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Day 1 Day 2

Back & Calves Chest & Bis

21 Intro: Please watch 21 Chest Training
Back Training

Back Chest
Simulated Pullover with Rope Incline Dumbell or Barbell Press
or Free or smith machine for barbell
Pullover Machine: Set 1: 4-6 reps
Set 1: 8-12 Set 2: 8-10 reps
Set 2: 12-15 reps

Pulldown: Just beyond Shoulder width grip Flat Dumbell or Barbell Press
Regular Bar, Mag Bar or Prime Fitness Bar Set 1 - 4-6
Set 1: 6-8 Reps Set 2 - 4-6
Set 2: 21's Set 3: Drop the weight by 30-40%
Do all the reps you can do.

Tbar Row: Drive the elbow back toward

the hip Dips: Free or Assisted:
Set 1: 6-8 reps Set 1: 6-8
Set 2: 6-8 reps Set 2: 8-10

Rack Pulls Flat Dumbbell or Pec Dec Fly

Set 1: 2-5 reps Set 1: 12-15
Set 2: 8-10 reps Set 2: 12-15
Bar at knee to mid shin level
Chest Press Machine
High Row: Incline Bench: Set 1: 10 reps
Elbows stay high, parallel to the shoulders Set 2: 10
Set 1: 10-12 reps Set 3: 10
Set 2: 10-12 reps Set 4: 10
Set 5: 10
FST - 5 - Cable Row: Flex your pecs between each set
Flex 30 seconds between sets Flex 30 seconds with full tension
Set 1 - 12 Do not release the tension until
Set 2 - 12 you do another set.
Set 3 - 12
Set 4 - 12 Tris(tris are hit hard later in the week)
Set 5 -12 2 sets of Rope Pushdowns: 10-12
Use a weight so you get 12 reps each Superset with Dumbbell Curls:
Alternate Dumbbell Curls:
Calves can be pushed to another day if needed Set 1: 6-8 reps
Calves Set 2: 6-8 reps
Standing machine Calf Raises Set 3: 10-12 reps
Set 1 -8-10 Reps
Set 2 8-10 Reps Hammer Curls:
Set 3 8-10 Reps Set 1: 6-8 reps
Set 2: 8-10 reps

Leg Press Calf Raise EZ curls: Cable or Free weight

Full extention at bottom Set 1: 8-10
Hold on top for 2 seconds Set 2: 12-15
Set 1 -8-10 Reps
Set 2 8-10 Reps
Set 3 8-10 Reps *Calves: see to the right

Set 4 8-10 Reps

FST is :
Flexing between sets will be you flexing the muscle you are currently working.
You will flex for 30 seconds and immediately go back into another set: Highly painful to the muscle being worked.

Drop sets are when you use a max weight and drop the weight off then do max reps with that weight then drop it ag
Example: Bench: 315*5 / Drop the weight to 225* max reps / drop it to 135, max reps at 135

21's: These are when you do a full rep for 7 then you do partial reps from the bottom of the move for to half way up

When you see 2 different moves back to back such as: Look at the shoulder day
Seated Side laters and then a front dummbell raise then you see sid
That means it's a superset, each move back to back with no rest unti
superset, then you rest before doing superset 2
Training Video Links: Please Watch

Warm up Set Example video

Day 3
Quad Focus * Light Hams
21s Quad Training
Suggested Rest day between day 3 & 4

Quad Focus: Light Hams

Leg Press:
Feet: Middle platform, shoulder width or less
Set 1: 6-8 reps
Set 2: 10-12 reps
Set 3: Drop the weight by 30-40% and go to failure

Squats( Barbell, Hack, Smith or Belt squat)

Set 1: 4-6
Set 2 -To Falure, No less than 12(21s removed)

Walking Lunges: Short Strides

Set 1: 10-12: Per leg

Set 2: 10-12: Per leg

Weight is optional
Set 2: 10-12: Per leg
Weight is optional

Goblet Squats: Heels elevated: Heels touching:

Set 1: 8-10
Set 2: 12-15
Superset these with Seated Leg Curls

Leg Extensions:
FST: 5:
Set 1-5: 10 reps per set/ 30 seconds rest between
Sets but flex the quads for those full 30 seconds
I removed a lot of the 21's from this program.
I think it will be more beneficial to drop the weight
on some moves and just go to failure, you will be
able to actually use more weight this way.

inful to the muscle being worked.

reps with that weight then drop it again if called for

x reps at 135

ttom of the move for to half way up for 7, then from the top half way down for 7.

ont dummbell raise then you see side laterals again

move back to back with no rest until you have done one
doing superset 2
Day 4 Day 5
Hamstrings/ Glutes/Light Back Delts/Traps/Tris
Ham & Glute Video 21 Training Delts & Tris

Begin with 2 back to back moves: As Follows: Reverse Dumbbel Fly: Incline Bench
Abductor: Set 1: 8-10 reps Set 1: 10-12
Adductor: Set 1: 8-10 reps Set 2: 10-12
Set 2 for Each: 12-15
Shoulder Press:
Lying Dumbbell Curls: Set 1: 4-6 reps
Set 1 & 2: 8-10 reps Set 2: 4-6 reps
Set 3: 15-20 reps May require 50% drop in weight
Glute Bridge: aka Glute Thrust/ Hip Thrust
Barbell, Plates or Dumbbels or Machine: Front Dumbbell Raise:
Set 1: 6-8 Reps Set 1: 8-10
Set 2: 10-12 reps: Set 2: 8-10

Superset with Upright Rows;

Seated Leg Curls: Set 1 and 2: 8-10 reps
Set 1: 6-8 Reps
Set 2: 10-12 reps: FST: Side Lateral Raises:
5 sets of 10-12 with flexing the shoulders
Sumo Squat: Feet Elevated on Plates: between sets, 30 seconds of flexing then
Hold a dbell or kettlebell between your legs Right back to work. (Brutal)
Set 1: 8-10
Set 2: 10-12 reps Shrugs are optional:
2-3 working sets of 5-12 reps

Close Grip Bench press:

Set 1: 4-6
Set 2: 8-12
Lying Leg Curls: Machine;
Fst 5: 1 arm Lying Dbell Extensions:
5 sets/ 30 seconds Flexing between all Set 1: 6-8
5 sets: Never let the muscle relax Set 2: 10-12
10-12 reps per set
FST Pushdowns with a Rope:
* You may have to go up on your toes and 5 sets with 30 seconds rest between sets:
bend your knees in order to feel the hams Flex between all sets:
flex 10-12 reps per set
Pullups: Free/ Assisted or weighted
Shoulder width grip:
Set 1: 8-10
Set 2: 8-10

Pullover or Simulated Pullovers:

2 Sets of 10-12 reps

f way down for 7.

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