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1st TERM EXAM 2022
Student’s Name: __________________________ Date: ____________________________
Invigilator’s Sign___________________ TIME ALLOWED: 3 Hours

Objective Marks Subjective Marks Total Marks Obtained Marks

19 56 75
Q.1 Circle the correct option i.e. A/B/C/D. Each part carries (01) mark.
Chose the correct form of verb from the options and fill the bubbles: (05)
i. You __________ since morning.
a. Resist b. have been resisting c. has been resisting d. resisting
ii. She ___________ her home task.
a. Was doing b. were doing c. do d. does
iii. Do you __________ to school every day?
a. goes b. going c. went d. go
iv. I already ____________ the letter.
a. post b. have posted c. posted d. have been posted
v. If you ___________, I shall be available.
a. Come b. coming c. came d. comes
Choose the word with correct spellings from the options and fill up the bubbles. (04)
i. A. proeclaim b. proclame c. proclaim d. proklaim
ii. A. Jorkand b. jocund c. jocand d. jacand
iii. A. embodement b. imbodiment c. embodiment d. embodment
iv. A. texture b. tixtire c. texcure d. taxture

Choose the correct meaning of the underlined words and fill up the bubbles. (05)
i. Word pagan means
a. believer b. disbeliever c. hard d. soft
ii. We should face it bravely. “face means”.
a. rectify b. correct c. repair d. cope with
iii. Keep up your morale. Morale means?
a. voice b. journey c. wealth d. self esteem
iv. verge means
a. ease b. edge c. rare d. hard
v. The word integrate means
b. a. secret b. join c. embellish d. decorate
Choose the correct word according to the grammar and fill in the bubbles. (05)
i. How cold the night is! This is a/an ______________ sentence.
a. assertive b. interrogative c. exclamatory d. imperative
ii. He spoke very loud. The underlined word is an adverb of __________.
a. manner b. frequency c. degree d. time
iii. He wore a turban made of silk. The underlined phrase is a ___________ phrase.
a. a. adjective b. adverb c. noun d. prepositional
iv. Who is knocking at the door? The underlined word is a/an:
a. indefinite pronoun b. demonstrative pronoun
c. interrogative pronoun d. reflexive prounun
v. Reading is my hobby. The underlined word is
a. verb b. noun c. adjective d. gerund
Q:2 Write the answers of any FIVE of the following questions. (10)
i. What type of land is Arabia?
ii. What was the first revelation?
iii. What are the qualities of a patriot?
1st TERM EXAM 2022
iv. How much confidence did Quaid-e-Azam have in his nation?
v. How did the interior of the Masjid look?
vi. What was the ideology of Pakistan in view of Quaid-e-Azam?
vii. What was the mission of the Rasool (P.B.U.H.)?
viii. How did Hazrat Asma (R.A.) console her grandfather?
Q:3 Translate any TWO of the following paragraphs into Urdu. (4,4)
The spirit of patriotism makes us stay alert in the wake of foreign invasion. In the history of Pakistan there are many
instances when people laid their lives for the defence of the country. In the wars of 1965, 1971 and the Kargil war,
many brave soldiers gave their lives in an attempt to protect the homeland.

The Blue Masjid reflects the architectural style of both Ottoman masjid and Byzentine church. Hagia Sophia, a
masjid, one of the wonders of Muslims architecture, was also kept in view as a model. The Blue Masjid even today
is considered unmatched in splendor, majesty and size.

During the perilous journey, it was difficult for anyone to supply food to Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H). The
situation was so delicate that the slightest mistake could have endangered the life of the Rasool (P.B.U.H). This
grand task was nicely undertaken by Hazrat Asma (R.A), the daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique (R.A).

Q:4 Write down the summary of the poem “Daffodils” by William Wordsworth. (05)
Explain the following stanza with reference to the context
For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

Use any FIVE of the following idioms/phrases in sentences of your own. (05)
i. A rolling stone ii. Fly away iii burning question iv. Far and wide
v. from hand to mouth vi. Give and take vi. Go through vii. By and by
Q:5 Write a Letter to your friend congratulating her on her success in exams. (08)
Write a story with the moral, The boy who cried “wolf”.
Write a dialogue between two students regarding prayers/Salah.
Q:6 Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end. (10)
     In December, 1930 Dr. Muhammad Iqbal was invited to preside over the annual meeting of All India Muslim
League at Allahabad. In his address he openly opposed the idea of welding together of Hindus and Muslims into one
nation. He declared that the move to apply one constitution to both the Hindus and Muslims would result in a civil
war. He wanted to see the Punjab, Sind, Baluchistan and the KPK, a single State for the Muslims, so that they
should live according to the teachings of Islam. We can say that Allama Iqbal was the first thinker to give us the idea
of a separate homeland for the Muslims of India i.e. partition of the Subcontinent into two sovereign states. The
Muslims soon realized the importance of the demand for two separate states. It was then adopted as the Pakistan
Resolution in 1940.
1. Where was annual meeting of the All India Muslim League held in 1930?
2. What idea did Allama Iqbal oppose?
3. Which province did he want to be included in the Muslim State?
4. On what grounds did he demand a separate state for the Muslims of India?
5. When was the Pakistan Resolution moved?
1st TERM EXAM 2022

Q:7 Translate any FIVE of the following sentences into English. (05)

‫کلرکوں نے ہڑتال کی‬

‫کئی طالب علم مباحثے میں حصہ نہیں لے رہے تھے‬

‫تم میری رائے پر نکتہ چینی نہیں کر رہے ہو۔‬

‫کیا لوگ ایک ماں سے اس قانون کے خالف احتجاج کر رہے ہوں گے ۔‬

‫کس کی تصویر بناتے رہے ہوں گے‬‫مصور پانچ ماہ سے ت‬
‫ہ م کب ھی کب ھی چ ڑی ا گھر ج اے ہ ی ں۔‬
‫ام ی دوار پرچ ہ حل کر چ ک‬
‫ے ہ ی ں۔‬
‫کیا وہ نو بجے سے سڑک کے کنارے کھڑا رہا تھا؟‬

Q:8 Change the voice of the following. (05)

i. The mother loves the children.
ii. We did not hear a sound.
iii. Why did she write such a letter?
iv. He praised the boy for his courage.
v. Why was the boy being beaten by them?

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