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Archaeology Report


This report provides the results of a virtual excavation that was carried out at an archaeological

site situated in the western area of the United States. The purpose of the excavation was to

unearth artefacts and features that may provide light on the history and evolution of the site. This

report includes sections on the procedures that were used, the outcomes of the excavation, and an

examination of the discoveries that were made.


The excavation was conducted using a 2m x 2m virtual grid. The grid was divided into four 1m x

1m units, and each unit was excavated in 10cm arbitrary levels. The archaeologists used a virtual

reality software to perform the excavation. This tool enabled them to recreate the excavation

procedure and record the finds as they were discovered. The software was developed to simulate

the physical mechanism of excavation, and one of its functions is to use a digital map to map out

the locations of objects and features. Standard archaeological methods were used in the

excavation of each level, and the soil was painstakingly removed in layers measuring 10

centimeters using trowels and brushes. The digital map was used to meticulously map any

artefacts or features that were discovered at each level, and the information was then stored in a

database. A one-of-a-kind identifying number was given to each relic, and pictures were taken of

each one to record its look as well as its location.


A total of 60 levels were excavated, and a variety of artifacts and features were uncovered. The

following table summarizes the types and counts of artifacts found in each level:
Level (cm BS) Artifact Type Count

0-10 Animal bone 5

0-10 Ceramic 3

10-20 Ceramic 8

10-20 Lithic debitage 12

20-30 Animal bone 3

20-30 Lithic debitage 8

30-40 Lithic debitage 7

30-40 Charcoal 2

The excavation also uncovered several features, including a possible hearth and a concentration

of lithic debitage at a depth of 20-30cm below the surface.


The data were analyzed, which led to the discovery of various patterns and new insights about

the past of the location. Since there is a concentration of lithic debitage between a depth of 20

and 30 centimeters, it is possible that this location was used for the creation or maintenance of

lithic tools. There is evidence, in the form of charcoal, indicating a fire was used somewhere

between levels 30 and 40. This fire could have been used for cooking or for keeping warm. The

fact that objects are arranged in different layers gives further information about the history of the

place. It seems that the higher floors may have been utilised for household purposes, since

animal bone and porcelain were discovered there. The presence of a significant amount of lithic

debitage in the intermediate levels provides evidence that this location may have been used for

the manufacture or maintenance of lithic tools. It seems that natural site disturbance processes
had a greater influence on the lower layers, since they had been systematically looted of


Moreover, trends in the artefacts' horizontal distribution were uncovered via the research. For

instance, the majority of the lithic debitage that was discovered in level 10-20 was located in the

western part of the unit. This finding indicates that this region may have been used as a dedicated

workplace at one point. It seems that the northern portion of the unit was set aside as a storage

space, since the majority of ceramics from levels 0-10 were located there. The excavation, in its

whole, uncovered evidence of a multifaceted history of site usage, including evidence of both

everyday and specialized operations. The interpretation of archaeological data must also take

into account the processes that were involved in the construction of the sites, as shown by the

examination of the results.

In conclusion, the digital excavation that was carried out at the archaeological site yielded

significant results that shed light on the history of the site as well as its evolution through time.

The analysis of the data has revealed patterns and insights that may add to our knowledge of

historical human behavior and social structure. These patterns and insights have been found as a

result of the study. The virtual excavation sheds light on the possibilities of digital technology in

archaeological study as well as the significance of taking into account the processes of site

creation when interpreting archaeological data.

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