Memo Final

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Date: May 31, 2023

To: Apple Tech Support Team

From: Ella Novarro
Reference: Instructions on how to download an app on iPhone
Action Required: Response with availability and suggestions
Distribution List: Apple Tech Support team and Manager

After creating our instructions, we completed a Usability test where we have found very helpful
information in order to better our instructions draft. The current draft did its job and helped
our participants find their way to the end goal of downloading an app on an iPhone. With that
said, there can always be improvements in order to make the instructions easier to follow for a
smooth and painless experience. Below will go more into depth on the findings from the test.

The two main findings from the Usability test were that the placements of the figures that
connected to the steps were confusing due to them being backwards. Also, the last notice
would be more helpful to the users if it was after step eight. These are the two big things that
need to be looked at with in the instructions. After reading, I need a couple things from you all.
I need a response to this message with the days and times that you are available within the
next two weeks for a meeting to go over the instructions and findings. I would also like your
opinions and suggestions on the instructions and the problems at hand. You can include these
in the email with your availability or you can bring them to the meeting.

Usability Test
During this test, we had two participants complete the task of downloading an app on their
iPhone using our draft of the instructions. As they were completing the task, they were asked to
say their thoughts aloud as they went through the instructions. This helped us get a better
understanding how they felt and what worked and didn’t work. After they completed the test,
they were asked five follow up questions about their experience.

While we were observing our participants go through the steps, we noted their thoughts.
Participant one appreciated the first step of unlocking the iPhone to get to the home screen.
They thought that it was very user friendly especially for an older group of people. They pointed
out the red box and the captions in the figures. They said that these made it clear and easy to
correlate the figures to the steps and vice versa. Lastly, the participant was confused with the
last notice. This was where one of our problems comes into play. The last notice is at the end of
the document but relates to step eight. The participant was confused on what to do next until
they read the rest on the document to the end. With the second participant, the second
problem was brought up. The participant got confused because figure two was above figure
one. This confused the participant when referencing back to the steps.

Follow Up
After each participant completed the task, we asked five follow up questions. The first question
was “What are your overall feelings of the instructions?” Participant one answered that they
were clear and great information. Participant two answered that they were pretty good for the
most part. The second question asked was “Was having figure two above figure one
confusing?” Participant one answered no they didn’t notice. Participant one answered yes.
Question three was “Were the notices in the instructions helpful?” Participant one answered
yes and participant two answered yes, but the positioning needs to be changed. Question four
was “Did you notice the red box in figure one” Both participants answered yes. Lastly, we asked
to use the scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree for the following statement: “I found
these instructions helpful for downloading an app on my iPhone.” Participant one answered
strongly agree and participant two answered agree.

Problems and Solutions

The two problems found were the positioning of the figures and the positioning of the last
notice. The solutions that I have thought about was just switching the figure numbers of the
images and switching the numbers in the steps so that they all correlate. I also thought that for
the notice, we could move it and make it apart of step eight, so people don’t get lost. Please
look back over the instructions and point out any problems that stand out to you or voice your
suggestions on the problems at hand.

After gathering all the information from the usability test, we can make these instructions user
friendly for all groups of people. We have stated our problems and we are working as a team to
find the solutions. Overall, our draft was successful and with a few changes, it will be ready to
be published.

Please respond to this email with days and times in which you are available in order to meet for
a meeting to finish constructing the instructions. Your opinions also matter. If you have any
suggestions or opinions on the problems or instructions themselves, feel free to include those
in your email or be ready to voice them in the meeting.

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