Compound Problem Solving

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Compound Problem Solving: Insights from the Workplace for Engineering


Article  in  Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice · October 2011


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Compound Problem Solving: Insights from
the Workplace for Engineering Education
Johannes Strobel1 and Rui (Celia) Pan2

Abstract: For engineering educators who incorporate real-world problems into their teaching, it is essential to understand real-world prob-
lem solving and the nature of problems for better design of the instruction. Prior research provided evidence that real-world problems involve
many stakeholders, are complex, and have multiple solutions and solution paths. The purpose of this paper is to provide additional insights
particularly into the structure/class of workplace problems and associated models of expertise. This paper describes the findings of a study
that employed a two-step process: (1) a single-case study of a steel engineer generating a model of compound problem solving and (2) a multi-
case comparison of 90 problem-solving narratives of other engineers to the single case. The study is located in a U.S. context. Results indicate
that real-world problems are intertwined problems (compound problems) and that transitions from one problem type to another within a
compound problem are a unique class of problems themselves. These transition problems have properties that are not represented in other
problem types and provide insights into expertise and expertise development in problem solving. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)EI.1943-5541
.0000047. © 2011 American Society of Civil Engineers.
CE Database subject headings: Engineering education; Engineering profession; Engineers; Management methods; Research; Publications.
Author keywords: Engineering education; Engineering profession; Engineers; Management methods; Research; Publications.

Introduction resources, optimum, and uncertainty. Jonassen et al. (2006)

provided evidence for distinct features of workplace engineering
For years, reports have validated the importance of problem solving problems, for example, that workplace problems can be solved
in the workplace. For instance, the report by Sheppard et al. (2008) in many ways, are ill-structured and complex, and success is rarely
stated that problem solving is an essential thinking skill for engi- measured solely by engineering standards. One of the most com-
neers. Professionals in any field are hired, retained, and rewarded prehensive models is Jonassen’s design theory of problem solving
for their abilities to solve workplace problems. For engineering ed- in which he described 11 different problem types mapped on a
ucation, this means a challenge to prepare students to solve real- four-dimensional scale (Jonassen 2000).
world problems. Although these problem types are helpful to classify problems,
Several instructional and educational strategies heavily utilize real-world problems, as proposed by Jonassen, are more likely to be
real problems, such as problem-based learning (PBL), project- metaproblems or compound problems containing a variety of dif-
based teaching, or service learning (Savery 2006). These ap- ferent problem types. Although there is a growing body of literature
proaches share the aspiration to integrate real-world workplace on researching differences in solving the variety of different
problems into the curriculum and face the same challenges of problem types (Uribe et al. 2003), little research provides evidence
staying abreast with new and changing roles of engineers in the for and understanding of compound problems. In addition, as
workplace. Understanding problems and problem solving in Trevelyan and Tilli (2007, p. 300) pointed out, “there are only a
the workplace is essential to better design problems for class- few accounts of the people that do engineering work and what that
rooms, better design support structures for students engaging in work actually involves.”
problem-oriented instruction, and research the effectiveness on The purpose of this research study is to provide insights on these
students’ performance and conceptual development. gaps in the literature, and it sets out to accomplish the following
Several models exist that address the categorization and unique high-level agenda:
attributes of real-world problems. Koen (2003) proposed four a. Provide evidence for the existence of compound problems and
characteristics of an engineering workplace problem: change, their attributes,
b. Research the problem-solving processes of engineers while en-
Ph.D., Director, INSPIRE, Institute for P-12 Engineering Research gaged in compound problem solving in the workplace, and
and Learning, 315 N. Grant St., West Lafayette, IN 47907; and Assistant c. Recognize a new class of skills (compound problem solving),
Professor, Engineering Education & Educational Technology, Purdue which extends existing models of expertise and expertise devel-
Univ., Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering, 701 W. Stadium Blvd., West
opment in problem solving.
Lafayette, IN 47907 (corresponding author). E-mail:
Ph.D. Student, School of Engineering Education, Purdue Univ., Neil
Armstrong Hall of Engineering, 701 W. Stadium Blvd., West Lafayette,
IN 47907. Theoretical Foundation
Note. This manuscript was submitted on November 17, 2009; approved
on July 29, 2010; published online on August 31, 2010. Discussion period Problem-based and project-based learning curricula have been
open until March 1, 2012; separate discussions must be submitted for in- implemented in numerous engineering programs, for example,
dividual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Professional Issues in biomedical engineering (LaPlaca et al. 2001) and chemical engi-
Engineering Education & Practice, Vol. 137, No. 4, October 1, 2011. neering (Cline and Powers 1997). In his framework on designing
©ASCE, ISSN 1052-3928/2011/4-215–222/$25.00. problems for a problem-based learning curriculum, Hung (2006)


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pointed out that it is crucial for the curriculum design to align
systematically (a) the nature of the problem, (b) the nature of
the skills involved, (c) the content material, (d) the goals to achieve,
and (e) the strategies to be employed. In addition, curricula face a
continuous challenge to maintain their base of problems authentic
and informed by the everyday practice of practitioners. This—
together with a systematic process of identifying attributes of work-
place problems—entails the challenge to understand the underlying
mechanism and cognitive and sociocognitive processes, which are
at work when people solve problems.

Conceptualizations of Problems and Problem Solving

Common types of problems utilized in engineering education are
well-structured problems. Well-structured problems have the
parameters specified in the problem statement; possess knowable,
correct solutions that are determined by preferred solution paths;
and apply a limited number of regular rules and principles that Fig. 1. Problem types mapped on five dimensions, on the basis of
are organized in a predictive and prescriptive arrangement (Voss Jonassen (2000)
and Post 1988). A specific form of a well-structured problem is
the story (word) problem. When learning to solve story problems
in engineering, students learn to translate relationships about un- Jonassen proposed that the individual types of problems are ar-
knowns into equations, solve the equations to find the value of chetypes and rarely occur pure, and the distinction rather serves an
the unknowns, and check the values found to see if they satisfy analytical purpose. He further postulated that real-world problems
the original problem (Rich 1960). This linear process implies that consist of a combination of many problem variations, rendering
solving problems is a procedure to be memorized, practiced, and them to be metaproblems (2000, p. 81). Yet, the attributes of these
habituated, which emphasizes obtaining the answer over obtaining metaproblems and the problem-solving skills to solve metapro-
the meaning (Wilson 1993). blems remain unclear.
Educators have historically assumed that a general (and generic)
problem-solving model is sufficient and problem-solving skills Problem-Solving Processes and Expertise
acquired through working on simple and well-defined problems
Research on classifying problem types needs to be augmented with
would easily transfer into more complex and ill-defined problem-
an understanding of the cognitive processes of problem solvers and
solving tasks (Salvucci and Anderson 2001). Not surprisingly, most a model of how an expertise in problem-solving manifests. Existing
instructional materials like textbooks utilize well-structured prob- research in workplace problem solving was conducted through a
lems because they were considered to sufficiently prepare learners close examination of an expert’s performance in solving real-world
for more ill-structured and complex problem-solving tasks. problems.
Assumptions on transferring well-defined problem solving to Expertise can be defined as “the possession of a large body of
ill-defined problem solving were challenged by a wide variety knowledge and procedural skills” (Chi et al. 1982). In recent
of researchers (for a summary, see Mayer 1998) arguing that prob- years, research in expertise has received increasing attention, most
lems vary by nature, context, constraints, and problem-solver char- of which involves studies of experts and comparison of experts’ and
acteristics (Hong et al. 2003). That is, learning to solve story novices’ performance.
problems in schools does not enable graduates to solve complex In general, experts perform better than novices in a number
and ill-structured problems. Ill-structured problems have vaguely of respects. By reviewing present studies in expertise, several
defined or unclear goals and unstated constraints; possess multiple common features of expertise can be identified across different
solutions and solution paths or no consensual agreement on the areas, such as experts’ ability to recognize similarities among sit-
appropriate solution; involve multiple criteria for evaluating solu- uations (Batra and Davis 1992; Crismond 2001), the ability to form
tions; possess no explicit means for determining appropriate actions abstract conceptualizations and decompose problems explicitly
or relationships between concepts, rules, and principles to be used; (Cross 2004), and experts’ skill at such things as perceiving large
and require learners to make judgments, express personal opinions meaningful patterns, encoding new information quickly, adapting
and choices about the nature of the problem and proposed solution decision strategies to changing task conditions, and generating a
strategies, and defend them (Jonassen 1997). holistic understanding of a problem (Cellier et al. 1997; Farrington-
Additional conceptualizations on problem solving emerged, Darby and Wilson 2006). In essence, Cross (2004) described ex-
which include several dimensions expanding the well-structured/ perts to be “ill-behaved” problem solvers, which means they can
ill-structured dimension. Mayer and Wittrock (1996) referred to adjust their skills and recall experiences to find unique solutions
ill- and well-defined and routine–nonroutine problems. By using to similar and new problems while straying from existing paths.
a multidimensional model, Jonassen’s (1997, 2000) framework It takes a long period of time to become a real expert. As
provided a taxonomy of problems with classes of attributes. The Dreyfus and Dreyfus (1986) identified, novices go through
dimensions are ill and well structured, complex and simple, situated progressive stages from novice, advanced beginner, competent,
and abstract, context dependent and context independent, and static and proficient before finally becoming an expert. Thus, the trans-
and dynamic. These five dimensions can be utilized to specify formation from novice to expert requires a great length of time; as
attributes of 11 problem variations ranging from logic problems summarized by Ericsson et al. (1993), the time required for a novice
over troubleshooting and design to dilemma problems, to name to attain exceptional performance may be over 10 years.
a few (see Fig. 1 for an illustration mapping different problem types However, the learning of expertise may be accelerated. Ericsson
on the five different dimensions). et al. (1993) claimed that deliberate practice is a key factor in


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expertise development. One example of this practice is the Participant
investigate-and-redesign (I&R) task proposed by Crismond (2001). The research participant in the single-case study was a 65-year-old
Although current research suggests that expertise is largely do- male engineer who holds a B.Sc. in Electrical and Mechanical
main specific, it is unclear if attributes of expertise apply unequivo- Engineering. After working as an electrical engineer on radar sys-
cally to compound problem solving. Similarly, it is unclear which tems in the 1960s, he switched in the 1970s to the steel industry and
role the repertoire of strategies plays for solving different problems continues to work as an independent general contractor and con-
and how experts activate and switch between strategies. Virtually sultant. His clients range from small steel mill installations to large
no studies reveal expertise in compound problem solving, and multinational corporations producing tubes and pipes as their core
because different types of problems intertwine with one another business. He is considered an expert in turnkey solutions for new
within compound problems, experts moving between various kinds steel mills, redesigning and extending existing steel mills, and trou-
of problems may utilize unique strategies. Consequently, further ble shooting systems that have severe performance problems.
research in expertise in compound problem solving is needed to
investigate whether existing knowledge in expertise could explain Data Sources
performance in compound problem solving. For the single-case study, the following data sources were utilized:
(a) design drawings, specification with documents, and contract
Purpose of the Study information; (b) 10 formal interviews and numerous informal inter-
The purpose of this study is to provide insights on these gaps in the views; and (c) informal observations during design and trouble-
literature by answering the following specific research questions: shooting sessions.
1. How do different problem variations interplay within so-called
Data Collection
compound problems?
For the first step, data were collected over the period of a year and
2. When engaged in a compound problem, how does a problem
drew from two related but different projects. In the first project, the
solver switch between the different problems and from one
installation of a large steel mill was nearly complete, though fine-
problem-solving mode required by one problem type into
tuning, troubleshooting, and assessment questions were in the fore-
another mode required by another problem type?
ground. The second project started within the second month of the
3. How can the different modes of compound problem solving
year and was focused on early-stage constraints, design issues,
contribute to/extend knowledge on expertise in problem
and goals.
During the first meetings, the researcher asked the engineer to
Methodological Framework describe in as much detail as possible what he knew about the two
projects, including goals, constraints, foreseeable problems, and
As methodological framework, the writers employed a modified possible solutions. In the remainder of the interviews, the engineer
analytic induction (Bogdan and Biklen 1992) process, a qualitative was asked to explain and walk the researcher through different
research methodology that systematically uses a set of five steps steps of the problem and to describe changes in his knowledge
to develop an inductively derived grounded theory (Strauss and about the problem, solution strategies, and solutions. The formal
Corbin 1990). The five steps include: (1) define and explain the interviews were held irregularly with the time between interviews
particular phenomenon; (2) examine the definition and explanation ranging from 3 weeks to 2 months; the interviews were each 2 to
through the data collected; (3) modify the definition and explana- 3 h in length.
tion, if new data make it necessary; (4) deliberately attempt to find During the time of the observations, the engineer was drawing,
data that may not fit the explanation/definition; and (5) repeat until reviewing drawings, making estimates, performing calculations,
the definition/explanation embraces all data and accounts for all contacting vendors and his clients, and inspecting equipment.
discrepancies. Modified analytic induction provided a methodol- During the observation periods, the engineer was prompted to
ogy for identifying themes and categories within engineering sto- describe the processes and engage in metacognitive reasoning,
ries told by practicing engineers. In the analytical induction especially in building decision and constraint trees (Johnson and
approach, data built the basis for further descriptions and interpre- Johnson 1991). The data collection in this phase also included
tations, but as the term induction indicates, the methodology did his drawings and estimates; these were later annotated. There were
not employ a theoretical empiricism, but rather was informed by three observation periods totaling approximately 5 h.
prior research. This research methodology seemed very appropriate
for answering fundamental research questions about the nature of Data Analysis
workplace problem solving. For the qualitative analysis of all the available data, the interviews
To operationalize this research, the following two steps were were transcribed. The graphical material was annotated and con-
taken: (1) a single-case study investigated problem-solving proc- nected with the interview transcripts if pertinent for the interview
esses of one engineer in two distinct problem-solving activities, topics. The observation notes were sorted and initial connections to
a design task and a trouble-shooting task, which generated a model the other forms of data were documented. To make sense of the
of compound problem solving and cumulated into a rubric to assess data, all the material was first read to develop initial coding
problem solving; (2) the model and rubric generated in the first step schemes until emerging categories were saturated (Strauss and
was applied to 90 previously documented cases of problem solving Corbin 1990), meaning no new dimensions appeared from the data.
by engineers to compare and contrast findings from the first step On the basis of the coding scheme, the data were then analyzed and
across a larger sample. coded in depth. The coding rubric was designed to establish differ-
ent problem attributes, the emergence of different problems within
Step 1: Single-Case Study
problems, and the change over time in conceptualizing the problem,
The research in the first step focused primarily on the particular determining the solution strategies, and evaluating the solution.
types of problems encountered and the processes of problem solv- The different problems were treated as multiple cases. Bertaux
ing employed by an engineer during a troubleshooting project and a noted the importance of several cases “which together help the
design project in the context of steel mills for the production of investigator understand what is called the object” (1981, p. 9).
tubes and pipes. In this study, the objects were the threefold research questions as


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previously laid out. By utilizing a multicase look at the different well-structured problem statement (specifications), the ill-
problems, several problems and problem-solving strategies were structured process of finding an acceptable solution, and the well-
compared and contrasted with one another and with the existing structured but complex procedural steps to change specifications or
conceptualizations of Jonassen (1997, 2000). measure the current state of the problem questions this classifica-
With a modified analytic induction, the multicase lenses tion. The study confirmed previous conceptualizations that the
within a single-case study design were expected to produce addi- project, even categorized as a design problem, contained many dif-
tional insights into the three research questions and facilitate the ferent other problem variations required to solve the problem in its
“bracketing” (Bogdan and Biklen 1992) of prior conceptualiza- entirety (Zeng 2002, 2004).
tions. Strauss and Corbin defined this approach as “a qualitative Another example from the troubleshooting problem at a steel
research method that uses a systematic set of procedures to develop mill (the first project) will further demonstrate this point. In this
an inductively derived grounded theory about a phenomenon” project, a steel mill has a complex performance problem. There
(1990, p. 24). is a 5 s delay when one cycle ends and the next starts. With thou-
Collecting and coding the material constituted step one of the sands of cycles per year, the economic implications of this problem
constant comparative analysis. Codes are abbreviations or symbols are considerable for the company. The current state is unclear, the
applied to a segment of words to facilitate sorting and clustering goal state is very clear (the machine should run again under similar
word segments relating to a particular topic or question (Bogdan specifications as before without the 5 s delay); the process is ill
and Biklen 1992). By using the guiding questions, the first structured (since the current state is not clear, it is not clear what
writer developed categories of information (open coding). In the the error is, and therefore not clear what solution path to take). The
open coding phase, the first writer examined the textual and visual analysis of the error is at the core of this particular problem. If we
information (transcripts and drawings) for salient categories of in- look deeper into the process of troubleshooting, we find that it is
formation supported by the text. Further, the theories were intercon- again a mix between well-structured and ill-structured problems.
nected (axial coding), a story was built that connects the categories The process of collecting data is very well structured (well-
(selective coding), and a discursive set of theoretical propositions described procedures of measuring malfunctions), the interpreta-
(with a single category as the central phenomenon in the center) tion of the data and the decisions about which direction to go from
was created to fulfill the last three steps of the comparative analysis the findings is very ill-structured. The actual solving of the problem
(Strauss and Corbin 1990). is again very well-structured (well-defined procedures of how to
In the process of analysis, a qualitative research tool (Qualrus) change parts or change actual specific settings).
was utilized to manage the data. It allowed coding of texts and The question of classification seems at first purely academic.
multimedia materials (including the drawings) and provided a There are, however, huge implications in teaching students
variety of tools in the development of theory out of data, including problem-solving skills, designing and developing problems, and
a concept-mapping tool. providing support during problem-solving activities. The project
sheds light on problem solving in the context of an expert engineer.
Results and Discussion—Model of Compound Problem Expert problem solving is often conceptualized as seeing the bigger
Solving and Rubric picture (Chaffin et al. 2003; Azevedo 1998; Sutherland 2002)
The findings of the single-case analysis can be structured into and rather conceptually than procedurally understanding a problem
different areas: (a) problem-solving processes, especially within (Wijekumar 2001; Kushniruk 2000; Ferrell-Swann 1999). This
compound problems; (b) extensions of design theory of problem study challenges the strong separation between conceptual and
solving; and (c) reflections and extensions of expertise models procedural knowledge in describing problem solving, as similarly
of problem solving. argued by Barnett and Koslowski (2002).
The two projects could be broadly categorized as (1) a trouble- As seen in the preceding findings, the design theory does not
shooting problem in the process of setting up a steel mill and adjust- make a distinction between the process and the solution. It sub-
ing the steel mill configurations for different needs and (2) a design sumes the process under the structuredness of the problem. The
process project. However, several aspects emerged that put the pre- research conducted in this study would suggest that there is a need
liminary categorization of the design problem in question, as is to make a distinction between the structure of the problem and the
shown by the following example description: The engineer in- structure of the process of solving the problem. The previously
stalled a new production line that should produce 200 steel tubes mentioned example descriptions show that problem solving of
in 20 cycles at 2 min/cycle. On the one hand, the design problem so-called ill-structured problems becomes more complex because
in this particular case is very well structured—all specifics of the it seems to be necessary to take internal transitions within a prob-
current state (need, existing production capacity) and the goal state lem (from well-structured to ill-structured) into account.
(specifics of the solution) are known. The process of solving the The research findings of the first study suggest breaking down
problem, on the other hand, looks very different: there are multiple each problem type, separating (a) the process to identify the actual
tools, processes, considerations, and decisions to find the most state, (b) the nature of the actual state, (c) the process to identify the
cost-effective and efficient solution. In summary, the problem is goal state, (d) the nature of the goal state, (e) the process of problem
very well structured whereas the process of solving it is very ill solving, (f) the determination of success, and (g) the measurement
structured. of success. The dimensions to classify problems as introduced by
For further exploration of the process of solving the problem, Jonassen (2004), structuredness, complex/simple, static/dynamic,
other differentiations have to be taken into consideration. The context (inter-) dependent, need then to be applied to the different
solving of this design problem contains several complex and ill- parts of the broken-down problem. The breakdown would support a
structured decision processes (weighing of options and forecasting clearer classification of the problem types and would provide a bet-
the impact of decisions on a wide variety of variables). The process ter analytical tool to determine switches between problem types
also contains procedural and well-structured components, like the (the emphasis of the second step in the research study, which will
measuring of values and the installation of components. In existing be subsequently described).
classifications, this problem would have been conceptualized As described in the literature review, expertise can be defined as
as ill-structured and complex. The differentiation between the “the possession of a large body of knowledge and procedural skills”


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(Chi et al. 1982). As expertise consists of general transferable and 5. The ability to shift between compound problem components is
domain-specific skills, the research presented here similarly dem- a unique skill set that needs further exploration.
onstrates that expertise is a compound mix of knowledge and pro- Findings from the single case were utilized to generate a rubric
cedural skills. Our study additionally seems to indicate that the (see Fig. 2). The rubric consisted of elements that were found from
management of different skill sets and knowledge within a project the single-case study, primarily the intertwinement of different
and the deliberate shift between one area of expertise to another are problem types (meaning the co-occurrence of multiple problem
different sets of skills and require different knowledge from the per- types within a single compound problem) and the intraproblem
forming expert. The research presented here seems to further indi- transitions in the process of problem solving.
cate that expertise does not unequivocally apply to compound
Step 2: Comparing Results with Documented
problem solving and the engineer in this step of the research study
Narratives of Engineers
utilizes unique problem-solving strategies to move between various
kinds of problems within a compound problem. The research par- In the second step, the researchers compared the findings of the
ticipant is able to work with the well-structured components of the single case to previously collected and analyzed stories of 90
problem, has the experience and the skills to put preliminary find- engineers discussing their problem-solving strategies (Center for
ings in context, and is able to decide in an ill-structured situation the Study of Problem Solving 2010). Details on the creation of the
where to go next. In summary, he seems to be able to switch seam- library and an initial analysis of the contained data can be found
lessly between the well structured and ill structured and between elsewhere (Jonassen et al. 2006). The main goal of the second step
the simple and complex components of the problem and is able was to test the findings of the single case (the research results and
to match his skills to the particular problem-solving process in the rubric) across a larger population of cases.
front of him, confirming earlier conceptualizations by Dicks et al. Process
(2005). This seamless switch seems to be a different class of Data were analyzed by primarily qualitative methods, and content
expertise. and constant comparison analyses of the results of Step 1 were
The findings of the first step can be summarized as the applied and contrasted to the data sources of Step 3 with the aid
following: of the rubric created in Step 2. In addition, descriptive statistics
1. To adequately describe workplace problems, we need to sepa- were applied to quantify the results.
rate the problem from the process of solving it;
2. Workplace problems are intertwined or compound, containing Findings and Discussions of Step 3
differently structured subproblems that require different skills As depicted in Fig. 3, the large majority of problems are intertwined
to solve; with one or more problems. Most of intertwined problem types are
3. Problem-solving expertise does include both conceptual and different from the problem in which they are embedded (label num-
procedural components; ber ending with 1). In this category, the writers classified, for ex-
4. In addition to existing models, expertise needs to be also ex- ample, an emerging decision problem within a design problem and
plained as a function of how seamless an engineer can switch a textbook problem that occurred during a troubleshooting prob-
between different compound problem types; and lem. In the remaining intertwined problems, the same problem type

Fig. 2. Rubric generated from single-case study applied to 90 interviews


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Fig. 4 provides insight into one dimension in which one can
map different compound problems: the transition between different
problem-solving modes during one problem-solving activity. Only
a small number of problems in this sample of 90 interviews con-
tained a back-and-forth switch between one problem and another.
This finding is particularly surprising because earlier research
demonstrated that ill-structured problem solving often involves iter-
ation and revisiting of previous steps (Zeng 2004). A possible ex-
planation, which needs to be further tested, is that the research here
relies on narratives in the form of stories, which by nature are more
linear and not recursive. Surprisingly, the number of big deliberate
switches between different problems was rather large.
The number of big deliberate switches together with the quali-
tative data from which it is derived would also indicate that within
bigger problems, there are smaller discrete problems occurring that
follow in sequence.
An emerging finding was label D, in which the transition from
one problem to the other within the compound problem is described
as the crucial problem. Classical literature on complex and ill-
Fig. 3. Frequency of intertwined problems structured problem solving (especially designing) indicates that
problem solving means decomposing the complete problem into
subproblems of solvable size (see Simon 1999; Schön 1987;
occurred. Additionally, Fig. 3 can be interpreted that, when multi- Alexander 1979). Although this study corroborates the overall
ple problems are intertwined, it is more likely that the problems are description of the problem-solving process as previously described,
different in nature. Further research would be necessary to test the the findings especially represented by Fig. 4 would indicate that
explanation further. This research did not separately account for because of the necessary decomposition process, the diverse nature
multiple instances of the same problem in sequence, demonstrated of the subproblems, and the overall assembly of the decomposed
in the following example: When the engineer described the prob- problems into a whole, a new class of problems emerge: the tran-
sition problems. This provides a strong alignment between findings
lem as measuring success and determining solution criteria, this
from the single case and the comparisons to the 90 narratives: The
was counted as one problem, even when different measurement cri-
single case of the steel engineer (in Step 1) provided a new emerg-
teria and resulting different measurements were employed.
ing definition of expertise—the switching between different prob-
Sets of problems categorized as intertwined and different (for
lem types. As is shown in the results of the comparison of the 90
example, under label B.2) defied further classification, meaning
narratives (conducted in Step 3), 18 engineers (20% of the total 90)
that there was no detectable pattern/similarity between individual
noticed the transition between problems to the point of declaring it
sets of problems. The writers attempted to further classify and
a problem by itself. Further research is necessary to shed light on
would have ended up with 80 different combinations or sets of the expertise level of the engineers that demonstrated more struggle
different problem types, taking especially the goal, process, and and higher success with transition problems and how to adequately
structure of the problem into consideration. The findings would in- address them in the design and utilization of problems in education.
dicate that during the process of problem solving, new compound
problem variations emerge that seem to have unique features and Extension of Expertise Models in Problem Solving
attributes that are hard to compare to one another.
Defining problems as compound problems has numerous implica-
tions for defining expertise and expertise development with regard
to problem solving. Seamless transitions between different problem
types and the shift into different problem-solving modes within
a particular compound problem seem to be an important skill
set. Although research acknowledges that experts refer to a larger
reservoir of prior experience of problem-solving examples (Mayer
1998), this research indicates that past experience might have
multiple components: (a) large picture of the problem to be solved,
(b) different procedures and techniques to be activated, and
(c) mechanisms to evaluate, decide, and meaningfully switch/
transition between different techniques and thought processes.
Further, the recognition of transition or interface problems that
occur when moving from one problem-solving mode into another
during a problem-solving process are problems that are under-
researched and need further extensions, particularly when it comes
to expertise and competency development.
Implications for the Teaching of Problem Solving in
Engineering Education
This study has numerous implications for the teaching of problem
solving in engineering. Research provided here reinforces earlier
Fig. 4. Frequency of types of transitions
calls for more authentic problems and authentic problem solving


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in engineering classrooms. It seems particularly hard to design for References
the classroom problems with the same complexity and compound
nature as the problems in this study. By extending the notion of Alexander, C. (1979). The timeless way of building, Oxford University
Press, New York.
problem solving, particularly in the context of compound problems,
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thinking processes and in reflecting on the constraints of his work. Chaffin, R., Imreh, G., Lemieux, A. F., and Chen, C. (2003). “‘Seeing the
If further research wants to utilize the methodologies of this study big picture’: Piano practice as expert problem solving.” Music Percept.,
20(4), 465–490.
for different case studies, other elicitation methods need to be con-
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of problem solving and the accompanying model of expertise have
designers doing constrained and scaffolded design work.” J. Res.
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instruction, particularly into creation of PBL curriculum. Cross, N. (2004). “Expertise in design: An overview.” Des. Stud.,
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There are several conclusions that can be drawn from the data. and G. Richards, eds., Association for the Advancement of Computing
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the design process affords. Further translational research is neces- Hong, N. S., Jonassen, D. H., and McGee, S. (2003). “Predictors of well-
sary to fully integrate the research findings of this study into the structured and ill-structured problem solving in an astronomy simula-
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This research was partly funded by the National Science 78(1–3), 3–26.
Foundation (NSF-0350305) (PI: David Jonassen) as part of the Jonassen, D. H. (1997). “Instructional design models for well-structured
and ill-structured problem-solving learning outcomes.” Educ. Technol.
activities of the Center for the Study of Problem Solving at the
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University of Missouri, Columbia. Additional funding was pro- Jonassen, D. H. (2000). “Toward a design theory of problem solving.”
vided by FRDP Funding, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada Educ. Technol. Res. Dev., 48(4), 63–85.
(PI: Johannes Strobel) and a PRF grant at Purdue University Jonassen, D. H. (2004). Learning to solve problems: An instructional
(PI: Johannes Strobel). design guide, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.


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