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rcgulate, the relationship bctween the insurer and insurcd is contractual.

couse is to give insights into the principles of objcctive ol the
insurance as applied in such
and naturc of regulation of
insurance, and a hricf study of tyDes of insurance contracts, the neea
and their features.
Part I:Banking Law -
1. The Statutes :
Reserve Bank of lndia Act, 1934.
2. The
3. The Bankers' Regulation Act, 1949.
Books Evidence Act,
4. The
Recovery of Debts due to Banks1891. and
5. The
Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial
Institutions Act, 1993.
Assets and Enforcement of Security
Interests Act, 2002.
6. The
Limitation Act 1963.
Module 01 Banking:
1. Banking
2 Evolution and
business : meaning and nature
history of
B Types of banks and their banking, and its growth in India
functions : Central bank, Naiionalised and
Banks, Regional rural banks, Local area banks, Scheduled
Cooperative banks, Foreign banks Non-scheduled banks,
Module 02 Regulatory Framework :
,K Reserve Bank of India : Its
over banks in India. structure, primary and secondary functions; Control
2. Monetary and credit Policy
Reserve Ratio, Statutory Liquidity Ratio, Currency
4. Assets and liabilities of a Chests
bank, Permitted bank investments,
5. /Banking regulation, bank Lending limits
nationalisation aFd social coutrol over banking - an
Module 03 Banker - Customer Relstions :
I. Contractual nature of
a) Types of accounts
b) Services- Deposits, Discounting bills of exchange, Safe custody, Lockers,
Foreign exchange, Demand drafts, Pay orders
2. Rights, duties and obligations of a banker
3. Instruments
a) Cheques, definition, types, crossing, endorsement and types, Paying
Banker - Obligations and protection, Collecting banker -
duties and
b) Bank guarantees and Letters of credit
4. Interest, interest rates, usury
5. Death of depositors and effect, nominations
6. Remedies to the customer - Banking Ombudsman, Consumer
Protection Act
Module 04 Lending by Banks:
1. Parties in acontract of lending, their respective rights, duties and immunities,

113 SPP University *Revised Curriculum "Degree Courses in Law" B.A. LLB, BB.A. LL.B. and LL B.

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naturc: policics,
Hindu their life
: Joint
customers finance
fcatures and Registrationof
of Minors,
Consortium securities
Catcgories their
holders, and of export
Account ed
advances Typeshypothecation,lien, MSMES,
Unincorporaod debt:
orloans of
repaymentproperty, cducation,
2. Typesof pledge,
for vable housing,
Sccurity immo charge,
guranees,Mortgage, agriculture,
book sectors- Code
priority women Practice 1993-
Sections, securitirs Act,
Lending in Fair securities-
weaker thc and Instiiutions
4. credit, liabilityandProcedurepayment
enforcement of
Financial enforcemnent
Lender'sLoansandenforcing Section2 Assets
Recovery of periodfor definitionsindebts
Limitation recovery of dueto related loans and of and
05 Debts Reconstruction III,
Module and of and Chapter
I. DefaultRecovery
andV, recovery ofand 2002-
2. The IV Securitizaticn
a) ChaptersIII, aid of Interests
Procedurein the Security 2(10).
under 2(9),
b) securities of 2(8) 45,
Enforcement 2 2(7B), 42A,
Section 31-35,64.2(7A), 38-40,42,
and in
definitions 30. 2(6C),
: 17-19. 27A-27E, 3-5, 8,
StatutesSections 2(6B), Sections
Law- 1872- 2(6A), 27,
Insurance Act, 2(2), 3B. 6. 10, 1999-
Contract Sections 3A, Act,
PartII: Indian -
19382(I6B), 2C 3. India 67-68. 177,
TheInsuranceAct, Authorityof 52-54, 174,
1. 2(13B), Development 33-37. 145-163B,
The 19-26,
2. 2(11),2(13A), and 16-17. 140-143.
64VB,103. Regulatory 6-9, 2(34),
Insurance Sections3, 2(30), Protectionof
1963 - (28).
The Sections 2 135A. Agents, Life
3. 18, 19. InsuranceAct, 1988 - 130A, 135,
Insurance Insurance,
MarineVehiclesAct, 130, of Health
The Sections
4. Motor 1882-
The Act, relatingto Value,
5. Property Paid-up insurance
196. IRDA
Transferof bytheSurenderand compulsory Insurable
The made Reinsurance. and value, risks -
6. Regulations Interests, Vo<untary
7. Policy Holders' Insurance, insurance, termination of
General Insurance: transfer,
Insuraice, Classesof and
Natureof insurance? spreading, and duration
Module06 WhatisRisk-handling, selection
1. adverse
Risks, risks, Extent, and
2. other loss hazard
and TimeofHazard,moral the
perils, nature of
insurable Contingent
Perils, insurance;
3. Re-insurance of
Insurance: subject-matter LL B
LB. and
Contractof insurance, LLB.,
Moduie07 Contractof Law"B.A.
1 COursesin
insurance contract
2. Formation of insurance contract - proposai and acceptance,
involved in fTrmation - proposal, cover note, slips, documents
policy, certificate of
insurance, the process of formation of the insurance contract
policy, the free-look provisions in life and health until issuing of
3. Insurance agents and insurance
insurance brokers, and their role in contract foration
4. Proposal, its contents in
general, life, health insurance
5. Premium, calculation, return and
6. Nomination and forfeiture of premivm, Tariff
Module 08 General Principles of Assignments
1. Indemnity - Mcaning,
Insurance :
application in
insurance, subragation, contribution different types of insurance, double
2. Insurable interest,
3. Utmost Good Faith
wagnring agreements
Non-disclosure and misrepresentation, Representations,
warranties and conditions, Types of conditions in
Waiver of breach, Application to different classes ofinsurance, Effect of breach,
avoidance of life insurance policies under Section 45 ofinsurance, Limitations on
the Insurance Act
4. Doctrine of
proximate cause
Module 09 Compulsory Insurance under tbe Motor Vehicles Act, 1988:
1. Scheme of
2. Certificate compulsory
of insurance,
3. Duty to give
Transfer of insurance policy
4. Requirements of policy and limits of liability
5. Right of an insurer to defend
Duty to satisfy judgments
Moduk 10 Development of Insurance and Lnsurance Sector:
1. History of insurance in
India, Nationalisation of life and general
Opening up of the insurance sector, Foreign investment in insurance insurance,
2. Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India, its
role, powers and functions constituticn,
3. The Life Insurance Corporation of India, the General
India, the General and the Life Insurance Councils Insurance Corporation of
4. Registration of insurers, Capital and voting structure; Investments by insurers
6. Functions and benetits of insurance
Recommended Readings -Banking :
1. Tannan's Banking Law and Practice in India, Vinod Kothari ed, 26h
edn, 2017, Lexis
2. Banking and Insurance: Law and Practice, 2010, Taxmann.
3. PNVarshney, Banking Law and Practice, 2013, Sultan Chand &Sons.
4. Avtar Singl, Banking and Negotiable Instruments, 3rd edn, 2016, Eastern Book Company.
5. IBF, Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Banking, 2015, Macmillan.
6. BimalN Patel et al, Banking Law, 2014, Eastern Book Company.

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