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First you must go out. If you are not going out nothing is gonna happen.

You have to learn that is ok to introduce yourself to strangers and start a conversation. You can
just go, say hi my name is, shake hands, and it's on, the set is now owned; then you can just start
talking or they would talk. Expect nothing but what is happening.

You have to learn that people around you are as intimidated and insecure as you are, sometimes
you may think they are bitchy or assggressive, but it is far better to keep the mindset that "they
may just be nervous, that if I quit the conversation now, is gonna be a lose situation for both, that I
need to stick here to help them overcome their fears". Usually girls will be a thousand times faster
to open than guys, but you have to open everyone, they will know you have a social vibe.

If you are in a club, party or a bar, NEVER stop interacting with people, as soon as you get there
talk with the coolest or the chodest guy/group. It doesn't matter who is it, you need to keep the
interaction going all the time. What I mean about interaction is not only conversation, you can
also play games or stuff like that, sometimes they have darts, dancefloors and pool tables, where
you can have fun WITH other people you met there.

Assume everyone is your friend and they all like you. I'm sure you have a group of friends where
you can just chill and nothing holds you back from be yourself, so apply the same approach to the
pub. You don't need to impress anybody with anything you say or do, you don't need to make any
sentence longer, you are there to be out of the house and interact with people as any other
socially healthy human being.

It is important that you get use to go out alone in order to get these mindsets. If you start going
out a lot with wings and friends, all this stuff is gonna take longer to develop, once you are
comfortable going out alone you can bring friends and stuff. I personally feel better to go by
myself because it works so much better for logistics. Remember that even though you are going
out alone you are never alone, because everyone around you is also your friend.

You should ALWAYS KNOW what you want. NEVER think about what you don't want to happen.
ONLY think about what you want, and take right action on it. If you want to talk to that girl, talk to
her, if you want to hug her, go hug her, if you want to call somebody on something they are
saying, do it, if you only want to engage one girl, only engage that girl, if you want to change the
conversation, change the conversation, if you want to be alone with her, take her with you, if you
want to reward a girl for something she said, do it, if you want to punish her for something she
said, do it.

Everything you do wether is calling someone on something, clawing, smiling, looking in the eyes,
spining, it all should be done for your own fun, you are bringing this fun to the group, not the
group bringing this fun to you. Your fun should not depend on what the others are doing or saying,
it depends on you, this is frame controlling. All these stuff is straight forward guys, there are not
metaphors or parables here, it is just as it sounds.

Whatever you are doing at the moment is the coolest thing going on, if you are talking to her,
that's the coolest thing going on, if you are getting a blowjob in the restroom, that's the coolest
thing going on. Don't think in terms of past and future. The coolest thing going on is right now, in
front of your eyes, nowhere else, is only happening to YOU.

KEY is that good feeling you have inside your body, like Tim said, that feeling will dictate
everything that is happening around you (to your own perspective which is the one that matters).
You should feel like you are a Rockstar, that is on in all matters, that it doesn't matter what is
going on, girls are only thinking: "I hope this guy close the deal, I hope he moves things forward"
'cause in reality that is what is happening.
KEY do not compare, do not judge, do not interpret anything she wears, do or say. You are not
focused on her mind, she is not her mind, so there is absolutely no reason to focus on her mind.
Focus on her heart, her heart and soul is where is at, literally.

Now that been said, there a few other things that I think are important, most of the time they will
come naturally, but if they don't, there is nothing wrong with knowing about them:

Always speak with neutral rapport tonality. The only time I may use trying for rapport tonality is to
spice up a character in a story I'm sharing. Breaking rapport you can use it when calling
somebody on something, but it should always come from that having fun/giving value frame.

Speak loud, laugh loud, a good voice volume will give you instant value, don't be afraid of calling
people's attention. People's attention is natural to you, you are a Rockstar, you don't check
around to see who is looking at you, you are use to have people looking at you all the time, and
you're careless about it, you focus on what you want.

Lazer eyes: look into her eyes, you are the shit, she knows it, she is afraid of her feelings
betraying her own self control, she is afraid that you can own her emotions.

Inner smile: you have not concerns, you know that not matter what happens, you always win, you
don't need to try to win, you are already a winner, you know you are the shit, she knows that you
know that you are the shit.

Intimacy: She knows what is going on, you know what is going on, it is assumed. She is willing to
give up herself to you, is a win/win situation. A simple attraction becomes a strong connection,
you are not two, you are one, you accept it as it is.

Claw; Beware of the claw, the claw always win, the claw only grows stronger.

Remember that kino and escalation comes from this one question: What do I want right now? It
does NOT come from this question: What should I do right now? (that what should do question
should NEVER come in your thoughts).

Now, you can basically use all the classic stuff they taught us in early game and make it work.
The main ones I use are:

Roleplaying - Plotlines - Bubble Of Love (give her a role, she doesn't have to be a random
stranger, she can be anything you want her to be)

Storytelling (you have a life to express, you play Castlevania, you watch Anime, you read Homer,
you are a fan of The Matrix Trilogy, you watch YouTube, it doesn't matter what is your life, is all
cool because you are cool)

Missinterpretations (Take anything she said as she is hitting on you, remember is always on, do
this with the I'm fun frame, not with the I'm a jerk frame)

Hot reading (I said "hot" because I think is way much more effective when you do it hot, meaning
when you already know a few things about her and you are using those things to do the reading,
btw, this goes very well before changing venues)

They never taught us when to know when a tool is working and when is not, so how do you know
when a tool is working? When her head is spinning (this is why the actual action of spinning her is
so popular, and this is why girls are afraid of us doing this to them).

How to escalate? Making her head spin with a wide range of emotions. These emotions will
autogenerate with your fun frame. Make her heartbeat go all over the place.

Have you done a threesome?

Do you like doggy style?
Are you loud in bed?
Does your boyfriend likes to watch?
Have you kissed a girl?


How to piss her off? When you are making her head spin and you are not escalating. Always be
pushing forward, one step back, two forward.

KEY NEVER look for IOIs from her, NEVER wait for IOIs from her. Sometimes she is not secure
enough to make one. YOU KNOW is always on, so there is absolutely no reason to wait for her
IOIs to do what you want.

The important points:

1. You should feel you are your own party. Really, feel good about yourself when you are out, feel
like you are the coolest.

2. You always assume attraction, it doesn't matter what she is doing or saying.

3. You feel comfortable with any situation because you are having fun.

4. You make her head spin, you do not let logic ever enter in the interaction, you avoid routines,
routines are not fun, you make everything fun for yourself.

5. You make the conversation sexual, you are not apologetic about what is it that you want to do
or say.

6. You close the deal. I'm not saying tell her let's fuck right away (one thing at the time). If you
want to take her home, take her home, "let's go, we are leaving".

7. You are the man, You take accountability for everything that happens. You never put any
responsibility on her. It's all on you. You make the decisions, you don't wait for her to make a
decision, she expects you to make the decisions for her.

I believe that your 'attract game' is 90% of the game. Flakes? Dissapear if they're attracted
enough. Logistics? The girl handles it. Escalation? She'll probably do it or open enough fucking
windows to make it piece of piss. LMR? haha gone. Qualification? She'll rationalise stuff if she's
really into you. So it's VITALLY important.

Attraction is directly proportional to one thing. This thing has several names and ways of
expressing it, but it all amounts to the same thing.

1. Being unreactive. Being unreactive is acting the same way you do around other people as you
do when you are alone or with someone who you don’t care/worry about their acceptance. In
other words, if you’re being your normal self, you’re unreactive. Be unreactive, get attraction. You
know you’re unreactive when you’re totally at ease and outside your head and not thinking ahead
to an outcome.
2. Adding value. You’re totally adding value when the reactions to your actions aren’t affecting
your ego structure. In other words you don’t care what reactions you get. As a result you’re (gasp)
normal, unreactive, and basically care free about what happens. Relaxed and outside your head
as a result.
3. Not giving a shit what people think of you. See number 2 above.
4. Putting your real personality on the line 100%. This is the same as unreactive. You’re being
normal so to speak, not changing your personality (not holding back nor overcompensating) and
not doing stuff you normally wouldn’t do.
5. Acting through your own intentions. See #1 and all the rest.
6. Not having an outcome. When you don’t have an outcome, you don’t care about what
happens. Therefore you are totally unreactive/normal/not caring about what happens/etc.
Now all of these can be obtained as a result of being indifferent to the outcome. The normal
community/RSD strategy is to do so many fucking sets that you literally stop caring about each
one and so become normal when doing them.

You get attraction because you communicate that you’ve got so many girls that you don’t care
about this one. You want them less than they want you. You do not validate them, so they start
grasping for validation and end up in a big spiral of reactiveness. Hence the more unreactive
(validation withholding) you are, the more reactive they get. Like when a girl doesn’t call you
when she says she will, you start thinking about her and putting her too much on a pedestal and
basically liking her more than you did before. Not caring and subcommunicating this by being
normal conveys value and that you are of higher value than her. Basically you do not want
anything from her (validation, sex even you’re pretty indifferent about, validation of your skills or
the method).

This is why you get attraction so fast with girls you literally do not want. (UGs, your brother’s
girlfriend, etc). You act normal or even a bit disinterested and it devalidates them and they go into
a reactive spiral grasping for your validation.

So basically attraction is gained when you do not really want anything from the girl.


So let’s get keyboard jockeyish and get deep into some theory.

Not wanting anything from the girl is not having an outcome to the interaction. And so you don’t
want an outcome to the interaction, you won’t try to manipulate the interaction in any way shape
or form (otherwise known as 'button pushing'). You won’t use your MIND to control your ACTIONS
which are normally free flowing. You won’t be actively ‘doing’ anything. Like you’re talking to your
best friend, you’re not ‘doing’ anything unless you want some thing from them. If you’re chilling
then you’re totally normal (unreactive). If you want to borrow $50 and are about to ask you
become REACTIVE because you now have an outcome to the situation. You have a value taker
vibe like a beggar and it repels people.
So let’s say you approach a group of people and you do not want anything from them. You have
no outcome so to speak. They see you don’t want anything from them (only adding value) and so
open right up. You get instant ‘attraction’ because they see you’re so high value that you don’t
want their validation or sex even. (Having intent is still not wanting sex because for the intent to
work you have to not really care at all if the girl sleeps with you or not).

How do we get like this?

Portals to unreactivity:

1. Totally drop the outcome. This is fucking tricky cause this has to be a ‘way of being’ and not a
‘technique’. As soon as it becomes a technique, you’re ‘gaming’ them (why would you be gaming
if you didn’t want anything) and so you have an outcome again.
2. Talk to so many people that you really don’t care anymore. This is the standard.

3. The big one. (copyright The Now 2008 hahaha). STOP CONTROLLING YOURSELF. Now you
only actively control your actions (micromanage) if you have an outcome to the situation. If you
didn’t care, you wouldn’t control anything you do. You’d ‘let go’ of your body and let it do whatever
it wants to do.

Now…. Some of you may of read the post ‘speaking from a place of coolness’ by Android. Great
post, but I think he has it backwards. He talks about feeling a line of inhibition when you’re about
to do something and to not push through that ever (read the pots for a good explanation of the
inhibition feeling and threshold). Now this will keep you CONGRUENT yes. It stops you being try
hard, but it is also CENSORING yourself heavily.

What you need to do is IGNORE that ENTIRELY and CONSTANTLY so that the feeling of
inhibition is not controlling you whatsever. You flow past it like it never existed. So you’re free
flowing whatever your body wants to do, and not letting your mind control ANYTHING. Just LET
yourself do whatever. Don’t actively do anything. Do NOT micromanage. If your shoulders want to
slump forward, let them. DO NOT BLOCK ANYTHING YOUR BODY WANTS TO DO . If your
body wants to walk over to some people, let it. If it want to say "hey whats up", let it. (this is
simular to if you're totally drunk or on some other drug that makes you lose all your inhibitions).
Do NOT hold back (don’t hold back being relaxed or being talkative and more out there).
TOTALLY take your hands off the wheel and let the chips fall where they may. If this causes you
to trainwreck some of your interactions, then that is fine (remember – you don’t care about the
outcome). Whatever happens happens. The key is to not have a boring conversation on purpose,
but to LET the conversation be boring if it so desires. LET it be WHATEVER IT IS.

Now ironically being totally free and uncontrolling of your actions and totally cool with fucking
things up because of that will actually make things go about 500 times better because people see
you are not controlling yourself, so you must not have an agenda. Bam instant attraction.

So in summary, surrender and relinquish control of your body and your actions to your natural
state of flow and being. Because really in the end, you aren’t in control anyway, you’re just
reacting to whats happening.

Give up control, be free, flow, relax, and enjoy the women who flock you because of this but when
they do, do not try to manipulate things further. Just keep flowing and doing whatever your BODY
wants to do, not controlled by your MIND.

100% field tested for years by me now. Try it in the ‘field’, you won’t be disappointed. Totally
consistent attraction (girls and guys) and pretty much perfect game unless the girl has problems
and doesn’t want to be social.
Hope this post helps some guys out there.

Hey guys,

Recently I've been trying to distill all the stuff I've learned in my 2,5 years in this field into a few
key points. It's not meant to be a comprehensive guide, just a brief summary of the most
important lessons I've learned to keep around as a reminder. I've been trying to write this stuff in
my own words, focusing on points that really resonated with me. It's pretty basic and simple stuff,
but it's all tried and tested. It's the stuff I've found really works. It's mainly "inner game" stuff, but
that's the most important aspect to me. Get the mindset right and all the "technique" issues
become completely irrelevant.

Again, this is all just meant to be a neat summary to be used as a reminder whenever needed.
Also, it could double as a short introduction into this field to those completely uninitiated.

Any and all feedback would be appreciated! That being said, let's go...

A few basic points on attraction

1. You don't NEED anything from her.

You don't need her affection, and you don't need her approval. Your life is awesome just the way
it is, and you do not approach to try to gain something from her, some closeness that you are
lacking. Everything is good with you, and you're just making conversation. Your life is full, and you
are offering value to those around you, not seeking anything from those you encounter. You never
act needy and you never feel that she has something you cannot do without. But you do not make
any apologies for being a man with sexual urges who desires women.

2. You do not give a damn what anyone thinks of you.

People's opinions of you are irrelevant. You don't change your behaviour around others to make
them approve of you, or to make them think that you are “cool”. If they don't like you it's their loss.
Move on. What other people think of you is none of your business. What goes on in their minds is
of no concern to you. That being said, you have high standards of behaviour and never act like a
prick. The fact that you don't need people's approval doesn't give you license to behave like
bastard. You're one of the good guys. You're honest and you treat people with respect.

3. Everything is cool.

The whole dating, sex and relationship thing is just a natural outcome of men and women getting
together. There's no emotional intensity attached to it, no drama. It's just something guys and girls
do because they enjoy it. You are the kind of person who naturally, effortlessly gets together with
women and makes romance and sex happen. It's all part of the game people play. You know the
rules and nothing fazes you.
4. There are women in abundance.

“There's plenty of fish in the sea” sounds like a tired cliché but it's actually a deep truth once you
realise just how accurate it is. If things don't work out with this particular woman, just move on to
the next one. It really is that simple. You'll never run out of attractive and intelligent women to
meet. And who knows, maybe the next one is even better than the one you're currently seeing.

5. Don't TRY to make her attracted to you.

If you ever find yourself thinking about what you should “do next” to keep her attention, you are
already losing. The flaw here is believing that you have to DO anything to make her want you.
Don't TRY so hard. Just stop believing that you need to make some sort of special effort to get
women to desire you. That belief itself is probably what's holding you back. Once you stop
TRYING and just interact with women in a normal, neutral and effortless way, attraction will follow.
There's no secret to attraction besides having fun, putting your personality out there without fear
and not caring about the outcome. It's the belief that you need to try so damn hard that's the main
obstacle to success. Just relax and have fun.

6. Assume attraction and joke around with her.

Guess what? Cocky and funny, the oldest trick in the book, really works! But it's cocky and
FUNNY, not rude and overcompensating. Cocky comedy can easily become a way to cover up
your insecurities, to develop a sarcastic persona that shoots all women down with dismissive
comments to avoid getting hurt. That's not what this is all about. For this to be truly effective all
the other parts of your game need to be developed. You don't care what people think, you're just
having honest conversation and putting your core personality out there, and you're not TRYING to
make her her attracted to you. Cocky and funny works best when you're just having fun and
jokingly teasing a girl to make the interaction sexually charged. It has to become second nature.
You just enjoy poking fun at her, and it's fun for both of you. Assume she's into you and joke about
how she can't have you right now. Assume she desperately wants you and joke about how some
aspect of her character just isn't quite good enough for you. Or act like some thing that's in reality
extremely hot isn't all that, but you nonetheless find strangely endearing. It's all about actually
having fun with her and striking up a connection. And most importantly, it's about entertaining

7. She will like you FOR YOU.

There's no need to play any kind of game or use any routines to try to make her attracted to you.
You are a naturally attractive person. Your own personal quirks and traits are what make you
attractive and interesting. YOU as such is what she'll be interested in. With all your flaws, weird
interests and opinions. The person you are right now is already a magnet, a natural centre of
attraction. All you need to do is put your personality out there, no holding back and no pretending,
and sparks will fly. No fear. Just put your core personality out there.

I’ve been waiting to write this for a while now; the 1000th post landmark!
Every “1000th post” has been something special & worth the read, and I have really tried to make
this puppy no exception to that rule. There’s stuff in here for everyone… So with that said...enjoy!
Instead of making this about 1 subject, I’m gonna touch on the most important lessons I’ve learnt
in the past 1 ½ years that I’ve been in this game for.

I’m starting it off with a fun little analogy about abundance mentality that I thought up, and then on
the good shit:

A woman is like a fine wine. There’s no such thing as the “all-round complete perfect wine”
because it’s like mixing all colors; you just get “brown.” Same with wine; if all their notes and
tones are equally outstanding; it would be crap. Same with girls: there’s no such thing as the
perfect girl, and just like wines it’s about enjoying their particular uniqueness.
Of course you can have something close to “your own perfect wine,” or “the best I’ve had yet” but
“the perfect woman” is just a woman that you find particularly fitting to your taste.
Just like with wine-tasting, it’s about AQUIRING your personal taste. You can’t tell between good
& bad wines (women) until you’ve tasted multiple ones, and the more you taste, the more you
know a good woman for you, from a bad one.
Just because you’ve maybe already “had the best wine you’ve had yet,” doesn’t mean you’re
gonna stop drinking wine. Same with women. Keep enjoying them.
Just with wines; often you used to think it was the “best wine in the world” and then when you
found it again a year later, it was “good” but just not the same…yup…
I doubt many people get their sense of identity from how expensive/rare the wine is they’re
drinking (some undoubtedly do), so stop thinking chicks aren’t “good enough” for you, or just
“aren’t pull worthy.”
If I’m talking to a girl, I’m theoretically willing to pull her 95% of the time…Otherwise I’ll just stop
talking to her…If you’re doubting this; think about how retarded & stupid it is for people to get their
sense of identity from the wines they drink…
Just because you’ve already had the $400 dollar bottle of the rarest wine, you’re STILL gonna
enjoy a little $8 house-wine once in a while aren’t you!? So really, if you’re not “super attracted” to
this chick, you can STILL k-close or fuck her. Doesn’t mean shit.

Girls love sex.

This is something that you should make the foundation of your game. One of the massive pillars
within your reality that most guys have to build. Tear down the old pillar concerning girls’ view
towards sex (this is unconscious); and build up this much stronger pillar. If actually done properly,
this could put your game into higher gear very fast.
Girls LOVE sex. They look for sex when they’re out. A real few girls will be psycho’s/weird, but the
massive majority of them would not minding having sex tonight…They just want to have sex with
that “really hot guy.” That 1 hottest guy in the club.
That really hot guy is deep within you; it is your man-essence. Don’t go for “top 5 hottest guy in
the club” or “number 2.” YOU ARE NUMBER 1. You are “more real” than that other guy with


Is probably one of the most important internal issues in this game that most guys are lacking in.
This is not about “knowing you’re tough shit,” but it’s about acting Positively Dominant.
Most guys have positive down, and they really have to work on their dominance. So if you’re one
of those, then just forget about being positive for a while and instead of “being dominant from a
foundation of positivity;” you should be “positive” from a FOUNDATION OF DOMINANCE. Just
being dominant should make you feel really solid and good, and if done right and NOT LOOKING
Having Pure Intentions

This is also very important. You should love women, have respect for women, absolutely adore
them. Most guys already have this down quite well…so if you have this down already, then
KNOW that you are like this, because it’s about TRUSTING YOURSELF. If you don’t have
respect, love, and adore women for the radiant people they are, then get it fixed. Also sometimes
you get shit-tested or those rare times where u run into one of those insecure chicks that freak
out when they feel masculine energy; trusting yourself into the fact that you just acting out of
PURE intentions is important.

Having Pure INTENT

Enjoy girls for the feminine energy. That’s the only PURE Intent there is; not based on your value
in comparison to theirs. It’s about TOTALLY opening yourself up to the radiance that great women
have; not about their superficial hotness compared to your hotness. That’s ego shit. If you’re
gonna lust for their ass, then do it purely for their lovely ass and pussy, and forget about your own
comparative value.

You are ALONE.

This is maybe the MOST important thing; because it deals with all the other super important
things like reactivity, state, dominance, and infinitely more.
Realize that YOU are “alone.” You are your OWN man. You are not dependant on your friends for
“collective state.” You can be alone and on top of your world. You should be able to go out alone,
go eat out at restaurants alone, go abroad alone, etc. I used to hate eating alone, going out
alone, or just being alone. I had to ‘be with other people’ all of the time.
So I went abroad for 6 months ALONE. I did everything with MYSELF on the forefront.

When you’re in the club; you’re probably gonna be fucking the girls alone, so you don’t need your
friends to be there with you.

Fact is: you might always have wonderful people around you, but you are an ALONE essence.
You are Masculine Polarity. You are all YOU need. Make it so.

Being the Social Standard

Manwhore was really onto something here. Being the social standard.
If you want to be that “number 1, realest guy in the club,” then you can NOT GO OUT OF YOUR
OWN WAY for the girls, NOR for the people around that might “watch” or “hear” you. That’s beta-
ing yourself. You might do this unconsciously: watch yourself.
Same goes for the grocery store. Act on your OWN intentions, and never go out of your own way
for an external reason.

This is CRUCIAL stuff. When you get this stuff down, you really start to feel your own masculine

Being Real

Redleader made me aware of this; and still one of the best all-encompassing concepts I’ve heard:
BEING REAL. Being real towards yourself: acting on your own intentions, bringing the truth, are
you doing what YOU want to do, at the speed YOU want it at? Being real towards her too. By
radiating YOUR real true self, she will feel HER OWN; which REALLY IS giving value.

Girls are an open book; they have no “preferred escalation speed.” Escalate fast and never hold
back or slow down for her sake. She HAS NO IDEA! So that would be the most backwards thing
you can do.

Validation Seeking

Most likely the biggest reason that interactions fuck up, blow outs occur, and fuck up nights.
Write that fucker down. If you have a bad night, you can bet your little cojonas it’s due to
validation seeking behaviour, or a lack of action due to validation issues.
A real, positively dominant, pure, sexworthy guy that considers himself the social standard does
NOT seek validation. These are all absolute opposites of validation seeking.

ALL girls screen for this; and 97% of all instant blowouts are due to a stench of validation
seeking…the other 3% is because some girls are SO used to validation seeking guys coming
upto them, that they automatically assume you’re like this as well.

Asshole Behavior

This “asshole behaviour” you probably won’t display much, but sometimes you try to “stop
validation seeking” so bad, that you become an asshole, and you basically build ANOTHER shell
around yourself. So yeah, not very important, but you’ll know when you’re doing it when you get a
dramatically bad reaction & you actually KNOW she’s right because you no longer had “pure”

“There’s no good women in here”

This is VERY RARELY the case; especially in a big club. If so, get the fuck out FAST and go to a
full club. When you’re feeling useless and you’re not taking action because “there’s no chicks in
here.” ask yourself “Who, in here, would I like to talk to MOST?” Remember the “wine analogy”;)

I love black girls; absolutely adore their sexiness, but they’re almost always in the minority and
they’re not ALL hot either…in the end a beautiful girl is a beautiful girl…

Negative emotions / Feeling bad / Painbody

It’s foremost about stopping the resistance for the bad feeling your having. The resistance you
have against the particular emotion is ACTUALLY WHAT MAKES YOU SUFFER. Without the
resistance, NO EMOTION can make you suffer…and they will actually go away as well.
So yeah; real acceptance and self-love! There’s no reason to stop loving yourself or think any
less of yourself when you’re feeling one chemical reaction in your body over the other.

Ultimate male bliss

When you’re in touch with your masculine essence, you will feel great. You will feel like you’ll
want to feel your entire life. That ‘sweet spot.’ That’s your masculine essence; which obviously
you can only get in touch with when your acting and having in a manned-up way; which the topics
above are all part of.
“Letting her feel ‘God’ through you.”

Presence allows you to feel this.

Value Inversion

You won’t get laid unless the girl games you.

Know your logistics

At the beginning of the night; you’re gonna want to crystallize your own plans. You should know
where you’d potentially pull, a plan-b, and the way you’re gonna get there. “Going to her house,
with her car” is maybe not the most foolproof plan, but it’s better than no plan.

Having no plan is the same as not taking yourself seriously. Having no plan is the same as not
even really considering yourself pulling ass…and you won’t until you DO come up with plans,
because you’re gonna have to lead the interaction to sex anyways. You’re an unguided missile
that’ll use up it’s own juice if you don’t know your logistical plan that night…

You can fuck anywhere YOU feel comfortable.

The Best for Last: -screening girls for sex-

The real “baddass motherfuckers” in this game like Jeffy, Manwhore, and ofcourse me, have no
problem having a certain direct explicitness that could be considered “over the top” by some.
It’s that “screening” that Jeffy wrote about 2 articles ago on Rsdnation. He would talk to a handful
chicks a night; and filter out the prude, validation seeking girls.
By always “trying to be smooth,” you’re actually making it unnecessarily unclear for yourself, and
you are keeping the TRUE intent out. You’re running on “half speed.”

It’s ACTUALLY really smooth to not be smooth; but to be a man.

It’s about “shocking” girls back to REALITY by screening them like this. You could call it
“provoking shittests.” Some girls will undoubtedly go even deeper into the shit of their own mind,
and will react “badly.” These were not gonna click with you anyways.

It’s very important to remain REAL during this “provoking shittests” because otherwise you’re
screening them on being fake, and then obviously you’re gonna get fake shit back…and then it
seems that you’re “not clicking with anyone” but that’s just because you’re an “asshole” with
“asshole behaviour,” and you’re not really enjoying their girlyness like you should be doing.

So if you’re unclear about this, realize what you’re screening for!

Are you screening for sex? Because if you want sex then you should damn well be doing so.
When you want sex, and screen for sex, you will get sex. Know that you have pure intentions,
and act out of pure intent.


When you consider yourself the social standard, trust yourself, love yourself, and sort your non-
game shit out…and move through this world while being rooted in your inner-man; you will feel
great. You will live the life you are meant to live, and you will pull healthy people into your life.

Nobody is above the process, and it’s taken me 3 months of routine-based game, and 16 months
of natural game to internalize all of this stuff so far…the fun’s only beginning.

It’s no longer about experimenting, but rather building reference points upon reference points
towards a solid mastery way of being…which is a practice; not a finish-line.

Thanks to all you guys!

Doing bootcamp week-in and week-out, it doesn’t take long to notice some clear patterns in guys
who are new to the game – simple mistakes guys make that can be fixed in a snap. Below are a
few of the most common sticking points I see in beginners that can be easily addressed and once
in order will definitely lead to noticeably better results.

Cue Soundtrack:


Approach Scanning – This takes place before even happens… the guy scans the room looking
for a girl to talk to, sees a girl he’s attracted to, then comes up with all the reasons why not to
approach. “She’s with a guy…she’s too tall… she’s in a bad mood”. Well, you miss 100% of the
shots you don’t take, so instead of seeking out all the reasons why not to approach, let your
thought process be this: “Girl…Hot Girl…Get Hot Girl.”

The Decaying Orbit – Here we’ve got a guy who’s decided to approach, but instead of making a
straight line to his target and opening dominantly, he instead sort of circles around – gradually
edging in and finally trying to initiate with a timid tap. YUK. When I see a girl I want, I am A MAN
ON A MISSION. Nothing will come between me and her, and she knows it. Move dominantly and
with purpose…let her see you’re a man who goes after what he wants… a man who grabs the
proverbial bull by the horns.

The Far Talker – Any guesses as to what distance you want to be when talking to girls (in a club)?
The answer is about 1 head length…this is a LOT closer than you think. Get comfortable being

Going Interview Mode – Game is expression of self. If the spotlight is on her then by default it
means self-expression is at a minimum. Go first – put yourself out there and let her follow your
lead. So it’s not “What do you like to do?” instead go first and let her follow… “I’m really into
snowboarding” will usually be followed by her reciprocating by telling you what she’s into. Share
your opinion… don’t be some impartial reporter, let her know what you think “that’s really weird…
that reminds me of the time I…”

Larry King

Growing Roots – Guys, it’s not “let’s stand here and talk for 2 hours then go back to mine.” It just
doesn’t work like that…it’s more like “Let’s go to the bar…now let’s go dance… now let’s go
chill…now let’s go back to the bar… now let’s go outside…now let’s go chill…now let’s grab
something to eat…now let’s go back to mine.” Get her into the habit of following you on the little
things first, before you go for the big ones. This also leads into our next point:

Fighting Against the Current: Look, if you’re talking to a girl and you see her standing there with
an empty drink I got news for you – she’s gonna go to the bar at some point. You can only hold
her in one place for so long before she gets thirsty. Likewise if a girl tells you she loves to
dance… you’re only going to be able to keep her on the sofa for so long before she leaves to go
dance. If you see a girl glancing around to see where her friends are… she’s going to want to find
her friends no matter how charming you are. Instead of working against the current and trying to
hold her, let her momentum work with you. Meaning, when I see a girl’s drink is empty I say “I’m
thirsty, come with me to the bar”. When you see a girl looking around to see where her friends
are, pre-empt her walking off to find them – “Hey, we haven’t seen your friends in a while…let’s
go see where they went.” Really, what’s she gonna say…”No”?? “Fuck you”???


Spinning the Wheels – Ok so you’re at the club, girl is in a party mood and she REALLY likes you.
Well, I don’t care how interesting you are, you can only have a friendly conversation for so long
before it gets BORING. Or, even worse, before she thinks you’re a prude that’s scared to
escalate. This is SOOOO common, guy likes girl, girl likes guy… guy and girl talk for an hour…
guy does nothing to escalate either physically or verbally, guy and girl go their separate ways. Girl
concludes guy doesn’t like her, feels insecure, develops eating disorder.

Filler Speak – This is where the guy is scared to reveal himself and his own thoughts and
feelings, so instead he seeks to fill the conversation using external stimulus, “yeah the lighting in
this bar is really cool… oh the DJ is pretty good tonight…yeah I’m drinking a vodka tonic.” Quit
hiding – say what’s really on your mind.

Not Communicating Interest – I’ll make this simple. A girl won’t like you until you like her. A girl
doesn’t know you like her until you TELL HER you like her. This can take place verbally or non-
verbally – but if you have a problem with this make a resolution right now that the next 100 girls
you talk to will get told either “you’re hot”, “you’re sexy”, or “I like you”. PERIOD. NO

No Physicality – Simply put, get VERY comfortable being physical. How? Just be VERY
TOUCHY. Practice makes perfect…it’s not rocket science.

Assuming It’s Not On – ARGH, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen a guy walk away from a
girl that likes him only to say “really? You think she was into me?” after I point out the obvious.
Guys – if she’s talking to you she’s interested. It’s that simple. To be clear – She is into you unless
she makes it blatantly clear otherwise.

Ignoring the Friends – Take a moment to introduce yourself and chat to her friends, this will make
your job much easier down the line.

Not Trying for the Close – assume you’re closing, get verification one way or the other. No

And lastly…

Giving a Fuck What Other People Think – Repeat after me…”I DO NOT GIVE A FUCK WHAT
ANYONE THINKS ABOUT ME”. Good… now say it like you mean it.
Hey Guys,

Today I want to touch on the subject of polarity – and instead of digging deep into the core of
‘masculine polarity’ and what it means to be a man…instead come at it from more of a surface
level in terms of the importance of ‘bringing down the hammer’ when needed.

(Let’s hand it over to Jay Z and Lenny Kravitz to score this one…)

So it’s widely known that girls are emotional creatures and need a wide range of emotions in
order to feel fulfilled. (This is why – morality aside – it’s often easier to hook up with a girl with a
boyfriend than a single girl… with a single girl you’ve gotta provide all emotions, whereas if the
girl has a boyfriend you need only identify the emotion(s) she’s not getting from her boyfriend and
provide those.)

Well as is almost always the case, bringing the positive spectrum of emotions is easy and comes
quite naturally…especially when we find ourselves attracted to the girl.

“Oh hahaha, that’s sooooo funny”

“Here, you wait here while I get your coat and pull the car around”
“Aw thanks, that was really nice of you”
“You’re boss is a jerk, eventually he’ll appreciate how much value you bring”

There’s a million and one ways we offer girls positive emotions, everything from smiling to
showing interest to complementing to you name it. And these are all completely necessary
elements of any pick-up… thing is, balancing that out with polarity is equally necessary, and when
appropriate must occur for a number of reasons. Interestingly enough, our natural instinct when
we with to curry favor is to supplicate… to allow our standards to be trampled hoping the other
party will acknowledge and appreciate our accommodative behavior. In reality, when we allow our
standards to be trampled we actually turn off people to us on a personal level.

Consider this example:

I invite you and a friend over to my house. When you arrive, I welcome you in and ask you to take
off your shoes. Your friend gladly removes his shoes, but instead you say “you know what…fuck
you… I’m keeping my shoes on”. Because I think so highly of you I respond “Oh that’s totally fine,
in fact I’m sorry I even asked, please, keep your shoes on and come on in…”

Now, at this point are you thinking “wow, Ryan’s such a cool guy…” or more realistically are you
thinking “haha what a little bitch.” – More likely the latter…

On the flipside, suppose you refuse to take your shoes off and this time I say “alright, that’s totally
your decision, but you’ll have to wait in the foyer… you’re welcome into the living room any time
you change your mind”.

Are you thinking “Fuck this guy…what an asshole”… or are you simply thinking “Ok, here’s a guy
who’s got clear standards he expects others to adhere to… one of those being that I’ve gotta take
my shoes off if I wanna come in”.

Interestingly enough, people actually respect us more when we show that we respect our
boundaries… that we have clear standards and expectations of others that are inflexible and

So with a girl, I love telling her how much I like her, how much fun I’m having with her, that she’s
great, ect. But, the moment she crosses a boundary I’m equally quick to let her know she’s
strayed off track and to bring down the proverbial hammer if needed.

How do I do this?

Well, suppose I’m talking to a girl and she decides to make fun of my shirt. The first time she
does, I may give a little chuckle and even tease her back or playfully pretend I’m sad. If she does
it again I may convey that the joke has run it’s course, like “alright you got me”, or more likely
even flat out ignore it. However, if she still wants to continue giving me a hard time, at this point
she’s acting in a way that’s unacceptable and it’s up to me to let her know she’s infringed on my
boundaries. I’ll leave no doubt in communicating this:

“Hey. That’s enough.”

“Hey. Behave yourself.”

Likewise, I understand that girls get text messages and that they sometimes need to check their
phone… however if I’m talking to a girl and she gets excessive with the texting, I have no problem
letting her know she’s being rude.

“Hey, put your phone away, you’re being rude”

To be clear, am I saying be an asshole? Absolutely not. Am I saying don’t compliment girls and be
sweet? Again, absolutely not. What I am saying is that it’s important that you show at least a
willingness to exercise polarity and demonstrate a degree of self respect.

Interestingly enough, this aspect of the game handles itself once you come into an abundance
mindset. For instance, the other night myself and my good friend Rudey were out in Chicago
chatting to two girls we’d met. My girl, being the sarcastic type was giving me a very hard time
from the go – “Is this your A-game?... well maybe you should start using your A-game cuz as of
now you’re not doing too well.” Now I love girls that challenge me, but this girl was going beyond
simply being a challenge…she got to the point of being downright rude, oscillating between
listening to me and allowing her attention to wander. Well screw that, the club was starting to get
good and there’s no way I’ll stand for that type of behavior… so I simply got up and walked away
– leaving her to play 3rd wheel to her friend and Rudey and think about her behavior.

About 20 mins later she found me in a different part of the club and approached me – “Hey, there
you are…” I paused for a moment, thought about the way she’d treated me the first time around,
thought about the new girl I’d met who was actually polite, shook my head and said “No”, then
walked away.

Later in the night Rudey was still chatting to the friend, so I went in and ended up chatting to the
original friend again. She was receptive and friendly for about 3 minutes before snapping right
back into her original behavior. This was too much – I grabbed Rudey by the arm, said “we’re
moving on”, and the two of us walked away without looking back. (Let me give credit to Rudey
here for being a true wing)
So then, the moral of the story? Well, keep reading…

Wouldn’t you know it, later at the next club who again approaches me this time very clearly on her
best behavior? By this point I was fully tired of her games so I told her as plainly as humanly
possible: “I’m not sure I want to talk to you, you’re rude”… She replied “I like you.” My response…
“I like you too, come with me”. J From there on out she was a total sweetheart, and I reciprocated
– with her being fully appreciative (and also pulling me in a cab back to her hotel) knowing my
affection was not a default but rather something that she had earned and therefore had attached

Looking back at the night, was I an asshole? I don’t think so. Did I however show a massive
willingness to bring down the hammer and communicate what I do and do not find acceptable?

And on her end, can she feel good knowing she found the 1 in a million man who will not
supplicate to her bratty behavior but will rather stay true to himself? Exactly.

Maybe 50 Cent said it best – “Sunshine wouldn’t be special if it weren’t for rain.”

Show the girl that you’re a man that can provide the complete spectrum, and she’ll be that much
more appreciative of all the good emotions you bring.

Hey Fellas,

I just got off the phone with Kevin, a good friend of mine from high school and college. It was
great swapping stories and planning out next meet up. While chatting Kevin said something I
found hilarious. In high school, like most cool, good looking athletic guys, Kevin definitely got his
share of girls. It wasn’t till college however, that he really hit his stride and for four (or ehhrrrr 5)
years Kevin was the man living the life we all looked up to. So it was funny when on the phone he

“Dude so I was in Vegas and this smoking hot girl came up to me, like Colombian, perfect body
smoking hot…and she started talking to me and hitting on me… and at first I thought ‘holy shit
this is awesome’ but I realized I had no idea what to do…and I shit you not the first thing that
came to mind was ‘what would Ryan’s blog ( say?’ ”

Cue Soundtrack:

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(ok I’ve used this song already… but come on…it’s just so right…)

“Forward Motion!” I called out.

“Exactly, forward motion, so I was like ‘right, come with me to the bar…’ ”

For a moment I sat perplexed, with a massive grin spread across my face… the great Kevin… the
guy who’s life I’d envied… was actually taking my advice when it came to girls. And in an instant
the scope of my own journey came into perspective.

Kevin continued “but dude it was weird, like she was the aggressor spitting all the game at me…
usually I’m the one putting out all the moves so I was like ‘uhhhh’ and I had no idea what to do…
you should write a blog article on what to do when the girl is the aggressor.”

Thanks Kevin, I don’t think anyone’s tackled the subject so let’s have a go.

Ok, you’re in the club; a hottie approaches you and starts the conversation. How do you handle

Well, there are generally 2 types of girls who will approach you. Type 1 is a dominant girl who
likes you, and is going after what she wants – great. Type 2 is moreso in it for the validation – she
runs around the club gaming guys, gets them excited about her and moves on the next shiny guy.
While type 2 girls are certainly getable, often doing so can be the high-wire act of the century.
This article is written with regards to Type 1 – the girl who is actually into you (Note: with
experience you can pretty easily distinguish the two, but a good way to find out is to lower the
energy level – if she’s actually into you she’ll stick around, if she’s fishing for validation she’ll
move on the next shinier object).

So, hottie approaches you and starts talking. She’s looking for 1 thing – can you match her level
of intensity? Can you strip away the unnecessary and get down to the core? Understand that the
girl has really exposed herself by approaching you, can you reciprocate?

Lets look at the most common mistake guys make in this situation… They start ‘running game’ –
essentially doing what they would normally do to pump attraction. Let me make this clear – there
is no better way to lose a girl than to pump attraction once you already have it. In the case that
the girl has approached you, doing so indicates an inability to reveal your core, to ‘drop the game’
and be real.

Instead, your first move should be to get to know the girl on as true a level as possible. If this
comes out ‘chodey’, i.e. “Where you from? What do you do?’ that’s totally fine. This is NORMAL.
On the flip side, if she wants to control the frame in the beginning (pre-makeout) that’s totally fine
as well. If she feels like she needs to get to know me through asking me questions I’ll let her have

After getting to know each other for a few minutes, make a sound declaration that you like her.
Let her know that her feelings are reciprocated, and assert the reality that the two of you like each
other! One of my favorite things to do here is actually call out her IOIs and let her know that
they’re reciprocated, like “haha wow look at that, you’re seeking commonalities with me” or “oh
Jesus, now you’re shooting me the seductive devilish glance ;-)… we are so on the same page.”

Though you’re clearly interested in the girl, it’s of paramount importance that you remain true to
yourself during this process. So if a girl approaches me and we flirt, I’ve got no hesitancy in telling
her I like her. At the same time, I’ve got no qualms with bringing down the hammer when things
start going awry, like telling her “hey, stop behaving like that” or even flat out walking away. I’m
positive, but I’m not a push-over.

While this is going on, if she’s escalating physically you should by all means match it and even
feel comfortable upping the ante, but recognize that it’s your responsibility to maintain the forward
pace. For example in this situation, often the girl and guy will mutually escalate to the make-out,
at which point the guy becomes unsure how to take it further and stays in make-out land for the
next half hour or possibly even de-escalates. The girl then senses the stagnation and is
massively turned off by it. Recognize that escalation can naturally snow-ball, so let it flow and
have fun with it.

By skipping the attraction game and instead getting to know her and soundly indicating that you
indeed like her, you have built a solid foundation from which to pull. Beyond that, know that
escalation is going to essentially snow-ball and you’ll likely get to the makeout pretty quickly, at
which point the game changes a bit and it becomes time for you to take the lead.

Once you’ve madeout, it’s important to bring her into your world, to get her on your program. Start
bringing her with you as you make your way around the club and get on with the night.

And most importantly, recognize the PACE that’s been set. Meaning, if it took 15 minutes to get
from meet to makeout, you should not leave 3 more hours to get from makeout to pull. Don’t be
the guy who feels like he can only go for the pull at closing time. Instead after making-out, enjoy
the club for a short while then recognize that pulling is the next step.

The other night I found myself in this situation and the girl flat out said to me “Take me away from
all this”. Right-o! More often though, you’re going to have to initiate the pull… for me it goes
something like this…

Me: Alright, come with me to the coat check so we can get out of here…
Her: But it’s only 1:00
Me: Yeah, come on, we’re getting out of here…
Her: But my friends are still here.
Me: That’s fine, lets go.

I’m communicating from my core that I’m fully comfortable leading her, ultimately even declaring
“look, there’s no reason for us to be here, lets go.”

Remember, the girl approached you and started hitting on you. Realistically, do you really think all
she wants is a fun guy to party with at the club?? No. Obviously she’s got something more in
mind, take the responsibility for it and get to the point. Let her know that you’re on the same page
both through your words and through your actions. Don’t add steps just for the sake of adding
steps. Get to know her, have fun with her, leave. That’s it. Don’t hide from it. Don’t moderate it.
She’s not there to fornicate arachnids and neither are we ;-)
Alright fellas, as per your requests today I want to tackle the subject of Qualification – what it is
and where it stands in a Game 2.0 universe.

Let’s start at the top. Qualification is the process of actively getting a girl to demonstrate value to
you – to essentially earn your approval and affection. The idea is that by qualifying, you
accomplish 2 very important things: 1.) You get the girl actively trying to earn you, thus you’re
setting yourself up as the prize, getting her invested, ect and 2.) You give her grounds to believe
that you like her for non-superficial (sex) reasons.

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As the community has advanced the notion of qualification has drifted a bit to the periphery as it’s
accepted more and more that 1.) it’s totally ok to pull girls just for sex and 2.) qualification is part
of a rigid structure that has generally been replaced by a more free-flowing, natural style.

So, does qualification still have a place in PU dogma?

Well, in almost every one of my recent pickups some form of female qualification certainly
occurred – though at this point to actively seek to qualify would be asinine and almost backwards.
See, qualification stems from a model in which the girl inherently has higher value than the guy –
so the idea was to pump your value to the point that you have enough compliance from the girl
that she’ll buy into qualifying herself, and when she does she’ll backwards rationalize “oh, I’m
telling this guy how great I am, I must want him to like me because I must obviously like him…”

At first glance that may seem logical, but look at the corresponding thought going through the
guy’s head – “ok now I think I have enough value and compliance to get her to qualify, I’ll start
qualifying and hopefully she’ll start trying to ‘win’ me”.

Personally that is the absolute LAST headspace I want to be in when I’m out. Remember – the
self is always shining through – you are like an open book, the last thing I want the girl to see me
thinking is “what step should I take now to get her”.

Instead, when I’m out my thoughts resemble a broken record “Yes!.. It’s on… Yes… It’s on…”

When I’m in this headspace she can what kind of guy I am and the whole value issue is
subverted entirely.

Beyond that, consider this… in field guys always ask me things like “ok the girl did bla bla bla and
said bla bla, what should I do?” – my answer is always this:

“Imagine you have a signed contract saying she IS going home with you tonight – no matter what
she’s going home with you…how would you behave for the rest of the night…?”

That is – assume the pull…now what?

Well I can’t answer that for you, but if I’m talking to a girl and I know it’s on (well let’s face it, it’s
always on ;-) then I’m gonna do 2 things. 1.) Enjoy the night and 2.) Take the time to get to know
her. I’ll drop the ‘game’ and simply start getting to know her as a person – not because it’s the
‘right’ move, but because I like meeting people and beyond that I know I’ll enjoy what comes later
much more if the person actually means something to me – if I like them on both a physical and
personal level.
And because the girl senses I’m a confident guy, operating without an agenda, her natural
reaction is going to be to share the parts of herself that she feels best about – the parts that
actually mean something to her…

So with traditional qualification it looked something like…

Guy: So I really like Italian food, what’s your best dish?
Girl: Oh, I cook really good spaghetti.
Guy: Oh cool, I like that…

You can see this is happening on a very superficial level, and realistically, what are the chances
that the girl actually identifies with her cooking skills…?

Now instead, if I simply assume it’s on and allow the girl to communicate with me in a way that
lets her know I’m not judging her – she’ll much more readily open up on things she naturally
identifies proudly with…So it will look more like:

Me: Yeah I moved to Chicago about a month ago, I love that I can just grab a cup of coffee in the
morning and write for a while before I even start on my day…
Girl: Oh yeah, I moved here for work also, I teach autistic kids and there’s a really good program
for them here…

See, because I went first and shared a piece of myself, agenda-free, she’s going to reciprocate
by doing the same – and what she does respond with will be infinitely more meaningful than
something as trivial as her spaghetti skills.

The result: I become the guy that likes her for the REAL her – that appreciates the things about
her that she wishes other guys would appreciate. And as all my subcommunications are showing
– It’s On – at this point is she really gonna disagree??

Today I want to delve into the importance and benefits of a healthy lifestyle. I know, I know… no
one likes to be told “go to the gym” but today I actually want to approach it from a psychological
angle and explore the immediate psychological benefits and social impact a healthy lifestyle

The relative principal here is Cognitive Dissonance – (thank you to the kind folks at Wikipedia for
the following definition)

Cognitive dissonance is an uncomfortable feeling caused by holding two contradictory ideas

simultaneously. The "ideas" or "cognitions" in question may include attitudes and beliefs, and also
the awareness of one's behavior. The theory of cognitive dissonance proposes that people have a
motivational drive to reduce dissonance by changing their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors, or by
justifying or rationalizing their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.

Or to put simply: anytime your actions are not in line with your beliefs your brain is not happy.

Well, this simple semi-obvious holds a special relevance us that does not apply to most people.
See, essentially when learning this game our challenge is to re-wire our brains as much as
possible over as short a time-span as possible so as to align our thought patterns with those that
are naturally attractive. In essence, to form new beliefs and identifications that are not necessarily
justified by prior teachings, or more importantly, reference experience.

A common trait among those who excel in this game is a high degree of cognitive mastery – an
ability to actively shape their thoughts and beliefs based on what will serve them, as opposed to
what meshes with their existing understanding and experience. Or essentially an ability to
convince themselves of what they believe will be useful.

Now when it comes to success in dating, what are some essential core beliefs? What are the
catch phrases people are affirming and reaffirming to themselves?

“I’m the shit!”

“I’m the man”
“I deserve this”
“She’s for me”
“She should be with me?”
“I’m the highest value person in this room”

Ok, most likely you’re not actively repeating these to yourself… but there’s no doubt these beliefs
are inherent to a high-value mindset held by a naturally attractive guy and ALL are representative
of a single core belief – a level of self-value.

Here’s where cognitive dissonance comes in… I hate to break it to you, but if you’re sitting in your
basement from Monday to Thursday playing World of Warcraft and eating Cheetos it’s going to be
impossible to step to a hottie on Friday and feel “I deserve this”…

Fact is… it’s impossible to successfully and consistently pick up girls without first feeling good
about yourself. And guess what… cognitive dissonance means that it’s impossible to feel good
about yourself without behaving like you feel good about yourself… like you like yourself…like
you value yourself.

What does it mean to behave in a way that indicates you like yourself… that you value yourself?

Suppose you value your car… You’re probably washing it regularly, putting premium gas in it,
taking it for checkups, rotating the tires, etc.


Well, you’re no different. When you value yourself - or at the very lease you don’t hate yourself -
you’re going to make an effort to care for yourself… this means being at least minimally
conservative with what you put in your body – eating at least decently healthy, taking in fruits and
vegetables, cutting down on junk food. Beyond that comes maintaining a minimal level of physical
activity. Personal hygiene and present-ability also fall into this category.

Beyond that, what you do for YOU is determined by just how much you value YOU. Here we
move beyond simply caring for and maintaining yourself and into the realm of actively improving
oneself. Things like adhering to a schedule, going to the gym, eating healthy breakfasts, pursuing
activities that develop you physically, mentally, or spiritually. Taking classes, travelling, enriching
your life.

I’ll tell you, I honestly do not know a single person who holds themselves in high regard who does
not engage in the above activities.

Now, as you read this, sit up straight, roll your shoulders back, and SMILE. How do you feel… a
little happier?? The effect here is ‘psychosomatic’ – or a backwards rationalization from the mind
based on the body. The mind says “Hey look at that, I’m sitting up and smiling…. Usually I do this
when I’m happy, well I’m doing it now so I must be happy”.

Well, in this case, you spend your day productively – you eat a healthy breakfast, hit the gym,
learn something, accomplish something, and all the sudden you’re brain is bombarded with
evidence that you’re WORTH something. Then you go out, start that interaction and suddenly you
feel a new strength in your own identity… you carry yourself with a sense of value, with a sense
of self-worth.

On a personal level, if I roll out of bed at 2pm, throw on some dirty sweats (possibly stained from
the meatball sub I ate 3 nights before), and head out to get some grease breakfast from the
24hour diner… there is absolutely no way I can “turn on the game” and socialize effectively. It’s
got nothing to do with the way I look… it’s got everything to do with the way I feel.


And on the flipside, when I’m living in alignment – with the way I treat myself reaffirming the way I
feel about myself, the world can tell and responds accordingly.

Ultimately, the way I feel is derived from that over-arching sense of self-worth that’s either their or
not there depending on the physical evidence I spend all day every day acquiring.

Are you worth it? Are you behaving like it?

If you think you’re brain is going to let these two exist in misalignment, you’re in for a rude
awakening. So choose your answer and solidify it… both internally and externally.

Text game is a skill-set like any other, it really takes time and experience to develop. This being
said, here are some general guidelines...

1.) The first text you send should be purely value-giving. Meaning, it should be short,
humorous/playful/flirty, and most importantly NOT REQUIRE A RESPONSE. Meaning, no
questions like "what are you up to?", instead just share something witty/flirty.
2.) Convey emotion. Use things like ALL CAPS, ;-P emoticons, xoxo, !, to communicate what
would normally come across via tonality, body language, and facial expressions.

3.) Exaggerate experience. In person our verbal emotional range usually varies from "cool" to
"uncool". In text it's crucial to expand this range - so it's not "yeah I had a sandwich, it was alright"
but rather it's "I've just had the world's most glorious sandwich, crafted by the hand of god ;-)".

4.) Multi-threading is huge. Change the subject lots. Also, never feel obliged to address a specific
thread the girl introduces unless it's conducive to the overall pickup. Meaning, if I get a text from a
girl like "oh that's cool, what time did you wake up?"...answering the question is really going to get
me nowhere, so instead I avoid letting the interaction get predictable by ignoring the "wake up"
thread all together.

5.) Know the power of not responding. If she sends me a predictable/boring/useless text, simply
not responding can be incredibly powerful.

6.) Text only when you are in a happy, good mood. Do not text when needing validation or lonely.

7.) Follow questions with a playful thread. Any time I'm asking a question I follow it up with a flirty
statement. i.e. "Are you around Thursday night? I know those chess club meetings can run late
sometimes :-P x"

8.) Girls love receiving dirty text messages just as much as guys do. Be cautious when sending
these before you've hooked up though.

9.) Get to the point. What can be said in 5 words needn't be said in 10.

10.) Have Fun! Send texts because they amuse you, not to elicit a certain response.

All in all, texting is really about GIVING value. Meaning, if you're only texting to try to set up the
meet, you're doing it wrong. I do a lot of texting when I've already got dates lined up, so that by
necessity I can only give value since I'm too busy to meet up with the girl anyway.

She should be excited when you text, like "oh look Ryan is texting me, I wonder what he's saying
now...", and not "oh it's that guy from the club texting me, he's going to ask me on another date.
So the majority of your texting should be playful banter, not necessarily trying to set up a date.

And ofcourse, HAVE FUN with it. Send texts that make you happy, not texts designed to get a
response. Be playful, push the boundaries, and above all - amuse yourself!
haha-- never the biggest forum writer, I think this is my first ever thread starter.... Anyway, Tyler
thinks I should do a lot more writing to hash out a lot of my stuff that I've never really documented.
A lot of my views come from different perspectives than people are used to (and MANY are
counterintuitive), but the core principles rarely change.

The first thing that comes to mind is that as many people know I am VERY big on leading. Lead,
lead, lead. I am also, when it comes to being a player, probably the laziest to have ever googled,
"What the fuck is 'the community'?". By lazy, I am saying that I always want to maximize my
results with the least amount of exerted energy. Hey, I'm a busy guy and I like things easy. Call it
natural game, but I just call it 'evolution' or "not wanting to be bored ever".

There's Beauty in Simplicity

I came to this realization a while ago that I am always moving forward or "on my path" so to
speak and selfishly hated forcing anybody to do anything. I only wanted women (and a lot of
things in life) that were receptive to me or my goals. Timing and receptivity is a HUGE issue in
how far you go with women at any point in your "relationship". My relationships with women
always begin the first moment I meet them and I always set the tone (I'm a very sexually
dominant man). Women always do the choosing whether they sleep with you or not (after all, no
girl has ever accidentally slipped and fallen on my dick), the only control you have over a situation
is to be as awesomely attractive as possible to where she would think or feel in her mind that she
would have to be retarded to pass up a chance with you. That's a core concept of my game.

Anyway, being congruent with that, I decided that I never ever wanted a girl to desire me for
anything other than WHO I AM. No button pushing, just exactly that-just who I am. How do you do
that? I have a LOT on that, but here's a piece exemplified in my meet ups.

100% Guaranteed Never to Flake Gameplan for meet ups: No matter what I'm doing or where I
am I am always doing things in accordance to things that I want to do or ALREADY doing--lots of
the time because I know it will be amusing to me or at the least I want some company as I do my
normal thing.

For me, the best and fastest way to escalate a relationship (friend, FB, or GF) and get to know a
girl is to have serious 1on1 time. That means no going out with her friends or anyone else. My
goal is just to get her sooo comfortable with me that "things just happen". Logistics are key, but it
all begins in my mindset. Women are abundant. Meeting up with women is an almost every day
affair. Most of my life I have been around women in some capacity and know that there is nothing
to be scared or worried about.

Therefore, when I go for meet ups with women I make it casual because that is EXACTLY what it
is to me. Almost like meeting the coolest new friend (except I'm a dominant and sexual man). I
literally plan things I normally do in my life and invite women along to join me (I just don't tell them
what we're doing as a surprise). If they don't make it then it doesn't matter. I am already doing
something that I would've done anyway. Oh well <shrug> (btw, if they don't make it for some
reason, there's a good chance we will later anyway... that's for another post probably titled,
"empathy in game and not losing track of the ultimate goal").
Another thing about this is this takes all the pressure off meeting someone you don't know. Most
dudes get nervous, or plainly project something weird and incongruent with themselves (opposite
of comfort), on the phone with girls, which creates some sort of unnecessary pressure or tension
on both of you that kills the chance of ever meeting up (they also fail to alleviate expectations set
from when you first met). My tone on the phone is always to build comfort from being chill to
playful to excited.

I don't tell them what we're doing, but I do get excited as hell about the surprise (not overly!!).
Normally, my phone convo goes like this: after some chatting and seeing our schedules synch we
agree to meet up. I tell her to come meet me at my place and we'll go from there. If she asks or
not I'll tell her, "Just come over it's a surprise. I'll tell you when you get here". Once she comes
over, normally it's one of many possible things that I'm normally doing. My classic one is lead her
on a walk to the grocery store and buy my weekly groceries. Sometimes they pay for them, which
is always great. On the way back I ask her about her must have awesome cooking abilities and
naturally, whatever her answer is, I tell her we're cooking dinner (The rest can be for my magical
Day 2 post).

When we're back at my place, girls are not stupid and know what's up. They won't admit, or
cognitively realize, what's happening because they love it and we're really getting to know each
other which is always fascinating. Everything down to the final close is always just my normal way
of getting to know a girl more and let our "relationship" evolve-whichever way it may go. Ironically,
I love sex and also lining my conversations with the like. Like my old football coach used to say
after we scored a touchdown, "Have class. Act like you've been there before". Point being, with
women, nothing is ever a big deal until you make it one. Don't ever project meet ups, sex, phone
numbers, socializing, or anything like that like it might be weird or you're out of your league--be
comfortable with it and people will follow. Act like you've been there before, even if you haven't,
and that will get you laid a hundred times over.

How many of you guys are going through your day smiling?

Even now, as you’re reading this article.

For me, smiling isn’t just something I do immediately whenever I talk to someone, it’s really a
mental mode that I’m in 24/7. Even when you’re quiet or by yourself you should be smiling inside
– a silent smile, if you will.

Smiling is powerful. It’s hard to say no to. And it’s one of the first things that I immediately correct
in students; too often guys will be overly analytical, logical, and serious. Pickup, women,
business, and every goal in life are viewed as something that should be conquered rather than
being ENJOYED.

Our philosophy here at RSD has transformed dramatically over the past few years and it’s quite
noticeable to me as a guy who was teaching two years ago, took a short break, and is now back
with the crew. What I see as the fundamental transformation in our teaching style is that it’s now
focused on BEING rather than TRYING. Old-school tactics and “The Game” doctrine are cool
because they teach you how to assess social situations strategically, but taken to the extreme it
never really pushes for that deep identity level change that’s noticeable on every level – it still
comes from a place of insecurity, a place of need and negativity, a place without any real

It’s funny writing about this because I was there several years ago. I vividly remember that place
when I was starting out, though it still seems miles and miles away from where I am now. Your
heart gets broken, your ego gets crushed, and you have this unshakeable desire to get back at
the world.

Common scenarios that we see here at RSD:

A) Guy gets rejected by women and has his heart broken >> B) Guy is miserable, questions his
self-worth, hates life for not being better to him, and hates women for not liking him >> C) Guy
discovers “game” and sees it as the perfect way to take revenge on women >> D) Guy struggles
at first, but eventually succeeds in getting a few dates >> E) Guy’s skills improve with time and
his inner confidence starts to catch up with his external social skills >> F) Guy starts dating the
women he always wanted and his inner game equilibrates with his “outer game” >> G) Guy loves
women with a passion, makes the most out of every day, and wants to make a positive
contribution to society and give back to the world

A) Guy’s professional life takes a blow, his business fails, or he suffers from financial distress >>
B) Guy is miserable, questions his self-worth, hates life for not being better to him, and is jealous
of anyone who is more successful than he is >> C) Guy discovers books, mentors, and other
resources that teach him how to be financially/professionally successful >> D) Guy struggles at
first, but eventually starts making some moves with his life >> E) Guy starts making some money
and starts feeling secure about his natural talents again >> F) Guy starts making millions,
reaches the top of his industry through discipline and hard work, and starts appreciating the
overall process >> G) Guy loves his profession/business and natural talents, makes the most out
of every day, and wants to make a positive contribution to society and give back to the world

In both cases, most teaching methods (including “old-school game”) are heavily focused on
phases A through D. Yes, this does get results – me and the older guys on the crew went through
it – BUT what we realize now is that the whole process can be sped up much much faster. Don’t
get me wrong – there is no substitute for discipline and hard work, and there never will be for any
endeavor you put yourself through in life, but what can be tweaked is the mental headspace from
which that effort is channeled from – and that makes a world of difference when you start out. You
need to maintain that hardcore ambition while also being completely positive about yourself and
everyone around you.

You can leap over most of the process and save yourself a lot of time by mentally assuming
phase G right from the get-go – by assuming an “abundance mentality” – as they say in the movie
Boiler Room: “ACT AS IF”. The reason this speeds up the whole process is because it doesn’t
require your psychology to wait until there are tangible exterior results in order to get your inner
confidence up to speed. When you live every day with an abundance mentality while training
yourself hard in the field, your inner and outer game will be moving in synch and you’ll start
getting results that much faster.

So, SMILE… every time you’re in set and every moment throughout the day. Yes, even NOW.
Start right this minute.

Enjoy the process – regardless of where you are at the moment. Look at your life in the bigger
picture, think long-term, and realize that it’s just one big story or movie – the tough times only add
to the plotline and make it far more interesting.

Relax and smile. Have fun with women and have fun with work. ACT AS IF.


This isn’t discussed much here on the forums, because of our focus on gaming up girls with cold
approaches, but it’s huge and should be focused on. Learning pick-up is awesome because it
trains you to put yourself through intense self-development and you really improve your overall
confidence in the process, but way too often guys in this community will just go out every single
night and have no friends outside of dudes that they’ve met on this online community. Building up
your social circle is important because it’s pretty much your lifestyle – it’s who you are and what
you do 24/7, developing it alongside your game just turbocharges your self-identity that much

Social circle game is a bit slower and more subtle than pick-up and cold-approaching, but it’s also
complementary. If you’re already pulling regularly you should have no problem building social
circle quickly in any new city that you move into – the same exact skills will help you from the
start. And on the other hand, if you’re not confident meeting new people and approaching women
– just baseline game – then you should work on that first – one of the reasons some guys in this
community are anti-social circle is because they came from the lowest rung of their group of
friends, a place of low confidence, and now they’re focused on improving themselves socially and
getting themselves back up. But if you’ve been practicing pick-up for a while now, you need to
start committing some time to penetrate some social circles that you’re interested in….

1. Build social capital and acclimate yourself to the scene

“Social capital” – it’s like currency, but for socializing, it’s anything that displays value indirectly
without you really doing anything, it expresses your lifestyle to those around you. Examples
include: your close group of friends, having lots of cute female friends, cool pictures on your
Facebook/MySpace profile of you partying and hanging out, living in a cool area where there’s a
lot going on, knowing people in the nightlife scene (promoters, club owners, etc.), travel stories,
having a blog, having lots of pictures on your digital camera, knowing what’s happening in your
city – cool parties and events, etc. You should always be building your social capital, and it’s
really easy to do with pick-up. It’s part of your overall image and it adds massive value
automatically. Tailor it to whatever scene you’re getting into.

2. Think of everyone you meet as a connector to meeting even more people

This is very basic and simple, but powerful – it’s what good salesmen and businessmen do, you
never know who that person knows. Expand your social circle exponentially – get to meet two or
three more people out of every one person that you just met. Decent-looking girls who are cool to
hang out with usually have a few hot friends. This is why learning how to cold approach is
awesome – because you could expand your social circle that much quicker.

3. Add value to everyone you meet – give them a good time and help them out

This is obvious, but what’s key is that you do this to maintain those relationships. It’s easy to just
meet a ton of people, hang out with all of them and make friends with their friends, but that still
doesn’t add to your circle unless you maintain them. You do that by inviting them to parties, giving
them a good time whenever they’re around you, connecting them to other people that they’d be
interested in meeting, and overall taking care of them – this is all done in a friendly “I’m the host”
mentality. If you help people and take care of them, you’ll eventually get dividends from them –
they’ll intro you to their hot friends, valuable business contacts, etc.

4. Be the connector, “the party guy” – the center of attention

In every social circle, there’s one guy who knows where all the parties are, what the plans are
going to be this weekend, and who gets called from every girl about places to check out. You
need to be that guy. That same guy is continually linking his friends with his other friends and then
those friends with even more friends – he’s automatically social proofing himself with tons of
people around him. He’s the connector.

If you’re throwing a party or organizing an event or any small hangout, don’t ever just invite one
small group of friends – or just one group of girls. Invite multiple groups of people, hype them up
to each other, and connect them.

Continually build options for yourself and work the room by leveraging different groups.

2008 is going to get marked down as one of the most notorious years in history – America’s first
Black president got elected, the subprime crisis continued to shake the world economy, millions of
people lost their jobs, and all this was topped off by the infamous scandals with Madoff and
Blagojevich that were unraveled towards the end of the year. There’s no shortage of even more
bad news today either. Unemployment figures just inched up to 7.2% and it’s very likely that this
recession is going to carry forward over the next few years. People are worried and scared. The
world is changing. It’s going through a massive global restructuring and everyone’s reality is
getting fundamentally disrupted in one way or another. 2009 isn’t off to a pretty start…

But wait – why am I writing about this, especially here, on a forum dedicated to game and self-
development? Why not start off my first article with some smooth tactics and grounded pick-up
theory for you guys instead?

I would, and definitely will in the coming articles, but it just doesn’t happen to be on my mind right
now at this very moment. It’s January 2009. It’s the start of a new year and there’s a lot of
uncertainty now, given all that’s happened in the world recently.

Yet, I also can’t help but to see this in a bigger picture and relate it to everything that we’re
discussing on this forum about self-development. It’s weird, but deep down inside I’m actually
really excited. Despite so many people losing jobs, our economy getting crushed, and bad news
headlines hitting us every day, I’m relishing all of this. I quit investment banking two months ago
and now I’m launching an internet start-up and I’m back working with RSD, but I’ve never been
this focused and thrilled before with my life. While everyone’s scared amidst all this chaos, I see
nothing but golden opportunities lying ahead.


One of the things that I’ve been reading over and over again is that it’s not good times or bad
times that make or break a person – or even a company – rather, it’s the strength and
perseverance of that person or company that’s ultimately going to dictate whether it ends up
surviving and being successful ( You guys on this
forum are testimony to this. If you’ve been hitting the field hard over the past several years,
granted that you’ve went through strings of bad nights or even a dry spell here and there, you still
held on and you’ve built up a skill-set that was well worth the time that you put into it.

Guys that get ahead in any endeavor in life think long-term. The guys that just dominate in
whatever they put their mind to are frighteningly ambitious, and it’s a trait that I see in most of the
instructors in our crew, as well as the students who tend to get awesome results. Whether it’s
picking up women, accumulating wealth, getting in shape and looking good, or developing a
positive outlook on life – ambition always wins.

How many of you guys really want to date models and tour some of the best parties in the world?

How many of you guys really want to be a multimillionaire?

How many of you guys really want to be in the best shape of your life and live every day to the

You only live once.

All of you are going to nod yes, but few of you will ever put in the work to get it. Fuck self-help.
The difference between the guys that win and the guys that lose in the game of life is ultimately
this raw ambition. It’s a drive that’s pushed humans forward since the beginning of time. It’s the
killer instinct that you were naturally born with, but may have lost as you accepted society’s
artificial rules and barriers.

The reason I’m relating all of this to business is because the guys that consistently get ahead in
that “game” have all the right qualities necessary to do phenomenal in pick-up too. I see too many
parallels between the guys who have excelled in both fields. Along with being ambitious, these
guys are extremely self-reliant, persevering, and they have a strong sense of self. In business,
you either win or you lose; there is no in-between – you either put out or you’re shut out. It’s
Darwinian in the fullest sense. Nobody’s ever going to ever feel sorry for you if you fail. It’s your
ultimate test as a man. You’re on your own and you will inevitably fuck up at several points along
the way, but the only way you’ll get ahead is if you continually get back up and motivate yourself
to keep on trucking. “Plowing” isn’t something you just do in set – it’s really something you do all
throughout life.

Just say fuck it in 2009. A recession is looming and it’s a jungle out there, but you need to tap into
that natural drive, relish the challenge, and smile back at the world. Tough times only strengthen
the already-strong and weaken the already-weak – which one are you? This is a really exciting
time to be living in and it’s going to be the biggest test of your strength and character. While
everyone else is running around feeling dejected and confused, you’ll be eyeing new
opportunities and making bold moves towards your goals.

Make your New Year’s Resolutions really count this year. The world is yours and there’s nothing
stopping you. The resources are all here. All you have to do now is just go out and TAKE IT.

It’s time to taste the forbidden fruit.

We’ve all had the experience. You’re walking through the club, trying to feel out the vibe, but
something seems awry.

No one is making eye contact. They all seem fixated on something else.

Every man in the room has his attention on ONE thing.

You turn around and see her. The stunning gyrating gorgeous woman looking like god’s gift to
mankind. She’s drawn all the attention, seductively dancing on the dance floor, soaking in all the

You try to inch your way over, but guys are just waiting, hovering around, trying to get her

You think about making your move… But everyone is going to see it! What if you get rejected?!

The music is so loud, how would you even talk to her?

What most guys don’t realize, is that this seemingly “impossible” approach is one of the easiest
you can perform. There are ways to build MASSIVE levels of attraction with this archetype of girl.

95% of guys are too intimidated to approach, or if they do, it’s a half-assed attempt at grinding her
from behind. The funny thing is, the mere ACT of approaching properly and directly catapults you
so far above every other guy in the place, that most of your work is already done.

Based on superficial standards, she is the hottest, most high value person in the venue. This
gives her a VERY strong reality of being “THE SHIT.”

Your job when approaching is to have that much stronger of a frame. Your state, intent, and
intensity all play a huge part in this.

The key is to have an internal state that is SUPER INTENSE with a hint of sexuality. Not the
dancing monkey/entertainer man…

It's the hot burning coal as opposed to the raging brush fire.



Too many guys just hover about, waiting for the girl to make the move. They just drift around,
circling the girls, waiting for one of them to back up and start grinding them.

Don't be that guy. Take responsibility.

You have to go straight to your target. Like a straight fucking line!


Plow through whoever is in your way and get right in her face.

You should always be walking through the club like you own the place. You are the coolest
motherfucker in there, now walk like it!

It doesn’t matter how crazy she is dancing, if there are five muscle-bound guys orbiting around, or
if her friends are blocking her out, you got to go straight up to her.

Don’t worry about winning over the friends or group theory, there will be time for that later. Right
now it is all about making that initial impression, and building MASSIVE attraction.

Like always, right off the bat you want to initiate a strong physical connection.

The easiest way is to grab right behind her neck and pull her in, with her ear right next to your
Then YELL in her ear...

The words aren't important, but the most consistent approach is to use some form of a statement
of intent.

"You're cute. You're a great dancer. You're sexy as hell."

Something that states EXACTLY why you are talking to her.

This is where the stronger reality part comes in.

NEVER dance on the initial approach. Just stand there and pull her in. She will slowly follow your
lead, stop dancing, stand there, and start talking to you.

This conveys so many of the right things.

You are unique, following your own path, taking what you want, and not afraid to say what you
want or worried about what other people think of you. You are also getting physical, dominant,
and leading right from the get go.

These are all VERY attractive qualities.

The girl will most likely answer with something like "Thanks." Or "You are too."

The glory of the dance floor is that you don't have to say much to keep the conversation going.
Usually she'll just start grinding on you after this and you can intermittently exchange names and
short little conversations.

Saturday Night Fever

Mid-dancefloor game:

When you DO end up dancing, take opportunities to spin around and let her grind you from
behind, or spin her and make her grind her backside into you. The dance floor gives you ample
opportunities to get physical, you are already basically dry humping, might as well hold onto her
hips too.

Feel free to back away every so often and give her some space. Take a few steps back, so you
are like 6-7 feet away, and just check her full body out. Then pull her back in and keep escalating.

It's also pretty easy to go for the kiss from here. With the loud music, your faces are going to need
to be fairly close just to be heard. It’s very natural to pull her in for a kiss.

After dancing for a while, it is time to talk with the friends. This is VERY key because you want
them to be your cheerleaders, helping you out at the end of the night, not being the drag away

After a few minutes of dancing, ask her something like "So is this your crew?" Get her to
introduce you to her friends.

Dance and talk with them for a while. Convey those social cool qualities you have been working
so hard to develop. Get them to realize you are a cool guy, not some creep that is trying to take
advantage of their friend.

After some more dancing, take the opportunity to isolate your girl to an area that is quieter where
you can have a longer conversation and escalate further.

From there, game per usual and take things in the direction you desire.

This technique is SO CONSISTENT. It conveys all the right qualities. Only a super confident,
really cool guy would approach her this way, and for your ability to put your balls on the line, you
will be rewarded.

It’s every man’s dream.

Having your cake and eating it too.

I’m talking about a drama free environment of multiple non-exclusive relationships with HOT girls.

But where to start? Have you ever actually met anyone who has been able to pull it off?

Lucky for you, I’ve gone through the process multiple times. I’ll help you avoid the common pitfalls
guys encounter when diving into the world of multiple girlfriends.

The thing I see over and over is the dissonance between what you want and what you project.
Looking for a girl you can randomly hookup with, no strings attached, but unintentionally
projecting “monogamous vibes” onto the relationship.

This is because main-stream media only gives examples of relationships where sex = monogamy.

Over time I have come to realize that women are just as interested in these types of relationships
as men. It’s just the way men come across. It is easy to see why girls expect more out of the
relationship, because the man is projecting through his mannerisms and actions boyfriend type

Utilizing these techniques will instill certain patterns that lead to naturally conveying the right
qualities. They are very effective, but you don’t want to be a social robot. Be flexible.

Each tip is beneficial when starting out, but after a while your subcommunications will be
congruent with what these rules are trying to convey and they won’t be as necessary.
1. Don't meet up with the girl more than once a week.

If you can keep the relationship to only meeting up once a week, you mitigate the chances of it
escalating into something more serious. It keeps the relationship moving at a very slow pace, and
neither of you are going to develop a deep emotional connection.

It is a hard-wired human trait that the more time spent with someone, the more pair bonding takes
place, where there is an actual chemical dependency between the two of you. It is inevitable that
the relationship will head in a traditional direction if you see each other too much. And what
happens with a traditional BF/GF relationship? Exclusivity.

Also, don’t text/call the girl EVERY day. You don’t want her thinking about you day in and day out.
It causes positive feedback loops where she is continuously picturing the two of you together, and
will try to make her thoughts into a reality.

2. Don't fall into the traditional frame of buying her gifts, going to dinner, meeting the parents,
holding hands, etc.

Basically what a lot of these rules accomplish is that you are trying to keep the relationship out of
traditional boyfriend-girlfriend zone. The more actions you do that can be considered
boyfriend/girlfriend actions, the more likely she will think you two ARE in a serious relationship.

This also pertains to how you act with your mutual friends and when going out to bars/clubs
together. Treat her like every other friend, and DON’T GET JEALOUS if she is talking to other

You aren’t exclusive with her, so why should she have to be? Just because you meet each other
out doesn’t GUARANTEE that you are going to end up together at the end of the night. If she
ends up with some one else, it shouldn’t affect you.

3. Be discrete.

Don’t flaunt your successes. No matter if it’s just with your friends or other girls, it’s a bad idea.
Word will spread that you “kiss and tell,” and if any girl sleeps with you, a lot of people are going
to find out about it.

You might be wondering, “But how am I supposed to be considered the ‘sex-worthy’ guy if no one
knows it?”

It is SUBCOMMUNICATED. It’s pretty obvious based on how often you see the girl, and the way
you act around her that you have lots of options, and are probably seeing multiple women.

4. Don't worry about the “relationship talk” until it comes up. NEVER be the one to bring it up.

I hear it over and over... “What do I do when she asks what are we? Let’s be boyfriend-girlfiend?”

Follow my advice, it’s a non-issue until it becomes one. Don’t worry about.

Some people suggest proactively telling the girl what your intentions are…

Well, unless the girl is VERY non traditional and sexually open, you are going to have a lot fewer
options, because most girls just aren’t willing to frame the relationship in that way.

It’s more of a tacit understanding. It doesn’t need to get talked about until things reach a point
where one of you builds a strong enough emotional attachment that you desire more from the

5. When “the talk” does come up, be honest.

Don’t lie to her about how you view the relationship. Be straight forward, and don’t pussyfoot
around. Honesty is key.

You probably really enjoy her company, the sex is probably pretty good, but you aren’t in a place
in your life where you want a serious relationship right now.

This is not some line, but actually the headspace I am in when this discussion comes up.


Two questions that girls ask, that they NEVER want answered…

“How many girls have you been with?”

“Have you been with any other girls since we started hooking up?”

I am all for the authentic/genuine guy thing, but certain things are just going to destroy the
relationship. How do you answer these properly?

Girl: How many girls have you been with?

YOU: I understand what you are trying to ask. Don’t worry I have always been safe and am

Girl: Are you hooking up with any other girls?

YOU: Girl, I have been so busy, I don’t even have time to THINK about other girls…

-Again, it’s tacitly subcommunicated that you are seeing other girls, no need to verbalize it and
hurt the woman’s feelings.

6. Don't flirt with other girls in front of her unless going for a threesome.

It's cool to talk to girls, just don't actively flirt and start making out with someone in front of her. It's
mean and tacky.

Jealousy plotlines and the like are great during the initial interaction, but if you already sleeping
together, there is no need to bring jealousy into the relationship.

You should be SUBCOMMUNICATING plenty of non-neediness and being “a man of many

options” because you are sleeping with multiple women. No need to flaunt it in her face.

Also, if you already have multiple girls, why are you in such a hurry to go out and meet more
when you’re with one of your girlfriends? It smells of insecurity, and an addiction to pickup.
Compartmentalize your nights of cold approaching and the nights spent out with your girl, which I
know is easier said than done.

7. Use distance to end the relationship.

Girls are smart. They more than likely have broken up with multiple guys in there lifetime. This
might be a new circumstance for you.

All you really need to do is distance yourself from the girl. Don’t attempt to meet up with her, and
stop calling and texting. She will get the point quickly.

You are basically putting her into the “friend zone.” The sexual tension just dissipates over time
and it turns into more of a friendship than a sexual relationship.

The thing you don’t want to do is completely cut off the conversation. If she texts you, respond
with something benign. Don’t egg her on and get sexual or flirty.

What you are trying to avoid is completely shutting her out of your life, burning bridges and never
talking to each other again. By keeping things open and friendly you have the opportunity to hook
up again somewhere down the line if you happen to run into each other…


Realize that these types of relationships are more natural and commonplace than you would
expect. It’s just something that isn’t talked about because verbalizing it goes against some of the
core tenets of how these relationships form.

Stick to the rules, but be flexible as you get more experience and see where it leads.

Welcome to the secret society.

One of the best tools in my dating arsenal is my qwerty keyboard cell phone. It has been
INSTRUMENTAL in many of my successes.

I come from the camp that EXCLUSIVELY uses text messaging when meeting up with girls. I
rarely ever resort to actual “phone game.”

Now, I don’t want to discourage YOU from using the phone, but personally I view text messaging
as a much more efficient method.
The biggest advantage is that you have extra time to think before responding. You can be more
methodical and tactical compared with oral conversation. Texting is also attractive because you
can prevent falling into long boring conversations. You can just cut to the chase, and not have to
worry about accidentally sticking your foot in your mouth.

What follows is a list of techniques that have DRAMATICALLY increased my success and helped
many of my clients.

1. Only answer texts that are beneficial towards escalating the interaction.


This is the BIGGEST thing you need to pound into your head. Realize that you DON’T NEED TO

If you get a text like “My friend saw you flirting with Sarah last night.” Don’t respond. It is only
going to result in an argument.

Just pretend it never happened. It’s only a big deal if you make it one. Let things chill for a day or
two, and follow suit as if you never received the negative text.

The same rule applies to texts from people you don’t want to meet up with. “Hey what are you up
to tonight?” No need to respond there either. In the past I would spend hours thinking of
noncommittal responses. Waste of time. Don’t create unnecessary headaches for yourself.

2. Text the girl the same night you meet her.

When exchanging numbers, I always seem to forget to give the girl my number. But there is a
solution. I ALWAYS text every girl I meet at the end of the night.

My favorite: “Hey girl, get home safe. –Brad”

This accomplishes multiple things:

1. There is no need for a response. There aren’t any questions for her to answer.
2. Now she has my number, and knows who the random guy is calling her.
3. It’s like throwing out a “fishing net” and seeing who bites. Maybe she is interested in finding a
party later? : )

3. Utilize mass texts.

As referenced in the previous example, on any given night I would grab phone numbers from
multiple girls. Then, at the end of the night, I would mass text all of them to see how each

Sometimes you get, “Yeah, nice meeting you too!” which is fine. Maybe they don’t respond at all,
doesn’t really matter. But sometimes you get “Hey, what are you doing right now?!” -BINGO!

I have had MULTIPLE nights ending in glory by simply throwing out the “fishing net” and seeing
what bites.

The same technique works when you are going out for the night. Send out a mass text to a bunch
of girls and see how many end up meeting you out.
Jealousy plotlines anyone???

4. Convey emotion through your texts.

In person, I am fairly playful and a bit sarcastic. But it is much harder to convey these traits over

I remember trying to be flirtatious with one girl and texted her “Hey! Nice seeing you last night,
except for that attitude!” She responded with…

“Oh no, I am so sorry. I had a great time too, I’ve just been so busy lately I probably was a little

All it would have taken was a ;) at the end to show that I was joking. The use of emoticons is
VERY important. Here’s a site with a list of emoticons.

5. Utilize timing in your texts.


Your response time when answering texts is VERY important. Depending on how long you take to
answer a text subconsciously conveys how much value you put on the person sending it.

The goal is to be spontaneous here. Sometimes you answer her text 6 hours later, sometimes
right after, then another 30 minute break.

At my last job, I didn’t have a lot of free time to answer texts all day. I’d check it, and then go back
to work. Sometimes I would forget and not text her until the next day. It kept girls on their toes and
sub-communicated that I didn‘t put a lot of value on their texts.

CAUTION: It is good to be conscious of your timing, but don’t think into it too much. You don’t
need to be guessing, “How long should I wait until I text her again?” The goal is to have MANY
girls and a BUSY life. Your phone should be ringing off the hook, always someone else to text, or
something else to do. You ARE that high value guy that gets around to returning texts when you
have the time.

On the same topic, having multiple girls in your life mitigates the amount of attachment you put on
each text. The worst feeling in the world is texting some girl to meet up and waiting HOURS for
her response. But if you are planning things with three other girls also, each individual text won’t
matter that much.

6. Lead the interaction in a sexual direction.

One of the biggest advantages to text messaging is that you can escalate the interaction without
having to physically be next to the girl. If you can steer the conversation into a sexual frame, it will
make the next time you meet that much more sexually charged.

I always tried to find a way to spin things sexual. The easiest method is through the use of future
adventure projections and misinterpretation. I would joke around and flirt until it got sexual, and
then LATCH ON to that.
My favorite line was, “You don’t even want to know what I am thinking of doing to you right now.”

Seriously, I was 5 for 5 with that one. If I was able to naturally throw it into a conversation, next
time we met it ALWAYS ended in sex.

I really need to bring that one back. : )


Here are the most important things to consider when you meet a girl and want it to lead all the
way to the bedroom the same night.

1. Manage Logistics
When taking a girl home the same night, your biggest hurdle is going to be logistics. This is
something you need to consider BEFORE you even step out of your door.

Where are you staying?

Your place:
Is it close to the bars? Do you have easy transportation to your place?

Friend’s Place:
Do you have a key? How are you going to get there? Do you have a room/couch for isolation?

Don’t forget multiple room keys. How do you plan to isolate her if there isn’t a separate room?
Make sure your bed is made ;)

2. Have the right mindset


The most CONSISTENT approach is to determine RIGHT OFF THE BAT what your goal is for the

For one night stands, a more assertive, “go for broke” style works best. You want to set the frame
of “This is going down tonight!” with every girl you meet.

Screen right off the bat to see if it is even possible. Go into every interaction with a hard core
screening frame.

For me that means these golden words within the first five minutes…

“So, what are you up to later?”

Bad Responses:
-“Ahh… Well… I’m the designated driver, so I’m just hanging with my friends for a bit then
heading home with them.”

-“I’m staying with my brother, just visiting my family for the weekend.”

-“I am showing my friends a good time, then we are all crashing at my place 30 minutes away.”

It doesn’t matter how attractive she is, or how much she loves you. These situations are going to
be very hard to work through, so I’ll usually just try and find another girl.

Abundance Mindset!

The anomaly to these situations is getting creative and trying to isolate her in a bathroom or a
back alley. These make for great stories, but again, aren’t usually the easiest logistically to pull,
and we are going for consistency here…

Good Responses:
-“Looking for a party!”
-“Whatever, what are your plans?”
-“Who knows, we’ll see where the night leads me…”

Obviously these are great answers. Look to lead in these situations and push the interaction as
quickly as you can.

3. Convey yourself as the “sex-worthy” guy


You want to convey PHYSICALLY that you are a man that TAKES WHAT HE WANTS and isn’t
held back by social constraints.

Get physical right off the bat and KEEP ESCALATING. Do this until it leads to a SHORT makeout.

WARNING: Don’t become the tacky makeout guy!

You want to break the makeout first, don’t release the sexual tension!

You need to lead her conversationally also. To lead things in a sexual direction I like using the
tried and trusted “push-pull” technique.

“What are you doing to me?! I was just trying to have a good night out with my friends, and you
got me all hot and bothered!”

As the night progresses and it looks more and more like she is down to hookup, I’ll escalate to
even bolder statements. Here’s two examples:
“You don’t even want to know what I’m thinking of doing to you right now.”
“I’d fuck the shit out of you, but I don’t think you can handle me.”

This gives you an opportunity to see how receptive she is towards going home with you. Based
on her response, you will be able to see if she is ready to leave, or if you need to build more trust
and comfort first.

4. Prepare for Paydirt


To help mitigate resistance later on, I found it helpful to qualify the girl after we have had a strong
connection. Give her reasons for why you like her besides what’s between her legs. Just find
three things that you really appreciate about her. Something like:

“You know, you are the first girl tonight that I have actually been able to have a decent
conversation with. I’m glad we met.”

I’ll usually say two statements that are specific to the situation, and then the third is always…

“And to tell you the truth, I really want to have sex with you right now.”

Just make sure to reserve anything related to sex to the third qualifier, never the first.

Next, it just comes down to putting your balls on the line and LEADING.

LEADING is key. The circumstances are tenuous, and you can’t show any signs of uncertainty.
So it is important to be assertive and decisive.

There are two different techniques for when you leave the venue.

Have a reason for taking her to your house.

“Oh, I have to show you these cool fish/DVDs/youTUBE videos!”

The key here is to OVERSELL IT! “You have to come see the COOLEST FISHTANK IN THE
WORLD!! C’mon, it is going to be SO FUN!!!”

The other choice is not to give a reason at all.

“C’mon. Sko’ sko’ sko’. Right now. We are leaving NOW!”

I actually prefer the second option because it is usually obvious that we are going to hookup.
Especially when I am saying statements like “I’m going to fuck the shit out of you.”

5. Closing the deal

The last hurdle is getting from the club to the isolation location. It is important to keep the energy
UP during this part of the interaction. Again, it’s a tenuous situation where too much lag time will
dissipate the sexual tension to a point where neither of you are in the mood. So keep flirting,
joking around, fucking with the cab driver if in a taxi, and so on. Just keep the energy up until you
get to your place.

Once back at your place, be chill and “cobra-like” walking in the door. Once inside, it’s time for the
makeout wall slam of glory. Pin her against the wall and dive into a serious makeout. Then it’s just
a matter of picking her up and carrying her to bed.

If you do things right it should lead to a Win/Win situation where both parties are happy. You took
all the right steps to prevent any mishaps and resistance, ending in glory. Congratulate yourself…
and the girl. smile

The whole seduction community is enamored with one-night stands. Why? Is that really the
pinnacle of game?

I took a different approach and created an environment of COMPLETE abundance. Seriously, this
technique was so successful I had women banging on my window at 3AM trying to get into my

Maybe this predisposition with one-night stands is a result of the cities in which this culture
originated. Los Angeles, New York, Toronto…They have a constant turnover of tourists and
suburbanites each weekend.

The problem I had was that I came from a smaller city. I saw the same people each weekend,
and the assertive “burn the set to the ground” approach needed for one-night stands wasn’t
beneficial in that environment.

The other explanation for why one-night stands are so popular is that most dating instructors are
constantly traveling, and therefore don’t have the luxury of taking things slow.

It is either NOW or NEVER.

This results in a lot of stories and theories being developed to get consistent success the same
night. But if you are settled into a city, you can cultivate multiple relationships over time, and
slowly build a MASSIVE social circle with the hottest girls.

My approach was to just go out with my friends, drink, and sporadically talk to girls. Having 2-3
positive interactions a night, over the course of a few months, started to add up, and I built a large
network of girls that I would see out on a consistent basis.

I would get a girl’s number and text her at the end of the night. Something like, “Hey girl, get
home safe. –Brad.” No need for a response, but now she knows who I am, and is comfortable
with me texting her. Then the next time I went out I would text her again.“Hey brat, you heading
out tonight?” Sometimes they would answer, sometimes not. It didn’t really matter because I was
going out to meet new girls anyways.

This led to a scenario where every time I went out, I would have casual plans to meet up with
multiple groups of women, and also more than likely run into others I knew. Whether it be
someone I specifically approached, or just one of her friends, there were many benefits to the

1. It was great as a “warmup set”. You can get into a social mode by talking with girls you already
know and build that momentum for later in the night.

2. You always have backup plans if it’s a slow night, or if your original plans fall apart. This lowers
your outcome dependency for the night also because you know you have other options.

3. It builds social proof. Other girls see you talking to girls, showing you have options, and are
instantly more attracted.

4. It creates jealousy plotlines for other girls you might be interested in.

I remember one night where I used MULTIPLE jealousy plotlines to hook up with an absolute
STUNNER. I had been trying to get her attention for a while, but she was too busy running
around looking for the next “shiny object”. I orchestrated a situation where I met up with 5
different groups of girls in front of her creating a MASSIVE amount of jealousy. It did the job, and
we ended up together at the end of the night.

As for the girls you are interested in, this technique is great for escalating pre-established
relationships. By meeting them out over and over, you buildup trust and comfort over time. The
main goal is to escalate the interaction in some way each time you meet. Whether it be going for
the makeout, turning things sexual, or leading her around the club, make sure to continually
escalate in the right direction. This is how you prevent falling into the dreaded “friend zone.”

The next step is getting her inside your place. With that added trust, it makes it much easier to
extract any girl from the club. This was actually very helpful for learning how to pull, because it is
easier to get a girl to come home with you after meeting her out multiple times.

On the extraction, I always tell the girl the same thing. “A-bar A-bar A-bar!” I was always having
the after party of glory. What does this consist of?

Crank the music, pop some bottles, and you have yourself a party. It doesn’t have to be some
extravagant event, just some alcohol and a radio. The goal is to get her COMFORTABLE inside
your place, and show her a good time. Even if you don’t have sex with her that night, she is much
more likely to come over again if she enjoyed herself. The first time you bring a girl home she
might be a bit apprehensive about coming over. If she has fun, she’ll be begging you to come

My parties became so infamous that I had girls calling me every day of the week, at all hours of
the night to see if I was having another “A-bar.” It got so bad that I had people waiting outside my
apartment at bar time, hoping to join the party.

I didn’t have to do anything. My first threesome was an instance where I was just sleeping in my
bed on a random Wednesday night. A girl randomly called me up at 2AM wondering what I was
up to, and if I was interested in having her and her friend come over. Of course I told her I was
down to PARTY! Haha.

I jumped out of bed, slammed a Redbull, cranked the radio, and told her to come on over. Things
progressed from there, but the reason she called me was because she had already been to my
place and remembered how much fun it was. She wanted more of that. And I gave her and her
friend plenty.

This was in response to someone who asked "What about girls with boyfriends?" I like my
response... As I like everything I do :P

So here it is...

Anyways, I got a real easy reframe that I use on program whenever a student is worried about
some sort of boyfriend issues.

ANY hot girl is going to have some sort of guy that they are fucking or dating. EVERY one of

Now, as you delve further and further into the dating world, you'll come to realize that there are
probably over one hundred different permutations of what a "relationship" could be.

Even moreso with a hot girl.

She's got the:

guy that borrows her the car
guy that buys her dinner
guy she had a one night stand with and has been hooking up with for the past few weeks
guy who has been following her around since high school
guy who has been on a few dates with her, but afraid to pull the trigger
her boss who hooked her up with a good job, and hangs out with her after closing time

And the list goes on...

Depending on how well you approach, and how well your interaction goes, anyone of these guys
could be considered her BOYFRIEND.

That is why sometimes you don't get the boyfriend call out until 30 minutes into the conversation.
Things were going great, but you fucked up somewhere along the line, and now she isn't willing
to compromise one of those relationships.

But if you step to her... And are the money cool guy... You aren't going to hear anything about any
of these guys.

Most girls that are in nightclubs and bars are in these types of relationships.

Then there is the other case of girls who ARE in a serious LONG TERM relationship. Usually
they'll take measures to keep themselves less approachable, or more readily bring up the
boyfriend excuse. But it's because they are FULLY into their boyfriend, and there is usually a slim
chance of getting them.

I wouldn't want to break up that type of relationship anyways.

But some chode, that's been taking her on dates for the past two months and not escalating... I'd
be happy to show her some FUN for once, and what it is like being with a cool guy.

Semantics baby... Semantics...

I’ve had this weird predilection for hooking up with girls in the oddest of places. Alleys, car hoods,
parking garages, they’re all fair game.

I think once you reach a certain level, you find new ways to stay motivated. For me, it’s been
trying to place myself in the weirdest logistical situations and still make it happen.Just building
more reference points so if I see something I want, the training just takes over.

How did I get to this point?

Hard work and great mentors.It’s an approach that I am familiar with. A year and a half agoI was
using this same method for a differentgoal, one where my life would have headed in
thecompletely opposite direction.

I had been slaving for7 years, publishing scientific articles, and obtaining a Masters degree to try
and get into medical school. Concurrently, I was planning to travel 5 hours and enroll in a school
close to where my girlfriend was attending Law School.


We were high school sweethearts, she was my only girlfriend, and we had been together for
almost eight years. We were about to take the next big step and move in together. What else
could you ask for? We were quickly becoming the quintessential American family.

But this weird feeling kept creeping into the back of my mind. I knew the relationship wasn’t going
to last. Was she the one?
She was beautiful, smart, intelligent, and came from a solid background. Where was I supposed
to meet another girl like that?

But that first semester apart proved too much. We parted ways amicably, and I dove into the
single world wondering, “How the hell am I going to meet another girl?”

Luckily, I found the community as the relationship was dwindling, and started devouring any
advice I could find.

Soon enough, I met another girl. But confusing my past experiences with the new material I was
reading resulted in a disastrous relationship. I wanted the best of both worlds, a full time girlfriend,
and the variety of girls I had always dreamed of.

I was still living in total scarcity. After a few months, on and off, I finally broke it off and moved to
the city with a close friend to startworking on this skillset in earnest. Storming the nightlifescene
with a flurry of cold approaches, mostly alcohol induced, we went out 50 of the first 60 nights.

I was also writing about my experiences on New sticking points were surfacing
fast, and with the help of more advanced guys on the forum, I was able to grow my skillset

The next big boost to my game came after watching Transformations. I realized I wasn’t a closer.
With this new mindset I went to a friend’s wedding and ended up pulling some girl into the
hallway, stealing a bottle of wine, and sneaking away to drink and makeout with her in the corner.
I tried to move things to her hotel room, but she lost the key. So I pulled her to my car instead.

Mmmmm, my first exposure with token resistance. If only I knew then what “We aren’t having sex
tonight.” means “We are having sex tonight.”

It was a massive boost to my confidence either way. But I was still hitting a brick wall. No matter
how hard I tried, I still hadmassive approach anxiety and was afraid to pull the trigger. Also,
relying on booze to approach was resulting in more money being spent on alcohol per month than

One night, after another adventure of binge drinking, and choding about trying to talk to girls, I
made the best decision of my life. I decided to take a bootcamp with Real Social Dynamics.

Under the pretense of attending a Biotech Seminar, I drove off to Chicago for what would be one
of the most formative experiences ofmy life.

November 9th, 2007.

Meeting up at the Westin hotel, I instantly recognized the RSD crew. There was Stuart L, with
long spiky highlighted hair, Alex~sporting a pink insignia t-shirt and bleach blonde hair, and Derek
with long hair like a main and white Ed Hardy blazer with a silver tiger logo onthe back. Little did I
know that these three would become some of my closest friends over the next few months.

Deep Identity Level Change… Check.

I was a boy before bootcamp, and a man after. There were many concepts and experiencesthat
helped in theevolution, but the biggest epiphany was that I just needed to give MYSELF
permission. I remember Alex~’s words…
“Dude, at some point you need to just identify with being good at this. Stop trying to LEARN. You
already ARE successful. If you want a girlfriend, you can. If you want 10, that’s probably not out of
your reach either.”

It was all I needed.

I had been dating a few girls off and on prior to bootcamp. After program, that ballooned out to 7.
A month or two later I started working on bathroom pulls. The first night trying, I pulled one girl
into the bathroom at a private party, and another into the ladies room at the nightclub.

I was getting massive success. But soon enough, a new sticking point.I freaked out. Started
getting approach anxiety again. This time it was for a different reason. I was identifying as
someone who was “successful with women”, and afraid to challenge that identity.

Massive ego trip.

My solution was to drop most of the girls I was dating and get back in the field. I did hold on to
two, both highly successful, blonde, fit, high self esteem, beautiful girls. One started taking up
more time than the other, and slowly became my girlfriend.

This lasted for about two months, and I WAS HAPPY. A relationship is so much healthier when it
isn’t coming from a place of scarcity. The craziest part was that I was MORE compatible with her
than my old girlfriend. Why had I wasted so many years of my life scared to get out of that

But this was short lived, haulted by another epiphany-laden weekend at the RSD NYC

In New York, I roomed with Derek. We had winged once or twice since my bootcamp, but we
stilldidn’t know each other very well. Over the course of that weekend, something clicked though,
the result of great content during seminar, and the nostalgia of hearing Alex~’s Aussie voice
again. I had another internal shift, which culminated in just OWNing the Hotel Gansevoort with

I decided to undergo another 30-day challenge for the month of June. It started off on a random
Sunday, where I met another one of my biggest influences, Derek’s wing, Brian.

The night was another huge learning experience where I realized I wasn’t taking responsibility for
my actions, I was still afraid to pull the trigger and LEAD. I just accepted whatever was coming
my way, letting the girl lead the interaction. It was also memorable because I almost succeeded in
the “hat trick” i.e. 3 girls in one night.

Next was another round of bootcamps with Alex~, this time as an assistant. It was two weekends
of program pulling girls with both Derek and Alex~, and two weeks of Alex crashing at my house.
Gaining wisdom from both of them, I was getting more consistent, building a rock solid inner
game, and vastly expanding my sense of entitlement.

Shortly thereafter was the LA Superconference. More glory, as I pulled a stunner and her friend
with Alex~ to their hotel room in Hermosa Beach. Alex~ had his girl in the shower, while my
adventure ended on the asphalt roof of the hotel.

The following week, Jeffy was in-town for the Jeffy Freedom Tour. After the seminar, we
proceeded to wreak alcohol-induced havoc throughout the city for two nights with Derek and

All this contact and winging with the best in the game was rubbing off. My confidence was
through the roof and my consistency was on the rise.

But after all this traveling, my social circle had fallen apart, andIlost contact with most of the girls I
had been dating. So I spent the next two months rebuilding my social circle.

Soon enoughI was back at it, going out with a core group of friends, and dating3-4 girls. A few
weeks later I assisted on Alex~’s last US bootcamp. Great program, students all pulled, we
pulled, +2 for my confidence.

The following Wednesday, I orchestrated my first threesome. Confidence +2 ... I was mastering
physical game, and my self-esteem skyrocketed.

But I wanted more.

I had been hearing stories of Derek and Brian doing legendary things in Las Vegas. 7 girls in 7
nights, followed by 5 girls in 5 nights. The late night hotel staff even knew who they were strictly
based on their ability to pull. This is the type of environment I needed to immerse myself into, and
see how my game measured up.


The first memory I have of that weekend was attending the grand opening of the club Lavo in the
Palazzo. There were celebrities and beautiful women everywhere. But I couldn’t get anywhere
with these girls. My natural physical nonsensical game was getting me to open, but not much
beyond that.

We still ended up pulling some Mexican cuties back to the hotel, but my confidence was
dwindling. A new sticking point was uncovered. My verbal game sucked.

My style is very much rooted in my belief/sense of entitlement, physicality, body language, and
tonality. But the words coming out of my mouth didn’t mean much. That was great to a point. But
to reach that next level, I needed to build the “million dollar mouthpiece.”

Later that week I hooked up with two different girls. The hotel staff remembered my name too
after jumping out of the passenger seat of some girl’s Ford Mustang at 2AM. The other girl was
an Israeli, with a story that could only take place in Las Vegas.

Luckily, foreigners take a big cut in gambling taxes. We went to the Bellagio after meeting at the
club, and when her sister won $1500 dollars at the slot machine, she put it in my name and paid
me $100 dollars to preempt a tax fee. One hundred dollars richer, I took my girl up to her room
while the sister continued gambling.

All in all, between the three of us, we pulled over 15 girls back to the hotel, and I made massive
improvements in my verbal game.

The next weekend, I assisted on another program with Ryan, Papa, and Derek. I must have
made some sort of impression with Papa, because he asked me to travel to LA and celebrate
Tyler’s birthday with him, and be a part of his first LA bootcamp.

So, even though I was broke, traveling constantly off of my credit card, I had to take the
opportunity to meet Tyler. The months of work with the best in the world all culminated in that trip
to LA. The bootcamp went great, and my game was in top-notch form.

A week later I was selling everything I owned and packing my suitcase, preparing for the Real
Social Dynamics Instructor Training Program. Exactly one year after my bootcamp.


As I write this from the Marriot Hotel in Amsterdam, I wonder, “What lies ahead?”

One year. Imagine the next…

The lessons learned are that surrounding yourself with the right people, being open-minded,
staying positive, and TAKING ACTION gets you far.

Put in the effort and anything is possible. Now it’s my job to show YOU what is possible. It’s not a
matter of if, but when…


Something really struck home for me on this weekends bootcamp that I am sure can help shift
your perspective to that of a true core ladies man.

There was a guy this weekend who was HEAVILY into using a step by step method. He fought
and fought anything he had to try out himself. He wanted what to say in EVERY situation.

I saw him do an AMAZING pickup that would make a LOT of guys think he is the SHIT! I was very
VERY impressed.The girl was DOWN to have sex with him RIGHT THERE. All over him. Anyway
the girl walked away... and he came back and IMMEDIATELY started telling me what went wrong
technically in the set

Why didnt he pull her back as she went to walk away?

Why didnt he just take her home? (she would have gone)

He was focused on the GAME and not on the LOVE of the GIRL.
He was not connected to the SOUL.

Here is how I explained it:

Led Zeppelin, arguably one of the best bands in HISTORY and one of mine and Jeffy's personal
favourites... They truly have the glory.
They went on to shape all music forever. How? Where did that come from?

You see, ANY GUY ON THIS PLANET can learn the chords from the guitarist and play the
chords. They can learn the drum rhythm and play the drums. They can find a talented singer to
match the voice (well, come close to maybe) the singer.

But what they won't have is the unshakable SOUL of the band.

How did they think to put those chords and beats together?

How the hell did he think of those lyrics?


How the hell did they get that STYLE?


The SOUL is what a girl connects to on a VERY deep level. Perhaps the deepest and truest form
of "Game" is the SOUL.

My soul with women comes from a deep, core love I cannot explain nor teach. The love not just
for women, but for LIFE.

You have to connect with the soul of yourself and your own deepest passions for beautiful women
which is a parallel to your deepest passions for living a GREAT LIFE.

We can give you the chords, the method, the steps, the things to say. Thats fine. But with no soul
you are a walking club zombie.

Developing the soul:

Music: Since we are on Led Zep's listen to the classic 'Stairway to Heaven'. Notice how you don't
even have to know the lyrics or make logical sense of them - but you can FEEL what he is trying
to communicate.

Values: You will not develop the soul unless you are living by a harmonious set of values you are
trying to convey. For example: you know that you should be dominant and fun in the club - but if
you are not dominant and fun in ALL areas of your life then there is massive disconnect and the
girls will feel it.

Its that ability to walk up to a girl in the club, say or do ANYTHING, but conveying the FEELING of

When you walk into the nightclub, it should be a mere CELEBRATION of YOU - the FUCKING

A celebration of the guy who attacks life and takes what he wants because of his deepest love for

SOUL development will become a massive part of my bootcamp in the coming months. These
thoughts are explored deeper in the Flawless Natural Program.
Always remember that any "method" or "system" is just a signpost - a way to DISCOVERY.
Discovery of your own soul and deeper purpose. If the system or method doesnt allow for this:
then how can you not become a useless clone?

How is your SOUL going?

I'm a perfectionist. I hate letting girls get away just because they live far away from me. I want
them all. I used to just delete girls' numbers if they lived far away, figuring it wasn't worth the
effort, but lately I've found an efficient way to improve my results both with these girls and with
girls closer to home.

Call them every couple of weeks even if there's only a 1% chance that you'll ever see them again.
Here's why:

1. Girls move. Especially to places like New York (Where I live). When they move into town they
don't know anyone but me, so who are they going to call up to hang out on their first few lonely
nights in town?

2. Girls travel. Same as above, but add that they're on vacation. As an added bonus they often
have other cute friends on vacation with them so you can hook boys up.

3. Five minutes once every couple weeks is all it takes to keep a number completely fresh so the
investment is minimal.

But most importantly:

Anyone who has taken time to seriously tackle phone game knows that 1. More time on the
phone makes you MUCH better, and 2. last call is almost always better than first one on any
given day. Kind of like doing a few warm up sets when you're at the club.

Soo... I consider my out of town girls phone practice girls. I call them up BEFORE any girls I
actually care about, then I only call "real" girls up once I'm in an unstoppable state. That way
EVERY call goes well, and I find myself meeting up with a different girl basically any time I
seriously sit down and do phone time. You shouldn't NEED to be in state to call girls, but if you
have the option available to you, it never hurts.
Get into state. Because getting into state is good. When you are in state, you aren’t not out of
state. And while this doesn’t necessarily make you attractive to girls, it certainly doesn’t make you
unattractive. But, that depends.

Honestly, and if you ask my closest friends in the company, I’m not really motivated by girls. One
time I drunk dialed a friend’s ex girlfriend and exposed her to some verbal obscenities. But, as I
was always shining through, she must have been attracted to my nimbus. When I asked her what
her address was she was shocked. She must have thought it was for outer game purposes.
Nope. The corner vendor has ceased to serve alcohol.

I wanted to visit her house for inner game purposes.

Point is, when I asked her what her address was she was shocked, paused for a moment
considering the oral lashing I had given her, and asked “why do you want my address?!”

‘For invitational purposes.’


She then volunteers her address. You beauty.

But, in my quest to get more state, I got distracted by the hermit crabs in the water fountain and I
forget all about the Santa Claus style drop in she was expecting. No presents for her. State
reigned supreme in my priorities.

When I rubbed my eyes and figured out where I was the next day, I came to the conclusion that
she was attracted to me because I was more inspired by getting some state then I was inspired to
give her a statement of outer game. This lead to the extrapolated conclusion that I should do
more things like that, but be mindful to capitalise on my outer game inspiring state and share the

Results have been positive and medicinally compromising since.

For you, the budding glory monger, you may actually have your priorities out of order. Do you go
out to ‘sarge’ or do you go out to irritate the bouncers of the establishment?

I see a lot of guys who go out for reasons other than themselves. To put anyone or anything in
front of your cause is to assume that you are lower value than them, and hence, be unattractive.
No girl will tell you her address.
The club is my office. But, I have no boss, only the agent Smiths. I can’t drink because I am at
‘work,’ so I just get into state and then say ‘whoa’ a lot.


Technically, state is default, and is what happens when you perceive that nothing stands in your
way. When there is nothing in your head to prevent it from coming to you, you are in state. You
can’t force it, though. Like so many other things, if you let go, it will come straight to you. But, not
like money in the casino, that’s an exception.

More technically, self esteem based state is proportionate to your ability to influence others. If you
subscribe to natural game, state comes from within. The more people you have to influence, the
more you call upon your resources from within, and like a siphon it just begins to flow. Slow at
first, but it can build momentum.

Technically, if you do something positive, dominant or simply take action, you will move more
towards state then you were previously. You want your cognitive traffic to cause the people
around you to do matrix style limbo to avoid falling under your spell. But, they are only human.
Bring more state and they will succumb to your presence.

What are the well know state building techniques? If you’re a bit of a beginner and want to get a
bit of a smile up in the club, try talking to a few sets, singing, shouting, high fiving, or clapping
your hands.

Try it now. Sing this song... and follow the lyrics. Clap your hands, stand up, bob your knees and
give someone a high five. Sing loud, break the shackles. You don’t have bad intentions, why
would you limit yourself?

OK.. hit the song and sample some beginner state. Remember, whatever you feel she feels.

We rocked this song in France while intermittently screaming the mispronounced name of the
scandalous French President: “SAR-COW-ZEE, FUCK YEAH!”

But, that stuff is for the faint of heart. There is a whole new range of self entertainment, state
inspiring, and sanity obliterating pastimes that will induce seizures of laughter. They follow the
same principles of taking action, creativity and positive dominance, only amplified.

I warn you. Do these wrong and you will end up in jail, an altercation or maybe knighted. Use at
your own risk.
The ‘Lime in the eye’.

One of the best in the business: juice for tough guys. Anecdotally, only Australians can handle
lime to the eyeball.

The ‘corporate elbow’.

Take your left hand and scratch the back of your head. In doing so, out stretch your left elbow
outwards and to head level. Now you have a limbo stick for others in the club to negotiate.

The ‘umbilical cord’.

Join several bendy straws together by pinching one straw so it is smaller in diameter than the
other straw and insert inside. It must be an air tight connection. Now, you can drink for free, ninja
The ‘I lost my contact lens’.
When a hot girl or girls (known as a ‘mingerwarren’) waltz by wearing short skirts exclaim loudly “I
lost my contact lens!” in a manner that will draw attention to yourself. Drop to your hands and
knees and lower you head as low as possible to the ground. From this angle, you can pose an
opinion opener to the girl such as “can I get a quick female opinion on something. [female
interlude] Have you seen my contact lens. With your head on the ground and their short skirts it
makes for good angle of conversation.


The ‘legless drunk’.

If you can put a wobble on your bipedal progressions and roll your eyes into anti-co-ordinated
magic eight balls, then you can pass as a convincing drunk. In this pseudo-condition, you can
knock cock blocking chodes over, motor boat cleavage capture girls in your arms as you try to
regain your balance. This one is fun.

The ‘oceans one’.

Somewhere in the venue there will be a security door with a numeric code required for access.
Keep an eye on it. Usually the code won’t be longer than five or six figures. Note it or film it with
your camera, and BOOM you’re in the Bellagio vault. Go in, find a uniform, suit up, then tend the
bar, yet prioritizing your companions. Use said companions to bring girls to the free drink and
watch them paw at your neck line as you tell them of your whiles.

And for mayhem purposes (prepare to be immediately ejected)...

The ‘Grand Prix Podium’.

This is much like a wet t-shirt contest, but the contestants aren’t aware of their involvement. So
it’s kinda like Halloween. Buy a sultry three count of Pabst Blue Ribbon or other such shittery in
bottle form. Cover the top with your thumb. Start a ruckus as though there is a bit of a shoving
fight in the vicinity. In the commotion violently shake the beer at waist level. And voila...we have
Spring Break. This is both an effective means for state, opening the girl and extracting the girl as
they will probably get booted from the bar when Agent Smiths come at you talking of sociological

Don’t let these maneuvers limit you. There are many more, far more creative, far less
professional means by which to get into state. It’s the thrill of going against the norm, the thrill of
immediate venue-removal and heightened sense of self from the attention that you will draw that
makes these things and others so good for amping the state and fun. Make you and your fun the
first priority of your night.

More often than not, the girls will think of you as silly and immature. This is, of course, the goal.
Blend-Tec their congruence tests and establish A = HV + E. You have fun – they have fun.
Everybody wins.

State like this will have the girls circling you as if you had your period in shark infested waters.
I had just finished a bootcamp in Winnipeg. Closed the deal and had a huge week lined up in LA.
Flight was delayed so I perused the bookstore looking for something new and exciting.

There on the shelf, in its entire eye catching marketing glamour was the book that completely
turned my program and my game on its head. The book that would confirm academically a lot of
the theories and experiences that I already knew. It gave me the most important perspective than
any guy who has the intentions of improving this part of his life need to be aware of.

Sceptically I inspected the book, guessed that it would be like so many other anecdotal, quick fix
‘how to flirt’ piece of shit books out there. Reading the info about the author i quickly discovered
that her expertise was verified with decades of experience in the field of relationship psychology
and neuropsychology.

Basically put, it described the mechanical workings of the brain. The Author, Louann Brizendine
M.D. is a neuropsychiatrist at the university of California and the founder of women’s and girl’s
mood and hormone clinic.

If anyone from the academic area is qualified to offer insight into the working of a female mind it is
this woman.

The book is primarily designed to address the differences between male and female brains, as
Brizendine argues all research on the brain has historically presumed that it is a male brain in

More than anything the book contrasts the differences between male and female brains,
development, hormonal characteristics and the behaviour that one could expect in light of certain
neurological activity.

At university this was the focus of my studies and I thoroughly benefited from and enjoyed this

Although a lot of amazing epiphanies are outlined in this book the ones most applicable to men’s
self actualisation and understanding of social dynamics I will cover in detail.

Being a biologist Brizendine is an advocate of evolutionary theory and supports all of her facts
empirically from this perspective. The basic idea is that emotionally, we are essentially monkeys
with a cognitive computer strapped on top.

In addition to this it is presupposed knowledge that the more a person performs a certain activity
the more brain cells are assigned to that task. This overtly supports the Real Social Dynamics
directive to get into field.
On an emotional level, humans have the reproductive emotional brains of cats, dogs or
chimpanzees, but, evolved a higher cognitive brain to consciously regulate these emotions, build
pyramids, design computers and develop medicine.

Examples of this might be when you interact with a woman from another language. Given that
you cannot logically communication via the traditional words the emotional channels are tapped
into and attraction for both the man and woman is amplified, or rather unstifled, because there is
less higher cognitive brain involved to interfere. Reproduction made simple. Just like mammals.

Furthermore, people drink to delete the cognitive brain that restrains them from being themselves,
trusting themselves and acting through their own intentions.

Confidence happens when you perceive that nothing holds you back.

When do most people sleep together? When they are drinking or drunk. This is a result of a
combination of social conditioning (advertising campaigns) and neurochemical reactions.

Neurologically, the alcohol has an inhibition effect on the cognitive brain, effectively unshackling
the more primal emotional brain that was being held in check by the conditioned higher cognitive

Is alcohol crucial to achieving sex? Of course not. But Brizendine confirms academically the
knowledge that the community has so long been aware of and implemented. Brizendine clearly
states that 'female sexual arousal begins when the brain turns off’.

Of course most men would read this and instantly think, get her drunk. That’s socially expected
and conditioned from a young age. But another, more effective way of doing this is engaging the
brain, whilst sober, illogically.

When I use the word illogically I mean saying things that don’t quite make sense, random non-
sequesters, physical charisma and unpredictability. This can come in the form of something funny,
which in actual fact is an element of surprise and an emotion spike. Witty comments that add an
unforseen perspective on a situation, a sudden change of mood to anger or excitement.

An unknown adventure, thrills and uncertainty. All of which are emotional spikes, which guys like
Tim, Tyler, Jeffy, and Ryan~ have been talking about for years.

Imagine that women's emotional brain and logical brain are like a counterbalanced scale. The
more she is logical, the less she is emotional. The more she is emotional the less she is logical.
Ask any executive coach about what happens to a girl when she becomes emotional, or in other
words detached from logic.

Sex happens when the brain is turned off according to Brizendine. Engage her emotionally and
disregard logic she will fall into your communication frame, get her state from you and become
very sexually aroused.

Contrastingly, have you ever engaged women in a logical conversation? “Where are you from,
what are you doing, where did you go to school, I have a friend who has a jealous ex girlfriend
who keeps pictures of some other girl in his draw and it’s a two part question.” Pretty gay. Boring
and incongruent with whom you are as a man. To the woman, as long as you are predictable and
logical attraction will be about as accessible to you as Area 51.

The logical emotional balancing act as outline by Brizendine is in support of the Alpha Male –
Beta Male theory. Emotionally and illogically she desires the alpha and the rush that comes from
him. Logically and cognitively she thinks it best to be with a committed stable guy. She is right on
both counts and is continually at the mercy of the push pull miscommunication between the
logical and emotional brains.

As a side note, the formula that should be adapted for group theory should be ‘friendly and
logical’ with the target’s friends while being 'flirty and illogical' with the target herself.
Essentially flirting is illogicality.

A lot of guys fail to remember the constant neurobiological civil war that is constantly being
ranged inside of any woman. With the exception of some birth control pills and other treatments.
On a monthly basis woman undergo a literal rollercoaster of hormonal changes.

To look at this graphically as depicted in the book is quite astounding. For two weeks of the month
there is relative peace, then a short period of acute heightened sexual desire (bought on by the
release of testosterone) then a string of days when a woman can become irritable emotional and
easily upset.

Anecdotally some people think that the reason why number thirteen is unlucky because women
have thirteen menstrual cycles during a calendar year. I have no idea about the accuracy of this
information. Interesting though.

This chemical-behavioural fluctuation is further testament to the Real Social Dynamics ideology of
living in a strong and self sustained reality. Women are drawn to men who serve as the grounding
energy amongst the chaotic world. When her emotions are running wild, an unreactive, assertive
and decisive man serves as the stability that is biologically challenging to maintain. This is
another way of interpreting the notion of masculine polarity Tyler dissects in the Blueprint.

Be sure that due to women’s emotional fluctuation there will be fluctuation in her behaviour and
psychology. In the eyes of a traditional community student this will come across as tests. Be
unreactive to these tests and you will have just the sort of strength and self trust that she will
naturally gravitate towards. Moral of the story is to be internally centred, unreactive and radiate a
strong reality.

To further crystallise the notion of gender polarity you can think of men as independent entities
and women as the forces connecting them, binding groups and circumventing social turbulence.
Historically women relied on men for their physical wellbeing. Although modern society has super
ceded this primal pattern there is no escaping the emotional and psychological urges to fulfil this
innately wired societal role.

The basic emotional brain ceased significant evolution thousands of years ago as it was already
totally equipped to pair bond, reproduce, naturally select worthy mates and protect children.
These properties still exist today strong as ever but are somewhat stifled by cognition.

Have you ever had a women tell you that she’s complicated? This is the internal war between the
modern brain and the primitive brain. The logic of stability versus the offspring of the dashing.
Understand this objectively and fulfil both criterion.

On a deeper level how is it that women in pre-language primitive situations and still today
intuitively understand others’ thought and emotions with the skill level that Brizendine quotes
‘rivals a psychic’? Anyone who has spent time in the field will know just how perceptive women
are, they know all about you before you open your mouth.

The self is always coming through. This is the bottom line of natural game.
The psychological take on this never published prior to this book explains this phenomenon in a
way that truly shook my perception of game and is on the same level of the Blueprint.

As a man you have a generally good perception of how people ‘really are’ regardless of their
actions and behaviours. Women however have ten times this perception, and the level of intuition
borders on freaky.

The perception itself evolved as a result of lacking physical ability. Instead of physical intervention
or evasion perceptual interpretation and intuition would identify potential danger quickly and allow
for the nullifying or evasive action.

Realise that whenever you are in the presence of women they will know instantly how you are

The most interesting part is how they do this. Of course there is no telepathy involved. What
Brizedine reports is going on is a process called mirroring. Some may be familiar with this in the
context of NLP, which is creepy.

However women naturally do this continually to make sense of the emotions the people they
interact with are experiencing. Their rate and depth of breath mimic a man's, their posture mirrors
the man's, the muscle tensions of the man is internalised by the woman, facial expression is
matched and women begin to process emotions herself as it they were the man’s she is
interacting with.

In community talk this process would occur most acutely when women are congruence testing
men. This is testing for any sort of cognitive dissonance, apology, nervousness, self doubt or ego
on his behalf. If the reading is positive for these negative emotions you can be sure that it is
unlikely the women will endure an interaction where there is nothing but anxious feelings
to be experienced.

By that same principle if you approach a girl in a fun positive state she will instantly internalise it
to perceive what sort of guys you are. If its high state or nimbus, fun, thrills, excitement or self
trust she will internalise all the same things. Women are receptive by nature, drawing state from
the world around whereas men draw it from within and siphon it onto others.

The real key to having a good night and getting girl boils down to the sole fact that whatever you
are experiencing emotionally is exactly what she will experience.

Unless the case is that she has a stronger frame or reality than you.

Imagine you go in anxious about picking her up. She will internalise anxiety and you are done.
Consider you think that she has more value than you, she will experience your feelings of
neediness and be repelled. Contemplate approaching hopeful of getting a number, make out or
any other form of close. She will instantly experience your feelings of hopefulness, or more
accurately your lack of self trust. She doesn’t like the feeling of not trusting herself. You’re done.

Now, imagine you’re in state.

Nimbus ablaze...she will feel it a mile away and pug in as quickly as possible.

Imagine you decide to believe your game is a fucking ten, she will feel the allusive feeling of self
trust that often escapes a women and be drawn quickly in.

Imagine you are the bringing the party, you are radiating fun. She will instantly get greedy and
want some of that too.

But it’s ok because you can turn water into wine, you will never run out of goodness.
This is my ultimate rule of game....

whatever you are feeling is what she will feel.

This is the pillar of flawless natural game. Instant attraction. You cannot control what she is
feeling, but you can control what you are and your experience.

Similarly, during a congruence test a woman is enjoying your company and enjoying the feelings
you are giving her but will test the strength of your reality and frame. A man who’s feelings
change as a result of a failed test (emotional reactivity) will influence the girl's emotions negatively
and she will most likely be done with him.

It is empowering to know that if you express yourself to the right tune, feel good, genuinely trust
yourself and live a perceptually fulfilled life women will never be far away.

The self is always coming through.

Be the music,

People will feel you loud and clear,

And be moved.

The Ancient Era of Outer Game.

Preface…A Warning.

In recent times I have been fingers deep in some in depth inner game articles so I thought to
myself, “Alexander, it’s time for a change of scenery. Let’s talk about the process. Let’s talk outer

Outer game itself is the verbal structures of the interaction. It is the knowledge of the social world
and things that you might need to say or do to better your success with women. In the early days
of ‘The Game,’ guys would manipulate the structures of social interactions in order to figure out
how to get girls. This made sense logically, but as Real Social Dynamics got more and more field
experience we realised that we were looking at the wrong channels. Inner game was the
foundation of good game; outer game was just the logistical facilitator.

Our focus shifted to natural game; transforming yourself into a naturally attractive guy and coming
into alignment with the man you are meant to be.
And this is where real success will come from. But, you need some ‘moves’ on top of tight inner
game and elite congruence to make the best of any interaction. This is often neglected by guys
who go all out with the pure natural game branch of knowledge. If congruence with yourself is
80% of your success then outer game is 10% of your success. The rest is in field intuition (or
knowledge of the matrix, but that goes hand in hand with personal growth through social
exposure and experience).

Remember, outer game is an expression of your naturally attractive self. Not a compensation for
it. In the early days all that we knew was outer game, so people would learn it and quickly bury
any remnants of the natural self that they used to be. Some still fall into this trap. You are not your
moves; rather your moves are an expression of yourself. They are handy tools to have at your
disposal in times when in-field manoeuvrability and versatility will make the difference between
having sex with someone else - or yourself.

At the same time, if you take the moves too seriously, if you identify with them, then you can
become bound to them. If you live off plans and you encounter a situation where you don’t have a
pre-planned contingency, then you are left high and dry not knowing which way to turn or what
script to deliver. Knowledge of moves brings with it the risk of turning a free flowing intuitive and
present headspace into a headspace that executes ‘if: then’ ASCII computer code.

Outer game is very good for a guy who just wants to get into field and get started. He will soon
realise that the moves are not the be all and end all, but they do give you an advantage. When I
teach outer game or moves it’s a case of me passing on my intuition and experience for others to
instantly implement. While this information has taken years for the crème of the crop of Real
Social Dynamics to find and verify the knowledge of these moves are insignificant compared to
what we know about inner game and personal growth.

What some people will charge you thousands of dollars to learn in seminars or DVD’s is here for
you for free. Why? So my bootcamp students have a good knowledge of some moves to
compliment the inner game and personal growth experiences that can only be taught in person
on bootcamp.

How does Outer Game Fit In With RSD curriculum.

A = HV + E∞. To inspire attraction in a woman you need to come from a place of higher value and
be her source of a full range of emotions. The more emotional stimulus you can provide for a girl
the more attracted to you she is going to be. This is where the infinity behind the ‘E’ comes into
play. Most guys only start a conversation and talk to the girl for a minute or maybe two until which
time she gets nervous and doesn’t know what to say and he runs away. Or the guy forgets he
was born with a nut-sack and sulks away to look at porno on his blackberry.

Knowledge of outer game structure can give you enough conversational ammunition to
communicate long enough to begin to arouse the girl that you are talking to. This is called
chatting up girls. Talk to a girl long enough that you get into a conversational groove, convey a full
range of emotions. Come from a place of self expression, not girl-impression, for long enough
and you will surely inspire attraction.

To get the expression not impression principles check out these articles:

Who Are You, A = HV + E, The Golden Rule, Identity Level Change.

If you have outer game but no inner game, you will inspire a range of emotions in a woman but
still be trying to impress her. Attraction is not satisfied. At the same time, you could be the most
internally centred, coolest, decorated war hero, but if you don’t interact with the woman then she
won’t be emotionally aroused by you. Attraction isn’t satisfied. There needs to be a combination of
arousal inspired by you and value conveyed to the girl. Talking to the girl coming from a place of
higher value combined with an expression of yourself. The more you do this, the more the girls is
going to like you, the better you are going to be at meeting new girls from cold approaches.

In terms of the learning curve of game, outer game is the facilitator of experience for a guy who is
oblivious to emotional communication. If a guy has never ever done a cold approach then he will
have no idea that girls communicate emotionally. But he will only begin to realise that fact once
he starts interacting with girls. If a guy were to try and start communicating with girls right off the
bat then he would be lost at sea. It would be like me trying to speak Portuguese. I have no idea.
An intermediate facilitator of that language will pave the way for me to get an intuitive and
manoeuvrable understanding of a foreign language.

Or, you could think of outer game like being consciously competent at game where most guys are
consciously incompetent. Once you are totally consciously competent at the outer game stuff you
can transcend it, and become unconsciously competent at it. You make the shift from lower value
communication to higher value communication and attraction is satisfied. But you need the
conscious implementation to catapult from conscious incompetence (no idea) to unconscious
competence (mastery).

On an elite level, when the coaches do things like palm reading, iridology and qualification it’s a
case of adding immaculate field tested outer game ‘moves’ to an existing immaculate internally
centred self. Metaphorically it would be like taking chuck Norris and giving him James Bond’s car
and gadgetry – enough said. Amongst coaches we don’t like to used these things because we
feel morally bad, as though it is unfair or something. We know the effect it has so it’s probably
immoral to use. But that is ultimately your subjective judgment. It’s not a moral issue if you don’t
know what to expect from implemented tried and tested moves. It’s your own experimentation
process to gain a sound understanding of the fluid workings of the social world.

Basically outer game is the extended expression of yourself. As Jeffy would say, they are “the
spices on the steak”. It’s a potent thing, but if you use too much you are going to be in all sorts of
trouble. So, without further ado, use at your own risk.

The Found Structure Behind Historically Good Interactions

In any good interaction (natural or structured) the following elements will happen in basically this
linear order:

Pre open.

Opener (three parts)

Group Theory




Value Inversion



Number close



End Game

(Remember that you are likely to encounter congruence tests all the way through.)

In one case you would get a number that would a very solid with a low chance of flaking. In the
other case you would follow the interaction all the way through to taking the girl home.

In understanding all of these steps, or even just understanding that they exist, it gives you
something to do with CONVICTION. A lot of guys have a great personality and very good inner
game, but no vehicle by which to express it. Let these steps be that vehicle. When you act with
conviction you inspire richer emotions in the girls you interact with. When you act with conviction
you behave in a way that is unstifled and you communicate to the girl that you are following your
own intentions. She will categorize you quickly as an alpha male and attraction will soon follow.

Each and every step in the process has a place and purpose. I see so many of my students
execute so much of the chain properly but neglect one important link that brings everything

Pre Opener

Of course the opener is the first point of contact. But the girl will have a sense of who you are and
how you feel before you even get to her. So take responsibility for that. Get yourself into state, do
some warm ups, take some dares and get yourself into a deluded, somewhat thoughtless state of

When you do begin the verbal part of the interaction realise that it’s not going to be a short sharp
thing. When you open the set expect that you are going to be there for a minimum of ten minutes.
Embrace the interaction for the sake of the interaction; don’t reach straight for her box.

The Opener, Part One.

The good old fashioned false time constraint is as valid as it has always been. This serves the
purpose of disarming the girls immediately and will help set the frame that the girls are going to
game you. The false time constraint doesn’t need to be elaborate, just communicate that you
aren’t there to set up camp. I can think of ten examples of a good false time constraints but “hey,
one sec” is more than enough to serve the purpose you are trying to achieve.

The Opener, Part Two

With the opener itself, there is any number of ways that you can start the conversation. Most of
the openers that you have read - unique or mainstream - can work as you long as realise it’s not
the opener that’s going to get the girl, it’s just the preliminary means by which to get the
conversation rolling. Think statements, opinion openers, basic questions, observations, cold
reads, deliberate illogicality, hook questions, saving the girl from creeps or simply introducing

The Opener, Part Three

But that is just the main part of the opener after the false time constraint. This will usually get the
girls intrigued or sceptical about you and have them volunteering a response to you. Usually the
response isn’t going to be her dropping to her knees and worshipping your dangle. After she
responds to the way you initiate the conversation you need to respond to her by communicating a
different emotion from the one you initially did.

You: “Hey, one sec. My name is Alex. I don’t usually see you at this place”

Her: “Uh, maybe that’s because you’re blind.”

You: “Oh, no, that’s probably because you are that girl who is always hanging out in the cloak
room with the promo guys. I heard about you!”

You have gone from nice guy to challenging guy and passed a congruence test. A = HV + E,
attractive frame.


You: “Hey, one sec. My name is Tim. I had to meet you.”

Her (nervously): “Oh, hi Tim!”

You: “Oh shit, you don’t have a name. Maybe you were not the girl I was supposed to meet.”

Push pull: the girl is reacting to you. The frame is set. A good rule of thumb is: the frame you start
with is the frame you are stuck with.

One you have opened the conversation and you are onto the second part of the opener this is
where you show your personality. With a good frame set, segue to the classic conversation ratio
where you talk 90% of the time and the girl talks 10% of the time. At the beginning of the
interaction you can expect the girl to be shy or trying to manage the impression she is making of
you, so it is important that you get the conversation rolling and give her a chance to become
involved with it.

A few good ways to do this is to go into a relevant story, multiple threading, Tim’s pounding of
passion where you ask the girl several questions in quick succession or going into plot lines and
role playing. This is the part of the interaction that usually happens between when you open and
when you hook. This is when it is important to plow and beat congruence tests until you hook.
Keep talking off the opener until she has relaxed and is cool with you being there.

With some field experience and a good inner game this should be pretty easily done. Basically
just think of it as having a conversation because - that’s what it is. If it gets boring spice it up, if it
gets out of control chill it out. You control the rhythms of the interaction because you have a more
dominant frame and better knowledge of who you than others’ knowledge of who they are.
Group Theory

One of the biggest pitfalls in most interactions is the friends of the girl, or her peer group. A group
of girl’s state is interdependent; if you go taking one away from the group then you mess up all of
their states and take the party away from them. The very first thing you should do after the opener
is meet all of her friends. The group will either form a coalition to destroy you or plan a hen’s night
for your imminent marriage to their friend. To get the girls onside it’s very straightforward, just talk
to them and introduce yourself to everyone.

A good rule of thumb with this is ‘flirty and illogical with the target, friendly and logical with the
friends’. For example, ask what each of the friends do for a job but state that the girl you like must
work as a mermaid. Logical versus illogical. If you get flirty with the ugly friends they may adopt
you and then get sad and bitchy if you don’t pay them attention. You want to have an emotional
interaction with the girl you like, talk to the friends like they are nuns from the Mormon cult.

When addressing the group a whole you can do role plays, ask about group dynamics, ask how
they know each other or whatever. It’s all pretty straight forward stuff. Ask them which Sex in the
City girl they play, which Spice Girl they would be, go Dr Phil on their ass, et cetera, et cetera.

Beware however the fatty/manager/bitch/psychologically unsound/not getting laid chick. She can
make every one unhappy; even if the cute girl likes you, the bitchy girl can ruin everything.
Because girls are heavily influenced by their environment, they also agree without question to the
opinions of their friends. This is very frustrating because the bitchy girl can be your Achilles’ heel.
Or, she could be your cupid.

In short, call her the sniper girl (Natural Tim, 2006) and accuse her of being the girl that keeps all
her friends from doing stupid thing they will regret when they are drunk. Say that it’s a pleasure to
meet her, because if it wasn’t for girls like her then your friend/cousin/sister/workmate would have
been at the abortion clinic many times over. The sniper girl often likes this and will try and lick
your face. Don’t succumb. Thank her for her good Samaritan work and be on your way with her
friend with the sniper girl’s blessing.

With guys in the group there are two ways to handle it. In the first place the guy will be a chode,
do nothing and because you are a cooler and more sociable guy the girls will recognise you are
the coolest guy around and be attracted to you because girls are attracted to the most alpha guy
in the group. No worries, most guys are bitches and are scared, but they are good to prop you up
to a more alpha role then when you were approaching on your own.

Secondly the guys might try and fuck with you and do some kind of “AMOGing” (Alpha Male
Other Guy). Personally, I think AMOG’ing is kinda lame and definitely unnecessary. The only
person I AMOG is Ryan, not because I want his girls, but because I want to talk to him and the
girls are detracting me from doing that. If a guy is trying to mess with you, the girls you are talking
to will clearly notice and realise that he is less cool than you for trying to fuck with you. Call the
guy on ‘not being cool’ with something like, “Hey man, what the fuck are you talking about, chill
out, we’re all just being cool here.” Proceed to introduce yourself and he will either be blown out
by the girls or he will disappear into the bathrooms to snack on the urinal cakes.


The next part of the interaction is attraction. This doesn’t mean that you have to deploy your flying
monkeys with fangs. Attraction will come from you just talking to the girl and the group through a
higher value frame (less reactive, more assertive, less predictable) and exposing her to a full
range of emotions as a function of you talking to her. If you are talking to her the conversation
goes like most ‘meet and greet’ conversations go you will be bored and be inspired to pull your
pants down or something similar. Reframe, be socially calibrated, but do thwart your boredom
with an array of self entertaining conversation spikers as opposed to the good old fashioned
interview questions.

Some things that might prevent you from falling asleep on the beer mats are:

• Teasing
• Sexual misinterpretation
• Cold reading
• Compliance ladders
• Verbal and physical push pull
• Using the phrase ‘let’s play a game’
• Nicknames
• Qualification
• Implementing the Anomaly effect
• Teaching something
• Take aways
• Extreme multiple threading
• Elastic snap back
• Game and gimmicks
• Play with iPhone
• Sexual innuendo
• Shock and awe
• ‘Us versus the world’ conspiracies
• Plot lines
• Emotional rapport
• Beating congruence tests
• Physical communication and leading
• Frame controlling
• Using the word ‘babe’
• Verbal rhythm
• Emotional content of your language
• Eye contact and intensity
• Story telling style.
• Many others

(This list was taken directly from the post A = HV + E, the complete article on attraction)

A lot of these moves are things that a guy will do naturally when he is just fucking around,
implement them if you will. Remember though, the moment you deliberately implement these
actions to get the girl to like you the actions become unattractive things. Do them as an
expression of yourself for the purposes of self entertainment.

If a girl meets a guy who can express himself in the above listed ways, win the approval of her
judgemental friends and start and carry a conversation until the point where the girl is comfortable
then you will most certainly hook the girls attention and inspire attraction. Remember though,
there can’t be one iota of you trying for rapport with her until she tries for rapport with you. Classic
game theory reminds us that attraction always comes before rapport. Or more accurately, you
don’t have a serious conversation with the girl until she initiates serious talk with you. You need to
be an involvement worthy guy.

So, finally you have her hooked. The girl initiates serious questions of you, usually to the tune of
“where are you from, what do you do, how long are you staying here”. These questions will surely
put you to sleep I know, but you have to be polite. Answer some things accurately and
misinterpret some when it entertains you. Will you will begin to develop rapport simply by talking
to the girl and getting to know each other. If you entertain yourself through the ‘get to know you’
generic conversation you will radiate an arousing range of emotions that will keep the girl
interested and result in her attraction towards you building.


But, let me back track here for a moment. On another simultaneous dimension is the action
concurrent to conversation: physicality. As Christophe says, “If you’re talking, your touching.”
Basically the difference between friendly and flirty is physicality. So if you are worried about that
cake-binger’s sexual advances on you then just cut off all contact. Don’t let her boobs rub against
you ‘cause you will give her the wrong idea and the wrong reasons to go to the ladies room.

With the cute girls, however, physical interaction is chemistry itself. It’s the bumping and vibrating
of ions that generates heat and tension and she is bound to react. You should think of your
physical interaction with the girl as something that increases with intensity steadily but not
smoothly. Similar to the jagged upwards gradient of a stock exchange graph (with the exception
of recent times).

The best way to think of escalation is two steps forward and one step back. This can be done to
the tune of push and pull, gradually getting closer, but without being overly predictable. Start the
escalation at the very beginning of conversation with the cute girl, otherwise you will get into a
friendly frame. Don’t start the physicality with too much intensity otherwise you will set a
restraining order frame. Start with a hand shake and five minutes later you want to be telling
secrets. Five minutes later again you want to be holding hands, keep this two steps forward one
step back going until you have something we call physical rapport. This is where you and the girl
are completely comfortable in each other’s personal space. There is a threshold to how physical
you can get at a bar however, but it does set a platform for further physical intimacy later on in a
private setting.


With the entire notion of physical escalation understood let’s get back to the conversational
dimension of the interaction. Once the girl has hooked and started asking you question’s, the
friends have been won over and you are well on the way to good physical rapport, it is time to get
the girl one on one. This is called isolation. Girls are susceptible to the arousing and ever
changing external stimuli around them. If you are the only source of stimulus to her you will be
her only source of arousal. More so, she won’t be distracted by girl friends and the likelihood of
her being approached by others guys is non-existent when she is one on one with you.

Getting the girl one on one with you is easily done if you have hooked and fulfilled the other
aspects of the interaction up until this point. The way I isolate almost every time is to say to the
girl’s group of friends, “We are going to get a drink. We’ll be back soon. Fatty you are cut off.” I
don’t usually say the bit about the fatty because she gets pissed at me and so does the girl. I can
then take the girl by the hand like a couple, create an ‘us versus the world conspiracy’ or a
‘bubble of love’ and escalate further again. Waiting in line we have a chance to talk one on one
and I will even talk to other girls in the area while I am waiting for drinks for social proof and some
general self absorption.

A word of note about buying drinks - and I have written about this before (albeit badly: How to
Drink) -buying drinks for girls is fine. Drink buying is good when its expression not impression. It
makes sense to the girl that if she is going to hook up with a guy if he’s going to buy her drinks. In
her socially conditioned mind this clicks. When she has a few drinks she can then begin to move
towards justifying going home with you. And, most importantly, it’s good to bring a girl with you to
the bar because where I drink I have been cut off from ordering more than one drink for me at a
time. With a girl there I can buy the drink under the guise that she will drink most of it, when really,
I will drink all of it.

The Value Inversion Point

So by this stage you have the girl opened and hooked, her friends like you, you are getting
physical, you are one on one and attraction is consistent because you are continuing to
communicate from a frame of attraction, A = HV + E. So far you have been gaming the girl. But,
we all know that you won’t get laid unless the girl games you. In the beginning of the interaction
you need to put your personality out there and involve her with it, she’s interested in you for you,
which is cool. But as far as she knows you are interested in her just for some ‘poontang.’

At the point where you have hooked and isolated, the point where you go from a 90:10 talking
ratio to a 50:50 talking ratio, the point where you stop gaming the girl and the girl starts gaming
you is something magical and new called the VALUE INVERSION POINT. It is called this
because this is when you stop demonstrating value to the girl and you give her the chance to start
demonstrating her value to you. This way you give her a chance to give you a chance to like her
for her, not just for the look of her. The truth of the matter is, even if a girl is breathtakingly hot, if
she’s a piece of shit human being (drugs, validation whore, harlot, or dumbass) you won’t be able
to endure her long enough to hook up with her.

Basically, the value inversion point is when the girl needs to start making an effort to keep you
from walking away. She will tend to do this by asking you boring fucking questions, but this is a
good thing because you know she is gaming you. She won’t start asking you questions unless
you give her a chance to start asking you questions. If you don’t give her that chance and keep
talking you become entertainer man, the dancing money. You want her to be the dancing monkey;
a girl loves a chase.

The value inversion point is a subtle thing. It’s basically you pausing on a high note of the
interaction expectantly waiting for her to continue the conversation. You are more comfortable
with the silence than she is. You know that you’re an involvement worthy guy, she knows that
your an involvement worthy guy and you both know that if she doesn’t start investing in the
conversation pretty soon you’re gonna start striding away because she is actually boring to you.
She knows you could have options.

When she starts asking you questions from a frame where she is trying for rapport with you, you
are in a frame where you are a selector and unreactive. She reacts to the stated facts of your
statements as prompted by her questions. In this frame, once this VALUE INVERSION has
occurred, the interaction is as good as successful. But it is a critical moment. You need to know
when to expectantly pause at just the right time to catalyse the shift in value demonstration.

In the following clip the value inversion point happens at the 8.56 point. Notice the change of
investment into the conversation as elicited by the male. I don’t like to use Hollywood as an
example of real life but this is an exception where what I’m trying to communicate is accurately


Now you have an interaction where the girl is gaming you and you are having fun. This will
ultimately result in you getting the girl. But, that won’t happen then and there on the dance floor
floorboards, you need to get to know each other. Once you have conquered the value inversion
point you are in a zone where you are just chatting up the girl. Yes that right, all you have to do
form this point on is chat up the girl. It will generally be a 50/50 interaction where there is a
combination of statements and questions generated by each of you but all the while you are in
control of the frame. While you are in control of the frame it creates an opportunity for the girl to
game you which is extremely arousing to her.

The more you simply get to know each other the more rapport you will have with a girl. The more
you chat up the girl in a one on one situation the more you will be her source of arousing stimulus
the more emotions she will get from you, the stronger her attraction towards you will be. A = HV +
E∞. While you are talking and getting to know each other you are continuing to physically
escalate which is arousing in and of itself.

Some basic knowledge about rapport states that there are essentially two type of rapport that you
can have with a girl. Wide rapport which is the discussion of a broad range of topic until you find
several commonalities. Then there is deep rapport which is deeper heart to heart topics like who
her hero’s are, what she was in high school, what her dream job is. These rapport questions and
be mirrored by yourself and in the case of the deep rapport questions cut out any sorts of egos
you might both be projecting and exposed your natural self deep down while it helps your girl to
find and get in touch with her natural self.

Think of the notion of rapport in terms of ‘investments and returns’. Conversationally the more a
person invests into another person the more they are going to want a return. The more you get
the girl talking to you and asking you questions the more she is going to want something from that
investment she made later on. No point spending all the time gaming you up to see you just walk
away. She will feel let down and rejected. The more you can create an opportunity for her to
invest in you with questions, trying-for-rapport body language and tonality the more she is going
to want to see you again or be validated by you. Which could mean getting to see you again or
ultimately physical intimacy.


The whole chatting up the girl phase is what’s known as vibing. Vibing is when two people are lost
in the moment. Of course we know that when you are present in the moment you have fun and
feel good, you escape your future issues and your past dramas. Once you get into chatting with a
girl conversation can get deep, and time will fly without you even noticing. When you are in the
moment you and the girl both get back to default natural states. In your simultaneous default
natural states you will naturally go towards sex in co-operation. That is the natural way that males
and females interact in any species.

When you are vibing with a girl and getting to know her you can reconcile intent to ‘close’ with
enjoyment of the interaction for the interaction itself. You know that if you get the girl in to the
moment, beat whatever tests or obstacles come up, and continue to spend time with her then you
and her will ultimately become more intimate with sex being the eventual outcome. For many
guys they think that they need to be pulling the girl into a bathroom immediately or unbuttoning
his fly there on the balcony. Realise that once you are into vibing with physicality the interaction is
everything it needs to be. Vibe it out and when the opportunity to extract comes up take it. If an
opportunity doesn’t come up manufacture one. All you need to know is that things are on the right
track. Plus why would she be vibing with you if she didn’t like you and didn’t eventually want to
get more intimate with you? You and your conversation is enough.

Word of note. Getting the make out in the bar isn’t beneficial to the progress of the interaction.
Kissing the girl will communicate clearly to her that you and her are probably going in the
direction of sex which will take the fun gaming element out of the interaction for her. Furthermore,
if you don’t go home with the girl that night when she goes to take your phone call during the
week she won’t be able to justify seeing you because she will know that her relationship with you
is going to be geared towards physical intimacy, namely sex. A physically geared relationship is
ok, it just can’t be an obvious and predictable thing.
If you don’t kiss the girl there is a lot more tension and a full range of emotions exchanged as a
result of that. She will even try to start kissing you in the bar, or start wondering why a cool guy
like you isn’t kissing the her, a girl who considers herself to be attractive. Better to leave the
kissing to a location where you have potential to do more than just kissing.

Congruence Tests

Of course the interaction is not all smooth sailing. In a dream world you could just cruise into a
bar, talk to some girls, move her somewhere isolated and talk her into the sack. Nope, we live in
the real world. Though, that easy-lay scenario has been known to occur. The inclement weather
that prevents smooth sailing is called congruence tests.

These happen all through the interaction. From start to finish, but less during the vibing phase
where is it usually just playful and innocent teasing. A congruence tests is where the girl gives you
any sort of unfavourable response that makes it difficult to continue the interaction with her.
Natural game is you approach girl, talk naturally, beat tests until you hook up with the girl. Girls
test guys to ensure they are worthy partners. Remember that it’s men and women’s default state
to eventually have sex because people are naturally attracted to one another, it drives species
reproduction, the guy who passes the most tests is the one who will get the girl.

If you are that congruence with the man you are supposed to be then you will usually get very few
tests in the same way that most guys wouldn’t want to do anything to jeopardise hooking up with
a model hot girl.

Girls test guys automatically and unconsciously all the time. Not because they are bitches, but
they need to sort the men from the boys. Testing is something that is built into them. Understand
that beating a congruence tests is a DEMONSTRATION OF HIGHER VALUE. Not your attraction
routines, DHV’ing with them is called being an insecure try hard. The girl only knows you are a
guy of value, and of higher value than her, when you beat or successfully deal with a testing

These situations could be the girl ignoring you, her calling you a player, her telling you to go
away, telling you that you are using a pick up line or her just being a total bitch. She’s probably a
nice girl but she’s used to chodes hitting on her and she need to sort the quality from the riff-raff.
If you are not capable of passing tests then you need to work on your inner game.
If you not going up to her trying to impress her, and you’re just being cool, she will at some point
question you, test you, antagonise you or straight up try and belittle you. If you can remain
unreactive to this, you hold the attractive frame(A = HV + E) and you overtly demonstrate that you
are a man of value relative to her.

That being said, if you are clever and know how to do thing to generate tests immediately you can
beat those same tests just as quickly. One example is calling a girl a minger.

So, the primary and most effective way to beat a girls test, or anyone’s for that matter, is to just
plain out ignore it. If that doesn’t work then you can get a little bit creative with your response.
Note that it is a response, not a reaction to her test. You can say “righto”, “I don’t speak Spanish”,
“by X you mean Y” (another extended blog on that later) or “it’s all good.”A test is like a speeding
bullet, it’s only as lethal as the impact it makes on you. If you don’t acknowledge the test then it
isn’t validated and it simply doesn’t exist. You hold the higher value frame, you are less reactive to
her and you overtly demonstrate higher value and are attractive.

So, the interaction is almost complete. You have opened, won the friends, inspired attraction,
isolated the girl, inverted the value demonstrating, got physical, got to chatting with her and have
a good vibe going all the while beating congruence tests and demonstrating value. The
interaction is looking plush. Now all you have to do is consolidate the interaction.

Of course a girl cannot just justify fucking some stranger who she will assume approached her
based on her looks. Now that the girl has spent time chatting to you in an effort to get to know
you, you need to acknowledge this. You need to qualify her, tell her what you like about her other
than her looks. Tell her why you enjoy her and communicate to her that you understand who she
really is. Clearly demonstrate that the connection you have established in the interaction is real.

When you qualify a girl there are three steps. Firstly tell her why she is different. Do not tell her
why she is aesthetically different or visually different, like “oh my god, you’re so much taller than
all the other girls” or “oh my god your camel toe is barely visible in your cargo pants” or “you are
so pretty”. This shows that you still see her as a slab of meat, rather than a human being. There
will be plenty of time to get in touch with her hotness and physicality later. But if you want to get to
that she needs to know that you do in fact respect her.

Tell her that she is different in terms of her character traits. If you have been talking to her for five
minutes you will be able to tell her profound things about her because you have been listening. If
you can tell her these things and they are accurate they will appeal to her ego and make her feel
good, she will feel validated and want more of it, especially when the validation is coming from a
valuable source. So for example point out that she has “amazing energy” or that she is “really
level headed and down to earth” or that she has a “fierce competitive streak” or that “she is
extremely altruistic and caring of those around her”. Pointing out these traits isn’t hard especially
if you are genuine. If you are doing these things just for the sake of doing them they will yield a
very bad reaction from the girl. If you are going to point out a girl’s good characters traits you will
need to have been talking with her for a little while.

The second step of qualification is to compare and contrast the girl with everyone else. If you
pointed out that she was particularly caring then you could also point out that “a lot of people
these days, especially in Sydney, are extremely self absorbed.” If you pointed out that she was
particularly fierce then you could then point out that “people these days are lazy and they don’t
take pride in themselves”. Contrast what makes her unique with the mundane and average
character traits of the masses.

Thirdly in the qualification process you need to ask her why she is unique in the way that she is. If
you pointed out that she was caring, then pointed out that others were self absorbed then you
would want to ask her “what is it that makes you so particularly caring and altruistic?” She will
want to talk about her positive characteristic and it will be interesting to hear origins of that
character trait. As well as both those things it pumps up and validates her sense of self or ego
which makes her feel good. As she explains why she is unique to you she is making an
investment in you from which later she will want a return.

A word of note on ‘investments and returns’. By investments, I mean an investment of energy in

the person they are talking to. From that investment of energy they expect that person to make
just as much investment back. Whoever makes more of an investment is trying harder than the
other person and won’t be satisfied with the interaction until they have an equal amount of effort
invested back into them.

By that same token, if you go up and start making a massive investment into a woman off a cold
approach, then she will wonder what she has done to get someone coming up making an
unwarranted investment. She will soon realise that the person doing the investing is doing so to
try and get her to make an effort back. If you are doing less investing in the interaction then the
other person then the other person will want something from you. Usually to spend more time
with you, to figure you out, to score with you, to be seen with you or to be validated by you. That’s
the social world. Don’t make more of an investment than the girl, she will find herself making an
investment in you from which she will want a return.


So the interaction is looking very good and you have done everything that will work in your favour
and left nothing out. There are two ways to close this interaction, one way is to get the phone
number, the other way is to take the girl to another venue or even home that night.

If you are only able to get a phone number that night then you want to have asked for the phone
number earlier on in the interaction somewhere after the opener. This way throughout the rest of
the vibing of the interaction she is talking to you through the filter of ‘this guy has my phone
number’ as opposed to the filter of ‘this guy might be trying to get my phone number.’ Everything
you ever needed to know about phone game can be found in another post here: Phone Game;
Your Missing Piece.

On the other hand you may want to take the girl from the venue to get something to eat, to an
after party or even straight home. This branch of knowledge is an entire blog post in and of itself.
This blog post is just about the check points of the interaction. But, if you follow the check points
outlined here venue changing or after partying won’t be a big deal.

In Conclusion

So there is it in its entirety. The tried, tested and proven outer game elements that constitute a
very good interaction. Now that you have the knowledge of these steps, you can trouble shoot
your own game and take your results to the next level.

Each and every part of the process is valuable in and of itself. Neglect one step and it could undo
your entire interaction. If you aren’t in a good state before you open, the girls will run away from
you. If you don’t open then you won’t talk to the girls. If you don’t introduce yourself to the friends
then the friends will whisk the girl away from you. If you not attractive then you will just get into a
friends zone. If you don’t initiate physical contact then you will be left in the friends zone. If you
don’t get the girl one on one you won’t have a chance to quickly amplify your investment in each
other. If you don’t invert the value of the interaction then you will fall into a dancing monkey frame.
If you don’t get to know the girl then you are just another random guy at the bar. If you don’t
qualify the girl then she will think you like her just to fuck her. If you don’t close the deal then you
won’t get the girl. You will just be wasting your time.

For those who don’t go out much, a knowledge of what you are actually supposed to do can be
the difference between you acting with confidence and not. Acting with confidence is the
difference between you behaving attractively and not. So a structural knowledge is very important
to newer guys.

For guys who have been around the game for a while this will be a rehash of a lot of ideas that
you were aware of. But I can guarantee that you are missing elements or doing things in the
wrong order that have left you confused by a lack of results. Leaving you to think to yourself “what
am I missing?” For seasoned natural gamers a rehash of the basics can get you back to a simple
interaction where it’s just a boy, a girl and some chemistry. Don’t overcomplicate things.

In the future I’m going to write extended articles on each of the aspects of the interaction with cool
moves and extremely effective field tested dynamite. These specific ‘moves’ articles will be
spread out over the next few months, but in the mean time there are plenty of tips and insights
you can immediately implement for immediate success.

And lastly, and I can’t ever stress this enough, outer game is just an expression of yourself. Use
your brain and intuition, follow the structure, but be smart about knowing when to bend it. Let this
outer game structure guide you because it’s devastatingly effective, don’t let it be your dictator.

Have fun on the weekend!

The golden rule of natural game is: “whatever you feel, she feels.”

Welcome to the natural game article that is the basis of everything you do in your socio-emotional
life. It is important to note the golden rule of natural game is at the root of everything in natural
game and not a tactic that you can ‘deploy or implement’.

The golden rule of natural game is deeper than that. It’s not a move or a routine, it a deep core
phenomenon that will govern whether anything you say will ‘work’. The golden rule is the ultimate
and defining factor behind whether or not you ‘get the girl’. A = HV + E, If you feel good you are
attractive because you offer good emotions. This come when you re alignment with your natural
self with is inherently high value.

As a result of hundreds of internal and external emotional stimuli you have gone through the word
experiencing many different emotional feelings. Most of the time these confuse and overwhelm
you causing you to feel horrible and ‘out of control’. These feelings steadily erode your happiness
in life. This includes eroding your success in the game, your social life and with women.

When I refer to “whatever you feel” I mean the emotional feeling you experience during the
interaction combined with the thoughts that influence your emotional state. Basically, how you feel
and what you think.

Broken down even further, “whatever you feel” is the sensation your body and unconscious is
exposing your conscious to and what your reticular activation system (you conscious attention) is
focused on.

Two separate things that will be individually examined, but both are intricately and unavoidably
linked. If you don’t take responsibility for feel your body and conscious mind can overpower you
and control how you feel. Or you can implement will power and take responsibility for how you
want to feel.

When I refer to “she feels” in reference to “whatever you feel” I mean what emotional state you
influence the girl with and the impression that you consciously make on her. Simply, how you
make her feel and what conclusion she will form about you.

Some of the variables that govern what you feel are the following: State, frame, ego, self esteem,
your biology, your current physical status, your expectations of yourself, your perception of others’
expectations of you, your relative comfort zone, your contextual comfort zone and many others.

All of these things are different perspectives of the same object that is your state of emotion. A lot
of people from different schools of thought come at this from different angles. Until you look at all
the variables collectively you will fail to see the bigger picture and examine state incorrectly. It is
imperative to understand that all these elements are intertwined and to examine one element is to
examine all elements.

For example, your state can dictate your self esteem, while in a different circumstance your
expectations of yourself can bruise or inflate your ego. I will look at many ‘how you feel’ variables
individually before building up to a bigger holistic picture. Once we have that established we can
then begin to understand the influence it has on you and the viral influence it will have on others
around you.

But the focus question is how does this help you get girls? As mentioned in most of my other
articles if you feel good the girl will feel good. The primary goal in everyone’s life is to have a good
feeling while simultaneously avoiding bad feelings. You want to perpetually feel good. If you can
be a perpetual source of good feelings to girls while simultaneously inspiring a ‘fear of loss’ you
are going to be extremely naturally attractive. This is pure and non-manipulative attraction.

You want to get into a headspace where you CAN’T HAVE BAD FEELINGS. that way the golden
rule of natural game states that you CAN’T NOT be attractive. This is the goal of immaculate
inner game. This is not to be confused with a false and forced good feeling which is as
transparent as glass.If you constantly feel good all the other skills and mindsets relevant to
natural game will fall into place for you. The golden rule of natural game is that important.

Achieve a perpetual good feeling and you will become extremely attractive to more girls than you
can even handle.

The golden rule of natural game starts on a biological level; gender polarity.

Feeling good is essentially a biological and chemical state governed by your body’s hormones.
This is a natural process which plays a significant role in natural game. With good hormones you
feel good and with bad hormones you feel bad.

A good feeling is like walking through the world with ease without a care in the world and even a
natural euphoria. A bad feeling is the sick feeling you get in your chest and abdomen when you
lose state, get dumped or feel down. The feelings you experience is a result of the processes of
your viscera.

The viscera is the name given to your internal organs that are part of the innervated network that
is your peripheral nervous system. When you get the feeling of heartbreak you get an acute ‘heart
sinking’ feeling while on the other hand when you feel euphoric you experience an ‘I’m flying’
feeling. While many factors play a part in defining your state, it’s your brain that dictates the
majority of the feelings you experience in your viscera controlled by nerve impulses.

You brain regulates the hormones that are released in your body triggering the feelings that you
have. The hormones that are released are a result of your thought process. Your thoughts
process is a product of your mindset. Your mindset is your understanding or perception of the
world. For most people their mindset is socially conditioned.

When you are unnaturally socially conditioned your mindset will give you a negative self
perception and negative world views. This perception will generate massive amounts of negative
thought processes. These thought processes will catalyse hormones that give you negative
feelings in your viscera. You feel bad about yourself and you feel unhappy. If you feel unhappy
the girl will feel unhappy and she will not be attracted to you.

But if you have a natural, non socially conditioned mindset you will have positive feelings. Positive
feelings are your default natural state. Positivity, self esteem, optimism, self assurance and ‘mojo’
are all your natural mindset before they are confiscated from you by social conditioning.

A positive mindset is the origin of thoughts that catalyse hormone release that cause you to feel
good all the time. Think of a little kid as an example as he runs around doing whatever he wants
feeling happy.

It’s not until young children are disciplined to not be happy by social conditioning that their internal
compass is forced out of alignment with their default natural happy self and pushed into the
direction of social conditioning.

If your thoughts, which also give rise to your actions, are in alignment with your natural default
male mindset you will always feel good. When this is the case the golden rule predicts that you
will make women around you feel good. If you always feel good then you will make any girl you
ever meet feel good. You are perpetually attractive and inescapably (CAN’T NOT BE) a
sexworthy man.

Don’t forget that the things that give you a good feeling are acutely different from what gives
women a good feeling. I’m talking purely in terms of emotional and innate good feelings. On a
more complex level people can feel good temporarily when they think they are supposed to.

When you get the deeper happy feeling you feel fulfilled. Sometimes you see people who don’t
seem happy, but they are satisfied with their situation in life. It is a deep happiness. When you are
fulfilled it is a much more powerful feeling than happiness.

For a male example of happiness and fulfilment take the instance of a farmer. The farmer works
hard for little to no wealth. He is the manager and king of his ranch, he’s always growing and
planning the kingdom that is his property and assets. The buck stops with him and he’s the bearer
of massive responsibility. He’s decisive, light hearted and self assured through experience.

The farmer is simple but he’s fulfilled. This is a much deeper good feeling than the socially
conditioned good feelings of wealth, friends, status, fame or fortune that we’re erroneously lead to
believe will fulfil us. A man is fulfilled when he has responsibility and a woman to look after.

In the case of women good feelings and fulfilment mean something completely different. Take for
example the farmer’s wife. She’s not wealthy nor does she have the money for cosmetics
treatments over pedicures and superficial gossip. She works in a support capacity at a far lesser
output than the men around her. She diffuses conflict when there are confrontations.

A woman is only really satisfied when those around her are happy, well fed, clean and at peace.
She is generous and proud to be so. She is caring and catering and looks to help others achieve
success. This is female nature and the good feelings that come from that give a far deeper
happiness and fulfilment than the superficially of status, money, skinniness and MySpace profiles
that girls are lead to believe will give them fulfilment. A women will feel fulfilled when she is taken
responsibility of, chosen by and taken care of by a worthy man.

In short, a man feels good when he is on his path, positive-dominant (woo + intent) and living in
the moment. Contrastingly a woman feels good when she is whisked up in the adventure, along
for the ride and living the emotional rollercoaster that is being involved with an involve-worthy

An involve-worthy man is one who is fulfilled and who lives in congruence with his natural
masculine self. Men are motivated by the good feelings that come from adventure, building,
dividing and conquering whereas women are motivated by harmony, love, family and nurturing.

Evolutionarily men and women go together perfectly. Women are designed to bring people
together. The females that tamed the wild men the best would survive. The men that divided,
conquered, killed and adventured more than all the others would have passed on their genes. It’s
the eternal yin and yang that continues to drive natural selection to select quality genes.

[Though this sounds sexist against either men or women is not the intention, many things will
make either men or women happy, but at the deepest level of fulfilment there are specific gender
roles that are naturally preset. In the context of natural game I refer to the deeper evolutionarily
preset emotional states. Of course in this day and age cognitive will power, drugs and
psychological disorders can nullify a person’s naturally preset desires. While all men and women
consciously choose to some extent what they do and don’t like, deep down all will recognise the
truth in what I am saying.]

If you are in alignment with your natural masculine mindsets you will automatically behave in
ways that make you feel good. Naturally, this also makes women feel good. Naturally this is very

The way a women is attracted to you and the way she gets good feelings from you can be
described metaphorically by the way you are drawn to and entertained by a good movie.
Attraction is a combination of high value plus a full range of emotions. If you notice a movie that
you perceive presents itself well you become exited and aroused and are inspired to see it. The
movie is high value because it looks quality and enticing the from the outset. These factors all
stimulate good feelings.

If the plot of the movie is good and there is a range of emotions experienced by the audience as a
by product of a well made movie (expression) it will be a very entertaining and arousing
experience. It will even make you feel comfortable as it takes responsibility for you as you relax
and watch it.

While watching a movie, you are fully aroused and experience a full emotional work out. This is
the same process a woman goes through when she is becoming attracted to a man. When a
woman sees a man she thinks she might like she becomes exited. Then, as she speaks with him
and he doesn’t try to impress her, he just expresses himself, she gets a good emotional work out.
She feels very good.

When a man takes pride in himself, has self assurance and is unstifled in doing whatever he
wants to do he will perpetually feel good. He will give the women around him a massive range of
emotions. He’s doing what men do while girls involved become aroused by it. This is the natural
way each gender feels good.

[This is a skill called being ‘involvement worthy’. Once mastered you cannot be blown out of set.
An article on this skill set is under construction and will be published on this blog soon.]

The golden rule operates on a deeper biological level; neuroanatomy.

In your mammalian brain there is an ancient subconscious evolutionary part of your brain that
automatically decodes non verbal signals. Non verbal communication was the only means of
communication for millions of years. This complex grey matter device allows you to communicate
non-verbally with other mammals almost telepathically.

A lot of people use their cognitive brains to over think and ‘outsmart’ their otherwise accurate
instinctive social intuition. Usually the cognitive brain causes people to misinterpret
communication incorrectly by overanalysing it. This cognitive overanalyses causes social
confusion and sends signals to the girls around you that you lack social calibration and social
confidence. This gives rise to bad feelings for you and hence, the girl.

Think about the last time you had a conversation with your pet dog or cat. Even though that
mammal has never spoken a word to you, you as a mammal yourself you can instinctively tell
how it feels very clearly. For example you know when a dog is tired, scared exited or timid. This
goes the same for people when you stop trying to overanalyse what they are saying with words
and tune into the accurate natural and ancient non-verbal communication channels.

When you travel to places where people don’t speak your language you become more attractive
and your game instantly goes to the next level. When interacting with people from other
languages you focus more on pure natural emotional communication that is universal language
amongst all humans.

With this simple non-cognitive and illogical communication good feelings are quickly aroused like
the twists and turns in a good and unpredictable movie. In this natural communication the natural
good feelings aren’t stifled by social conditioning which exists only when two people are speaking
the language in which they were taught to be socially conditioned. That is why people love
travelling and talking to exotic members of the opposite sex.

The brain uses ancient and complex structures called mirror neurones to get a reading of how the
other person is feeling in order to quickly determine whether the person might pose a threat or be
a source of value.

According to world renowned neuropsychiatrist Louanne Brizendine M.D, author of ‘The Female
Brain’, women unconsciously use mirror neurones to literally internalise your physical state to
form a sense and perception about you. This obviously was very important in an evolutionarily
sense because for millions of years mammals didn’t have the convenience of spoken words and
language to ask about danger.

Louanne Brizendine M.D. says that ‘women have a near telepathic ability to sense what you are
thinking and feeling’. This ability evolved due to gender polarity, men being able to manipulate
their surrounds with physical force while women had a limited ability to do so. If a women could
sense whether she was in some kind of danger from the people around her she would have a
massive evolutionary advantage and pass on her genes.

When you approach, a woman’s automatic processes kick in and the mirror neurones will cause
the girl you are approaching to unconsciously mirror and internalise your body language,
breathing rate, posture and in some instances muscle tension. Women literally unconsciously
adopt your approaching body language in order to make an instantaneous judgement about what
sort of guy you are.

A woman will be compelled to feel whatever you are feeling at the point when you approach her
and even beforehand as you begin to cross the room towards her. If you are nervous you will
make her feel nervous, if you are confident you will make her feel confident. When you approach
a women you influence her with whatever you are feeling at that point in time.

When approaching women this automatic psychosomatic reaction has several repercussions.
Firstly the girls can tell what sort of a guy you are long before you even get near them, meaning
that they are sure to be attracted before you get to her if you are an attractive guy who is feeling

If you are a crappy guy with ego and low self esteem then that would be communicated long
before you get close to the girl you are approaching. The girl will have formed and in depth
emotional opinion about you before you have even opened your mouth. If you’re a bad dude at
your core you don’t even stand a chance. Unless you are a master manipulator of Oscar wining

Once you get to the girl and you begin to talk to her she is then going to be in a position where
she really cannot avoid adopting your state be it good or bad. As a random stranger approaching
a girl she will have all senses tuned to who you are and what you are trying to propose to her.

If you are going to approach you need to be aware of this and take the necessary responsibilities.

Simply, if you’re in a bad state you’re going to be blown out very quickly but if you’re in a good
state not only will the girl want to talk to you she will want you to stick around so she can revel in
the good feelings you are bringing her.

When you feel good all the time you will notice that the girl will start GAMING YOU and pursue
you to continue interacting with you to get more and more good feelings from you.

State becomes reality becomes state; male and female sources of state.

Moving away from the deeper scientific level of state influence the golden rule can be understood
in more conversational terminology familiar to pick up and general psychology.

On the level of natural emotions and sociology man’s source of state is different from a woman’s
source of state. A man has to take responsibility for drawing state from within whereas women will
be influenced from state surrounding her in her environment. Men are internally influenced
whereas women are externally influenced, that is to say men are proactive and women are

In a nightclub men often stand around clasping a beer in low state. They are both stifled and
looking for an external factor to pump their state that will never come. On the other hand when a
girl is in a night club she is state pumped to the point of frenzy with things like music, lights,
alcohol, friends, guys drama all influencing and stimulating her state. Girls go to the club because
it is a source of fun and state, guys traditionally go to the club because there will be girls there.

Furthermore think of a girl’s bedroom compared to a guys bedroom. Girls get their state from their
environment so they tend to keep their rooms stimulating and hygienic. This means most girl’s
rooms will have posters, pictures, candles, music, trinkets, perfumes et cetera to simulate them
and keep them feeling good. The reason why girls like things to be hygienic is because when
things are dirty they will literally internalise a feeling of dirty. This applies to hygiene, not tidiness
or messiness.

Contrastingly think of a your room as a guy. Functional, if you didn’t have anyone to impress or
manage impressions of you wouldn’t really care if the room stank, was mouldy and had dirty
clothes lying around. Even if you are in an unhygienic or undesirable environment it doesn’t have
much influence on your state because you state is sourced internally.

Carl Jung, a famous psychologist said that perception is projection. Perception and projection are
one and the same thing. This is the same as saying that feeling is influence or that influence is
feeling. One and the same thing, but two different causalities.

What a man feels becomes his influence, what influences a women becomes her feeling. As you
can see this underlying gender polarity phenomena is at work all the time. When you have a
feeling it becomes influence, it influences the feelings of the girls around you. Whatever you feel,
she feels. The golden rule of natural game cannot be escaped.

On a cognitive level this is true as well. Perception is projection. How you feel and what you think
are intrinsically intertwined. In the same way that men are naturally different in terms of feelings
and influence the same pattern is evident in terms of perception being reality. For men perception
becomes reality and for women reality becomes perception.

People are always pinging and getting a sense of self by being labelled and seeking validation
from others. A person’s reality is a result of their constructed self (ego), which is a product of their
sense of self. If they think they are cool because everyone tells them they are that forms their
reality. In this case reality dictates their perception. For guys their reality is forced upon them by
social conditioning. So, in most cases reality (social conditioning) becomes perception (chode
way of thinking about themselves).

This is true of women. Their sense of self is like a societal mirror. Society defines their value
evolutionarily through their face value. At a snap decision a women is judged to have value based
on her appearance. This judgement system is reality impacting on a woman’s sense of self. For
socially conditioned guys and women, in an evolutionary sense, people (reality) around them
force them to think a certain way about themself. People in their reality force a self perception
onto themself.

For a man who is not socially conditioned, is natural and has no ego he can continually work
towards whatever he wants to become. That is to say, he can set a goal of an image for himself
and work towards it. The more he dedicates his mind to it, the more it self-fulfils and the more it
becomes true.

What he believes of himself (his perception) becomes his reality when it accepted by the people
around him. By this same token what he projects onto weaker minded beta-males and females
usually become true. In their reality external sources define who they are, this includes natural
alpha males dictating who and what beta males and women are. Alpha males are very influential.

So, naturally men have urges to adventure, divide, concur and take what they want. This happens
because no one prevents it from happening in their default state. Their desires become reality.

When alpha males do what they want in interactions with women and beta males the women and
beta males fall into their FRAME and take what the alpha male projects onto them as being true.
Because of alpha males, reality becomes perception for women and beta males.

Perception (alpha male) becomes reality (what alpha male does and what he projects onto
others) becomes perception (women and beta males internalise what is projected onto them by
alpha males)
1.) Happiness is not found, it’s grown into.

2.) You are more than enough – show it…Loudly. Always strive to be even more.

3.) Give generously and genuinely to those around you. Whether they reciprocate or not is

4.) Set goals and work towards them. Recognize the journey is always more rewarding than the

5.) Cognitive dissonance is key – treat yourself like you value yourself and the world will follow
your lead.

6.) The Self Is Always Shining Through – people are more intuitive than you like to think. People
will always see the truth in who you are… luckily who you are is entirely in your control.

7.) Polarity is the great balancer – be willing to be disagreeable and standoffish when the times
call for it… all of your emotions are relevant, don’t feel like only some of them are acceptable.

8.) Above all else look to yourself. Go First – don’t ask for permission to do or be what you want.
Be the beacon that others can look to as well. Whether they do or don’t is irrelevant… a
lighthouse is always there shining regardless of whether anyone’s watching.

Jul 10
Identity Level Change; The Key to Mastering Natural Game.

So I’m sitting here in Calgary after just spending another week partying. I just changed some
people’s lives for the irreversible good, I spent the night with a local cutie last night and now I’m
off to Denver city where I am planning to meet up with another cutie.

But life didn’t always used to be this way, far from it. The guy I used to be would mope around,
listening to Coldplay crafting poetry and sniffing women’s hair I found collected in their bathroom
Well maybe not that creepy, but it definitely sucked. But as much as it sucked it made sense to
me, it was familiar and to change anything about that would bring with it huge feelings of anxiety
and vulnerability.

To change anything would call into question everything I thought I ever knew about the world. To
do that would find me lost wandering amongst the world aimlessly. Not knowing who to serve or
what my purpose is.

Socially conditioned I thought I had to pay my bills, buy the flowers and compose the poems. To
even contemplate success was to call into question my socially conditioned sense of self. My

And as shit as that reality was it’s all I had ever known. Who knew what might happen if I took a
risk or took responsibility?

When I went to learn game I thought it would be possible to be good with girls operating out of
this chode reality. While I did deliver some good lines and got my acting good enough to star in
an American Sit-Com I was never got the results I knew I should.

But I couldn’t figure out why.

Tim says there are four types of guys in the world.

Unless you’re the naturally attractive guy you are never going to get girls and you will literally
endure your dating life banging your head against the wall and your dick against your hand. Or an
internet ‘fleshlight’ which I hear goes pretty good.

We all hear the saying ‘coming from the right place’. What this means is that you’re operating
from the reality that you are natural sexworthy guy, in alignment with your biological nature.

If you are reading this I can pretty much guarantee that you are coming from a place other than
your naturally attractive sex inspiring self. You might be an entertainer chode or just a tolerable
nice guy, perhaps even a creepy fuck that watches the little mermaid while you shave you legs.

Doesn’t matter what you say, you will never communicate the same things as the guy who walks
through life in the natural, default, sex inspiring reality.

I can tell you right now that if you’re the sort of guy who has to ‘game girls’ you will never get laid,
unless she is kinda loopy. You might get some good superficial reactions but a shit tonne of LMR.
But hey, you can tell your friends you’re a pimp right all the while your pleasure centres and penis
will endure the dry truth.

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To get laid and really get this part of your life handled you need to make an internal psychological
shift. Change your very sense of self and your identity. You need to become the naturally
attractive guy that’s inside of you. Executive coaches are examples of this.

The truth is if you’re not a naturally attractive guy right now you have an ego. This is
characterised by chodey behaviour and it stands in place of your true intentions as a man,
suppressing what would otherwise be attractive.

It’s called ‘pretending to be a chode’ and is a result of social conditioning. Where your deep
natural desires would dictate exactly the right thing to do at any time to get girls your ‘pretending
to be a chode ego’ will have you second guessing yourself and erroneously contemplating the
right and wrong things to do when you are interacting with women.

Good thing is, once you make the shift from ‘pretending to be a chode’ there is no going back.

If you have ever met a five year old you have met a naturally attractive guy. If you have ever met
a guy alcohol ‘buzzed’ enough to be carefree but still coherent you have met a naturally attractive

In the case of the five year old, I’ll use my little cousin for an example; he is acting through his
own intentions because he is not yet old enough to be compromised by social conditioning. In the
case of the buzzed adult the alcohol has inhibited the part of his brain that applies social
conditioning filters to his emotional desires. Of course if you get too ‘buzzed’ drunk you will
become sloppy and desperate.

The point is the manual (your blueprint) to this process is embedded in your subconscious, but
you have constructed chode ego over it during you upbringing and socially conditioned mapping
of your reality. Chode ego is continually reinforced by repeated disciplinary slaps on the hand
when you execute authentic masculine behaviour.

Interestingly, these disciplinary actions are only validated if you succumb to them. If you do not,
and you are not breaking any laws it becomes a case of ‘that just who he is’ or ‘that just what he
does’ and your behaviour becomes justifiable to those around you.

Think Stifler from American Pie or James Bond, both the characters were written with the
intentions of compelling female audiences with the presentation of a man who is truly coming
from the place of natural authenticity and behaving in accordance with his own intentions.

Let me make note that when I refer to a ‘naturally attractive man’, I refer to what is commonly
known as your ‘nature’. The way you were born and the raw attraction inspiring state you radiate
when you experience the nimbus.

Examine the diagram below. You are born prewired as a man who is hardwired to inspire
attraction in women. On the right hand side of the graphic it shows your descent to ‘tolerable
chode’ in light of social conditioning during adolescence and early adulthood.

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(Full Image Link)

If the sexworthy guy is the way your internal compass is aligned then to live as a tolerable guy, a
creepy guy or an entertainer/nice guy you are just living thought the filter of an ego that isn’t
congruent with who you are as a man. You’re coming from the wrong place.

Dating success will be rare if ever.

It is pushing into the new reality that will result in you consistently getting the hottest girls and with
consistency comes the highlights.

If you aren’t getting the results you want you probably are aware of the fact that you aren’t as
competent at pick up as you would like to be, and thus, this has inspired you to take the action of
self actualisation which ultimately will require identity level change.
When approaching, projecting an ego that isn’t congruent with your internal compass, women will
know that you aren’t being authentic and will pretty quickly blow you out. This lack of authenticity
is due to you not following the actions of the guy you ACTUALLY ARE and instead deploying the
actions of a chode you are PRETENDING TO BE.

For an example try this exercise: behave in a way that isn’t congruent to your core .

Think of your nationality and how proud you are to be of that nationality. The trait of your
nationality is as intrinsic to you as your natural core. Think in terms of tribal belonging. If you have
parents and grandparents of the same nationality, have lived on the land and breathed the air of
your nation and grown on produce from your nation then your nation is INTRISICALLY PART OF

That is to say it is you.

Would you be proud to walk up to a girl and state your nationality? Of course you would. In fact
you will probably feel pretty fantastic saying it. Parallel to true natural game it is the same as
approaching and saying ‘hi my name is x’. This is pure expression.

Now what most guys do is like this. Think of a rival nation to you. No disrespect, but they are your
sporting rival or whatever. Try if you can to say aloud words to the effect that ‘I hate my nation
and I wish I was from (insert rival nation here)’. When these words come out of your mouth it can
actually make you feel bad and weird.

In natural game it would be like approaching a girl and talking to her and trying to or pretend to be
something that you’re not. There is no strength behind it and you don’t even like yourself for it.
This is impression, actions with the intension of impressing something on someone else for a
desired result or intention.

The golden rule of natural game: Whatever you feel; she feels.

When you take actions that don’t agree with your core, out of alignment with your internal
compass, you feel bad and as a result make the girl feel bad. If you approach and genuinely
understand and follow your own intentions you feel good as though you don’t care what anyone
else think of you.

The result is the girl feels good.

To be anything other than aligned with the sexworthy guy inside of you is to communicate bad
feelings. You will communicate low value when you put chode ego actions in front of your natural
self. Topresent chode ego to girl in order to conceal your nature is to communicate that you don’t
think your natural self is good enough for her. This is called having low self esteem, low self worth
or a lack of self trust.

You communicate your value loud and clear to the girl before you even approach her. If you’re a
guy who is constantly experiencing immediate bad reactions when you approach this will be due
to a lack of congruence with your nature. Read through for the outline of what constitutes your
nature below.

When I refer to the type of guy that you are I mean the ego-filter that holds you in your reality.
This ego will dictate the way you communicate everything you do. In the context of pickup it is
essential to communicate everything that you do through a high value filter. If you don’t simply
won’t get the girl.

A high value filter is achieved by acting in alignment with your internal compass. By making an
identity level change from the ‘pretending to be a chode ego’ you have now to your natural state
of being as a man.

What I’m most interested in is how you get from your old reality to the new one. When I teach
bootcamp it’s not case of teaching what you say or what you do, it’s a case of pushing you into a
new reality. There are a lot of cool funny lines, great verbal structures, awesome gambits and
various techniques as well. But none of them will be of any value whatsoever unless they are
coming through the right filter.

To breach the threshold of a new reality is nigh on impossible on your own and almost always
involves some objective intervention to inspire the process. Without the hands on interactivity and
pressure to push forward you will remain like most guys and spend years milling over the internet
for the missing piece of you game that might finally and get you laid.

A lot of guys review Bootcamp and say it’s awesome. But the thing is they can’t and don’t really
articulate why because they consciously understand the process at hand. They feel it, they
recognise it but because it is subconscious it’s very hard for the average guy to articulate
something he can’t see and doesn’t fully understand.

Also, you will notice that guys don’t go on about how hot the girls were her hooked up with or
number closed (I can assure there are heaps, a total newbie gets between four to six numbers
per night if he actually asks for them). After program, he’s more interested in himself and his new
potential. He is in a headspace of indifference to their aesthetic value, but he might still report the
hotness to inspire others as an inspiration to commit to the process.

We say become the blank slate before program, press the reset button and do exactly as we say.
The more the guy can switch off his old reality the quicker and easier we can push him into a
reality where everything he says and does comes through the right filters.

Guys who resist these instructions will have difficult fully adhering to a new reality. I won’t let them
leave program until they have experienced this, but the more he can let go and trust himself and
the time honoured process of Bootcamp the more phenomenal his success will be.

The truer the process of identity level change will be.

But the process of identity level change can be like pushing a massive fucking rock up a hill. The
closer you get to the top the more position energy resistance you will get and the more fatigued
you will become. But once you get there it’s a sense of euphoria and it’s a breeze to roll down the
other side that sounds like ‘whooooooosh’. On the other side of that hill – the new reality – it’s as
if gravity like everything else is working for you.

In terms of making the identity level shift it’s a case of detaching from everything you know and
going someplace where nothing makes sense. But given the fact that it doesn’t yet make sense it
give you an opportunity to take ownership of it and interpret it in whatever way you want.

Examine the diagram below and reference with the following explanation of how it pertains to
natural game.

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What you’re looking at is a function of anxiety in relation to how close you get to ‘letting go’ and
experiencing identity level change. If you look at the furthest left hand side of the blue line you
can see that most people walk around the world in a constant state of anxiety. This is basically
due to common insecurities and stressing about what other people think of them.

The further you move towards a different reality the more amplified your anxiety becomes
because you are moving away from a comfortable place. The further you move away from the
comfortable place you more you have to rely on yourself to deal with the unknown situations at
hand. This is making the shift of being socially conditioned and being kept in place by ‘the system’
to overcoming it and having to rely on your own faculties.

The green double ended arrow that stretches from the comfort zone into the red anxiety zone is
the progress of reality change that most people make. The further they move away from their
comfort zone (which is usually a stifled socially conditioned life) the more uncertain they become
of themselves as they realise that the responsibility is placed upon them.

This includes taking responsibility for negative repercussions that potentially occur and causes an
acute rise in anxiety. Also the more a person has to take responsibility for their own actions the
more present they become revealing awareness of the magnitude to which they are not in control
of their own reality.

In their comfort zone they can be happily ignorant of the lack of control over their own life and
remain anything but present. They experience comfort because they delude themselves to their
reality. A socially conditioned reality is a constructed reality that people were not evolutionarily
meant to be contained by.

Once people get closer to the new reality and anxiety increases people are inclined to regress
back to the safety of their comfort zone. As a person moves proximally closer to a new reality the
anxiety increases to a point that is nearly unbearable. For most it a lot easier not to endure it and
simply ‘settle’ for the old externally controlled inferior reality where they remain ignorant to the
better life they should be living. An externally defined reality of control.

The reality on the left is based on ego whereas the reality on the right is one of self esteem.
Understand that for you to be conditioned into something that defies your natural state is to derive
your sense of self from the word around you. A sense of self that is partially externally composed
means you have an identity/persona/ego constructed. This keeps you in place socially and you
are always at the mercy of your environment.

In the reality on the right you cease to compose your sense of self in accordance with external
feedback. By letting go of concern for external factors your anxiety level drops markedly. When
you trust yourself more than any other person you have no anxiety that others are going to let you
down. You have no expectations of the world around you, the buck stops with you. You take
responsibility for your actions and behaviour.

When you have no expectations of the world around you, when YOU define the world around you
external factors don’t play a part in the composition of your sense of self. You lose your ego and
operate purely though the default state of self esteem. You feel happy.

For those socially conditioned individuals willing enough to move far away enough from their
comfort zone they go through a massive process of uncertainty that involves testing their
emotions, their faculties and their resources as a human.

People who undergo this process rarely if ever find that they don’t have what it takes to trust in
themselves and take responsibility for their reality. Admittedly it is very scary to undergo this
process of exploring the unknown but really is only a cognitively constructed abstract concept that
you fear.

Once this process is endured and you realise that you can actually deal with whatever situation
life throws your way you realise that you can ACTUALLY take responsibility for yourself and
survive. You become indifferent to life itself and any situation that might present itself.

This is the process of making the identity shift to internal trust an as a result you gain intrinsic
high value. Once you realise you have been through this ordeal it’s like conquering a rite of

After you conquer this everything becomes trivial to you and you literally walk through the world at
ease with your hands firmly on the reins of your own reality. Your daily anxiety is far less than
those around you still living in their socially conditioned world. You become a true alpha male and
you instantly inspire attraction in the women you interact with. When life used to be a chore it is
now merely a celebration.

Canned classic game is a chore while natural game is simply a celebration.

Emotionally and physically in a historical sense this isn’t the same process for women.
Emotionally women experience a more unpredictable and turbulent set of emotion influencing
hormones than men do.

Men, relative to women, will always have the natural emotional capacity of stronger self
assurance. Physically women simply don’t have the same capabilities as men do and as a result
will always experience more daily anxiety for their own safety and well being than men ever will.
Of course I am talking strictly in terms of evolutionary cognition that is redundant in today’s

However, as far as natural attraction applies it is still as pertinent today as it was for your
ancestors 200 generations before you. Emotional evolution ceased a long time ago and cognitive
filters have since taken over our emotional lives. Men’s natural ability to self trust and live a life
that results in significantly less anxiety is gender polarity, yin and yang. The two go together

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Importantly, after the process of identity level change, in light of the experience itself, there will be
no going back to the old reality. After testing yourself and proving to yourself that you’re actually
capable of dealing with anything that comes your way you will never revert back to the state of
constant daily anxiety and self doubt that you used to confine you. You become a grounding
source of energy for others around you and a leader of men and women. Your self-trust gives you
a stronger frame then those around you and as a result people react more to you than you do to

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Living this way, naturally and free of social conditioning, satisfies both sides of the attraction
formula. The fact that you are more indifferent than everyone else makes you high value. The fact
that you have a stronger self-trust and a stronger frame than others causes them to naturally
react to you more than you react to them. Them reacting to you means they experience emotional
spikes because of you.
Higher value plus eliciting emotions equals means you will inspire attraction in women.

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This is why it is important to ‘man the fuck up’. Make the shift to a reality where you live ‘manned
the fuck up’. This is to live in accordance with your nature. This is natural game.

If the above was the description of what happens mechanically during the identity level change
process the following is what signifies the traits of both realities and what actually occurs in real
life to facilitate the process.

Your existing reality is one of ‘pretending to be a chode’ ego and is socially conditioned.

Remember this was not always the case. This ‘chode ego’ is a result of people putting you in your
place during your upbringing and putting limiting beliefs onto you. This reality and ego (same
thing from different perspectives) stands in place of your natural default self.

Because this reality has been constructed for you and externally identifies you you live in a world
where you don’t know who you are, you don’t give yourself permission for greatness and you do
you trust yourself. Coming from this place you think your game is anything but a ten, you feel you
are lower value than the girls you are talking to and you second guess yourself constantly,
continually living in reaction to the girls you talk to.

In terms of the attraction formula you are lower value than the girls you talk to and they give you a
range of emotions instead of you giving them a range of emotions.

Socially conditioned learning of the game will have you looking for things to strengthen your ego,
your externally constructed sense of self. It’s like looking for secret weapons to use in field. You
feel power in a way that you never did when you were just being yourself because you didn’t
know who you were nor did you trust yourself on its socially conditioned own.

But, giving weaponry to a weak person they will still yield a weak attack. A weapon is only as
good as the operator. To use an old game metaphor it’s like a mere band aid over a wounded self.
Coming from this weak place, the socially conditioned reality, you keep looking for better and
better weaponry, bigger and bigger guns, more clever technology to use in your battle to get girls.

All the time it’s still being operated by the same feeble individual. To desire to use weaponry to
execute something that you should be able to execute naturally yourself is to overtly
communicate weakness. In the context of the club this translates to you communicating to the girl
that you are not a good enough guy for her as you are. You needed something extra special to
compensate for your shortcomings to achieve confidence to approach her.

Mainstream school of pickup are always teaching something new and ego supportive but are
missing the elusive obvious. It’s not the weaponry that gets the girl it has to be the operator. To
need something special means that you are not good enough for the girl to begin with. To not be
good enough for the girl to begin with means you are lower value.

To be lower value means you are not attractive and you won’t get laid.

The contrasting reality is your natural default reality. In your world you are the only common
denominator and you live in accordance with this fact as you are the only thing in the world you
can actually control.
A result of getting your reality under control is that people who don’t have their realities under
control with flock to you magnetically in a search for self assurance they don’t yet possess.

In a self defined reality you are a leader and as a leader it’s at your discretion as to what to do
with you power. You will find that it is in your nature to be generous and offer value to others as it
gives you good feelings to guide others as a man.

In light of enduring the indifference threshold (rite of passage to the self defined reality) you
acquire delusional self trust. This same delusion gives you confidence and abilities to do things
that others would never even attempt to do. In a lot of cases undertaking a difficult task with
confidence and self-trust are the only prerequisites to accomplishing it.

You enjoy challenges as they are a forum for you to celebrate yourself and push you outside of
your comfort zone to a place where you need to draw the best out of yourself. It is in these
situations that you exceed your own expectations of what you thought were capable of.

Because you do not derive your sense of self from the world around you you have no
expectations of the world or your interaction with it. You know that the only constant in your reality
is the way you take responsibility for your own reality. The only expectations you have is that your
results are proportionate to the application of yourself to your goals. You take every responsibility
for your goals.

While you take credit for things achieved or failed you do not identify with them. To do that is to
derive a sense of self from the world around you and form and ego. Every goal is a new battle
and a chance to celebrate yourself and challenge yourself in a way that again calls on you to
bring your best. You are never above the process.

This attitude will never find you resting on your laurels. You are humble about your achievements;
however you are still self assured to the point of arrogance that you will be able to deal with any
new challenge that comes your way.

This humility finds you starting equal with every other man when undertaking a challenge. You are
not above the process and you take responsibility for every aspect of it. You have no expectations
that something external from yourself could provide assistance greater than what you can
produce yourself. Challenges for you are a celebration of your unlimited potential and

The fun is in the process and goal is just a bonus as you know that even if you achieve it doesn’t
make you a better person. The achievement of goals enriches your life but you realise it will never
change you or give you your identity.

Achieving goals is merely a celebration of yourself you and thus you treat it as a game. You have
fun doing it. You are not detracting from anyone else as you don’t need them to complete
yourself. As a result they often become compelled in what you are doing and cannot resist
involvement with you.

In terms of the women you talk to you are always paying the game for you, not for the girl. You
are playing the game for the derivation of your own fun.

Because you are playing for you and not for her you communicate that your value of yourself is
greater than your value for her. The result is you inspire attraction. Your self-assurance is
something that you have more of than she does.
(****NOTE: I refer to the fact that you have more self assurance than those still under the guise of
social conditioning. I refer merely to the primitive social emotional world where men’s
evolutionarily physiology gives them a stronger sense of self assurance than women naturally
hormonally have. In modern society this isn’t the case, but behavioural traits still pertaining to
natural gender differences will always inspire attraction.)

Because you realise that no one is going to take responsibility for your achieving your goals you
also take every responsibility for the girl getting laid. This way she doesn’t feel slutty. You resolve
her of responsibility and she can enjoy the feeling of empowerment from spending time with
someone who knows who he is, knows what he wants and has no reason to believe he doesn’t
deserve to achieve it.

You see pick up, like everything else, as a game. While other people enrich your life they still are
only subordinate roles to you in your reality. You enjoy the way you celebrate yourself when in the
game, but don’t really care if no result is gained. This is because you understand that ultimately
scoring a girl doesn’t change who you are, its just a celebration of who you are and an enriching
experience. you understand that if the women doesn’t realise your value that she will be left to
less self assured men where she will find herself dissatisfied.

When you approach girls you feel exited because it is an opportunity to influence her and better
her life. You involve her with what you are doing, never deviating from your own path in order to
satisfy hers.

Your path is your primary purpose in life. Following your own path is the only purpose in life that
will reliably yield an enriched life experience for you, following other’s paths with generally just
yield enriched lives for them.

In this reality you are high value because you trust yourself and prioritise yourself before anyone
else. Because people are less assured than you and look to you for guidance and assurance they
experience emotional spikes because of you.

Your higher value combined with you eliciting a range of emotions in people because they are
reacting to you will make you very attractive.

It is getting in touch with your natural reality as a man that is the key to mastering natural game.

To ‘identity change’ to this reality is to master the game. You would think that it would be easy to
just adopt the traits listed above and master the game. But in an attempt to do this your anxiety
levels will increase dramatically and you will feel a massive sense of vulnerability like you have
been cut loose and you are on your own.

Even if someone who has gone through this gives you the instructions of how to get to this new
reality you would think that you would follow instructions obediently and with their assistance
successfully make the jump. For some it can be so scary to leave their little comfort zone that
they refuse to just let it all go and trust themselves under pressure.

When I refer to the commonly used term ‘letting go’ I mean letting go of others’ influence and
control over you and taking sole responsibility for your reality. Like the first time you swam and let
go of the edge of the pool, once in the deep water it was as though you already knew how to do
it. Up until that ‘leap point’ you were massively scared. Once you proved to yourself you could
swim you were simply indifferent to the whole swimming process and it just becomes fun whether
you do it well or not.

There is massive resistance for a person to go from one reality to another. The resistance is
roughly proportionate to how strong the person’s existing socially conditioned chode ego is. They
deliberately secure themselves in the chode ego because with it comes a weird constructed form
of self assurance. They know who they are but its only because its firmly relevant to the world
around them.

Said another way they develop chode ego so strong that they do form a very strong reality, but it’s
that of complete chodeness that is continually reinforced by all the forces around them. They are
put in place. They are really giving everyone else responsibility for who they are and taking zero
responsibility for themself. So to question that reality and begin to take any responsibility for their
own self is a massive terrifying daunting unknown.

Because they gave all the responsibility away to other people to define who they are, when they
go to move to a new reality they have little to no recollection of what it means to take any
responsibility for their own life.

In cases like this they consciously think that they would like to make a change but when they
begin to take some responsibility the fact is quickly shoved in their face that they really have no
idea of who they are and like a hermit crab quickly return to what they knew back in the chode
comfort zone.

However, it is also in the cases of the biggest chode egos that the transformation is so rewarding
and contrasting. One example of this is Tyler’s story. The effort to push into that new reality was a
long and exhaustive one, but once the jump was made and the indifference threshold reached it
required so much more anxiety than that of others’ journeys that in his new reality he was a lot
much more indifferent than everyone else. This gave rise to the best results.

I can say from experience this is true of most of the coaches. The more emotional leverage you
have the better you are inspired to become.

To endure the anxiety of moving away from your old reality is a terrifying daunting task. You are
psychologically programmed to fear this as though it was death. To risk what you don’t know in
caveman times is to result in death, so the fear of challenging your reality is comparable to fear of
death. But its guys who aren’t afraid of death that are high value and leaders of other mean.

Naturally attractive alpha males.

They understand the fear and why it exists and with experience of overcoming the fear they
overcome it and are indifferent to it. Irreversible identity level change.

During the learning process when you go at this on your own you will find yourself getting close to
and sometimes tasting this reality. But each time you do with it will come feelings of vulnerability
that will quickly have you regressing back to the old reality. Old bad neural patterns rearing their
heads and holding you back.

After repeated strengthening of the neural structures that will come with your new reality you
might occasionally have reality snapbacks and go about and behave the way you did in your
former reality.

It’s as though you are subconsciously checking that what you’re doing is the right thing. When
you do experience this reality snapback it will bring to light just how bad the old reality was, it
might even shock you but it will be an obvious reminder to how bad it was to live in the old reality.

This reality snapback is your subconscious trying to take you back to a place of comfort and low
risk. This serves the evolutionary process of gene preservation. The body is always trying to
preserve itself and by living in a reality where other things take responsibility for you and you are
required to exert least energy and thought possible.

It is the warrior reality where you exert the most energy and thought possible. You are taking
responsibility. The warrior is the naturally attractive alpha male.

To find the warrior on your own is near impossible as you have continual reality snapbacks and
quickly regress when you leave your comfort zone. It usually requires an objective intervention to
make sure that you really do blast through the indifference threshold and not look back.

Now you might go out tonight and make a big effort to push into a new reality and that will be
good, but to recognise that you are going in the right direction takes someone who has been
through the process before and knows what it looks like.

To really achieve identity level change requires a combination of willpower, leverage, guidance
and balls. You need willpower to make the decision to commit to the process and endure it in
times of trial. You need leverage to give you the motivation to take responsibility for your own
reality in the first place. The difference between an average guy out there in the world and an
average guy in the community is the community guy had leverage. You need some guidance from
a learned experienced resource to ensure you are going in the right direction who can objectively
push you past your comfort zone without succumbing to the emotions involved subjectively. And
you will need balls, because that’s what all of the above is and what it means to be a man.

This is the purpose of bootcamp and the massive value that it is. If you were to go out tonight and
attempt this it is most likely the case that you wouldn’t push through to your true indifference
threshold and you would quickly find yourself regressing back to a comfortable place. Secondly,
to push forward an an effort for identity level change could be a disaster if you don’t exactly know
what the natural identity is or have someone to model it from.

This is why RSD bootcamps have the value they do. You can watch and read tactics which is
great, but its the life shifting experience that takes you to the next level and makes mastery
possible. Before now it has been hard to articulate, but this is what it comes down to. Can former
students attest to this?

Think of the process of identity level change – reality change – like the metaphor of a spider’s

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Imagine you are born into a web and you are confined to live within the rules and bounds of it.
Everything you do, ever actions you take is based on the web. As far as you know, without the
web you will die. You don’t know if you can live without it as it makes up the very fabric of your
existence. You exist relative to it, and because it controls you you live in a constant state of

Then one day something happens and a little punkass kid moves nearby and you can see him
killing other spiders around you with insect repellent (metaphor for leverage). You know that you
are going to have to take responsibility for this and take some action otherwise you might die
(metaphor for not passing on your genes).

As the punk ass kid approaches you are scared but you don’t move because you don’t know what
else to do. He starts punching holes in the joins in your web (metaphor for destroying pillars of
your existing reality).
With the destruction of each joint of your web (reality) your web becomes weaker and your
anxiety increases. Your web (old reality) is becoming weaker and weaker; you have never felt
more scared and anxious in all your life.

The web is now a fragment of what it used to be. Something you believe in and trusted no longer
holds you in place. You have no choice but to take responsibility if you want to live.

You let go of the web (external pillars holding you in place) and jump, trusting that where ever you
land you will be better than a certain fate of death. This trust is born simply of necessity; at this
point you no longer have a choice. As you sail through the air wondering where you will land you
realise that if you can get through this you can get through anything. Then with a light spider-thud
you land.

When you stand up you feel overcome by a sense of empowerment. It’s as though you are
invincible. You made it through the toughest ordeal of your life. Sure you have no reality. But you
can exist without it.

Then by nature, you realise you can spin whatever reality you want by pulling it literally out of
your ass. You realise how cool this is and look around for the best place to spin your new reality.
It occurs to you that the new reality you spin will just be a celebration of you as opposed to
something you are dependent upon. You can spin your reality however you want and you don’t
even care if it falls down because you can just spin another one out of your ass.

When before you were in a reality to not lose, now you can spin a reality to win for no other
reason than its a celebration of your ability to spin your own reality. In fact, you can make a reality
so strong that you can invite other sexy ass spiders to come for sleepovers and pillow fights.

You spin your web/reality and at first it doesn’t feel quite like home and you will even think longing
back to the old web, but soon you make it your own. You have defined your world and when
before you didn’t think you deserved anything better than what you were served in life you realise
that you are deserving of what you make for yourself. There is no reason why you wouldn’t be
deserving of any reality unless you didn’t take responsibility for it yourself.

You know now that you are adaptable to any situation and at any time can just define your reality
out of your ass. It seems that this is your birth right. Why didn’t you realise and trust yourself
earlier? You spent all that time scared in chode web. ‘Fuck that’ you think and you go and make
yourself a better web right now.

You feel empowered. You inspire others to build their webs around you because you are so
assured of your reality and your having so much fun defining your own reality that others want to
come over and visit you and be involved with you. You try to convince them that they can do the
same but they are too scared to trust themselves. For the time being they just like being around
you because of the certainty you radiate.

You web is like a nimbus around you, self defined projected reality that you can continually pull
out of your ass.

That little story is called spider web theory and is a great way to help someone understand the
abstract concept of identity level change.

Realise that in overcoming the anxiety and stepping into a new reality involves some feeling of
vulnerability at first, embrace them and look to your ass to start defining how you are going to
build a reality of your choice. At first it might feel a little bit foreign, but when you go back to your
old reality you will be reminded of how much it disgusted you and you never look back again.

I remember when I undertook this process back in Bris-vegas. I was a part of a reality that
involved other people. When I went to destroy my own others tried to prevent me and keep me in
place. I was met with some heavy resistance and ultimately had to redefine my reality and cut ties
with some people. It was a better reality without them and it made space to include a lot of other
better people, especially girls. After a while the original haters began to get with the program.

Others have said this before: others don’t hate you for changing, they hate on you because you
call their reality into question. You make up a link in their web and when that link comes undone
they question the other links and begin to feel vulnerable and experience the anxiety. This is
especially true of other alpha males. You might need to have a frame battle, or even a physical
battle as it was in my case. But as they say, the stronger reality (frame) eventually wins.

When I began to change guys would say to me shit like ‘you’re trying to be something that you’re
not’. What the fuck? That’s the idea. The interesting thing is, if they met the new me it would be a
lot cooler than meeting the old me.

If, when experiencing identity level change guys do hate on you there is a way to deal with it. Say
this to them: “dude… fuck you. Look, I lost someone who was really close to me. And basically it
has put shit into perspective. Shit needs to change for me, I was really shaken up by things and
now things need to change for the better. So if you can’t deal with that: fuck off. But if you then
let’s move forward and get on with shit.”

This was deployed a few times by me. If you lose a family member or close friend that can
actually inspire the same leverage that you might get from being cheated on, divorced or any
other emotionally turbulent episode. When someone hears that you have gone through that they
can understand your identity level change and embrace it with you. In that case my example: who
did you lose? Your old chode self, it was certainly a emotionally turbulent episode.

It is the emotional turbulence itself that is the very causality behind the change. When you boil it
down its when you cry that you change fundamentality as a person. I’m still trying to find good
research on this so if anyone knows any science behind the correlation between emotional
centring and crying let me know.

I don’t know the physiological or neurochemical process but the times I see myself and other
people fundamentally change is when they cry. Crying can come from emotionally distressing
episodes or emotionally euphoric episodes. Sometimes it can be one and the same thing.

In the case of euphoric crying you make the realisation that you actually are capable of the
phenomenal and it’s a release of emotions. For example when you save someone’s life, have a
child or conquer a great feat like hiking Everest or winning a sports final. You will always know
that it’s within you and passed all the tests. Things that once intimidated you are now looked at as
though they’re no longer a big deal. This is emotional centring.

On the other hand when you cry due to distress it’s a case of hurt. But it’s usually you surviving
something that scared you to death. This occurs the same way as when you break up with a
loved one, when you lose someone close to you who played a pivotal part in your reality (which
most people depend on) or you have a near death experience and survived it. In light of these
experiences you realise that you made it though and things that once scared you or inspired
anxiety are put into perspective. You become indifferent to them, this also is emotional centring.

Emotional centring means you have taken control of your own emotions and no longer allow
others or external forces to effect you. Because you are more emotionally indifferent you are
higher value. You are no longer reactive to the world (reality) around you, but now the world and
reality lives in reaction to you. It is defined as a function of the way you take responsibility for it.

How does this help you to get girls? The way you live will dictate whether or not you satisfy the
RSD attraction formula.

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In your existing reality (identity) you are not indifferent, that is to say that ‘you do give a fuck what
people think of you’. This will be both mean that you want people to think certain things of you
(ego) and you don’t want them to think bad things of you (ego preservation). Because you care,
you are intrinsically lower value. And it won’t matter what you say or do, what ego tools you
employ, your weaponry is only as good as the operator employing them. Because you live in
reaction to your reality (ego projection and ego defence) the world will continually shake you
emotionally. While this is happening you will rarely have people reacting, be intolerant to social
pressure and not elicit emotions in the girls that you talk to.

When you do make the reality jump, when you do just fucking let go and trust in yourself, drop the
pretending to be a chode ego and take responsibility for your own reality everything will fall into
place. You will literally look at the world through different eyes. Because you care less than the
people around you and have generally indifferent to everything you will communicate higher value
everywhere you go. Because you are supremely indifferent you will react less than the girls you
interact with, you will establish a stronger frame and they will find themselves reacting to you just
because of the way you are. You will elicit emotions and arousal in the women you talk to just by
being you.

To adopt this reality is to be supremely naturally attractive. Identity level change equates to
massive success with women.

To identity level change means you will come full circle and realign your internal compass with the
man you were naturally born to be. You are now coming from the right place. Just by being you
naturally will inspire attraction in women. Being your natural self is natural game.

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Define your new reality. Defining your own reality includes the people around you. During this
process they will experience emotional spikes just by being around you. These emotional spikes
might come in the form of fun, dominance, persistence anger, fury or whatever. Just by taking
responsibility for yourself, being on your path, you will elicit emotions in the women you interact

Some people will resist your reality, but as a man it’s your responsibility to resist being
categorized by others. You might experience a frame battle, hold true and establish the stronger
frame and establish that you have higher value.

To be categorized externally is to be socially conditioned. No one else categorizes you so you

don’t form your sense of self in terms of external feedback, you have no ego. Being unstifled and
uncategorized leaves you living in a fluid self defined reality of pure self esteem. No ego means
no ‘chode ego’ behavioural filters, means you are back to your nature. This is how you get natural

Get this and you become a rare and special entity.

Remember the golden rule of natural game is: ‘whatever you feel: she feels’.

In your ‘pretending to be a chode ego’ how do you feel? Scared, unsure of who you are, anxious,
nervous, self distrusting, victimised, feminine and needy. Lost.

In your natural default reality how do you feel? Relaxed and chilled due to minimal anxiety.
Empowered, confident, self trusting, celebrated, content and masculine. Happy.

Whatever you feel, she feels. Take responsibility.

With great responsibility comes great power.

ATRACCIÓN NATURAL:define la atracción y resolverás el juego.

La noción de atracción es un principio vago y confuso en la comunidad que a menudo es

malinterpretado. Es algo muy importante ya que el ser atractivo es un factor crucial para tener
mujeres en tu vida.

Este artículo tiene como finalidad definir la atracción en el contexto del juego y ayudarte a
convertirte en alguien atractivo eliminando comportamientos y mentalidades que te perjudican.

Hay que empezar diciendo que la atracción no es algo que haces, es algo que eres

En el juego, tu forma de ser es algo que puedes controlar. El resto es la manera en la que te
expresas, lo cual permite que la atracción suceda.

Generalmente es malinterpretado el hecho de que te puedes comportar de una determinada

manera para asegurarte la atracción de la chica. El comportamiento en si es irrelevante mientras
venga del lugar adecuado. La atracción no es algo que puedas inyectar a alguien. Tienes que
dejarle espacio y la oportunidad de sentir atracción en los centros emocionales de su mente y su

Muchos hombres no son conscientes de esto. Siguen pensando que cuanto más largas e
intensas sean sus rutinas más letales serán la dosis de atracción que sentirá la chica. Si te
diviertes de manera natural te darás cuenta de que tus acciones liberarán a la chica y será más
fácil para ella sentir atracción.

Dicho esto, es lógico asumir que mientras vengas de un sitio internamente masculino y no estés
socialmente descalibrado, la chica te encontrará atractivo a no ser que le demuestres lo
contrario. Por esto, las chicas estarán encantadas con un chico hasta que él se cave su propia
tumba. En lugar de estar relajado y siendo no reactivo en situaciones de alto condicionamiento
social, el chico hará esfuerzos por atraer a la chica y exterminará la oportunidad de que ella
sienta atracción.

Es lo que sucede cuando presentas a dos amigos socialmente calibrados de diferente sexo e
intentan ligar a las primeras de cambio. Hombres y mujeres están diseñados para sentir
atracción el uno por el otro.

Muchos hombres no se dan cuenta de que a veces ellos mismos ya son más que suficiente para
generar atracción. La mayoría de la comunidad enseña tácticas y juegos diseñados para atraer
chicas. Usar estas tácticas y juegos es internalizar la idea de que no eres lo suficientemente
bueno para ellas por ti mismo. Salir al terreno de juego asumiendo que no tienes lo que hace
falta para ser bueno con las mujeres es estar condenado al fracaso. No conseguirás más que
entretenerlas y conseguir reacciones forzadas. Ir con esto asumido significa que nunca
conseguirás atracción natural.

Las “tácticas de atracción” dan una solución rápida, inflan el ego y dan poder social. Es como dar
una pistola a un individuo incompetente para que se sienta poderoso. El arma será tan buena
como lo sea el que la dispara. La necesidad de usar armas para compensar la falta de talento
natural comunica que no eres suficiente por ti mismo. Es una DEV y no es atractivo.

Es como ir a por una chica y decirle que conduces un Porsche. Si siente que necesitas usar esta
arma social en lugar de presentarte comunicas que el que conduce el Porsche no vale lo
suficiente por sí mismo. Se está ocultando detrás de algo que cree que le hará parecer atractivo.

Este tipo de creencias hace que no te valores lo que deberías y te deja sintiéndote como alguien
de menos valor que la chica, y por tanto poco atractivo.

La atracción de la mujer hacia el hombre es una colección de impulsos emocionales y deseos

que reflejan los impulsos emocionales y deseos que ocurren cuando un hombre ve a una mujer

Los indicadores de atracción natural son diferentes en hombres y mujeres debido a la evolución
y la polarización de los sexos. La atracción de mujer a hombre está basada en una escala,
mientras que la atracción de hombre a mujer es generalmente binaria.

Para un hombre la atracción tiene trazas estéticas y sentirá o no atracción inmediata.

Para una mujer la atracción tiene trazas de comportamiento. Empezará a sentir atracción según
vaya teniendo evidencias claras de ciertas conductas o comportamientos. Como el control de
volumen de una radio.

Dicho esto, un hombre puede comunicar atracción de manera instantánea a una mujer
simplemente por su manera de ser O tendrá que acumular suficiente comunicación atractiva
hasta alcanzar el “nivel de decibelios” que cause atracción.

Como la atracción masculina se centra en el comportamiento a veces la atracción puede ser una
malinterpretación de cómo es realmente el hombre. Un buen entendimiento de la atracción y una
buena habilidad y tácticas pueden llegar a manipular la atracción de la mujer, del mismo modo
que unos buenos cosméticos, ropa y cirugía pueden llegar a manipular la atracción del hombre.

De manera natural, un hombre nace con todas las características que le hacen atractivo al sexo
opuesto. Es debido al condicionamiento social que va perdiendo estas características.

Algunas cualidades que hacen atractivo a un hombre son las siguientes:

-Confianza en sí mismo (sin dudas).

-Responsabilidad (no la delega en otros).

-Un hombre de acción (no vago o sin iniciativa).

-Indiferente (no dependiente del resultado).

-Prueba Social (es visto atractivo por los demás).

-Dominante (opuesto a pasivo).

-Positivo (no le afectan las fuerzas negativas).

-No dominado por el exterior (siempre en control de su realidad).

-Con recursos (no limitado por las situaciones).


En resumen, es un hombre que sabe quién es y cuál es su propósito en la vida. Cuanto más
claro tenga su propósito más reaccionará la gente ante él. Cuando la gente reacciona está
sintiendo una emoción, y cuantas más emociones sientan más atraídas se sentirán. Las
emociones son adictivas, provocadoras y excitantes.

Reaccionar a los demás no es atractivo, seguir tu camino y que los demás reaccionen ante ti sí
lo es.

En términos de una fórmula podría ser expresada así:

A = AV + (±) E ∞


Ser quien eres y actuar según tus intenciones haciendo que la gente reaccione ante ti inspirará
que las mujeres sientan atracción por ti. Recuerda, el hecho de que le parezcas atractivo a las
chicas no significa que las vayas a conseguir. Para esto ya habría que hablar de Juêgo Externo .

En resumen, para ser atractivo simplemente necesitas saber quién eres y seguir tu propio
camino y no el de los demás. Esto es "no me importa nada lo que los demás piensen de mi".

Una regla para asegurarte de que te importa más quién eres tú que lo que digan los demás es
"expresión y no impresión". Hacer las cosas porque es tu forma de ser, no para ganar ego o
impresionar a alguien.

Es como intentar enganchar un Set . Intentar enganchar a alguien es comunicar que necesitas
algo de ellos. No hay nada que tú no tengas que te puedan dar los demás. Tratar de enganchar
es reaccionar. Tener entusiasmo por quien eres y lo que haces hará que los demás quieran
relacionarse contigo. Significa que debes saber quién eres y lo que quieres lo suficientemente
bien para que sientan que merece la pena relacionarse contigo. Esto es ofrecerles tu valor.
Intentar enganchar es querer cogerles su valor.

Salir con el propósito de seducir mujeres no es atractivo. Salir para divertirte e involucrar a chicas
en lo que haces si lo es. Está bien desear mujeres pero necesitarlas es una DEV . Una vez que
aprendes a desearlas sin atraparte siempre comunicarás alto valor, siempre serás atractivo y
como resultado las mujeres querrán entrar en tu vida.

La primera parte de la atracción natural es ser de más valor. La segunda es provocar un gran
rango de emociones a la chica.

Hay algunos que por estatus (una estrella del rock) ya comunican alto valor y al mismo tiempo
despiertan emociones, por eso resultan tan atractivos.

El verdadero ser siempre sale a la superficie. La chica sabe si eres alto valor antes de que te
acerques a ella. Una buena manera de saber dónde está tu valor es ver si recibes un Bazucazo .
Si te sucede es que estás comunicando bajo valor incluso antes de Abrir la boca.

Si tienes ego cuando te acerques a las mujeres Subcomunicar ás que buscas validación para
inflar el ego de “soy bueno con las mujeres”. Esto es reaccionar y no es atractivo. Si defines
quien eres por factores externos siempre serás reactivo. Buscar validación es querer cogerles el
valor a los demás. Así funciona para los betas.

Los comportamientos que un hombre ha de tener de manera natural son: 1. Presencia 2.

Dominancia positiva y 3. Escalar.

1. Presencia
Estar presente es ser alto valor. Encontrar a alguien que esté presente en este mundo es raro. Si
estás presente reaccionarás menos que la gente que hay a tu alrededor.

2. Dominancia positiva.
Comunica alto valor. No es sólo fuente de cosas positivas sino que comunica que es alguien con
quien es mejor no tener problemas.

3. Escalar.
Significa ser un hombre de acción, un líder, alguien que actúa con intención sexual.

Estás tres características son suprimidas por el condicionamiento social y si no las posees te
encontrarás reaccionando a los demás.

Una vez estás alineado con quien eres por naturaleza el resto se convierte en una celebración
de tu persona. Este es tu estado natural y tomas responsabilidad de todo lo que haces.

Recuerda, si tú te sientes bien ellas se sienten bien porque ellas condicionan su estado
basándose en el exterior.

Cuando hay congruencia entre lo que eres y lo que haces, a esto se le llama venir del sitio
adecuado. Tú eres suficiente. Tomas responsabilidad por tu realidad porque tú defines tu
realidad. Cuando sabes quién eres siempre eres alguien no reactivo. Quien eres no está definido
por lo que los demás piensan de ti. Esto sólo afecta al ego. Tener ego es vivir en reacción, ser
bajo valor y poco atractivo.

Para ser naturalmente atractivo necesitas volver a alinearte con lo que eres por naturaleza
destruyendo el ego. Cuando alcanzas congruencia con tu ser natural como hombre, tendrás al
mundo reaccionando ante ti constantemente. Eres alto valor, y con cada reacción las personas
que se relacionan contigo sienten emociones.

Como tú sabes quién eres, tu sentido de la realidad es más fuerte que el de las chicas, y por
tanto ellas reaccionarán más ante ti que tú ante ellas. Eres alto valor y por tanto despertarás

Comprender que no puedes cambiar quien eres por naturaleza y que tienes alta autoestima
desde el mismo día que naciste es algo muy poderoso. Esa naturaleza NO DEBE SER
nunca vas a estar en un mal estado.

El único motivo por el que alguien entra en mal estado es el ego:

Estado natural: buena sensación. Te sientes bien, la chica se siente bien y eres atractivo.

Ego Frusco : mala sensación. Te sientes mal, la chica se siente mal y no eres atractivo.

Es alarmante como para muchos seducir no es divertirse, sino probar a otro y a ellos mismos lo
buenos que son. Salir a divertirse es mucho más sostenible que el ego de “soy bueno con las

La regla de oro del juego natural es: LO QUE TÚ SIENTES ES LO QUE SIENTEN ELLAS

Descubriendo quien eres por naturaleza consigues que el juego natural sea un divertido placer
en lugar de una partida de ajedrez.

El otro punto de la atracción es provocar una amplia gama de emociones.

Para conseguir que alguien sienta una emoción puedes hacer algo para provocar esa reacción
(impresionar) o puede ser sentida cuando la gente reacciona ante ti por quien eres (expresión).

El problema de querer hacer que deliberadamente la chica reaccione ante ti es que en ese
momento eres tú el que reacciona ante ella o busca su validación. Usamos la expresión “el
verdadero ser siempre sale a la superficie” porque la chica sabe perfectamente si eres
indiferente o si estás buscando su reacción.

Expresión: Cuando le creas emociones a la chica debe ser como repercusión de ti celebrando y
expresando quien eres. Lo haces sin buscar una reacción, por ti y no por los demás. Tus
intenciones están por delante de la de los demás.

Impresión: Por otro lado si intentas crearle emociones deliberadamente subcomunicas la

búsqueda de validación y ella se dará cuenta de que tratas de impresionarla.

El infinito al final de la fórmula tiene varios significados. Primero se refiere a que la conversación
puede tener infinitos temas. Cuanto más te diviertas con ellos más reaccionará ante ti y más
atracción sentirá. También se refiere a que el número de emociones que puedes provocar es
infinito, así como cuanto más tiempo se vaya sosteniendo la interacción más atraída se irá

El ± representa una amplia gama de emociones. Significa que alguien actuando para sí mismo
es impredecible y sin ningún orden aparente, ya que no están dictadas por el exterior. Si todo es
predecible serian aburridas y no provocarían ninguna emoción en los demás.

Lo predecible es aburrido y no genera atracción. Un Abridor pidiendo una opinión lógica sobre un
tema no crea emociones y la deja a ella con el rol de autoridad ante cuya respuesta has de
reaccionar. Ni hay intercambio de emociones ni transmites alto valor.
Por otro lado, si eres fiel a quien eres y actúas a través de tus intenciones masculinas haciendo
el tipo de cosas que haces con la gente con la que te sientes cómodo, generarás atracción
porque estás usando los dos componentes de la fórmula. Cuando estás con la gente que
conoces haces y dices cosas que pueden causar risa o irritar a los demás. Estás creando
emociones. Piensa en el contexto del Set . Quizás has metido la pata. Si estás lo suficientemente
presente, lidias con la situación y la arreglas no sólo mantienes la atracción si no que la
amplificas. Toma responsabilidad y corrige lo que has hecho. Y si piensas que no has hecho
nada malo no hay que disculparse, defiende tus acciones y mantén tu valor.

La perfección social es imposible así que no intentes conseguirla, se indiferente. Cuando seas
indiferente harás cosas sólo para entretenerte a ti mismo, no irás andando por la cuerda de la
seducción, te sentirás libre sin reaccionar a los demás y amplificarás la atracción.

Recuerda la regla de oro: LO QUE TÚ SIENTES ES LO QUE SIENTEN ELLAS..

Si tú te diviertes ella también se divertirá, porque después de todo… esto es sólo un juego.

PD. Para los que querais saber cómo estar presente y liberarse del ego ya hablé de ello en su

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