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Oriainal Research


Prospective Risk-Adjusted Morbidity

and Mortality Outcome Analysis After
Therapeutic Bronchoscopic Procedures*
Results of a Multi-institutional Outcomes Database
Armin Emst, MD, FCCP; Michael S i m MD, ~ FCCP; David Ost, MD, FCCP;
Yaron Goldman, MD; and Felix J. F. Herth, MD, FCCP

Introduction: Interest in databases is growing to allow for outcomes research, assess health-care
quality, and determine best practices and resource docation, and they are increasinglyconsidered as
a tool to potentially tie reimbursement to outcome parameters. Little is known about resource use
and risk-adjusted morbidity and mortality after therapeutic bronchoscopic interventions.
Methoda: Data were extracted and reviewed from an ongoing prospective, multi-institutional
outcomes database for therapeutic bronchoscopic interventions.AU consecutive patients are entered
into this database, and information on demographics, indications, procedures and anesthesia,
comorbidities and general health status, urgency of intervention, morbidity and mortality to 30 days,
increase in levels of care, and procedural resources is documented.
Rerru2f.s: From December 2005 to May 2007,554 therapeutic procedures were performed in four
hospitals. Most procedures were done under general anesthesia (n = 362)and rigid bronchoscopy
(n = 483), and the most common intervention was airway stent placement (n = 258). Forty-two
percent of procedures were done urgently or emergently. Complications were common (19.8%),and
3O-day mortality was 7.8%,correlating with underlying health status and urgency of intervention.
Discussion: Prospective and ongoing data analysis for bronchoscopic procedures is feasible and
valuable. Risk-adjusted and disease-specific outcomes can be documented and potentially used for
quality assessment,benchmarking, and quality improvement initiatives. Appropriate use of resources
and effect of interventionscan be documented. Extending the number of participating centers as well
as inclusion of quality of life tools and technical success are the next steps.
(CHEST2008; 134:514519)

Key words: bronchoscopy; complications; interventional pulmonology; outcomes

Abbreviations:ASA = American Society of Anesthesiologists; CI = confidence interval; OR = odds ratio

nterest in the use of medical databases or patient Well-designed databases allow for population-based
Ito collect
registries is increasing rapidly. Databases are used
information in a structured fashion and can
research and determination of best practices (best
results with the use of the least resources necessary)?
be used in many different ways, all depending on the Participating in trials and outcomes databases is cred-
intended use of the collected information. Most ited with decreasing morbidity and mortality after
frequently, data are collected on medical and surgi- surgical procedures by identifying outliers and offering
cal outcomes as well as adherence to guidelines and support for improving performance.7.8
resource use.14 Patient registries allow for outcomes With the increase of health-care spending moving
assessment from the natural progression of disease to into the public eye and the forefront of discussions,
assessing success (or lack thereof) of medical or there is also an increased interest in tying reimburse-
device-based and surgical interventions. Databases ment to performance or value.QJ0An often quoted
are not clinical trials with fxed inclusion and exclu- database is the outcomes database maintained by the
sion criteria, and they do not have control groups. Society of Thoracic Surgery, which has been used to

514 Original Research

clearly demonstrate resource use and risk-adjusted For this study, outcomes data from December 2005 to May
outcomes,11-*4 which was in the end also used to 2007 were analyzed. The data collected included patient demo-
graphics (deidentified), indication for the procedure, timing, and
positively affect reimbursement negotiations.
all details of the procedure performed. Comorbidities are docu-
Bronchoscopy is one of the most commonly per- mented as well as preprocedure general health status and anesthesia
formed procedures in the United States. Interest in risk. All intraoperative and postoperative complications or increased
therapeutic interventions is growing and could ex- levels of care are documented to 30 days. Additionally, prncedural
pand exponentially if, for example, endoscopic lung detail including time required, anesthesia used, and staff involved is
volume reduction or endoscopic asthma treatment collected to estimate effort and resources going into specific proce-
will prove to be beneficial and clinically available. dures. All procedures were entered into a database (Access, Mi-
Despite the very frequent use and the significant crosoft Office; Microsoft; Redmond, WA) by one individual (Y.G.).
The database form is shown in the addendum to this article.
risk associated with some of these procedures, few
recommendations regarding proper training exist,
little is known about risk-adjusted or disease-specific Statistical Methods
outcomes, and outcome benchmarks have not been Continuous variables are expressed as means and SDs. Dichot-
established. Additionally, very little is known about omous variables are summarized as simple proportions. Baseline
what resources are needed for best results. In this characteristics were analyzed using two-sample t tests for contin-
article, we present a multi-institutional effort to uous variables and Fisher exact test for categorical variables.
establish a comprehensive outcomes database for Stratified analysis was done using the Cochrane Mantel-Haenzel
test. Univariate logistic regression was used to identify risk factors
therapeutic bronchoscopic procedures. for different types of complication and their respective odds
ratios (ORs). For each type of complication, a separate univariate
analysis was performed. Multivariable analysis was then used to
MATERIALS AND METHODS determine the relationship between risk factors and complica-
tions. In multivariable analysis, for each type of complication,
The Interventional Pulmonology Programs at the participating only variables with a p value < 0.2 in univariate analysis were
institutions (Beth Israel Deacxmess Medical Center, Boston; Henry assessed. We used backward selection with an a of 0.05 for
Ford Hospital, Detroit; New York University Hospital, New York inclusion in the fmal model. For all statistical tests, we used a
City: and Thoraxklinik Heidelberg, Germany) maintain an ongoing, two-tailed p value < 0.05 to define statistical significance.
common prospective database on outcomes in therapeutic broncho-
scopic intewentions. The Institutional Review Boards at the partic-
ipating institutions approved the data collection. Informed consent
was waived. Data are collected prospectively and retrospectively RESULTS
reviewed. The current database was preceded by an earlier version,
which after a p-trial phase was upgraded to the currently presented From December 2005 to May 2007,554 therapeu-
database. All data-entry fields (such as complications, which in-
cluded hypoxia at < 90% saturation for > 1 min, pneumothorax,
tic bronchoscopic procedures were performed and
escalation of care, bleeding, and hypotension) were predefined and analyzed for this report (Table 1). All procedures
agreed on by the group. Similarly, all potential data-collection items were performed in the four participating institutions.
were reviewed for relevance and inclusion and agreed on by the Most data fields were filled out with very little data
group members. loss.
All submitted forms were controlled for completion before
entering into the database to ensure collection as complete as
Most procedures were performed under general
possible. No effort was made to cross check the submitted data anesthesia (n = 362) or total IV anesthesia (n = 140)
with the actual medical records at the participating institutions. rather than moderate sedation (n = 33) or deep seda-
All centers agreed to submission of all cases. tion (n = 3). Rigid bronchoscopy was most commonly
employed (n = 483) and was performed in the operat-
*From Interventional Pulmonolo and Thoracic Surgery (Drs.
Ernst and Goldman), Beth Israe Deaconess Medical Center,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; Division of Pulmonary and
ing room. The most commonly performed therapeutic
intervention was placement of airway stents (n = 258).
Critical Care Medicine (Dr. Simoff), Henry Ford Hospital, Ablative techniques included mechanical core-out with
Detroit, MI; Division of Pulmona and Critical Medicine (Dr. the rigid scope (n = la),argon plasma coagdation
Ost), New York University Hospitx New York, NY; and Pulmo-
nary and Critical Care Medicine (Dr. Herth), Thoraxklinik (n = 124), electrocautery (n = 34), and Nd-YAG laser
Heidelberg, Germany. interventions (n = 29).
The authors have no conflicts of interest relating to the contents Only a fraction of therapeutic procedures were per-
of this article to declare.
Manuscript received March 3, 2008; revision accepted April 10, formed under moderate sedation. Of the 33 proce-
2008. dures done under moderate sedation, 14 were stent
Reproduction of this article is rohibited without written permission placements. More procedures were performed for
org/misdre rints shtml).
from the American College o Chest Physicians (www.chestjoumal.
nonmalignant airway obstruction than for malignant
Correspon&nce to: A m i n Emst, MD, FCCP, Chief, Intemen- airway obstruction (n = 301 vs n = 253), and patients
tional P i t h n o ~ O g, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Har- generally were quite sick as reflected in their high
uard Medical Sc!ool, One Deaconess Ad, Deaconess 201A,
Boston, MA 0221 5; e-wmil: aernst@bidmc.hamard.edu American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) and Zubrod
DOI: 10.1378/chest.08-0580 scores and sigdicant comorbidities. Two hundred

www.chestjournal.org CHEST I 134 1 3 I SEPTEMBER, 2008 515

Table 1-Procedures and Complications There were significant differences between patients
Total Patients With
with malignant airway disease and those with benign
Procedures, Any Complication, airways disease in terms of complications. For the
Indications No. No. (%) outcome of any complication, those with an indication
Nonmalignant airway 30 1 46 (15) related to malignant disease were more likely to have
obstruction complications as compared to those with benign in&-
Postintubation tracheal stenosis 67 15 (22) cations (OR, 1.81;95% confidence interval [CI], 1.18to
Simple (web-like) 7 3 (43) 2.76; p = 0.007). Bleeding complications were also
Complex 56 12 (21)
Not recorded 4 0 (0)
more likely in those with malignant disease (OR, 4.96;
Idiopathic subglottic stenosis 41 3 (7) 95% CI, 1.49 to 16.55; p = 0.008). Hypoxia intraoper-
Involves cricoid 10 1 (10) atively was more common in those with malignant
lloes not iiivolve cricoid 31 2 (6) disease, but this did not reach statistical si@icance
Tracheoesoplvageal fistula 15 2 (13)
Malignant 11 2 (18) (OR, 1.48; 95% CI, 0.91 to 2.39; p = 0.14).
Benign 4 0 (0) Stratified analysis of other risk factors, such as tra-
Tracheomalacia 64 7 (11) cheal location (p = 0.003), diabetes (p = 0.004), and
Malignant airway obstruction 253 62 (25) COPD (p = 0.02), indicated that there was significant
By anatomic location
Tracheal involvement 93
heterogeneity of effect depending on whether or not
31 (33)
[,eft mainstem 89 25 (28) the patient had malignant or benign disease (Table 2).
Right iliainstein 124 24 (19) Similarly, for the outcome of intraoperative hypoxia
By type of airway compromise (Table 3), the effect of different risk factors varied
Endobronchial (intrinsic) 27 10 (37) based on whether or not the patient had a malignant
Extnnsic 30 8 (27)
Mixed 102
airway indication.
22 (22)
Other 94 22 (23) We therefore performed separate uriivariate (Ta-
ble 2) and multivariable logistic regression for those
with malignant airways disease and those with be-
nign airway disease to identify risk factors for com-
thirty of all procedures (n = 554; 42%) were per- plications. In multivariable analysis, among patients
formed on an urgent or emergent basis. Complications with malignant disease the variables associated with
were not infrequent. A complication was noted in 108 risk of complications were current tobacco use (OR,
of 554 of all cases (19.5%). 2.14; 95% CI, 1.28 to 5.26; p = 0.04), any diabetes

Table 2-ORs for Any Complication*

Test of Homogeneity
Variables Malignant Disease Benign Disease (Mantel-Haenzel),p Valne
Type of obstruction
Extrinsic 1.14 (0.49-2.66) 2.82 (0-22.1) 0.49
Intrinsic 1.97 (0.86-4.49) 1.17 (0.47-2.94) 0.42
Mixed 0.76 (0.42-1.38) 0.85 (0-3.51) 0.90
Location of disease
Trachea 2.08 (1.17-3.71) 0.55 (0.29-1.05) 0.003
Left mainstem 1.34 (0.75-2.41) 0.59 (0.25-1.35) 0.12
Right mainstein 0.<57(0.32-1.03) 0.50 (0.21-121) 0.80
Tobacco use
Any tobacco we 1.44 (0.71-2.89) 0.99 (0.53-1 .85) 0.44
Current tobacco use 2.38 (1.22-4.67) 0.92 (0-3.84) 0.27
Zubrod score > 2 1.46 (0.82-2.59) 0.91 (0.47-1.76) 0.30
ASA score > 2 0.78 (0.42-1.46) 0.41 (0.22-0.77) 0.16
Urgent or emergent case 1.73 (0.97-3.08) 1.39 (0.74-2.63) 0.62
Any coroiiary artery disease 0.66 (0.28-1.55) 0.79 (0.37-1.72) 0.29
Any history of congestive heart failure 0.98 (0.41-2.36) 1.25 (0.55-2.84) 0.70
Any diabetes 3.34 (1.60-7.00) 0.67 (0,31-1.45) 0.004
Any hypertension 0.31 (0.16-0.62) 0.38 (0.18-0.81) 0.71
Any COPD 1.48 (0.82-2.69) 0.56 (0.26-1.19) 0.05
Moderatelsevere COPD 1.98 (1.05-3.75) 0.56 (0.25-1.24) 0.02
Any renal failure 1.39 (0.44-4.45) 0 (0-1.47) 0.43
*Data are presented as OR (95% CI) unless otherwise indicated.

516 Original Research

Table 3-ORa for Hypoxia *
Test of Homogeneity
Variables Malignant Disease Benign Disease Coinbined (Mantel-Haenzel), p Value

Type of obstruction
Extrinsic 2.16 (1.05-4.45) 3.98 (0-19.49) 2.33 (1.18-4.58) 0.52
Intrinsic 2.16 (1.054.45) 1.98 (0.81-4.82) 2.09 (1.18-3.69) 0.88
Mixed 0.51 (0.24-1.12) 0.63 (03.90) 0.53 (0%-1.11) 0.86
Location of disease
Trachea 3.31 (1.67-6.55) 0.63 (0.31-1.29) 0.001
Left inainstem 0.95 (0.47-1.90) 0.55 (0.21-1.44) 0.77 (0.44-1.37) 0.38
Right mainstem 0.55 (0.28-1.08) 0.44 (0.15-1.23) 0.51 (0.28-0.90) 0.73
TObdccO use
Any tobacco use 1.38(0.613.10) 0.79 (0.39-1.59) 1.01 (0.59-1.71) 0.32
Current tobacco use 2.92 (1.4M.11) 0.57 (0-3.57) 2.21 (1.1M.33) 0.15
Zubrod score > 2 1.32 (0.67-2.57) 0.74 (0.341.58) 1.02(0.61-1.68) 0.27
ASA score > 2 1.17 (0.542.50) 0.39 (0.19-0.78) 0.04
Urgent or emergent case 3.36 (1.62-6.97) 1.68(0.8X3.40) 2.40 (1.45-3.97) 0.19
Any coroiiary artery disease 1.20 (0.50-2.90) 1.19 (0.54-2.65) 1.20 (0.66-2.19) 0.34
Any history of congestive 1.41 (0.55-3.62) 1.51 (0.633.62) 1.46 (0.76-2.82) 0.92
heart failure
Any diabetes 4.22 (1.93-9.29) 1.01 (0.46-2.24) 0.01
Any hypertension 0.14 (0.050.40) 0.26 (0.10-0.67) 0.20 (0.10-0.40) 0.42
Any history of COPD 2.36 (1.20-4.63) 0.71 (0.31-1.59) 0.03
Moderate-to-severe COPD 3.05 (1.51-6.16) 0.69 (0.30-1.62) 0.009
Any rend failure 2.44 (0.76-7.91) 0 (0-2.02) 1.09 (0.363.29) 0.20
*Data are presented as OR (95% CI) unless otherwise indicated.

(OR, 3.78; 95% CI, 1.65 to 8.63; p = 0.002), any Among patients with malignant disease, 30 of 185
hypertension (OR, 0.28; 95% CI, 0.13 to 0.59; patients (16%) with an ASA score > 2 died within 30
p = 0.001), and endobronchial disease (OR, 2.59; days, as compared to 0 of 68 patients with an ASA
95% CI, 1.28 to 5.26; p = 0.008). Among patients score 5 2 (risk difference, 0.16; 95% CI, 0.11 to
with benign disease, multivariable analysis indicated 0.22; p = 0.0004). Zubrod score also predicted 30-
only postintubation trachea1 stenosis (OR, 2.01; 95% day mortality (p = 0.0001). No other factors pre-
CI, 0.99 to 4.08; p = 0.05), an ASA score > 2 (OR, dicted 30-day mortality.
0.49; 95% CI, 0.25 to 0.95; p = 0.04), and any Among patients with benign disease, only Zubrod
hypertension (OR, 0.46; 95% CI, 0.21 to 1.03; score > 2 predicted 30-day mortality: 3 of 198 patients
p = 0.06) were associated with risk of complications. (1.5%)with a score < 2 died, as compared to 10 of 104
In multivariable analysis, among those with malig- patients (9.6%) with a score > 2. The ASA score did
nant disease, the variables associated with risk of not predict 30-day mortality among those with benign
hypoxia intrinsic airway obstruction (OR, 3.86; 95% disease (p = 0.39).
CI, 1.19 to 12.53; p = 0.03), tracheal involvement
(OR, 3.31; 95% CI, 1.45 to 7.57; p = 0.005), urgent
or emergent procedure (OR, 2.79; 95% CI, 1.21 to DISCUSSION
6.42; p = 0.02), moderate-to-severe COPD (OR,
4.09; 95% CI, 1.68 to 10.0; p = 0.002), diabetes (OR, In this report, we present for the first time prospec-
3.40; 95% CI, 1.24 to 9.33; p = 0.018), and hyper- tive, risk-adjusted, disease-specific outcome data for
tension (OR, 0.13; 95% CI, 0.04 to 0.39; p < 0.001) therapeutic bronchoscopic procedures across several
were associated with hypoxia. Among patients with institutions and in different countries. Our results show
benign disease, inultivariable analysis indicated only that even in experienced centers, morbidity and mor-
hypertension (OR, 0.32; 95% C1, 0.12 to 0.87; tality for therapeutic bronchoscopic interventions
p = 0.03) was associated with hypoxia. are not trivial. The patient population we encoun-
Thirty-day mortality for all patients was 43 of tered is frequently acutely ill with numerous co-
554 patients (7.8%). Of these deaths, only one was morbidities and significant predicted anesthetic
procedure related and occurred perioperatively. risk as evidenced by the high ASA scores. Not
The remainder were related to progression of surprisingly, the sicker the patient, the higher the
underlying disease. likelihood for an adverse outcome.

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A surprising finding in our study was that patients care. It has been shown that, for example, plain
with malignant and nonmalignant airway compro- procedural volume is predictive of good outcomes;
mise undergoing interventional bronchoscopic pro- but this is a model that would punish smaller institu-
cedures should not be considered as a single group, tions performing smaller volumes, even if the outcomes
but should rather be considered distinctly different were comparable. Participation in outcome databases
populations and analyzed and reported separately. and efforts to improve quality may present a more
Interestingly, we saw a higher proportion of nonma- attractive and equitable opportunity for most institu-
lignant indications for airway interventions in our tions and physicians interested in perfonning particular
cohort. This may be a reflection of the participating procedures.
centers’ dedicated interventional airway services. It This database in its current form has shortcom-
stands to argue that the number of interventions for ings. For one, only four institutions participated and
nonmalignant indications may rise even further, if all four have high-volume dedicated interventional
other procedures such as endoscopic lung volume pulmonary programs. As a reflection of this fact, a
reduction enter clinical practice. majority of patients were treated under general
Data available to date have either been retrospec- anesthesia and with the use of rigid endoscopy. It is
tively collected, addressed only the safety of single- also conceivable that the patient population was
type interventions, were a single-institution experi- sicker than is the case in many smaller programs,
ence, only included few patients, or did not go out to therefore limiting general interpretation of the re-
30 days, and most importantly did not report risk- sults. Additionally, longer-term outcomes, quality of
adjusted or disease-specific outcome^.^"-'^ In our life, functional performance, and technical success
model, multiple different interventions are collected have not been documented, limiting our ability to
prospectively, and a 30-day window was chosen to address the actual value or impact of intervention for
reflect current beliefs that procedure outcomes data the patient.
cannot just be limited to a few days perioperatively.18 We believe that for a pilot project such as this one,
A longer timeline is also reflective of institutional centers with a high volume and dedicated operators
systems of care and would more reliably detect who are motivated to participate in this effort would
problems with patient selection for the intervention best guarantee data submission and set a standard. Our
studied. next steps are to add additional centers representing
We found the time required for data collection to different practice patterns to address the outlined
be acceptable, and the data submission was near concerns. Additionally, functional and quality of life
totally complete. This represents a significant differ- parameters will be studied, as well as technical success
ence to many other reports on outcome that often for different interventions. This will derive the addi-
suffer from significant incomplete data submission, tional benefit to conduct studies about the comparative
resulting in less robust models. A solution for this value of interventions for similar indications and estab-
problem would be Web-based data submission struc- lish best practices and value for any given indication.
tured to require complete input. In conclusion, we present for the first time risk-
Overall, we find that this database has the potential adjusted and disease-specific outcome data for thera-
for multiple uses. It can be used as a quality control peutic bronchoscopy derived from a multi-institutional
instrument allowing institutions to assess their longitu- database. Interventional bronchoscopy is associated
dinal changes in perfonnance or how they compare to with significant risk and as a specialty probably more
other institutions. A database that collects information complex than frequently assumed. Risk-adjusted data
such as this one is uniquely positioned for it because it such as presented here can be used for quality assess-
provides risk-adjusted data as well as information re- ment and improvement, benchmarking, and to assess
garding resource use. If a bronchoscopist finds that resource use and allocation. A Web-based model in-
he/she varies sigdcantly from peer institutions, this cluding additional sites will be necessary to manage the
would be a signal that can be used to assess the reasons data most efficiently and to provide even more robust
and improve the quality of care. modeling.
Quality in medical care and how to improve is not
the only potential use for databases such as this one.
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