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Document Development Exposition: Instructions

Explain in detail your document’s development from planning to finish, describing your
challenges, how you overcame them, and what you learned.

The “How to install Google Earth Pro on Macintosh” instruction was written on the premise of
guiding students on how to download Google Earth Pro software on Mac. It is a manual written for
Apple support staff. The initial challenge faced was generating what idea to write the instruction on.
The next challenge was formulating which direction to format and tone to emulate for the
instruction. Another challenge faced was which template to use. How much saturation of colors and
images should the instruction display?

First Draft (for peer editing)

The first draft of the instruction included minimum images and colors to convey a professional style
and tone. The steps in the instructions were listed as details as possible to provide easy guidelines for
the tasks.

Second Draft (for your packet)

The second draft of the instruction was reformatted to highlight warning notes that precede some
specified steps in the instruction. The document was spaced-out with appropriate images to meet
document standards.

Final Draft (for your portfolio)

The final draft was reformatted to include more images and colors to create more white background.
Some steps in the instruction were edited to alleviate confusion during task performance. The
pictures and images were repositioned below the appropriate steps.

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