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ិ ្ទភ្នំពេញ


Student Score Report

A Research Report
In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Degree of Bachelor of
Engineering in Information Technology Engineering

Kim Chanrithy
ិ ្ទភ្នំពេញ


Student Score Report

A Research Report
In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Degree of Bachelor of
Engineering in Information Technology Engineering

Kim Chanrithy

Examination committee:


This research paper address to one of the problems of teacher calculate student score,
calculate score provide teacher more time saving by using smart phone. We have developed
the application “Camemis Teacher” one of this app functionality provide teacher to save more
time of students calculate score. This app will calculate each student score in a class and auto
rank for the result.


Name of program: Bachelor of Information Technology Engineering

Name of candidate: Kim Chanrithy

Title of research report: Student Score Report

This is to certify that the research carried out for the above titled master’s research report was
completed by the above-named candidate under my direct supervision. This thesis material
has not been used for any other degree. I played the following part in the preparation of this
research report: .........................................................................................

Supervisor's name: Chhim Bunchhun

Supervisor’s signature: ………………………..



This is to certify that the research report that I, Kim Chanrithy, hereby present entitled
“Student Score Report”

for the degree of Bachelor of Science at the Royal University of Phnom Penh is entirely my
own work and, furthermore, that it has not been used to fulfill the requirements of any other
qualification in whole or in part, at this or any other University or equivalent institution.

No reference to, or quotation from, this document may be made without the written approval
of the author.

Signed by (the candidate): …………………………

Date: ……………………………………………….

Sign by Supervisor: Chhim Bunchhun

Supervisor’s signature: ………………………….…

Date: …………………………………………..……

This Report would not have been possible without support, encouragement and
contributions from many different people in their different ways. I would like to express my
deepest appreciation to the following people.
First, I would like to express my gratitude and deep regards to my supervisor, Mr.
Chhim Bunchhun, who has supported me throughout my report with his guidance, comments,
feedbacks, and constant encouragement. The help and guidance given by him from time to
time shall carry me a long way to complete this report.
Then, I would like to express my thanks to all my lecturers during the study program
at Royal University of Phnom Penh, for their kindness and strong knowledge foundation in
their respective subjects to help me advancing my knowledge.
Finally, I would like to express my deepest and warmest thanks to my family,
especially my parent for their unconditional support and love that made all things possible for
me in this world.

TABLE OF CONTENTS.....................................................................................................................7
CHAAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................8
1.1 Background to the Study.....................................................................................................8
1.2 Problem Statement..............................................................................................................8
1.3 Objectives and Study...........................................................................................................8
1.4 Scope and Limitation...........................................................................................................8
1.5 Structure of Study................................................................................................................8
CHAPTER2 LITURATURE REVIEW.............................................................................................8
2.1 Previous relevant..................................................................................................................8
CHAPTER3 METHODOLOGY........................................................................................................8
3.1 Front-End.............................................................................................................................8
3.2 Back-End..............................................................................................................................8
3.3 Software development life cycle..........................................................................................8
3.4 Database relationship diagram...........................................................................................8
3.5 Scores calculating.................................................................................................................8
3.5.1 Teacher enters score.....................................................................................................8
3.5.2 Monthly result..............................................................................................................8
3.5.3 Semester result.............................................................................................................8
3.5.4 Final result....................................................................................................................8

1.1 Background to the Study

Every high school teacher always does their exam then collect those student score from
different subjects, this process needs a teacher in a class to stand calculate all of students for
their monthly result, semester result and final result. This process of calculate score always
do the same way again and again and each school.
One of the most well-know this process calculate score need to take time to collect score
from each subject then calculate.
1.2 Problem Statement

This process of calculate score always do the same and take a lot of teacher time to
calculate monthly result, semester result and final result.
1.3 Objectives and Study

The objective of study the process to calculate student score from each subject in a class
for their result.
1.4 Scope and Limitation

In this research we focus only on a mobile application platform by implement a basic

syntax calculate score.
1.5 Structure of Study

The structures of this research paper are organised as follows. We define the process of
calculate score, types of calculate score and briefly discussion about related work in chapter
II. Chapter III is about methodology that can applied to our mobile application. We show our
result and discussion in chapter IV. The last section of this research paper is chapter V which
is conclusion about our work on what we have done and achieved.
2.1 Previous relevant

There are many topics that are similar or relevant as those used to calculate students'
scores and class ranking. Those topics are:
- This web application used to help schools adopt digitization the easy and affordable
way so they can manage data, people and processes seamlessly, more effectively and
conveniently; alongside gaining more publicity and digital exposure, and also
bridging the communication and accessibility gap between parents and the schools.
This system needs a teacher to handle the whole class and for calculating the score
this system can’t work with multiple teachers to enter the score.

- The Student Result Management System from IKBAL HOSSAIN is divided into two
modules–Student, Admin. Admin Features- Admin Dashboard, Admin can add,
update. Class Admin can add, update, Subjects. Admin can add, update, Active,
Inactive. Subject combination with class, Admin can register new students and also
edit info of the student. This system required a teacher to rule this app to manage all
students in a class.
- Development of Students Result Management is the system used for student register
and exam. The exam officer needs to assign the questions and answers for those
students registered. After examination this system will auto calculate the score and
answer that the office assigned each student will see their result and ranking for the
major that they chose to take the exam.


3.1 Front-End

The front end is the part of the application users can see and interact with such as the
graphical user interface (GUI) and the command line including the design, navigating menus,
texts, images, videos, etc. For this project I used Flutter to develop the front-end.
- Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It is used to
develop cross-platform applications for Android, iOS, Linux, macOS, Windows. Etc.
Flutter is a powerful language packed with a powerful mobile framework that can be
used in both iOS and Android applications.
3.2 Back-End

The backend of a software program or website is the part of the application that
handles the behind-the-scenes functionality. It is responsible for storing and organizing
data, as well as ensuring that everything runs smoothly on the server side. The backend is
responsible for processing requests from the frontend and returning appropriate
responses. For this project I used Laravel PHP framework to develop the Back-end.
- Laravel is a popular open-source PHP web development framework that is widely
used for building web applications.  It is popular for a number of reasons, including
its elegant syntax that is designed to be expressive and easy to use. Laravel
architectural patterns are majorly based on Symfony. Laravel is a PHP web
application framework that is used for developing web applications and APIs.

3.3 Software development life cycle

The Waterfall model is useful because it is simple and easy to understand. It is ideal
for standard projects with frozen requirements. Project requirements are well understood
and should be fixed. Project management is easy because each phase is sequential and
visible outputs at each stage.
3.4 Database relationship diagram

This is the database relationship in system and there are many tables so let’s get
explain these important tables and process of calculate student’s score before store in
This table is store class of students and has many important relationships with
other tables as t_acadimicdate, t_schedule, t_teacher, t_student_schoolyear, and tables
that store students score such as t_student_subject_calculate_score,
t_student_monthly_calculate_score, t_student_semester_calculate_score,
t_student_semester_exam_calculate_score and t_student_schoolyear_calculate_score.
Let’s me explain those relation ៖

 The ministry of education always calculates the date of study for each year and
those dates will be stored in t_academicdate and it must have many classes in the
study year.

 Class instructor ( គ្រូបន្ទុកថ្នា ក់) in table t_grade is very important to class that handle
and manage the hold class for some school in Cambodia there are have 2
instructors and a single teacher can become class instructor for many classes. In
system class instructor can input score to all subjects in class without checking.

 In class there must be many schedules to study and those schedules have different
subjects and different teachers as well. Table t_subject has maximum, minimum
scored and it’s also having relation to t_gradingsystem that limit how the student will
get A, B, C, D or fail. Table t_schedule will connect subject with teacher so class will
have schedule for teaching. This relationship tables will be useful for the process
backend to allow the teacher to input scores, especially teachers can input score only
their teaching subject beside class instructors.

 Table t_student used to prove their identity and their information of students those
students will store in table t_student_schoolyear that modify they are in a one class
with table t_grade.
 Table t_student_subject_calculate_score is the most important because after the
student exam all the scores from different subjects will be stored in this table.  The
process of backend before storing the data system will check the student's score
between subject’s maximum, minimum then grading based on student score. In the
Table t_student_subject_calculate_score field INCLUDE_IN_EVALUATION used to
modify that student’s score is for monthly or semester if for monthly field

MONTH_VALUE be stored from 1 to 12 base month calendar.

 when subject’s score of students stored in table t_student_subject_calculate_score
those scores will be query from different month and subject to calculate monthly

 Table t_student_semester_calculate_score used to store the calculated score of all

subjects that exam at first and second semester of student.
 Table t_student_semester_calculate_score used to store student’s score of calculated
from all months of first semester and second semester.
 This table t_student_schoolyear_calculate_score is used to store score final result of
students that calculated from result of first semester and second semester.

3.5 Scores calculating

3.5.1 Teacher enters score

The process allows teachers to enter scores for students in the class and their only
class instructor can input scores to all subjects. Subject teachers can input the score
for those students based on their subject teaching in the class. these score are form
student of Cheasimsamaki hight school in November 2022.
3.5.2 Monthly result

After having each subject score of students for different months at the backend
side will query total score from sum of all subjects in different months then divide
with total subjects in class.

3.5.3 Semester result

Semesters result in a total score in each semester in class like calculating scores
from all months of that semester with the score exam of semester.

3.5.4 Final result

Final result is used from both the first semester and second semester together, then
divided with the total semester that is the school year result of the end of class.

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