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Lesson 5 Table Service

Learning Objectives:

After reading this instructional materials, you must be able to:

1. Explain different styles of service.
2. Set-up American table setting.
3. Set-up Russian table setting.
4. Set-up French table setting.


Table Service is a style of food service where the diner sits at the table and

served by a waiter/waitress. This is the oldest form of service which is preferred

by those busy people who wish to relax and eat meals leisurely.

Table service refers to the varied ways in which food is presented and served at

the table and the objects utilised at the table such as dishes, glasses, plates,

silverware and table linens.

The style chosen can directly influence the ambience and tone of the

event therefore it is key to get it right. Yes, if you are trying to impress business

contacts silver service will do that, however if you are meeting the potential in-

laws for the first time it could appear a little stuffy and over the top.

Plus, as every service style has its own distinctive style and is quite unique it’s

never a bad idea to be clear of the nuances of each


American Style this is less expensive and speedy. One waiter can serve many
guests the food are prepared and arranged on trays and carried by the waiter to
the dining room on a large tray which is placed on a stand. The plates of food are
served from the guest’s right with the waiter’s right hand.

Fundamentals in Food Service Operations


The table setting procedures of American service are performed in the following

 Table setting for breakfast and lunch differs from the dinner setting. For
instance; breakfast and lunch are simple meals and employ the use of
limited amount of service ware whereas dinner includes more courses and
more service ware.
 At least 15 covers are placed on the table for a dinner using American
service but not more than twenty-five.
 Knife is placed with blade facing inward and spoons and forks are placed
on the right and left side respectively or according to the nature of the
meal. The teaspoon is put on the outside and the soup spoon is paced
next to it.
 The number of flatware could vary according to the menu, but not more
than three on either side. If more needed, they are brought at the time the
foods are served. The tips of handles of flat ware are to be kept about a
half inch from the table edge.
 A service plate or hors d’oeuvre plate may be included on the table
setting. A bread-and-butter plate is usually placed above the forks and
sometimes slightly to the left side. In some up-market restaurants a show
plate is served in front of the guests and the food plate is placed on the
top of it.

Fundamentals in Food Service Operations


 The butterknife is positioned on the bread-and-butter plate keeping at a

right angle or parallel to the forks.
 The water glass or goblet is placed where glasses are placed above the
spoons and dinner knife and the wine glasses are positioned left side of
the water goblet.
 Ashtrays, salt and pepper shakers, and decorations are placed in the
center of the table or against the wall in a booth.
 The coffee cup and saucer are served on the table just to the right and
slightly above the knife and spoons. In American service, coffee is
sometimes served with the meal. Somme fine dining establishments do
not allow placing the coffee cup and saucer during table setting, these
items are usually placed on the table just before serving the coffee. Cream
and sugar are bought to the table either at the beginning of the meal or
with coffee.
 Clean folded napkins are provided and placed in the center of the cover in
front of the guest.
 Chairs are to be out from the table away from the tablecloth, if is used.
The table is usually covered with a tablecloth.

Serving Procedures of American F&B Service Style

In American service, the F and B items are served according to the following

 Server’s serve all food items

from the left side of the guest
using the left hand, and serve
beverages from the right side of
the guests using the right hand.
Other items such as, salads,
bread, butter or margarine are
also served following same
manner as for serving beverages.
 In informal occasions, bread is served in a basket, but in formal occasions
the server serve bread using tongs to place the bread on plates and a fork
to serve the butter or margarine. Sometimes butter is also served on a
small plate. For larger dining, a number of bread baskets are served along
with several plates of butter or margarine according to the number of

Fundamentals in Food Service Operations


 Servers clear the table and collect the soiled dishes from the right-hand
side when guests have finished their all dishes. Sometimes waiters also
crumb the table before serving the dessert.

This step is for presentation

purpose only because the actual
set-up will be based on the pre-
order of the guest. By: RMB


Russian Service – or formal this is used in luxury restaurants and hotels. The
foods are prepared and arranged in the kitchen by the chef, then brought by the

Fundamentals in Food Service Operations


waiter to the dining room. Food service is done by the guest starting at the head
of the table going in a counterclockwise direction around the table.

The key features of Russian service which make it distinct style of service are
given below:
 This service is followed specially in the best international restaurants and
hotels, mostly in banquet operation where selection of foods are same for
all guests.
 In Russian service, servers place all food items on silver platters
attractively when all food preparation is done in the kitchen and present
the platter to guests for approvals, and serves the food from the left side.
Only dishing and presentation are made on the table.
 Unlike French service, this service required only one server and less
labor-intensive and considered as faster service.
 Russian service does not necessitate any extra space for special
equipment and it is an inexpensive service.
 The manager is usually responsible for controlling labor and product costs.
 In Russian service, the server always has to make sure that the food
presentation remains good till be serves the last guest.
 Highly skilled or experienced and professionally trained staff members are
to be assigned for serving Russian service.
 Though Russian service requires less space, but can be perfect for seated
service of large groups eating the same meal.
 Portions of foods are picked up from Russian service.

Fundamentals in Food Service Operations


 Russian service utilizes the use of heavy silverware and larger numbers of
platters while serving to the guest.

Table Setting of Russian Food and Beverage Service Style

This step is for presentation purpose only

because the actual set-up will be based
on the pre-order of the guest. By: RMB

Preparation and Serving of Food in Russian F&B Service

The preparing and serving of foods in Russian service are given below in
step-by-step procedures:
 In Russian service, the food production staffs are responsible for
preparing foods in the kitchen and organizing the foods delightfully on the
service platters and deliver it to the servers for serving the foods to the
 All cooking, completion of food preparation and carving are done in the
kitchen except the dishing which is done at the tableside.
 Empty soup bowls are placed on a show plate or base plate at the table in
front of the guests.
 The server carries soups and sauces in tureens or in small, individual
bowls and place them on the table. Portioning of the soup is done with a
ladle into the soup bowl.
 After pacing the heated plates from the right side according to the
clockwise direction, the servers bring the platters of food from the kitchen
and introduce food to the guest standing to left side of each guest by
holding the platters using the left hand.
 The servers dish up the desired portion on the guest’s plate using the
large spoon and fork from the right-hand side of the guests following the
clockwise direction. In Russian service a server used the spoon to served
vegetables and other items as per guidance.

Fundamentals in Food Service Operations


 The servers have to be skilled in balancing the items on the platters since
they have to serve food to the guest from the platters standing beside
each guest even sometimes keeping the foods only on the palm.
 After serving the guest, the servers return back to the remaining food to
the kitchen.
 Hot food is to be served hot and cold food is to be served cold. The
servers have to take some necessary precautions especially when serving
hot foods so as to avoid any accidents while serving the guests.
 At the end of the meal, coffee is served with cups and saucers and poured
for guests. Cream and sugar will be added if guest asks for them.
 After the guests have finished all their dishes, the servers clear the soiled
dishes from the table as per standard.


French Service – this employs two waitresses or waiters for each station. The
chef de rang or chef of rank is the principal waiter. He takes the orders, serves all
drinks, and finishes the preparation of the food at the table. He assisted by the
commis de rang or the waiter/waitress who takes the orders to the kitchen. This
style is used in luxury dining rooms.

Features of French Food and Beverages Service Style.

French service is a modified service which can be characterized by the following

key features:
 French service usually followed in classy dining room, lavish restaurants,
elegant resorts, cruise ships and casinos.

Fundamentals in Food Service Operations


 The unprepared or semi-prepared foods are arrived from the kitchen and
brought to the dining room placing on a guerdon (a cart) carrying on heavy
silver platters. But the final preparation is completed at a side table in front
of the guest and served from the service table to the guests on heated
 Since foods are cooked in front of the guests, so, those foods are cooked
or completed which require short time to prepare.
 Cooking, deboning, slicing, and garnishing procedures are applied in
French Service.
 French service is considered as the most labor- intensive and most
expensive of all formal styles.
 The nature of this service always requires large number of experienced
and skilled and highly professional servers to perform their job with
elegancy and finesse.
 Large numbers of serving and preparing items are used in tableside
cooking, hence, ware washing costs are increased and also often lead to
capital loss.
 Though fewer tables and seats are set-up but service staffs needs
spacious space in order in order to move preparation carts all the way
through the dining area and to prepare food on table side in front of the
 French service serves fewer number of guests who can afford to pay extra
time a cost to have pricey food items. However, they are always served
with the highest level of service and great deal of attention.
 The costs of F&B items are high so as to be able to produce high revenue
and cover the labor and other associate costs.
 Large number of servers are assigned to serve fewer guests which incur
high operational costs.

Fundamentals in Food Service Operations


Table setting procedure of French

Food and Beverage Service Style


Buffet Service – this is the most used style of table service. It is the most
practical service for guest meals if the number of guest exceeds six.

Fundamentals in Food Service Operations


Filipino Service – this is used by many Filipinos. It is a table service without a

waiter/waitress all courses are served o the table with serving spoon for each
course. Diners remain seated throughout the meal and are expected to serve

Tray Service – this type of table service is used when the group is small, the
table is small, and the area for dining is small. The plates are prepared with a
whole main course such as meat, vegetables, and other food which is placed in a
plate divided by ridges.

Fundamentals in Food Service Operations


Blue plate service – this type of table service is used when the group is small,
the table is small, and the area for dining is small. The plates are prepared with a
whole main course such us meat, vegetables, and other food which is placed in a
plate divided by ridges.

Family or Compromise Service – this type is best used when the diners are not
more than eight. This is somewhat a compromise between the Russian and
English styles, that is, some foods are served on individual dishes directly from
the kitchen and some foods are served on the table.

Fundamentals in Food Service Operations


English Service – this is similar to family style. All foods are served on the table
by the host or hostess. A waiter places the plates for the guests and passes the
accompaniments for the course.

Self- Service – this style is offered in cafeteria and food service establishments
offering buffet, smorgasbord service, vendo machines, and drive-in restaurants.
The two widely used forms are:

Cafeteria service – this style caters to a large number of customers at a

reasonable price. The customers choose from the foods on display at the
counter, place the food on the tray, and carry them to the dining table. Usually,
the foods are prepared in advance and are ready to be served.

Fundamentals in Food Service Operations


Counter Service – it is the most economical food service, it appeals to the

people in hurry because of speedy service, convenience, lower price, and the
absence of tips. You can usually see your order is cooked and prepared.

Snack Bar – this is offered in large industrial food services to meet the needs of
employees who bring their own food for lunch but want supplementary dessert
and beverages.

Fundamentals in Food Service Operations


Take-out Counter – many food service establishments have found it possible to

increase the volume of food to be offered to diners by offering take-out meals
which include proper packaging of food.

Salad Bar – this is a table or bar with salad ingredients where diners make their
own salad. The salad may be the diner’s entire meal or maybe an
accompaniment to one of regular luncheon.

Fundamentals in Food Service Operations


Drive-in Restaurants – this is a restaurant that serves patrons who are in their

Smorgasbord Restaurant – or eat-all- you-can this operates in a buffet style of

food service. There is no limit to the number of times a customer may replenish
his plate.

Steam Table – this is provided with a steam table, counter equipment which is
known for being a hot-food container, equipped with thermostatic device that
can be set at required temperatures for various types of food.

Fundamentals in Food Service Operations

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