3536167-Biotic Inquisitor Artificer Specialty

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Biotic Inquisitor

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Biotic Inquisitor
Limits only exist until someone is mad enough to break them

A demented specialty for those willing to bend the body beyond nature

By Ignacio Revilla


Not for resale. Permission granted to print or to photocopy this document for personal use only Specialist – Biotic Inquisitor
Artificer Specialist: Biotic Inquisitor but they don’t count against the number of artificer

Your contemporaries forge and brew and craft, spells you can prepare.

incapable of seeing that innovation lies not in steel and Biotic Spells

stone, but blood and bone. You were born with a knack Artificer Level Spell

for discerning weakness in design, wasted potential. 3rd Ensnaring Strike, Find

Villains, champions, and monsters alike, all show that Familiar

the capacity to excel is intrinsic to every form of life. Yet 5th Barkskin, Dragon’s Breath
it remains dormant, yearning to be tapped into. 9th Magic Circle, Meld Into
Though your practice may be ridiculed and frowned Stone
upon amongst your peers, only you seem to recognize 13th Stoneskin, Polymorph
that in the face of the dangers of the supernatural, 17th Awaken, Reincarnate
civilization has withered to ghastly mundanity. You
swear to explore the secrets of flesh and mind, augment Plot Hooks for a Biotic Inquisitor:
them to their breaking point, then press even further. A 1. An experiment gone wrong is running rampant. Perhaps
it was the cause of a calamity or actively terrorizes the local
glorious return to glorious evolution. populace. Matters were never supposed to get this out of
hand. You will put things back where they belong.
The task is far from easy, but that has only encouraged 2. A rival inventor feigned interest for your ideas and a
you. The journey will be long and hard-fought, fraught willingness to brainstorm, being one of the few artificers
not to scoff at your practice. Instead, they sent a group of
with failure and persecution. But you live to challenge hired thugs to raid your workplace, leave you for dead, and
claim your designs for their own.
the “set in stone”, to ignore restrictions and refutations, 3. You got into massive debt chasing mad science from
and to risk it all for a shot at change. So you persevere. dawn to dusk and dawn again. Mere inches away from
realizing your wildest dreams, your gold ran out. Figures.
Mutate, blow past your limits, and inch ever closer to Those you got involved with have killed for a debt a tenth
of the size of yours. You need money. Badly. Quickly.
the peak of natural selection. Happy harvesting!

Tool Proficiency: Mutation:

3rd-level Biotic Inquisitor feature 3rd-level Biotic Inquisitor feature
You gain proficiency with cook’s utensils. If you already Over the course of a long rest, you can expose any
have this proficiency, you gain proficiency with another creature (other than yourself, Elementals, or
type of artisan’s tools of your choice. Constructs) to an experimental gene therapy, twisting
the fiber of their very being into a strand of macabre,
Biotic Spells: revolutionary new life. Performing a mutation requires
3rd-level Biotic Inquisitor feature you to have cook’s utensils and tinker’s tools on your
You always have certain spells prepared after you reach person.
a particular level in this class, as shown in the Biotic Mutations last for a number of days equal to your
Spells table. These spells count as artificer spells to you, Intelligence modifier, and could cause physical or even
behavioral changes, at DM discretion. A creature can

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only be affected by one mutation at a time, and you can • 7 = Speed Freak: Your speed increases by 10 ft.,
you can Dash as a bonus action, climbing doesn’t cost you
only apply a number of mutations equal to your
extra movement, and you are unaffected by difficult
proficiency bonus. Mutations need not be reapplied to terrain. You have disadvantage to resist any effect that
activates when you move into a space and require an
gain any new benefits you have acquired, such as a
additional 2 hours to gain the benefits of a long rest.
bonus to Steel-Skin from you leveling up. To determine • 8 = Steel-Skin: Your Hit Point Maximum
the resulting deviant effect, roll a d8: increases by an amount equal to double the Biotic
Inquisitor’s artificer level and you can carry, push, drag,
• 1 = Super Warrior Serum: Gain 2d6 and lift double your usual amount. However, your speed
Temporary Hit Points as a bonus action. Once these are decreases by 5 ft., you have disadvantage on Initiative
lost or replaced, have disadvantage on your first attack for checks, and you have vulnerability to acid damage.
the following turn.
• 2 = Hyper-Sense: Gain a +3 to Wisdom Plot Hooks for a Biotic Inquisitor:
(Perception) checks, 60 ft. of darkvision, and 10 ft. of 4. You discovered that a well-loved organization secretly works on
stagnating society instead of advancing it. They have long been on
blindsight. Your sense of smell allows you to cast Detect
a crusade to assimilate the world into their fold of “genetic
Poison and Disease at will, and you can recognize a superiority”. Everyone under the same umbrella, without
material or person you have encountered before by tact exceptions or liberty for personal growth. Despicable! You must
or sound. Your extreme environmental awareness put an end to their abominable quest.
prevents you from taking a long rest or sleeping in the 5. You have spent your life trying to create a perfect hero, someone
vicinity of a densely populated area. to unite and protect us against all odds. You have nothing thus far,
• 3 = Inebriated Might: When under the but through following extraordinary individuals, testing them, and
influence of alcohol, gain a +2 to Strength and a +2 to learning from them, you may just find what you need. You will
deliver this world its savior.
damage rolls with any melee weapon attack. However,
6. Wary of your increasingly “unsafe” and “unethical” experiments,
for every drink you take after the first, you must make a
your investors have cut your funding. The gall! This is how they
DC 8 Constitution saving throw or become Poisoned for thank you for years of diligence? No. They might be powerful, but
1 minute. This DC increases by 2 for every subsequent you won’t be a pawn. If they were to have tragic accidents or be
roll. Your metabolism also consumes alcohol at a faster met with scandals and disruption, it might prompt them to
rate, ensuring the beneficial effects fade after 1 round. consider a new, more reasonable arrangement.
• 4 = Blighted Boils: Force diseased boils to
sprout on your skin as a bonus action. On your following Dissect:
turn, you can spend your action to release the plague,
dealing 4d6 poison damage to any creature within 10 ft. If 5th-level Biotic Inquisitor feature
an enemy hits you while the boils are not yet popped, the Over the course of a short rest, you can apply your
effect triggers, but you take damage as well.
• 5 = Elasticity: You become as malleable as anatomical expertise to conduct an autopsy on the
rubber and can stretch your limbs out to double their corpse of any creature. You learn the species of the
usual range. As an action, you can flatten yourself to the
width of a piece of paper, grow to double your height, fold creature, its age, gender, precise cause of death, and if it
to 1/4th of your size, or turn your body into a parachute, has any vulnerabilities, resistances, or immunities. Upon
bridge, shield, or any other feasible shape. However, this
doesn’t impact how much you can carry, push, drag, or completion, you can choose to spend a slot for your
lift, or your overall endurance. You have vulnerability to Infused Items to create a keepsake of the creature,
piercing damage.
• 6 = Brainiac: You can flawlessly recall anything storing a “Special Ability” (traits listed above actions in
you have experienced in the past 7 days, recognize any the monster statblock) into a talisman.
language being spoken and any spell being cast, learn 5
languages of your choice, and gain proficiency with 2 skills If the ability can be activated at will during the creature’s
of your choice. Your now-proud brain sternly rejects turn (such as a Medusa’s petrifying gaze), you can
failure. Any failed roll, check, or save forces you to take
1d6 psychic damage. If you roll a natural 1, regardless of activate it as an action on your turn. If the ability is a
the result, the damage is increased to 2d6. passive trait (such as a Minotaur’s labyrinthine recall),

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or to photocopy this document for personal use only Specialist – Biotic Inquisitor
you can grant yourself that effect by attuning to the attack equal to the number of drinks you have had that
day, to a maximum of 20.
talisman. You cannot create a talisman from any
• 4 = Blighted Boils: Force diseased boils to
creature with a CR higher than your artificer level sprout on your skin as a bonus action. On your following
turn, you can spend your action to release the plague,
divided by 3, rounded down.
dealing 4d6 poison or necrotic damage (your choice) to all
creatures within a 10 ft. radius. If an enemy hits you while
the boils are not yet popped, the effect triggers, but you
Genetic Expertise:
take damage as well. When you drop 0 Hit Points or
9th-level Biotic Inquisitor feature below, a virulent explosion of disease and malodor applies
your boils damage to any creature within a 30 ft. radius.
Your talent in biology and gene-splicing has progressed
• 5 = Elasticity: You become as malleable as
enough for you to have discovered 4 additional rubber and can stretch your limbs out to triple their usual
mutations to inflict along with upgrades to all previous range. As an action, you can flatten yourself to the width
of a piece of paper, grow to triple your height, fold to 1/8th
mutations, upping your Mutation Die to a d12. You can of your size, or turn your body into a parachute, bridge,
now choose to make a mutation permanent until you shield, or any other feasible shape. However, this doesn’t
impact how much you can carry, push, drag, or lift, or
replace it. Additionally, you can substitute the tools used your overall endurance. You have vulnerability to
for mutation for a workbench (an operating table piercing damage.
• 6 = Brainiac: You can flawlessly recall anything
shadowed by a lightning rod over an exposed sky, a you have experienced in the past 7 days, recognize any
crystal vat of radioactive material, a dentist chair, the language being spoken and any spell being cast, learn 10
languages of your choice, gain proficiency with 2 skills of
potential is limitless), which allows you to roll your your choice, and Expertise with a skill of your choice you
Mutation Die twice and pick either result. were proficient with before mutating. Your now-proud
brain sternly rejects failure. Any failed roll, check, or save
• 1 = Super Warrior Serum: Gain [2d6 + your forces you to take 1d8 psychic damage. If you roll a natural
Constitution modifier] Temporary Hit Points as a bonus 1, regardless of the result, the damage is increased to 2d8.
action. Once these are lost or replaced, have disadvantage • 7 = Speed Freak: Your speed increases by 20 ft.,
on your next attack roll, check, or save. Once per day, if you can Dash as a bonus action, climbing doesn’t cost you
you drop to 0 Hit Points, you can choose to drop to 1 Hit extra movement, and you are unaffected by difficult
Point instead. terrain. You have disadvantage to resist any effect that
• 2 = Hyper-Sense: Gain a +3 to Wisdom activates when you move into a space and require an
(Perception) checks, 120 ft. of darkvision, and 20 ft. of additional 4 hours to gain the benefits of a long rest. You
blindsight. Your sense of smell allows you to cast Detect can take 2 reactions per round and carry up to two
Poison and Disease and Detect Evil and Good at will and Medium or smaller willing creatures without hindering
Zone of Truth once per day. You can recognize a material your speed. Taking the Dash action now triples your
or person you have encountered before by tact or sound. speed instead of doubling it.
Your extreme environmental awareness prevents you • 8 = Steel-Skin: Your Hit Point Maximum
from taking a long rest or sleeping unless completely increases by an amount equal to double the Biotic
insulated to the point of sensory deprivation. You gain a Inquisitor’s artificer level and you can carry, push, drag,
+3 to Wisdom (Insight) and Wisdom (Survival) Checks and lift double your usual amount. However, your speed
and 5 ft. of truesight. decreases by 10 ft., you have disadvantage on Initiative
• 3 = Inebriated Might: When under the checks, and you have vulnerability to acid damage. You
influence of alcohol, gain a +2 to Strength and a +3 to are considered Large in size, can exchange one of your
damage rolls with any melee weapon attack. However, attacks with the Multiattack feature to shove or grapple,
for every drink you take after the first, you must make a have advantage to shove or grapple smaller creatures, and
DC 8 Constitution saving throw or become Poisoned for are able to wield weapons made for Large creatures (such
1 hour. This DC increases by 2 for every subsequent roll. as an Oni’s glaive).
Your metabolism also consumes alcohol at a faster rate, • 9 = Psionic: You can read the surface level
ensuring the beneficial effects fade after 1 round. Once per thoughts of any creature within 80 ft. of you and use your
day, you can add a damage bonus to a melee weapon

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action to push or pull one object or creature you can see Plot Hooks for a Biotic Inquisitor:
toward or away from you at a speed of 60 ft. per turn if the 7. You employed mutated individuals to procure much-needed
target weighs as much as your [Intelligence score x your resources for you, your family, and those in the neighborhood.
character level] or less (Kg). Overflowing thoughts from Steal from the rich, the rich bite back. Everyone you know is
every nearby creature makes it so you cannot concentrate between a rock and a hard place, and some good people you
on any spell and cannot speak coherently (you can still mutated have ended up dead for getting involved. You have to
mutter verbal components for spells). If you are hit while find a way to get out of this mess.
manipulating a target, you must make a Concentration 8. A shadowy cabal made you an offer you couldn’t refuse, but
check as if you were concentrating on a spell, dropping you declined away. Can’t an artificer have peace to tinker these
days? Turns out they aren’t fond of “No”, and enforcers
whatever you were holding on a failure.
trashing your shop and gear seems to be the least of your
• 10 = Ether Step: As a bonus action, you can problems. Just what have you gotten yourself into?
step between the Ethereal and Material Planes, teleporting 9. They called you a monster for things you had no control
yourself and everything you are wearing or carrying to a over. They spat as you passed, denied you your future. Not
space you can see within 100 ft. If the space is occupied by anymore. Let them shift into twisted forms, let the world see
an object, you can rebound and teleport again by spending them for the monsters they truly are. Fire will cleanse their
your Reaction. If the space is occupied by a creature, the masks, and your science is the spark.
first successful attack you make against the creature on the Stitch Monster:
same turn forcefully moves them to the nearest available
space. Ending your turn in an occupied space deals 6d10 15th-level Biotic Inquisitor feature
force damage and returns you to your initial position. As your fascination with organic matter, living or dead,
You can freely teleport a number of times per day equal
to the Biotic Inquisitor’s Intelligence modifier. If you grows with time, you make strides in the development
choose to teleport past this point, you roll a d20 for each of an ultimate project, an unholy fusion of every trophy
“jump”. On an 11 or higher, nothing happens. On a 10 or
lower, you teleport to an unoccupied space of your DM’s you have ever harvested. Over the course of a week, you
choosing within 400 ft, even beyond range of sight. can create a Stitch Monster from the talismans obtained
• 11 = Elemental Avatar: You choose a damage
type: Either fire, cold, acid, or lightning (This decision by dissecting corpses. The number of talismans you can
cannot be reversed unless the mutation is lost and use for a single Stitch Monster is equal to your artificer
regained). As an action, you can envelop your body in an
aura of that element for 1 minute, gaining resistance to level, and once a talisman is part of your abomination, it
damage of its kind and immunity if you normally had no longer counts against the number of Infused Items
resistance. Any weapon attacks you make deal an
additional 1d6 elemental damage, and you can spend an you can have.
action or swap an attack with the Multiattack feature to The resulting aberration can use the Special Abilities
shoot off a blast equivalent to a Chromatic Dragonborn’s
breath weapon of the matching element. You also choose from all of the talismans and has access to a maximum
to gain either a swimming, flying, or burrowing speed of one action of your choice from each creature it is
equal to your movement speed to accompany the
transformation. composed of, assuming the action remains possible for
The first time you use this transformation gives you 1 the body part in question. If these creatures have access
level of Exhaustion upon reverting. The second on the
same day gives 2 more, while the third inflicts another 3. to the Multiattack feature, the Stitch Monster does as
A fourth metamorphosis is lethal, though you ignore the well. Its size is determined by its largest component, and
effects of Exhaustion while transformed. You can end the
transformation early as a bonus action. it retains any senses, resistances, and vulnerabilities (but
• 12 = Healing Factor: At the start of your turn, not immunities) from its genetic makeup.
you heal an amount of damage equal to [your character
level + your Constitution modifier] and your life The Armor Class of the Stitch Monster is the average of
expectancy doubles. You can regenerate any lost limbs or all its constituents, rounding down. Its speed equals the
organs within 24 hours. Magical healing and spells that
remove Conditions have no effect on you. average of its constituents rounding up to the nearest
multiple of 5. It is proficient in no skills or saving throws.

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Its Stats are determined by the highest value of each Stat you can spend your bonus action to give it a simple
between its members. Its Maximum Hit Points equal verbal command, lest it lash out against the world and
[the number of talismans used in its creation + your devour anything within its path.
Intelligence score + five times your Artificer level). If the command compels it to self-harm or death or
Once created, the Stitch Monster is only given life if you forces it through degrading circumstance, there is an
cast the Awaken spell on it. Alternatively, casting 80% chance it will rebel and never obey your commands
Reincarnate within 10 ft. of it allows you to transfer even again. If treated with care, it may even allow you to
an unwilling soul into the shell of your creation. Given mount it. You can only have one active Stitch Monster
life, it understands no languages but answers to you, and at a time, but instead of destroying the previous model,
can even act as your familiar. When not given any direct you can choose to release it to the wild, gifting it
orders, it acts on its own accord to disturbing effect, complete liberty. If you die, your current Stitch Monster
seeing as its mind is the product of multiple entities’ is released in the same manner.
clashing desires. It takes its initiative after your own, and

(Sample Stitch Monster crafted by a 15th level artificer with an Intelligence score of 16, using 5 talismans)

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or to photocopy this document for personal use only Specialist – Biotic Inquisitor
Suggested Physical Mutations Tables (d4)
Super Warrior Serum Hyper Sense Inebriated Might
1. Increased muscular development. 1. Aberrant development of sensory 1.Permanent dehydration when deprived
Physical strength and resilience don’t organs: Mainly the nose, eyes, ears, and of drink. Body seems to unnaturally swell
necessarily grow to match. Body could tongue. with energy when drinking.
break under strain. 2. Bioluminescent eyes and blood. 2. Irregular bodily proportions. One limb
2. Irregular hair growth throughout the 3. Sensory saturation. Food tastes the larger than the other, crooked back,
body. Inconsistent thickness and color. same, voices mix and match when not permanently squinting eyes.
3. Sudden cravings. Ravenous hunger. paying attention, faces start to blend into 3. Twisted teeth and fingers, adept at
Potential appetite for socially inedible one. tearing caps off the bottle.
substances. 4. Acute awareness of own bodily 4. Tendency to transpire heavily for
4. Unmanageable outbursts of might, processes. Senses can keenly detect the prolonged periods of time, without
perhaps leading to unintentional damage heartbeat, flow of blood and oxygen, apparent cause. Sweat becomes minimally
of a person or object. contraction of muscles, creaking of bones. acidic and flammable.

Blighted Boils Elasticity Brainiac

1.Fungal growths throughout the body. 1. Tendency to droop when nervous, or 1. Dramatic increase to size of head.
Each time they are removed, they grow for body to subconsciously elongate Durability of skull boosted to match.
back, spreading farther each time. toward an escape route when afraid. 2. Perceived breathing trouble. Larger
2. Any object in prolonged contact with 2. Spring-like rebound after landing. oxygen intake needed to power new brain.
you experiences a mold-like growth. 3. Ability to store tiny harmless objects Incessant yawning.
Sufficient exposure causes structural between the folds of your body. 3. Slight golden glow emanates from
weakness. 4. Capacity to “print” objects unto body by forehead when formulating bright ideas.
3. Foul stench. Repulsive to most pressing them against it for a sufficient Emits various colored glows depending on
monsters. Plants wither as you pass. amount of time. Can mold hands to your emotional state.
4. Your blood becomes a green, syrupy replicate small tools you are proficient 4. Concentration noticeably heats the
sap. Toxic if ingested, undetectable when with or simple bludgeoning weapons to skull, accompanied by twitching. Smoke
mixed with water. Cauterizes wounds. replace your unarmed strikes (ex: mace). may pour out the ears.

Speed Freak Steel-Skin Psionic

1. Biological need to intake titanic 1. Skin turns to a metallic shade when hit 1. Ability to unwillingly sense flashes of the
amounts of food and drink to feel full. or under pressure. past of an object or person upon first
Resistance to inebriation. 2. Armor and weapons partially bond to contact.
2. Constant need to keep at least one part your shape and wrap around your form, 2. Muscular atrophy, caused by an over-
of your body moving unless you are either becoming extensions of yourself. reliance on telekinesis over physical
asleep or dead. 3. Strange glistening skin, bouncing off activity.
3. Bizarre fatigue when physically inactive. light from afar similar to a spyglass. 3. Inability to mask what you are feeling or
Coupled with adrenaline burst when Reflections can be seen on your body. perceiving. Body language follows what
beginning any endeavor. 4. Intense discomfort and rustiness when you meant, not what you said.
4. Distracting blur to form, as if exposed to humid environments. Sinking, 4. Aura that varies alongside you between
permanently vibrating. A low buzz can be defeated feeling in warm climates. empathy and antipathy, slowly spreading
heard emanating from your body. Invigorating boost in the cold. to those nearby.

Ether Step Elemental Avatar Healing Factor

1. Parts of you become translucent at 1. Elemental energy permanently wisps 1. Any wounds formerly healed by magic
random intervals. around you, surging through anyone who begin to retroactively scar your body.
2. Objects in your possession periodically touches you. 2. You ignore pain and may not even
materialize and reappear. 2. Your element is volatile in your detect that you have been wounded.
3. Tendency for accidental teleportation, presence. 3. You can briefly dislocate bones or sprain
especially when overlooking a landscape. 3. Your element shies away from your muscles with no detriment.
4. Distinguishing marks on your body, form, slightly becoming more subdued. 4. Weapons or ammunition stuck to your
such as scars, tattoos, or burns, move to a 4. You can summon powerless sparks of body soon fall to the ground as it fills the
different place each time you warp. your elemental power, if only for show. space with fresh tissue.

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Behavioral Mutation Table (d20) Biotic Workshop Table (d8)
1. Carelessness: There is no trial you cannot tackle, no obstacle too 1. The sewers provide a sprawling network for you to hide your
great and no crusade too hopeless. You’re invincible. experiments from prying eyes. The common pests and stench ensures
2. Irritability: Your new abilities fire off at their own convenience. you never run out of fresh subjects, but also make for a steady flow of
Though sometimes you aren’t so sorry about the consequences. foolish adventurers. In time, you have even installed markings to guide
3. Temper: Your emotions frequently overwhelm you, even in cases your way and secret passages to evade pursuers.
you could previously manage with ease. 2. After the local astrologist was put to the noose for heresy, his well-
4. Isolation: Those you love can never see your sorry state. Never! stocked observatory has lain empty for decades. At least, that is what
They would despise you. You would lose them. Anything but that. most think. No one could suspect that beneath the rusty copper and
5. Evasion: You know you’re a freak, but there’s really no point rotting wood hides a follower of progress, not decay. The place might
discussing it. A deflection here and there and they should get the hint. be a decrepit dump, but it’s your decrepit dump.
6. Hubris: Your newfound skills are unparalleled and place you firmly 3. Apparently, you won a contest staged by an aristocratic couple to
above the rest. You feel no hatred for them. Only pity. pawn off their family manor. A murder in the family, or some such,
7. Impatience: Can we get going already? You didn’t get these powers prompted them to move away. No matter. The estate provides more
to stand around. than enough space for your research, which, coincidentally, hasn’t
8. Toughness: Act like a beacon of hope, an unbreakable icon, even if helped the rumors that the place is haunted.
you aren’t. It makes them feel safer. Happier. Even if you aren’t. 4. You decided to reinvigorate a watchtower by the beachside, meant
9. Antipathy: You can see through masks and pleasantries. There are to scout for pirates in an age long past. Renovating it was no easy feat,
no saints in the world. Everyone is just as bad as all the rest. but certainly gratifying and well worth it. However, the bright lights
10. Low Commitment: You float from group to group, seeking from your experiments meant folk took it as a lighthouse, and before
acceptance. Even if you were to find it, would you know it? you knew it, a municipal contract was in your hands. Damn it.
11. Imposter: You don’t deserve it. You owe it all to the mutations. 5. You can never go wrong with the classics. A series of interconnected
12. Depression: This power is a curse, not a gift. Those who say caverns, laden with bottomless pits, bountiful ore, and clusters of bats?
otherwise should walk a mile in your shoes. Sounds like home already. Just image the waterfall secret exit!
13. Curiosity: Your new outlook forces you to reexamine and 6. A sentient great oak has recently opened its doors to you to work
rediscover everything you took for granted. within its colossal trunk. The tree itself is wise and well-meaning but
14. Empathy: You understand what Orcs and Drow and other has the bothersome trait of communicating solely through cryptic
“monsters” have gone through. You see the true monsters now. rhymes. It has never revealed its name, age, origin, or motive for aid.
15. Loyalty: Not many stick by you, but those who do are precious. You have yet to look the gift tree in the mouth.
16. Bravado: A charismatic wit never killed anyone. Right? 7. Your current lab finds itself in the back and basement of a popular
17. Honesty: Frankly, you don’t care what they think anymore. tavern. The innkeeper is under the impression that you’re a brewer-
Sometimes the words just flow out of your mouth. Supplying him with booze pays the rent, at least. You just pray that an
18. Addiction: You gluttonously chase the high of mutations. unlucky drunk doesn’t wander in looking for the lavatory.
19.Epiphany: You must have been given this great power for 8. After a Beholder dreamt up a baby, both fell in the resulting skirmish,
something. This is a calling to make something of yourself. and you moved into its charming lair. Without levitation or telekinesis,
20.Paranoia: You can feel them loathe you. Hate you for being getting it to work has been difficult, but you aren’t known as a genius
different, better. You will not allow it. You will strike first. for no reason. Just watch out for any live traps or stray minions.

Sample Biotic Inquisitor NPC: Matthias Silco

Matthias was known by many names, often multiple at once. Doctor. Heretic. Father. As a local healer, his skills were always seen as
second to the priests of the nearby temple, who mocked his science, called it unnatural, the antithesis of dignity. And it was when his
daughter fell ill from a plague that he couldn’t cure that the priests laughed the hardest. She deserved it, they said. Who were they to say
what she deserved?
But he didn’t kill them. He was a doctor. He would help them. Help them see themselves as what they truly were. What he claimed was
an offering for divine mercy was bait, and the clerics gobbled it up. They became twisted servants of Matthias, monstrous reflections of
their monstrous souls. He realized that if he could stamp out evil here, he could do so elsewhere. For Matilda.

Plot Hook:
First, he made the priests eradicate their own family lines. Poetic. He took their gold to buy out the village, make some renovations. A
lab, defenses. Then, he began. The clergy, the aristocracy, the guilds, anyone who represented corruption and repression would be
dragged back by a warband of abominations and become one by next dawn. If some perished in the raid, no tears were shed by Matthias.
The rich and powerful managed to track down Dr. Silco, and now turn to hired help to assail his compound, bring back any “intact”
hostages, and return with Matthias himself, dead or alive. If confronted, however, the doctor will present a rival bid. He has claimed the
wealth of many men. If it is gold they seek, go back on their word, and side with him. What will they choose?

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