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Fill in the blanks.

1. An antibiotic is a chemical compound that kills bacteria or slows their growth. They a_ _  used as
medi_ _ _ _ to treat and cu_ _ diseases caused by bact_ _ _ _.The fi_ _ _ antibiotic disco_ _ _ _ _ was
Penicillin, a nat _ _ _ _ antibiotic prod_ _ _ _ by a fungus. Production o_ antibiotics first be_ _ _ in
1939, a_ _ in the mod_ _ _ day, they are ma_ _ by chem_ _ _ _ synthesis. Antibiotics can not be
used to treat viruses.
2. Johannes Gutenberg introduced the concept of movable type and the printing press to
While th_ _may not so_ _ _ like a big deal at f_ _ _, the printing press is of_ _ _ considered
as the mo_ _ important inve_ _ _ _ _in mod_ _ _times. Think about how imp0_ _ _ _ _
information is to_ _ _. Without bo_ _ _ and comp_ _ _ _ _ you wouldn’t be able to le_ _ _ to
pa_ _ on information or to sh_ _ _ scientific disco_ _ _ _ _ _. Prior to Gutenberg
introducing the printing press, making a book was a laborious process in Europe.
3. Birds of prey have been treated very differently over the years. For exa_ _ _ _ during the
Middle Ages, red kites were hig_ _ _valued. As scavengers, they hel_ _ _ to keep the str_ _
__ of London and ot_ _ _ towns cl_ _ _ of waste. However, atti_ _ _ _ _ towards red kites
and ot_ _ _ birds of prey cha_ _ _ _in the 16th cen_ _ _  _,
when a se_ _ _ _ of laws encou_ _ _ _ _ people to ki_ _ them as vermin. It wasn’t until 1954
that new laws were passed to make it illegal to kill birds of prey.
4. Did you know owls are a symbol of learning? Libraries and books_ _ _ _ _ sometimes use
pict_ _ _ _ of owls to repr_ _ _ _ _ reading or wis_ _ _. Maybe this is bec_ _ _ _ owls can see
in the da_ _, dete_ _ _ _ _ things that oth_ _ _ can’t see. They are sil_ _ _, quick and ke_ _ to
thems_ _ _ _ _. They some_ _ _ _ _have a watchful, thou_ _ _ _ _ look. Owls can’t really
read, but they are smart.
5. Toy Story is a 1995 American animated movie. It w_ _ the first Pixar anim_ _ _ _ _ movie.
Pixar ma_ _ the movie Whi_ _ _ Disney packaged it and so_ _ the reels of the mo _ _ _ to
movie Thea_ _ _ _. It was rele_ _ _ _ on November 22, 1995. It was the fi_ _ _ animated
mo_ _ _ to be compl_ _ _ _ _ done with comp_ _ _ _ _ instead of hand-drawn anima_ _ _ _ _.
Toy story has three seq_ _ _ _, Toy Story 2 released in 1999, Toy Story 3 released in 2010
and “Toy Story 4” released in 2019.

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