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Social Intersites review “Independence of Chile”

Year 2023

Name: _______________________________________________Date:__________________________

Learning objective:
a) Contrast information from different sources to explain the multiple causes of the Independence process and its
b) Analyze elements of continuity and change between the Chile in the 1800’s and today.

What does it mean to be independent?

At the beginning of the 19th century, in the year 1800, Chile was part of the Spanish empire, and obey laws
and authorities. However, in the first decade (1810) the American process toward no longer being colonies,
and in time became countries with their own government and laws. This process is called independence.

I. Causes of Chilean independence

For Chile to achieve its independence, many internal and external causes influenced this to happen.

1. Enlightenment People criticized the monarchies because power was concentrated in the king, thus causing
injustice. They also raised the concept of freedom and equality.

2. USA Independence Process by which 13 British colonies in North America separated from the British Crown,
(1776) allowed enlightenment ideas to become reality.

French people put an end to the Monarchy (king) by killing him. The French Revolution
eventually lead to the rise of Napoleon as the France’ emperor (1799). Spain was so occupied
3. French Revolution during the Napoleonic wars that it could not divert enough military resources to could not
(1789) create rebellions in its colonies.

In 1808 Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Spain and took King Ferdinand VII captive, putting Joseph
Bonaparte in his place. On the one hand, there were the royalists, who recognized the
sovereignty of the Spanish institutions in place of the king and do not accepting an
4. Spanish Crisis independent government, Continuing under King’s command.
On the other hand, there were the patriots, who, while remaining loyal to the monarch, they
want to be independent from the Spanish Crown.

Creoles had wealth, but could not gain access to important political positions, only Spaniards were
1. Social crisis (Creole discontent) allowed.

Criticism of the lack of commercial freedom and rise of taxes, which forced the country into
2. Economic crisis (Bourbon reforms) poverty, prohibiting it from interacting with others in the world.

Expulsion of the Jesuits: The Creoles wanted to have access to a good education, so they did not
3. Cultural crisis (Education) approve the expulsion of the Jesuits that were the ones that were in charge of teaching people in
the country.
News of the imprisonment of the king Fernando VII by Napoleon arrived to America, but it soon
4. Spanish crisis (in Chile) became similar to Spain in that government juntas were also established. This was the beginning of
the independence process.

II. Independence of Chile

Keep in mind that…. The Spanish

king was imprisoned by Napoleon.
Spanish people rebelled and set up
the “governing juntas” in America
to keep control over the Colonies.
This generated diverse reactions in
the American Continent


People that supported the Crown and wanted to be under its People that felt that they had the right to stablished a transitional
government. political system due to the absence of a king. They proposed the
formation of ”juntas”

Why? Why?
Some had emotional connection with the Crown and others were based They felt that Spain prevented American countries from being
on economic interest- their wealth depended on the colonial regimen. prosperous (success or economic well-being).
Spanish – clergy (sacerdotes) – some creoles Creoles and some Spaniards

Realist’s reaction: “Loyalty to the king”:

As soon as the King returned to the throne, he send Some people felt they had to be loyal to the king, even
tropos to America to restore the power and control. though he was imprisoned, while others felt they have
Also, forces loyal to the king confront patriots. to move on.
Social tension: Patriotas’ division:
Who should lead the process? Aristocrats (upper class) Different opinions on how should they organize and
or common people? carry out the process and territories.

PATRIA VIEJA (1810-1814)

This period represents the first stage of the struggle for national independence, which was developed thanks to the
action of the aristocracy, which, due to its economic and cultural power, exerted an important influence on people.
What happened in this period?

First Junta de gobierno (September José Miguel Carrera´s government (1812- Reaction of Spain (Battle of Rancagua)
18th, 1810): 1813): During the colonial period (16th century),
- It was the first “try” to - In his government they created the Chile depended on the viceroyalty of Peru
become independence. first Chilean newspaper called for its administration, and the loyalty of
- They wanted to confirm their Aurora de Chile, to spread liberal Chile to the king was therefore
loyalty to king Fernando VII. ideas. responsibility of the Viceroy of Perú.
- Even though they promised to - A Chilean flag and shield replace the
stay loyal to Fernando VII, symbols of the king as a way to The Viceroy, sent some military expeditions
unconsciously it was the first create national identity and to Chile to see what was going on. While in
time the creole aristocracy had patriotism. Chile, the patriot troops were under the
protagonism to make decisions. - Provisional Constitutional Regulations command of Jose Miguel Carrera could not
- First military corps (1812) which it was linked to the stop their advance.
- Free market regulations (taxes) traditional Laws of the Spanish For this reason, the National Congress
Monarchy but, at the same time, it decided to give the power of the army to
Formation of the National Congress incorporated principles of Bernardo O’Higgins, which generates
(1811): democratic liberalism such as rivalries between Chilean forces.
- Abolishment of slavery (liberty national sovereignty and the
of womb) separation of powers (branches). On October, it occurred the Battle of
- Replacement Real Audiencia for - The Biblioteca Nacional and the Rancagua. The patriot troops could not
the Tribunal Supremo de Instituto Nacional de Chile (school) contain a powerful army of five thousand
Justicia were founded to improve the men, which destroyed the patriot
- Two main tendencies educational and cultural situation in resistance, temporarily cancelled the
(moderates and extremists) the country. independence of Chile and meant the end
of the Patria Vieja, beginning the Spanish


R EC O N Q U I S T A (1814-1817)
Spaniards take back control of Chile

What happened? Liberating army of the Andes:

- Patriot army that was forced to leave arrived at
Mendoza and they were welcomed by Jose de San - While the patriots were suffering
Martin, governor of the province. persecution, in Mendoza, O’Higgins
- Triumph of the royalists in Chile led to restoration of and José de San Martín were
the colonial order and the suppression of all measure organizing an army that could
implemented by the patriots. liberate Chile and the Perú, to
- Spanish authorities drove out any pro-independence ensure the independence of both
activists left in the country (imprisoned, expelled to countries.
Juan Fernandez, executed…) - In 1817, the Liberation Army of the
- These abuse generated anger amongst the Creole, Andes, composed by 5.000
which contributed to increase the popular support Argentinean and Chilean soldiers
for the cause of independence. under the command of San Martín,
crossed the Cordillera de los Andes.

P A T R I A N U E V A (1817-1823)

Arriving to the Chilean territory, patriots and royalists confronted each other at the Battle of Chacabuco.

Battle of Chacabuco (1817) Declaration of Independece Battle of Maipú (April Bernardo O’Higgins Government
- Ended with the victory of (February 12nd, 1818) 5th, 1818) (1817-1823)
the Liberating Army of - One year after the After the signing of the - O’Higgins was dedicated to
the Andes. triumph of Declaration of the reorganize de country, which
- The patriot forces made Chacabuco, the independence, the last was suffering a critical
a triumphant entrance Chilean Declaration royalists tried to take economic situation.
into Santiago, and of Independence control of Chile again in - He created two constitutions
O’Higgins was named was signed. April, but they lost. (1818 and 1822)
Supreme Director of - It’s the document by - He created a wholesale food
Chile (“president”) which Chile declares market in the “Paseo la
its independence Alameda”.
from the Spanish - Also he reopened the
monarchy. Biblioteca Nacional and the
Instituto Nacional.
- He founded the Escuela Militar
and created the new national

O’Higgins abdication
During his government, he abolished the
nobility’s titles and other symbols of

They also questioned his economical

support during the liberating of Perú
while in Chile was in economic crisis.

Also he was accused of being

authoritarian (he was linked to the
murder of Jose Miguel Carrera and his

With all of these critiques, he decided to

abdicate his power and leave Chile.

What changed? What did not change?
- New countries and states were created in the - The economy continued to base on the export
territories that used to be Spanish Colonies. of agricultural and mining products.
- These countries created their own laws and - Society’s still catholic.
elected their own authorities - The aristocracy was still powerful (economically,
- Economically, the independence allowed these politically, and socially)
states to trade with other countries with no - Women continued to play a secondary role to
restrictions. men in a political and cultural life.
- Socially, the nobility’s title was eliminated and
slavery was abolished.
- Culturally, Americans focused on improving
education, and creating universities and schools.

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