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MANAGING STRESS AND ANXIETY †† Learn to ask for help; a healthcare provider †† Practice deep breathing.
can help you find relief from anxiety
Lesson Objective: Managing your stress level is critical to successful recovery. In disorder symptoms. †† Use progressive muscle relaxation.
addition to working with your healthcare provider, try the following
†† Practice your relaxation response.
Learn better ways to strategies to help promote resilience and manage stress and †† Be aware of upcoming duties and future
anxiety (Emotional Life, 2016). appointments. †† Slow your pace and focus on the positive
manage anxiety and things in your life.
†† Lighten your load of responsibilities by
stress WRITING YOUR STORY saying “no” more often.
Some stressful situations can be eliminated and those that remain
must be managed better. Looking back through times of sobriety in Write down the three to five strategies you chose from the previous list.
your life, what techniques have you used to stay well-balanced and well-regulated emotionally? What
situations or circumstances might interrupt your anxiety management plan moving forward? How can _________________________________________________________________________________
you stay on track long-term?

_________________________________________________________________________________ NEW-FOUND CONFIDENCE

_________________________________________________________________________________ Anxiety keeps one focused on fear and failures, rather than success and progress. But anxiety can be
managed. Resist the urge to avoid stressful and anxiety-provoking situations. Instead, break each task
_________________________________________________________________________________ or event into small pieces, then calm yourself using the skills mentioned. In this way, you are stronger
with each time you become mildly anxious, rather than getting weaker and more fearful. Practice these
_________________________________________________________________________________ techniques in easy scenarios. Build your strength and tolerance, and continue to resist the urge to avoid
things that make you anxious. As you lower your general level of stress and anxiety, and build anxiety
management skills, you will move forward with increased self-assurance and confidence.
Using the list below, select three to five skills you can use to reduce or better manage anxiety. Keep in
mind you will have to practice these skills in order to master them.

†† Connect with others; family and friends can †† Get enough sleep to give your body the best
provide support, fun, and a break from the chance to recuperate.
daily grind.
†† Engage in contemplative practices such as
†† Get regular exercise; it is a natural meditation and prayer.
†† Make it a regular habit to find time for
†† Eat a healthy diet. yourself, relaxation, and fun. SOURCES
This emotional life. (n.d). Retrieved August 2016 from

All content © 2018 Hal Baumchen, PsyD, LP, LADC | Page 1 Page 2 All content © 2018 Hal Baumchen, PsyD, LP, LADC |

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