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REVISION TEST – Project Explore 2, Introduction + Units 1,2

Name: ______________________ Class: ___________ Date: __________________

1) What do they like doing? Doplň věty s použitím slov v závorkách:

1) Max and Lisa ____________________________________ in the sea. (enjoy / swim)
2) They ______________________________________ a car at night. (not like /drive)
3) He ________________________________________ his room. (hate /clean)
4) Our friends _______________________________________ in a balloon. (love / fly)
5) My mum ____________________________ the carpets every day. (not mind / vacuum)

2) Make plurals. Vytvoř množné číslo:

a) an egg ___________ b) a cherry ____________ c) a brush ___________
d) a mouse __________ e) a fish ______________ f) a knife ____________
g) a foot ____________ h) a child _____________ i) a person ____________

3) Complete pronouns. Doplň zájmena:

a) Šli s námi. ______ went with ______ b) Pozval ji. _____ invited ______.
c) Máme jejich knihy. _____ have got ______ books.
d) Slyšel jsem o něm. _____ heard about ______. e) Odpověděla jim. _____ answered ______.

4) Present simple or continuous? Přítomný čas prostý nebo průběhový? Doplň vhodný tvar slovesa
ze závorky:
1) Every Saturday Lucy _________________ (help) her Mum with housework.
2) I _______________________ (not swim) in the lake in this photo.
3) __________ the children always _____________ (go) home for lunch?
4) Mary ______________________ (play) with her dog in the garden now.
5) My brother ___________________ (not clean) his room on Sundays.

5) Complete the sentences in the past simple: Doplň věty slovesy v minulém čase prostém:
1. Last year we (be)______________ on holiday in the USA.
2. We (visit) _________________lots of interesting places.
3. In the evenings we (not / go) ____________________to a restaurant.
4. The weather (not / be) _________________ quite good.
5. Where ___________ you ______________ (spend) your last holiday?

6) Doplň správnou předložku:

1) ____ half past six 2) _____ 13th December 3) _____ Christmas Day 4) ____ the afternoon
5) _____ July 6) _____ winter 7) _____ Tuesday 8) _____ the weekend 9) _____ night

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