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Riley Routh

1 | The Arcanist’s Toolkit

Welcome to The Arcanist’s Toolkit! Below, there is a table summarising the seven mods
included in this book. Each has a complexity die
Within these pages, you will find seven different rating, as well as a short description of what to
ways to use the Cortex Prime system to simulate expect. Further into each section, you’ll find detailed
magical abilities in your games. This is a companion rules for running those mods, examples of play, and
to the Cortex Prime Game Handbook, so be sure to some unique SFX for that special magic sauce. How-
seek that out if you haven’t already. ever, as you already know if you’ve read anything
about Cortex, what lies within are mere suggestions.
These seven mods (short for “modules”) can be You must feel free to tweak, shift, combine, bend,
plugged into any game you run using Cortex, and break, and flip these mods to suit your game best.
each will provide a new play experience. They range
from the plain and simple to the crunchy and The ultimate goal with each of these mods, and
complex. Each of them reflects a different tone for indeed this entire project, is to inspire a world, or
the games you put them in. In one, magic might be an several worlds, that they can slot into. I don’t expect
everyday force on par with electricity in our world. In you to include more than one of these in a single
another, magic might manifest in only a rare few. game. In fact, doing so would probably get very
messy! Instead, I want to show off the versatility and
Not only that, but each of these mods will produce a potential inherent in the Cortex system, and maybe
different kind of magic-user. For some, magic might spark a few ideas in the process. Each mod comes
feel as natural as breathing, even if the wider world with some suggestions for the way you build your
doesn’t understand it. For others, magic might come game, but the details are yours to finesse.
at a heavy price, or require decades of study. Long
ago, ‘arcanist’ referred only to a manufacturer who Happy building!
kept a great secret of their craft. Will the arcanist
you create choose to keep their secrets, or share
them with the world?

The Seven Mods – A Summary

Spheres Complexity: ④ A trait set representing an affinity with certain elements.

Augmentation Complexity: ⑥ A method for modifying your base traits.

Spells Complexity: ⑩ A system for inventing, learning, and performing spells.

Grounding Complexity: ⑧ Dangerous magic that can be only barely controlled.

Rituals Complexity: ⑥ Magic that takes time and skill for powerful effects.

Dolormancy Complexity: ⑧ Using complications and stress to fuel your spells.

Synchronicity Complexity: ⑥ Probability manipulation to encourage unlikely events.

2 | The Arcanist’s Toolkit

The boat rocked beneath our feet as the
Spheres are a trait mod that gives characters magical
mighty beast roared. Several of the other power over a particular category of the world. As a
set, spheres can have between three and six traits,
sailors covered their ears in terror and pain, and each trait in the set represents an area of
but Ansk stood firm on the deck. It was as influence the character can use to channel magic.
though he was oblivious to the fact that we
When using spheres, characters don’t know specific
were about to capsize.
spells. Instead, they’re rated at each sphere accord-
ing to their affinity with that trait. While I don’t
I watched him with curiosity, despite the recommend using spheres as a prime set, I do think
danger. He brought his hands together in one they work best when everyone has at least a ④ .
swift motion, then performed a strange That way, even PCs who have no interest in FIRE
magic can make use of it.
gesture I couldn’t quite fathom.All of a
sudden a great wave pushed our craft back When rating spheres, each PC usually has one ⑩,
the way it had came. Everyone clung on for one ⑧ , one ④ , and the rest at ⑥
dear life as the beast gave chase, but with
To use magic in this system is as simple as including a
another gesture our sails billowed, quickly sphere in your dice pool. The exact effects of the
outrunning the lumbering creature. magic depend on the intent of the character and, as
always, the result of the roll.
Nobody else noticed, and he never once spoke
of it after that day, but it seems clear to me Spheres can also come with sphere statements.
These are trait statements written to represent the
that Ansk somehow harnessed the wind itself, character’s relationship to that sphere. This will help
and that every sailor aboard the Faraway narrow down those broad areas into more specific
that day owes him their life. and productive approaches. That also means
characters can challenge them and earn growth, if
you’re using that mod. This is great for more closely
defining a character’s personal relationship with
their magic.

3 | The Arcanist’s Toolkit

Here’s a very simple example of a set of spheres you
could include in your game.

• AIR: Magic relating to flight, freedom, and the

• EARTH: Magic relating to strength, holding things
in place, and the ground.
• WATER: Magic relating to movement, emotion,
and the sea.
• FIRE: Magic relating to energy, passion, and

These are, of course, the four elements. Spheres

work best when there are clear links between each
sphere, as there are in this case. Take four of five of a
group, and see if they can work as spheres. Here’s
another four:


You could decide that these are literal — your magic

is most powerful at those specific times — or meta-
phorical. Like all good trait sets, a little interpret-
ation goes a long way.

Spheres are also a natural choice for converting

magic systems from other games. Perhaps you could
use the classic schools of magic — abjuration,
necromancy, and the like — as a set of spheres? How-
ever, if your list of spheres starts growing beyond six,
see if there are any cuts to be made. Otherwise, you
risk spheres becoming too central a trait set, possibly
overshadowing the others.

Spheres and Growth

Spheres are mechanically modelled after roles, so if
you want your game to include growth mechanics,
you can step up spheres whenever you would be able
to step up a role. For example, with the growth pool,
the difficulty die would be ⑩ .

In addition, spheres can actually contribute to

growth by using trait statements, which can earn you
growth dice when challenges. See “Spheres Example
#2” for more.

4 | The Arcanist’s Toolkit

Spheres Example #1
Lucy’s character, Karin, is a sphere mage in an invest- Lucy constructs a dice pool including her SNEAK ⑥
igative fantasy setting. Her magic comes from her skill, her JUSTICE⑩ value, and her WHERE I’M NOT
natural inquisitiveness, so the four spheres in her WANTED ⑧ , distinction — the prime sets — and
game are are WHO, WHERE, WHEN, and WHY. The because she’s casting a spell she includes a sphere
other question words, like “What”, were deemed a too. She reasons that WHERE is the best choice here,
little too vague to be a sphere. as she’s trying to obfuscate her location.

When Karin decides to try and spy on the corrupt Her WHERE rating is only a ⑥ , but it’s good enough
guards in her village, she casts a spell to avoid them for her to roll. She rolls, and gets a heroic success, so
noticing her. Lucy’s GM rolls difficulty as normal, and Karin simply melts into the shadows near the guard
comes up with a 12. tower, waiting for her mark to emerge.

Spheres Example #2
Zach’s character, Mellirae, is part of a classic fantasy As it happens, some sessions into the game, Mellirae
action game about a war between wizards. Mellirae discovers that the evil wizards on the opposite side
has the somewhat abstract spheres CREATION, of her conflict have discovered time manipulation
DESTRUCTION, CHANGE, and STASIS. In addition, the game magic! This upends what Mellirae knows about the
uses sphere statements to add more depth to these magic of change, so Zach challenges her sphere
spheres. Mellirae’s sphere statement for CHANGE is: statement.

He triples her CHANGE die for the next roll he makes,

As long as time runs forwards, and then steps it down. Come the end of the session,
change is an inevitability. Zach will have to think about how he wants to
rewrite the statement, given this new information.

When to Use Spheres Spheres SFX

Spheres are the simplest mod here, given that Here are five simple SFX you can use to enhance
they’re just another trait set. The reason they’re here spheres. None of these are specific to a named set of
at all is to show that magic doesn’t have to be spheres, with the idea that you can include them
complex or overwrought to work in your games. You regardless of what your sphere set is. Feel free to
could use spheres when you’re throwing together a write your own SFX making reference to FIRE, DUSK,
game half an hour before the first session, or when or whatever else you’ve got.
you want to teach Cortex to newer players.
• Talent for Growth: When you succeed at a test
But experienced players are likely to get just as much including a sphere, spend a Ⓟ to create a
joy out of them. You can help by pairing spheres with WATCH AND LEARN ⑧ asset. Anyone can use this
some unusual magical SFX that let them put a little asset alongside a ④ ⑥ or sphere.
more power into their rolls. You can also get more • Destructive Proclivities: When you include a
detailed on what kinds of powers are involved in sphere to destroy an object, spend a Ⓟ to step
each sphere, or leave it up to interpretation. up your effect die.

In terms of setting, you want to look at worlds where

• Sphere Blend: When you spend a Ⓟ to include
an additional sphere in a dice pool, step up your
the system of spheres is crucial to the balance of effect die. Afterwards, step down one of the
everyday life. There’s no point using “SPRING / SUMMER included spheres until the end of the session.
/ AUTUMN / WINTER” if your game has nothing to do
with the seasons. Spheres also work best in games
• Rein In: When you include a ⑩ ⑧ or sphere,

where magic is not necessarily hard to master, either

gain a Ⓟ and step it down. You can recover it
by activating an opportunity rolled by the GM.
occurring naturally in certain people or simply being
• Pushing Through: Whenever you take stress
another set of skills. Characters can use them
whenever they want, after all, so you’ll have the most
attached to a sphere, spend a Ⓟ to step it
down. At the end of the session, if you still have
success in worlds where GMCs aren’t constantly
stress on that sphere, step it up.
going “What is this sorcery??”

5 | The Arcanist’s Toolkit

I could’ve run for my country at the Olympics.
They tried to recruit me, actually, but I wasn’t
Augmentation is a mod that allows characters to use
magic to enhance their basic abilities. Augmentation
can represent transformative magic, a pool of inner
interested. Fame brings questions, and strength, or a sudden burst of power.
questions were the last thing I needed.
Augmentation is not a trait set. Instead, you apply it
Instead, they had me working night shift at a to one of your prime sets — attributes are a common
choice, and the one I’ll use by way of example.
strange facility, transporting large metal
cases from a van to an iron hatch on the other Using this mod, with scratch-built characters,
end of the building, and back again. players can spend their character creation points on
unlocking augmentation for any one trait. These
Most employees, they said, managed a single points can come from the same pool as the ones used
to assign specialties and signature assets; characters
van’s delivery in ten trips, totalling about
usually get five. Two points allow a PC to augment a
three hours.After months of work, I got mine trait. If you’re using archetypes, consider giving each
down to two trips and twenty minutes. archetype a choice of two traits to augment.

I never asked what was in the cases, and I When you augment a trait, you automatically unlock
the following SFX attached to that trait:
don’t regret that. Like I said, I don’t do
questions. But the men who came calling for • Lesser Augmentation: Double this trait.
me one day... they had questions.And when it Afterwards, step the trait down until you
became clear I didn’t have answers, I had only succeed a recovery test including the trait’s
original size as a complication.
one choice.The only choice I’ve ever had.
Augmented traits also have two locked SFX, Greater
Run. Augmentation and Reliable Augmentation, described
in “Augmentation and Growth” below.

6 | The Arcanist’s Toolkit

Using augmentation always involves a clear sign of
magical interference. If you activate Lesser Augment-
ation on your AGILITY attribute, describe how you
momentarily become incredibly flexible or slightly
blurry around the edges. If you augment STRENGTH in
Augmentation Example #1 order to hurt someone, you might suddenly grow
Kit’s PC, Xander, has an augmented INTELLIGENCE ⑩ huge muscles in one arm, or have your fingers briefly
turn to claws. Whatever the case, it’s not subtle!
attribute. Kit and his GM worked together to decide
that this means Xander can access vast recesses of
knowledge he has previously spent time memorising. Characters with augmentation usually aren’t flinging
That means that when Xander comes face to face fireballs at each other. Instead, they have something
with a mighty sphinx, he can use Lesser Augmentation like superhuman ability, but they have to be careful
to try and solve the sphinx’s riddle. when they choose to use it. Once a trait is stepped
down, characters might feel more sluggish, slow to
Kit builds a dice pool, doubling his INTELLIGENCE and react, or less able to perform at their best.
adding ⑩⑩ alongside his other traits. He rolls
The effects of augmentation are always temporary,
and succeeds in the test, so Xander’s foe lets him
pass without cause for a fight. However, Xander’s and only last for a single test or contest. Note that
you can use Lesser Augmentation multiple times
INTELLIGENCE has been stepped down to ⑧ until such
before you recover it, but you step down the trait
a time as he can recover it.
every single time. A single recovery test returns it to
its original size.

Recovering from Augmentation

The recovery test mentioned in the SFX above is just
like a test you would make to recover a complication.
It usually involves a standard difficulty of ⑧⑧ .
Augmentation Example #2 Usually, recovery tests have a variable outcome
depending on whether your effect die is greater than
Richard’s character, Lace, has an augmented MIGHT
the complication, but augmentation is much simpler
⑧ attribute. However, he used Lesser Augmentation
— if you succeeded at the test, regardless of your
earlier in the session, so currently Lace’s MIGHT is
effect die, you step the trait up again. See “Augment-
⑥ . This proves tricky in the next scene, when a
ation Example 2” for more.
gang of thugs try to steal her hard-earned gold!

Lace fights them back, but she’s in bad shape. Richard Augmentation and Growth
decides to have Lace rest by the river for a few hours As well as Lesser Augmentation, an augmented trait
and regain her STRENGTH. This is a recovery scene, so comes with two other locked SFX. These can be
the GM rolls the standard difficulty ( ⑧⑧ ) plus unlocked through growth like any other SFX.
the original size of the augmented trait (⑧ ). They
get a total of 11. • Reliable Augmentation: Spend a Ⓟ to immedi-
ately recover this trait to its original size.
Richard rolls HEALTH ⑥ , PATIENCE⑩ , and SILENCE IS • Greater Augmentation: When you activate Lesser
GOLDEN ⑧ . He gets a total of 12, with a ⑥ effect Augmentation, spend a Ⓟ to step up and
die. In a normal recovery scene, the effect die double the trait.
matters, but in this case all that matters is that Lace
succeeded, so her MIGHT returns to ⑧ once more. In addition, characters can use growth to augment
additional traits. This costs roughly the same as get-
ting a ⑧ specialty - so three sessions with the
session records mod, 5 XP with the milestones mod,
and a ⑧ difficulty for the growth pool.

7 | The Arcanist’s Toolkit

When to Use Augmentation
Augmentation is not the showiest of magical
abilities, so it’s reasonable to put it into a setting
where magic is fairly common. Maybe almost
everyone has at least one augmentation, and the
unusual few who don’t are thought of as lesser
individuals by wider society.

Augmented traits are also highly personal. One

character’s augmented PERCEPTION might look very
different to another’s, even if they’re doing the same
basic thing. Perhaps augmentations are themed to
animals or elements — a character’s eyes might
become owl-like, or take on a fiery hue.

You also don’t have to stick to attributes. What

would an augmented value look like? That might be
particularly appropriate for paragons of particular
virtues — paladins and the like.

Not everyone has to be augmented, though! By using

points, augmentation is an option for characters who
want it, but giving alternatives (specialties and signa-
ture assets) to characters who don’t.

Augmentations SFX
Augmentations are SFX by their nature, but if you
want to add more customisation you could attach
any number of the following SFX to the relevant
traits. These are slightly less impressive than Reliable
Augmentation and Greater Augmentation, so you could
consider allowing characters to have some of these
unlocked from the start.

You’ll note that all of these SFX trigger when you

activate Lesser Augmentation. However, if you later
unlock Greater Augmentation, these will still trigger!

• Instinctive Learner: When you activate Lesser

Augmentation, spend a Ⓟ to use a specialty
belonging to another character in the scene.
• Impossible Speed: When you activate Lesser
Augmentation, you disappear from the scene
until your next action, when you appear else-
where in the same scene.
• Stand Firm: When you activate Lesser Augment-
ation, you can’t be forced to move anywhere
until your next action.
• Enchanting Aura: When you activate Lesser
Augmentation, another character in the scene is
guaranteed to remember or forget you for the
next week (your choice).
• Flare: When you activate Lesser Augmentation,
triple this trait. Afterwards, shut down Lesser
Augmentation until the end of the session.

8 | The Arcanist’s Toolkit

The last applicant they saw that day was
perhaps the most promising. He claimed to
Spells are a resource mod that allows characters to
learn, create, and use various predefined magical
abilities. With this mod, PCs have a limited number
have invented a spell, “Link Light”, which he of spells they can use before they need to rest, but
performed for them. each one represents a potent power for a specific
Following the first nervous incantation, the
A spell is a resource in this system. It has a name, a
candles in the room briefly flared before
die rating, and a short description indicating when it
settling back to their original state. Professor might be used. For example:
Sasky raised their eyebrows, unimpressed, but
the young man was still intoning the spell. GUST OF AIR ⑥ : A strong breeze flows through the area,
pushing away unsecured objects.
He walked over and put out the nearest
Like any resource, spells are rolled separately from
candle, and every other candle in the room the rest of the dice pool and added directly to the
went out at the same time.Then, he lit the total. Resources can’t hitch, so even a ④ spell can
original, and all at once the other candles be a useful, if minor, boon. Spell resources usually
consist of a single die, though characters can invest
were restored. multiple points in one spell to use it multiple times
per rest period.
Interesting, the Professor thought.“What’s
the maximum range?Within a building? The GM can provide a full list of spells available to
Within a city?” the characters… but that’s a lot of work! Instead, I
recommend that the GM encourages players to think
of the kinds of effects they might want their
“Well,” he stammered,“If my calculations are characters to be able to perform, and start creating
correct... I’m pretty sure it’s infinite.Anywhere with those in mind.
in the world.”

The Professor stared blankly for a moment,

mind racing with the potential applications.
Then, with a slight smile, they said “Welcome
to the Academy, young man.”

9 | The Arcanist’s Toolkit

Accessing Spells Casting Spells
To use this mod, the GM should decide how easily Casting a spell is as simple as committing the
accessible they want spells to be. There are two dials resource die to a dice roll. Like any resource, you can
they can turn to affect that: prerequisite traits, and commit multiple dice from the same resource to a
resource points. single roll. Doing so spends all those dice, but you
only choose one to add to your total.
Prerequisite traits are traits that characters need to
have before they can choose spells. For example, you Once it’s used, that spell can’t be cast again until you
might require that a character buys a MAGIC ⑥ recover the resource. The Cortex Prime Game Hand-
specialty, or starts with a MAGE ⑧ distinction — or book suggest that GMs can allow players to recover
even both! Think about how many hurdles there are resources for one Ⓟ per die recovered. To my mind,
in being a magic-user in your setting, and apply pre- this is too powerful for spells, but you might
requisites accordingly. implement a limited form of this — perhaps only one
spell can be recovered per session in this way. Other-
Your prerequisite traits should always be more wise, you can recover resources at the beginning of a
specific than the ones suggested above. Think about session or during a period of downtime.
how a character might have become a mage, and use
that as your distinction. Improvising Spells
Creating spells of your own is a process that takes a
Resource points are the number of points a
few stages. You need at least one banked point to
character can spend on spells when creating their
create a spell. First, you take a test, usually against a
character. Usually, characters receive five points to
spend on signature assets, specialties, and spells.
standard difficulty of ⑧⑧ . You can do this any
time, whether it’s over several days of quiet study, or
However, I recommend increasing this to seven
in the heat of battle, but if there are complicating
when using spells (especially if you have a specialty
factors the GM can add extra dice to the difficulty
prerequisite anyway), and you can go even higher if
you want your characters to have lots of spell access.
such as THE HEAT OF BATTLE ⑥ .

If you succeed at the test, you create the spell. Spend

Each point spent on a spell steps it up once. The first
the requisite Mana to add the spell to your list —
point gives you a ④ spell. The second steps it up to
each point after the first steps it up. You can’t step up
⑥ , and so on. At character creation, spells can’t be
the spell beyond the effect die of the test. Also, be
rated higher than ⑥ . For each spell, consider
sure to note that the spell is temporary; it goes away
whether you learned it from someone, read it in a
at the end of the session.
tome, or if you designed it yourself.
Now that you’ve created the spell, you can use it in a
Mana future dice roll any time before the session ends.
Unlike regular resources, you can assign resource When you do, it’s used up just like another resource.
points to spells you haven’t invented yet! You can call At the end of the session, you get back any Mana you
these banked points “Mana”, or something more spent on improvising spells this way, ready to be
appropriate to your setting. You essentially bank used again in the future.
these points for the future, when you can create your
own spells or learn from others.

Sample Spells

FRIENDLY WORD: Encourage a SONIC BLAST: Temporarily stun or WELL-WORN PATH: Visualise a
character to like you a bit more. deafen everyone nearby. route to help find your way

VANISH: Shimmer and briefly turn LIES TO ASH: Characters who lie ONE GIANT LEAP: Jump into the air
invisible to those around you. involuntarily cough up ashes. to an impossible height.

10 | The Arcanist’s Toolkit

Spells and Growth
You can use growth mods to permanently add an You can also use growth to earn more banked Mana.
improvised spell to your list. It costs 2 sessions in the One session in the session record, 2 XP with mile-
session record, 3 XP with milestones, and a difficulty stones, and a ⑥ difficulty for the growth pool all
equal to the spell’s rating for the growth pool. This provide two Mana.
also permanently removes the Mana you spent from
your resources. Lastly, you can learn a new spell from another
character without spending growth. Someone will-
If you improvised a more powerful version of a spell ing to take a few hours to teach you a spell is all the
you already know, you can upgrade your existing opportunity you need; add the spell to your list and
resource rather than starting from scratch by spend the Mana. You can’t spend more Mana than
spending Mana equal to the difference (see “Spells your teacher spent — so if they’re teaching you a
Example #2”). You still need to have invented the spell they know at ⑧ , you can’t have it at⑩ , even
more powerful spell during the session, though. if you have four Mana banked.

Spells Example #1
Tim’s PC, Aelor, is a wizard who uses the spells mod Tim rolls, and gets a total of 11. He then rolls his
to create and cast spells. When he created Aelor, he resource die afterwards, which comes up with a 5.
also created a couple of spells: WAVE OF WATER ⑥ He adds that directly to the total, making 16.
and MIND BLAST ⑥ . Each spell cost him two points
at character creation — one to create the resource, Tim’s GM rolls a dice pool for the bandits to try and
and another to step it up. escape the torrent of water, but only gets a 12. Tim
describes how he conjures forth a great wave from
In the first session, Aelor is suddenly set upon by a his fingertips, using the force to blast his attackers
pack of bandits! He decides to try and use WAVE OF back with ease.
WATER ⑥ to wash them away so they’ll stop bother-
ing him. Tim’s game uses action-based resolution, so The spell was a huge help in turning the tide of
he rolls first. battle! Remember, even if Tim had only rolled a 1, he
would still have added it to the total.There is a down-
He constructs a dice pool using RESILIENCE ,⑥ side, however. Aelor only had one die assigned to
SOLITUDE ⑧ , ELVEN MAGE ⑧, and a specialty in WAVE OF WATER, meaning he’s lost that spell. He will
ELEMENTAL MAGIC ⑥ . He also commits his WAVE OF recover it at the start of the next session, or over
WATER ⑥ resource, but doesn’t roll that yet. downtime.

Spells Example #2
Brandon’s PC, Clay, has a spell that he uses to shake Then, they look at the result. Because Brandon
the earth, unbalancing his foes. It’s called TREMORS doesn’t have an effect die, it defaults to a ④ . Not
⑥ , but he wants to make it more powerful, so he very powerful! But Brandon got an heroic success 10
tries to invent a higher-rated version of the spell. points higher than the difficulty. That steps up the
effect die twice, resulting in a ⑧ effect. So, if
Alone in his study, Clay works on the new spell. Brandon can spend three banked Mana, then Clay
Brandon describes how Clay pores over the details, can put together a spell called TREMORS ⑧ .
looking for inefficiencies to eliminate and
researching new channelling techniques. Brandon’s Clay can use that spell in the rest of the session, but
GM rolls ⑧⑧ for the difficulty, and comes up once it’s over, it’s gone. But because Brandon’s game
with a total of 4. This should be easy! uses the milestones mod, at the end of the session he
can spend 3 XP to permanently keep it.
Clay builds a dice pool out of INTELLIGENCE ⑥ ,
SPELLCRAFT ⑧ , and MIND OF AN OBSESSIVE ⑧ . He Brandon spends the XP and permanently removes
can’t use his TREMORS ⑥ spell here, because he one of the three Mana he spent to create the spell.
doesn’t want to actually cast it right now. Brandon He only removes one because he’s stepping up his
rolls, and gets a 14, but rolls a hitch on the ⑧ . The existing spell by one step. The other two points go
GM activates it, assigning a TIRED ⑥ complication back in the bank, ready to be used next session.
and giving Brandon a Ⓟ .

11 | The Arcanist’s Toolkit

When to use Spells
Spells are an investment for the GM just as much as
for a PC. The sheer number of words it’s taken to get
to this section should be a testament to the fact that
this is a crunchier form of magic than most of the
others in this book! But that will appeal to as many
players as it will scare away, and you probably
already know if you’re interested in using it or not.

As far as setting goes, I recommend using spells in

worlds where magic is commonly known, if
uncommonly used. It’s up to you whether just
anyone can learn magic, but I recommend it; if it’s an
incredibly rare phenomenon then those players
looking to learn new spells will have a hard time! You
can build whole games around the idea of hunting for
new spells, but there also has to be a reason for
characters to use them. Keep those in mind when
putting spells in your game.

Spells SFX
Here are five SFX you might invite characters to
unlock alongside their magical traits (whether they
be specialties or distinctions).

• Overcharge Spell: Double a spell resource die

(you still only add one to the total). Afterwards,
shut down that spell until the end of the session.
• Secret Spell: When you cast a spell, spend a Ⓟ
to include STEALTH in your dice pool as an
additional skill. If you succeed, nobody around
you knows that you cast the spell, though its
effect is still obvious.
• Fast Learner: When you learn a spell from
someone else, spend one fewer resource point
(to a minimum of one).
• Calm Improviser: When you invent a spell, spend
a Ⓟ to step down an environmental
complication such as UNDER ATTACK.
• Beginner’s Luck: When you invent a spell, spend a
Ⓟ to step up the resulting spell. You spend
resource points as though it were a step smal-
ler; at the end of the session, step the spell

12 | The Arcanist’s Toolkit

Someone cried out from the back of the pack.A
fallen oak had separated her from the rest of
Grounding is a mod to represent a particularly
unstable and dangerous kind of magic. Characters
using grounding have multiple challenges to face —
the group, and she had no way of lifting it. not only using their magic correctly, but also keeping
their own abilities in check and not succumbing to
The crowd parted and looked expectantly at the power at their fingertips. Characters who want
June.“Can you help her, Spirit Mother?” She to use grounding need a distinction that reflects
their training or natural ability, as well as a specialty
nodded, and stepped forward.
related to the specific effects their magic can per-
“Okay,” she muttered under her breath,“Let’s or anything else.
just take it slow.”
When a grounding mage wants to make use of their
June clenched her fists and crouched down, power, they do so by declaring the effect they want
to perform. The GM chooses a difficulty for the
screwing up her eyes. She felt the flame within
effect represented as a die rating, and if the PC still
herself unfurl, as though threatening to wants to proceed, they begin a contest. If the dif-
immolate her, but she forced herself to not get ficulty is higher than the player was expecting, they
overwhelmed. can always back out and choose a different
With a great roar, the oak tree shattered.The
In a grounding contest, the PC is fighting to gain
woman on the other side screamed, holding up momentary control of the chaotic magical forces
her hands against the shards. June smiled. within themselves. The PC uses their own traits,
The fire was not something to be treated usually some combination of traits related to will-
power and inner strength. However, the traits you
lightly, but it made her feel so... powerful. choose can reflect the way in which that character
treats their magic — maybe they use intimidation
skills instead!

The magic, controlled by the GM, uses a dice pool of

three dice of the stated difficulty. The magic can also
make use of complications affecting the PC.

13 | The Arcanist’s Toolkit

The grounding contest proceeds just like any other If the PC loses the contest, the GM has two options.
contest — the PC starts, the GM responds, and so on They can either inflict a complication equal to their
until one side gives in or fails to beat the total. Note effect die, in which case the magic has lashed out and
that because the natural flow of grounding magic harmed its wielder. Alternatively, they can decide
always wants to rage and heighten itself, the GM that some magic takes place… but not necessarily
should only give in under exceptional circumstances. what the PC hoped!
Never say never, but never, you know? The PC, how-
ever, can give in whenever they want, and earns a With grounding, characters need not memorise
Ⓟ for doing so. specific spells — they can invent whatever effects
they like. Nor is there any kind of growth system, as
If the PC wins the contest, the desired effect takes a character with grounding is assumed to be equally
place. If an asset or complication is created as a capable of exhibiting vast ( ⑫ ) powers as minimal
result, the size of that trait can’t be higher than the ④
( ) ones. Whether that character can control them
difficulty rating the GM started with. or not is another matter!

Grounding Example #1
Jenny’s PC, a lizard technomancer named Irik-Zi, has Riley assembles a dice pool to represent the magical
magical power with grounding. When creating Irik- energies Irik-Zi is trying to harness, using three dice
Zi, Jenny made sure to pick up the TRAINED of the stated difficulty: ⑥⑥⑥ . They roll, and
TECHNOMANCER ⑧ distinction and the ELECTRICAL manage to get a 10, beating Irik-Zi’s total! Not to
HIJACKING ⑥ specialty. So, when she’s faced with an worry, the ball’s back in Irik-Zi’s court. Jenny rolls,
uncooperative access terminal she needs to bypass, and manages to get a 14!
she’s ready!
Well, there’s no way that Riley’s dice pool for the
Jenny explains that Irik-Zi just wants to get the magic is going to beat that, but Riley’s read these
terminal to open the nearby door, which Riley, the rules, and they know that magic doesn’t usually give
GM, decides is ⑥ difficulty. If Irik-Zi wanted to in! So, they roll again, and of course, they don’t
open every door in the facility she’s infiltrating, that manage it, only getting a 10 again.
might be ⑩ difficulty instead.
Irik-Zi won the contest, so Jenny describes how: the
Jenny assembles a dice pool to begin the contest, terminal jerks and shudders, incomprehensible
using WILL ⑥ , FOCUS⑧ , TRAINED TECHNOMANCER symbols flickering across its display, before going
⑧ , and her ELECTRICAL HIJACKING ⑥ specialty. She completely black. Seconds later, the locked door
rolls the dice, receiving a total of 9. clicks and smoothly slides open!

Grounding Example #2
Ashley’s PC, a true-name wielder named Helene, is Ashley rolls, but only receives a 11. With the contest
trying to use her grounding to banish a spirit haunt- over, Ryan could inflict a ⑥ complication on
ing her home. Unfortunately, things aren’t going so Helene, but he decides to take the other, more dan-
well! gerous option available to him.

The difficulty of the effect was determined at ⑩ , He creates a new scene distinction instead: THE
since it affects the entire house. If she wanted to HOUSE IS SCREAMING ⑥ ! It seems Helene’s magic has
create a smaller sanctified space, or only temporarily accidentally woken additional spirits, and they’re
ward the house, it might have been a lower difficulty. angry! She’ll certainly be hearing about this at the
Ryan, the GM, rolled a 15 on the last round, with a next Neighbourhood Watch meeting, if she can’t fix
⑥ effect die. the problem quickly!

14 | The Arcanist’s Toolkit

When to use Grounding
Grounding is low-availability, as it’s too dangerous to
be feasibly harnessed by the general populace. It
therefore best suits settings where magic is rare and
special. Given that there isn’t much growth to be
done with grounding, it makes sense to approach it
as a natural talent — characters are either born with
it, or they don’t have it.

Depending on your tolerance for Chosen One non-

sense, you can get a lot of dramatic mileage out of
grounding going wrong! Just picture it: “I was proph-
esied to lead the world into a new age of peace, but I
can’t even light a candle without setting the barn
ablaze!” Me, I love that stuff.

You can take it even further. Maybe magic-users in

this world are feared and shunned by polite society?
After all, you and I know that the mage doesn’t really
control their magic, but does the average individual
in your civilization know that? Perhaps mages need
to keep their magic under wraps, not just for fear of
unintended consequences, but to avoid exile!

Grounding SFX
Here are five ideas for SFX you can apply to
characters using grounding. You can attach these to
grounding distinctions or specialties.

• Last-Ditch Surge: When you fail a grounding con-

test, spend a Ⓟ to reroll up to two dice. You
can’t reroll hitches this way.
• Tempered Expectations: When you engage in a
grounding contest, step up your distinction die.
If you win the contest, step down your effect
• Take Me, Instead!: When you fail a grounding
contest and didn’t give in, spend aⓅ to choose
whether to take a complication or create an
unintended effect.
• The Louder, the Better: When you engage in a
grounding contest, step up or double your
specialty die and step up two of the base dice in
your magic’s dice pool.
• Mana Reflection: When your magic rolls an
opportunity in a grounding contest, spend a Ⓟ
to step up your specialty die for the rest of the

15 | The Arcanist’s Toolkit

It sounded like fun.

Pietre was all too happy to join in when he

Rituals are a mod for depicting spells that take time
and skill to perform. Anyone can take part in a ritual
- there are no special requirements for being a
participant - but some characters are likely to do
thought it was a game.The cards, the coins, better than others.
the back-and-forth... it all seemed so silly.
Rituals usually take the form of a written set of
Then the room started shaking.The light bulb instructions (but you don’t have to write all those
instructions — see "Creating Your Own Rituals" for
fell from its fixture and shattered in the
more). The characters follow these instructions to
centre of the sigil. Pietre screamed and channel magical energies, eventually releasing them
jumped back, but his friends grabbed his to produce the desired effect. Rituals can take hours
hands tightly.“Don’t break the circle,” Amy or days to be completed.
hissed.Too scared to disobey, Pietre nodded
The usual effects of a ritual are significant in
and played his part. magnitude, but such power comes at a price. It's not
uncommon for participants to be exhausted or even
The curtain rail was the next to fall.Amy had harmed by performing the ritual.
put blackout curtains up, but as the wall
One thing that makes rituals an unusual mod is that
shook a beam of setting sunlight hit them all there needn't be a special "magical" trait like a
square in the face.Then the bookshelf SPELLCASTING specialty or a FOCUS skill. Instead,
collapsed under its own weight, and the characters use their mundane abilities to channel
candles they had placed so carefully melted magic. The actual magic comes from the instructions
given in the ritual, rather than the individuals taking
down to stubs in seconds. part. That doesn't stop a character from having a
RITUALIST specialty - it's just not required to take part.
Pietre watched, astounded, as the sun set at
twice its usual speed.They were momentarily Rituals are treated like challenge pools (as in Tales of
plunged into darkness.All heads turned to the Xadia) - pools of dice, all of the same size, that
characters can roll against in successive tests. The
opposing window.They had played their part. size of dice involved reflect the magnitude of the
Now it was just a matter of waiting to see if desired effect, while the number of dice represents
the sun would rise again. the length of the ritual.

16 | The Arcanist’s Toolkit

Ritual instructions are usually accompanied by a few Creating Your Own Rituals
suggested tests, as well as the ritual's size and The three rituals listed on the following page are just
number of dice and any associated SFX. This lets the a few of the many possibilities for powerful magical
characters know what they're in for! There are some effects. However, as a GM telling a specific story,
example rituals listed on the next page. you’re likely to want to tailor the rituals available to
your characters to that story.
When performing a ritual, each character taking part
takes a turn rolling against the ritual. If a character In the fiction of the game, a ritual usually represents
succeeds in the test and their effect die is larger than several pages worth of detailed instructions. Out of
one of the dice in the ritual, that die is removed. If character, there’s no need to write a whole book
their effect die is equal to or smaller than a die in the every time you want your players to encounter a
ritual, they step that die down instead. If a ritual die ritual, but I do recommend giving them the following
would be reduced below ④ , it’s removed. Once all elements to prepare them.
the dice in the ritual are removed, the ritual is
complete! First, write a short paragraph explaining the
intended effect of the ritual. Unless the characters
Ritual Attacks are being actively misled or are particularly bad at
Once every participant has had a turn, the ritual deciphering what it means, a ritual shouldn’t claim to
attacks a participant. The targeted PC’s player rolls do one thing and then do the opposite. That’s no fun
to set a difficulty for the ritual first, and the GM rolls for anyone!
the ritual pool second, giving the PC a complication
or stress on a success. Next, give a few suggestions for tests the characters
might take to tackle the ritual. Be sure to spread the
An attack usually imposes a complication like love on these, rather than making every approach
EXHAUSTED or DRAINED, but particularly dangerous linked to a single trait.
rituals might impose more severe complications!
Remember that like a challenge pool, rituals can Characters shouldn’t be limited by the suggestions
include the highest complication of the participant in given. There are always creative workarounds!
their dice pool. Rather, they should offer a guide when players feel
lost. Because anyone can take part in a ritual, let
If a ritual takes a character out of the scene, they players get creative when deciding their actions.
can't participate in the ritual any longer. It's not
uncommon for especially high-stakes rituals to kill After that comes the actual traits of the ritual. Start
their participants, but the ritual text should always with one just named RITUAL with a dice rating repres-
make this clear before the characters attempt to enting its difficulty. There’s no reason a ritual should
perform it. be less than ⑥⑥⑥ , and more than 5x ⑫ is
likely near-impossible.
Ritual SFX Give your ritual another two traits — usually one
Rituals can also have SFX. A common SFX for rituals
representing the kind of magic being performed, and
is Mass Attack, which allows rituals to attack all
another representing a particularly thorny element
participants at once.
of the ritual. Lastly, add one or two SFX. You can’t go
wrong with Mass Attack, but add whatever kinds of
• Mass Attack: Add a ⑥ and keep an additional
SFX you like.
effect die for each additional target past the
first. For each opportunity you roll, keep one
Usually, PCs don’t get to see the “stat block” of a
fewer effect die (minimum one).
thing they’re planning to tackle. But with a ritual, it
makes sense that they’d be fully informed before
This is a slightly weaker version of Area Attack from
diving in, right? So go ahead and share your hard
the Cortex Prime Game Handbook, to reflect the fact
work! You can even make finding and deciphering
that it’s not used by PCs. More ritual SFX are
these rituals a major part of your game, if the
provided in the examples on the next page.
characters are hardened ritualists.

17 | The Arcanist’s Toolkit

Rather than provide an example of play, here are some examples of rituals you can use in your game. Tweak the
suggested trait sets at your leisure, and note that since all SFX are addressed to the person using them, "you" in
these SFX uses refers to the GM.

A Possible Future
See several weeks into the future, with some caveats. The
ritual can mentally transport any of its participants up to
two months into the future, but you can only see your TIME MAGIC ⑩
own perspective, not anyone else's. Furthermore,
participants only remain in that future for a maximum of UNCERTAINTY OF PROPHECY ⑥
five minutes. Lastly, the future is not set in stone, and
events may conspire to ensure that what you see is not
• Mass Attack: Add a ⑥ and keep an additional
effect die for each additional target past the
what eventually happens.
first. For each opportunity you roll, keep one
fewer effect die (minimum one).
Possible approaches: meditate on the outcome
without distraction (MIND, SOLO); quickly perform • Possibility Glimpse: When you roll an opportun-
mathematical solutions to focus the timeframe ity, before it is activated, step down TIME MAGIC
(SPEED, MATHEMATICS); remain anchored to the present for the rest of the scene to reroll it.
to aid your safe return (SPIRIT, RESOLUTE).

Secrets Bound
This ritual forces a target to keep a particular piece of
knowledge to themselves. They can allude to the secret,
and can mention that they have a secret at all, but are MIND MAGIC ⑧
physically prevented from speaking, signing, writing, or
otherwise communicating it. The target must be con-
scious and present for the entirety of the ritual, but need
• Patterns of Behaviour: When you inflict a
not agree to be the target.
complication on a participant, pay them a Ⓟ
Possible approaches: convince the target to take the and step it down to rename it FRACTURED MIND.
Until it is recovered, the character loses a
oath (CHARM, MANIPULATE); confuse their memory
crucial memory.
while ensuring the security of your own (WILLPOWER,
FOCUS); keep the target bound with physical force • Unwilling Target: If the target of this ritual is
(STRENGTH, FIGHT). unwilling, include one of their traits in the dice
pool when defending.

This powerful ritual allows its participants a few short
moments with a deity, or force of similar power. The deity
manifests in a specially prepared circle for no more than DIMENSIONAL MOVEMENT ⑧
five minutes, but can leave earlier as it wills. The entity
you summon might offer a blessing, provide valuable
insight, or simply instil all spectators with divine awe. Do
not try to fight the entity. Do not try to fight the entity.
• Mass Attack: Add a ⑥ and keep an additional
effect die for each additional target past the
first. For each opportunity you roll, keep one
Possible approaches: recite prayers to the appropri-
fewer effect die (minimum one).
ate deity (KNOWLEDGE, DIVINITY); watch out for signs of
response or recognition (WITS, PERCEPTION); or resist • Spectacular Summon: When all dice in this ritual
the splendour of supernatural power (POWER, are removed, all participants must defend
VITALITY). against a ⑫⑫ test using WILL. Characters
who fail this test are PARALYSED ⑫ until the
entity leaves the scene.

18 | The Arcanist’s Toolkit

When to Use Rituals
Rituals are risky and rare things, and while anyone
can take part, they are secret (possibly even for-
bidden) logic. The natural home for rituals in a game
is in settings that are closely tied to the real world.
Cosmic horror about ordinary individuals stumbling
into forbidden secrets is the perfect opportunity to
make use of rituals.

Don't let yourself fall into the easy trap - "dangerous"

and "forbidden" does not mean evil! Using a ritual
can be a heroic act just as much as a villainous one. It
all depends on context; on what the ritual will do
when it's completed. You can have the PCs try to
stop a ritual, by letting the GMC participants choose
whether they attack the PCs or work to complete
the ritual. It can be a dramatic ticking clock!

Alternatively, you can make rituals common know-

ledge in your setting. You can use them to instil a
sense of tradition in smaller communities, who might
perform rituals on an annual or other regular basis.
But that doesn’t make them any less dangerous!

Rituals SFX
While anyone can take part in a ritual, characters
who want to be veteran ritualists might enjoy any of
these five SFX. Note that these are SFX for
characters, rather than for rituals themselves.

• Resilient Ritualist: When you are attacked by a

ritual, spend a Ⓟ to ignore a complication for
that roll.
• Well-Read: Whenever another participant in a
ritual rolls a hitch, step down KNOWLEDGE to let
them reroll that hitch.
• Ritual Healer: In a ritual, instead of attacking the
ritual pool, you may attempt a recovery test on
another character, using the ritual pool as the
base difficulty. When you activate this more
than once per scene, spend a Ⓟ each time.
• Unfortunate Conduit: When you fail to remove a
ritual die, gain a Ⓟ . If you do, the ritual
immediately attacks you and you alone.
• Dark Lore: When you have several hours alone
to decipher a ritual, double your WITS. If the GM
activates a hitch, the complication is stepped up
and renamed CORRUPTION.

19 | The Arcanist’s Toolkit

The “gift”, as my fellow colonists insist on
calling it, is getting worse. Something about
Dolormancy is a mod that allows mages to transform
their own pain into magical power. Dolormancers
are encouraged to push themselves further and fur-
the atmosphere on Osion has triggered what ther to gain greater abilities, but every time they do
our medic initially thought was an allergic there’s a chance that things become much, much
reaction. If he hadn’t accidentally breathed in worse.
the scent of my blood sample, thereby curing
Dolormancy magic makes use of complications, but
his common cold, we might never have works equally well with the stress mod. See
discovered my new ability. “Dolormancy and Stress” for more.

Our leader, Mallory, is trying to regulate my At character creation, creating a dolormancer is as

simple as taking a distinction that relates to your
visitors. Obstensibly, she’s looking out for my
origins in this kind of magic. Did your PC learn these
health, but I think she’s more worried about methods from an experienced fellow mage, or did it
her authority being undermined.A sense of occur naturally from their birth?
hero-worship seems to have overtaken
Whatever the name of the distinction, it comes with
everyone else, which makes her nervous. But if three locked SFX (as well as the usual Hinder), each of
she wants to slow down the number of people which can be unlocked in the normal way.
coming to me every day, looking for a miracle
• Exertion: Step down HEALTH to include a relevant
cure, that’s fine by me. I never asked for this.
complication in your dice pool. Recover it at the
end of the session.
It takes me an hour to get out of bed. I can
barely see, and my brain doesn’t move as quick
• Exemption: Spend a Ⓟ to include a relevant
complication in your dice pool.
as it used to. Still, this seems to be my lot in • Exacerbation: Include a relevant complication in
life now. Before we left Earth, we were told to your dice pool. Afterwards, step it up.
make the best of the situation we found, so (For Exertion, GMs can substitute HEALTH with any
that’s all I can do. But I can’t help but other appropriate trait, such as CONSTITUTION or
wonder: did my reaction give me any other VITALITY. If none of your traits seem to fit, you can
abilities?What else could I do? And will I ever always have it step down the distinction itself.)

get a moment alone to find out?

20 | The Arcanist’s Toolkit

All three of the dolormancy SFX offer different You can’t use dolormancy to include relevant
methods of doing the same thing — the one you complications rated at ④ , since these would nor-
choose simply determines the means by which your mally be included in your dice pool anyway.
character accesses your magic. The effect is the
same, however — you turn a complication, which can The GM might also decide that a complication needs
usually only be added in dice pools against you, into to reach a certain size before effects of a certain
a tool to aid you. magnitude can be achieved, limiting any created
assets this way.
But be aware: like any trait, a complication needs to
be relevant to the dice pool in order to be added. Dolormancy and Stress
That means adding INJURED ⑧ to a sprinting contest If you’re using stress, dolormancy works exactly the
isn’t going to fly. But remember, you’re doing magic! same way. You use a relevant stress trait, just like you
If you can figure out a way to twist your pain into res- would complications. However, there’s a special joy
ults, you can include it. The best way to approach this to tailoring complications to players, just to have
is to think of the energy that caused the pain being them find creative ways to twist them around! So
turned outward. even if your game includes stress, why not consider
making use of both stress and complications as

Dolormancy Example #1
James’ PC, Arthur, has a distinction called NOVICE He succeeds, so James describes how Arthur strides
DOLORMANCER ⑧ , and has unlocked the Exertion SFX. up to the wooden board and tries to crack it with his
Arthur is halfway through a tough trial he needs to own head, reversing and releasing the concussive
pass to impress the Elder Council, and has already force within! The watching elders nod appreciat-
gained a CONCUSSED ⑥ complication. ively, and Arthur has achieved his aims.

For his next challenge, Arthur is called upon to crack After the test is done, Arthur takes a moment to
a wooden board in half, but he has no weapons! He ⑥
relax, but his HEALTH is still at , and won’t recover
could try to chop it, but James has a better idea. He until the session is over. That means James has, at
activates Exertion, stepping down his HEALTH from most, one more chance to use his dolormancy this
⑧ to ⑥ , and adding his CONCUSSED ⑥ session. But since that would bring his HEALTH to ④,
complication into the dice pool. is it really worth it?

Dolormancy Example #2
Khala’s PC, Nix, also has a distinction called Eric persuades her to be a bit more interpretive, and
DOLORMANCER ⑧ , but she has the Exacerbation SFX after thinking about it for a moment, Khala suggests
unlocked instead. Nix is a detective, and she’s a different power. What if the BLEEDING complication
currently on the case of a girl lost somewhere in the lets her find the girl’s relatives — her own blood, so
city. She’s made it through a few scenes unharmed, to speak? Eric is the symbolic type, so he goes for
annoyingly, but finally she manages to get a thug to this, and lets her roll.

inflict a nasty cut, leaving her BLEEDING .
Khala activates Exacerbation and uses the
“Big mistake”, Nix thinks! She describes how she complication in her dice pool alongside her WISDOM
uses the blood flowing from her arm to trace back ⑧ , DIVINER ⑩ , and DOLORMANCER ⑧ . She
the location of the lost girl that she’s searching for. succeeds massively, so Eric assigns her a clue asset,
But Khala’s GM, Eric, isn’t so convinced — after all, describing how the blood droplets seem to shift and
what is it about being BLEEDING that allows Khala to form shapes of people, silhouettes cast against the
use this power? The complication needs to factor pavement. Nix knows where to go, but then the cost
into the effect somehow. of Exacerbation kicks in. Now, she’s BLEEDING ⑫ , and
looking pretty rough!

21 | The Arcanist’s Toolkit

When to Use Dolormancy
It’s a pretty hardcore mod, as those examples might
suggest. There are probably less gruesome or vis-
ceral ways to use it, but frankly, why bother? The set-
tings that want dolormancy are the ones that will
revel either in the gory details or in the inner turmoil
of its characters. After all, complications can reflect
mental or social problems just as much as physical
ones, and finding ways to twist OUTCAST ⑩ or
MISUNDERSTOOD ⑥ into magic could be exciting!

Dolormancy is highly interpretative. If your group

just wants to be told how magic works, this might not
be the mod for them, as it all depends on just what
complications they’re assigned. But if your players
are always trying to use fixed spells to do things that
aren’t strictly allowed, then try putting Dolormancy
in front of them.

Dolormancy SFX
As well as the three base SFX, you can apply any of
the following five SFX to your dolormancy distinc-
tions to offer different bonuses. Some of them only
apply when you activate a specific SFX, creating a
sort of prerequisite system.

• Time and Tide: If you activated Exertion this

session and you remove a complication, spend a
Ⓟ to also recover your HEALTH one step.
• Double Jeopardy: When you activate Exemption,
double your complication die. If the GM
activates a hitch on this roll, step up the res-
ulting complication.
• Pick at the Scab: When you activate Exacerbation
and succeed at the test, spend a Ⓟ to rename
the complication you included.
• Old Hand: When you use dolormancy to rep-
licate a magical effect you’ve done before,
spend a Ⓟ to step down the complication you
• Bloom of Blood: When you use dolormancy to
inflict harm on another, gain a Ⓟ and step up
the complication you include.

22 | The Arcanist’s Toolkit

“What are the odds?”
Synchronicity is a mod for representing unusual and
indefatigable luck magic. Characters capable of
wielding synchronicity can manipulate probability to
their whims, causing unlikely events to take place
around them at all times.

When creating a character using this mod,

characters can have a signature asset called
SYNCHRONICITY ⑥ , which they buy in the usual way
you buy signature assets. That signature asset comes
with the following SFX already unlocked.

• Manipulate Synchronicity: Rename this asset. At

the end of the scene, shut it down for the rest of
the session.

That’s all synchronicity is – it’s an asset ready to go

whenever you want, without spending a Ⓟ . But
what it represents is far more important. Syn-
chronicity is untapped probability — the chance that
anything could happen right now. When you activate
Manipulate Synchronicity, something does. Maybe it’s
a freak rainstorm that lets you get away from those
bandits hunting you down, or a crucial GMC shows
up to clear up some confusion. Synchronicity lets you
do (almost) anything at all.

23 | The Arcanist’s Toolkit

So, what are the limits? Well, there’s one big one:
synchronicity cannot do anything that would not be
physically possible in that moment. You cannot use it
to turn invisible, because it is not physically possible
to turn invisible. If you know for a fact that that
crucial GMC is in another country, then you can’t
synchronicity to have them show up, because there’s
no way they could’ve gotten there.

In addition, the effects of synchronicity are perhaps

not as unearthly as the other mods in this book. No
glowing blue lights or strange ethereal sounds will
accompany your synchronicity — it simply happens.

But whatever you do, there needs to be a non-

magical explanation for whatever just happened to
happen. An unlikely, improbable, one-in-a-million
chance explanation, but an explanation nonetheless.

One more thing to be aware of. Synchronicity is a

diegetic power – that means that when you use it,
you know you’re using it. Compare that to spending a
Ⓟ , which is non-diegetic. Your PC doesn’t know
that you just spent a Ⓟ to help them, but they do
know when they manipulate probability in their

Synchronicity Example
Kristine’s PC, Mary-Kay, has synchronicity. Through
a series of unfortunate events, Mary-Kay ended up
in jail just one day before her wedding! She’s got to
get out, ideally without anyone noticing. So she takes
a moment, centres herself, and decides that the
prison guard left the keys in the lock. As soon as she
looks up — yep, there they are. She renames her
asset to PRISON KEYS ⑥ , but for now she doesn’t
even need to roll it. The keys are there for her to take,
so she does!

If Mary-Kay ends up in trouble later in the session,

she may wish she’d found another way out of the cell,
as her synchronicity isn’t coming back any time soon.

24 | The Arcanist’s Toolkit

When to Use Synchronicity Synchronicity SFX
Synchronicity seems best suited to games set in the Below, I’ve written five SFX you can apply to
modern day. The mod hinges on the distinction characters with a special amount of control over
between the understood and the not-so-under- their synchronicity. These can help narrow down the
stood, so placing it in our own world (or something breadth of possibilities for using the mod.
close) is likely to have the biggest impact.
• Seize the Moment: When you activate an oppor-
Beyond that, this mod is undeniably a bit of an odd tunity rolled by the GM, recover your
duck. It’s mechanically extremely simple, but has SYNCHRONICITY.
significant implications for your characters. If you • What Just Happened?: Immediately after you
want a magic system that’s going to seed the plot for activate Manipulate Synchronicity, spend a Ⓟ
your game, synchronicity is a good one — you can run to find a convenient hiding spot or escape the
sessions of the characters tracking down the true scene entirely.
source of their power. Are they amnesiac patients of • Capable of “Anything”: When you activate
a failed government experiment? Alien sleeper Manipulate Synchronicity to bluff having a differ-
agents? Victims of a fey trickster? You can, as the ent kind of power, step up your effect die.
cool kids say, play to find out! • Whatever Happens, Happens: Gain a Ⓟ to
activate Manipulate Synchronicity, but the GM
With this framing in mind: I’ve mentioned that you chooses the asset’s new name.
can buy synchronicity like any other signature asset,
• Karmic Outcome: When you activate Manipulate
but in practice I recommend giving all your
Synchronicity, double the resulting signature
characters it for free, or else docking the initial
asset die. Afterwards, take a complication with
points by one. If you play a game where some players
a rating equal to the asset.
have synchronicity and others don’t, you might find
that the focus of play inevitably trends towards
those who have it. That can be a fun conceit in some
games – the mundane PC surrounded by weirdos is a
tried-and-true character trope – but since it has
mechanical effects here, it’s worth ensuring
everyone’s on board with that dynamic.

Writing, Design, Layout This work is based on the Cortex Prime roleplaying
Riley Routh game system, designed by Cam Banks and edited by
Amanda Valentine, and licensed for my use under
Illustrations the Cortex Prime Community License.
Tres August
Find out more about Cortex:
Special Thanks
Ash Routh Cortex, Cortex Prime, and associated logos are
Cam Banks registered trademarks of Dire Wolf Digital, LLC.
Matt Turner
Miriam Robern Version 1.1
Ti Lam Collier
and the Cortex Prime Discord © Riley Routh 2023

25 | The Arcanist’s Toolkit

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