things went wrong. A B Cc D 4. Iwent to hospital because of I was feeling very ill. A B c D 5. I went to work the next day although I was not still feeling ill. A B c D 6. She accepted the job in spite of the salary is low. A B c D 7. She refused the job because the low salary. A B Cc D 8. Imanaged to sleep although the hotel was noise. A B Cc D 9. I couldn't get to sleep in spite of it was quite quiet and dark. A BC D 10. He run fast in spite of his old age. A B c D UNIT 8: Films Exercise 5. Rewrite the following sentences so that it keeps the same meaning. 1, Although Tom was a poor student, he studied very well. S — In spite of. 2. Although the weather was bad, she went to school on time. a — Despite 3. My mother told me to go to school although I was sick. — In spite of. 4. Tom was admitted to the university although his grades were bad. — Despite 5. In spite of his good salary, Tom gave up his job. — Although 6. He didn’t win an Oscar for Best Actor although he performed excellently. — Despite 7. The plot wasn't very interesting, but the special effects were spectacular. — Although 8. Despite his English-sounding name, James Martin is in fact German. — Although tm. PHONE TIES Divide these words into two columns as below. @ Track 05 beer air bear near pair here | easier chair area _|superior| square gar where | upstairs tear cane wear pier beard | their tear minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh fe omen, * Em hoc gidi TIENG ANH LOP 7 TAP 2 PART III: SKILL I. LISTENING Listen and do the tasks followed. § Track 06 Exercise 1. Listen and decide if each statement is True (T) or False (F). \ 1. “Marley and me’ is based on a book. 2. John Grogan is the character of “Marley and me”. 3. “Marley and me” seems to be a comedy. 4. The book “Marley and me” is based on a bestseller. 5. You can find the book “Marley and me” in libraries. Exercise 2. Listen again and complete the sentences. 1. “Marley and me” is the story of the connection between a and his owner. 2. “Marley and me” is enjoyed by everywhere. 3. When you see “Marley and me’, you can experience a sea of, 4. John is Marley’s 5. One thing that never changes is that is always by John’s side. Il. SPEAKING Answer the questions. The answer may vary. 1. What film do you like? 2. What kind of film is it? 3. At what time and on what channel do you watch that film? &> UNIT 8: Films 4. How many times have you seen it? 5. What character do you like? 6. Why do you like him/her? 7. What character do you hate? 8. Why do you hate him/her? 9. What prize does the film win? 10. Why do you like that film? Nhan nhieu tai et MIEN PHI tat I. READING Exercise 1. Fill in the blank with a suitable word from the box. become | fantastic | such | watching | actor — eS . to. | because | favorite I like a lot of different actors, (1)___ my real favourites are Daniel Craig and Halle Berry. Daniel Craig is British and he’sa really talented (2)__. Hes been ina lot of different kinds of films including action adventure, science fiction, and romantic drama, but he always gives an excellent performance. He was brilliant in Tomb Raider as Alex West, but my (3) film is Casino Royale, I think Daniel Craigisa(4)____ James Bond. Halle Berry is American. She was a model, but then decided to (5) an actress, I like her (6) she’s beautiful. She’s a good actress and I think minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh & 7 Em hoc gidi TIENG ANH LOP 7 TAP 2 she has a great sense of humour. I'm not keen on some of her films, (7) as Catwoman, but her other films are excellent. My favorite is X-men which is a science fiction film. She plays the (8) character Storm, who has the ability (9) change the weather. Daniel Craig and Halle Berry are both entertaining and talented actors. I love (10) their films. Exercise 2. Read the text and choose the best option for each blank. ACTION SCENES IN FILMS Modern cinema audiences expect to see plenty of thrilling scenes in action films. These scenes, which are (1) as stunts, are usually performed by stuntmen who are specially trained to do dangerous things safely. (2) can crash a car, but if you are shooting a film, you have to be extremely (3) _____ sometimes stopping right in front of the camera and film crew, At an early (4) in the production, an expert stuntman is (5) in to work out the action scenes and form a team. He is the only person who can go (6) the wishes of the director, although he will usually only do this in the (7) of safety. Many famous actors like to do the dangerous parts themselves, which produces better shots, since stuntmen don't have to (8) in for the actors. Actors like to become (9) in all the important aspects of the character they are playing, but without the recent progress in safety equipment, insurance companies would never let them take the risk. To do theirown stunts, actors need to be good athletes, but they must also be sensible and know their (10) . If they were to be hurt, the film would come to a sudden halt. 1, A. remarked B. known C. referred D. named. 2. A. Everyone B. Someone C. Anyone D.No one 3. A. detailed B. plain C. straight D. precise 4. A. period B. minute C. part D. stage 5. A.led B. taken C. drawn D. called 6. A.over B. against C. through D. across & UNIT 8: Films‘ 7. A. interests B. needs C. purposes D. regards 8. A. work B. get C. put D. stand 9. A.connected —_B. arranged C. involved D. affected 10. A. limits B. ends C. frontiers D. borders Exercise 3. Read the passage and answer the questions. Tom Cruise (born Thomas Cruise Mapother IV; July 3, 1962) is an American actor and filmmaker. Cruise has been nominated for three Academy Awards and has won three Golden Globe Awards. He started his career at the age of 19 in the 1981 film Endless Love. After portraying supporting roles in Taps (1981) and The Outsiders (1983), his first leading role was in the romantic comedy Risky Business, released in August 1983. Cruise became a full-fledged movie star after starring as Pete "Maverick" Mitchell in the action drama Top Gun (1986). One of the biggest movie stars in Hollywood, Cruise starred in several more successful films in the 1980s, including the dramas The Color of Money (1986), Cocktail (1988), Rain Man (1988), and Born on the Fourth of July (1989). In the 1990s, he starred in a number of hit films, including the romance Far and Away (1992), the drama A Few Good Men (1992), the legal thriller The Firm (1993), the romantic horror film Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (1994), the romantic comedy-drama sports film Jerry Maguire (1996), the erotic thriller Eyes Wide Shut, and the drama Magnolia (both 1999). In 1996, Cruise was well known for his role as secret agent Ethan Hunt in the Mission: Impossible film series, whose most recent film, Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation, was released in 2015. 1, Who is Tom Cruise? 2. When did he start his career? minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh & 3. When did he become a full-fledged movie star? 4. What is the type of the film: Interview with the Vampire? 5. What was his latest film series? TV. WRITING Exercise 1. Make one sentence from two. Use the word(s) in brackets in your sentences. 1. Tenjoyed the film. The story was silly. > In spite of EE 2. We live in the same street. We hardly ever see each other. > Despite 3. Although Tom was a poor student, he studied very well. > In spite of. Leen EE 4. Mary could not go to school because she was sick. 3 Hecausedf 2 ae 5. Although the weather was bad, she went to school on time. > Despite 6. Because there was a big storm, I stayed at home. > Because of. 7. In spite of his good salary, Tom gave up his job. > Although 8. He is so young. His acting is excellent. Saithougiiy 2 ts o>) 9. The film poster is fascinating. I don't want to see this film. > In spite of. EE 10. Although our plan is careful, we made some mistakes. > Despite = er een eee ene eee eee eene Exercise 2 a. Combine the two sentences using the words in brackets. 1, The new restaurant looks good, It seems to have few customers. (however) 2. Wehad planned to walk right round the lake. The heavy rain made this impossible, (although) 3. I’ve been too busy to answer my email. I’ll do it soon. (nevertheless) 4. Mary was sick. She didn’t leave the meeting until it ended. (despite) ye x VP 3 ‘ Y Exercise 2 b. Write a paragraph to describe a film you likeos) 0) CO oh we Rea: minhthangbooks - chuyén sch tiéng Anh & Mnge aN, Y Em hoc gidi THENG ANH LOP 7 TAP 2 FESTIVALS AROUND THE WORLD PART I: THEORY 1. VOCABULARY New word Type | Pronunciation Meaning April Fool's Day n_ | /erpral fuslzdei/_| ngay N6i déi, ngay C4 thang tw balloon n_ | /ba'lu:n/ béng bay | candle n | /'kandl/ nén Cannes Film Festival | _n | /keen film ‘festivl/ | Lién hoan phim Cannes carnival n_ | /‘ka:znvl/ ngay celebration n_ | /seh'brerjn/ 16 ky niém celebratory n__| /sela'breitari/ sur kyj niém, t6 chitc 16 46 ky nigm Christmas n_ | /‘krismas/ Gidng sinh common adj | /‘koman/ théng thuong costume n__ | /‘kostju:m/ trang phuc dance v_ | /da:ns/ khiéu vi, mia dancer n_ | /‘damsa(r)/ vii céng decorate v_ | /‘dekareit/ trang tri Diwali n_ | /di:'wa:li/ 1é hoi Diwali Dutch n |/day/ ngwoi Ha Lan Easter n_ | /‘zsta(r)/ 1é Phuc sinh feast n_ | /fizst/ bita tiéc lon festival n_ | /‘festivl/ Ie hoi firework n__| /‘farawstk/ phéo hoa & UNIT 9: Festivals around the World =‘ Flower Festival n_ | /flava(r) 'festivl/ | 1éhdi Hoa folk dance n_ | /fauk dens/ digu mua dan gian Halloween n_ | /helav'izn/ 1é hoi héa trang hold v_ | /hauld/ té chive joyful adj | /‘dgorfl/ vui vé | lantern n_ | /‘lentan/ den ling Moon cake n_ | /mum ketk/ bénh Trung thu Netherlands n_ | /'nedalendz/ nu6c Hé Lan New Year n | /nju: jra(r)/ nam moi parade n_ | /pa'rerd/ cudc diéu hanh performer n_ | /pa'fa:ma(r)/ nguwoi trinh dién, nguoi thé hién photo n__ | /‘feutav/ anh pumpkin n__| /‘pampkin/ bingo relax v_ | /rrleeks/ thie gin religious adj_| /r'hdges/ mang tinh tén gido romantic adj | /rou'meentk/ ldng man seasonal adj | /'sizzanl/ mang tinh theo mia ‘Thanksgiving n | /Genks'gvin/ | 16 Taon Tulip festival n | 'tulep'fes.tival/ | 16 hdi hoa Tulip turkey n_ | /'ts:ki/ ga tay I. GRAMMAR 1. YES/ NO QUESTION (Dang cau hoi Yes/ No) a. Dinh nghia - Cau hdi yes - no 1a loai cau hdi chi dua ra cho ngudi duge-hdi hai sy lua chon dé tra 1di 1a “co” hoac “khéng’, “ding” hoac “sai” thay vi dugc da dang cau tra 1di nhu cc loai cau héi khac. N6 1 m6t dang cau hdi dong. Ex1: —Doyoulike this car? (Ban c6 thich chiéc xe nay khong?) Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. (Cé, tdi thich./ Khong, t6i khong thich.) minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh & ENG ANH LOP 7 TAP 2 Em hoc gi Ex2: Did you go to the zoo last week? (Ban da di sé thii tudn truéc phai khong?) Yes, I did. / No, I didn't. (O, diing vay/ Khong, khong phdi.) b. Céch thanh ldp cau hdi Yes/ No Cau héi Yes/ No duge thanh lap bang cach dua trg dong tit (is, am, are, do, does, did ...), hoac dong ti khuyét thiéu lén truéc chi ngit. Céu tric chi tiét nhu sau: b.1. V6i d6ng tir tobe Ex: Ishe a doctor? (Anh dy la bac si phai khong?) Yes, he is. (Vang, diing vay.) Ex2: Are you playing chess? (Ban dang chdi cd a?) No, Iam not. (Khéng, khong phdi.) b.2. D6ng tir thuong (ordinary verbs) Auxiliary verbs cé thé la mét trong cdc tro déng tit: do, does, did, have, has ... Ex 1: Does she play the piano well? (Cé dy choi dan piano gidi phdi khong?) Yes, she does./ No, she doesn't. (Vang, ding vay./ Khong phai.) Ex 2: Did he go to the museum yesterday? (Anh dy dén vién bdo tang ngay hém qua a?) Yes, he did./ No, he didn't. (Dring vay. / Khong, anh dy khéng.) Ex 3: Have you finished your homework? (Ban da lam xong bai tap vé nha réi a?) Yes, I have./ No, I haven't. (Vang, ding vay. / Khong.) b.3. V6i dng tir khuyét thiéu (modal verbs) Modal verb + S + V? - Yes, § + Modal verb. - No, S + Modal verb + not. Modal verbs cé thé la mét trong cdc tro dong tit: will, can, may, should, would, could ... UNIT 9: Festivals around the World Ex 1: May | open the book? (76 cé nén mé sdch ra khéng nhi?) Yes, you may. No, you may not. (Khong, cau khong nén.) Ex 2: Can you play the guitar? (Cau cé thé choi dan ghita khong?) Yes, I can./ No, I can't. (C6, t6 cé thé.) Ex 3: Could you swim when you were a child? (Khi con nhé, ban c6 biét boi khong?) Yes, I could./ No, I couldn't. (Cé, i c6 thé. / Khong, t6i khong thé.) tm. PHONETICS Stress in two-syllable words (Trong 4m cita ti cé 2.4m tiét) 1. Véi danh tii va tinh tit cé 2 am tiét ‘Véi hau hét cdc danh tit hodc tinh tit c6 2 4m tiét, trong 4m thuéng nhan vao am tiét dau. Ex: [Words | Pronunciation | Type Meaning _ | chapter /'‘tfepter/ chuong (sach) summer /'samar/ mia hé music /'mju'zik/ am nhac better /'betar/ adj tét hon active /ektiv/ adj nang dong easy /ivzi/ adj | d dang Ngoai Ié: Néu danh tit c6 2 Am tiét ma am thit 2 c6 chia nguyén 4m d6i hoic nguyén 4m dai thi trong am sé roi vao am s6 2. minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh * Em hoc gidi TENG ANH LOP 7 TAP 2 Ex: Words | Pronunciation | Type Meaning design /ar'zan/ n ban phac hoa ~ balloon /ba'lu:n/ n bong bay advice /od'vais/ n 16i khuyén \ estate /y'stert/ n tai san, ru6ng dat alone /e'laun/ adj mét minh 2. Véi dong tit c6 2 am tiét Cac déng tit c6 2 am tiét: trong am thudng nhén vio am tiét thit hai. Ex: Words =) Pronunciation Type Meaning invest /n'vest/ v dau tu believe /brli:v/ v tin tuéng decide /d'said/ v quyét dinh decrease /a'kri:s/ y giam xuéng Ngoai lé: Néu dong tit c6 4m tiét thit hai la nguyén 4m ngfn hodc két thic béi 1 phy am hoc khong cé phy am. Hode dong tit 46 chita am dudi nhe thi trong am thudng roi vao am tiét thit nhat, (Né thudng két thuic 4 dang: er, en, ish, age, ow) Ex: Words Pronunciation | Type Meaning enter /‘entar/ v vao open /evpan/ v mé manage /‘mentd3/ v___|diéu hanh, quan ly happen //hepan/ v_ |xayra visit /‘vizxt/ vy thm, tham quan finish /‘fmf/ v hoan thanh offer /'9:far/ v dé xuat study /'stadi/ v hoc swallow /'swolau/ v nuét & y re Y UNIT 9: Festivals around the World y/ Listen and repeat these words. @ Track 07 y First syllable answer question practise visit /ensar/ | _/'kwestfan/ | /‘prektis/ | /‘viatt/ account before believe rely & Second syllable - /e'kaunt/ [or'fo:r/ [bi'li:v/ /r'lat/ PART II: LANGUAGE 1. VOEABULARY Exercise 1. Find the odd one out among A, B, C, or D. 1. A. happy B. funny C. joyful D. prefer 2. A.fascinating _B. shopping C. exciting D. amazing 3. A.attend B. celebrate C. organize D. festival 4. A.celebration B.performer _—C. artist D. dancer 5. A. flower B. cultural C. traditional D. local Exercise 2. Look at the pictures and complete the blanks with available names of festival. Mother's Day Water Festival | Teacher's Day New Year Father's Day Thanksgiving & : e a minhthangbooks - chuyén séch tiéng Anh A X TIENG ANH LOP 7 TAP 2 Em hoc Exercise 3. Look at the pictures and complete the blanks with available names of festival. Christmas Flower Festival Easter Halloween April Fool's Day _| Cannes Film Festival Exercise 4. Choose the best option to complete the sentence. 1. Carnival isa popular in many countries in South America. A. festival B. music C. harvest D. festive 2. South American people carnival in different ways. A. celebration B. celebrate C. celebratory D. decorate 3, At carnival, people wear costumes and ____ through the streets, playing samba music and dancing. A. parading B. parade C.attend D. went 4. She is going to Rio Carnival to watch ___ dance. A. perform B. performance C.performers _D. performed 5. A lot of dancers go to Rio de Janeiro to the Rio Carnival. A. attend B. attendance C. harvest D. perform 6. Cooking is a hugely important part of French A.celebration B. performance —_C. culture D. music UNIT 9: Festivals around the World 7. We to the Flower Festival in Da Lat last year. A. went B. arrived C. described D. watched 8. We often lucky money at Tet. A. receives B. receive C. received D. receiving 9. I think it is a good in this circumstance. A. choose B. chose C. choice D. chooses 10. There are a lot of cultural and activities held as part of this festival. Avart B. artists C.arts D. artistic Exercise 5. Give the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences. 1. I saw so many flowers when I attended the festival last year. (beauty) 2. The Christmas season is also called the season. (festival) 3. Iloved the this night. (perform) 4. There isa great for girls on March 3“ every year. (celebrate) 5. What I like about festivals is that they show the values of different communities. (culture) 6. Hoi Anis an old city with many places of. . (interesting) 7. The for Hue festival is taken by my group. (prepare) 8. All the streets in the city center are decorated with lights and red banners. (color) 9. There has been various__ shows on TV recently. (entertain) 10. The New Year marks the___of spring and the start of the Lunar New Year. (begin) I. GRAMMAR Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms of present simple. 1. Robin (play) football every Sunday. 2. We (have) aholiday in December every year. minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh & Em hoc gidi TIENG ANH LOP 7 TAP 2 . He often (go) to work late. . The Moon (circle) around the Earth. . The flight (start) at 6 a.m every Thursday. . Peter (not/ study) very hard. He never gets high scores. . My mother often (teach) me English on Saturday evenings. . She (like) Literature. . My sister (wash) dishes every day. 10. They (have) breakfast every morning. Exercise 2. Turn the sentences in exercise 1 into the interrogative form. IL 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 8. 9 10. Exercise 3. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms of past simple. 1. Nam (write) an essay in Literature class this morning. 2. I (watch) TV yesterday morning. 3. Nam and you (be) in the English club last Tuesday. 4, They (eat) noodles two hours ago. 5. We always (have) anice time on Christmas holiday in the past. 6. My father (decorate) ____ the Christmas tree. 7. She (buy) anew dress yesterday. 8. They (be)___late for school. & UNIT 9: Festivals around the World 9. Mr. Tam (take) his children to the museum last Sunday. 10. Hoa (make) a cushion for her armchair. Exercise 4: Turn the sentences in exercise 3 into the interrogative form. 1 pen awe oD 5 Exercise 5 a: Turn the sentences into the interrogative form and answer it. 1. The dog is small. 2. She isa student. 3. Weare ready to get a pet. 4, This book is so boring. 5. Lama worker. Exercise 5 b: Turn the sentences into the interrogative form and answer it. 1. Mary and Linda were late. minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh * Em hoc gidi TENG ANH LOP 7 TAP 2 2. Emma and Betty were good friends, 3. They were in the park yesterday. 4. His sister was seven years old. 5. It was hot yesterday. Exercise 6: Write short answers for the following questions. (Answers may vary) 1. Can you play the piano? 6. Can you do this puzzle? 2. Can you play the guitar? 3. Can you sing and dance? 4. Can you swim? 9. Will you go to the zoo with me? 5. Can you speak English? 10. Will you live in the USA in the future? mm. PHONETICS Divide these words into two columns: stress on first syllable or stress on second syllable. @ Track 08 banquet apply agree country mother disease cowboy cancer reply borrow schedule pleasure tonight provide suggest persuade machine treatment cover desire reduce humour farmer decide lecture birthday prepare enjoy money suppose & UNIT 9: Festivals around the World Stress on first syllable Stress on second syllable PART Ill: SKILLS 1. LISTENING Listen and do the tasks followed. @ Track 09 Exercise 1, Listen and decide if each statement is True (T), or False (F), or Not Given (NG). Christmas is the most important holiday in Britain. People decorated their houses with balloon, paper chains, holly, ... ‘The Christmas dinner is a feast with the main dish is Christmas pudding. ‘The Queen gives Christmas speech at 3 a.m on December 25%. --P BPP The Christmas speech of the Queen is broadcast on radio and television. Exercise 2. Listen again and answer the questions. 1. When does Christmas Eve occur? 2. What do people decorate the top of the trees with? 3. Where do children hang up their stocking? minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tigng Anh Em hoc gidi TENG ANH LOP 7 TAP 2 4. What do children get on the morning of the 25%? 5. When does Christmas dinner take place? I. SPEAKING Read the conversation and answer the questions. Then practise speaking the conversation. Mary: Hi, Hoa. Hoa: Hi, Mary. Mary: What did you do last weekend? Hoa: I went to Hoi Mua Festival with my parents. Mary: Where is it? Hoa: It's in Phu Yen. Mary: What is it about? Hoa: Ah. It's held to thank the Rice God for the crop, and to pray for better crops in the future. Mary: Really? What do people usually do at the festival? Hoa: People play drums, sing songs and dance. They also drink rice wine through a long thin bamboo tube. My father likes it. Mary: Are there any other activities? Hoa: Yes. There are cultural shows, buffalo races, and traditional games. Mary: Oh, that sounds really interesting. How often does it take? Hoa: Every March. Mary: I would like to go there next year. Questions: 1, What did Hoa do last weekend? 2. Who did she go with? UNIT 9: Festivals around the World |‘ 3. What is Hoi Mua held for? 4, What do people usually do at the festival? 5. Would Mary like to go there? Mm. READING Exercise 1. Read the text and then choose the best answer A, B, C, or D. Visit the Edinburgh Festival Every year, thousands of people come to Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland, to be part of the Edinburgh Festival. For three weeks every August and September the city is filled with actors and artists from all over the world. They come to Edinburgh for the biggest arts festival in Britain. During this time, the streets of the city are alive with music and dance from early in the morning untill late at night. You can even see artists painting pictures on the streets. Tens of thousands of tourists come to the festival to see new films and plays and to hear music played by famous musicians. This year, you can see over five hundred performances with actors from more than forty countries. The tickets for these performances are quite cheap, and it is usually easier to see your favourite star in Edinburgh than it is in London. So come to Edinburgh next summer! 1. How many people come to attend the Edinburgh Festival every year? A. Thousand people B. Thousands of people C. Some people D. Few people 2. How long does the Edinburgh Festival last? A. Two months B. Three months C. Three weeks D. For 3 weeks every August and September minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh * Em hoc gidi TENG ANH LOP 7 TAP 2 3. What can you even see artists doing on the streets? A. Playing the guitar on the streets B. Singing songs on the streets C. Painting pictures on the streets D. Dancing on the streets 4, How many performances can people see this year? A. Tens of thousands B. Thousands C. Some people D. Over five hundred 5. How much are the tickets for these performances? A. Very cheap B. Very expensive C. Not cheap D. Not quite expensive Exercise 2. Choose the word from the box that best fits the blank space in the following passage. | their recent | alotof | fewer | consisted | way | explain | __ deen | would | ‘The world’s first film was shown in 1895 by two French brothers, Louis and Auguste Lumiere. Although it only (1) of short, simple scenes, people loved it and films have (2) popular ever since. The first films were silent, with titles on the screen to (3) the story. Soon the public had (4) favorite actors and actresses and, in this (5) the first film stars appeared. In the 1927, the first “talkie”, a film with sound, was shown and from then on, the public (6) only accept this kind of film. Further improvements continued, particularly in America, (7) produced 95% of all films. With the arrival of television in 1950s, (8) people went to see films, but in (9) years audiences have grown again. More countries have started to produce films that influences film-making and there are currently (10) national film industries. UNIT 9: Festivals around the World Exercise 3. Read the passage. Decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F) then answer the questions. My favorite movie is cartoon “Tom and Jerry”. Tom is a cat with blue and white color. He keeps the house for a normal family and has a very free life. His job is = A. chasing Jerry day by day. Jerry is a brown house mouse. He usually lives in the deep cave behind the wall. Although they hate each other so much and always find ways to hurt the opponent but when Tom or Jerry falls into really dangerous situations, A then both become another savior. The film is an endless confrontation between Tom and Jerry, bring plenty of laughter for the audiences. I love this film because when I watch it I feel very glad, feeling like returned to my childhood. 1, What's Tom's color? 2. Does Tom usually live in a cage? 3. When will they help each other? 4. How do the audiences feel when they watch “Tom and Jerry”? 5. Why does the writer love “Tom and Jerry”? TV. WRITING Exercise 1 a. Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning of the original sentences. 1. It’s a good idea to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables every day. We should 2. We couldn't keep on cleaning the streets because of the heavy rain. Because it minhthangbooks - chuyén séch tiéng Anh <> * Em hoc gidi TENG ANH LOP 7 TAP 2 . The garden party won't take place if the weather doesn't improve. Unless: . Both students and teachers can borrow books from the library. The library lends 5. Nobody plays this piece of music as beautifully as he does. He plays this Exercise 1 b: Use the words in brackets and rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning of the original sentences. 1. I would like six apples. (DOZEN) 2. What is the price of a bowl of beef noodle soup? (MUCH) 3. There is sugar in many kinds of food, (HAVE) 4. We haven't got any tomatoes. (THERE) 5, My sister likes chicken very much, (FAVOURITE) Exercise 2, Use the words in brackets and rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning of the original sentences. 1. How much are these shoes? (How much...) 2. It takes me about five minutes to go to school by bike. (spend) 3. It often takes him two hours to do his homework. (He) 4, She spends one hour with her housework. (It...) & UNIT 9: Festivals as 5. Where will she mail her letter? (send) 6. They usually walk to school. (foot) 7. He usually rides to school. (bike) 8. Mr. Hung sometimes travels to work by plane. (fly) 9. They never go to school late. (They are....) 10. Do you have a better refrigerator than this? (Is this...?) Exercise 3. Imagine Christmas is coming, write a letter to Santa Claus. The answer may vary. minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh = Em hoc gidi TIENG ANH LOP 7 TAP 2 ENERGY SOURCES \ PART I: THEORY 1. VOCABULARY English Type Pronunciation Vietnamese alternative adj | /o:l'ts:nativ/ thay thé available adj | /a'verlabl/ c6 sin breeze ve | fori: théi (gié thoi) convenient adj | /kon'vimiont/ tién loi convert v_ | /kan'va:t/ chuyén d6i create v_ | /kri'ert/ tao lap dangerous adj | /‘demdzaras/ nguy hiém easily adv | /‘i:xzali/ dé dang effect n_ | /fekt/ nh huéng electricity n_ | /ilek'trisati/ dién energy n_ | /enad3i/ nding long enormous adj | /1'no:mas/ khéng 16, to lén, nhiéu environment n_ | /in'vairanment/ méi trwéng expensive adj | /1k'spenstv/ dat fossil fuel n_ | /‘fos! 'fjuzal/ nhién ligu héa thach government n_ | /‘gavarnmant/ chinh phi harmful adj | /‘ha:mfl/ c6 hai, gay hai & UNIT 10: Energy sources © heat nv | /hi:t/ nhiét; lam néng hydro energy n_ | /‘hatdrau'enardsi/ | nding long thiy dién | hydroelectric n | /haidraurlektrik/ —_| thiiy dién negative adj | /‘negativ/ tiéu cuc non-renewable adj | /non m'nju:abl/ khéng thé tdi tao non-renewable energy | n_ | /nonm'nju:abl 'enad3i/| nding long khéng thé tdi tao nuclear n | /‘njucklia(r)/ hat nhén, nguyén tir nuclear energy n_ | /‘nuckliar'enard3i/ | nding lugng nguyén tw oil n_ | /oil/ dau plentiful adj | /‘plenufl/ nhiéu, phong phi pollution n_ | /pa'luzfn/ su 6 nhiém produce v_ | /pra'djus/ sdn xudt recycle v_ | /ri'satkl/ tdi ché renewable n_ | /r'njuzabl/ c6 thé tdi tao replace v_ | /rrples/ thay thé runout v_ | /ranavt/ hét safe adj | /serf/ an toan shortage n_ | /‘fo:tidg/ thiéu solar adj | /‘saula(r)/ lién quan téi mat troi solar energy n_ | /‘saular'enard3i/ nang long mat troi solar panel n_| /‘saula(r) ‘paenl/ pin mat trai source n_ | /so:s/ nguén turn off v_ | /tamof/ tat wind energy n_ | /wind 'enardsi/ nding luong gid minhthangbooks - chuyén sach tiéng Anh & © Em hoc gi I. GRAMMAR 1. Present continuous a. Form (Cau trtic) EE Cau trac iS Viduka He is watching TV now. Khang dinh | S + am/ is/ are + V-ing Tam listening to music. They are studying English now. 1am not working now. Phidinh |S +am/ is/are + not + V-ing | He isn’t watching TV now. We are not watching TV now. Are they studying English? Nghivén |Am/Is/Are+S+V-ing? | Is he going out with you? Are you doing your homework? b. Usage (Cach str dung) - Thi hién tai tiép dign dién ta mot hanh d6ng dang xay ra tai thoi diém néi hoac xung quanh théi diém n6i. Ex 1: Lam working right now. (Ngay bay gid t6i dang lam viéc.) Ex 2: They are watching TV at the moment. (Bay gid ho dang xem phim.) Ex 3: He is finding a job. (Anh dy dang tim kiém mét cong viéc.) Anh dy khong nhdt thiét phdi dang di tim viéc ngay hic n6i ma n6i chung, anh dy vita nghi viéc va dang tim kiém mét cong viéc mdi trong thdi gian nay. Ex 4; Lam quite busy these days. I am doing my assignment. (Dao nay t6i kha ban. Toi dang lam ludn dn.) Ngay thoi diém n6i, t6i cb thé khong phai dang ngéi viét luan an, nhung toi dang trong qué trinh phdi hoan thanh lun an do. - Thi hign tai tiép dién dign ta m6t hanh dng sap xay ra trong tuong lai gan. Ex 1: What are you doing tonight? (Toi nay ban du dinh sé lam gi?) Ex 2: Summer is coming. (Miia hé sdp dén réi.) & UNIT 10: Energy sources * ¢. Signals (Dau hiéu) Trong cau thudéng cé cac trang tit chi thoi gian nhu - now: bay gid - right now: ngay bay gid - at the moment: Itic nay - at present: hién tai - at + gid cu thé (at 12 o'lock) Examples: - Itis raining now. (Trdi dang mua.) - I'm not working at the moment. (Toi dang khéng lam viéc vo hic nay.) Hoac cé cdc déng tit nhu: - Look! Watch! (Nhin kia!) - Listen! (Hay nghe nay!) - Keep silent! (Hay im lang!) - Watch out! = Look out! (Coi chting) Examples: - Look! The train is coming. (Nhin kia! Tau dang dén.) - Listen! Someone is crying. (Nghe nay! Ai dé dang khéc.) - Keep silent! The baby is sleeping. (Hay im ding! Em bé dang ngit.) - Watch out! The train is coming! (Coi chitng! Doan tau dang dén gan kia!) d. Cach thanh lap V-ing - Théng thuéng ta chi cn cng thém “-ing” vio sau héu hét cdc déng ti. Ex: eat - eating learn - learning - Véi d6ng tif tan cing la MOT chit “e’, ta bé “e” réi thém “-ing”. Ex: write - writing type - typing come — coming - V6i dong tit c6 tan cing la HAI CHU “e’, ta khong bé “e” ma van thém “-ing” binh thuéng. Ex: see - seeing agree — agreeing - Véi dong tit cé MOT am tiét, tan cing la MOT PHU AM, truéc la MOT NGUYEN AM: ta nhan déi phu 4m cuéi réi thém “-ing”. Ex: stop - stopping get — getting put - putting minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh & * Em hoc gidi TIENG ANH LOP 7 TAP 2 Ex: begin - beginning Ex: prefer - preferring CHU ¥: Mot s6 trudng hgp dac biét travel - travelling permit - permitting a - Véi dong tit tan cling la “ie” ta déi “ie” thanh “y” r6i thém “-ing” Ex: lie lying die - dying » e. Chii y: c6 nhirng tir khéng chia & thi hién tai tiép dién (trong tinh huéng nay ta chia 6 thi hién tai don). Cac d6ng tir dé thong thu6c vé nhém tri thitc, gidc quan, tinh cém hay sw’ sé’ hiru appear: xuat hién believe: tin tuéng belong: thudc vé contain: chia dung depend: phy thudc forget: quén hate: ghét hope: hy vong know: biét lack: thiéu like: thich love: yéu m. PHONETICS mean: c6 nghia la need: cén prefer: thich hon realize: nhan ra remember: nhé seem: dudng nhu/ c6 vé nhui sound: nghe cé vé nhu suppose: cho rang taste: ném understand: hiéu want: muén wish: wéc Stress in three-syllable words (Trong 4m ciia ti cé 3 am tiét) Tu cé 3 am tiét c6 thé cd trong 4m roi vao am tiét dau hoc am tiét thit hai. 1. Trong 4m roi vao am tiét dau Trong 4m roi vao am tiét dau khi ti cé 3 am tiét dé 1a mot danh tif va cé yéu t6 sau: UNIT 10: Energy sources a, Cé dm tiét thit hai hodc am tiét cudi chia I nguyén am ngan. [ Words aL Pronunciation | Type ih Meaning company /‘kampani/ n cong ty Germany /'d3a:rmani/ n— | nwécDitc family / femali/ n_ | giadinh industry /‘indastri/ n | nganh céng nghiép A library /latbrari/ n_ | thuvién resident /‘rezidant/ n dan cu b. Cé am tiét cudi la 1 nguyén am dai, hode 1 nguyén am doi, hod két thiic bang hon 1 phu am: Words Pronunciation | Type | Meaning _ exercise /'eksarsaiz/ n_ | baitap holiday /holider/ n_ |kinghi interview /itarvju:/ n__ | cuécphdng van paradise /peradais/ n | thién dong photograph /‘fautagra:f/ n | anh radio /'reidiav/ n dai radi6 2. Trong am roi vao 4m tiét thi hai Khi dong tit c6 3 am tiét c6 am tiét cudi chita 1 nguyén 4m ngan va két thtic chi v6i 1 phy am. Wort) deliver /dtlver/ v | giaohang develop /dt'velap/ v_ | phattrién discover /di'skavar/ v__ |kham pha encounter /in'kaunter/ v | bat gap, cham tran examine /1g'zzemin/ EY kiém tra establish /'steeblif/ v_ | thiétlap Khi danh tit c6 3 am tiét c6 am tiét cudi chita 1 nguyén am ngin hodc am tiét thit2 chtta nguyén 4m dai/ nguyén am déi hay két thitc bang hon 1 phy am. minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh Em hoc gidi TIENG ANH LOP 7 TAP 2 Words Pronunciation | Type Meaning banana /ba'na:na/ n | quachudi computer /kam'pju:tar/ n may vi tinh disaster di'za:sta(r) n__ | tai hoa, tham hoa museum /mju'zi:am/ n__ | bao tang papyrus / pa'patras/ n__ | cay c6i, gidy c6i potato /pa'tertau/ n khoai tay Listen and repeat these words. @ Track 10 agency company architect consonant First syllable /‘eidgensi/ | /'kampani/ | /‘a:rkitekt/ | /'ka:nsanant/ consider | determine | advantage banana Second syllable /kan'sidar/ | /di'ta:rmin/ | /ad'veentid3/ /ba'nena/ PART II: LANGUAGE 1. VO@ABULARY Exercise 1. Look at the photos and put the correct words/ phrases under them. | solar panel wind ae ae electricity ofl sun a & Lg eo = © UNIT 10: Energy sources‘ Exercise 2. Choose the best option to complete the sentence. 1. The of alternative sources of energy is not only plentiful but also clean and safe. A. potential B. ability C. effective D. efficiency 2. Petroleum is limited. It will be replaced by source of renewable energy. A. other B. another C. others D. one other 3. We will reduce energy as much as possible. A. consume B. consumption C. expense D. expenses 4, Nuclear power is not only expensive but also dangerous our environment. A. for D. with 5. Weare looking for cheap, cleanand___ sources of energy. These types of energy won't cause pollution. A. effective B. effect C. effectively D. effectiveness 6. The boys___ home for lunch because they are planning to visit the hydro power station. A. isnot coming _ B. will not come C. will not be coming D. do not come 7. Nuclear energy can enough electricity for the world’s needs, bit it is expensive. A. provide B. serve C.give D. adapt 8. At7.00 tomorrow, you to school. A.will cycle B.cycle C. willbe cycling —_D. will be cycled 9, ______ sources of energy will be developed quickly. A. Effective B. Wind C. Alternative D. Hydro 10. Sea wave isa_____ source because it can be replaced easily and quickly. A.non-renewable B. renewable _ C. alternative D. clean Exercise 3. Give the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences. 1, Solar energy is renewable, and clean. (plenty) 2. We should reduce the use of____at home. (electric) minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch ting Anh * Em hoc gidi TENG ANH LOP 7 TAP 2 . Waves will be used as an friendly sources of energy. (environment) . Solar power can be used to or cool our houses. (hot) . There will be a of energy in the near future. (short) . Scientists are looking for clean and sources of energy. (effect) N Que w - More renewable energy sources will be used to solve the problem of. (pollute) 8. 9. The of wind turbines will be completed by next Friday. (install) fossil fuels are harmful to the environment. (fortunate) 10. Energy is used to a lot of electrical things. (product) Exercise 4. Choose the best option to complete the sentence. 1, When you save energy, you not only save money, you also reduce the demand for such as coal, oil, and natural gas and that is a great way to play a part in saving the planet. A. carbon footprint B. electricity C. fossil fuels D. biogas 2. In India, the demand for has always been more than the supply. A. shortage B. sources C. slogan D. electricity 5. energy is produced by collecting sunlight and converting it into electricity. A. Hydro B, Nuclear C. Solar D. Wind 4. There are many available power sources in Vietnam including sun, wind, water, etc. A. nuclear B. hydro C. renewable D. solar 5. Laos and Cambodia have big plans for building up to 11 on the lower Mekong. A. dams B. slogans C. energy D. coals 6. can be an excellent source of free, renewable energy for poot farmers. A. Turbine B. Biogas C. Solar panel D. Bulb UNIT 10: Energy sources 7. The government has warned that Britain will face power in the coming winters. ¥ A. coal B. shortages C. slogans D. energy 8. Wind poweris one of the earliest sources ofenergyusedbyhumankind. “ A. alternative B. polluted C. harmful D. exhausted > 9. Nobody can predict exactly when supplies of fossil fuels will be However, we all know they quickly reduce in quantity. A. installed B. polluted C. harmful D. exhausted 10. Biogas can be used to natural gas in cooking, heating, or electrical generation. A.use up B. replace C. pollute D. install 11. At this time next week, we to work to support the air pollution cutting down campaign. A.arecycling _—_B, willbe cycling C. will cycle D. will be cycled 12. Someone's carbon is a measurement of the amount of carbon dioxide that their activities produce. A. footprint B. energy C. effect D. amount 13. Remember to the lights before going to bed. A. turn on B. stop C.turn D. turn off 14. We will cut down in the use of natural gas because it is and harmful to the environment. A. available B. abundant C. plenty D. limited 15. Hydro power is because dams cannot be built in certain areas. A. abundant B. enough C. limited D. unlimited minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh te Exercise 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms of present continuous. "Em hoc GRAMMAR TIENG ANH LOP 7 TAP 2 a 1. My grandfather (buy) some fruits at the supermarket. 2. Hang (not study) French in the library. She’s at home with her classmates. . 5. (she/ run) in the park? 4, My dog (eat) now. 5. What (you wait) for? 6. Their students (not try) hard enough in the competition. 7. All of Jack's friends (have) fun at the concert right now. 8. My children (travel) around Asia now. 9. My little brother (drink) milk. 10, Listen! Our teacher (speak). Exercise 2. Match the sentence in column A with the correct answer in column B. 1. Please turn down the volume. 2. Do you have something to eat? 3. My family don’t have anywhere to live right now. 4. [have to come home now. 5. John doesn't collect books anymore. 6. I go to the gym three times a week. 7. It isn't true what they said. 8. T'mafraid I don't bring the raincoat. A. It’s getting very late. B. They're lying. C. It’s starting to rain. D. He’ trying to sell it. E, My children are getting hungry. E She's trying to sleep. G. Were looking for an affordable house. H. I am losing fat. ‘Your answer: at 2 3. 4, 5. e 8.

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