CDOC Offender Assignment and Pay 2023

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850-03 1 OF 11

CHAPTER: Offender Personnel


RELATED STANDARDS: ACA Standards: 2-CO-3C-01, 2- EFFECTIVE DATE: March 1, 2023

CO-5A-01, 2-CI-2A-3, 2-CI-3A-
1, 2-CI-4A-2, 2-CI-4A-3, 2-CI- SUPERSESSION: 12/15/22
4A-8, 2-CI-5A-4, 5-ACI-3D-04,
5-ACI-6B-12, 5-ACI-7A-01, 5-
ACI-7A-02, 5-ACI-7A-04, 5-
ACI-7A-09, 5-ACI-7A-10, 5-

Moses (Andre`) Stancil



It is the policy of the Colorado Department of Corrections (DOC) to provide an administrative process to achieve control and
accountability in an equitable distribution of offender assignments and pay. Offenders are provided equal opportunities to
participate in all institutional programs for which they are otherwise qualified. Discrimination based on an offender’s race,
religion, national origin, sex, disability, or political views in making administrative decisions and in providing access to
programs is prohibited [5-ACI-3D-04] [2-CO-3C-01].


The purpose of this administrative regulation (AR) is to establish non-discriminatory procedures by which offenders are
referred, assigned, and terminated from assignments, and provided opportunity to request reasonable accommodation. This
policy further outlines the facility/unit offender pay program, including the design of an annual offender pay plan, an outlined
procedure for controlled expenditure of offender pay allocations, and guidelines for offender pay rates, guidelines for incentive
bonuses, and offender assignments within each facility/unit.


A. Americans with Disabilities Act Inmate Coordinator (AIC): An employee assigned to coordinate efforts to comply with and
carry out responsibilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the ADA Litigation Remedial Plan.

B. Americans with Disabilities Act Unassigned: An assignment status granted by the AIC, in consultation with the chief medical
officer or designee to an offender who cannot be reasonably accommodated in any assignment.

C. Disability: A medically determinable physical or mental impairment(s)s that substantially limits one or more major life
activities that has lasted or is expected to last for a continued period of not less than 12 months or result in death

D. Essential Functions: The fundamental job duties for the assignment the individual holds or desires. It does not include the
marginal functions of the duties. Functions are essential when they are the reason an assignment exists, there are a limited
number of individuals available who are able to perform the function, or the function is highly specialized and the person is
assigned for their expertise.

E. Implementation/Adjustment: Refers to procedures administered by a facility/office to specifically accomplish the intent of an

administrative regulation. An implementation adjustment describes how the requirements of the AR will be met; it does not
deviate from the intent of the AR; it is not more or less restrictive than the governing AR.

Offender Personnel Offender Assignment and Pay 850-03

F. Intensive Labor Work Program (ILWP): A program made up of offenders who have been assigned to the reclamation of state
property and other projects that would benefit governmental entities and non-profit organizations. (C.R.S. 17-29-103) (see
AR 300-23, Internal/External Offender Work Crews)

G. Internal Classification Committee: A multidisciplinary committee within each respective facility chaired by the
administrative head/or designee, at or above the level of correctional officer IV, which is responsible for all facility internal
classification and status proceedings, housing/cell assignments, work and program assignments, Code of Penal Discipline
outcome management and other relevant internal offender management systems.

H. Master Program Scheduling (MPS): A data system and method for evaluating offender assignment and program performance
in order to provide data directly and accurately to the offender pay system.

I. Medically Unassigned: An assignment granted by the chief medical officer, or designee, to an offender whose health
condition is incompatible with any possible work assignment. The designation may be temporary or permanent.

J. Reasonable Accommodation:

Under ADA Title I-A reasonable modification or adjustment which enables qualified employees, contract workers or
volunteers with disabilities to access the job application process, to perform the essential functions of a position, or to enjoy
equal benefits and privileges of employment as available to people without disabilities.

Under ADA Title II- In order to avoid discrimination on the basis of disability, any reasonable structural or procedural
modification or adjustment to policies, practices, and procedures; the removal of architectural, communication, or
transportation barriers; or provision for auxiliary aids, equipment, or services, to ensure qualified individuals with disabilities
have equal access to DOC services, programs, and activities.

Under Pregnant Workers Fairness Act – A reasonable modification or adjustment which enables an applicant or employee
experiencing health conditions related to pregnancy, physical recovery from childbirth or a related condition, access to the
hob application process, to perform the essential functions of a position or to enjoy equal benefits and privileges of
employment as enjoyed by those similarly situated.

K. Unpaid Category: Offenders in this category are assigned to out to court (OTC), admitted to a hospital, in transition between
facility assignments, or are going through the first 30 days of initial assessment and classification at the Denver complex.


A. General Requirements

1. All facilities will maintain a comprehensive written plan for full-time work and/or program assignment for all eligible
offenders in general population. The plan will provide for employment for offenders with disabilities. [5-ACI-7A-01]
[2-CO-5A-01]. Offenders with disabilities may request and will be provided reasonable accommodation to ensure
equal access to assignments for which they are otherwise qualified, to include unpaid voluntary programming.

2. All eligible offenders are required to work unless assigned to an approved education or training program to promote
successful rehabilitation, reentry and reintegration into the community. Offenders have the option of refusing to
participate in any rehabilitation or treatment program except adult basic education or GED classes and programs
required by statute or ordered by the sentencing court or paroling authority. [5-ACI-7A-02]. Offenders are informed of
the potential consequences of refusing to work or attend assigned programs, including, but not limited to: restricted
privileges, loss of other privileges, delayed parole hearing date, and not being eligible for earned time.

3. There will be opportunities for offender employment in Correctional Industries (CI), facility maintenance, operations,
public works, or community projects. [5-ACI-7A-04] [2-CI-5A-4] A variety of work choices will be provided relevant
to the current job market, both inside and outside of the facility in the listed areas, and to the extent possible in public

Offender Personnel Offender Assignment and Pay 850-03

works and community projects, in accordance with the offender’s classification and security requirements.

4. Facilities will record all offender job requests in the offender chronological record starting with the phrase ‘assignment

5. Offender assignments are not effective until reported and indicated in the Master Program Scheduling system (MPS).
Offenders will not participate in an assignment until approved in MPS and the offender assignment description has been
presented to the offender.

6. Each assigned offender will receive assignment orientation in a format accessible to the offender. The orientation will
include applicable safety and operating instructions for equipment, hours of work, the pay plan, special rules, and
personnel policies affecting the offender [2-CI-3A-1]. Prior to being allowed to work without direct staff supervision,
staff will ensure all offenders will understand and sign AR Form 1550-01B, Offender Safety, Personal Protective
Equipment and Hazardous Materials Verification.

7. Each facility will have in place a written protocol establishing the facility’s procedures to ensure sexually aggressive
behavior/sexual violence risk (SAB/SVR) assessment levels are considered for assignments.

8. Clinical Services determines when an offender is medically unable to participate in any available assignments and has
the sole authority to order an offender's medically unassigned status.

9. Offenders assigned to all OCA positions, off-grounds community work crews, and all CCi positions will be required to
be fully vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccination. “Fully vaccinated” means it has been two weeks since they received
the second dose of Pfizer or Moderna or the single dose of Johnson & Johnson.

a. Offenders may refuse the vaccination; however, they will not be eligible to work in an OCA, off-grounds
community work or CCi position.

10. In accordance with Internal Revenue Service rules and regulations, DOC is required to complete and issue IRS Form
1099-NEC “Nonemployee Compensation” for each offender who earns $600 or more during the taxable year. This does
not apply to offenders working for an external employer, as the tax withholding requirements are the employer's

a. Offenders who accept assignments to Pay Grade 6 or higher positions (e.g. OCA positions, off-grounds community
work crews, all CCi positions, etc.) will be required to complete an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form W-9
“Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification Form,” which can be found online here: or on DOCNET under Forms/Offender Services. If the offender is not eligible to get a
social security number (SSN), they’ll be required to complete an IRS Form W-7, “Application for IRS Individual
Taxpayer Identification Number,” and an IRS Form W-8, “Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner for
United States Tax Withholding” if not a United States citizen. These forms can be found on DOCNET under
Forms/Offender Services.

b. The offender’s case manager will provide the completed IRS Form(s) to the Inmate Bank 1099 Accountant, who
will verify the information with the IRS. The offender must include their accurate legal name and SSN or taxpayer
identification number (TIN) on the form. If the IRS cannot verify the information provided, the offender and case
manager will be alerted, and the offender will have an additional 30 days to provide an updated form. If the
information provided is still unable to be verified, then to avoid the offender potentially incurring IRS tax liabilities,
fines, and penalties, the offender will be reassigned to a job that will not earn over $600 per year or they will be
temporarily paid at Full-Time Pay Grade 2 wages until the required information is provided and verified by the
IRS. DOC will provide resources to offenders who need assistance in obtaining the required information as needed.

c. Offenders who earn more than $600 during the year will receive a copy of their 1099-NEC during January of the
subsequent year, and it will also be submitted to the IRS by the January 31st deadline.

Offender Personnel Offender Assignment and Pay 850-03

B. Facility Work Plan Requirements:

All facility work plans will be written in an Implementation Adjustment (I/A) attached to this AR and will provide the facility
practices for the following:

1. A method for notifying offenders of open assignments.

2. A method for offenders to request placement in an open assignment.

3. A method to verify that the offender has the required training and/or certification for the requested assignment (e.g. food
handler, janitorial, or other certificate, high school/GED diploma, etc.) and that any pre-referral testing has been
completed, as indicated under the assignment description eligibility requirements. This will include any security or
program determinations. [5-ACI-7A-09] [2-CI-2A-3]

4. The facility work plan may include any other clarifying practices or requirements so long as it does not conflict with any
of the requirements contained within this AR.

a. Close custody offenders in Food Service can only be assigned to dining hall sanitation crews only. Close custody
offenders are not authorized to work within food service preparation areas or behind serving lines.

5. Review of the Facility Work Plan: All facilities will provide their work plan to Legal Services-AIC for review on an
annual basis within 45 days of regulation signature to ensure it conforms with non-discriminatory assignment practices.
Legal Services-AIC will track the review of facility work plans and report any ADA compliance concerns to facility

C. Offender Assignment Descriptions

1. All facilities will utilize standardized offender assignment descriptions located on the shared drive in the file folder
entitled ‘Offender Job Descriptions’. Assignment descriptions must be utilized even when an offender is temporarily
assigned due to being on restricted or loss of privileges status.

2. Under no circumstances will offenders be given authority or control over other offenders. Immediate notification will
be made to the administrative head or designee of any facility/office where violations are occurring.

a. Offenders in positions such as offender care aids (OCAs) may be assigned to provide assistance to offenders
with their daily living needs; however, offenders assigned these duties will remain supervised by employees or
contract workers. [5-ACI-6B-12]

b. Offenders will be informed of the contents of this AR during initial orientation at the Denver Complex and the
Youthful Offender System (YOS).

c. Offenders are not to be used as translators or interpreters under any circumstances in formal proceedings, due
process hearings, or when confidential or security information could be compromised.

3. The most current assignment descriptions will also be maintained in the general library for offender review.

4. Every offender assignment description will have a title and minimum eligibility requirements, essential functions,
specific duties, and disclosure of the physical requirements associated with the assignment.

5. Facility administration, program, and industry supervisors with a justified need to abolish, create new, or revise
Offender Assignment Descriptions will submit AR Form 850-03C, Request for New or Modification of Offender
Assignment Description, and if necessary an Offender Assignment Description, from the shared drive with suggested
language to the Program Oversight Committee (POC) for consideration.

Offender Personnel Offender Assignment and Pay 850-03

6. The Program Oversight Committee will review facility requests to add or modify assignments on a quarterly or as
needed basis. New or revised assignment descriptions will be forwarded to Legal Services for approval, and
subsequently added to the file folder on the shared drive for use by facility staff.

D. Disability Accommodations

1. If, upon the offender’s review of the assignment description or at any point during the assignment, the offender marks or
expressly indicates that they cannot access the assignment or perform the essential functions of the position due to
disability, including medical or housing restrictions, the program provider will:

a. Provide the offender with AR Form 750-04A, Request for Accommodation and scan/email the completed form to
Legal Services-AIC staff; and/or

b. Call the AIC directly with the offender present to engage in the interactive accommodation process.

2. The request will be recorded in the Accommodation Tracking System, with the outcome provided to the offender in
writing. All staff may view approved offender accommodations in the Offender Portal under the wheelchair symbol.

3. If the offender refuses to cooperate in the interactive accommodation process or refuses an offer of reasonable
accommodation, they are effectively refusing to work and may be subject to disciplinary action.

4. Offenders may be considered for ADA unassigned status when the offender has been referred to many assignments and
no reasonable accommodations are available;

a. Such determination will be made on a case-by-case basis after consultation between the AIC and the chief medical
officer, or designees.

b. If the offender’s condition improves or other assignments and/or accommodations become available, the offender’s
ADA unassigned status may be reevaluated.

E. Annual Offender Pay Allocations: Offenders will be compensated for work performed. [5-ACI-7A-13] The administrative
head or designee will design an annual pay plan for disbursement of the offender pay allocation for each facility/unit that
includes number of offender assignments in each pay grade; designation of part-time offender assignments; and quotas for
individual assignments. Designations and appropriations for additional incentives such as monetary compensation, special
housing, and extra privileges should be distributed according to written guidelines developed by the facilities. [5-ACI-7A-

1. Factors considered for annual offender pay allocations include the number of offender workers, Intensive Labor Work
Program, students, mandatory program assignments, CI workers, unpaid workers, unassigned, unpaid program
assignments, and unpaid non-workers.

2. An offender may be paid incentive pay with written approval of the administrative head, on a short-term basis, as an
incentive for extra work performed. Incentive pay must be paid through the normal appropriation for offender pay and
will not be considered a valid reason for over-expenditure by a facility or work unit.

3. Facility/unit MPS assignment quotas will be adjusted to mirror the annual pay plan by the MPS facility coordinator.

4. Assignments may be designated as half-time; however, offenders will not receive pay for more than the equivalent of
one full-time assignment.

5. CI will develop and implement a separate offender pay plan, utilizing standard offender pay grades for cash funded
offender assignments. The plan should specify the criteria needed for eligibility for industries work. [5-ACI-7A-09] In
addition, CI operations may develop offender pay plans that include minimum wage or prevailing wage, as approved by

Offender Personnel Offender Assignment and Pay 850-03

the executive director or designee and the director of CI. The number of offenders assigned to CI operations will meet
the realistic workload needs of the industries operating unit. [5-ACI-7A-10] [2-CI-4A-3]

6. Quarterly reviews of the offender pay plan will be conducted at the facility/unit level to monitor expenditures versus
allocations. Adjustments may be made at any time to move offender assignments as operational or fiscal necessity

7. Annual requests submitted for allocation adjustments from the administrative head to the Offender Pay Committee are
compared to previous appropriations, allocations made to each facility/unit, and the facility/unit information reported in
quarterly reports.

8. If a facility overspends its offender pay allocation, the following year’s allocation may be reduced by that amount.
Extenuating circumstances may allow for relief from this restriction.

9. Allocation adjustments are evaluated by the Offender Pay Committee which meets throughout the year.

10. Provisions will not be made for emergency work issues outside regular assignment hours.

11. Offender pay rates may be frozen or grade rates changed, in accordance with budgetary constraints.

12. Offenders employed by CI are eligible for lay-in pay due to plant inoperability or less than 100% productivity needs.

F. Payroll: Procedures and guidelines for administering offender payroll will be maintained and updated, as needed, in the MPS
Manual. This includes, but is not limited to: pay period; attendance records; and pay grade criteria.

1. Offenders who are non-compliant with mandatory programs will not receive production incentive bonus pay from CI.
Offenders are considered non-compliant if they have a sex offender code designation of S5D.

2. The offender pay period is from the first to the last day of the calendar month. Private prisons may establish a different
offender pay period.

3. Completed offender payroll will be submitted to Inmate Bank on a scheduled, monthly basis, no later than the fifth
business day after the end of the pay period, in order to be posted to offender accounts by the seventh business day after
the end of the pay period.

4. Offender pay corrections will be documented on AR Form 850-03A, Offender Pay Correction Sheet. The form is
required to be completed in full with the correct coding and two signatures in order to be processed by Inmate Bank.
After approval is obtained from the department manager/designee and the appointing authority/designee, AR Form 850-
03A, Offender Pay Correction Sheet can be faxed or emailed to Inmate Bank ( usually
by the second business day after final approval. Underpayments and/or overpayments to offenders will be corrected the
following month, via the normal offender pay process.

5. The deputy executive director or designee may designate specific programs that do not require entry into MPS.
Alternative tracking mechanisms may be utilized for these designated programs.

6. Offender pay rates and pay grade criteria will be documented on AR Form 850-03E, Offender Payroll Criteria.

7. CI operations may develop alternate offender pay plans that include minimum wage or prevailing wage and production
incentive bonuses, as approved by the DOC executive director and director of CI.

8. Incentive Pay: Upon written approval of the administrative head; not to exceed an additional $0.10 per day for no more
than 5 days, per one month period. Incentive pay will be designated on the AR Form 850-03A, Offender Pay Correction
Sheet and submitted to Inmate Bank.

Offender Personnel Offender Assignment and Pay 850-03

a. After Hours Maintenance Offenders Incentive Pay: Offenders assigned to general maintenance work assignments
are eligible for incentive pay if they are called out to a facility repair after work hours. The offender would be
compensated at $.50 per occurrence not to exceed $.50 per day and no more than 10 calls per month. Incentive pay
will be designated on the AR Form 850-03-A, Offender Pay Correction Sheet and submitted to Inmate Bank.
Incentive pay must be paid through the normal appropriation for offender pay and will not be considered a valid
reason for over-expenditure by a facility or work unit.

9. Primary providers assigned to the Master Program will enter weekly attendance in MPS for those offenders assigned to
the designated program, facility work assignment, or caseload until: an offender’s job assignment changes, program
completion, or termination. The attendance codes entered in MPS will utilize the criteria as outlined in the MPS Manual
and also available on AR Form 850-03E, Offender Payroll Criteria.

10. Assigned offenders will be paid monthly at a designated daily rate for the actual number of days worked, not to exceed
23 days per month.

11. Offenders with ADA unassigned status will be paid at Grade 1, Unassigned, but will not be penalized by denial of
access to any services, programs or activities, available to assigned offenders who are similarly situated, to include the
accrual of earned time.

12. All offenders will receive work evaluations monthly, when an offender’s job assignment changes, and upon termination.
Evaluations will be maintained electronically and a copy of the evaluations will be provided to the offender upon
request. [2-CI-4A-2].

The evaluation procedure will utilize the following ratings:

a. Attitude Assessment Ratings for both Work and Academic/Career and Technical Education Assignments

1. High
2. Good
3. Fair
4. Poor
5. Disruptive

G. CI Production Pay Plan Development and Approval:

1. Individual cost center offender pay, to include production incentive bonuses, will be developed by each cost center
supervisor for presentation to the CI Offender Pay Committee for preliminary approval and submission to the director
of CI for final approval.

2. The CI Offender Pay Committee will meet quarterly to review and evaluate all cost center pay plans to include actual
offender pay amounts and overall effectiveness of each plan.

3. The chairman of the CI Offender Pay Committee will submit monthly offender payroll summaries and operational
reports to the director of CI.

4. The CI Offender Pay Committee will maintain up to date files of all approved cost center plans.

5. Copies of the approved plan will be posted in applicable cost center work areas.

H. CI Production Incentive Pay to Offenders:

1. To become eligible for production incentive bonus, an offender employee must:


Offender Personnel Offender Assignment and Pay 850-03

a. Complete a probationary employment period in the cost center. The probationary period will be for a period of not
more than 90 days dependent on the specific cost center operation.

b. Attain a skill level appropriate to the job assignment as determined by the shop supervisor and have a 3 or
above on work performance evaluations.

2. To remain eligible for incentive pay, an offender employee must not have unexcused absences from work. Excused
absences will not jeopardize incentive pay eligibility; however; incentive pay will only be paid for time worked on the

I. Termination

1. Offenders may be recommended for termination or reassignment from an assignment for just cause (e.g., poor work
performance, failure to report to assignment, disciplinary convictions, violation of assignments, posted operational rules,
facility/unit transfer, lack of work, behavior or actions not conducive to a productive work environment, or any other
suitable code listed in MPS).

2. Offenders do not retain a right to any previous assignment(s), regardless of the reason for termination.

3. Offenders terminated from CI positions due to injury on the job may be eligible for medically unassigned pay.

4. Offenders who transfer to a different CI cost center do not retain the right to any previous job assignment.

5. Prior to termination for cause, the supervisor must contact the AIC to discuss grounds for termination for any offender
that claims termination based upon disability or if the termination is related to an offender’s actual or perceived physical
or mental condition, limitations or symptoms thereof. Supervisors will not terminate in MPS until after contact with the
AIC, and will make note of the outcome in the MPS program and the offender’s chronological record.

a. Offenders may not be terminated within the first 30 days of any new assignment without prior approval of the
internal classification committee.

b. Offenders placed on removal from population (RFP) status will receive pay at Grade 1 half-day excused absence
while they are not at their assignment. If there aren’t further proceedings, disciplinary convictions, the offender will
be returned to their assignment, if possible, or a comparable assignment.

c. Offenders who are out to court, on RFP status, or in a DOC infirmary may be terminated at the discretion of the
supervisor after ten (10) working days of the change in the offender’s status. Terminations may be appealed at the
offender’s request to the area manager and will receive a response within 10 working days.

6. If an offender is terminated due to pending COPD charges or a COPD conviction, but is ultimately found not guilty or
the conviction is overturned on appeal on a factual basis, but not on procedural error alone:

a. The offender will be placed in the same or similar assignment at the same pay grade as was previously held, so long
as the offender is still otherwise qualified and if availability permits.

b. If a gate pass or similar clearance was required for the assignment, it will be reinstated if the offender can be placed
back into the same or similar assignment.

c. The offender may receive up to a maximum of 45 days back pay.

7. An offender who receives a class I or II COPD conviction may be automatically terminated from CI. The offender may
be eligible to continue employment if the sanctions of the COPD conviction are probated.

Offender Personnel Offender Assignment and Pay 850-03

8. An offender may be rehired at a CI cost center after a COPD conviction with mutual agreement of the facility, job
board, and CI cost center; however, the CI division manager will approve all recommendations for rehire.


1. An MPS coordinator and backup will be designated by the appointing authority at each facility. The MPS coordinator’s
primary function will be the management and oversight of the facility’s MPS system. Global access will only be given
to MPS coordinators.

2. The department MPS coordinator, in conjunction with the Corrections Training Academy (CTA), will be responsible for
developing and providing CTA approved training for facility MPS coordinators.

3. Facility MPS coordinators will be responsible for coordination and management of the MPS system to include:

a. Approval of program providers’ access into the MPS system.

b. Entering/maintaining Master Programs Scheduling.

c. Training program providers

d. Auditing MPS for accurate scheduling, attendance, and evaluations.

e. Monitoring offender pay

f. Monitoring completion of assignment transfers after approval by the internal classification committee.

g. Closing vacant programs in accordance with the MPS manual.

4. MPS Requests and Approvals:

a. Requests to create and implement new departmental programs (those with no previous record in MPS) will utilize
AR 850-03D, Program Inventory Form, and will be subject to approval at the facility/office level by the
representative responsible for the program oversight. This will be at the level of program manager, health services
administrator (HSA), or equivalent. The form will then be forwarded to the HSA, alcohol and drug program
administrator, sex offender treatment and monitoring administrator, etc. for divisional approval. Following
divisional approval, the program inventory form will be forwarded to the POC for final departmental authorization.
The POC will then route the form to the proper MPS coordinator for processing.

b. A request to re-instate a master program that has been previously approved by the POC will follow the procedures
as outlined in the MPS manual.

c. If the master program request is for a facility work assignment, the programs manager will review the master
program request and ensure the work assignment is consistent with the work description.

d. If the master program request is for an education/career and technical education course the programs manager will
review the master program request and ensure the course curriculum is approved by the Assistant Director of Prison
Programs or designee.

e. If the master program request is for a clinically based treatment class, the HSA will ensure that the class is evidence
based and approved by the assistant director of Clinical Services or designee. Creation and implementation of any
nonevidence-based programming will require the approval of the deputy executive director or designee.

f. All course offerings, curriculum, and/or treatment modalities provided by the Division of Clinical Services,

Offender Personnel Offender Assignment and Pay 850-03

Division of Education, and the Division of Adult Parole must be MPS approved programs. The implementation of
any non-MPS approved programs, in these divisions, will require the written approval of the deputy executive
director or designee.

g. Offenders will be assigned into programs based on their assessed needs and individual case plan.

h. Staff members responsible for offender assignments and/or pay will receive training prior to obtaining access to
these functions of MPS. All program providers must attend MPS training as needed to maintain their level of
access in the system.

K. The Program Oversight Committee chairperson is responsible for ensuring annual (calendar year) audits of MPS are
scheduled for each DOC and private correctional facility. The audits shall be performed utilizing members of the DOC.


A. It shall be the responsibility of the director of Prisons to review this AR annually and update as necessary.


A. Long Appropriations Bill.

B. C.R.S. 17-20-117. Labor of inmates.
C. C.R.S. 17-29-103. Executive director to establish work program.
D. C.R.S. Title 17, Article 32 - Correctional Education Program Act of 1990.
E. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, as amended. 42 U.S.C.S. 12101 et seq. (LexisNexis 2014).
F. 28 C.F.R. § 35 et seq. (LexisNexis 2014).


December 15, 2022

December 1, 2021
October 1, 2020
September 01, 2019
February 1, 2018
January 15, 2017
January 15, 2016
September 15, 2015
March 15, 2015
January 1, 2014
April 15, 2011
December 15, 2009
April 20, 2009
November 15, 2008
November 15, 2007
November 15, 2006
November 15, 2005
October 15, 2005
October 15, 2004


Offender Personnel Offender Assignment and Pay 850-03

A. AR Form 850-03A, Offender Pay Correction Sheet

B. AR Form 850-03B, Offender Assignment Description
C. AR Form 850-03C, Request for New or Modification of Offender Assignment Description
D. AR Form 850-03D, Program Inventory Form
E AR Form 850-03E, Offender Payroll Criteria
F. AR Form 100-01A, Administrative Regulation Implementation/Adjustments

*IRS forms and instructions for W-7, W-8 and W-9 are available in a fillable .pdf format at the following website:
AR Form 850-03A (10/01/20)


FACILITY: ___________________________________________________
REQUESTOR: ________________________________________________
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: __________________________________________________
PAY PERIOD: _____/_____/_____ THRU _____/_____/_____

indicate full or half for assigned grade circle hours or days

____ ____ DAYS




DEPARTMENT MANAGER (PRINTED NAME)______________________SIGNATURE___________________ DATE_________________

APPOINTING AUTHORITY (PRINTED NAME)______________________SIGNATURE___________________ DATE_________________

Attachment A
Page 1 of 1
AR Form 850-03B (03/01/23)

Facility: ________________________
Offender Assignment Description
Program : Assignment

Minimum Eligibility Requirements:

Essential Functions:

NOTE: No offender or group of offenders will have control or authority over other offenders.(AR 850-03, I.V.C.2)

Attachment B
Page 1 of 2
AR Form 850-03B (03/01/23)

Physical Requirements Of This Position

Must be able to meet the requirements of this assignment with or without reasonable accommodations
Program: Assignment title:
Frequency Of Required Exposure/Use Frequency Of Required Exposure/Use
Working Item Movement
Cold (50° F Or Less) Lift/Lower
Hot (90° F Or More) Carry
Humid Push/Pull
Gases/Fumes/Mists Reach
Slippery Surfaces Light (Under 5 Lbs)
Dust Moderate (5 To 20 Lbs)
Noise Heavy (Over 20 Lbs)
Vibration Over 50 Lbs
Climbing Shift Work
Balancing Steady
Stooping/Crouching Rotating
Kneeling/Crawling Call Out
Sitting Other Requirements
Walking Visual Acuity: Near
Bending/Twisting Visual Acuity: Far
Repetitive Movements Color Distinction
Work With Others Depth Perception
Hazardous Situations Field Of Vision
Machinery Operation Hearing
Computer Speech
Copier/Fax/Etc Forklift
Other Machine Equipment Operator
Janitorial Equipment
Sewing Equipment **Manual Dexterity
Gen Maint Equipment
Printing Equipment
**Including Simultaneous Use Of Hands/Wrists/Fingers.

You have been informed of the essential functions, additional duties, and physical requirements of this assignment. Please
mark accordingly:
□ I DO NOT require disability accommodation to complete these duties/access the assignment

□ I DO require disability accommodation to complete these duties/access the assignment. I agree to disclose/specify the
accommodation I need to my Program Provider and/or the AIC.

____________________________________ ________________ ____________________________________

PRINT Offender Name DOC # PRINT Program Provider Name

__________________________________ _____/____/____ __________________________ ___/___/___

Offender Signature Date Program Provider Signature Date
Attachment B
Page 2 of 2
AR Form 850-03C (03/15/15)
Request for New or Modification of Offender Assignment Description

Name: Facility:

Program/Area: Date:

Briefly describe the

assignment & provide

Note: For extensive revisions or a new description, complete and attach a suggested draft version of the Offender
Assignment Description, attachment B
RETURN FORM(s) TO: Program Oversight Committee

Attachment C
Page 1 of 1
AR FORM 850-03D (01/15/17)
Program Inventory Form
General Information:
Facility: Date:

Program Name: MPS Number:

Description of Program:

MPS Coding:
01- Education 16- Offender Self Help
02- Drug & Alcohol
04- Mental Health Please Check All That Apply
09- SOTMP Paid Earn Time AR 550-12
10- Therapeutic Community Mandatory
14- Pre-Release Program Nonpaid
15- Social Science Education Voluntary

Curriculum / Modality:

Research that program is based on:

Primary Criminogenic Need Being Addressed:

Anti-Social Cognition Anti-Social Companions
Anti-Social Personality or Temperament Family and/or Marital
Substance Abuse Employment
Education Leisure and/or Recreational
How are criminogenic needs being addressed:

Targeted Risk Level:

Very Low/ Low Medium High Very High

Recommended Contact Hours:

Submitted by: ________________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Administrator Signature: ________________________________________________________ Date: ____________________

Divisional Administrator Head Signature: ___________________________________________ Date:____________________

AR Form 850-03E (12/01/21)

Pay Grades
Grade Description Pay Amount
Grade 1 Unassigned $ 0.33
Excused absence of half time assigned $ 0.21
Excused absence of full time assignment $ 0.42
Grade 2 Half time assigned $ 0.43
Full time assigned $ 0.86
Grade 3 Food Service – Full time assigned $ 0.94
Food Service – half time assigned $ 0.46
Grade 4 Offender Care Aid I $ 1.17
Grade 5 Offender Care Aid II $ 1.61
Grade 6 Offender Care Aid III $ 2.49

Code Description Reason Pay Amount
Excused Absence- Full time or Half
time program in which offender is
D unable to participate in assignment. Out to Court $ 0.00
Admitted to a hospital $ 0.00
In transition between facility $ 0.00
30 day initial assessment and
classification at the Denver Complex $ 0.00
Off-grounds status, but still permanently
assigned here, per QT MOVE or current
EAO (not in a DOC facility) $ 0.00
Unpaid Programs or Cancelled Programs $ 0.00
COPD Hearing $ 0.00

Full/Half Day Unexcused - Full time or

Half time program in which the
offender does not participate in
A assignment. Did not report to assignment. $ 0.00

Z Day Off $0.00

Unassigned - Full time program in

which offenders is unable to participate
in their assignment to include medically
G unassigned. Medically or ADA Unassigned $0.33 - Grade 1
Intensive Labor Work Program $0.33 - Grade 1
Medically unassigned (to include temp
status at a DOC location for 30 or greater
continuous days to be paid by the
permanent facility) $0.33 – Grade 1
Code Description Reason Pay Amount
Full Day Assigned Pay - Full Time
program for regular scheduled day
and rate of pay
I Program provider vacation/holiday $0.86 - Grade 2

Half Day Assigned Pay - Half time

program for regularly scheduled day
T and rate of pay Program provider vacation/holiday $0.43- Grade 2

Half Day Excused Absence - Half

time in which offender is unable to
U participate in their assignment. Medical Day Trip $0.21 – Grade 1
Death in family
Scheduled appointment
Special Visit
Law Library
Parole Board Hearing
Unscheduled/facility appointment
Lay In (Clinical)
Facility Lockdown

U Half Day and Full Day assignment Remove From Population $0.21-Grade 1

Full Day Excused Absence - Full

time in which offender is unable to
T participate in their assignment. Medical Day Trip $0.42 - Grade 1
Death in family
Scheduled appointment
Special Visit
Law Library
Parole Board Hearing
Unscheduled/facility appointment
Lay In (Clinical)
Facility Lockdown
General Visit *(discretion of the AA)

Attachment E
Page 2 of 2
AR Form 100-01A (04/15/08)


Offender Personnel Offender Assignment and Pay 850-03 03/01/23

(FACILITY/WORK UNIT NAME) ______________________________________________________________________



(SIGNED) (DATE) _______________________

Administrative Head

Attachment F
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