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OGL 360

Final Portfolio
Danyela Hinojosa
Part 1: Where I Want to Be

• Balanced in all areas of life
• Creating continuous growth, development, and learning

• Creating space for people to be their authentic selves
• Leading people to achieve goals beyond their wildest dreams
• Creating broad influence
1.1 What Leadership
Means to Me
Leadership is creating space for people to grow
and providing support while they discover their
capacity to exists outside of their normal scope.

Leadership exists in all areas of life including

self, inter-personal relationships, romantic
relationships, professional relationships, and
raising children.
1.2 Core Values
• My Top 5 Core Values
• Curiosity
• Love
• Peace
• Respect
• Trust
• I took this still life photo because it embodied
these values. There is curiosity in my pups eyes.
I love him dearly and trust the connection we
share. My back yard is a place of peace to me
and a space to decompress and create. I
respect nature and it turn it provides me with
beautiful herbs and food. This is one of my
favorite spaces.
1.3 Future Vision
My vision for the future is to be a leader that inspires
leadership development through self-empowerment.

My mission is to positively influence peoples lives so

they understand the standard they must have for future
employers. Together we will change the culture of the
workplace and reclaim our wholeness within ourselves
and in our connection to the outside world.

My goal for my life is to positively impact 100,000

peoples lives through leadership.
Part 2: Where am I?
2.1 Sociogram
I currently have a complex, yet reliable
Most of my network is family that is consistent
in their behaviors and roles. This creates a
consistent experience for me with family.
My friend's network is small and one of my
greatest strengths. These are people who push
me outside of my comfort zone emotionally
and encourage growth.

My professional network encourages my

leadership development and pushes me to
explore my capabilities as a leader.
2.2 LPI Assessment
Ranked highest to lowest left to right I learned my opportunities lie in recognizing people for their

Shared Vision Challenging the Process Model the Way Enable others to Act Encourage the Heart
2.3 Learning Style Inventory
My learning styles are a balanced blend of accommodative
and convergent.

The convergent side of me enjoys the structure of standards.

The accommodative side of me loves the human connection.

I believe I would very much enjoy and benefit from learning

opportunities that are fully immersive mentally and
2.4 Limiting Assumptions
My single biggest limiting assumption is that I do not
deserve to be successful because I have not earned it.

I continue to do ongoing work around this and when I

think I have broken through to the next level I am
reminded of something that reignites this feeling.

My vision for myself is to create a life that has limitless

freedom and I work every day to bring this vision to life.
2.5 What Matters
Most to Me
• My relationship with my wife
• The person who sees me more
clearly and challenges me to strive
for excellence
• My relationship with myself
• The ongoing work I do to be
centered, happy, and loved
• My impact on the people around me
• That every person I meet is better
for having done so
Part 3: Getting From
Where I Am to
Where Want to Be
3.1 Competency Development Strategy
Three things needed to achieve my goals.
• Be kind to myself and allow space for learning through failure.
• Be more confident in voicing my vision for my life.
• Prioritize things that bring me joy.
3.2 Coaching
My coaching relationships in this class have
given me the opportunity to connect with
people at my same learning level. People who
are interested in learning and developing
themselves and giving and receiving feedback
to grow.

I can continue to use coaching to build my

network and establish myself as a leader in my
3.3 Learning Style and Flexibility

• My learning style and flexibility will help me

develop competencies and build relationships
• Allowing me to be adaptable to any
team I am assigned.
• Building trust with the people
around me through honest
• Providing ongoing learning of new
skills to enhance my leadership
3.4 Action Plan
1. Practice being an active listener to better understand
those around me.
2. Schedule intentional time to participate in activities
that bring me joy.
3. Prioritize time to take care of my body with physical
movement and self – care.
4. Devote energy to develop relationships that add value
to my life.

I will monitor my progress by keeping a journal.

3.5 Integrated Timeline

Spring 2024 – Summer 2024 –

December 2023 - Spring 2024 – Fall 2024 – Spring 2025 –
Begin interviewing Take off two
Complete OGL Spend Quality Be in next level Relocate to new
for next level weeks and travel
Degree Time with Wife position location
position internationally
Part 4: Overall
This final portfolio has inspired me to begin planning my life on a larger
scale. I realized I have been planning 3-6 months in advance when I need to
be goal setting 1-3-5 years in advance. When I have a clear vision for the
future, I easily follow a plan and create space to check and adjust as things
change. The lack of a plan induces stress and causes me to try and control
things at a high level. I have very much enjoyed this course and the
perspective it has offered. Thank you.
Danyela Hinojosa

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