Sedition (Against) Draft

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If men were angels, no government would be necessary.

Greetings to the respected Judges and the compassionate audience presiding here,
My Team Code is ___ and I stand here speaking firmly AGAINST the Motion that the Law of
Sedition is NOT a Draconian Law in any sense whatsoever.
Primarily, I would like to highlight the fact that we are arguing about the law of sedition as a
whole, and not the intricate technicalities imbibed in its legal structure.
With few months to complete 75 years of Independence, I want us all to remember the fact that
we have already witnessed a partition and accession of 500 separate princely states during the
time of Independence. Also,this period is not the same for every part of the geographical extent
of India with many States acceding in India after independence with Sikkim being the latest
addition 1975.

[Hyderabad acceded in September’47, Kashmir in October’47, Junagarh in February’48,

Chandernagore in 1950, Dadra and Nagar Haveli in 1953, Pondicherry, Yanaon, Mahe and
Karikal in 1954, Goa and Daman & Diu in 1961, out of which the Treaties signed between India
and the ruling countries were ratified even more later by such countries, and the latest addition
being Sikkim in 1975.]

Before making any argument against the law which protects the government of a State, we
should keep in mind the fact that we are talking about India, the most diverse country in the
world with linguistic, religious and ethnic diversity and becoming an Ethnological Musuem.

[linguistic diversity of around 780 languages as per the People’s Linguistic Survey, out of which
122 being recognised officially, religious diversity of being home to almost all major religions of
the world. Racial diversity of having 8 different ethnic groups from Mongoloids and
Turko-Iranian to Dravidians and Indo-Aryans and becoming a Ethnological Musuem.]

We should remember that we talking about a country who has lost two prime ministers as a result
of separatist movements, and one dying a mysterious death in a foreign land just after a war.
We are talking about a country which has fought five wars with two different nations in a short
span of 50 years of its independece, and have witnessed multiple terror attacks well within its
border, including the Parliament of the country
Where the Naxal-Maoist insurgency during its peak covered around 40% of its landmass,
according to the South Asia Terrorism Portal, just a decade ago in March 2012.
Where The insurgency in Nagaland has a rebellion leader stating that “Nagas are aware that
they are not and will never be Indians” as early as last year.
A country which still has to recover around 13,000 square kilometres of land from an enemy
And lastly, a country, which has not seen a single ruler or unified government of the current
landmass of the country from the past 1000 years.
These facts explicitly show the high chances of ill-motivated reasons in creating dissafection,
disloyalty or contempt against the Government of India and subsequently breaking or attempt to
break the united fabric of this country.
While talking about Sedition, I would like everyone to ponder upon the havoc or disturbance the
absence of the same can create, owing to the mentioned facts and circumstances.

[The provision of the law of sedition is based on the principle that every State, whatever its form
of Government, has to be armed with the power to punish those who by conduct jeopardise the
safety and stability of the State, or disseminate such feelings of disloyalty which have the
tendency to lead to the disruption of the State or to public disorder.]

People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people
because the Government is nothing more than the combined force of society, or the united power
of the multitude, for the peace, order, safety, good and happiness of the people.
In the words of George Washington,
The very idea of the power and the right of the people to establish government presupposes the
duty of every individual to obey established government.
The expression “Goverment established by Law” has to be distinguished from the persons for the
time being engaged in carrying on the administration. “Government established by law is the
visible symbol of the State. The very existence of the State would be in jeopardy, where the
Government established law is subverted.
The continued existence of the Gov. established by law is an essential condition of the stability
of the State.
The first and most fundamental duty of every Government is the preservation of order, since
order is the condition precedent to all civilisation and the advance of human happiness.
Sedition is the answer of the State to those who, for the purpose of attacking it or subverting it…
seek to disturb its tranquility, to create public disturbance and to promote disorder, or who incite
others to do so.

Lastly, I would end up by putting up a question to the learned individuals presiding here,
What, if not Sedition, can cover the offences which it covers in order to protect the State directly
and sovereignty of the rule of law and the integrity of the nation, Indirectly.


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