Reflection On Research Proposal 1

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June 16th, 2023

Reflection on Research Proposal

While cultivating my research proposal I was able to gain a more narrow understanding

of what my research paper would be aimed towards. This came about due to the addition of a

research question and hypothesis, which brought to light what I will be adding to the discussion

throughout the following research paper. Likewise, to learning what my research paper will add,

this proposal has taught me how to format better and use critical thinking in my future writing

endeavors. Moreover, the process of developing the research proposal helped shine a light on

how I will go about projecting a desired plan. With the use of the tools I learned while projecting

the plan, I will use an outline and critical thinking in the future to allow my writing to far exceed

what it used to be capable of. Furthermore, I believe that the plan I put forth will come to fruition

through the continued use of the skills I've acquired throughout the course. In addition, with a

well laid out plan of what I will do, it will allow me to work faster and review the research paper

more thoroughly. One aspect that remained uncertain with the initial draft of my research

proposal was that it discluded the research question, but included a hypothesis and thesis.

However, through my peers reviewing the proposal and suggestions, I was able to come up with

a new research question that coincides with the topic and goals of my research paper. In addition,

I still struggle with how exactly I'm going to segment the data gathered throughout the expansive

research paper. Nonetheless, through the use of the proposal and suggestions from outside

reviewers (family), I can start to evension how the information will be spread in a cohesive and

clear way. Overall, this research proposal has given me a keen insight in how I plan to tackle this

research paper and future writing assignments.

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