Adobe Scan 27-Jan-2023

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General tdxi co lo gy -

Falal dose: small amDunt 6 -ctasn hcakon O paiBAPoisd nu

oision which can couse dea
Ceats win pdiDooih refertnie to Their medi coleqal basi
main Ingndient 0 n bans o availa biliry
hve poinciple
sOuce. characters, ign ympbms, taBal peuiod, Acres ponsible tov tpxic tAt eck b a m s Ot mocle bt ach'on
tataldlose anhdote td Mat oison oY TNetA peukc cachon
-medico legal c lassibabon.
Eg: tdbatco: hitohhe
POIsD0 SubSta nte CausekaLm, iliness,dean Sucidal foisions
ROute of acdmi nisahon d POisbn:
Bebihuvates, Opium, cOYro si ve Pois
tOisdning: |kamful eateck ot oisor on peLtd n nhala son Exr urfate
n)ec6on sKin
Exr dri 6ces homicidal toisiOns
ExOgend us EndogenOus atsenic, meecuey, a ldnite
oisioning oisidning
ois Drn acdminishated
netenion df asre
|GENERAL Acciden tal fois on
in body kom duhide Produth ino
body ohich ic TOxICOLOGY KeLosene Di
ffechnq Communiy td xic o body household deu
£g. urea
fale OE po'sdn: CExereon)
envirdnmenlaj Eftechng rdmmunity Snake venom
Indushial hdmiti dal vomhng nsetseide
suciclal uine
aLcidental LFaeces -
Acc to availabitihy'
harogenic -
Bio hans for máhon ) Indusmal kheavyme tal
Caderre etfeck resul
due t reatnmeni fCn in whiCh bocty conveet agn tulhure onsechcide, peshci des
by &dthDr). bom one torm b anoher
clLug 3 aoqenici due to reatment ©t do
SDme teqal aspech of toxi (ology Eg: mehahoi fovmalolehyde a b ' dis infe ctan, Dndi Cators, chem
a d minisrakon ot foison dyen ds uyon 3tension
Ethanol alelaldehyde -
Accto mode OF aChdn
ontension td save someone" ite
COCaine ben 24y) Locaine acid
b Kill some Dne O Corrosie ong
ntensidn mineral a ud : t2sOyHC
ntension to Save someone tife
bur dote
Or gan ic acid Carbo
SLOYongty qiven CHs Coo-
3) veg etable a d : YCN OxaI/S

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