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Samantha La Ferla Cinema Television New Media Biofilmography ‘00/'22

27.10.’75 Milano communication|editorial prj

filmmaker • author • cinereporter • images • executive producer • producer/editor | freelance e

Film Archive 2001 | 2022 Italy | New York i

CINEMA • Jam Master Jay, homicide in New York • subject direction screenplay shooting search prod.; filmdoc. in prod. ‘12/’19 NY |
• The dragonfly & the scorpion • 17’ filmdocumentary, subject direction screenplay images editing/montage, independent prod.
Mi ’04: Filmmaker Int. Film National Library
~ | • Dirty misery, the magpie thief • 50’ filmdoc. indep. prod. ’03 subject,
screenplay, direction, images: Filmmaker Int. Film Fest ‘Out of Competition: Out Format’’03~ MIBACT~ ICCU/OPAC~ Wikipedia; Sguardi
Altrove Int. Film Fest ‘Out of Competition: Italian Screen’ Gnomo, Mi ’05; Pavia university ‘05; ’04-’05 others | • The
disobedience & Pulcinella • 27’ filmdoc. subject, direction, images, ‘screenplay' (G8 July 18/21 ’01), independent prod. Mi ’01:
Bellaria Int. Film Fest ‘Out of Competition: GenoVisions’ Rimini ’02; Arcipelago Int. Film Fest. ‘Out of Competition: Special
Events’ Roma ’03; other screenings ’01-’08 ~ (contents/images G8 by La Disobbedienza e Pulcinella/girato used in 2 docs Not
Authorized: (Black Block) Venezia Int. Film Fest ’11 special mention Controcampo-IDFAmsterdam-Hot Docs Canada-Nastro
Argento ‘best doc’ nomination, etc. prod. Fandango -; (The Summit) Berlin Int. Film Fest, Berlinale, Panorama ’12, Nastro
Argento special mention, etc. prod. Minerva - | • Winged migrants • subject- storyboard- screenplay- direction shooting
lights editing prod.~ fiction/shortfilm 7' production School of Cinema TV New Media, Filmmaker course ’00-’01;
projections: School of Cinema Tv New Media; & a minors clandestine community ’01-’03 ---------------

TV program NY/IT in development/author/director/prod. | G8 2001: Cnn-Ard-Rtl-Rtl4-Yle etc. broadcast contents/images by,

’01 | La7 ‘07/’08; Rai3, RaiNews24 ‘07/’08/’12…: G8, contents transmission by The disobedience & Pulcinella/ footage (used in 3
docs (not authorized:): ‘Genova01 il seme...’ M.P. & in ‘The Democracy Day’ TV special, LA7 Tv etc. | Il Sole 24 Ore TV, director M.
Donelli. World24 international daily rubric, 6’ of Actuality Society Culture Politic {series/single 1’-1’30’’-2}, daily news in-depth &
‘cold’ contents: text author, contents direction, research-vision-selection news/contents/images Aptn-Reuters; voice over, also for
others services; {Green Peace-Senghor-Nobel Stiglitz-Schengen-Australia migrants revolt-Tora Bora-Al Qaida-The Azure Angel-
Popcorn guinness-Bush/MiddleEast etc. – Special 2001} newsroom f/t ‘01-’02~ ‘The Tè Hour’ doc. 3’, the death penalty in the
world, with Amnesty Int. since the U.N. United Nations Human Rights Declaration at today: text author, direction, search-vision-
selection contents/news/archive images Aptn-Reuters-IlSole24OreTv; Display rubric, 4 passages/1 day; prod.
TheSun24HoursTv-Interactive; freelance/newsroom/editorial staff Mi ‘02 | AdnKronos/local tv: Eco trend-B.I.D.-World march;
direction, shooting, contents images/interviews, Mi/Rm ’02-’04* Urihi coprod. | BID ‘PeaceFlag’ TradeFair Mi various inter-
nationals tv; direction/shooting/’action’ ’03 | ‘GlobalPeace’ direction shooting ind. prod.-distr. GlobalTv sat. Rm ’02* | Sailing
Channel programs assistant-programs director assistant: research-vision-selection archive images & images-scenes
description/synopsis/time code for: promo tv/archive/docs. to transmit/acquire, preselection; newsroom/editorial staff Mi ’01

DOCUMENTARIES docs. NYC unedited | The Te Hour, 7’ IlSole24OreTv, entire version (voice) coprod. Mi ’02 | Cinema of S., at
Casa Italiana/New York University inedited, direction, shooting, original 1h.15’ (improvised/authorized) NYC ’15 | Peace House,
direction, contents images-interviews, Province of Milan office ‘Peace Sport Free Time Youth Politics’ coprod. Mi ’05* | B.I.D. doc. per
Lombardy Region-Trade Fair Milano, direction-shooting-images; coprod Urihi Mi ’04* | G8 ‘01 contents/images by ‘The
disobedience & Pulcinella’ & footage, in 4 docs, various projections/distributions (The Summit ‘12/’23 N.A.; N.A.-Black Block
’11/’23 N.A./C.B.; ISDF ’03/’23 Ag. N.A.) | Eco trend, La Sapienza university Rm-world march Mi ’02-’04* co./distr. Urihi |
UnitedWeWin direction, images; sponsor Pharmacia-Pfizer; Gio’ Marconi gallery, Mi ’02* coprod. Arts&Events | My House,
direction images TradeFair Mi coprod. DiBaio Editor ’01* | Slaughter (Brecht) coprod. Gifas. theatrical film, show remake ad hoc;
direction, images, editing; Mi ’04 | Making-Of behind the scenes (of a film), direction/images (used in the film Fatmir), prod. School
of CinemaTV New Media ’02 | Industry & Work images Assoc. Bigazzi direction S. coprod. School
Cinema TvNewMedia assistant director, images, Mi ’01 --------------------------------------------

SPOT CLIP PHOTO NYC | Water 30” clip, tape 16 mm. ‘Stop by. Shoot Film’ Kodak; subject direction images; prod./postprod./
distr. Kodak NY•Italy; workshop, tutor Eric Johnston/Joseph D’Alessandro; Giovanna Rimoldi, responsible, Ge ’05 | Assistant
director: Grow 2’ music clip 16 mm. prod. School of Cinema TV New Media, distr. MTV, etc. Mi ’03-’04, direction F. | Assistant
director: Against the Dogs Clandestine Fights 30” spot 35 mm. Progress Advertising distr. Rai•Mediaset, prod. L.A.V.-RBA Mi ’01
direction M. Mazzeo.

FILM LAB tutor Cinema laboratory: shooting in beta, scene/image’s composition-realization-action-move-time

for School of Cinema TV New Media at CWT Festival {Cinema Web Tv}, at La Triennale/Palace of the Art Mi ’01

WEB Rubrics ~Society •Actuality •Cultures •Arts •Spectacle •Entertainment: text author, concept, research-selection
world contents/images | USA media: society/actuality/cultures |, musica/cinema, newsroom-editorial staff ’01 |, society/cultures, newsroom/freelance ’00 Mi | cultural associations/artists, newsroom-editorial staff-
freelance Mi ’00* | • Images/clip, Afterhours concert, direction shooting prod. ind.~distr. Mediaset/ (by ‘outsider’
N.A./G.P.) Mi ’02* | G8 ‘01 contents/images, YouTube etc.:The Summit ‘12/’23 N.A; Black Block ’12/’23 C.B/N.A.,
removed by YouTube,; “Genova 2001, il seme della…” ’07/’23 Ag./RM N.A.

FORMATION New York City ’06, ’07, ’09/’15 | Filmmaker 2000•2001: School of Cinema TV New Media~Milano
Foundation~Cilect; diploma post diploma: direction-direction plan-screenplay-storyboard-/image-cinema history-shooting beta/dv-
lights-audio-editing-production; course-shortfilm tutor & course director: Silvano Cavatorta, & course selector with Daniele
Maggioni |‘Stop By. Shoot Film’ Kodak, workshop/selection: clip 16 mm. direction, shooting; tutor Johnston/D’Alessandro ’05 | ‘The
effort of good’. Filmmaker Fest. workshop, Dardenne bros cinema ’05 | Sailing Channel, stage pre-contract, assistant program, Mi ’01
| Designer diploma '94 | Theater ‘90/’99 | Philosophy degree course stand by after Filmmaker course selection, Statale University
Milano ’94-’00. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Samantha La Ferla Cinema Televisione Nuovi Media Complementary ‘00/'22
10.27.’75 Milano communication|editorial prj.

filmmaker • author • cinereporter • images • executive producer • producer/editor | freelance e

anecdotes experiences parallel projects &. others competences .


CINEMA | Dirty Misery, The Magpie Thief • Venice Int. Film Festival, appreciated by the director, because sent late was not possibile
to insert it in program-communication ‘03 | Rai Trade expressed an interest for an exclusive of 6 years ’03 | A Corriere della Sera
film critic, G. Grossini, suggested the screenplay publishing; then wasn’t possible in its entirety ’03 | Il Sole 24 Ore TV favorable for
coproduction-broadcasting; but too censored ’02 | Filmmaker Int. Film Festival, Cinema Oberdan, quasi full, free entry | Sguardi
Altrove Int. Film Festival, Cinema Gnomo, during the projection a spectator walked in a cinema room half full, speaking,
contesting, may be for the ticket paid, & retaking the post ‘05 | Locarno Int. Film Festival proposed an exclusive for the edition ’03 |
Pavia University Sociology Department research project || • The Disobedience & Pulcinella • Bellarla Int. Film Festival, full, free
entry ‘02 | Arcipelago Int. Film Festival, quasi empty, fee ’03| Radiopop/Storiapop web 16 | Images & G8 footage authorized for the
GLF GenovaLegalForum's legal processes || Studio Universal Italia Roma, auspicated & wanted proposal, author for a Cinema's tv
rubric, Focus*; but in coincidence, was in program a return in New York ’07 || Kodak 'Stop by. Shoot' 6 sessions/6 clips in 16 mm
(various roles), instead than 1 || • Winged Migrants • 1th day of shooting, snow not expected not even by the meteorologist, hence an
improvised change of screenplay/direction plan/prod. Mi ’01 | selected by a film fest. in Milano '01, none of those above, but not in
program because forgotten || Course Filmmaker: 6 shorts/6 roles: direction-plan-screenplay-storyboard-
images/shootoperator(2)/lights/audio/editing/prod. || School of Cinema Tv New Media ’00, selection: n. 13, for the renounce of 1,
among the 12. Other. -------------------------------------------

.Communication is Irony and...

Others Disciplines artistic & sports studies & activities
THEATER ‘90/’99 Mi | Schools/Companies: Acting Centre contemporary: acting/1 co-direction; tutor/director R.Gordon 'The
Actor Studio’s Method/NY' ’95/’97 • Teatro Sempre modern/traditional: recitation/theatre history; tutors/directors
R.Silveri/P.Mazzarella ’93/’95 • Centro Teatro Attivo classic/modern: diction/recitation;tutors/directors
N.Ramorino/M.Hirsch/P.Galassi ’90/’93; dubbing Mandelli/Maggi | StalkerB612 ind. prj. contemporary experimental: co-
direction/screenplay/interpretation with E. Baccaglio/E. Leanza Mi ’97/’99 | Theories/practice/Opere: Gordon-Shakespeare-
Joyce-Bergman-Pirandello-Artaud-Jenet-Grotowsky-Malina-Lorca-Stanislavsky-Strasberg-Merini-DalleOre etc. | Theaters:
Libero/Ariberto/Cristallo etc | Music video/photos-sculpture-design-paintings

EDUCATIONALS | Public/Private elementary schools Mi • tutor/contents • theater shows ~ video docs ~direction/shooting.
’99/’03 | Expression laboratory ‘Expressing’ with theatrical methods; tutor/contents; spectacle ‘The Enchanted Forest’ subject-
screenplay-title wrote/directed with the students; interpreters: students; video; Europa private school; Lombardy Region prj.
{public: tutor substitution} '03 | Video private school’s theater show at Teatro Ariberto ’01 | Tutor/contents, pre-school, public ’99

EVENTS ’98-’05 Mi | CINEMA • AUDIOVISUALS initiatives dedicated & others cultural artistic events: ideation, organization,
development, coordination, communication, co-production. SubMovie-ExplorazioniVisive, Cinemagia projects; mixed events ~ Inter-
national previews/originals/screenings not censored/unseen footages/rare/
ure films/Filmdocumentaries/Documentaries/Clips/Spot/Video etc.~The Best Cinema/The Realism/The Surrealism / The Cinema’s
Origins/Rarities until the ‘new’ generations: Lumiere/Melies/Chaplin/Keaton/Tati/Bergman/Kubrick/
Welles/Hitchcock/Truffaut/Straub/Huillet/Benigni etc.~Inter-nationals previews: Carlo Giuliani Ragazzo/Krampak/Forza
Cani/LoredAsia/Solo un grande sasso/G8 docs. etc.~Combined/tematics: film/docs./filmdoc. & concerts/Dj set/music diffused,
Radio programs included, dinners/debates/confronts~Mutes Films or with Live Music Classic/Contemporary/ Dj set etc. or post
film~ film cycles in sequence in a unique night~Memory/Migrants/Rights/Food etc.~Worldwide Day per the Human Rights & the
Ambience-HIU HappeningInternationalUnderground: Comics/Design/Graffiti-New Year’s Day-TheCitythatWillCome-Workers Rights
etc.~Collaborations: School Cinema TV New Media/TeodoraFilm/Luna Rossa /Mikado/Amnesty Int./Lega Ambiente
etc.~Projections 35mm/16 mm/digital~Initiatives no profit{here means: none has been economically paid, only
projectionist/projectors/others indirectly}; free entry o subscription; [spaces: concerts space-theatre space-courtyard-downtown-
baretto-bombonera-ideas forrest-library space] • ARTS Show photo/paintings; free entry • CONCERTS, DJ Set, theater
festivals/artistic performances, indoor/outdoor: coproduction-development-organization-coordination; sottoscrizione • (volounter
unpaid, even by choise; onlus/organizations ‘no profit’).

VARIOUS Mi | Artistic Touristic City Tours ‘Touristic Guides Center’ c/o APT Azienda Promozione Turismo, Tourism Palace;
organization-coordination 60 guides circa/secretary ’96/’99 | marketing | store secretary/selling ‘99/’00 | models talent scout,
models agency | Social/Fashion Events, Art Palace/La Triennale, promotion (volounter) | Projects with Elderly/Kids ’95/’97,’99 |
Designer various projects | Diploma Designer, Graphic & Advertising, Inst. Kandinsky ’94 - school brand context, second post; etc.

SPORT (past) | artistic roller skating, agonistic {competition}, 3 years, single/couple | soccer/males teams, quasi 10 years, striker; 1
match in a society team | swimming (comp.) | running (comp.): ‘resistance’, ‘velocity’, etc. Mi.

Other | Languages italian/american/english | Operative systems: mac/windows • shooting: digital/{16mm/35mm} • editing:

avid/finalcut/premiere/imovie | New York ‘Life Style’ | Art History | Hip Hop dynamics/stories & Rock world.

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