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Customer relationship management is aiming to bring consistency and visibility to customers by optimizing related processes and procedures to:

 Prevent loss revenue

 Achieve more gainful customer life cycle
 Increase leads count
 Enhance quality and increase cost
 Increase sales revenue

All of these results will be accomplished based on the main key of CRM which is Customer loyalty

CRM is a cross functioning with more than one department:

 Customer services
 Sales
 Marketing (Social media)
 Compliances

Choosing CRM strategy and module is deeply related to:

 Company vision and mission

 The current SOBs (Standard operating procedures)
 Business needs
Phase 1# Business planning:
Gathering and analysing data

 Current strategies elaboration

 Current processes and procedures
 Current documentation cycle
 Customer life cycle
 Data analysis from the cross functional departments
 Operational goals

 Data Samples:

Customer service (Call flow, sizing, technology, key performance indicators for employees and the whole department)

Sales (spots, events, conversion rate, leads leakage, Monthly and yearly quota either current or agreed, after sales feedback, optimal sales opportunities)

Marketing (active campaigns tracking records, social media campaigns agenda, conversion rate, leads ratio, Reach vs. engagements organic or paid if any)

Compliance (complaints types, complaint path, sources, resolution rate, SLA)

Phase 1# Expected Results:

 Identifying suitable CRM strategy
 New CRM business plan
 Process identification
Phase 2# Value opportunities and optimal solutions:
CRM strategic capabilities

 Setting up and automating (Customer Service, Sales, Marketing – Social media-) documentation and processes.
 Choice of fitting technologies and implementation methods.
 Choice of the needed functions.
 Design of a solution implementation plan.

Phase 2# Results:
 A business case (cost, outcomes, ROI).
 Selection of CRM platform
 A customization and integration specification for the new platform
 Blue print for the automated processes that will be implemented.
Phase3# CRM Platform implementation
CRM Construction and development:

 Data cleaning and migration needs

 Implementing the new automated processes and documentation flow
 Choosing the needed dashboards for each department on every organization scales and applying authority as per business need
 Staff training with measurable QOT
 Customizing the current infrastructure with the new platform needs (Technology alignment)

Phase3# Results:
 A new customized CRM platform integrated with the new automated processes
 Prototyping database design
Phase4#: Deployment
Delivery and measurement:

 User training documentation(User Manual)

 Testing
 Risk management
 Evaluate metrics

Delivering CRM platform with full automated processes for cross functional departments.

Project results:
 Automation of everyday tasks
 Improved efficiency and productivity of teams
 Better internal communication
 Improved operations
 VOC analysis and utilization
 Opportunity creation
 Lead management
 Reports and analysis
Based on these results it will provide on long run the below:

 Better quality of customer service

 Enhance customer experience
 Increased sales and revenue
 Gain better sales team productivity
 Make the lead conversion path shorter
 Maintain high customer retention rate and manage orders fast and efficiently
 Better marketing(Social media) ROI
 Improved customer relations
 Knowledge sharing

 Time line will be delivered based on available resources and data and business needs
 Succession fees will be discussed upon agreeing on the proposal and the also the business needs if any will be added or removed
from the current plan

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