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REVISION TEST Project 3, Unit 6 Name: ___________________ Class: ________ Date: ____________

1) What´s the matter?

a) b) c) d)

____________________ ____________________ ___________________

_________________ e) f) g)

h) _________________ ___________________ _______________

2) Give me advice:
a) I don´t understand this book. _________________________________________
b) I haven´t got any money. _____________________________________________
c) I´m coming late. _____________________________________________________
d) My ear hurts. ______________________________________________________

3) Complete the dialogue with modals verbs:

A: What time do you start work? B: We have to be there at seven. We __________ be late.
A: _______ you _________ wear uniform? B: No, we __________ .
A: What jobs _____________ you do? B: We ___________ sweep the floor.
B: But the problem is, we __________ have lunch there, because there isn´t any canteen there,
so we ___________ take lunch from home. It´s a good idea.
A: What about Alice? Does she like that job? B: No, she doesn´t, because she __________ get up
early in the morning. She _______________ do this kind of job. It isn´t a good idea.
A: ______ she __________ sweep the floor too? B: Yes, she _________.
A: Can you smoke at work? No, we ____________. It´s prohibited.

4) What do these signs mean?

a) b) c) d)
_______________ ____________ _______________ ________________

5) Complete suggestions and answer them:

a) I´d like to do something at the weekend. __________________ visit our friends in London. ✅
b) What can we do in the evening? ______________________ we watch that new soap opera? ❎
c) It´s warm and sunny today. __________________________ to go to the beach? ❎
d) I´m terribly hungry. ______________________ having lunch at that restaurant over there? ✅

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