Grammar Gerund and Invinitives (21310070)

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Nama : Wilson marnaek sianipar

NPM : 21310070
M.K : Bahasa Inggris

Exercise 1

1. Alice isn’t interested in(look) looking for a new job

2. Henry is excited about (leave) leaving for india
3. You are capable of(do) doing better work
4. I have no excuse for (be) being late
5. I’m accustomed to (have) having a big breakfast
6. The rain prevented us from (complete) completing the work
7. Fred is always complaining about (have) having a headache
8. Instead of(study) studing, Margaret went to a ballgame with some of her
9. Thank you for (help) helping me carry my suitcase
10. Mrs.Grant insisted on (know) knowing the whole truth
11. I believe in(be)being honest at all times
12. You should take advantage of(live) living here
13. Fatima had a good reason for(go,not) not going to class yesterday
14. Everyone in the neighborhood participated in (search) searching for the lost chil

15. I apologized to yoko for (make) making her wait for me

16. The weather is terrible tonight. I don’t blame you for ( want,not) not wanting to go to
the meeting
17. Who is responsible are (wash) washing and(dry) dring the dishes after
18. In addition a(go) going to school full time, spiro has a part-time job
19. I stopped the child for (run) running into the street
20. Where should we go for dinner tonight? Would you object it(go) going to an
Italian restaurant?
21. The mayor made another public statement for the purpose of(clarify)
clarifying the new tax proposal
22. The thief was accused of(steal) stealing a woman’s purse
23. The jury found Mr.Adams guilty of(take) taking money from the company he
worked for and of(keep) keeping ot for himself
24. Larry isn’t used to(wear) wearing a suit and tie every day
25. I’m going to visit my family during the school vacation. I’m looking forward
to(eat) eating my mother’s cooking and to(sleep) sleeping in my own bed

Exercise 2.

1. Kostas went to bed instead of finishing his work (finish)

2. I thanked my friend about lending me his fishing rod (lend)
3. I am excited about going to the opera tonight (go)
4. I am not accustomed to living in an apartment (live)
5. Omar did not feel good. He complained about having a headache (have)
6. I do not blame you for not wanting to go to the dentist ( want, not)
7. I have a good reason for being late to class (be)
8. It is getting late. I am worried about missing the bus (miss)
9. I am interested in finding out about the landscape of mars (find out about)
10. I am thinking about going to singapore next year (go)
11. I apologized to my friend for being late (be)
12. I am/am not used to driving on the left side of the road (drive)
13. Nothing can stop me from going to the hockey game! (go)
14. In that office, who is responsible for taking care of ordering the paper for the
copier? (take care of)
15. I look forward to going to visit my grandparents.(go)
16. The thief was guilty of stealing a car (steal)
17. Sonya has two jobs. In addition to working in the school office, she types
manuscripts for graduate students (work)
18. Please forgive me for not writing sooner (write,not)
19. Sarah is an honest person. She s not capable of telling a lie (tell)
20. Ill health keeps my grandfather from traveling long distances (travel)

Exercise 3

1. You were late for class yesterday. Did you have a good excuse?
2. You are going to (a city) to visit your friends this weekend. Are you looking
forward to that?
3. ( ) picked up your pen when you dropped it. Did you thank him/her?
4. You’re living in a cold/warm climate. Are you accustomed to that?
5. You're going to (Hawai) for a vacation. Are you excited?
6. You interrupted (...) while s/ he was speaking . Did you apologize?
7. The students in the class did pantomimes. Did all of them participate?
8. Someone bro ke the window. Do you know who is responsible ?
9. Americans usually have their biggest meal in the evening. are you used to dong
that ?
10. The weather is hot/cold. what does that prevent you from doing?
11. (...) has to do a lot of homework. Does s/he complain?
12. (...) was sick last week, so s/he stayed home in bed. Do you blame him /her?
13. (...) didn't study last night. waht did s/he do instead ?
14. You studid grammar last night. what did you do in addition?

Exercise 4.

1. Pat turned off the tape recorder by pushing the stop button
2. We show people we are happy by smiling
3. We decided who should get the last piece pie by flipping a coin
4. We satisfy our hunger by eating
5. We quench our thirst by drinking.
6. I found out what “quench” means by looking it up in a dictionary.
7. Tony improved his listening comprehension by watching TV.
8. Alex caught my attention by waving to me.
9. They got rid of the rats in the building by calling an exterminator
10. My dog shows me she is happy by wagging her tail.
11. He accidentally electrocuted himself by sticking a knife in the toaster.
12. Sometimes teenagers get into trouble with their parents by coming home late at night.

Exercise 5

1. Enjoy + watch TV
= He always enjoy to watch tv.
2. Mind + open the window
= Mind your head while you open the window.
3. quit + eat dessert
= She just quit before eat her dessert
4. give up + eat dessert
= He never give up, so we let him eat his dessert.
5. finish + eat dinner
= After you finish the homework let’s eat dinner
6. get through + eat dinner
= I get through the traffic before eat dinner at this restauran
7. stop + rain
= Stop the motorcycle please, it’s rainy
8. avoid + answer my question
= Avoid to talk with him, just answer my question.
9. postpone + do my work
= He postponed his job to do my work
10. put of + do my work
= They put off their task to do my work
11. delay + leave on vacation
= The schedule delayed so we can’t leave on vacation
12. keep + work
= Keep it working as usual
13. keep on + work
= Keep on doing your work
14. consider + get a job
= I consider he is difficult to get a job
15. think a book + get a job
= You should think a book before you get a job
16. discuss + go to movie
= Let we discuss the genre before going to movie
17. talk about + go to movie
= Let’s talk about the synopsis before we go to movie
18. mention + go to movie
= They mention me to go to movie tonight.
19. suggest + go to picnic
= Mita and Idan suggest me to go to picnic together
20. enjoy + listen to music
= Wildan and his friend really enjoy listening to music
Exercise 6

1. when beth got tired, she stopped working/studyng

2. would you mind opening the door? Thanks
3. The weather will get better soon. We can leave as soon as it quits raining
4. The police officer told him to stop, but the thief kept running
5. I enjoy taking a long walk every morning.
6. I have a lot of homework tonight, but I would still like to go with you later on. I will
call you when I get through studying
7. I would like to have some friends over. I am thinking about a having dinner party
8. He told a really funny joke. We could not stop laughing
9. Jack almost had an automobile accident. He barely avoided hitting another car at the
intersection of 4th and Elm.
10. Where are you considering going for vacation?
11. Sometimes I put off doing my homework
12. You have to decide where you want to go to school next year. You cannot
postpone making that decision much longer
13. I wanted to go to Mexico. Sally suggested going to Hawaii.
14. Tony mentioned taking the bus to school instead of walking.
15. I appreciate being able to study in peace and quiet

Exercise 7

1. Which ones have you done? When? Briefly describe your experiences
= every Sunday, my father always gives me a lot of money so, I and my sister go
shopping to mall to buy some food
2. Which ones do you like to do?
= I always go hunting new clothes
3. Which ones do you never want to do?
= I would never go swimming, because I afraid to depth
4. Which ones have you not done but would like to do?
= next year, I will go camping with mmy friend to rinjani

Exercise 8
1. Finish + study
2. Go + dance
3. Keep + work
4. Go + bowl
5. Think about + wear
6. Enjoy + play
7. Go + fish
8. Talk about + go + swim
9. Stop + fight
10. Postpone + go + camp
11. Quit + rain
12. Avoid + go + shop
13. Give up + ask
14. Discuss + go + birdwatch
15. Appreciate + hear
16. Mind + wait
17. Think about + not go
18. Talk about + go + run

Exercise 9

1. We had a lot of fun playing gemes at the picnic

2. I have trouble understanding Mrs. Maxwell when she speaks. She talks too fast.
3. I spent five hours doing my homework last night
4. Olga is standing at the corner waiting for the bus
5. Ricardo is sitting in class taking notes.
6. It was a beautiful spring day. Dorothy was lying under a tree listening to the birds
7. We wasted our money going to that movie. It was very boring
8. Omar spent all day getting ready to leave on vacation
9. Ted is an indecisive person. He has a hard time making up his mind about
10. I wondered what the children were doing while I was gone. When I got home, I found
them watching TV
11. When Mr. Chan walked into the kitchen, he caught the children eating some candy
even though he had told them not to spoil their dinners.
12. Ms. Gray is a commuter. Every work day, she spends almost two hours driving to and
from work
13. A: My friend is going to Germany next month, but he does not speak German. What
do you suppose he will have difficulty doing?
B: Well, he might have trouble talking on the phone
14. A: Did you enjoy your trip to New York City?
B: Very much. We had a good time going to museums and Broadway shows
15. A: This is your first semester at this school. Have you had any problems? B: Not
really, but sometimes I have a hard time understanding the lecturers when they
speak too fast
16. A: What did you do yesterday?
B: I spent almost all day going to class and studying English

Exercise 10

1. Have trouble + remember

2. Stand (place) + wait
3. Have a hard time + learn
4. Sit (place) + think
5. Have a good time + play
6. Lie (place) + dream
7. Have difficulty + pronounce
8. Have fun + sing and dance
9. Find ( someone) + study
10. Spend (time) + chat
11. Waste(money) + try
12. Catch (someone)+take

Exercise 11

1. We’re going out for dinner. Would you like to join us?
2. Jack avoided looking at me
3. Fred didn’t have any money, so he decided to look for a job
4. The teacher reminded the students to complete their assignments.
5. Do you enjoy playing soccer?
6. I was broke, so Jenny offered to lend me a little money.
7. Mrs. Allen promised to call tomorrow.
8. My boss expects me to finish this work ASAP.
9. Would you mind opening the door for me?
10. Even though I asked the people in front of me at the movie to be quiet, they kept
11. Joan and David were considering getting married in June, but they finally
decided to wait until August.
12. Our teacher encourages us to use a dictionary whenever we are uncertain of the
spelling of a word.
13. Before I went away to college, my mother reminded me to write her a letter at least
once a week.
14. Mrs. Jackson had warned to her young son not to touch the hot stove.
15. I do not mind being alone.
16. The teacher seems to be in a good mood today, do not you think?
17. Lucy pretended to know the answer to my question.
18. Paulo intendsto write his friend a letter.
19. Residents are not allowed to keep pets in my apartment building.
20. All applicants are required to pass an entrance examination
21. Someone asked me to deliver this package.
22. I was asked to mail this package.
23. Jack advised me to find a new apartment.
24. I was advised to find a new apartment
25. Jack advised finding a new apartment
26. Jack suggested finding a new apartment
27. Ann advised her sister to take the plane instead of driving to Oregon
28. Ann advised taking the plane instead of driving to Oregon

Exercise 12

1. The teacher said to me, “you may leave early”

(permit) the teacher permitted me to leave early(active) I was
permitted to leave early (passive)
2. The secretary said to me, “please give this note to sue”
(ask) the secretary asked me to give this note to sue (active)
I was asked to give this note to sue (passive)
3. My advisor said to me, "You should take Biology 109." (advise)
My advisor advised me to take Biology 109. ( active)
I was advised to take Biology 109. ( passive)
4. When I went to traffic court, the judge said to me, "You must pay a fine." (order)
When I went to traffic court, the judge ordered me to pay a fine. ( active)
I was ordered to pay a fine. ( passive)
5. During the test, the teacher said to Greg, "Keep your eyes on your own paper." (warn)
The teacher warned Greg to keep his eyes on his own paper during the
During the test, Greg was warned to keep his eyes on his own paper.
6. During the test, the teacher said to Greg, "Do not look at your neighbor s
(warn) During the test, the teacher warned Greg not to look at his neighbor s paper.
Greg was warned not to look at his neighbor s paper during the test.
7. At the meeting, the head of the department said to the faculty, "Do not forget to turn in
your grade reports by the 15th."
(remind) At the meeting, the head of the department reminded the faculty not to
to turn in their grade reports by the 15th. (active)
The faculty was reminded not to forget to turn in their grade reports by the
( passive)
8. Mr. Lee said to the children, "Be quiet."
(tell) Mr. Lee told the children to be quiet. (active)
The children were told to be quiet. (passive)
9. The hijacker said to the pilot, "You must land the plane." (force)
The hijacker forced the pilot to land the plane. (active)
The pilot was forced to land the plane. (passive)
10. When I was growing up, my parents said to me, "You may stay up late on
Saturday night."
(allow) When I was growing up, my parents allowed me to stay up late on
Saturday night.
When I was growing up, I was allowed to stay up late on Saturday night.
11. The teacher said to the students, "Speak slowly and clearly."
(encourage) The teacher encouraged the students to speak slowly and clearly. (active)
The students were encouraged to speak slowly and clearly.
12. The teacher always says to the students, "You are supposed to come to class on
(expect) The teacher expects the students to come to class on time. (active) The
students are expected to come to class on time. (passive)

Exercise 13

1. The professor said to alan, “you may leave early”

- The professor allowed alan to leave early. OR
- Alan was allowed to leave early
2. The general said to the soldiers,”surround the enemy!”
- The general ordered the soldiers to surround the enemy.
- The soldiers were ordered to surround the enemy.
3. Nancy said to me, "Would you please open the window?"
- Nancy asked me to open the window.
- I was asked to open the window.
4. Bob said to me, " Don't forget to take your book back to the library."
- Bob reminded me to take the book back to the library.
- I was reminded to take the book back to the library.
5. Pual thinks I have a good voice, so he said to me, "You should take singing
- Pual encouraged me to take singing lessons.
- I was encouraged to take singing lessons.
6. Mrs. Anderson was very stern and a little angry. She shook her finger at the
children and said to them, "Don't play with matches!"
- Mrs. Anderson warned the children to play with matches.
- The children were warned to play with matches.
7. I am very relived because the Dean of Admissions said to me, "You may
register for school late."
- The Dean of Admissions allowed me to register for school late.
- I was allowed to register for school late.
8. The law says, "Every driver must have a valid driver's license."
- The law required every driver to have a valid driver's license.
- Every driver were required to have a valid driver's license.
9. My friend said to me, "You should get some automobile insurance."
- My friend advised me to get some automobile insurance.
- I was advised to get some automobile insurance.
10. The robber had a gun. He said to me, "Give me all of your money."
- The robber forced me to give him all of my money.
- I was forced to give him all of my money.
11. Before the examination began, the teacher said to the students, "Work
- The teatcher told the studends to work quickly.
- The studends were told to work quickly.
12. My boss said to me, "Come to the meeting ten minutes early."
- My boss expected me to come to the meeting ten minutes early.
- I was expected to come to the meeting ten minutes early.

Exercise 14

1. Remind me + finish
2. Ask me + go
3. Permit me + have
4. Expect me + be
5. Warn me + not go
6. Advise me + take
7. Tell me + open
8. Encourage me + visit
9. Require us + take
Exercise 15

1. I like (go) to go/going to the zoo

2. The play wasn’t very good. The audience started (leave) leaving before it
was over
3. After a brief interruption, the professor continued (lecture) to lecturing
4. The children love (swim) to swimming in the ocean.
5. I hate (see) to seeing any living being suffer. I cannot bear it.
6. I am afraid of flying. When a plane begins (move) moving down the runway, my
heart starts (race) racing. Oh-oh! The plane is beginning (move) to move, and my
heart is starting (race) to race
7. When I travel, I prefer (drive) driving to (take) taking a plane
8. I prefer (drive) driving rather than (take) taking a plane.
9. I always remember (turn) to turn off all the lights before I leave my house.
10. I can remember (be) being very proud and happy when I graduated.
11. Did you remember (give) to give Jake my message?
12. I remember (play)playing with dolls when I was a child.
13. What do you remember (do)doing when you were a child?
14. What do you remember (do) to do before you leave for class every day?
15. What did you forget (do) to do before you left for class this morning?
16. I will never forget (carry) carrying my wife over the threshold when we moved into
our first home.
17. I cannot ever forget (watch) watching our team score the winning goal in the last
seconds of the championship game.
18. Do not forget (do)to do your homework tonight!
19. I regret (inform) to inform you that your loan application has not been
20. I regret (listen, not) not listening to my father s advice. He was right.
21. When a student asks a question, the teacher always tries (explain) to explain the
problem as clearly as possible.
22. I tried everything, but the baby still would not stop crying. I tried (hold) holding him,
but that did not help. I tried (feed) feeding him, but he refused the food and continued to
cry. I tried (burp) burping him. I tried (change) changing his diapers. Nothing worked.
The baby wouldn't stop crying.
Exercise 16

1. Mary reminded me (be,not) not to be late for the meeting

2. We went for a walk after we finished(clean) cleaning up the kitchen
3. I forgot (take) to takea book back to the library, so I had to pay a fine.
4. When do you expect (leave) to leave on your trip?
5. The baby started (talk) talking when she was about eighteen months old.
6. I do not mind (wait) waiting for you. Go ahead and finish (do) doing your
7. I have decided (stay)to stay here over vacation and (paint) to paint my room
8. We discussed (quit) quitting our jobs and (open) opening our own business.
9. I am getting tired. I need (take)to take a break
10. Sometimes students avoid (look) looking at the teacher if they do not want
(answer) to answer a question.
11. The club members discussed (postpone) postponing the next meeting until March
12. Most children prefer (watch) watching television to (listen) listening to the
13. My grandfather prefers (read) to read
14. Did Carol agree (go) to go (camp)to camp with you?
15. As the strom approached, the birds quit (sing) singing
16. The taxi driver refused (take) to take a check. He wanted the passenger (pay) to pay
17. The soldiers were ordered (stand) to stand at attention
18. The travel agent advised us (wait, not)not to wait until August

Exercise 17

1. (…) ( remind + finish)

2. We (have fun+swim)
3. Students (be required+have)
4. The counselor (advise+take)
5. I (try+learn)
6. (…) (warm_not open)
7. I (like+go+camp)
8. (…) (invite+go)
9. (…) (promise+not tell)
10. We (not be permited+take
11. My friend (ask+tell)
12. When the wind (begin+blow)
13. I (remember+call)
14. (…) (tell+ not worry about+ be)
15. (…) (be told+be)
16. I (spend+write)

Exercise 18

1. Enjoy+listen
2. Offer+lend
3. Start+laugh
4. Remind+take
5. Postpone+go
6. Look forward to+see
7. Forget+bring
8. Remember+go
9. Prefer+live
10. Finish+do
11. Encourage+go
12. Can’t stand+have to wait
13. Continue+walk
14. Stop+walk
15. Be interested in+learn
16. Be used to+speak
17. Suggest+go
18. Advise+go
19. Be allowed+have
20. Like+go+swim
21. Regret+take
22. Consider+not go
23. Keep+put off+do
24. Decide+ask+come

Exercise 19
1. Keep(talk) talking. I’m listening to you
2. The children promised (play) to play more quietly. They promised (make, not) not to
make so much noise.
3. Linda offered (look after) to look my cat while I was out of town
4. You should not put off (pay) paying your bills.
5. Alex s dog loves (chase) to chase sticks
6. Mark mentioned (go) going to the market later today. I wonder if he is still
planning (go) to go
7. Igor suggested (go) going (ski) skiing in the mountains this weekend how does that
sound to you?
8. The doctor ordered Mr. Gray (smoke, not) not to smoke
9. Do not tell me his secret. I prefer (know, not) not to know
10. Could you please stop (whistle) whistling? I am trying (concentrate) to
concentrate on my work.
11. Recently, Jo has been spending most of her time (do) doing research for a book
on pioneer women.
12. Nadia finally decided (quit) to quit her present job and (look for) to look for
another one
13. Did you remember (turn off) to turn off the stove?
14. Toshi was allowed (renew)to renew his student visa.
15. Pat told us (wait, not)not to wait for her.
16. Mr. Buck warned his daughter (play, not) not to play with matches.
17. Would you please remind me (call) to call Gina tomorrow?
18. The little boy had a lot of trouble (convince) convincing anyone he had seen a
19. Liz encouraged me (throw away) to throw away my old running shoes with holes
in the toes and (buy) to buy a new pair.
20. I am considering (drop out of) dropping out of school, (hitchhike) hitchhiking to New
York, and (try) trying to (find) a job.
21. Do not forget (tell) to tell Jane (call) to call me about (go) going (swim)
swimming tomorrow.
22. Sally reminded me (ask) to ask you (tell) to tell Bob (remember) to remember
(bring) bringing his soccer ball to the picnic.

Exercise 20
Switch roles

1. I enjoyed …..
2. I can’t afford…..
3. She didn’t allow me
4. We plan
5. Please remind me
6. I am considering
7. Our director postponed
8. He persuaded me
9. I don’t mind
10. Everyone avoided
11. I refused
12. I hope
13. She convinced me
14. He mentioned
15. I expect
16. I encouraged him
17. I warned him not
18. We prepared
19. I don’t recall
20. We decided
21. Did someone offer
22. When will you finish
23. Did you practice
24. She agreed
25. Keep
26. Stop
27. I didn’t force him
28. I couldn’t resist
29. Somehow, the cat managed
30. Did the little boy admit
31. He denied
32. I didn’t mean
33. She swore
34. I volunteered
35. He suggested
36. He advised me
37. He struggled
38. I don’t want to risk
39. Do you recommend
40. I miss
41. I can’t imagine
42. She threatened
43. He seems to dislike
44. The children begged
45. She challenged me
46. Did he deny
47. Don’t hesitate
48. Do you anticipate
49. Why did she fail
50. I’ll arrange
Exercise 21

1. Hassan volunteered(bring) to bring some food to the reception

2. The students practiced (pronounce) pronouncing the “th” sound in the phare “these
thirty-three dirty trees”
3. In the fairy tale, the wolf threatened (eat) eating a girl named Little Red Riding Hood
4. Susie! How many times do I have to remind you (hang up) to hang up your coat
when you get home from school?
5. The horses struggled (pull) to pul the wagon out of the mud
6. Anita demanded (know) to know why she had been fired
7. My skin cannot tolerate (be)being in the sun all day. I get sunburned easily
8. I avoided (tell) telling Mary the truth because I knew she would be angry
9. Fred Washington claims (be) to be a descendant of George Washington
10. Mr. Kwan broke the antique vase. I am sure he did not mean (do) to do it.
11. I urged Omar (return) to return to school and (finish) to finish his education
12. Mrs. Freeman cannot help (worry) worrying about her children
13. Children, I forbid you (play) to play in the street. There is too much traffic
14. My little cousin is a blabbermouth! He cannot resist (tell) telling everyone my
15. I appreciate your (take) taking the time to help me
16. I cannot afford (buy) to buy a new car
17. Kim managed (change)to change my mind
18. I think Sam deserves (have) to have another chance
19. Olga finally admitted (be) being responsible for the problem
20. I do not recall ever (hear) hearing you mention his name before
21. Nadia keeps (promise) promising (visit) to visit US, but she never does
22. Margaret challenged me (race) to race her across the pool
23. Oscar keeps (hope) hoping and (pray) praying that things will get better
24. I finally managed (persuade) to persuade Yoko (stay) to stay in school and
(finish) to finish her degree

Exercise 22

Directions: return to exercise 20, but this time use your own words instead of to do it
or doing it. Work with a partner.
Exercise 23

Directions: divide into two teams.

Exercise 24

1. Be dangerous
= it’s dangerous to ride a motorcycle without wearing a helmet
2. Be important
3. Not be easy
4. Be foolish
5. Must be interesting
6. Be always a pleasure
7. Be clever of you
8. Not cost much money
9. Be necessary
10. Take time

Exercise 25

1. It isn’t possible to be on time

= it isn’t possible for me to be on time for class if the bus drivers are on stike and I
have to walk to class in a rainstorm
2. It’s easy to speak spamish
3. It’s important to learn English
4. It is essential to get a visa
5. It’s important to take advance math courses
6. It’s difficult to communicate
7. It was impossible to come to class
8. It is a good idea to study gerunds and infinitives

Exercise 26

1. ….isn’t easy
= climbing to the top of a mountain in]sn’t easy
2. …. Is hard
3. ….can be interesting
4. … was a good experience
5. Does… sound like fun to you?
6. … demands patience and a sense of humor
7. …. Is a complicated process
8. … is considered impolite in my country

Exercise 27

1. It’s dangerous…
2. It’s easy…
3. It’s empolite…
4. It is important…
5. It is wrong…
6. It takes a lot of time…
7. It’s a good idea…
8. Is it difficult..?

Exercise 28

1. (…) is having trouble with (her/his) roommate, whose name is (…) (her/his)
roommate keeps many pets even though the lease they signed forbids residents to
keep animals in their apartments. Yesterday, one of these pets, a/an…
2. Not long ago, (..) and (..) were walking home together after dark. They heard a strange
whoosing sound. When they looked up in the night sky, they saw a
huge hovering aircraft. It glowed! It was round and green! (..) was frightened and
curious at the same time. (she/he) wanted to…,but…
3. Once upon a time, (..) lived in a faraway village in a remote mountainous region. All of
the villagers were terrified because of the dragon that lived nearby. At least once a
week, the dragon would descend on the village and…
4. It was a dark and stormy night(…) was all alone at home. Suddenly…
5. (..) had a bad day yesterday. First of all, when (she/he) got up in the
morning.(she/he) discovered that…

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