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unflip = Sends: ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)

tableflip =Sends: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
lenny =Sends: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
shrug =Sends: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
secret=esconde as msg
bold=que coloca em negrito(editado)
spam (tanto) (mensagem) = manda varias msg
clear = spawna mensagem gigante vazia
tts (message) = manda msg como audio(editado)
Command = Description
destroy = Ban, delete roles, delete channels, edit guild info, mass create channels
All in one!
massban =Banir geral
masskick =expulsar geral
massrole =criar cargos
masschannel =criar canais aleatorios
delroles =deletar os cargos
delchannels =deletar os canais
massunban =desbanir geral(editado)
weather =Mostrar tempo
tokeninfo (token) =Display various information about the token
tokenfuck (token) =Crash, glitch screen of a token, all in discord
geoip (ip) =Display various information about the IP
gmail-bomb =Spam a gmail [Information is inserted via console]
nitro =Generate a random nitro code
proxies =Scraps HTTP/HTTPS/SOCKS4/SOCKS5 proxies
address (text) =Generates fake address based on the text you specify
masslogin (choice) =Allows you to mass-login in bot/user tokens [Choices can be:
user and bot](editado)
slap (user) =Slap the mentioned user
hug (user) =Hug the mentioned user
smug (user) =Smug at the mentioned user
pat (user) =Pat the mentioned user
kiss (user) =Kiss the mentioned user
(prefix)limpar (numero de msg)(editado) = apaga msg
lesbian =Random lesbian [Anime]
lewdjeko =Random lewd neko [Anime]
blowjob =Random blowjob [Anime]
tits =Random tits [Anime]
boobs =Random boobs [Anime]
hentai =Random hentai [Anime]
feet =Random feet [Anime]
erofeet =Random erotic feet [Anime]
anal = cu

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