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ECE 213: Electric Circuit Analysis I

10 points Exam 3A, Summer 23 NAME:

Show legible, clear, coherent, and meaningful analysis to receive at least partial credit.
Open the following link and select chapter 6, then watch the step by step solution using problem solving videos :
1- (1 Point) For the circuit below, the voltage across the 5 micro-Farad capacitor is given on the right. Determine the
waveform for the current in the capacitor for the first 10 microseconds.

2- (1 point) For the circuit below, the current i(t) is given to the left. Sketch the inductor voltage for the first
6 ms.

/4 1 06/21/2023
ECE 213: Electric Circuit Analysis I
10 points Exam 3A, Summer 23 NAME:
3- (2 points)The waveform for the current flowing through the 10-μF capacitor in Fig. a is shown in
Figure b. If υc (t=0) = 1V, determine υc(t) at t= 1ms, 3ms, 4ms, and 5ms.

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ECE 213: Electric Circuit Analysis I
10 points Exam 3A, Summer 23 NAME:

4- (1 point) Calculate the energy stored in the capacitor and in the inductor given below.

5- (1 Point) In the following network, calculate the value of the capacitor if the energy stored in the capacitor
equals the energy stored in the inductor.

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ECE 213: Electric Circuit Analysis I
10 points Exam 3A, Summer 23 NAME:

6- (2 Points) The total energy stored in the circuit below is 120 mJ. Calculate the energy stored in the capacitor.
Then, find the value of L.

6- (2 Points) Calculate the value of L in the following circuit so that the total inductance will be 2 mH

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ECE 213: Electric Circuit Analysis I
10 points Exam 3A, Summer 23 NAME:

 By signing below & handing in the solution to this exam, you are attesting that you have
neither given nor received assistance regarding this exam from anyone. Signature:

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