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PROGRAMMING MANUAL for MAZATROL M PLUS MAZATROL PROGRAMMING MANUAL NO. H733PG0011E PROGRAMMING — MANUAL | PROGRAMMING MANUAL for MAZATROL M PLUS MAZATROL PROGRAMMING MANUAL No.: H733PG0011E PRECAUTIONS Belore operating this machine, please read this manual wih care and fully understand the contants of the manual so that the machine can exert its performance safely. AAltough the contents of this manual are closely checked for perfection, if there is any ambivalent point, incorract oseripion, or omission, contact us, please. In order fo expan the dol, all Ue susvations contained in his manual do nol necessarily show Be covers, doors, ately quares, or shies. Therefore, be sure 10 restore al tne spectiod Covers, shieles, ee, and observe the contents fF te manual when operating this machine. if tis precauton Is ignorod, a serous acciciont may incu, resutng in Gamage 1 te Imporant units of te macine and other accessories, This manual is sutject 10 modiicavons and changes as required for the improvement in, and the change in the spuciicaivn uf, te machine ao Ure CNC eyuipun, as wel for usally uf Uwe mswal isl. Te ruicatons nd changes are indicated by updating the manual aumbers in a revised version. ‘when your manual is damaged oF fost, and a new materia is needed, inform us ofthe “manual number." {the manual number ie not identified inform ve ofthe followings 1 Namo ofthe machine 2 Number ofthe machin 3. Name of tho manuel Contact the Teohineal Cantor (TC) or the Borvioe Contor (80) of Yamazoki Mazak for operations ofthis machine and roplacoment of tho manual leeve of the manual : Marval Edtional Section, Yamazaki Mazak Co, Lid ov. 1995 Organization of this manual The following outlinas tha organization of this manual: 1 MAZAIHUL, PHOGHAMMING PROCEDURES: {Upper row — Diredtions for using the chapter Lowor ow — Contents ofthe chapter ‘ose wno are gong 10 Set up @ MAZATHUL program for ne Ast ume must rst read tnss pan. Actually operate the M PLUS system ftom ine Deginning as directed in Chapter 44, “PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING.” You wil ten be able to rougniy understand ine entre operating procedure trom tool registration to creation of @ MAZATROL progr. Those who aitealy have as experiznoy in creating a prow Using Ue MAZATROL Mot, M-2 or M-$2 oyster wil Ue able to wrest Ure functions and usage of the M PLUS system just by directly reading Part 2, “MAZATROL PROGRAM FUNCTIONS." The oroaram architecture, coordinates systems, and oneration keys are discussed hore 28 the basic information required for proaram creaton in MAZATROL language. In ‘addition to the program creation procedures, successive processing procedures. Up 10 machining are described in order after the discussion of the basic information MAZATROL, PROGRAM FUNCTIONS: How to call up the PROGRAM display, how to edit data, how to use a function, and Use the functions of the M PLUS system only after understanding the MAZATROL program architecture and program creation procedures described in Part 1. Also, use {is part as a relerence whenever requred, such as in cases where you have only @ sight idea (or Nave forgotten) ow fo use a function, as you create a MAZATROL, program. tals of each function are deserined here, How to creale programs in the backround made, and how to actin the event of alarms are also discussed, APPENDIX How to use this manual Next, how to use this man 1. In Part 2, “MAZATR( ‘An M-code list, samplo programs, and a Q8A (Questions and Answers) fst are containod. Rad this appondix as appropriate wal is briefly described below. (OL PROGRAM FUNCTIONS,” where the operating procedures for carrying out the MAZATROL language functions are described, the order of selecting menu items is indicated at solection. “Menu selection.” Use the saction as quick reference during menu 2. In Part 2, *MAZATROL PROGRAM FUNCTIONS.” where the operating procedures are doscribed, the arrow “+” under the description of each step of the procedure ie followed by a description of the results of the particular operation. Example: [1] Press the SEARCH menu key. +The message SEARCH DATA? will bo displayed and the menu will change to the following address menu: “The section undertined above denoles the resuls ofthe operation. 2E Introduction This manual describes only programming based on the MAZATROL language of the MAZATROL M PLUS system. ‘The description given in this manual assumes that the readers have already read the relevant Operating Manual and thoroughly understood its contents. Programming in the MAZATROL language uses an interactive method that allows the system to be operated in accordance with the messages displayed on the CRT monitor. Thus. even a user who ie to operate tho systom for the first time can readily create and edit programs. Carvtully read this manual and the Operating Manual to correctly operate the MAZATROL M PLUS system and use its capabilities to their maximum. Note: The MAZATROL M PLUS controls the machining center by digital calculation, but it is possible that the machining cannot be performed because of the processing of a calculation error. Betore proceeding with automatic operation therefore, do not fail to inspect the path of the tool ‘on the display in order to verify that the machining is being done correctly H733POA010E 1 CONTENTS Page Introduction 1 PART 1 — MAZATROL PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES 1 MAZATROL PROGRAM 4 2 SYSTEM OF COORDINATES .. a4 21 Machine Coordinates System a4 2:2 — Workpiace Coordinates System. 22 2-3. Machine Coordinates System and Workpiece Coo! 23 2-4 Basic Coordinates cee : 2d 2-5 Auniliary Coordinates ce ce 25 3 FUNCTION OF KEYS AND SWITCHES 34 4, PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING . 44 4-1 Diagram of Preparation for the Machining . aA 4-2 Part Drawings and Stock Materials feeeeees 43 4-3. Registration of Tools 45 4-3-1 Calling up the TOOL FILE display 45 Registration of tools 46 Creation of Simple Programe 410 4-4-1. Program structure 4-10 4-4-2 Calling up the PROGRAM display att 4-4-3 Assigning workpiece numbers. . 412 4-4-4 Creating a program 443 4-4-5 Creation of common unit : and 4-4-6 Creation of basic coordinates system unit 416 4-4-7 Face machining unit 419 4-4-8 Line machining unit 427 4-4-9 Point machining unit (1) 4.96 4-4-10 Point machining unit (2) 444 4-4-11 End unit 4-50 4-4-12 End of the program 451 4.5 Registration of Tools in a Tool Data File . 453 4-5-1 Pocket numbers and tool numbers 463 4-5-2 TOOL DATA display - sees . : 454 45-3 TOOL LAYOUT display ...... weet ee eee eet eee eeeee 4-55 4-5-4 — Registration of tools 4-58 4-6 Check of the Machining Path 4.61 H733PG0011E on PART 2 os 12 13 1-4 ot 32 33 34 46 464 46-2 46:3 MAZATROL PROGRAM FUNCTIONS CALLING UP AND THE END OF THE PROGRAM DISPLAY Listing Mode and Creating Mode... . Caling Up the PROGRAM Display (Listing Mode) Calling Up the PROGRAM Display (Creating Mode) End of the Program Creation EDITION OF DATA Cursor Movement Case of listing mode Case of creating mode Editing - Editing functions and menus. Search Insertion : Deletion 0.22.00. Copy End of program WINDOW FUNCTIONS . MAZATROL Help Window Tool File Window ....... Tool Data Window Tap Nominal Diameter Window PHOGHAM CHEA ION Types of Units Common Unit Basic Coordinates System Unit . Auxillary Coordinates System Unit ..... Types of the Machining Unit. Point Machining Unit... . Types of point machining unite Procedure for selecting point machining unit. . Unit data and automatic tool development. Drilling unit (DRILLING) ......... GH BCB machining unit (RGH BCB) Feaming unit (REAMING) Tapping unit (TAPPING) Boring unit (BORING) Back boring unit (BK-CBORE) . Circular miling unit (CIRC MILL) Counterbore-tapping unit (CBOR-TAP) .. ce 4.40 AGH CBOR machining unit (AGH CBOR) - 212 215 221 at 440 att 419 414 4.19 421 429 434 46-4 465 466 a7 ar 472 ara 44 ATS 476 ArT 48 484 48-2 4.83 48d 485 486 48-7 49 4-10 410-4 410-2 4.103 410-4 4-105 4-106 ant ant Tool sequence data .....-..-+ 4-36 Tool path 4at ‘Shape sequence 4-65 Line Machining Units 4-82, Types of line machining units : 4-82 Procedure for selecting line machining unit 4-83 Unit data, automatic too! development and tool path 4-83 1. Contral linear machining unit (LINE CTR) : 4-83 2. Right-hand linear machining unit (LINE RGT) 4-86 Left-hand linear machining unit (LINE LFT) ceceeeee es 4:89) 3. 4. Outside linear machining unit (LINE OUT) 4-92 6. Inside linear machining unit (LINE IN) 4.99 6. Right-and chamfering unit (CHMF GT). 4-105 7. Left-hand chamfering unit (CHMF LFT) 4-108 8. Outside chamfering unit (CHMF OUT) aan 8, Inside chamnforing unit (CHMF IN) 4.116 Line machining tool sequence data ata Line machining shape sequence data . . 4124 Precautions in line machining 4-124 Automatic comer override 4.128 Face Machining Units 4-129 Types of face machining units . 4-190 Procedure for selecting face machining unit 4-130 Unit data, automatic too! development and too! path 4-131 Face milling unit (FACE MIL). End milling-top unit (TOP EMIL) . End milling-step unit (STEP) Pocket milling unit (POCKET) - Pocket milling-rountain unit (PCKT MT) Pocket milling-valley unit (PCKT VLY) End miling-slot unit (SLOT) Face machining too! sequence data Precautions in face machining Override in case of the overall width cutting : Definitions of forms in line machining and face machining units 4-188 End Unit whee 4-209 ‘Special Mode Unit 4-210 Procedure for caling up the special mode unt 4-210 M code unit ‘Sub-program unit Pallet changing unit Indexing unit Process end unit Manual Program Mode Unit Input procedure ..... c3 atte 4At8 412 4124 422 4123 4A 4426 4126 57 et 62 TA 72 10, 10-4 10-2 10-3 10-4 ‘Structure of the unit Composition of the sequence MMS Unit : Procedure for caling up the MMS unit. Composition of the unit... Composition of the sequence . Measurement of length of feeler - Focler calibration measurement ‘Type of measurement PRIORITY FUNCTION FOR THE SAME TOOL . Priority Machining Order Priority Machining Zone Editing Function and Input Method of Priority Numbers Input of priority numbers Assignment of priority numbers Change of priority numbers .... . Deletion of all the priority numbers vevtnee eee How to use the SUB-PROG PROG END function sees Rolation between the Sub-program Unit and the Priority Machining Function Relation between the Indexing Unit andthe Priority Machining Function Relation between the M Code Unit and the Priority Machining Function . . Relation between Multi-workpiece Machining and the Priority Machining function COORDINATES MEASUREMENT FUNCTION. Method of Measurement of Coordinates by TEACH Function | Method of Measurement of Coordinates by MDF-MMS ... TPC DATA CREATION . cee Setting Tool Path Control (TPC) Data Description of Each TPC Data item BACKGROUND PROGRAMMING CASE OF APPEARANCE OF ALARM THREE-DIGIT G-FORMAT Outline . Detailed Description . : ‘Three-Digt G-Format of MAZATROL Program Various Data Description Using G10 C4 4-218 4.219 4.220 4-220 4-221 4-221 4.202 4-224 4227 5-10 ett 512 518 61 et 64 TA 7A 74 ot 10-4 10-1 10-4 10-2 10-14 APPENDIX APPENDIX 1 LIST OF M CODES APPA APPENDIX 2 PROGRAM EXAMPLES: cee APPX.4 APPENDIX 3 WHAT TO DO IN SUCH A CASE? ... APPX.8 - NOTE - (C-6E) n Ww oa > Qa w Oo 9 a a o < = = < iva o ° c a ot 9° a 5 < = Part 1 describes the architecture of MAZATROL programs, coordinate systems, the keys to be used for programming, ‘end simplified programming procedures. H739P 1001 1E 1k_MAZATROL PROGRAM MAZATROL PROGRAM The machining MAZATROL program of a workpiece consists in principle of the following four units: 41. Common unit This concerns a unit which is obligatorily entered in the program head. It specifies the ‘common data to a program assembly such as the material, the initial point, the machining of several workpieces, ele. 2. Basic coordinates system unit Use to specify the value of the coordinates (basic coordinates) of the workpiece zero point in the machine coordinates system. 3, Machining unit Use to specity the data concerning the machining method and the machining form. The machining unit is available in the following three types: Point machining unit Driting AGH CBOR machining RGH BCB machining Reaming Tapping Boring Boring of through hole Back boring Boring of stepped through hole Circular miting Boring of non-through hole Counterbore-tapping L Boring of stepped non-through hole Line machining unit Face machining unit Cental linear machining Face miling Right-hand linear machining End milling-top Left-hand linear machining End milling-step + Outside linear machining Pocket milling Inside linear machining + Pocket milling-mountain Right-hand chamfering Pocket milling-valloy Left-hand chamfering | End miliing-slot Outside chamtering 3D (option) Inside chartering Moreover, the necessary data are specified in the following two sequences: Tool sequence .... Use to specify the data concerning the name of the tool and the movement of the tool Shape sequence Use to specify the data related to the machining dimensions. H739P1A010E 14 MAZATROL PROGRAM 4. End unit Unit created at the end of program Also, the following units are entered when necessary. 5. Auxiliary coordinates system unit Use to specify the auxiliary coordinates system (OFFSET). 6. Special made unit Use to specify a movement other than machining. ‘There are the following special mode units. It is possible that these units marked with an asterisk (*) can not be used or executed in certain machine models. Moode ........... Output of M code Sub-program ....... Calling up a sub-program Pallet changing” ..... Changing of pallet Indexing” Use to specify the angle of the indexing table. Process end Delimits the useful scope of the priority function for the same tool 7. Manual program mode unit This unit is entered to establish a program corresponding to the EIA/ISO program using the G and M codes which permits performing minute movement or a movement other than machining. 8. MMS unit Automatic measurement of a basic coordinates system (WPC). MMS unit cannot be used for certain machines or will not be performed even it programmed. 1.28 2__ SYSTEM OF GOORDWATES SYSTEM OF COORDINATES In the preparation of the program, a system of coordinates is used for introducing the position of the machining and the form of the machining, The system of coordinates of the machining center consists of three axes of coordinates which ‘each cross the reference zero point at right angles. ‘An arbitrary point found in this system of coordinates can be defined by the value of the ‘coordinates in the 3 axes (X, Y and Z). Thora ara two types of systems of coordinates: = Machine coordinates system = Workpiece coordinates system Fig. 2-1 Coordinates systom Machine Coordinates System ‘Th machine actually moves in its own system af coordinates called the machine coordinates ‘eystom. A point of reference in this system of coordinates is known es machine zero point. Generally, the machine coordinates system has the machining zone on the side of the minus (negative) direction from the machine zero point. Note: ‘The following figure represents the case of vertical machining center. ; onl jew sang Machino 0%0 pont (tanhinn conrinates syste) 0, ¥0, 20) xs of /™ -y evens Avis oY x _ cocednate Fo.22 Machow cooansie ion NL NM210-00510 H733P 180108 24 2 SYSTEM OF COORDINATES 2.2 Workpiece Coordinates System IF the program is prepared on the basis of the machine coordinates system, the entering of the machining position and of the form of machining is very complex, tedious and inflexible. Consequently, a temporary reference point is taken in the machine coodinates system for preparing the program. ‘The point thus taken is called the workpiece zero point, and the system ot coordinates taking this point as reference is called the workpiece coordinates system, example: Plan of the workpiece | (so, we wpposras 1 Oe eS es F 2 Pom dame % ssh’ Sethe ©: #6 fous [Ld ter Pt Zoro point of a |<—so—>1 ieowtelce -——,-—| _| to be taken |< 1505+ vaP002 =When the dimensions are entered of the configuration on the basis of the above plan of the workpiece, the bullom left hand comer is taken as the workpiece zero point + In this case, the value of the coordinates of the configuration is the following: Workpiece zero point = (0, 0, 0) 1 ~ (160, 0, 0) P2= (150, 100, 0) P3= (0, 100, 0) ‘The adoption of the workpiece zero point facilitates the entering of the machining dimensions and therofore the programming. 22 2. SYSTEM OF COORDINATES 2-3 Machine Coordinates System and Workpiece Coordinates System ‘The relationship hetwaen the machine coordinates system and workpiece coordinates system when workpiece has been mounted on the table of a machine is shown below. ‘Machine coorsnates sysiom EX SN = Ne ws in otio® coors aioe coordneios System sysion “ Nw210-00513 Note: “The above relaonship may sigh dilr according tothe typo of machina being usod Fig. 2-3 _ Machine coorinatos systom ana worepioce Coordinates systom 2. SYSTEM OF COORDINATES 2-4 Basic Coordinates The machine moves in the machine coordinates system whilst the program is prepared depending on the workpiece coordinates system, It is necessary therefore to enter in the program, the position relation between the machine coordinates system and the workpiece coordinates systam. Tho unit of ontry is called the basic coordinates unit The basic coordinates are entered as values of the coordinates of the workpiece zero point in| the machine coordinates system. The unit of the basic coordinates is entered by ullizing the coordinates measurement function aftor the workpiece is placed on the machine. Basic coarainate z Machine coordina system Basie sootinate X _/ Basi coordinate ¥ Werkpioce coordinates system Fig. 24 Basic coordinates ‘o210-00014 Example of entering of the basic coordinates unit: Ue Nir ‘AD. WeG x v 6 2 * wec-o 800, -200 0 200. Basic coordinales unit 4 Coordinato oF angle of ath No, of basic wamdinates fa Wee Base coordina x Basic coocdinale Z (Example: 500) Ce eo, ‘Basic coordinate Y (Example: -200) ‘Angle formed by the axes X and ¥ of the ‘machine coordinates eysiom and tho axe X and ‘Y of the workpiece coordinates system. 24 SYSTEM OF COORDINATES 2-5 Auxiliary Coordinates ‘The auxiliary coordinates are used for offsetting the workpiece zero point to any position in order to further facilitate the preparation of the program. The auxiliary coordinates unit (OFFSET) is entered as a value of offsetting in the workpiece zero point 4. Example of entering of auxiliary coordinates: +Y% Lg tg \workpicce zero point Mse003 In this example, the entering of the position of hole P1 requires a very complicated calculation. 150 x Pr = (70 + soxX + However, the use of auxiliary coordinates permits performing this entering easily. bo" Zero point tse auxtiary ‘coordinalos mode Mapooe 26 SYSTEM OF COORDINATES As the figure above shows, positions P1 and P2 are ontorod as follows by offsetting the workpiece zero point to RI. Pr = (0, 0) P2 = (60, 20) In this case, the auxiliary coordinates unit to be programmed is as follows: UN, UNIT ve vu De® wa 2 OFFSET 70, °. 30, i jetting on Z Auviliary coodinates unit J ‘Onzering on Z ents Angle wi rolation Offsetting on X axis to workpioce coordinates system Orfseting on ¥ axis 2. Cancellation of auxiliary coordinates The system of auxiliary coordinates is voided in the following cases: ‘A. The system of auxiliary coordinates specified in a sub-program is voided at the time of the return on the main program. When the main program contains a system of auxiliary coordinates, the return is made to this system of auxiliary coordinates. B. The system of auxiliary coordinates is voided when a new system of basic coordinates is introduced. In this case, the state without a system of auxiliary coordinates is assumed (When the system of basic coordinates was specified in the sub program as shown in Figure 2-6, the return to the main program has the effect of voiding the system of auxilary ‘coordinates of the main program.) ‘Man program weos Machining © Sub program Suoprogram Machining @ WPC ie a code that signs the basic cootdinatos eytom. ‘Machining @ is porlormed undor the coordinates sysiam of WPC-2, Fig. 2-5 _ Basic coordinates systom allor execution of suprogram 26E FUNCTION OF KEYS AND SWITCHES A MAZATROL program can be created using only the keys and switches indicated in the dotted portion on the operating panel shown on the next page. HraaPicone: at 92. EUNGTION OF KEYS AND SWITCHES MARASROL § PLYS RIGHT Bae Re a — enor Fig. 3-1 _ Keys and swiices used for creating & MAZATROL proyrs (Jot porto) Nw2ze-00010 a2 3. FUNCTION OF KEYS AND SWITCHES Description Display soloctor key ross this key to select between displays. Depression of this Key causes a display selection menu tobe displayed inthe menu display area. 2 Menu selector key ress this key to select menu tat is displayed on the bottom of the screen. @ Menu kaye ‘A epoaiic key i ascignad 10 each of rine menu data that aro dieplayed in tho menu display area. Prose tho appropriate hoy to carry out the operation spociod by the particular diplay o to input the data specific by the pariclar cpl. @ Cursor keys Press the apropriate key to move the cursor in the desived direction. it @ cursor key is pressed and held down, the cursor will move continuously in the corresponding direction, ° Numeric Keys Use those Reys to key inthe numerics 0 0 9, the minus sgn ( ~ ) andor the decimal point (. ) ® Input koy Press tis key to register keyedin data in tho data display area. © Car key Press this key to cancel the data currently being displayed in the data selecton ‘area, This key is also used for erasure ofthe alarm display. ® Data cancelation key ress this key to cancel the data that has boen displayed inthe data display area. Depression ofthis kay causes the data inthe cuss pasion ta be erased. ® Page keys ‘Press the appropiate key to move the cursor unit by unit Pressing and bolcing down the key will move the curso unit by unt continuously 33 ‘2 FUNCTION OF KEYS AND swrrcHes NOTE - (3-4) 4. PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING 4. PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING 4-1 Diagram of Preparation for the Machining To machine a workpiece, it ie cecontial to coordinate the programming and the preparations for the tool and the workpiece. The following diagram shows the general procedure to be followed before performing the machining. Note 1 It is possible to monitor the path of the tool even if the tool is not recorded in the tool data. (The path of the tool is laid out by taking the diameter of the tool = the nominal diametar and the length of tha tool = 0) 2. Automatic operation can not be performed if the tool used is not recorded in the too! data. H7saP100116 at PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING Preparation of part drawings Retlection of the mounting workpiece TOOL FILE display PROGRAM display | Recording of tools available in the workshop program Preparation of machining Je SHAPE CHECK display Verification af the ‘programmed form TOOL DATA display TOOL LAYOUT display Verification of the tools |x| Recording of a tool to be ‘mounted on the tool magazine mounted on the tool magazine Fig. 44 4 PATH CHECK display Verification of path of tool | Installation of tool | TOOL DATA display ‘Measurement of longth of teal Installation of workpiece | PROGRAM display Measurement of basic coordinates I ‘Automatic operation Procedure beloreparlorming the machining a 008 42 PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING 4-2 Part Drawings and Stock Materials ‘The following shows the part drawing for which a program is to be created in Section 4-4. Fig. 02 [MB tapped notes (4 plaooe) 10-mm diameter riled bole Pan orawing example Material: Carbon steol Fiishmachining surface: (¥, Y¥) Maroo7 Held by a vise, the part to be machined is shown below. NM210-00516 Machining of this part consists of the following four processes: 43 IEFORE PERFOR © ising the top face of the workpiece, @ Ending the edges of te workpiece, Nww210-00517 a) nnw2r0-00018 @ Dorting a 10-mm aiamoter trough -hole @ Dating our Ma t2ppod holes uwt210-00519 Nw210-00520 4. PROGEOURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHU 4-3. Registration of Tools First, turn on the power to return the axes to the zero point. Next, turn the reprogramming switch to the CNABLE position using the key. Fig. 4-2 Reprogeamming witch Nw210-00821 Before creating the program, information on the tools located in the workshop must be registered. in a tool file. Unregistered tools cannot be used for programming or automatic run. 4-3-1 Calling up the TOOL FILE display Call the TOOL DATA display by pressing firstly tho display eolector key and thon tho monu koy TOOL DATA. Then press the menu key TOOL FILE to call the following TOOL FILE display. TOOL NOM-$ MAT. DEPTH No. |No, TOOL NOM-$ MAT. DEPTH No, 7 8 19 20 22 pe 4 25 26 7 28 ze 30 at Pry USETOOL / [TOOL FILE} nowt /racenuu [crauren| MsP009 45 PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING Register tools in the TOOL FILE display. The tools to be registered here are as follows: End mill Face mill ‘Chamfering cutter Ballond mil Nuzr0-00522 NM210-00520 naer0-0oce4 nuer0-00ces Tools other than these four types do not need to be registered. Tool selection is automatically made by the NC unit during programming, 4-3-2 Registration of tools In this chapter, programming is to be carried out by using the two types of tools shown below. lg End mil Fig. 4-4 Rogitored tnls examala “Too! moteri: ‘Cemented cartide Number of eet: 2 Nw210-00522 » | Face mit Too! materi ‘Comantod carbide Number of teeth: 6 'nat210-00829} 46 1 4._ PHUGEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING IHE MACHINING, Registering the end mill Using the page keys, search the display for the tool indicated as E-MILL 10. A. Up to 256 tools can be ragistered. If the tool is found, this indicates that the tool has been registered; therefore, proceed to the procedure desoribed in “Registering the face mill.” [1] Press the cursor key + Jand position the cursor on an unregistered tool number. The message REGISTER TOOL ? will then be displayed in the message display area, [2] Press the input key |® Jto register the tool. +The message NOMINAL DIAMETER? wil be cisplayed. [3] Input an approximate tool-diameter value (in this example, input 10 by pressing numeric oysL1 Janal © Jand then pressing the input key >}, The message TOOL ID CODE ? will be displayed. [4] Input a specific code that identifies the particular tool (in this example, input A by pressing manu key A) PeTeTe ToT >The message TOOL MATERIAL ? will be displayed. 6 Solect the tool material from the tool material menu. Material names registered in the CUTTING CONDITION (MATERIAL) display are displayed as menu (in this example, select cemented carbide by pressing menu key CARBIDE). The message MAX DEPTH OF CUT? will be displayed. 6 Input the maximum depth to which the workpiece can be cut in the axial direction by one cutting operation (in this example, input 20 by pressing numeric keysL 3 Jan © Jana then pressing the input key . >The mossago NUMBER OF TEETH? will bo displayod. 47 4. PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING [7] Input the number of teeth of the tool (in this example, input 2 by pressing numeric key jand then pressing the input key|@}}). —+Registration of the 10-mm diameter end mill will be completed as shown below. TOOL NOM-¢ MAT. DEPTH No |No. TOOL NOM-$ MAT. DEPTH No. EMiL 10.8 cap a0. 2 | 37 18 19 20 2 22 23 4 23 2 2 28 ey 30 3 a2 PAGE V2 USE TOOL / (TOOL FILE (ENDMILL) } [REGISTER TOOL ? ewomnt fracenmu [ornuren| aaut ERASE curren | eNoMLL MsPaT0 4. PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING. 2. Registering the face mit! The operations to be carried out are similar to those required for registering the 10-mm diameter end mill. For brevity of description, the displayed message and key(s) to be pressed are noted to the right and loft respectively as shown below. [1] Press the menu key FACE MILL. Check if the tool indicated as F-MILL 80. A is included in the display. If the tool is found, then this indicates that the too! has been registered. Thus, the operations shown below are not required. [2] Position the cursor on an unregistered tool number. [9] REGISTER TOOL ? ——————_> | ® [4] NOMINAL DiAMeTeR? —_______________, [a][o][® [5] TOOL 1D CODE ? ——___________, a [6] TOOL MATERIAL ?, ——__________> CARBIDE 5 © [7] MAX DEPTH OF CUT? —_______ [8] NUMBER OF TEETH? ————____________, [6]|® = This completes registration of the 80-mm diameter face mill as shown below. No. TOOL NOM-¢ ‘MAT. DEPTH No, TOOL NOM-¢ MAT. DEPTH No. af, PML 80.8 ca os 8 24 25 6 2 28 29 30 a 22 PAGE 12 USE TOOL 1 [TOOL FILE (FACEMILL)) REGISTER TOOL ? _( ) wont [raceunt Joxaurer] eau ease Jprocrau] root. Mapot 4._PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING 4-4 Creation of Simple Programs 4-4-1 Program structure The structure of MAZATROL program is described before creating a program. Each MAZATROL program consists of units Conversely, a combination of program units forms a program. Tha name of each part of a program is described below using part of the program to be created. Vila MAT MWTIAL2 ATC MODE MULT MODE MULT FLAG PITCH PITCHY 0 ceNsTL 20. 1 ‘OFF o + o +——> 0 Ne UT ADO. WAG y ° 2 4 1 WRC 300. -200. 0. = 100, 0. }+———> @ 2 FACEML 0. 2 o 2 ca ©. ° {> 3 Se TOOL NOMLy No. APRCHKAPROHY TE 75D DEPZ WOA CSP FR MM ® FG PIN. PIXGX PIVOY PaHR PSY GNI GN2 ONS GN} _, @ ed UNe UNIT CONT. NUMBER ATC XY 24 ANGLE 6 ENDO ° ——_ ® [PROGRAM) 1234 MC ) WORK No.| search [procrau| tec |wecmsn] Too. |PHOcESs |pHOGHAM|pHOGHAN Fig. 4-5 _ Program structure Mapote ® Common unit Basic data related to the entire program, such as the material of the workpiece, is to be input to this unit @ Basic coordinates system unit The coordinate values of the workpiece zero point in the machine coordinates system are to be input to this unit ® Machining units Various types of machining units are provided. Data related to selection of a machining method and to machining dimensions are to be input to these units. ® Tool soquenco ...... consists of data inputs related to the operation of a tool. ® Shape sequence .... consists of data inputs related lo the machining shape on a drawing, ® End unit Denotes the end of a program (ie, the completion of machining) 410 4._ PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING. 44-2 Calling up the PROGRAM display First, the PROGRAM display is to be presented as previously done when displaying the TOOL. FILE display: [1] Press the display selector key. [2] Press the menu key PROGRAM. The PROGRAM display will be presented then as shown below. [PROGRAM] Mapo13 Note: Even if the presented display is not exactly the same as this one, the actual display is identical in both the (PROGRAM display and the menu display. ‘The above display status is referred to as the listing mode. The listing mode ia a program-contents check mode. For detalis, see Part 2, Section 1-1, “Listing Mode and Creating Mode.” 4. PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING Assigning workpiece numbers Number the individual programs tv be created, These numbers identify the individual programs Just as part number in a part drawing identifies the individual parts. These numbers are referred to as workpiece numbers, and the desired number from 1 to 99999999 can be selected for each program. Here, workpiece No. 1234 is to be set. [1] Press the menu key WORK No. [2] WORKPIECE PROGRAM NUMBER? ————> | 1} |2} [3 +The message NEW PROGRAM ? will be displayed. I either one of the two displays (1) and (2) shown below is displayed instead of this message, then this indicates that workpiece No. 1234 has already been used. In that case, input a different workpiece number (1) MAZATROL program UNo. MAT INITIALZ ATCMODE MULTIMODE MULTIFLAG PITCHX PITCH-Y 0 CBNSTL 20. 1 OFF . ° ° UNo. UNIT ADD.WPC x y e z 4 1 WPC- 300. -200. 0 =100. 0. UNo, UNIT DEPTH SAV-ZSRV-R. BTM WALOFINZ. FINA, 2 FACEMIL 0, 3 ° 2 ° °. ° SNo. TOOL NOM-¢ No. APRCHX APRCH-Y TYPE ZFD DEP-Z WID-RC-SP FR MM AI FMILL 80.4, 2 27 XB @ 3. 56 121 0.176 FIG TN PIX/CX PIY/GY PAX/R PRY CNY CN? CNA CNA 1 SOR oo. a 150100, UNe UNIT DEPTH SRV.Z SRV.A AGH CHMF FINZ FINA a UNEQUT 12 1% 8 3 @ 29 0 GNo, TOOL NOM No. APRCHX APRCH Y TYPE ZFD DEPZ WIDR.GEP FROM M Rr EMILL 10.4 2 2 CW Gor 10. 54 0007 [PROGRAM] 1234.8 ( ) B wore | serncx [proonau| tee wreuse| root ooh 4.12 4._PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING (2) EIMSO program No01 Gor G80 800 Tor Mog; Nove Mos Tor: Noo2 Go2 x0 vO 20; Not7 Goo X-280 ¥-260; Noos Mos Too} Note 1000 Moa; Noot Goo X-500 ¥-250; Nov Goo GAs 2-48.02; Noos Gas 2-480 Hor Noza Goo Xo Yo 2-21.0 RO 2000 F100; Noos Gor 7-40 én: Nos x-280 X-s00; Noo7 Y-1300 Fas: Noos Go2 X-200 Y-200 1-100 Jo: Noos Go X-150.0: Noto Gos X-300 300 1-300 Jo: Nott Gor ¥50.9; Nore x80.0 Y60.0; No13 G02 x900 —-Y100 1300 J~400. Nove Gor x90.0 © To2; ots G28 20; [PROGRAM] 1294 Ee ( ) co Toot noone ‘waPo15 Note: In M PLUS, two different programs can be created. The program (1) above is referred to as a MAZATROL program, and the one (2), as an EWVISO program. 4-4-4 Creating a program Let us create a program. [1] Alter setting the workpiece number, press the menu key MAZATROL PROGRAM. The display shown in Figure 4-6 will be presented. The program creation will become possiblo. This status is roforred to as the creating mode. If the EIA/1SO programming function (option) is provided in the system, the following menu will be displayed, 4.13 4._ PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING [2] The following display will be presented. The program creation will become possible. UNo. MAT INITIAL-2 ATCMODE MULTIMODE MULTIFLAG PITCH-X PITCH-Y [PROGRAM] MATERIAL ? coasr ian] oucrte | canon | autov [stances faummun] coPPeR casrian | sree. | sree | sree ALLOY Fig. 4-0 PROGRAM display (creating mode) MaPore 4-4-5 Creation of common unit The common unit is the program unit that must be created at the head position of a program. Basic data on the entire program is to be input to this unit. The help window is described here before the creation of common unit. Prior to input of data to the unit, full details of the data to input can be displayed on the screen for ease of programming, This display is referred to as the help window display. Carry out the following operation to display the help window display: [1] Press the window key [Fa] on the operation panel “The following help window display will be presented 44 IURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING UN wat one INTIAL-7 ATO MONE MULTIMODE MULTIFLAG PITCHX PITCH-Y 5-2 <—MODE ——> OFFSET TYPE AL lf alf 70 @ wee zero powr 4 A Tw ll PITCHX FLAG wo876 5432 an (#:1 YES) (#:0NO) [PROGRAM] 208M ( ) MATERIAL ? ccasr ian verte | carson | ator |srances [aumnun| copper oasrien| sree. | steet | sree Lor ap 017 Now, start creating the common unit. The data for the article MAT, INITIAL-Z and ATC MODE wil be spectiog neo MAT . Specify the material of the workpiece. INITIAL-Z Specify the initial height of the tool where it comes close to the workpiece for machining purpos (cenrsane.) Cor om iid sont Woros i zero pont Fe lJ RT 9 07 Te pan voro%e 415 ATC MODE = Specify the manner in which tho tool is to be returned to the ATC position for tool change. MULTIMODE ...... Use this tunction when more than one workpiece of the same type are to be arranged on the table for successive machining. Do not use this function here. [2] MATEIRAL ? _ _ CARBON STEEL 2\(o]{2] [3] INITIAL POINT Z (CLEARANCE)?_§ —————————> [4] ZERO RETURN ? —————_» |1 >| [5] MULTIMODE ? © > muti oF ‘The common unit will be created as shown below. When the unit is created, the help window will be closed and the program will await data input to the next unit. UNo. MAT INITIAL ATC MODE MULTIMODE MULTIFLAG PITCH-X PITCH-Y 0 cANSTL 20, 1 OFF . . ° UNo. UNIT 1 [PRogRAM 1298 Hi ¢ MACHINING UNIT ? powr | une | race |manua.| omer | wee | orrser Maciunc |uactunc | active |enoanau| Pots 4-4-6 Creation of basic coordinates system unit, Let us set the basic coordinates (the coordinate values of the workpiece zero point in the machine coordinate system). This data is to be input using the coordinates measuring funciton (refer to Part 2) after workpiece has been mounted on the machine. Here. input the data on the ‘ascumption that workpioce has been mounted in the position shown below. 416 -OURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING Sue 220 point <200 (ase curity) a“ + , 2s Le Fig. 4-8 Workpiece mounting positon NM210-00526 [1] Whilo tho mossago MACHINING UNIT ? ic displayod, pross tho monu koy wee. [2] Press the window key [Ga]. >The following help window will be presented. “WPC” is the abbreviation of the workpiece coordinates. ADD. weC weo-z x the. @ we zero @ MACHINE ZERO POINT ROTAXIS, [PROGRAM] 1208 ( ) [WeC NUMBER? ETT MsPuzo [9] WPC NUMBER? ————_______, |1]|& [4] WORKPIECE COORDINATE, wPc-x? ———————> [=] [3] 0} LO} [8] WORKPIECE COORDINATE, wec-¥? ——————> [=] 2] [0 LO} | [6] WORKPIECE COORDINATE, WPC-62 ———————>_ |9} [® [7] WORKPIECE COORDINATE, WPC-2? ~JL1jLOJLO}[ > [8] WORKPIECE COORDINATE, WPC-42 ————— ‘The basic coordinates system unit will be created as shown below. When the unit is created, the help window will be closed and the program will await data input to the next unit, UNo. UNIT ADD. WEG 1 wrest UNo. UNIT 2 [PROGRAM] 188M ) MACHINING UNIT ? pour | ume | race Puawar | omer | wee | onrser Mapoo1 418 4: PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING 4-4-7 Face machining unit Let us program & unit that mills the lop face of & particular material, This machining unit Is referred to as a face miling unit. Nw210-00517 1. Creation of face machining unit [1] While the message MACHINING UNIT ? is displayed, press the menu key FACE MACH-ING . [2] MACHINING UNIT ? ———________> FACEMILL [3] Press the window key (cas). The folowing help window is presented. UN. UNIT «DEPTH GAVZ «SAV BTM WAL FINZ. 2 FACE MIL + . [PROGRAM] — CR 1204 ( ) DIST: WPG Zo TO FIN, SURFACE? TTT naPoze 4. PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING Now, start creating the face machining unit. The data for the article DEPTH. SRV-Z, BTM, and FIN.Z will be specified horo. DEPTH Input the distance from the workpiece zero point of the Z axis to the surface to be finished. Here, the depth is 0 because the workpiece zero point is on the finishing surface, Position of wecz=0 fished Fig. 4-9 DEPTH and SRV-Z apaza SRV-Z Input the chamfering thickness of the workpiece. An approximate value may be input because the workpiece surface is not plane. BT™M = ++ Input an appropriate finishing code that designates the roughness of the workpiece surface to be finished. FIN-Z ..... Input the finish miling thickness. This data will be automatically set it tho roughness of the bottom is specified using a finishing code of the menu. [4] DIST: WPC 20 TO FIN. SURFACER————— [0 } | [6] ZAXIS STOCK REMOVAL?,. —————————> [3] |® [5] BOTTOM FACE ROUGHNESS ?>—__> | 3 (7] FINISH ALLOWANCE 22, ———————___—> (When the bottom roughness is input, the FIN-Z value will be sot automatically Thus, the operator can proceed directly to the next data item using the appropriate ‘cursor key.) ‘A machining unit such es that shown below is now completed. Usually, @ tool appropriate for the particular tool sequence Is automatically selected on the basis of the data of the machining unit. Here, a face mill has been selected. 4.20 4__ PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING. UNo, UNIT DEPTH SRV-Z SRV-A BTM WAL FINZ FINA, 2 FACEMIL 0. 3 e 2 # 6 * SNo, TOOL NOM-s No. APRCH-X APAGH-Y TYPE ZFO DEP-Z WID-R C:SP FR MM AY ML SE ° [PROGRAM 1236 M4 ( [WHICH TYPE OF TOOL=MENU>? _( MaPo2s Creation of tool sequence [1] While the message WHICH TYPE OF TOOL ? is displayed, press the > cursor key [2] Press the menu key TOOL FILE to call the TOOL FILE display on the screen, and ‘chock that the previously registered tool is included in the display. The following TOOL FILE (FACEMILL) display shows that the 80 mm diameter face mill is registered. 421 4._ PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING 1UOL NUM-6 MAI, DEPIM No, TOOL NUM-§ MAT. DEPTH No. FLL 808 CBO 8 6 PAGE 12 use Too. / [TOOL FILE (FACEMILL)] eww. ence [onmween | aut curTeR | eNoML MaP025 [3] Press the menu key PROGRAM to return to the PROGRAM display and continue programming. (4) NOMINAL DIAMETER? ——______- [s][o][8] [5] TOOL FILE CODE? > a [6] MACHINING PRIORITY No.2 —————+ | (Skip to the next item since the identical-tool priority function is not used here. Refer to Part 2, Chapter 8.) {7] APPROACH POINT X, AUTO > ?——>_ AUTO SET [8] APPROACH POINT Y, AUTO + ?———» AUTO SET [9] CUTTING DIRECTION ? ———__—_——> XBLDIR ‘The possible directions of cutting are shown below. 4.22 4._ PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING -- =sIL ~ + Map026 [10] DEPTH OF CUT? ————_________>_ auTo SET [11] WIDTH OF cuT?,. ———————>_ auTO SET [12] CUTTING SPEED, AUTO > ?—______> AUTO SET [13] FEEDRATE, AUTO > ? ———______> _ AUTO SET Gs] (15) McopE?, ——_________, [>] [14] M CODE? A tool sequence such as that shown below is now completed. For most of the data items, the optimal data is set by depressing the menu key AUTO SET. The data of the article APRCH-X, APRCH-Y, however, maintains ? since the necessary data is automatically set upon completion of the tool path chook MAT INITIAL-Z ATC MODE MULTI MODE MULTI FLAG PITOH-X PITCH canst. 20. 1 orr ea + + UNIT ADD. WPo x y ° z a wees 200. 0-100. o. UNIT DEPIN) SHV-2) SHV OBIM) WAL FINZ FINK FACE MIL 0. 3 ° TOOL NOM-} No. APRCH-X APACH-Y TYPE ZFD DEP-Z WID-R O'S FMILL 80. ? 7 xu @ 358 Tet 1078 PIN PIXICX PIYICY PGKR PSY GNI CN2 NI CNS [PROGRAM] t2o4ith ¢ ) PATTERN OF FIGURC? ( ~SQUARE--CRCLE: ARaITRY: Oo ‘suape | cHecK EN MsP027 4-23 4__ PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING 8. Cutting parameters ‘The cutting parameters that have been automatically set in procedural step [12] and [13] of creation of tool sequence above are described here. ‘The speed at which a tool revolves (circumferential speed) and the rate at which the too! is fed (feed rate) are referred to as cutting parameters, Circumferential speed (C-SP): ‘Speed (m/min) at which a tool maves on the outer circumference. The relationship between the revolutions per minute and circumferential speed is given by the following equation, Circumferential _ Tool diameter (mm) x Revolutions per minute (rpm) x3.14 speed (m/min) 1000 Feedrate (FR): The distance (mmiteyv) through which workpiece is cut during one revolution of the tool. This feearate is called synchronous teedrate. Proumlerontil speed Nuz10-00527 4, Creation of shape sequence Next, let us program a shape sequence. Read the machining area from the drawing, and input the coordinate values necessary for the machining shape. For face miling, the top face of workpiece is to be machined. ‘Thus, input the dimensions of a shape such as that shown below. +00 ( coostinato of ‘agonal point) MaPo28 4-24 4._PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING Note: The X- and Y-coordinates of the start point are those of the workpiece zero point. [1] PATTERN OF FIGURE ? ——————>_ SQUARE 2] STARTING POINT x? ——————_> |0]|® [9] STARTING POINT ¥7. —_——_———> |0]|® [4] CORNER 3 COORDINATE XX ———————> |1}| 5} 2 (s| ConNER 2 coonpmatev? > [a] o][o}[e [6] CORNER 1 CHAMFER? ————___> [+ [7] PATTERN OF FIGURE ? > __ SHAPE END. ‘shape sequence such as that shown below is now completed. UNo, MAT. INITIAL ATC MODE MULTI MODE MULTIFLAG PITCHX PITCH-Y 0 cANSTL 20 1 OFF + o ¢ UNo UNIT apo.wec XY 8 Zk wee 900. 200, 09. 10, UNo UNIT DEPTH SAV. SAV. BTM WAL FIZ FINA 2 FACEML «0 6080 #2 . No, TOOL NOM-g No. APRCH.X APRCHLY TYPE ZED DEP.2 WIR C-SP FR MM RY FMILL 80.8 77 XB ® 3 8G tat 8070 IQ PIN PIXIGX PIVIOY PaKM oY CNY CNE ND ONE + GR 8. 8 160. 100. Une. UNT no Un procera 1204 Hh ( > MACHINING UNIT ?__( ji pont | une | race Januat | omen | wec | orrser] eno | suare uxciuna uacrns |xcHNG RoGRaN ovecx aP029 ‘Shape check Check the SHAPE CHECK display to ensure that no errors are included in the input data. (Of tho varioius functions availablo with tho SHAPE CHECK display, only those for continuous display of shapes, for erasure of shapes, and for step display of shapes are desorbed here. See Section 6-3, “SHAPE CHECK Display” of the Operating Manual for details of other functions, i) Press the menu key SHAPE CHECK. + The following SHAPE CHECK display will be displayed. 4-25 4. PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING x 0 Yoo zo Wo, 1294 i ( ) UNo. 0 [SHAPE CHECK] shave | suare ] share | suape ccontmue | uNtr ‘ste ERASE. MaPo30 [2] Press the menu key SHAPE CONTINUE to display shapes continuously. Shapes will be displayed continuously. The shapes displayed on the screen will be those of the portions which are chamfered by machining. X25, Y =200, Z -100, WNo. 1234 i) UNo 2 [SHAPE CHECK] i ) suape | shave cconmiue| UNIT SHAPE STEP ERASE PLANE CHANGE ‘SCALE CHANGE lpnocanw MaPost 4.26 |4._ PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING. [3] Press the menu key SHAPE ERASE to erase the shape. [4] Repeatedly press the menu key SHAPE STEP several times to call shapes step by step on the screen +The reverse display state of the menu will be cleared when the final group of shapes is displayed. [SHAPE CHECK} suape | sHaPE NTINUE| ( ) suape | sHaPe store | puane | scate |procram step | ERASE CHANGE | CHANGE Mapose [5] Press the menu key PROGRAM to resume the PROGRAM display. This completes a face miling unit for use in face machining. 4-4-8 Line machining unit Let us create a unit that steps the edges of a material by contour machining. This machining uni is referred to as an outside linear machining. Nwot0.n0518 427 4. PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING 1. Creation of line machining unit [1] While the message MACHINING UNIT ? is displayed, press the menu key LINE MACH-ING. [2] MACHINING UNIT ? ————________> LINE OUT {3} Press the window key +The help window will be presented. UNo. UNIT DEPTH [1]|0]|® [6] XY AXIS STOCK REMOVAL? ———______> [5]}|® (7] SURFACE ROUGHNESS ?, ———————> 3 [8] FINISH ALLOWANCE 22, —————>_ | [9] FINISH ALLOWANCE R7_- ————————> _ |+ AA line machining unit such as that shown below is now completed. This display shows that an end mill has been automatically selected for the particular tool sequence that is to be programmed. UNo. UNIT DEPTH SAV-Z SHV-H HGH CHM FINZ FIN 3 UNEOUT 1% 891 3 3 % oF © SNo. TOOL NOM-# No, APRCH-X APRCH-Y TYPE ZFD DEP-Z WID-A C-SP FR MM Ri E-MILL Gor ° [Proaramy va it ( ) WHICH TYPE OF TOOL % ewomit race mufonaureR] BALL ‘CUTTER } ENOWLL seuss 429 4__PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING. 2. Creation of tool sequence [1] While the message WHICH TYPE OF TOOL ? is displayed, press the > cursor key [2] Press the menu key TOOL FILE to call the TOOL FILE display on the screen, and check that the previously registered tools are included in the display. > The following TOOL FILE (ENDMILL) display shows that the 10-mm diameter end mill is registered. TOOL NOM-$ MAT. DEPTH No.|No. TOOL NOM MAT. DEPTH No. Emi 104 CBD 30. 2] 47 a [3] Press the menu key PROGRAM to return to the PROGRAM display and continue programming. [4] NOMINAL DIAMETER? ————________> Lo 5] TOOL FILE CODE? |= ——_______________> [6] MACHINING PRIORITY No.2_. ——————___> (Skip to the next article since the priority function for the same tool is not to be used here. See Part 2, Chapter 5.) [7] APPROACH POINT X, AUTO > ? ——__» AUTO SET [8] APPROACH POINT Y, AUTO -? ————> AUTO SET [8] CUTTING DIRECTION ?_ ——————> _ cwcuT (Specify tho diroction in which tho circumforonce i to bo cut. Tho possible diroctions of Cutting are clockwise (CW) and counterclockwise (COW).) Nw2v0-00528 4-30 4. PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING [10] FEEDRATE z, /DATA ? -b [11] DEPTH OF CUT? ————————______—-»_ AUTO SET {12} CUTTING SPEED, AUTO > ?7———> auto seT [13] FEED RATE, AUTO + ?—--———>>_ AUTO SET ‘A tool sequence such as that shown below is now completed. UNo. UNIT DEPTH SAV-Z SAV-R AGH CHMF FINZ FINA 3 UNEQUT 1. 1. 5 3 @ 0 ° ‘SNo. TOOL NOM-¢ No. APRCH-X APACH-Y TYPE ZFO DEP-Z WID-R C:SP FR MM RY FMI 10.8 ? 2 cw Gor 10 @ 54 oer FIG PTN PIXIGK PIVICY POX PAY GNI CN2 CNG CNS tproonam eae Hi ¢ sour vai PATTERN OF FIGURE?_( Snare, MoP036 3. Creation of shape sequence Next, let us program a shape sequence. For outside linear machining, the edges of a material are to be machined. Set the dimensions of a shape such as that shown below. 145 (X coorinate of diagonal point) 95 ( coordinate of ‘diagonal pont) ( coordinate ‘of the tart Poin Comer 4 3 ( coorainate of the start point) Maeoa7 431 4. PROCEDURE BEF :FORM ws [1] While the message PATTERN OF FIGURE ? is displayed, pross the menu key SQUARE, (a) startine pot x2 —_____________, [8][2] [3] STARTING POINT 7, ———____________,. | 5] | [4] CORNER 3 COORDINATE x? ————__________> [1][4]|5 [5] CORNER 3 COORDINATE yy. | 9}| 5}|® {6] CORNER 1 CHAMFER? —_______________, |} (7] CORNER 2 CHAMFER? 5}|2 18] CORNER 3 CHAMFER? > | 9} 19] CORNER 4 CHAMFER? ————___, | 5}|® [10] PATTERN OF FIGURE ?———> SHAPE END A shape sequence such as that shown below is now completed. UNIT DEPTH SAVZ SAV.R AGH CHMF FINZ UNEOUT 12 0610 a TOOL NOM-4 No. APRCH:X APACHY TYPE ZFD DEPZ WIDR CEP FR MM MILL 10. 2 7 cw Gor 10 @ Ge 0027 PIN PINK PIVICY POX POY NI CN2 CN ONS SOR 6 MB 08. Pe. As. yr [PROGRAM] 1204 ( MACHINING UNIT ? pont | une | race | uanua | omer | wee | orrser | eno vances }uactn |acesNG | pROGRA| 492 4._ PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING 4, Shape check Here, let us call the SHAPE CHECK display on the screen. [1] Press the menu key SHAPE CHECK to call the SHAPE CHECK display. [2] Press the menu key SHAPE CONTINUE. x 226. Y =196. Zz 10. WNo. 1238 (> UN 3 [SHAPE CHECK] snare | supe | snare | snare stone | pane | scare [Procra connnue} unt | step | erase cmnce | cHanee MsP039 433 4. PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING ‘The PLANE CHANGE funciton is described here. The shape being displayed in procedural stop [2] ie that of tho workpioce as soon from above. With this funetion, it becomes possible lo display shapes as seen from the side or from an oblique angle. The selectable plane is one of the four types shown below. It is also possible to display one of two plane pairs (either XY-XZ (XY plane and XZ plane) or XY-YZ (XY plane and YZ plane)) at the same time. See Section 6-3, “SHAPE CHECK Display” of the Operating Manual for the details. Fig. 4-11 Plane selection MaPoco Let us now display shapes of various planes. 4.34 4. PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING. XY-XZ plane [3] Press the mou key PLANE CHANGE. [4] Prose the manu key XV-XZ Shapes as seen from above and from the side are selected. [5] Pross the menu key SHAPE CONTINUF to display shapes continuously As shown below, @ shape as seen from above (XY plane) and a shape as seen from the side (XZ plane) are displayed at the same time. Le x [Shape CHECK] snare | sae | supe | share stone | puane conmmuc] unr | step | erase scate Jprocraw ccuance | cHaNGe Mapoe1 ‘Throe-dimensional plan [6] Press the menu key PLANE CHANGE. [7] Press the menu key 3-D. — A shape as seen obliquely from above is selected. [0] Press the menu key SHAPE CONTINUE to display shapes continuously ~The shape will be displayed in stereographic form as shown below. 4-35 4._ PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING x —226, Y= 195, 7-10 WNo. 1236 3 co UNo. 3 ISHAPE CHECK} csuape | suave | sunpe | suare rone | pumve | scate fpnocanw conrmue| unr | step | ERASE CHANGE | CHANGE Mapoe2 [9] Press the menu key PLANE CHANGE. [10] Press the menu key XY to change the display to that of XY plan. Note: ‘The selected plane maintains its shape until another plane has been selected. [11] Press the menu key PROGRAM. The PROGRAM display is resumed. This completes an outside linear machining unit. 4-4-9 Point machining unit (1) Let us create a program unit that is used to drill a 10-mm diameter through-hole. This machining unit is referred to as a driling unit NM NM210-0061 4:36 1 4. PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING Creation of point machining unit (1) [1] While message MACHINING UNIT ? is displayed, press the menu key POINT MACH-ING. [2] MACHINING UNIT ? —————> DRILLING [3] Press the window key [Ea]. The following help window will be presented, UNo. UNIT DIA. DEPTH CHMF 4 DRILLING = 3 [PROGRAM] 1208 Mi ( ) HOLE DIAMETER? —T TT Mapoea Now, start creating the point machining unit. Tho data for the item DIA, DEPTH and CHMF will be specified here. {4} HOLE blaMeTeR? > [4] [o][4] [5] HOLE beptHe [2] [o][] [6] CHAMFER WIDTH? —————> [0] |® ‘A machining program unit such as that shown below is now completed. This shows that a spot and a drill have been automatically selected for the tool sequence that is to be programmed. 437 )RE PERFORMING THE MACHINING UN UNTO (EPTH OHM 4 oRLUNG 02, 0 No, TOOL NOMA No HOLE HOLE-DEP PREOIA PREDEP AGH DEPTH GSP FR MM 1 cTROR 20. o © © © w © 2 oALL 10, 0 2 © © om 1 [PROGRAM 1204 M > WHICH TYPE OF TOOL?( ‘CENTER, DAIL ont. Jorawren| enowut ‘UTTER faacseor| FACER renuen | tap | soaIna MaPosa 2. Creation of tool sequence For the point machining unit, it is necessary just to set the cutting parameters (circumferential speed and feedrate) since most af the too! sequence data are set automatically, [1] While the message WHICH TYPE OF TOOL ? is displayed, move the cursor to the position under the article C-SP by pressing the cursor key] six times in succession, [2] CUTTING SPEED, AUTO > ?. Hss AUTO [3] FEEDRATE, AUTO +? ————————> HSS AUTO (4). M CODE? AWW > > {| M cope? ———____________, [6] Press the cursor key [eight times in succession to move the cursor to the position Under the article C-SP. [7] CUTTING SPEED, AUTO >?—_________>_ Hss [9] FEEDRATE, AUTO --? — Hss. AUTO AUTO [9} M CODE? [10] M CODE? 4-96 > > 4._ PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING A tool sequence such as that shown below is now completed. UN, UN WA “DEPTH CHF 4 OALUNG = ‘Mo, TOOL NONE No. HOLE-¢ HOLE-DEP PRE-DIA PREDEP AGH OEPTH CSP FR MM 1 cIROR 20 wo mH 02 2 vALL wo 0 7 OM TSS 082 FG PIN 2 x oY me 11 2 F MN P GR (PnooraM) 1294 HE ( ) POINT CUTTING PATTERN ? ( Pont —7—une—sauAre RCLE]—ARC—-CHORO- . onnre | oneox fie e0 mapoes Creation of shape sequence Next, create a shape sequence. For driling, input the coordinates of the hole center as shown below. (¥ coordinale of le canter) 20 = +? (0 coordinate of hole conten) M3P046 [1] While the message POINT CUTTING PATTERN ? is displayed, press the menu key POINT. [2] Z VALUE OF WORK SURFACER—> | 9} |] [9] HOLE Position x? ———_—__, [1] [o] [o] [6 4.39 4__ PROCEDURE REFORF PERFORMING THE MACHINING (4) HOLE Position 2. ————————> [2] [0] [>] [5] PATH 2 ———————> (1f 0, driling occurs. if 1, positioning only occurs.) [7] RETURN POSITION ? ——————> [0] [®] (The height of the tool path to the next hole is to be selected from the two types shown below. If however, the hole to which the too! is to be fed doos not exist, input 0 since the selected function is unavailable.) a | | —— cuting <== Positioning 110, the to! moves to tha net hoe Ir, tho tool mavos 10 the next note a tha height otal point atthe haight of A pot. MaPo4s Fig, 4-19 Retun poston [8] POINT CUTTING PATTERN ? ——» SHAPE END ‘A shape sequence such as that shown below is now completed. 4.40 4. PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING usr oP cre omuuno 28 TOOL NOM-p No. HOLE-# HOLEDEP PRED PREOEP AGH DEPTH CSP FR MM crmon 20, Ho OF DAL, 10. 0 0 em 0139 ° [procray 1204 Mi ( d MAGHINING UNIT ? pont | une | race | manua | orer | weo | oFFser vuacina }uactuine |uaci.nG| PROGRAM mseoay Shape check Let us call the SHAPE CHECK display on the screen to check the shapes. [1] Pross the menu key SHAPE CHECK to call the SHAPE CHECK display. [2] Press the menu key SHAPE CONTINUE. -2164 =3187 [SHAPE CHECK) 4 “ORE PERE ‘The SCALE CHANGE function is explained horo. This function allows onlargementroduction of shapes, as well as changing of the shape display position. Enlargement of shapes Lot us display a 10 mm diameter hole in enlarged form using the SCALE CHANGE funetion. [3] Press the menu key SCALE CHANGE. 141 Using the cursor keys L4+] [24], pace the cursor on the 10 mm diameter hole poston as shown below. [SHAPE CHECK} oi ) suave | suare | snare | suare pane | scaue [procrau continue} unt | step | enase Hance | cHANGE MaPO5t {s] SCALE ?, ——______________. [2] [o] [8] (Tho eiz0 of tho shapo is changed co that the line on the lower right comor of the screen becomes 20 mm in fength.) 4-42 4. PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING [6] Press the menu key SHAPE CONTINUE. As shown below, the shape has been enlarged with its center in the 10 mm diameter hole position. [SHAPE CHECK] i ) pune | scate JpRocran CHANGE | CHANGE suave | shape | share ‘STORE conmiaue} un} sTep | ERASE arose Reduction of shapes {7] Press the menu key SCALE CHANGE. (9) ScaLe ? is displayed, press the menu key POINT MACH-ING. [2] MACHINING UNIT ————————————_-> TAPPING [3] Press the window key (eal. UNo. UNIT NOM: MAJOR-g PITCH TAP.OEP CHMF CHP 5 TAPPING o MAsOR-¢ ‘TAP-DEP Puce [PROGRAM 1204 Mt ( TYPE OF TAP? Prograw| SEARCH sent | erase compere Mapose Now, start creating the point machining unit. The data for the article NOM, TAP-DEP will be specified here. [4] TYPE OF TAP? —__, metric THRD (M) [6] NOMINAL DIAMETER? ——____________, | 8] |® (Setting of the nominal diameter causes automatic setting of the outer diameter, the pitch and the amount of chamfering.) oll [6] TAPPING DEPTH? | ——________, [7] CHAMFER WIDTH? ————> HOP [8] CHIP VAC. CLEANER ? ————__> ‘A point machining unit such as that shown below is now completed. This shows that after the data input for the point machining unit, a spot, a drill and a tap have been automatically selected for the tool sequence that is to be programmed. 4-45 4. PROCEDI No, UNIT NOM: MAJOR. PITCH TAP.DEP CHMF GHP 5 TAPPING Ms 8 125 0G So, TOOL NOM No. HOLE:$ HOLE-OEP PRE.OIA PRE-OEP AGH DEPTH C-SP FR MM 1 GTROR 20, on 6% we 2 OAL 6 89225 POY Tas 3m MB 8 [PROGRAM 1236. ( ) 20. © © FK Pras ‘WHICH TYPE OF TOOL?( ccenren | ont. ouavrer DRL courte lancseor] renwen | rap | sonic | anck FACER ean [BOR BAR MaPOSs 2. Creation of tool sequence [1] Press the cursor key under the article C-SP. [Jax umes in succession to move the cursor tote postion [2] CUTTING SPEED, AUTO > ? ———_—-> HSS AUTO [3] FEEDRATE, AUTO -» ?——_______> Hs AUTO [4] M CODE? [5] M CODE? > > 16] Press te cursor key []eight tines in succession o move the cursor to the poston under the article C-SP, [7] CUTTING SPEED, AUTO + ? ——————> Hss AUTO [8] FEEDRATE, AUTO > ?——______> Hs AUTO [3] M CODE? [10] M cope?, ————_W—_______+ [+ > [11] Press the cursor key > Under the article C-SP. eight times in succession to move the cursor to the position [12] CUTTING SPEED, AUTO ? ————— Hs AUTO. [13] FEEDRATE, AUTO > ?/ ———_—____>Hs AUTO 4-48 (14) McopE? —§ ——A > [15] MCODE?—§ — > 4._ PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING ‘A tool sequence such as that shown below is now completed. UNo, UNT NOM. MAJOR PITCH TAP.DEP CHE CHP 5 TAPPING Ma, B15 8 Silo, TOOL NOML4 No. HOLE: HOLE-DEP PREOIA PRE-DEP AGH DEPTH GSP FR MM 20 an wr so sa 272s POKT T3422 0.005 a 2. © © FR PIs 8 125 ana FoMoN PB oR (PROGRAM) s208 Me ( POINT CUTTING PATTERN ? ( Maposs 3. Creation of shape sequence Noxt, create a shape sequence. For tapping, four holes are to be drilled. These holes are to be set as one shape, as shown below. 60 ( coordinate of cele conten) 0% coordinate of circle conten) Mapos7 447 4. PROCEDURE BEFORE PERFORMING THE MACHINING [1] While the message POINT CUTTING PATTERN ? is displayed, press the ‘menu key CIRCLE, [2] Z VALUE OF WORK SURFACE? Ojle [3] CIRCLE CENTER X2 > S||O]|> [4] CIRCLE CENTER Yy ——>|6 ]|0]|& [5] ANGLE OF START PT FROM X AXIs7 > | 0] | ((nput tho anglo of the line connecting tho conter of the circle and the first holo to be dled with respect to the X-axis.) Examale 1 MaP058 {6} CIRCLE RaDIUs R [2] [5] [2] [7] NUMBER OF HOLEs?, ———————____> [4 ] |® [8] RETURN POSITION ? ———_____, | 1] |® {9] POINT CUTTING PATTERN ? ——— SHAPE END A shape sequence such as that shown below is now completed. 4.48

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