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DATE: APRIL 30, 2023



Sr No. Topic Member Name Page

 Agroecology 3
1.  History of agroecology 4
 Agroecology zones of Fatima Tariq 5
Pakistan 6
 10 elements of agroecology

 Agroecological practices 8
2. and sustainable agriculture
 Examples of agroecological Muqadas Wasim 9
practices 11
 Role of biodiversity in
ecological agriculture 13
 Nature of biodiversity in


Benefits of Agro-ecology 14
4. Agro-ecology and SDGs 16
Key issues for agro-ecological Transition Mahrukh Israr 19
Agro-ecology: Farming for a better future 21

5. References


Agro-ecology is sustainable farming that works with nature.

Ecology is the study of how people, animals, plants, and their environments interact with one
another as well as how these interactions are balanced. The use of ecological principles and
concepts in farming is known as agroecology. A notable illustration of agroecology is
agroforestry. Farming that "focuses on food production that makes the best use of nature's
goods and services while not damaging these resources" is known as agroecology (pronounce
it: a-gr-kä-l-j). The study of ecological processes as they relate to agricultural production
systems is what it entails. By applying ecological concepts to agroecosystems, new
management strategies that could not have been thought of otherwise could be suggested.

Agroecology encompasses the relationship between

agricultural production systems and ecological processes.
It includes all the techniques that allow agricultural
practices to be more respectful of the environment and its
ecological specificities. It is an interdisciplinary
combination of agronomy, agriculture, scientific ecology,
economics, and social sciences. It integrates practices
such as organic farming, regenerative agriculture, and some aspects of permaculture and
therefore contributes to sustainable development. It's the practice of combining trees and
farming; it demonstrates how food production and nature can co-exist. Grazing farm animals
under trees gives them shelter and fodder, whilst their manure enriches the soil. And planting
trees on land normally used to grow cereal crops can provide another crop - be that fruit, nuts
or timber. This provides another income stream for farmers and also protects soils from
erosion, as the trees' deep roots help create a healthy soil structure. Agroforestry, like many
agroecological approaches, is a win-win Agroecology promotes farming practices that;

 Mitigate climate change - reducing emissions, recycling resources and prioritising

local supply chains.

 Work with wildlife - managing the impact of farming on wildlife and harnessing
nature to do the hard work for us, such as pollinating crops and controlling pests.

 Put farmers and communities in the driving seat - they give power to approaches
led by local people and adapt agricultural techniques to suit the local area - and its
specific social, environmental and economic conditions.


Early studies (1930s):

Agroecology first appeared within the scientific literature in the 1930s as a combination
of two traditional disciplines, agronomy and ecology, to study biological interactions
between crops and other natural elements of the agro-ecosystem (Agroecology Info Pool,

Lessons from indigenous agriculture: (1960s)

From the 1960s through the 1970s, this branch of inquiry expanded its scale of analysis
(from plot to farm to landscape level), integrating other disciplines, and broadening its
scope. (Interdisciplinary approach including socioeconomic and political considerations).
The study of indigenous agricultures, which regularly contained methods to adapt crops
to the variability of the natural environment and to protect them from predators and
competition without the need of external inputs, had an impact on those researchers.
Practitioners are beginning to consider the value of valuing indigenous agricultural
expertise. In parallel, the emergence of the ecologist movement, fuelled by the realization
of the negative impacts of the green revolution, supported the early adoption of
agroecological practices among some farmer communities.

Questioning the industrialized food system and social movement: (1980s)

In the 80s, it has provided a conceptual framework for the increasing promotion of
agroecological practices both in developed and developing countries. Social advocates
and grassroots movements are increasingly standing against industrial food system and in
favor of small-scale farmers.

Towards a unified framework for Agroecology: (2000s)

The entire food system, which is referred to as a worldwide network of food production,
distribution, and consumption, has been incorporated by the agroecological framework
since the 2000s. Agroecology is currently being promoted, discussed, and appropriated by

new actors in numerous forums. As evidenced by continental networks of academics,
students, practitioners, and supporters, as well as the momentum around symposiums and
forums, agroecology has recently begun to coalesce. For instance, a few
intergovernmental organizations, reputable scientific organizations, or multi-stakeholder
bodies developed definitions that were universally accepted (e.g. Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations (FAO), United Nations Environment Programme
(UNEP), World Health Organization (WHO), Committee on World Food Security (CFS),
High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE)) (Agroecology Info
Pool, 2019).


Pakistan is a natural resource–based economy, with almost half of its total land area (36
million ha) dedicated to agriculture. Approximately 84% of land is classified as arable and
14% as permanent meadows or pastures. The country’s forested area represents only 2% of
total land compared to the world average of over 30% and is declining at a rate of 0.2-0.5%
per year. Deforestation driven by urbanization, a rural reliance on fuel wood, and poor land
planning has been linked with socioeconomic vulnerability and a lack of effective policy and
monitoring mechanisms to protect forests (Agriculture, 2023b).

Pakistan is a nation with a variety of ecologies. There are tall mountains and valleys scattered
throughout the north. The fertile Indus Plain, which is 1287 km long and 322 km wide with a
1.0 percent gradient from north to south, follows the Pothwar Plateau in the direction to the
south. The Baluchistan Plateau makes up the majority of the western portion, which is
bounded on the north-east by high to low mountains. The Thal desert, located in the upper
section of the basin, and the Thar desert, located in the southeast, are both sandy deserts.
Along the nation's southernmost border, in the Rann of Kutch, are marshy lands. PARC
(1980) and Muhammad (1986) have delineated the country into ten agroecological
zones/regions of Pakistan mainly on the basis of physiographic and on climate, soil type and
agricultural land use. The main agro-ecological zones of Pakistan are the following;

1. Indus Delta
2. Southern Irrigated Plain
3. Sandy Desert
4. Northern irrigated Plain
5. Barani (rainfall)
6. Wet Mountains
7. Northern dry mountains
8. Western Dry Mountains
9. Dry western Plateau
10. Sulaiman Piedmont

By establishing agro-ecological zones for the selection of ideal crop growing sites for the
nation's major and minor crops, the initiative aims to assure national food security. The
project's specific goals are to use geospatial techniques to create spatial and attribute data on
agro-climate, crop patterns, and socio-economic factors. Recognizing and evaluating recent

changes to Pakistan's climate, cropping patterns, and land usage. Updating agro-ecological
regions to choose appropriate crops to grow and to produce cattle.


The 10 Elements of Agroecology are the outcome of a multi-stakeholder process meant to

produce a framework for system redesign that may be improved and tailored to local
circumstances. Between 2015 and 2019, the 10 Elements of Agroecology framework was
created. Agroecology's key ecological properties of recycling, efficiency, diversity, resilience,
and synergy served as the foundation for a first cogent framework created by prominent
themes from presentations made during the First International Symposium on Agroecology
for Food Security and Nutrition. However, there were also loud cries at regional gatherings
for agroecology's social and political components to be strengthened. Thus, the five new parts
of co-creation of knowledge, human and social values, culture and food traditions,
responsible governance, and circular and solidarity economy were formed from the
characteristics that emerged from regional dialogues. Following the refinement of
element names, content, and the development of a consistent storyline
highlighting the interconnected nature of agroecology and its 10 Elements, the
framework was finalized after several rounds of review by international and FAO
experts. Following the review, revision, and clearance process through FAO’s
governing bodies, the 10 Elements of Agroecology were approved by the 197
Members of FAO to guide FAO’s vision on agroecology by the 163 session of
the Council on 2-6 December 2019 (Ten Elements of Agroecology, 2018).

 Diversity: diversification is key to agroecological transitions to ensure

food security and nutrition while conserving, protecting and enhancing
natural resources.

 Co-creation and sharing of knowledge: Agricultural innovations respond better to

local challenges when they are co-created through participatory processes.

 Synergies: Building synergies enhances key functions across food systems,

supporting production and multiple ecosystem services.

 Efficiency: Innovative agroecological practices produce more using
less external resources.

 Recycling: More recycling means agricultural production with lower

economic and environmental costs.

 Resilience: Enhanced resilience of people, communities and

ecosystems is key to sustainable food and agricultural systems.

 Human and social values: Protecting and improving rural

livelihoods, equity and social well-being is essential for sustainable
food and agricultural systems.

 Culture and food traditions: By supporting healthy, diversified and

culturally appropriate diets, agroecology contributes to food security
and nutrition while maintaining the health of ecosystems.

 Responsible governance: Sustainable food and agriculture requires responsible and

effective governance mechanisms at different scales – from local to national to global.
 Circular and solidarity economy: Circular and solidarity economies that reconnect
producers and consumers provide innovative solutions for living within our planetary
boundaries while ensuring the social foundation for inclusive and sustainable



Agro ecological practices are agricultural practices that are aimed to produce significant
amounts of food which valorise in the best way
ecological processes and ecosystem services in

incorporating them as fundamental elements in the development of the practices and not
simply relying on regular techniques, such as chemical fertilizer and synthetic pesticide
application or technological solutions, such as genetically modified organisms. Indeed, agro
ecological practices contribute to improving the sustainability of agro ecosystems while being
based on various ecological processes and ecosystem services such as nutrient cycling,
biological Nitrogen fixation, natural regulation of pests, soil and water conservation,
biodiversity conservation and carbon sequestration. Some of these practices have already
been applied in varying disciplines in different regions of the world for years or decades,
while others were more recently developed and still have a limited rate of application (Wezel
et al., 2014).

There are many strategies for agro ecosystem

diversification such as crop rotation, cover
cropping, crop-livestock mixtures, agroforestry,
poly cultures, inter cropping, field crop border
diversification and corridors linking fields and
natural vegetation. All these agro ecological
practices restore vegetation diversity in
agriculture fields and surrounding landscapes. The main goal of designing a diversified
farming system is the enhancement and maintenance of agro biodiversity as a strategy for
providing ecological services which develop from ecological interaction among crops,
animals and soil positioned in the farms (Altieri., 2015).

The main objectives of agro ecology are following:

 Building soil structure, improving soil health, recycling nutrients and ensuring local
 Conserving and using water efficiently.
 Sustaining and improving functional diversity (both on a spatial and a temporal scale).


 Conservation tillage: no or minimum tillage improves soil structure that includes

aeration and water infiltration and retention capacity and organic matter.

 Mixing crops in a single plot such as intercropping and poly-cultures: biological
complementarities improve nutrient and input efficiency, use of space and pest
regulation, thus enhancing crop yield stability.

 Crop rotation and fallowing: nutrients are conserved from one season to the next
and the life cycles of insect pests, diseases, and weeds are interrupted.

 Cover crops and mulching: reduce erosion, provide nutrients to the soil and enhance
biological control of pests.

 Crop-livestock integration: including aquaculture allows high biomass output and

optimal nutrient recycling, beyond economic diversification.

 Integrated nutrient management: such as use of compost, organic manure and

nitrogen-fixing crops allows the reduction or elimination of the use of chemical

 Biological management: of pests, diseases and weeds, such as integrated pest

management, push and pull methods and allelopathy: decrease long-term incidence of

pests and reduce environmental and health hazards caused by the use of chemical

 Efficient water harvesting: (especially in dry land areas) such as small-scale

irrigation allows to reduce the need for irrigation while increasing its efficiency.

 Manipulation of vegetation structure and plant associations: improves efficiency

of water use as well as promoting biodiversity

 Agro-forestry: especially the use of multifunctional trees maintains and improves soil
fertility through nitrogen fixation, enhances soil structure and modifies the

 Use of local resources and renewable energy sources, composting and waste
recycling: allows a reduction in the use of external inputs as well diminishing
pressure on the natural resource base.

 Holistic landscape management: around field perimeters (windbreaks, shelterbelts,

insect strips and living fences), across multiple fields (mosaics of crop types and land-
use practices) and at the landscape to-regional scale (river buffers, woodlots, pastures
and natural or semi-natural areas)

(Silici., 2014).


Biodiversity refers to all species of plants, animals and micro-organisms existing and
interacting within an ecosystem. Natural biodiversity has provided the foundation for all

agricultural plants and animals. The entire range of the domestic crops used in world
agriculture is derived from wild species that have been modified through domestication,
selective breeding and hybridization. Most remaining world centers of diversity contain
populations of variable and adaptable landraces as well as wild and weedy relatives of crops,
all of which provide valuable genetic resources for crop improvement. In agricultural
systems, biodiversity performs ecosystem services beyond production of food, fiber, fuel, and
income. Examples include recycling of nutrients, control of local microclimate, regulation of
local hydrological processes, regulation of the abundance of undesirable organisms, and
detoxification of noxious chemicals. These renewal processes and ecosystem services are
largely biological, therefore their persistence depends upon maintenance of biological
diversity (Altieri, 1994). When these natural services are lost due to biological simplification,
the economic and environmental costs can be quite significant. Economically, in agriculture
the burdens include the need to supply crops with costly external inputs, because agro
ecosystems deprived of basic regulating functional components lack the capacity to sponsor
their own soil fertility and pest regulation. Often the costs involve a reduction in the quality
of life due to decreased soil, water, and food quality when pesticide and/or nitrate
contamination occurs. Thus modern agricultural systems have become productive but only by
being highly dependent on external inputs. A growing number of scientists, farmers and the
general public fear for the long-term sustainability of such highly input-dependent and
ecologically simplified food production systems.

When ecosystems are diverse, there are many pathways for ecological processes, so if one is
damaged or destroyed, an alternative pathway can be used. If native biological diversity is
diminished, the functioning of ecosystem is also at risk. There are many types of biological
resources that are bound to agriculture such as genetic resources, edible plants and crops,
livestock, soil organisms, wild resources and naturally occurring insects, bacteria and fungi.
Functional biodiversity includes those organisms that provide key processes and their
interactions can contribute to nutrient cycling, biological regulation and increased

There are many mechanisms of biodiversity loss such as habitat destruction and
fragmentation; the displacement of native varieties by introduced modern varieties, air, water
and soil pollution, climate change, industrial agriculture and forest plantation. Agroecology
exploits not only variety of crops and animals but also the many ways by which farmers
exploit biological diversity to produce and manage agroecosystem. Higher diversity within

cropping system leads to higher diversity in associated biota that can lead to more effective
natural pest control and pollination.

Biodiversity enhance the performance and function of farms because different species or
genotypes perform different functions and so have different niches. There are many more
species than there are functions and thus redundancy is built into the agroecosystem.
Biodiversity enhances function of agroecosystem because those components that are
redundant at one point becomes important when some environmental changes occur. A
diversity of species acts as a buffer against failure due to environmental fluctuations by
increasing the compensation capacity of agroecosystem because if one species fail, other can
play their role (Alteiri., 2015).

Nature of biodiversity in agroecosystem:

The type and abundance of biodiversity in agriculture will differ across agroecosystems
which differ in age, diversity, structure and management. In fact, there is great variability in
basic ecological and agronomic patterns among the various dominant agroecosystems. In
general, the degree of biodiversity in agroecosystems depends on four main characteristics of
the agroecosystem.

1. The diversity of vegetation within and around the agroecosystem.

2. The permanence of the various crops within the agroecosystem.

3. The intensity of management.

4. The extent of the isolation of the agroecosystem from natural vegetation.

The biodiversity components of agroecosystems can be classified in relation to the role they
play in the functioning of cropping systems. According to this, agricultural biodiversity can
be grouped as follows:

 Productive biota: crops, trees and animals chosen by farmers which play a
determining role in the diversity and complexity of the agroecosystem.
 Resource biota: organisms that contribute to productivity through pollination,
biological control, decomposition, etc.
 Destructive biota: weeds, insect pests, microbial pathogens, etc. which farmers aim
at reducing through cultural management (Alteiri., 1999).


Agro-ecology is an all-around, environmentally friendly way to farm that is good for farmers,
the environment, and consumers. Below I list some of the benefits of the agro-ecology:

 Agro-ecology boosts nutrition and health.

Agro-ecology is changing farming by using environmentally friendly methods of production

and farming that protect the environment and improve nutrition and health at the same time.
This gives farmers access to crops that are more resistant to weather changes and pests, so

they can better deal with them.

 Agro-ecology preserves natural resources and biodiversity.

It is important to keep the delicate balance between people and the environment by protecting
natural resources and biodiversity. Agro-ecology offers us the opportunity to do just
this. Agro-ecology is a way of farming that looks at the whole picture and uses ecological
principles in everyday tasks like managing soils and saving water. With the help of agro-
ecology, farmers can use less chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which can have a big
negative effect on ecosystems.

 Agro-ecology enhances the resilience of rural people.

Agro-ecology is a powerful tool that can help rural communities grow and thrive, even
though they face many problems. This type of farming takes into account the way ecosystems
work on farms and in the areas around them. This helps keep biodiversity and builds
community knowledge.
By emphasizing local innovation and traditional practices, agro-ecology helps empower rural
people with greater self-determination by providing access to proper resources,
environmental services, and good health. Agro-ecology not only builds up organic soils and
saves water, but it also helps more kinds of life grow and encourages the use of land in a
sustainable way. It preserves pollinators like bees and birds, which in turn support food
production (Important benefits of agro-ecology , 2023 ).

 Agro-ecology helps reduce climate shocks.

Agro-ecology is the practice of designing and running farming systems based on ecological
principles. It gives us a very important tool for dealing with big problems like global food
insecurity, adapting to climate change, and protecting biodiversity.
By using this type of sustainable and resilient food production, we are better able to protect,
restore, and improve existing agriculture and food systems in the face of challenges like
climate shocks and other stressors.

 Agro-ecology enhances farmer-consumer connectivity.

Agro-ecology is the practice of making sustainable agricultural and forestry operations more
interconnected with their environments. This entails taking a holistic approach to farming,
including looking at ecological and social aspects.
In today’s world, where there is an emphasis on eco-friendly practices and eating locally
sourced food, agro-ecology is becoming increasingly popular for its ability to reduce
environmental impacts and support shorter supply chains between farmers and consumers.
Shorter supply chains bridge the gap between producers and eaters, meaning farmers can be
sure that their products are going directly to those who need them, while consumers can be
100% certain of their food’s quality and freshness. It’s win-win!


The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development calls for a new agricultural approach to
ensure sufficient, safe and nutritious food respecting human rights.

End poverty in all its forms everywhere

Family farming, herding and artisanal fisheries and aquaculture provide
livelihoods for many of the world’s rural poor. Agroecological
approaches support food producers in reducing production costs,
translating into greater income, economic stability and resilience.

End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and

promote sustainable agriculture
Agroecological systems optimize the use of local and renewable
resources and knowledge. This enables agricultural production systems to
harness ecosystem benefits such as pest control, pollination, soil health
and erosion control while ensuring productivity. The conservation and sustainable use of
biodiversity leads to robust ecosystem services and sustainable agriculture.

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
By minimizing the use of potentially harmful agro-chemical inputs,
agroecology reduces agriculture’s negative effects on both human and
environmental health. By re-localizing diets, agroecology can help to
inform sustainable and healthy diets.

Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning
opportunities for all
Agroecology depends on knowledge adapted to local contexts by food producers and
other actors. It delivers relevant and practical knowledge through empowering peer-to-
peer systems, enhanced with the knowledge of formal scientists (Agroecology and
sustainable development goals , 2023).

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Women have a central role in agroecology. They are often custodians of
healthy and traditional diets and are key players in sustainable food

systems, from the home, to the field, to the market and beyond. Agroecology has the potential
to advance women’s rights, self-determination and autonomy.

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and

sanitation for all
Agroecology prevents surface water and groundwater pollution and
contamination. It promotes practices that are efficient in water use,
enhances soil water retention, and values locally adapted crops that
require less (or no) irrigation, allowing safer and more sustainable aquifer storage, recovery
and recharge.

Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full

and productive employment and decent work for all
Agroecological approaches create new decent rural employment
opportunities for youth and women. The increased resilience of
agroecological production systems helps to better maintain existing jobs,
supporting rural livelihoods and communities.

Reduce inequality within and among countries

Agroecology gives priority to the most marginalised and vulnerable
sectors of society: rural women, youth, family farmers and indigenous
peoples. Agroecology has the potential to address the inequality of the
food system by providing locally–based solutions to specific contexts
and territories.

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and

By promoting a territorial approach to development, agroecology
encourages the development of integrated plans for urban and rural
development, with urban areas recognising the multiple benefits that
sustainable landscapes can provide them and re-connecting producers and consumers to
shorten value chains and increase resilience.

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Agroecology enhances diversification to achieve sustainable and healthy diets and food and
nutrition security. Agroecological food systems have proven, in many local contexts, to be
exemplary providers of high-quality nutritious, healthy and adequate diets, preserving and
promoting local food traditions and traditional knowledge. By shortening value chains, agro-
ecology contributes to the reduction of food losses and waste.

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Agro-ecology helps mitigate against climate change and its impacts. It
reduces the emission of greenhouse gases by promoting integrated
production systems that are less dependent on energy from fossil fuels
and that store and fix carbon. By promoting diversified and integrated
production systems, agro-ecology facilitates resilience and adaptation to a changing climate.

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources
for sustainable development
In aquatic systems, the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) and to
aquaculture (EAA) demonstrates an agro-ecological approach. The
Ecosystem Approach ensures that the management of living resources
applies an integrated approach to fisheries within meaningful boundaries, taking into account
knowledge and uncertainties in the biotic, abiotic and human components.

Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial

ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and
halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
Agro-ecology works with local communities, food producers, and other
actors to prevent land degradation and restore degraded areas. Agro-
ecology helps to conserve and sustainably use and value the biodiversity and ecosystem
services that underpin food production.

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable

development, provide access to justice for all and build effective,
accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

Agro-ecology supports strong and inclusive producers’ organisations that enable the sharing
and co-creation of knowledge, solidarity, representation of their concerns at the policy level
and responsible governance.

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global

Partnership for Sustainable Development
Scaling up agro-ecology calls for increased cooperation between
productive sectors, social actors and countries.


Three broad themes of clusters of barriers and drivers were derived from analysis of the
inventory of barriers and driver:

 Lack of knowledge and social capital.

 Lack of added value, processing and market access.
 Ineffective policy design.
 Lack of Knowledge and Social Capital.

The most commonly identified barrier is the lack of knowledge of specific agro-ecological
practices and their sustainability benefits, and the economic opportunities and associated
uncertainties for creating added value from agro-ecologically produced goods. Such barriers
reflect the knowledge intensive character of agro-ecological farming. These barriers relate
mainly to a lack of knowledge amongst farmers, and highlight the need for specialized
knowledge for advisors and teachers working in vocational schools. Two main constraints for
farm advisory services need to be considered; they can be underfinanced or they have
difficulties in recruiting qualified advisors. A related weakness is one of limited coordination
amongst AKIS actors, and the lack of networks for knowledge sharing involving farmers,
advisors and researchers.

In many cases, there was evidence of barriers to agro-ecological transitions due to a low
capacity and willingness to cooperate which, in turn, was due to weak social capital and
individualism of, and rivalry between farmers. The lack of confidence and trust in
agricultural cooperatives, and resulting low willingness to cooperate, is closely linked to

economic barriers. For example, a lack of willingness to cooperate may inhibit options for
shared purchasing of storage and processing infrastructure, or direct marketing.

 Lack of added value, Processing and Market Access:

Barriers which were commonly identified were related to the economic sustainability of agro-
ecological farming within the framework of the current conventional food systems. A lack of
access to finance and other issues related to investments were the most common barriers. A
diverse set of issues relating to the lack of value added by agro ecological production was
identified, including low demand and productivity was expressed by low prices rather than
production costs, which led to issues in logistics of storing, processing and selling the agro
ecological products. The availability of labour and market concentration were also identified
as significant issue.

 Ineffective Policy Design:

Specific barriers due to policies covered the unsustainable prescriptions and lack of flexibility
in implementation and monitoring. This cluster included the bureaucracy of the policy
support, and lack of targeting or public procurement.

The clusters of barriers and drivers provided a means of viewing the challenges to agro-
ecological transition from specific angles that inform the identification of specific actions in
the strategic pathways, as well as the analysis of market and policy instruments that can foster
transition process. However, the different barriers and drivers do not occur in isolation. The
existence of some barriers reinforces the pace at which other barriers develop over time. The
studies demonstrate the interconnectedness between different barriers, and that the issue of
information, economy and policy are intimately linked.

Addressing these different barriers requires the involvement of actors with different roles and
representing multiple interests and innovative form of coordination and cooperation. In
particular cases characterized by a low level of cooperation between actors and at an initial
stage of agro-ecological transition, authorities are key actors which are in position to initiate,
manage and direct governance networks towards the agro-ecological pathways. In addition,
charismatic farmers, advisors and NGOs, are also important when the network is new and
subject to change, multi-stakeholder hubs are the core of more mature and stable networks

 Agroecology; Farming for a better Future :

We need a paradigm shift in the way food is produced in the world. This is recognised by the
United Nations’ organisation for food and agriculture (FAO) and by numerous other agencies
and scientists. And is underscored by the current health crisis the world is battling and its
impacts on our food supply chains.

It is not viable to put our faith solely in technological innovation to save the day, however
tempting. We will undoubtedly benefit from technological advances and we will need to
harness the potential of new machinery and digitalisation for people and planet. But the main
innovation needed is social and knowledge-based.

The industrial farming model is not fit for purpose. Its insatiable use of finite resources, its
countless adverse impacts on the health of humans and ecosystems and its dependence on
fossil fuels and chemical inputs render it fundamentally unsustainable. And it cannot be fixed
by some tweaks in the margins and better technology. An essentially different paradigm for
how we think about farming is urgently needed. And this could well be agro-ecology.

Agro-ecology is not any particular production system, but rather an approach that relies on,
and maximises, ecological processes to support production systems; it is a way of thinking
holistically about agronomy, ecology and biology. To produce food in harmony with nature,
not against it.

Agroecology is a good answer to the countless environmental issues emanating from the food
we eat. In an agroecological future, we would also naturally eat more healthily. We would eat
more plant-based foods and less but better meat, seafood, eggs and dairy. This would,
simultaneously, counter environmental degradation and the many diet-related non-
communicable diseases (cardiovascular diseases, obesity, diabetes, different types of cancer)
on the rise in the EU and in the world.

Transition to agro-ecology worldwide can also improve our food security. Research has
shown that Europe can feed itself based on fully agro-ecological agriculture, on the condition
that we shift towards healthier, more plant-based diets. In developing countries, moving
towards agro-ecology could actually increase yields and contribute to climate change
adaptation. In addition, moving towards a food system that had a positive ecological footprint
can benefit our health, by reducing pollution and reducing the risk of new diseases.

Apart from generating a higher farm income, one study found that agro-ecological farms
“also provide more employment per hectare (thus supporting regional economies), use less

fossil fuel and make positive contributions towards the maintenance of scenic landscapes and
biodiversity”, the latter benefiting tourism (Agroecology; farming for better future , 2020).


 Agroecology Info Pool. (2019, September 10). Historical Perspective | Agroecology

Info Pool. Agroecology Info Pool | an Initiative by Biovision.
 Altieri, M.A., (1994). Biodiversity and Pest Management in Agroecosystems.
Haworth Press, New York, 185 pp.
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