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Application Guide

Introduction ................................................................................................................................3
What is a Trend Log Object?........................................................................................................ 3
CopperCube Features ................................................................................................................. 3
CopperCube Outbound Ports ................................................................................................... 4
CopperCube Inbound Ports ..................................................................................................... 4
How Does a CopperCube Collect Data? ...................................................................................... 5
How Does a CopperCube Store Data? ......................................................................................... 5
CopperCube Data Redundancy Strategies .................................................................................. 5
Install Multiple CopperCubes on a Site ................................................................................... 5
Schedule Regular Network Backups of CopperCube Data ..................................................... 6
Schedule Regular Backups of CopperCube Data to USB Storage Devices ............................. 6
Send Data to an External SQL Database Server...................................................................... 6
Back Up Data to Kaizen Cloud Service .................................................................................... 6
Common Tasks............................................................................................................................ 7
Setting Up a New CopperCube ................................................................................................ 7
Managing CopperCube Data .................................................................................................... 7
Upgrade a CopperCube ........................................................................................................... 7
CopperCube on a BACnet Network ............................................................................................. 8
CopperCube as Ethernet Device .............................................................................................. 9
CopperCube as Regular BACnet/IP Device ............................................................................10
CopperCube as Foreign BACnet/IP Device.............................................................................11
Using enteliWEB with CopperCube ............................................................................................11
Set up CopperCube on enteliWEB ..........................................................................................12
Using Kaizen with CopperCube ..................................................................................................15
Kaizen Data Pump (KDP) Model .............................................................................................15
CopperCube Graphical User Interface (GUI) ..............................................................................16
Log in ......................................................................................................................................16
Additional Help Resources .........................................................................................................16

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Status Page ..............................................................................................................................17
Settings Menu...........................................................................................................................20
Basic Settings .........................................................................................................................20
IP Settings...............................................................................................................................23
Data Destinations ...................................................................................................................25
Sites and Device Ranges.........................................................................................................29
Backup and Restore ...............................................................................................................34
Historian Data Import .............................................................................................................38
Data Menu ................................................................................................................................42
Trend Log Management .........................................................................................................42
Diagnostic Logs ......................................................................................................................56
Site and Device Status ............................................................................................................57
Data Cleanup ..........................................................................................................................59
Kaizen Transmission Queue and SQL Connector Queue .......................................................59
Appendices ...............................................................................................................................61
Appendix A: Update Using USB Flash Drive...............................................................................61
Appendix B: Advanced Settings ..................................................................................................62
Appendix C: Archive Status Errors .............................................................................................65
Document Revision History ......................................................................................................66

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The CopperCube is an archiving device that connects to a building’s Building Automation
System (BAS) BACnet network through BACnet/IP or BACnet Ethernet protocol. The
CopperCube locates all the trend logs on the BACnet network and archives selected trend logs
on its local secure database. Users access the CopperCube’s device and archival settings on
CopperCube’s web-based interface.

This application guide describes the various archival settings on the CopperCube firmware
version 1.32 and higher, and how to manage the trend logs that are collected.

What is a Trend Log Object?

The Trend Log (TL) object collects samples that consist of a monitored object's value and a
corresponding timestamp. The samples are recorded in the internal buffer memory of the TL
object on the controller on the network.

The TL object collects the samples either periodically on a fixed time interval (polling) or it
collects a sample when a significant change in the monitored object's value has occurred (COV).
Polling trend logs on the controller can be set to a range of different polling frequencies.

To extend the TL object’s limited sample storage capacity, the data samples are transferred
from the controller’s TL memory to the CopperCube archive. Using enteliWEB software, you can
view the archived data, in increments of up to 6,000 samples. See the section about enteliWEB
for more information. Archived data can also be viewed on CopperCube’s web-based interface.

CopperCube Features
• View trend log sample data on any computer with a supported web browser or on Delta
Controls enteliWEB software.
• Supports Ethernet and BACnet/IP connections.
• Import data from Historian.
• Export a copy of the data to an external SQL database using CopperCube’s SQL
Connector option where you can run queries and reports on third-party reporting tools.
The SQL Connector supports MySQL® 5.5, SQL Server® 2008, 2014, 2015 and
PostgreSQL 9.3.
• Built-in connectivity with CopperTree Analytics Kaizen, a cloud-based energy and
building analytics software that analyzes your building’s systems for problems and
energy-saving opportunities. For more information, go to
• Auto-backup feature.

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CopperCube Outbound Ports
The CopperCube requires the following Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) ports to be

• Port 5671 (AMQP). This port uses Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) and its
destination is This port is used to send building data to
the CopperTree Vault.
• Port 443 (HTTPS). This port uses HTTP Secure protocol (HTTPS) and its destination is This port is used to send a device status heartbeat to
CopperTree Analytics every 15 minutes.
• Port 123 (NTP). The destination is one or more Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers
servicing your region of the world. The CopperCube uses NTP to obtain the current date-
time and use this time stamp for its data.
• Port 53 (DNS). The CopperCube uses Domain Name System (DNS) to resolve the IP
addresses of the servers it communicates with, primarily the CopperTree Analytics
• Port 80 (HTTP). This port uses Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to connect to the
repository servers hosting updates for the software packages in the CopperCube.

CopperCube Inbound Ports

No inbound ports need to be enabled in order for the CopperCube to perform its archival
functions. These inbound TCP ports can be set up as internal ports to allow the CopperCube
technical support team to upgrade firmware or troubleshoot technical issues using remote
control software.

• Port 22 (SSH). Used to reach the CopperCube operating system, to initiate the upgrade
and perform any additional manual adjustments.
• Port 80 (HTTP). Used to reach CopperCube user-interface to verify the post-upgrade
operation of the CopperCube.

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How Does a CopperCube Collect Data?

A CopperCube monitors TL objects and collects data at fixed time intervals. This is a polling-
type collection, even when TL objects are set up as COV.

In those cases where the TL object collects samples faster than the CopperCube is set up to
collect the data, the CopperCube is able to recalculate its collection frequency based on its
advanced setting Polled TL Max Fill Percent. By default, Polled TL Max Fill Percent is set at
80%. This means the CopperCube will attempt to collect new samples at a time interval equal to
the time it takes to fill the controller’s internal buffer to 80%.

As mentioned earlier, the CopperCube will poll the controller at fixed intervals for TL objects set
up as COV. An additional way to collect COV samples is to create an EVC9 (Notification Class)
object on the controller that sends a message asking the CopperCube to collect data when the
controller’s internal buffer is full. See Buffer Ready Enable in Appendix B for more information
about how to set up the EVC9 object and CopperCube to collect COV samples.

How Does a CopperCube Store Data?

Trend logs are stored as a series of units or “tables”, where each table contains trend samples
for a specific trend log.

CopperCube Data Redundancy Strategies

Each site should employ one or more data redundancy strategies to protect any critical data
collected by the CopperCube.

Install Multiple CopperCubes on a Site

There are many reasons why someone would install multiple CopperCubes on a single site. The
following scenarios are ones that are currently supported by Delta Controls:

• Two or more CopperCubes collecting data from the same trend log object, where the
extra CopperCube devices act as redundancies.
• Multiple CopperCubes used to collect unique data from a large number of trend log

Multiple CopperCubes and enteliWEB

It is possible for multiple CopperCubes to be connected to the same BACnet network and for
those CopperCubes to be archiving samples from the same TL object, to provide a degree of

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When you open the TL object page for a TL object that is being archived on multiple
CopperCubes, enteliWEB selects the CopperCube that has archived the most samples for that
TL object. The samples from the selected CopperCube archive are displayed on the TL object

The TL object page does not select the CopperCube based on any other criteria such as older
samples versus newer samples and it does not merge archived samples from multiple

Schedule Regular Network Backups of CopperCube Data

Set up CopperCube to back up data to a network location. You can restore data and CopperCube
settings from a network drive backup if needed.

Schedule Regular Backups of CopperCube Data to USB Storage Devices

Set up CopperCube to back up data to a local hard drive or a USB storage device. You can
restore data and CopperCube settings from a USB storage device or a local hard drive if

Send Data to an External SQL Database Server

The CopperCube can send a copy of the data to an external SQL database server using SQL
Connector. A send is automatically triggered when there is new data. A SQL backup saves the
data but you cannot restore this data back to a CopperCube. See the SQL Connector section in
this guide for more information.

The SQL Connector feature is supported by all CopperCube models

except the CopperCube Kaizen Data Pump (KDP) model.

Back Up Data to Kaizen Cloud Service

CopperTree Analytics Kaizen web service allows you to send data from a CopperCube to the
Kaizen servers. Unlike the SQL Connector, the Kaizen service accepts objects in addition to
trend logs and events. A data transfer can be scheduled to occur every week. Data received by
the Kaizen cloud server cannot be imported back into the CopperCube. See the Using Kaizen
with CopperCube section in this guide for more information.

For information about how to set up the CopperCube to send a copy of the data to CopperTree
Analytics Kaizen or to a SQL server, see the CopperCube Setup Manual, available on the Help
menu on the CopperCube’s device Status page.

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Common Tasks
Setting Up a New CopperCube
For more information about how to set up the CopperCube for the first
time, read both the CopperCube Quick Start Guide that came with the
CopperCube and the CopperCube Setup Manual PDF that is available on
the Help menu on the CopperCube’s device status page.

In general, follow these steps to set up a CopperCube:

1. Set up the IP address of the device.

2. Set up the time zone setting for the CopperCube.
3. (Optional) Set up the CopperCube to send a copy of the data to external servers if
4. Connect the CopperCube to the site or building network.
5. (Optional) Turn off Automatic Selection of All Trend Logs. Turning off automatic trend log
selection is recommended for large sites.
6. Add a BACnet site and device ranges.
7. Select specific trend logs to archive.
8. When you are satisfied with the archiving performance of the initial set up, you may want
to turn on Automatic Selection of All Trend Logs. This ensures future new devices and
trend logs are set to archive automatically.

Managing CopperCube Data

• Backup and restore data.
• Import Historian data into CopperCube.
• Restart or power off a CopperCube.
• What is the CopperCube SQL database schema?

Upgrade a CopperCube
• Upgrade your CopperCube license.
• Install firmware updates.
• Update CopperCube using USB flash drive.

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CopperCube on a BACnet Network
When a CopperCube is added to a site, you can set up 1 of the following types of network
connections for the CopperCube on the Site and Device Ranges Graphical User Interface (GUI)

• Ethernet
• BACnet/IP

When you set up an Ethernet connection type, the CopperCube communicates as an Ethernet
device on the site network.

With the BACnet/IP connection type, the CopperCube communicates either as a “regular” device
or as a foreign device, depending on its location relative to the site network. As a “regular”
device, the CopperCube is located within the local BACnet/IP network on locally-connected IP
subnets. As a foreign device, the CopperCube has a different IP subnet address from the
network it wants to join. This type of CopperCube has to register with a BACnet Broadcast
Management Device (BBMD) to receive and send forwarded broadcast data packets.


BACnet BACnet BACnet BACnet

Device Device Device Device

Figure 1: Foreign device and its relationship to a local BACnet network

For more information about building a Wide Area Network (WAN) for a
site network, read KbA 1631 WAN 101: Design Guide for Building
Controller Networks on the Delta Support web site.

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CopperCube as Ethernet Device

Site A BACnet Ethernet


BBMD List:

Wide Area
UDP Port:
Sub-Network Copper
IP x.x.x.x
IP routers omitted to
simplify diagram.

Site B

IP b.b.b.b

UDP Port:
BACnet Ethernet 47808

Figure 2: CopperCube set up as an Ethernet device on Site A’s BACnet network

In this example, the CopperCube is set up to have an Ethernet-type connection on site A. This
CopperCube is physically connected to the network and discovers trend logs on the controllers
and devices over BACnet Ethernet and indirectly on BACnet MS/TP networks.

If you want this CopperCube to also discover and archive trend logs on site B—another site on
the same WAN, the BBMDs on site A and B have to be configured to receive and send forwarded
packets to each other. This is done by adding the IP address of site B’s BBMD to the BBMD List
of Site A and vice versa.

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CopperCube as Regular BACnet/IP Device
Site A BACnet Ethernet

BBMD List:

Wide Area
UDP Port:
Sub-Network Copper
Cube IP
IP x.x.x.x
IP routers omitted to
simplify diagram.

Site B

IP b.b.b.b

UDP Port:
BACnet Ethernet 47808

Figure 3: CopperCube set up as regular BACnet/IP device on Site A's BACnet network

In this example, the CopperCube is set up to have a BACnet/IP-type connection on site A. The
BBMD on site A also has BACnet UDP/IP protocol enabled on its NET object. This CopperCube is
physically connected to the network and discovers trend logs on the controllers and devices
over BACnet/IP and indirectly on BACnet MS/TP networks.

If you want this CopperCube to also discover and archive trend logs on site B—another site on
the same WAN, the BBMDs on site A and B have to be configured to receive and send forwarded
packets to each other. This is done by adding the IP address of site B’s BBMD to the BBMD List
of Site A and vice versa. Site B’s BBMD also has BACnet UDP/IP protocol enabled on its NET

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CopperCube as Foreign BACnet/IP Device

Site A BACnet Ethernet


BBMD List:

Wide Area
UDP Port:
Sub-Network IP router omitted to simplify

IP x.x.x.x

Cube IP

Figure 4: CopperCube set up as a foreign device on a BACnet network

When you set up a foreign IP connection, the CopperCube relies on the BBMD on the site to
receive and send forwarded packets. The BBMD also has BACnet UDP/IP protocol enabled on
its NET object. This CopperCube discovers trend logs on the controllers and devices over
BACnet/IP and indirectly on BACnet MS/TP networks.

Using enteliWEB with CopperCube

enteliWEB communicates with CopperCube using the BACnet protocol to retrieve archived data
stored on the CopperCube and display them on the trend log (TL) and multitrend (MT) object
pages in enteliWEB. The MT object plots the samples for up to 8 TL objects. Trend log objects
also archive meter datapoints. For more information about datapoints, see Area and Meter
Configuration Concepts topic in the enteliWEB help.

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The diagram below shows how a CopperCube and an enteliWEB server might be installed on the
same site.

CopperCube is designed to monitor 1 site per BACnet network. Setting

up multiple sites in a single BACnet network produces communication
problems in the CopperCube.

System Laptop

Network Sensor


SQL Server

Server IP routers omitted to
CopperCube simplify diagram.


Network Sensor System

Controller BACnet Ethernet
Network (Site B)
BACnet Ethernet Ethernet Network
Network (Site A) (Site A)

Figure 5: CopperCube on a BACnet network with an enteliWEB server

Set up CopperCube on enteliWEB

Before you can view trend log data that are archived on a CopperCube or before you can import
meter data from a CopperCube, you must create a connection between enteliWEB and the

Connection with enteliWEB is not supported by the CopperCube KDP model.

1. On the CopperCube’s Graphical User Interface, add the BACnet site information and
select specific trend logs to archive.
2. On the enteliWEB Administration page in enteliWEB, in the Configuration section, click
CopperCube Configuration.
3. Click Add Connection.

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4. In the CopperCube Address field, enter the CopperCube’s IP address or DNS hostname.
5. Enter the number of the outbound TCP port used for the CopperCube. Port 443 is used
by default.
6. In the User and Password fields, enter the username and password used to log on to the
CopperCube Graphical User Interface.
7. Click Add.
8. In the Site Mappings section, map the site name created on CopperCube with the site
name on enteliWEB and click Save.

After you’ve successfully set up the CopperCube to archive trend logs, these trend logs will
display a link on their trend log pages in enteliWEB. The link opens the CopperCube status page
in your browser.

When you mouse over the link at the top of the trend log page, the IP address or DNS host name
(depending on what was used when you set up the connection) is displayed as mouse-over text.
The name displayed on the link refers to name saved in the CopperCube DEV object.

Figure 6: Link to CopperCube GUI at the top of trend log page

The number of samples that can be viewed on the trend log chart increases to 6,000 when the
trend log is archived by CopperCube. In the Sample Data section, this new maximum limit is
displayed beside the Showing Samples field name.

Figure 7: Maximum number of samples for trend log archived by CopperCube

To view more than 6,000 samples for a CopperCube archived trend log, add the trend log to a
multitrend object in enteliWEB and adjust the time span settings so that you can view trend log
samples from the past.

Archive Trend Logs

In enteliWEB 4.5 and higher, you can choose which trend logs you want to archive in
CopperCube. On each trend log object page in enteliWEB, in the Archiving Setup section, click
the Enable radio button next to the name of the CopperCube device.

For more information, see the Trend Log Object Tasks in the enteliWEB help.

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enteliWEB alerts for CopperCube
enteliWEB monitors the health of the CopperCube connection you’ve set up using a system alert
rule called the CopperCube Connection Rule. enteliWEB generates a separate alert for each
connection between enteliWEB and CopperCube. An alert is generated when the connection
fails and when the connection is restored.

Figure 8: CopperCube Connection Rule

If you need to monitor whether a CopperCube is still online, create an alert using the Device
Offline Detection Rule. An alert is generated when the BACnet Server can no longer
communicate with the device.

However, enteliWEB does not monitor the status of the archiving process. To find out the
archiving status of the trend logs, open the Trend Log Management page on the CopperCube
Graphical User Interface and filter for the trend logs you’re interested in.

The CopperCube’s device settings (like login password and time zone settings) and trend log
settings are only accessible through the CopperCube’s Graphical User Interface.

For more information about using enteliWEB with multiple CopperCubes on a site, go to the
section Multiple CopperCubes and enteliWEB in this guide.

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Using Kaizen with CopperCube

Figure 9: CopperCube and CopperTree Kaizen

CopperTree Kaizen is an analytics engine that uses data sent from the CopperCube to evaluate
a building based on energy consumption and other key system performance indicators.

To set up the CopperCube to work with Kaizen, you need to create a data connection between
CopperCube and the Kaizen Cloud server as well as assign a CopperCube to a building in

Data received by the Kaizen Cloud server cannot be imported back into
the CopperCube.

Kaizen Data Pump (KDP) Model

The CopperCube KDP model is optimized to send data to CopperTree Kaizen. There are several
differences between KDP and other CopperCube models that also support Kaizen data

• KDP handles up to 10,000 trend logs. This is larger than the Cube-XL model which
supports up to 5,000 trend logs.
• KDP has a storage capacity of 2 months, which serves as a data buffer for Kaizen
uploads and unexpected network problems or outages. The other CopperCube models
have an estimated 5 years of storage space (based on 15 minute polling sample

The KDP model does not support SQL Connector, the Historian Data Import feature, nor is it
able to connect to enteliWEB.

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CopperCube Graphical User Interface (GUI)
The settings and management tools for the CopperCube are presented in a web-based

There are 5 options on the main navigation menu.

• Status. The device status page displays information and statistics on the current status
of the device. This device status page is available to anyone who accesses the web
interface using the CopperCube’s network IP address.
• Settings. The various options available on the menu help you set up and modify device
and network settings. Back up, restore and other advanced settings are also accessible
from this menu option.
• Data. Use the options on this menu to manage your trend log data.
• Login and Logout.
• Help. Includes the CopperCube Setup Manual and additional troubleshooting tips.

Log in
In the address bar of your web browser, enter the IP address of the CopperCube on the network.
Click the Login menu or any other menu item. Enter your user name and password and click the
Login button.

Additional Help Resources

If you do not find the information you need in this guide, there are additional CopperTree
Analytics and Delta Controls resources to help you.

• Knowledgebase articles, user guides and product pages on the Delta Controls Technical
Support web site at or on the CopperTree Analytics Technical
Support web site at
• CopperCube Quick Start Guide that came with the CopperCube package
• CopperCube Setup Manual for version 1.32. A PDF version is available on the Help menu
on the CopperCube’s device status page.
• Delta Controls Customer Forum at

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Status Page

Status Page
To refresh and update the page with the latest numbers, reload the page in your web browser.

Figure 10: Device Status Page

System information
The System Information section of the device status page includes the following information:

• Current Time. The current time on the device. The time zone can be changed on the
Basic Settings page.
• Last Reset Time. The time when the CopperCube was last restarted.
• Next Backup Time. The next scheduled backup time.
• Last Backup Time. The time when the CopperCube was last backed up.
• Model. The CopperCube model type.
• Version. The firmware version that is installed on the CopperCube.

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Hardware status
The Hardware Status displays the list of conditions being monitored by the CopperCube.
The overall health of these conditions is indicated by a large box on the left side of the status

Green indicates that there are no issues with the CopperCube.

Yellow indicates there are issues that may require attention.

Red indicates there are issues that require user intervention.

The box will change color to yellow or red if any one of the smaller boxes in the table turns
yellow or red.

• Archiving Status. Displays the current status of the archiving process in the
CopperCube. The 3 common status types are: initializing, running or stopped.
• CPU Usage. Displays how much of the CopperCube’s CPU processor is being used.
• Memory Usage. Indicates the amount of internal memory being used as a percentage
of its total memory.
• Storage Usage. Indicates the amount of space being used on the CopperCube’s internal
hard drive as a percentage of the total data storage capacity.
• Remaining Storage. This is an estimate of the amount of space available on the
CopperCube in months and years based on the amount of free space and the monthly
trend log collection rate.
The CopperCube stops archiving when 90% of the total storage capacity
has been used.

Archiver queues
The Archiver Queues displays the number of trend logs (items) by their current trend status:

• Active/Scheduled. This is the number of trend logs that are actively archived or are
scheduled to be archived. These trend logs do not include ones that are in error or are
• Excluded Due to Errors. This is the number of trend logs that are in error and are not
being archived.

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Status Page

• Delayed/Currently Offline. This is the number of trend logs that are offline or that are
experiencing a delay in being archived.
• Newly Discovered. Displays the number of trend logs that have never been archived
which the CopperCube has recently discovered.
When you add a new device to the CopperCube device range, the number of newly
discovered trend logs goes up quickly and then decreases back to zero once these new
trend logs are archived.

Connector statistics
Actively archived trend logs can be copied to an external SQL server or the Kaizen cloud server.
The Connector Statistics section tracks the movement of trend logs, BACnet objects and events
sent to these external servers for the current day.

If you have not set up your trend logs to be copied to an external server
destination, you will only see zeroes or “N/A” in this table.

The number in the brackets is the number of retries that happened during the transmission
process. If the number of retries is significantly high, it may indicate a network communication
issue at the site.

• Trends Logs Today. Displays the present-day number of trend log units sent to the
external servers. Each unit contains 4 hours of trend log samples, which is the default.
For example, a CopperCube with 5,000 trend logs at a 4-hour collection schedule (6
collections daily) sends 5,000 x 6 = 30,000 units daily.
• Object Today. Objects include trend logs and other BACnet objects that get sent to the
server for analysis. This number should not exceed 50,000 a day.
• Events Today. Displays the present-day number of events that occur on devices and
controllers that are being archived and that are being sent to the servers. A high number
may be a sign of BACnet site or controller problems.
• Backups Today. Displays the present-day number of backups on devices and
controllers that are being archived and that are being sent to the servers.

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Settings Menu
This section describes the functions available on the Settings navigation menu.

You need to log onto the CopperCube Graphic User Interface to access the options on the
Settings menu.

To find out how to set up the CopperCube for the first time, read the
CopperCube Quick Start Guide that came with the CopperCube package
and the CopperCube Setup Manual PDF that is available on the Help
menu on the CopperCube’s device status page.

Basic Settings
The Basic Settings page allows you to set up or change the CopperCube general device settings.

To open the Basic Settings page, on the Settings menu, select Basic Settings.

Changing the device time settings

Selecting the site’s time zone on the CopperCube ensures the CopperCube tasks are scheduled
at the correct times.

1. Under the Time Settings section, select the time zone of your site or building.
2. If you are using a specific Network Time Protocol (NTP) server, enter the address of your
time server in the NTP Server field. The default NTP server is
3. Click Update Time Zone. The CopperCube needs to be rebooted.
You may need to log back into the Graphic User Interface to complete the reboot.
Changing the device time settings does not change the time stamp on the
trend logs.

Changing device password

This procedure describes how to change the login password. Note: you cannot change the
default user name “partner”.

1. Under the Change Password section, enter your new device password in each of the
2 fields. The password has to be more than 4 characters in length.
2. Click Update Password to save changes.

You do not have to refresh your browser.

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Settings Menu

Adding or changing the logo on the Graphic User Interface

The logo appears at the top of each page in the Graphic User Interface.

1. Under the Change Header Logo section, click Browse to navigate to the new logo file on
your computer.
2. Click Update Logo to save your changes.

Updating the CopperCube

This procedure describes how to set up the CopperCube so that it automatically downloads and
installs firmware updates over the Internet. In this way, all critical fixes will be automatically
installed as soon as these fixes are released.

1. Under the System Updates section, select the box beside Turn On Automatic Update.
2. Set the day and time to check for new updates.
3. Click Set Auto-Update Schedule to save changes.
The CopperCube contacts the update server at on TCP port
80 (http).

If you want to choose when to check for updates, make sure the box beside Turn On Automatic
Update is not selected and when you are ready, click the Check Now button to check for any
updates. If there are any updates, you will see an Update Now button.

When an update is complete, the CopperCube plays the second half of a familiar tune and then
the device will restart automatically.

To find out how to update the CopperCube using an update file on a USB flash drive, see
Appendix A: Update Using USB Flash Drive.

Restarting or shutting down the CopperCube

To restart the CopperCube, in the Restart or Shutdown CopperCube section, click Restart.

To power down the CopperCube, in the Restart or Shutdown CopperCube section, click

When you power down the CopperCube using the Shutdown button, the
only way to turn on the device again is to manually press the power
button on the CopperCube.

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Loading a license file (firmware version 1.20 or higher only)
Use this section to replace the current license on the CopperCube with a new one.

Kaizen Data Pump (Cube-KDP) License

To purchase a CopperCube Kaizen Data Pump (Cube-KDP) license, go to
the Delta Controls License Management Portal and order a new
Cube-KDP license on a new CopperCube device. You cannot replace any
non-KDP CopperCube license with a Cube-KDP license.

However, Cube-KDP licenses can be replaced with CopperCube Extra

Large (Cube-XL) licenses. With the Cube-XL license, sites collect 5,000
trend logs instead of 10,000. To continue to collect 10,000 trend logs,
purchase another CopperCube device with a Cube-XL license.

1. Find and record the CopperCube’s hardware serial number located at the back of the

Figure 11: CopperCube's hardware serial number located at the back of the CopperCube

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The serial number is also displayed on the Basic Settings page, on the top left corner.

Figure 12: Serial number on the Basic Settings page (indicated by red box)

2. Order a new license file by contacting Delta Controls RMA Service Department or by
using the Delta Controls License Management Portal. You will need the hardware serial
number to upgrade a license.
3. When you have the new license .LIC file, go to the Basic Settings page and in the License
Information section, click Choose File. Browse to the location of the new .LIC file on your
computer. Do not rename or modify this file.
4. Click Load License to upload the new .LIC file to the CopperCube.

IP Settings
The IP Settings page allows you to set up or change the network settings associated with the
CopperCube’s 2 Ethernet ports LAN 1 and LAN 2.

The CopperCube relies on LAN 1 as the default routing path for remote IP services, like
CopperTree Kaizen, SQL server, CopperCube firmware updates, and backup and restore on the

BACnet/IP device communication is supported on LAN 1 or LAN 2 as long as the site is set up on
the CopperCube Site page to use that port’s IP address.

As shipped from the factory, port LAN 2 uses Bonjour / zero configuration networking protocol
and has the following factory settings:

• IP address
• Subnet Mask
• Network
• Broadcast

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Use the LAN 2 factory static IP address to access the CopperCube Graphic User Interface and
set up the CopperCube for the first time. After the setup is complete, LAN 2 settings can be
modified to connect to BACnet subnetworks within the site. When you set up a connection
between CopperCube and enteliWEB, the LAN 1 and LAN 2 IP addresses are displayed in
enteliWEB on the CopperCube’s DEV object page.

To open the IP Settings page, on the Settings menu, select IP Settings.

Setting up LAN 1 IP address for the first time

1. Connect your computer to the CopperCube’s LAN 2 ethernet port. Enter the static IP
address for LAN 2 in the address bar of your computer’s Internet browser
to open the CopperCube’s Graphic User Interface page.
2. Add the IP settings for LAN 1 by following the procedure below.

Adding or Changing the IP settings for LAN 1 or LAN 2

1. Enter the network information provided by the site or building IT team for the
CopperCube in the IP Settings fields:
• Use DHCP. For LAN 1, if your site uses Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
(DHCP), check this box and record the IP address that appears in the IP Address
field below. Once this box is selected, all other IP setting fields are grayed out
and you do not need to complete them.
• IP Address. To assign a static address, make sure the Use DHCP box is
unchecked and enter the static IP address in this field.
• Subnet Mask. Enter your network's subnet mask. This field is required if you are
entering a static IP address.
• Gateway IP Address. Enter the CopperCube default gateway address in LAN 1. If
needed by your site, enter the IP address in LAN 2 used to connect the
CopperCube to a local BACnet subnetwork or local SQL server.
• DNS Server. For LAN 1, enter the DNS Server address.

The Network and Broadcast fields are automatically completed based on the network
information you've provided.

2. Click Update and wait for the CopperCube to apply the new settings. This may take some
time and will require a CopperCube reboot.

3. If you had established a connection between the CopperCube and enteliWEB using the
previous IP address, you need to go to enteliWEB to update the connection with the new
IP address.

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Returning the CopperCube network settings to factory state

In version 1.31 and higher, you can reset the LAN 1 and LAN 2 settings using the following

1. On your computer, on a FAT32 formatted USB flash drive, create a new empty TXT file
and name it Restore_Factory_Default_Network_Settings.txt. This file should be saved to
the root folder.
2. Remove all USB flash drives on the CopperCube.
3. Plug the USB flash drive into the CopperCube. The reset process begins immediately
and will reboot the CopperCube when it is completed.

The LAN 1 port settings should now be cleared and left blank. The LAN 2 default settings are
listed in the IP Settings section.

Data Destinations
The CopperCube archives data internally within the device. The CopperCube can also send a
copy of the data to CopperTree Kaizen and/or to a SQL database. The SQL Connector is available
as a separate purchased option on your CopperCube.

For information about how to set up the CopperCube to send a copy of the data to CopperTree
Kaizen or to a SQL server, see the CopperCube Setup Manual, available on the Help menu on
the CopperCube’s device Status page.

SQL Connector

Database Database
Trend Logs Trend Logs
Events Events

with SQL SQL Server

BACnet Ethernet

Figure 13: CopperCube SQL connector and SQL server

The SQL Connector enables you to move a copy of the CopperCube data to an external SQL
server on the site’s Ethernet network. This external SQL server can act as a redundancy or
integrate with other systems to generate custom reporting and analysis.

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If a SQL Connector trial license is available, enabling the SQL Connection option in CopperCube
will start the trial. The SQL Connector option will be disabled at the end of the 30-day trial
period if you choose not to purchase an additional SQL Connector license, and the SQL
Connector data transmission will cease.

The SQL Connector supports MySQL® 5.5, SQL Server® 2008, 2014, 2015 and PostgreSQL 9.3.

If you are setting up the SQL database to work with the CopperCube SQL
Connector, make sure the SQL database login account used by the SQL
Connector has permissions to read, write and create tables.

If you delete the data on the CopperCube after moving a copy of the same
data to an external SQL server, enteliWEB will not be able to access the
data on the SQL server. However, third-party software is available to
analyze this SQL database and generate reports.

SQL Connector Limitations

The SQL Connector method of sending CopperCube data is limited by these factors:

• Data must adhere to a specific database schema.

• No objects are sent as part of the data transfer. Only trend log and event data are sent to
the external SQL server.
• Only supports transfer to a single destination server.
• The SQL Connector feature is not available on the CopperCube KDP model.

SQL Database Schema

This section describes the schema of the SQL database.

The CopperCube SQL Connector creates 2 tables for every trend log: TL table contains the trend
log samples and TL error which contains miscellaneous entries.

TL Table

The TL table name follows this naming convention: sitename_device_tl#, where sitename
is the name of the CopperCube site, device is the number of the controller or device that is the
source of the trend log sample, and tl# is the trend log number. In the screen capture below,
an example of a TL table is highlighted in yellow on the left: yvr is the site name, 10002 is the
device number and tl1 is the trend log number. In the TL table, each row corresponds to a
single sample. The data columns for each sample are Sequence Number, Timestamp and
Value. (Screen capture does not display the sequence number column.)

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Figure 14: TL table in SQL database

When the site name changes, the tables that use the old site name will
not be updated. Instead, tables using the new site name are created.
Samples are then collected using the new table.

TL Error Table

The TL Error table contains status and error conditions based on data type.

The TL Error table name follows this naming convention: sitename_device_tl#_err, where
sitename is the name of the CopperCube site, device is the controller or device number that
is the source of the trend log sample, and tl# is the trend log number. err is a suffix for all
error tables.

In the TL Error table, each row corresponds to a single sample. The data columns for each
sample are Sequence Number, Timestamp, Value and Type.

Figure 15: TL Error table in SQL database

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Database Database
Trend Logs Trend Logs
Events Events
Objects Objects


BACnet Ethernet

Figure 16: Database transfer between CopperCube and CopperTree Kaizen

Go to the section Using Kaizen with CopperCube for more information.

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Settings Menu

Sites and Device Ranges

The Site and Device Ranges page allows you to define device number ranges within the BACnet
network from which the CopperCube will collect trend log data and objects.

To open the Site and Device Ranges page, on the Settings menu, select Sites and Device

What is a site?
A site is defined as a set of uniquely numbered BACnet devices which communicate using only
the BACnet protocol. A site usually contains an Ethernet backbone with several MS/TP sub-
networks. The trend log data collected on a site is saved internally on the CopperCube. The data
can also be copied to a Kaizen or SQL server. You can add multiple BACnet sites on the same
CopperCube but each site has to have a unique connection to a BACnet network.

The site name is a unique name on your CopperCube with a unique range
of devices. The name should be kept as short as possible as this data is
stored repeatedly in the database.
With firmware 1.21 and higher, UTF-8 characters are supported.
However, when using UTF-8 characters, site names must start with one
of characters between A and Z, a and z, or the underscore character.
After the first character any UTF-8 character can be used except the
space character.

When setting up a building in CopperTree Kaizen to receive the data from

the CopperCube, this site name needs to be entered as an exact match. It
is recommended that you avoid using spaces and extra capitals in the
site name.

What is a device range?

A device range is defined by a range of device BACnet addresses (referred to as device
numbers on the CopperCube GUI). The CopperCube only monitors trend logs defined by the
device inclusion ranges. Trend logs outside of these inclusion ranges and those that are part of
device exclusion ranges do not appear on the Trend Log Management page.

In firmware version 1.32 and higher, basic device discovery using Who-Is requests are
restricted to devices inside of the inclusion range.

The CopperCube automatically excludes Historian, Operator Workstations (OWS), and


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Site size matters
You should consider the size of your site when creating device ranges. The enteliWEB
Deployment Planning Guide defines site sizes in the following way:

Site Size Number of BACnet Number of I/O Points Peak Simultaneous

Networks Users
Small 1 Up to 500 3
Medium 1 501-2,500 5
Large 2 or more 2,501-10,000 More than 5

For small to medium sites, Delta recommends creating a single device inclusion range made up
of wildcard values (*) in the device and trend log # fields. The CopperCube monitors all devices
and trend logs.

For large sites with many network segments and third-party devices, Delta recommends
creating specific device inclusion ranges. The CopperCube does not discover devices omitted
from the inclusion ranges, and allows the CopperCube to perform better in a busy network.

If you are using multiple CopperCubes for a large site, try to evenly distribute the device ranges
between the CopperCubes so that you do not exceed your trend log limit.

Figure 17: Trend Log Archive Setting page. Numbered sections are described in more detail below.

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Settings Menu

(1) Automatic Trend Log Selection When the Automatic Trend Log Selection box is selected,
• CopperCube automatically discovers and archives
all the trend logs it finds on the site.
• The default collection frequency for trend logs is set
at 4 hours. By default, CopperCube models (except
the KDP model) prune any data older than 5 years.
The KDP model prunes data older than 2 months. To
modify any of these default settings, go to the Trend
Log Management page and modify settings for
selected trend logs.
However, in most cases, instead of allowing the system to
choose all trend logs, you should turn off automatic trend
log selection and select specific trend logs to archive. The
process of archiving selected trend logs is explained later in
this application guide.

When the Automatic Trend Log Selection box is turned off,

• CopperCube continues to discover new trend logs on
the site. These new trend logs will be set to Not
Archived by default.
(2) Add a New Site See Adding or Modifying a Site. You can add up to 50 sites on
a CopperCube.
(3) Export CSV Creates a .CSV file that contains a list of site names, their
connection type, IP addresses and device numbers.
Note: This feature is currently only available using the
Google Chrome browser.
(4) Refresh Site Status Refreshes the Status column in the table.
The Status column box is green when the CopperCube is
connected to the site, and red when there is no connection.
(5) Opens and Closes the Details Pane Opens the Details Pane which displays more information
about the site you’ve added, including the device ranges and
trend log statistics. The definitions of some fields on the
Details Pane are available in the Site Status section later in
this guide.
(6) Edit Site and Its Device Ranges Opens the editing page so that you can modify the site
information, and add or remove device ranges.
(7) Delete Site Deletes the site.
All trend logs, including those that are archived and saved in
the CopperCube database, are deleted.

Adding or modifying a site

1. On the Site and Devices Ranges page, click Add to add a new site, or in a site’s table row
click Edit to modify a site connection or device ranges. You can add up to 50 sites on a

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2. Enter or change the site name.

If you are connecting the CopperCube to Kaizen cloud server, the site
name and BACnet device number range must match the site name and
device numbers used on the Kaizen server.

3. In the Device Number field, enter or change the CopperCube’s BACnet address: its
device number that identifies the CopperCube in the site’s BACnet network.
4. In the Connection Type field, select the CopperCube’s network connection type at the
Connection Type Procedure
Ethernet Select Ethernet from the Connection Type
drop down list. Click Submit to save your
You can only add 1 Ethernet connection
type site per CopperCube.
Regular BACnet/IP Connection 1. To connect to a site via BACnet/IP
local network connection, select IP
Regular from the Connection Type
drop down list.
2. Enter the UDP Port Number of the
CopperCube used to connect to the
network (in most cases this should be
3. Enter the IP Address that was
assigned to the CopperCube. By
default, the IP address from IP
settings appears in this field.
4. Click Submit to save your changes.
Foreign BACnet/IP Connection 1. To connect to a site via a remote
BACnet/IP connection, select IP
Foreign from the Connection Type
drop down list.
2. Enter the IP Address that was
assigned to the CopperCube. By
default, the IP address from IP
settings appears in this field.
3. Enter the BBMD Address of the BBMD
device on the BACnet network.
4. Enter the BBMD communication port
number on the BBMD device.
5. Enter the BBMD Username to access
the BBMD device.
6. Enter the BBMD Password to access
the BBMD device.
7. Click Submit to save your changes.

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Settings Menu

5. In the Setup Device Ranges section, set up device ranges and trend logs that will be
monitored by the CopperCube for that site. At least 1 inclusion range must be set up
when you are adding a new site.
For more information about how to add a device range, see Adding a New Device
Inclusion Range and Adding a New Device Exclusion Range.

Adding a new device inclusion range for a site

The CopperCube only monitors trend logs defined by the device inclusion ranges. The inclusion
range also restricts BACnet automatic device discovery to device numbers found in this range. If
the site has devices you do not want the CopperCube to discover, omit them from the inclusion

1. On the Site and Device Ranges page, add a new site or click Edit to modify an existing
2. In the Setup Device Ranges section, in the Device Inclusion Ranges, click Add.
3. In the Add Site Range window, enter the following information:
a. In the Start Device # and End Device # fields, enter the device numbers that form
the lowest and highest limits in the device range. This range is inclusive.
b. In the Start Trend Log # field, enter the lowest number in the trend log instance
range or enter the asterisk symbol * if you want to use a wildcard.
c. In the End Trend Log # field, enter the highest number in the trend log instance
range or enter the asterisk symbol * if you want to use a wildcard.
d. Click Submit to save your changes.
e. Click Submit again.

Adding a new device exclusion range for a site

The CopperCube does not monitor trend logs defined by the device exclusion ranges. Devices
within the device exclusion range are still monitored by the BACnet automatic device discovery

1. On the Site and Device Ranges page, add a new site or click Edit to modify an existing
2. In the Setup Device Ranges section, in the Device Exclusion Ranges, click Add.
3. In the Add Site Range window, enter the following information:
a. In the Start Device # and End Device # fields, enter the device numbers that form
the lowest and highest limits in the device range. This range is inclusive.
b. In the Start Trend Log # field, enter the lowest number in the trend log instance
range or enter the asterisk symbol * if you want to use a wildcard.
c. In the End Trend Log # field, enter the highest number in the trend log instance
range or enter the asterisk symbol * if you want to use a wildcard.
d. Click Submit to save your changes.

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e. Click Submit again.

To modify a device inclusion or exclusion range, you have to delete the

range and add a new range that includes the changes you want to make.

Backup and Restore

Back up your CopperCube files and settings to an external USB storage device or a local
network storage drive. You have a choice of setting up an automatic backup schedule or
initiating a backup at any time.

To open the Backup and Restore page, on the Settings menu, select Backup and Restore.

For more detailed information about backing up the CopperCube, see

knowledgebase article KbA2199 on the Delta Controls Technical Support
web site.

The storage devices have the following requirements:

• Common Internet File System (CIFS) is the supported format for network storage
• The storage device needs to be formatted to NTFS or EXT2/ EXT3/ EXT4. exFAT is not
supported at this time.
• USB 2.0 or USB 3.0 are supported.

Setting up an automatic backup schedule

1. If you are backing up to a USB storage drive, plug the storage device into a USB port on
the CopperCube. Make sure this is the only USB device on the CopperCube.
2. Open the Backup and Restore page on the CopperCube graphic user interface.
3. Make sure the Auto Backup Settings check box is checked.
When the box is checked, you should see the “Auto backup is enabled” message beside
the box.
4. Click Edit Settings.

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Figure 18: Backup settings on the CopperCube graphic user interface

5. If you are using a USB storage drive, click to highlight the USB storage device from the
backup device list.
If the USB storage device list is not recognized and does not appear on the list, unplug it
and try another USB port on the CopperCube. Refresh the page.
If the USB storage drive is still not recognized, check to make sure the format of the
USB drive is one of the supported formats that the CopperCube recognizes.
6. If you are using a network storage drive, click to highlight “Network Storage” from the
backup device list and click Network Settings down-arrow to expand the pane.
a. In the Network Path field, enter the network directory path of the storage drive
using this format: //
b. (Optional) In the Network Username and Password fields, enter the server user
name and password.
c. (Optional) In the Security Mode field, select the authentication protocol used by
the network storage server.
d. Click Connection Test to test if the network connection made is successful.
7. Under Select Files for Backup, select the type of backup you want to make: Settings Only
(Configuration) or Settings and Data (Configuration and Data). Settings here refer to
CopperCube settings.

Backing up data can create a large file (several GB). Make sure you have
sufficient space before starting the backup.

8. In the backup frequency section, select how often you want to back up and a specific
backup time.

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9. Select the number of backups you want to keep on the backup device. When the number
of backups is reached, the oldest backup will be deleted automatically.
General guide: The size of the backup data downloaded on the backup device is 1/7 its
original data size.
10. Click Save.

Performing a backup at any time

You can back up your data and/or configuration at any time by performing a manual backup.

In order to successfully complete a manual backup, due to a firmware bug, you must first
configure the USB storage device or network drive as the automatic backup device or drive. You
need to do this step with every manual backup if you are using a different storage or network
drive than the one set up in the automatic backup.

To perform a manual backup:

1. Set up your USB storage device or network drive for automatic backup.
2. Click Manual Backup.
3. If you are using a USB storage drive, click to highlight the USB storage device from the
backup device list.
4. If you are using a network storage drive, click to highlight “Network Storage: <name of
your network drive>” from the backup device list.
5. Select the type of backup you want to make: Settings Only (Configuration) or Settings
and Data (Configuration and Data). Settings here refer to CopperCube settings.

Backing up data can create a large file (several GB). Make sure you have
sufficient space before starting the backup.

6. Click Start.

Restoring from a backup

The CopperCube allows you to restore data and CopperCube settings from a USB storage drive
connected to the CopperCube, or from a network drive backup that was previously performed
on the same CopperCube.

1. Open the Backup and Restore page on the CopperCube graphic user interface.
2. On the top right side of the screen, click Restore From a Backup.
3. Click OK and the CopperCube will disable Auto Backup before the restore process.

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4. If you are restoring from a USB storage drive, click to highlight the USB storage device
from the backup device list. If you are restoring from a network storage drive, click to
highlight “Network Storage: <name of your network drive>”.

If you do not see the name of your network drive, click Setup Backup Preferences on the
top right side of the screen to add your network drive. You can only set up one network
drive at a time. After setting up your network drive settings, go back to step 2.

5. In the Select Backup to Restore From field, select the backup file that will be used to
restore the CopperCube and click Restore.
After the CopperCube has completed the restore process, re-enable the Auto Backup
setting if you previously had it enabled.

Restore back to factory defaults

The CopperCube allows you to restore the device back to its factory default condition.

All the data on the CopperCube will be permanently deleted when a

factory default restore is done. After a factory restore, your password
resets back to the factory default which is the CopperCube device serial
number. The CopperCube will save and display the last IP addresses
used at the end of the factory restore process.

1. On the Settings menu, click Advanced Settings.

2. Click Restore Factory Defaults. Click OK to confirm the restore.

The CopperCube will restart. Use the same IP address to log back into the GUI using the
factory default username (“partner”) and password.

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Historian Data Import
You can import data from a single or multiple Historian devices on a BACnet network into a
CopperCube device. This feature is not supported by CopperCube KDP models.

For more information about Historian and how it works, see ORCAview
Version 3.40 Technical Reference Manual chapter on Trending,
Archiving and Reporting.

How the CopperCube decides which trend logs to import

In essence, the CopperCube is designed to conserve as much storage space as possible during
the import process and employs various strategies to attain this goal.

• CopperCube only imports the Historian trend logs that the CopperCube is already set up
to archive. For example, Historian archives 100.TL1 and 100.TL2. The CopperCube has
been set up to archive 100.TL1 only. During the import, only 100.TL1 data will be
imported into the CopperCube. 100.TL2 will remain on Historian.
• CopperCube will always assume you are bringing over an older set of data from
Historian. Therefore CopperCube will only import Historian data that is older than
CopperCube’s first sample of the imported trend log it is already archiving.
• CopperCube checks the prune date settings on its Trend Log Management page before
attempting an import and will only import data that is not scheduled to be pruned. For
example, if the prune date setting is set at 5 years for a particular trend log, the
CopperCube will not import data older than 5 years.
• If the CopperCube runs out of available space for the imported data, it will interrupt and
stop the import. Check the status log table to find out which trend logs were not
completely imported.

Why importing data may take a long time

The amount of time needed to import trend log data is dependent on many factors. Some of
these factors include:

• Collecting new trend log data is a higher priority task compared to importing, and
therefore not all of the CopperCube’s resources are devoted to the import process.
• The size of the site matters. The import process is faster for smaller sites compared to
larger sites. Larger sites just have more data to import.

To cancel the import process at any time, click Disable Feature.

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Settings Menu

Historian Data Import page

To import Historian data, open the Historian Data Import page on the CopperCube graphical
user interface by clicking on the Settings menu and selecting Historian Data Import.

Historian data samples have sequence numbers less than 1,000,000,000.

Figure 19: Historian Data Import page. Numbered sections are described in more detail below.

(1) Enable/ Disable Feature Enables or disables the Historian import feature. When
enabled, the CopperCube will continuously search for
matching trend logs on all Historians in the same BACnet
(2) Hard Disk Usage Displays how much CopperCube disk space is available for
data import.
(3) Import Status The Import Status displays the current status of the import
Recalculate Click the Refresh button to refresh the list of matching trend
logs that the CopperCube will import from Historian,
especially if you’ve enabled or removed archiving on some
trend logs after the Historian import feature was enabled.
The CopperCube will update the numbers displayed in the
row for the Historian device
Control/Status There are 7 possible statuses in this column:
Pending. CopperCube has not started looking for matching
trend logs.
Searching. A search for matching trend logs is in progress.
A percentage is displayed to indicate the progress of the
Ready. All matching trend logs have been found in Historian
and the CopperCube is ready to import data.

Importing. The CopperCube is actively importing data. You

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can pause the import by clicking the Pause button.
Complete. The import process has completed, or import is
not needed because none of the trend logs found matched
the ones in CopperCube.
Offline. The Historian is offline.
Error. An error was encountered while searching for trend
logs or during import. Click the Play button to display the
error or warning message.
(4) Status Log This table lists the current and previous Historian imports. A
trend log listed in this table has either been successfully
imported or is actively being imported.
If the import was stopped, the trend logs that were not
imported completely will have a Stopped status.
(5) Warnings Lists the error or warning messages that occurred during

Importing data from Historian

These requirements need to be completed before you can begin
importing data from Historian:

• Before you start, add the Historian device number to the

CopperCube’s device inclusion range.

• Set up the CopperCube to archive the trend logs that you want to
import from Historian. CopperCube only imports trend logs that
the CopperCube is already set up to archive.
For a list of all the trend logs in Historian, view the site’s BACnet
network in ORCAview and in Navigator, click on the Historian
device. A list of archive trend logs in Historian is displayed on the
right pane.

• If trend log data is going to be archived to an external server via

the SQL Connector or Kaizen server, these data connections
need to be established in the CopperCube before you can begin
importing data from Historian. See the CopperCube Setup
Manual to find out how to create these data connections in

• The CopperCube must be archiving problem-free before

attempting any import.

• Run the Historian import process during those times when

network traffic is not as busy.

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Settings Menu

1. Open the Historian Data Import page on the CopperCube.

2. Click Enable Feature. After reading the import warning, click OK to close the warning
window. The CopperCube will search through all the Historian devices on the same
BACnet network for trend logs that match the ones that are archived in the CopperCube.
This process will take some time to complete.
Once all the matching trend logs have been found, the Control Status column displays a
Ready status.

Before continuing, check the import size of the matching trend logs to
decide if the CopperCube has sufficient hard disk space to accommodate
the data. If the import size is larger than the space available on the
CopperCube, imports will be interrupted and stopped when the
CopperCube runs out of storage space.

3. After the CopperCube has found all the matching trend logs, verify the list of Historian
trend logs you want to import into CopperCube and set up CopperCube to archive these
trend logs if needed:
a. On the Trend Log Management page, in the Filter by Trend Status field, select
b. From the results list, make sure the trend logs that you want to import into
CopperCube are set to Archiving under the Archive Status column. If not, you
have to change the Not Archived status of these trend logs to Archiving status.
c. Go back to the Historian Data Import page and click the Refresh button under the
Recalculate column. This refreshes the list of matching trend logs the
CopperCube will import from Historian with the new ones you’ve added or
removed in step b.
d. Allow time for the CopperCube to archive any new trend logs that you’ve added in
step b. Proceed to the next step when the Archiving Status on the Status page
displays a “Running” status.
4. On the Historian Data Import page, click the Play button to start the import. Allow some
time for the import process to finish.

When the import is complete for that Historian device, the Control Status column
displays a Complete status.

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Data Menu
This section describes the functions available on the Data navigation menu.

You need to log onto the CopperCube Graphic User Interface to access the options on the Data

Trend Log Management

In the previous Settings chapter, you learn how to connect the CopperCube to a BACnet site to
monitor and collect trend log data from a range of devices. The Trend Log Management option
on the Data menu allows you to select one or more specific trend logs to archive on the

Use the Trend Log Management page to manage the trend log data in these ways:

• View individual trend log information

• Filter trend logs in the list by site name, device number, trend log number, archiving
status and trend status
• Select trend logs to archive and set how they are archived
• View a quick summary of trend log statistics
• Export or delete trend log sample data, or send historical data to the database servers

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Data Menu

The following image is a screen capture of a Trend Log Management page. Sections labelled
with a letter are described below.

Figure 20: Trend Log Management page. Labelled areas are described in more detail below.

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A) Trend log filters
The number of trend logs collected by the CopperCube can build up quickly over time. Filtering
is a useful way to see only the data you’re interested in.

To apply the filters, select or enter text in the filter fields and the trend log table will
automatically refresh to show the matching trend logs.

Filter Description
Select a Site If you have set up the CopperCube to collect data from multiple
sites, select a site from the drop-down list to see data only from
that site.
Search Perform literal string searches for trend logs by entering
alphanumeric, special characters and Unicode characters.
Note: The supported special characters
include: _ - + / () #. The period character is not supported.
Device Range Enter a device number range to only display the device numbers
in that range. The filter searches the Device Trend Log column
for the matching device numbers.
Note: The Device Range fields only support whole numbers.
Trend Log Range Enter a number range to only display the trend logs in that
range. The filter searches the Device Trend Log column for the
matching trend log numbers.
Note: The Trend Log Range fields only support whole numbers.
Filter by Archiving Setting Filter the list of trend logs based on whether a trend log is set
up in CopperCube to be archived or not at all.
Any trend log that is set up to be archived will
count towards the total license trend log count,
regardless of their current trend status.

To change a trend log’s archive setting on the Trend Log

Management page, see Modify Settings below.
Filter by Trend Status Filter the list of trend logs based on their current status or

• Archiving. The trend log is currently being

archived by the CopperCube.

• Not Archived. The trend log is not archived.

• Pending. The CopperCube is being prepared to

archive the trend log.

• Offline. The trend log is not available.

• Error. The trend log is in an error state.

• Detached. The trend log is considered detached as

a result of several reasons. See Data Cleanup section in
this guide for more details.

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Data Menu

Filter Description

• Historical. When the Historian Data Import setting is

enabled, the CopperCube detects Historian trend logs
that are within the site and device range monitored by
the CopperCube. Use the Historical filter to only display
monitored trend logs from Historian devices in the
network. These trend logs include those that are not
being actively archived by CopperCube.
The Historian Data Import setting and the Historian
filter are not available with the CopperCube KDP model.

B) View trend logs

The page lists all the trend logs monitored by the CopperCube. The list automatically refreshes
every time a filter or filters are applied. You can also click the Refresh icon button to display
the most recent trend updates. The Archive Status column displays the current trend status of
the trend log:

• Archiving. The trend log is currently being archived by the CopperCube.

• Not Archived. The trend log is not archived.
• Pending. The CopperCube is being prepared to archive the trend log.
• Offline. The trend log or its controller is not available.
• Error. The archived trend log is in an error state. For a list of error states, see
Appendix C.
• Detached. The trend log is in a detached state as a result of modifications made to a site
or to inclusion/exclusion ranges, or when the trend log or controller has been removed
from the network.
Regardless of their trend status (with the exception of detached trend
logs), any trend log that is set up to be archived will count towards the
total license trend log count.

To see individual trend log details like trend log type, time before next update, sample interval
and collection frequency, click the down arrow to expand the pane (see Trend Log Details

At the bottom of the table, you can select the option to see 20, 50 or 100 entries per page.

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C) Modify settings for selected trend logs
Trend logs that are selected can be hidden when applied filters exclude them from the main list.
However, the number of trend logs that are selected (including the hidden ones) is displayed
next to the Show Selected box. If you select the Show Selected check box, the trend log list will
display only the trend logs that are selected.

Figure 21: Selected Trend Log Settings

Until you clear the selection, trend logs will remain selected even after you log out of the
CopperCube GUI. These selections can be seen by other users who log on to the CopperCube.
Saving selected trend logs is useful for those users who need to view the same trend logs

The options in the Selected Trend Log Settings section affect how the trend logs you’ve selected
from the list will be archived by CopperCube. Use these trend log settings to do any of the
following tasks:

• Archive Setting. Use this setting to enable or disable archiving of a trend log.

On the Site and Device Ranges page, if you did not select Automatic Trend Log Selection
to automatically discover and archive all collected trend logs, you can enable archiving
for selected trend logs by selecting Archive in the Archive Setting field on this page.

You can also select trend logs to archive in CopperCube using enteliWEB 4.5 and higher.

• Collection frequency. Use this setting to change how often the CopperCube acquires

The default collection frequency is 4 hours. The CopperCube may

naturally visit a trend log more often to avoid losing samples, so changing
the collection frequency should only be done when prompted by
CopperCube technical support.

• Prune data older than. Decide how long you want to keep archived data before
removing it permanently from the CopperCube automatically. By default, CopperCube
models (except the KDP model) prune any data older than 5 years. The KDP model
prunes data older than 2 months.

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Data Menu

Pruning occurs every 24 hours at 2 am.

To modify the trend log settings:

1. Select one or more trend logs from the list by clicking the check box on the left side of
each trend log row.
2. Under the Selected Trend Log Settings heading, check the Show Selected box. All the
trend logs that are currently selected on the Trend Log Management page are displayed
in the table.

Clear the check boxes to de-select any trend logs that you don’t want modified. This step
ensures you do not apply setting changes to other trend log data that were selected from
previous sessions.

3. Make changes to the settings.

When you click Apply, changes made to any of the settings will be applied
at the same time. To ensure a setting does not change, select Remain
Unchanged before clicking the Apply button.

4. Click Apply.

D) Trend log samples

Exports data from selected trend logs as a
.CSV file.

Sends historical data that predates the

first sample in CopperCube to external
SQL server or Kaizen.

Exports trend log detail information as a

.CSV file. This .CSV file contains details
displayed in the expandable panel for
each trend log and more. This information
is useful for troubleshooting any trend log
This field name changes depending
on the type of data destination set Deletes trend logs.
up. If no destination type is
selected, “n/a” is displayed.

Figure 22: Descriptions of tasks performed by clicking trend log samples buttons

The above diagram summarizes the tasks that can be performed in this section of the Trend Log
Management page. Each task is described in more detail in the following procedures.

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To export the data from selected trend logs:
You can only export 10 trend logs at a time. If you need to regularly export
more than 10 trend logs, you can set up the CopperCube to send data to
an external SQL database and perform queries on that database.

1. Select one or more trend logs.

2. Under the Selected Trend Log Settings heading, check the Show Selected box. All the
trend logs that are currently selected on the Trend Log Management page are displayed
in the table.

Clear the check boxes to de-select any trend logs that you don’t want exported. This step
ensures you do not export other trend log data that were selected from previous

3. In the Trend Log Samples section, click in the Starting field, select the start date for your
query and click Select Date.

Figure 23: Selecting a start date for your export data query

4. Next to Export Samples click Export. Your web browser should start downloading a .CSV

To export trend log detail information:

The trend log details panel shows specific information about the trend log. You can export a
.CSV file that contains almost all the information displayed on this panel for selected trend logs
(time of next update and collection frequency are not included).

1. Select one or more trend logs.

2. Under the Selected Trend Log Settings heading, check the Show Selected box. All the
trend logs that are currently selected on the Trend Log Management page are displayed
in the table.
Clear the check boxes to de-select any trend logs that you don’t want exported. This step
ensures you do not export other trend log data that were selected from previous

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Data Menu

3. Next to Export TL Summary as CSV click Export. Your web browser should start
downloading a .CSV file.
In the .CSV file, trend log type is represented by numbers. Polled trend logs are
represented by “0” and COV trend logs are represented by “1”. Large sequence numbers
are also displayed using scientific notation, example, “1000000000” is represented by

To delete the sample data of one or more selected trend logs:

To increase the amount of free space on the CopperCube, this button allows you to purge all
sample data belonging to one or more trend logs you’ve selected on the Trend Log Management
page. The trend logs however will remain on the Trend Log Management page and, if set to
archive, sample data will continue to be collected after the deletion date.

1. Select the trend logs with the sample data you want to delete.
2. Under the Selected Trend Log Settings heading, check the Show Selected box. All the
trend logs that are currently selected on the Trend Log Management page are displayed
in the table.

Clear the check boxes to de-select any trend logs that you don’t want purged. This step
ensures you do not delete other trend log data that were selected from previous
3. Next to Delete TL Samples, click Delete.

To remove trend logs that have been deleted on the BACnet network, or that were part of site
that is now deleted, or for whatever reason are no longer part of a device inclusion range, see
the Data Cleanup section in this guide. These “detached” trend logs are displayed on the Data
Cleanup page in the CopperCube GUI.

To set up the CopperCube to delete trend log sample data automatically, use the Prune Data
Older Than setting on the Trend Log Management page.

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Historical Send
CopperCube is able to send saved historical trend log data to an external SQL server or Kaizen.
This ensures the copy of the data on the external servers is a complete historical record. The
following diagram describes how CopperCube processes the historical data it sends.

Figure 24: Historical Send trend log data diagram

1. Make sure you have already set up CopperCube to send a copy of the data to an external
SQL server or Kaizen.
2. On the Trend Log Management page, you should see the name of the server type (SQL or
Kaizen) in the Send to field. If no server or Kaizen was set up in step 1, “n/a” is
3. Select one or more trend logs with historical data you would like to send to the server.
4. Under the Selected Trend Log Settings heading, check the Show Selected box. All the
trend logs that are currently selected on the Trend Log Management page are displayed
in the table.

Clear the check boxes to de-select any trend logs that you don’t want included in the
Historical Send. This step ensures you do not send other trend log data that were
selected from previous sessions.

5. Next to Send to, click Send.

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Data Menu

E) Trend log details

Figure 25: Example of trend log details panel

The trend log details panel shows specific information about the trend log. You can download a
copy of these details by exporting a trend log summary.

Trend log detail Description

Monitored Object The object on the controller or device that is
being trended.
Log Type The trend log object’s mode of data collection:
Change of Value or Polling.
Next Update In The time interval before the CopperCube
collects the next sample.
First Sample Time The time and date that the first sample was
collected by CopperCube.
Sample Interval When the Log Type is Polled, Sample Interval is
the time interval between trend log samples.
When the Log Type is COV, the value is this field
is 0 seconds.
Collection Frequency This value reflects how much time lapses
(seconds) before the CopperCube sets the next
update time. This rate can be changed on the
Selected Trend Log Settings section.
Monitored Object Units The object units, if any.
Vendor ID The BACnet vendor ID of the device or controller
Total Number of Samples Total number of samples the trend log has
collected since it was created.
Last Sample Time The time and date of the most recent sample
collection by CopperCube.
Trend Log Buffer Size The maximum number of data samples that can
be stored in the trend log’s data buffer on the
controller or device. Default is 100.

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Trend log detail Description
Auto Prune Setting The length of the time data will be saved before
the data gets deleted on the CopperCube.

Errors and Warnings Table

As part of the trend log details panel, this table displays the past and current errors and
warnings. For example, the table below list missing sample collections dates and times.

Figure 26: Example of trend log errors and warnings table

Full Log
Click the Full Log button to open the Diagnostic Logs page for the trend log you are currently
viewing in the trend log details panel.

View Data
Click the View Data button to open the View Trend Log Data page for the trend log you are
currently viewing in the trend log details panel. A large number of samples may delay the data
from being displayed immediately after clicking the View Data button.

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Data Menu

Figure 27: View Trend Log Data table

The View Trend Log Data page allows you to view the individual samples of a trend log in a table,
view the samples as a graph or export the samples in a .CSV or JSON file.

The filter fields at the top of the page will automatically display information about the trend log.

Use the filters at the top of the page to create a filtered sample list. Click Get Data to apply the
filter parameters. You can also use the Search field to find specific sample records.

There are 4 columns in the sample table:

• Timestamp is the date and time stamp of the sample record.

• Type is the data type.
• Value is the data value recorded in the sample.
• Sequence Number refers to the unique log number associated with a sample record.
Imported Historian data samples have sequence numbers less than 1,000,000,000.

There are 9 data types, but CopperCube only considers type 1 to 5 as valid trend log samples
because these data types contain numerical data. Data types 6 to 1000 are non-numerical data
and will not be displayed in graphs.

Type Number Data Type

0 Log status
1 Boolean
2 Real

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Type Number Data Type
3 Enumerated
4 Unsigned
5 Signed
6 Bit string
7 Null
8 Error
9 Time Change
1000 Monitored object change

Graph Data
If you want to see the sample data plotted on a value versus time graph, click Graph Data. The
Trend Log Viewer opens and displays the graphed data.

To view multiple trend logs in a single graph, go to enteliWEB or Kaizen and use a MultiTrend

Trend Log Viewer

As mentioned in the View Trend Log Data section, data types 6 to 1000 are non-numerical data
and will not be displayed in the graphs.

The graph only displays part of the

timeline on the x-axis. The length
of the entire timeline is indicated
by the TL start time and the TL end

Timeline slider

Use the left and right arrows to

advance a day or go back a day in
the timeline.

Figure 28: Diagram describes each component in the Trend Log Viewer

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Use the timeline slider to change the section of the timeline that is visible on the graph.

View other parts of the timeline (based on the current time intervals)
1. Point to the slider until the pointer changes to a cross.
2. Press the mouse button and move the slider across the timeline:
move left to see earlier sections of the timeline or move right to see
later sections of the timeline.

Change the time intervals on the x-axis

1. Point to the slider until the pointer changes to the horizontal resize
2. Press the mouse button and move the slider across the timeline:
move left to increase the time interval between points on the x-axis
(no larger than 6-hour intervals) or move right to decrease the time
interval between points (no smaller than 5-minute intervals).


Click the CSV button to export the sample data in a .CSV file.

Click the JSON button to view the sample data in JSON on the web browser which you can save
as a .JSON file.

F) Summary of trend log statistics

The Status and Usage Summary displays useful information that may alert you to potential
problems in the CopperCube.

Field Description
License Size The maximum number of trend logs allowed by
your license.
Trend Logs Archived The total number of trend logs being archived.
Archiving Number of trend logs that have Archiving as
their archive status.
In Error Number of archiving trend logs that have Error
as their archive status.
Offline Number of archiving trend logs that have Offline
as their archive status. This means the device or
controller being trended is offline.
Trend Logs Not Archived Number of trend logs that the CopperCube has
found but is not archiving. This number does not
include trend logs that are in error.

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Field Description
Trend Logs Detached Detached trend logs are trend logs that have
sample data saved in the CopperCube but these
trend logs no longer exists for a variety of
reasons, including:
• Deletion from the device or controller
• Removal from an inclusion range or
added to exclusion range.

Detached trend logs are not considered part of

the license trend log count. Detached trend logs
are also removed from all transmission, error
and task queues.

To view a list of CopperCube’s detached trend

logs, go to the Data Cleanup page.
Trend Logs Newly Discovered Number of new trend logs that the CopperCube
has found.
Total Trend Logs The sum total of archived, not-archived,
detached and newly discovered trend logs.

Diagnostic Logs
The Diagnostic Logs is a table that displays error logs as well as status and failure messages
for tasks and commands.

These logs are useful for getting more information about errors in order to fix them. Each log
entry includes a time stamp, the trend log reference information, the affected subsystem in
CopperCube, error or message type, and a description of the error or message.

Logs are categorized by “error types”, which include:

• Status. The status of a task performed by the subsystem.

• Info. The progress of a task.
• Warning. Includes log entries with error codes.
• Error.
• Verbose. Messages that contain technical details, if any.

There are 2 ways to open the Diagnostic Logs page.

• On the Trend Log Management page, on a specific trend log details panel click Full Log.
If you use this method to access the Diagnostic Logs page, the table displays the log
information for that trend log automatically.
• On the Data menu, click Diagnostic Logs. If you access the Diagnostic Logs page this
way, the table displays log information for all trend logs.

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Data Menu

Use the filters at the top of the page to create a filtered log list. You can also use the Search
field to find specific sample records.

Use the Refresh button to update the diagnostic log table.

Click the Flush Log to permanently purge all the log entries from CopperCube.

Site and Device Status

This is a list of devices and controllers currently monitored by the CopperCube. The Site and
Device Status page displays the status of the site or sites that were added in the CopperCube
GUI using the Sites and Device Ranges page.

To open the Site and Device Status page, on the Data menu click Sites and Devices Status.

Site Status

Figure 29: Site and Device page showing the site status

Use the Search field to display specific site information.

Column Heading Description

Site Name The name of the site as it appears on the Sites and Device Ranges
Connection Status Displays the status of the connection between the CopperCube
and the site on the BACnet network.
Connection Type Describes the type of network connection for the CopperCube at
the site.
Num TLs The total number of trend logs on the site. Note: This number
also includes trend logs that are not archived by the CopperCube.
Allowed TLs The total number of trend logs that is set to be archived by the
Num Devices Total number of devices on the site. Note: This number also
includes devices that are not monitored by the CopperCube.
Connection Test Status The status of the connection between CopperCube and the site.
Connection Test Time Each time you open the Site and Device Status page, the
CopperCube tests the connection between itself and the site.

For more detailed information about a site connection, go to the Sites and Device Ranges page
and expand the Details pane for that site.

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Device Status

Figure 30: Site and Device page showing the device status

Use the filters at the top of the page to create a filtered device list. You can also use the Search
field to find specific devices.

Column Heading Description

Site Name The name of the site as it appears on the Sites and Device Ranges
Device Name The name of the device or controller being monitored.
Device Number Device numbers of the devices or controllers.
Device Status Network status of the device or controller.
Device Type The model name of the device or controller.
Total # of TLs Total number of trend logs?
TLs Archived Number of device trend logs being archived.
TLs in Error Number of device trend logs with error archive status. For a list
of possible error statuses, see Appendix C.

Click the down arrow in each device row to expand the device details pane. The details pane
displays information about the BACnet objects sent to Kaizen.

Figure 31: Device details pane on the Site and Device page

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Data Menu

Data Cleanup
Detached trend logs are trend logs that have sample data saved in the CopperCube but these
trend logs no longer exists for a variety of reasons: modifications made to a site or to
inclusion/exclusion ranges, or when the trend log or controller has been removed from the
network. On the Data Cleanup page, detached trend logs can be removed from the CopperCube
to free storage space.

To open the Data Cleanup page, on the Data menu click Data Cleanup.

To remove a detached trend log, select one or more trend logs from the list and click Remove
Selected. To select all the trend logs on the list, click the box next to the Status column heading.

Click the Refresh button to update the list. Removing detached trend logs is a process that is
quicker when the CopperCube is idle and slower when the CopperCube is actively archiving.

For more information about removing detached trend logs, read KbA
2276 How to remove detached trend logs from the CopperCube on the
Delta Support web site.

Kaizen Transmission Queue and SQL Connector Queue

This page displays the queue of data waiting to be transmitted to the database destination
you’ve set up on the Data Destinations page.

When you set up the CopperCube to transmit data to a Kaizen Cloud server or to an external
SQL server via the SQL Connector, a copy of the data like trend logs, events and objects is sent
to the server as soon as the data is collected.

If the connection between CopperCube and the server breaks down, the CopperCube queues the
data in the transmission queue. Once the connection is restored, the data is sent to its
destination server. In the meantime, you can search and view the trend log data in the
transmission queue on the Kaizen Transmission Queue page or the SQL Connector Queue page.

Also see section SQL Database Schema in this guide.

To open the Kaizen Transmission Queue page, on the Data menu click Kaizen Transmission

To open the SQL Connector Queue page, on the Data menu click SQL Connector Queue.

The total number of items in the transmission queue is displayed at the top of the page. The
limit of total items allowed on the transmission queue is 50,000. When the limit is reached, no
more items will be added. Note that each trend log in the queue is limited to 6,000 messages.

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Figure 32: Numbers showing the number of items in the transmission queue

To view the data in the queue:

1. On the Kaizen Transmission Queue or SQL Connector Queue page, select from the
topmost drop-down list what you would like to view in the queue: trend logs, objects
(Kaizen only) or events. Objects are not sent to a SQL server via SQL Connector.
2. In the Show field, select how many entries you would like displayed on a single page.
3. To find a specific trend log, object (Kaizen only) or event, type your search term in the
Search field and the list is automatically updated to display the search results.

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Appendix A: Update Using USB Flash Drive
The procedure below describes updates for firmware version 1.11.1175
and higher, up to 1.32. If you are upgrading to 1.33, it is important you
read KbA 2396 before upgrading. Updates do not support USB 3.x.

For more information about upgrade and firmware version compatibility,

read KbA 2173 on the Delta Support web site.

If you are running firmware version 1.21 and higher, you can also update the CopperCube
firmware by connecting to the CopperCube update server through an Internet connection.

1. Remove all USB flash drives on the CopperCube.

2. Format a new unused USB flash drive as FAT32.
3. Go to the Delta Controls Technical Support web site and download the
latest firmware version onto the USB flash drive.
4. Extract the zip file to the root of the USB flash drive. You should see a file structure like

Figure 33: File structure of CopperCube firmware zip file

5. Plug the USB flash drive into the CopperCube. You should hear a low-high beep when
the CopperCube recognizes the USB flash drive. The update should start automatically.
6. Wait for a few minutes until the update is done. The CopperCube plays the second half of
a familiar tune to let you know the update is complete and then the device will restart
7. After the CopperCube has restarted, remove the USB flash drive.
8. On the status page of the CopperCube GUI, make sure the firmware version displays the
update’s version number.

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Document Edition 1.5
Appendix B: Advanced Settings
This section describes the different settings available on the Advanced Settings page.

Changing the advanced settings can have a significant impact on the

function of the CopperCube. Consult the Delta Controls technical support
team before making any changes on this page.

To open the Advanced Settings page, on the Settings menu click Advanced Settings.

For more information about restoring to factory defaults, go to Restore Back to Factory Defaults
section in this guide.

Figure 34: CopperCube Advanced Settings page

Field Name Default Description Archive Status Error

Minimum 60 The minimum sample interval in “Too Fast”
Sample Rate seconds allowed for polled trend logs.
(secs) The CopperCube will not archive
any trend logs with a sample
interval less than the set
minimum sample rate. If you
attempt to manually archive this
particular trend log, the trend log
will be placed in a permanent
error state on the Trend Log
Management page.

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Document Edition 1.5

Field Name Default Description Archive Status Error

Minimum 3600 This is the minimum buffer capacity the “Buffer Too Small”
Buffer Full CopperCube allows for polling trend
Time (secs) logs. CopperCube estimates a trend The CopperCube will not archive
log’s buffer capacity by multiplying the any trend logs that do not meet
polling trend log sample interval and this minimum buffer capacity. If
the trend log’s buffer size. you attempt to manually archive
these particular trend logs, the
For example, if the trend log sample trend logs will be placed in a
interval is 60 seconds between permanent error state on the
samples, and the buffer size is 30 Trend Log Management page.
samples, the minimum buffer full time
is 60*30 = 1800 secs. Since 1800 is less
than 3600, CopperCube considers the
buffer to be too small.
COV 20 This is the minimum buffer size the “Buffer Too Small”
Minimum CopperCube allows for COV trend logs,
Buffer Size as determined by the Max Samples field The CopperCube will not archive
in the TL object on the controller. any COV trend logs that do not
meet this minimum buffer size. If
you attempt to manually archive
these trend logs, the trend logs
will be placed in a permanent
error state on the Trend Log
Management page.
Maximum 86400 The maximum sample interval in “Too Fast” or “Too Small”
Sample Rate seconds allowed for polling trend logs.
(secs) The CopperCube will not archive
any trend logs with a sample
interval greater than the set
maximum sample rate. If you
attempt to manually archive this
particular trend log, the trend log
will be placed in a permanent
error state on the Trend Log
Management page.
COV TL 14400 Update time in CopperCube refers to None
Default the time interval between attempts to
Update Time collect the latest trend log samples
(secs) from the device or controller. In this
case, this is the time interval for COV
trend logs.
Polled TL 14400 Update time in CopperCube refers to None
Default the time interval between attempts to
Update Time collect the latest trend log samples
(secs) from the device or controller. In this
case, this is the time interval for polling
trend logs.

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Document Edition 1.5
Field Name Default Description Archive Status Error
Polled TL 80 This setting is used when the polled None
Max Fill trend log’s buffer capacity (see
Percent (%) Minimum Buffer Full Time above) is
less than the polled trend log default
update time (see above). In this case,
the CopperCube will collect new
samples at a time interval equal to the
time it takes to fill the buffer up to the
set percentage. By default, this
percentage is set at 80%.

If you set this percentage at zero, this

setting will be disabled.
Maximum TL 10000 The maximum total number of COV and None
Samples Per polled trend logs allowed to be archived
Day daily. When this value is 0, all trend log
samples are stored. This field is used to
prevent fast moving COV trend logs
from filling up the database.
Buffer Ready 1 When enabled (set to 1), the None
Enable CopperCube configures and supports
Buffer Ready notifications for COV trend
logs. To prevent missing data samples,
the CopperCube receives notifications
to collect data from the trend log’s data

For every device or controller that you

would like the CopperCube to receive
Buffer Ready notifications from, add the
CopperCube as a destination on the
EVC9 object for that device or

When the CopperCube discovers this

COV trend log object, it’ll make these
changes on the trend log object:
• Set Event_Enable to
• Set Notification_Threshold to

CopperCube Application Guide Page 64 of 68

Document Edition 1.5

Appendix C: Archive Status Errors

This section describes some of the archive status errors that may appear on the Trend Log
Management page.

Error Description
Error: Too Fast The trend log sample interval on the controller is too short.
For example, a polling frequency in the controller less than 60
seconds will not be archived by CopperCube.
Error: Too Slow The trend log sample interval on the controller is too long. For
example, a polling frequency longer than 86400 seconds (1 sample
every day) will not be archived by the CopperCube.
Error: Buffer Too Small The controller or device buffer size is too small.
For the COV trend log, the minimum buffer size is 20 samples by
For the polling trend log, the minimum buffer size is 3600 seconds (1
hour) by default.

If you encounter this error, check the trend log object’s Max Samples
field on the controller or device using enteliWEB or another OWS.
Error: No Monitored The CopperCube could not identify the monitored object for the trend
Object log.
Error: Failed to Initialize The CopperCube failed to update the trend log information.
Error: Max Number of You’ve reached the maximum number of archived trend logs allowed
Trend Logs by your license.

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Document Edition 1.5
Document Revision History
Document Edition Date Published Author Change Description
1.0 November 2016 Norlinda Ghazali First release.
1.1 April 2017 Norlinda Ghazali Supporting firmware version 1.23
features: new trend log status
filter (Historical). Also modified
the procedure for Historian Data
Import to use this new filter.
Updated company logo.
Modified enteliWEB section to
include new enteliWEB 4.5
CopperCube features.
1.2 June 2017 Norlinda Ghazali Supporting firmware version
Update the server address to
Added the redundancy section.
Updated the Buffer Ready Enable
advanced setting description to
include the fields the
CopperCube changes on trend
log discovery.

CopperCube Application Guide Page 66 of 68

Document Edition 1.5
Document Revision History

Document Edition Date Published Author Change Description

1.3 November 2017 Norlinda Ghazali Supporting firmware version
• Modified the IP settings
section to describe how
to change the settings for
LAN 2.
• Added section about
resetting network
settings to factory state.
• Changes to the device
inclusion ranges section,
omissions from this
range are no longer
discovered by the
CopperCube. Removed
the note about the total
number of inclusion and
exclusion range not
exceeding 10.
• Removed the term
“bucket” used to
describe the unit
container for trend log
samples. Replaced with
“table”. Deleted
references to sample
meta data.
• Revised figure 24 about
Historical Send.
• Revised figure 4 by
removing the image of
the GUI.
• Removed the rule about
only having one SQL
database per
CopperCube. Can have
multiple databases per
• Corrected wrong
statement that indicated
deleting a site detaches
trend logs that are being
archived. Deleting a site
actually deletes all trend

Page 67 of 68 CopperCube Application Guide

Document Edition 1.5
Document Edition Date Published Author Change Description
1.3 (continued) • Corrected statement that
incorrectly states the
max number of items
allowed on a
transmission queue is
1,000. Correct number is
• Updated the USB storage
device requirements.
1.4 February 2018 Norlinda Ghazali Supporting firmware version
• KDP model features
• BACnet filter
improvements in
firmware version 1.32
where device discovery
using Who-Is requests
are restricted to those
devices in the inclusion

1.41 March 2018 Norlinda Ghazali Updated the CopperTree logo.

1.42 June 2018 Norlinda Ghazali Supporting firmware version

• On page 3, added “and
higher” to indicate
support for firmware
versions 1.32 and later.
• Removed version
number 1.32 from the
• In the USB upgrade
appendix, added a link to
the 1.33 upgrade KBA on
the Delta technical
support web site.
1.5 September 2018 Norlinda Ghazali Added a note to add Historian to
the CopperCube device inclusion
range before starting Historian
Data Import.

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Document Edition 1.5

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