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Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery (2021) 23, 812–822


The intermingled relationship
between chronic kidney
disease and hypertension
Jack S Lawson and Rosanne E Jepson

Practical relevance: Chronic kidney Introduction

disease (CKD) is a highly prevalent
disorder of senior cats. CKD is Chronic kidney disease (CKd) is defined as the presence of structural or
frequently diagnosed in association functional abnormalities of one or both kidneys for an extended period
with hypertension, and the two (usually longer than 3 months). CKd is a hugely important cause of mor-
conditions have an intermingled cause- bidity and mortality in the feline population; as a cause of death it ranked
and-effect relationship. Hypertensive target second only to trauma in one large study of cats in the UK.1 Prevalence
organ damage (TOD) to the eye, brain, heart and increases with age, and 28–50% of senior cats are reported to be affected
kidney significantly impacts the welfare of cats by azotaemic CKd.2,3 While various factors have been implicated that
suffering from this comorbidity. Hypertension also could contribute to the initiation of CKd in affected cats, including age-
drives proteinuria, which is an independent risk ing, ischaemia, dietary factors and routine vaccination, the underlying
factor for progression and mortality in cats with CKD. aetiology of the disease is not fully understood.4 Accordingly, the major-
Blood pressure monitoring and institution of effective ity of cats are found to have non-specific renal lesions on histopathology,
antihypertensive treatment, where indicated, is characterised by chronic tubulointerstitial inflammation and fibrosis.5
therefore crucial in effective management of the CKd is one of the most common underlying causes of systemic
feline CKD patient. Current guidelines recommend hypertension in cats, and approximately three-quarters of cats present-
a target systolic blood pressure of <160 mmHg to ing with hypertensive target organ damage (Tod) have evidence of
minimise risk of TOD. Both amlodipine besylate abnormal renal function on further evaluation.6 A significant propor-
and telmisartan are effective antihypertensive tion of cats with CKd are hypertensive at diagnosis. The reported
agents for use in these patients. prevalence varies depending on the population assessed and the defi-
Clinical challenges: Clinical signs of hypertension nition of hypertension used, but is between approximately 20% and
may not be apparent to owners of affected cats 65%.7–11 Furthermore, those cats with CKd that are normotensive at
until severe hypertensive TOD is present. Despite diagnosis are significantly more likely than cats with normal renal
this, blood pressure monitoring in cats with CKD function to go on to develop hypertension at a later time point.7
is still infrequently performed, and hypertension Therefore, it follows that it is essential for cats presenting with signs
likely remains underdiagnosed in this population. referable to hypertensive Tod to be evaluated for kidney disease, and
Evidence base: This review is based upon for cats presenting with kidney disease to be evaluated for hyperten-
evaluation of the currently available published sion. The aim of this article is to review the current understanding of
literature, including relevant consensus statements. the relationship between these two conditions, and the latest recom-
There is a large body of evidence supporting the mendations regarding their diagnosis and management.
association between hypertension and CKD in cats.
However, significant aspects, such as the
mechanisms behind this association, and effect It is essential for cats with signs of hypertensive
of hypertension and antihypertensive treatment on target organ damage (TOD) to be evaluated for
mortality and progression of CKD, remain unclear.
Further research is therefore required in order to kidney disease, and for cats presenting with kidney
improve understanding of these conditions.
disease to be evaluated for hypertension.
Keywords: CKD; hypertension; blood pressure;
renal Jack S Lawson
BVetMed, MVetMed, PhD*
Rosanne E Jepson
Clinical Sciences and Services, The Royal Veterinary
College, Hawkshead Lane, North Mymms,
Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK

*Corresponding author:


doi: 10.1177/1098612X211037872
© The Author(s) 2021
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R E V I E W / Feline comorbidities – chronic kidney disease and hypertension

The kidney and regulation glomerular cells located in the walls of the
of blood pressure afferent arteriole. Renin cleaves the pro-
hormone angiotensinogen to form angio-
in healthy animals, systolic blood pressure tensin i (AT i), which is then converted by
(SBP) is maintained within a relatively narrow angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) to
optimal range in order to ensure adequate per- angiotensin ii, the major bioactive product of
fusion of the vital organs without leading to the system. in turn, angiotensin ii stimulates
pathological damage to tissues. What consti- the release of aldosterone from the adrenal
tutes a ‘normal’ blood pressure in cats can be medulla. Angiotensin ii has direct effects on
challenging to determine, but one large study A systolic the proximal tubule to increase sodium reten-
of 780 apparently healthy cats found a median blood pressure tion, on vascular smooth muscle to cause vaso-
SBP of 120.6 mmHg (interquartile range constriction, and potentiates the sympathetic
110.4–132.4),12 and current American College of (SBP) cut-off nervous system. Aldosterone acts on the distal
Veterinary internal Medicine (ACViM) consen- tubule to increase sodium retention and is also
sus guidelines suggest a cut-off of <140 mmHg
of <140 mmHg a potent vasoconstrictor. The overall effect of
for defining normotension.13 As in humans, defines RAAS activation is therefore to increase circu-
blood pressure in apparently healthy cats also lating fluid volume, raise total peripheral
increases with age.7 The major body systems normotension, resistance and increase venous return, thereby
involved in maintaining this status quo are as suggested increasing systemic blood pressure.
the kidney, via direct control of circulating
fluid volume alongside indirect neurohor- by the Pathophysiology of hypertension
monal effects on systemic vascular resistance, in CKD
and the cardiovascular system, via alterations American
in heart rate and force of contraction. The College of The mechanisms described above enable the
cardiovascular system has traditionally been kidney to maintain blood pressure within an
thought of as responsible for minute-to- Veterinary optimal range in healthy animals, despite
minute control of blood pressure, whereas the alterations in dietary sodium intake and
kidney is viewed as primarily responsible for Internal hydration status. in cats with CKd, there is a
longer term regulation. Medicine. dysregulation of these systems which favours
The main mechanisms by which the kidney the development or exacerbation of systemic
senses alterations in blood pressure and circu- hypertension. The exact nature of these distur-
lating fluid volume are the renal afferent arte- bances is multifactorial, complex and not fully
riolar stretch receptors, which detect renal understood, and much is extrapolated from
perfusion pressure, and the macula densa at human medicine while not yet being proven
the start of the distal convoluted tubule, in cats. Furthermore, the disease processes
which detects the rate of chloride ion delivery may not be entirely analogous. The preva-
in tubular fluid. if these mechanisms are func- lence and severity of hypertension are related
tioning correctly, a perceived decrease in SBP to severity of CKd in humans.14 Generally,
will be accompanied by a decrease in renal this has not been found to be the case in cats,
sodium excretion, leading to an increase in but conflicting reports do exist.7,8,10,15 The
total body sodium (the major determinant of pathophysiology is more extensively reviewed
extracellular fluid volume), an increased cir- elsewhere, but currently it is thought that acti-
culating blood volume and a subsequent vation of the RAAS, increased sympathetic
increase in SBP. The opposite sequence of tone and disruption of endothelial cell func-
events occurs when a perceived increase in tion represent the most significant contribu-
SBP is sensed, and therefore SBP and renal tors to blood pressure dysregulation.16
sodium excretion can be considered linked in increased RAAS activation is an expected
a feedback loop. This occurs intrinsically via physiological compensatory response to pro-
the phenomenon of pressure natriuresis, but gressive loss of nephrons during CKd, as
is also augmented by the renin–angiotensin– angiotensin ii works to increase single
aldosterone system (RAAS). nephron glomerular filtration rate (GFR) via
The RAAS acts as a sodium-conserving sys- preferential constriction of the efferent arteri-
tem, which is activated when renal blood flow ole. in CKd this response is thought to
is reduced, as when low flow in the macula become maladaptive, resulting in proteinuria
densa is sensed. The initial step in activation and potentially driving disease progression
of the RAAS is the release of renin from juxta- and the development of hypertension.17 There

In cats with chronic kidney disease (CKD), there is dysregulation of the

mechanisms that enable the kidney to maintain blood pressure within an optimal range.


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R E V I E W / Feline comorbidities – chronic kidney disease and hypertension

is somewhat conflicting evidence of RAAS pressures. The consequence of this glomerular

activation in hypertensive cats with CKd, capillary hypertension is increased protein
which suggests significant variation in plasma loss across the glomerular filtration barrier.
concentration of various components of the increased protein in the filtrate is thought to
RAAS between individuals and study popula- be intrinsically toxic to renal tubular epithelial
tions.18–20 However, there is evidence to sug- cells, driving inflammation and further loss of
gest that cats with hypertension secondary to functional nephrons.25 Systemic hypertension
CKd may have elevated plasma aldosterone is a well-documented risk factor for develop-
concentrations, an increased plasma aldos- ment of proteinuria in cats,15,26 and, in turn,
terone:renin ratio and decreased plasma renin proteinuria is associated with an increased
activity.18,19 These studies measuring plasma It appears that likelihood of disease progression and shorter
concentrations of RAAS components are com- survival times in cats with CKd.26,27
plicated by uncertainties as to whether assess- hypertension it is challenging to tease out any direct del-
ment of the systemic RAAS reflects the state of eterious effects of hypertension on the kidney
the intrarenal RAAS, as the two systems can
is most outside of its effect on proteinuria. in multi-
substantially differ.21 Further investigation significantly variable analyses, hypertension has not been
into the state of intrarenal RAAS activation in identified as a risk factor for progression and
cats with CKd is therefore necessary. involved in mortality in cats with CKd independent of
increased sympathetic activity driven by driving the proteinuria.15,26 The effect of antihypertensive
dysfunctional renal afferent nerve activity is treatment on kidney Tod and progression of
also thought to contribute to development of progression CKd is also unclear. in one study, treatment
hypertension in CKd. Excessive sympathetic with amlodipine resulted in a significant
discharge leads to chronic vasoconstriction of CKD reduction in urine protein:creatinine ratio
and pathological structural changes within through its (UPC) in hypertensive cats (58% of which
the walls of the vasculature in human patients were also azotaemic at diagnosis), suggesting
with CKd, as well as activating the RAAS.22 role in the a positive effect; however, adequacy of blood
Further study is required to fully elucidate the pressure control was not independently asso-
role of sympathetic nervous system activation development ciated with survival.15 At present, it therefore
in hypertensive cats, as there is currently a and appears that hypertension is most significant-
paucity of literature on the subject. ly involved in driving the progression of CKd
Endothelial dysfunction is also believed to exacerbation through its role in the development and exac-
contribute to development of hypertension in erbation of proteinuria. indeed, renal lesions
patients with CKd. This is characterised by
of proteinuria. independently associated with hypertension
an impaired ability of the endothelial layer of alone in post-mortem studies of cats with
blood vessels to release vasodilator sub- CKd appear to be relatively mild.5
stances, such as nitric oxide (No), which acts
to counterbalance vasoconstrictor substances. Clinical signs
in CKd, chronic overstimulation of the vascu-
lature by mediators such as angiotensin ii and Clinical signs of CKd are insidious in nature,
aldosterone is thought to contribute to this and may have been present for an extended
state. Studies attempting to detect the pres- period of time prior to presentation.
ence of endothelial dysfunction indirectly via Commonly reported clinical signs include
measurement of plasma No metabolites have polydipsia, polyuria, poor appetite and weight
not documented a significant difference in loss in the early stages, with additional signs
hypertensive vs non-hypertensive cats with such as lethargy and vomiting becoming more
CKd.23,24 No studies utilising more direct prevalent with deterioration of renal function.28
methods of assessing endothelial dysfunction Clinical signs of hypertension may not be
have been performed in cats to date. apparent to owners of affected cats until
severe hypertensive Tod is present. The
The kidney as a target of organs most vulnerable to hypertensive Tod
end organ damage in hypertension are the eyes, brain, heart and kidneys. The eye
is commonly the first organ to manifest clini-
While CKd is a potential cause of secondary cal signs of hypertensive Tod, purely because
systemic hypertension, the kidney is also a changes are evident to the owner, with blind-
target organ that can be damaged by systemic ness due to hyphaema or retinal detachment
hypertension. The normal kidney is able to being a common initial presenting complaint
autoregulate renal blood flow, and is protect- in hypertensive cats.29
ed from hypertensive Tod via afferent arteri-
olar vasoconstriction. in CKd there is a loss of The eye is commonly the first organ
functioning nephrons, which results in affer-
ent arteriolar vasodilation, thereby exposing
to manifest clinical signs of hypertensive
the glomerular capillaries to increased arterial target organ damage (TOD).


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R E V I E W / Feline comorbidities – chronic kidney disease and hypertension

Figure 1 Transverse T2-

weighted MRI of the brain
of (a) a cat with hypertensive
encephalopathy and (b) an
unaffected control cat. Note
the diffuse, symmetrical,
poorly defined hyperintensity
throughout the white matter
tracts of the cerebrum in
the cat with hypertensive
encephalopathy (a), consistent
with vasogenic oedema.
Courtesy of Joe Fenn

a b

Neurological signs are also common seque- upon UPC (Table 2), rather than less specific
lae to systemic hypertension, affecting a All cats methods such as urine dipsticks and, as dis-
reported 14–46% of cats.29,30 These can mani- diagnosed with cussed earlier, may be of particular relevance
fest secondarily to hypertensive encephalopa- in patients suffering from hypertension.34
thy or due to vascular accidents (Figure 1). CKD should be All cats diagnosed with CKd should be
Clinical presentation will vary depending on evaluated for the presence of hypertension at
the area of the central nervous system affect-
evaluated for the point of diagnosis, and regularly there-
ed, but can include diffuse forebrain signs the presence of after (every 3–6 months). one recent study
(such as seizures), vestibular disease and performed in the UK found that only 25% of
acute spinal cord disease.31 hypertension at cats diagnosed with CKd had blood pressure
Hypertension can also result in left ventric- the point measured, and therefore it is likely that hyper-
ular hypertrophy, altering diastolic and tension associated with CKd remains signifi-
systolic myocardial function.30 This does not of diagnosis, cantly underdiagnosed.35 Cats that are
typically result in clinical signs in isolation, considered healthy, but at risk of developing
but can increase the risk of cardiovascular and every CKd and hypertension due to their life stage,
complications in patients with pre-existing 3–6 months should also undergo routine blood pressure
heart disease or other haemodynamic stres- monitoring. Current iSFM guidelines recom-
sors.32 one study reports a presumed cardio- thereafter. mend monitoring every 12 months for cats
vascular cause of death (congestive heart aged 7–10 years, and every 6–12 months
failure or collapse and sudden death) in 21% for cats aged 11 years or older.36 Proactive
of cats with hypertension,33 although other monitoring of this population is vital, as
studies have failed to demonstrate a link hypertensive Tod is associated with signifi-
between echocardiographic abnormalities and cant morbidity and one UK epidemiological
survival.30 study documented improved survival in
hypertensive cats diagnosed prior to clinical
Diagnosis manifestations of disease.37

The diagnosis of CKd in most feline patients Table 1 IRIS staging of CKD based upon blood creatinine
is based upon persistently elevated fasting and SDMA concentrations34
serum creatinine or symmetric dimethylargi- IRIS stage Creatinine (µmol/l) SDMA (µg/dl)
nine (SdMA), which reflects a decrease in 1 <140 <18
GFR, in combination with inappropriately
2 140–250 18–25
dilute urine. Patients without evidence of
3 251–440 26–38
functional impairment can also be diagnosed
with CKd through detection of abnormalities 4 >440 >38
identified by renal palpation or imaging. once IRIS = International Renal Interest Society; CKD = chronic kidney disease;
a diagnosis has been made, a staging system SDMA = symmetric dimethylarginine
based upon fasting serum creatinine concen-
Table 2 IRIS substaging by degree of proteinuria34
tration and SdMA, developed by the
international Renal interest Society (iRiS), is
UPC value Substage
used to classify the severity of CKd; the four
iRiS stages are defined in Table 1.34 Cats are <0.2 Non-proteinuric
then substaged dependent on the presence or 0.2–0.4 Borderline proteinuric
absence of proteinuria and hypertension. >0.4 Proteinuric
Substaging of proteinuria should be based IRIS = International Renal Interest Society; UPC = urine protein:creatinine ratio


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R E V I E W / Feline comorbidities – chronic kidney disease and hypertension

Blood pressure measurement

The gold standard method for measure- a history of fractious behaviour), may also
ment of blood pressure is direct arterial be considered in order to minimise anxiety
catheterisation, which is clinically imprac- during measurement.39,40
tical for cats in the consultation or The cuff width should be 30–40%
general hospital environment, and indirect of the circumference of the extremity on
methodologies are most commonly used. which it is placed, which may be a limb
No blood pressure machine currently or the tail. It is important that the site cho-
available meets all the ideal validation sen for measurement is kept consistent
requirements; however, Doppler appears throughout subsequent re-examination
to be a more reliable methodology in cats appointments, since SBP readings may
when compared with standard oscillomet- differ significantly between the limb and
ric devices.38 the tail at any one time point.41 The first
Blood pressure monitoring should take measurement should be discarded, with
place in a quiet room, after the cat has had the average of a further five to seven
time to acclimatise to the clinic surround- readings calculated.13
ings, and ideally in the presence of the
owner in order to reduce stressors that
Videos produced by ISFM showing
could lead to situational hypertension
how to perform blood pressure
(Figure 2). Adjunctive measures, such as
measurement are available at
the use of synthetic feline facial pheromone Figure 2 Blood pressure monitoring should take
place in a quiet room, after the cat has had time to
and premedication with gabapentin acclimatise to the clinic surroundings, and ideally in
(particularly useful for those patients with the presence of the owner. Courtesy of Nicola Lötter

Antihypertensive therapy should be started when

hypertensive TOD is noted or SBP is persistently ⩾160 mmHg.

When there is evidence of Tod, measure- Diagnosis of systemic hypertension in cats with CKD
ment of SBP on a single occasion (five to seven
readings averaged) is sufficient to confirm Cat diagnosed with CKD
diagnosis. All cats with suspected systemic
hypertension should be evaluated via oph-
Measure SBP
thalmoscopy for evidence of ocular Tod,
since owners rarely perceive ocular abnormal-
ities until they are very advanced. Prevalence SBP <160 mmHg SBP ⩾160 mmHg
of ocular lesions in studies of hypertensive
cats varies depending on the population, but
can be as high as 100%.29 Lesions include bul- Continue monitoring of Evaluate for
lous retinal detachment (focal, multifocal or SBP every 3 months hypertensive ocular TOD
total), retinal haemorrhages, intraocular haem-
orrhage and tapetal hyperreflectivity.42 indirect
ophthalmoscopy is the most useful methodolo- TOD absent TOD present
gy for detecting ocular Tod, and is superior to
direct ophthalmoscopy for identifying subtle or
focal retinal lesions. indirect ophthalmoscopy Repeat evaluation of SBP in 7–14 days,
is also practically easier, allowing for a general together with evaluation for ocular TOD
assessment of the fundus and identification of
hypertensive lesions in most cats. diagnosis of
hypertensive retinopathy via fundic examina-
SBP <160 mmHg and no SBP consistently
tion has recently been reviewed elsewhere.43
evidence of ocular TOD ⩾160 mmHg and/or
in patients with CKd (or other predisposing
ocular TOD
conditions) where Tod is not evident, repeat-
ed measurement of SBP on at least two occa-
Continue monitoring of
sions, 7–14 days apart, is required to confirm
SBP every 3 months
hypertension. An algorithm for the diagnosis
of systemic hypertension in cats with CKd is
shown in the box. Current ACViM guidelines Start antihypertensive therapy
recommend treatment when hypertensive
Tod is noted, and in those patients where SBP CKD = chronic kidney disease; SBP = systolic blood pressure; TOD = target organ damage


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R E V I E W / Feline comorbidities – chronic kidney disease and hypertension

Table 3
demonstrating that increased protein in the
ACVIM guidelines for the classification of hypertension
glomerular filtrate has intrinsic renal toxicity.
based upon risk of TOD13
Thus antiproteinuric therapy is recommended
SBP (mmHg) Classification in cats with overt proteinuria (UPC >0.4) and
<140 Normotensive (minimal TOD risk) persistent borderline proteinuria (UPC
140–159 Prehypertensive (low TOD risk) 0.2–0.4). drugs used in the treatment of the
160–179 Hypertensive (moderate TOD risk) proteinuric, hypertensive feline patient with
⩾180 Severely hypertensive (high TOD risk) CKd are discussed later.
Clinical signs of nausea and hyporexia may
ACVIM = American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine; SBP = systolic blood become more apparent with increasing sever-
pressure; TOD = target organ damage
ity of disease, in which case treatment with an
antiemetic, such as maropitant, and appetite
is persistently ⩾160 mmHg.13 These guide- stimulant, such as mirtazapine, may be indi-
lines also provide a classification system for cated.49,50 The prevalence of anaemia also
diagnosis of hypertension based upon the risk increases with disease severity, and treatment
of developing Tod (Table 3).13 with the synthetic erythropoietin analogue
Dietary protein darbepoetin should be considered if this is
General principles in the and phosphate affecting quality of life – which typically
treatment of CKD occurs with a packed cell volume <20%.
restriction is darbepoetin therapy has been associated with
CKd is not a reversible condition, and treat- the development of hypertension,51 and cats
ment is aimed at slowing progression and a mainstay of should have blood pressure monitored prior
minimising the clinical impact of the disease therapy for to every dose administered, with antihyper-
on the patient. dietary protein and phosphate tensive therapy instituted accordingly. Finally,
restriction is a mainstay of therapy and the CKD and consideration should be given to maintaining
only therapeutic intervention where there is an appropriate hydration status. in advanced
evidence for a beneficial effect on survival
the only stages of disease, subcutaneous fluid therapy
time.44,45 This is best accomplished via feeding therapeutic may be required.
one of a number of commercially available The effect of instituting therapies known to
renal diets, which in addition to protein and intervention delay the progression of CKd, such as com-
phosphate restriction, are also restricted in mercially available renal diets, on the inci-
sodium content, and may be supplemented
where there is dence of hypertension is uncertain, as there is
with omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty acids, evidence for not yet a proven relationship between severity
antioxidants, fibre, vitamin d and potassi- of kidney disease and SBP in cats.
um.46 iRiS have published targets for serum a beneficial
phosphate in cats, depending on their stage of effect on General principles in the
CKd (Table 4), and if these are not met by treatment of hypertension
dietary management alone, then the addition survival time.
of an intestinal phosphate binder should be The goal of antihypertensive therapy is to
considered.47 reduce SBP to below 160 mmHg in order to
Proteinuria is also associated with disease prevent the occurrence of Tod, and to attempt
progression and, as discussed earlier, may in to minimise, or reverse, Tod when it is
some circumstances be secondary to systemic already evident. Early initiation of antihyper-
hypertension. Treatment of proteinuria has tensive treatment is critical in the latter sce-
not yet been demonstrated to improve sur- nario. in the case of ocular Tod, the retina
vival in cats as it has in humans with CKd, will only reattach after a reduction in blood
and there is some controversy over whether pressure. The chances of successfully regaining
proteinuria plays a causal role in progression vision are substantially improved with prompt
or whether it is merely a biomarker of more treatment in humans; however, the feline retina
severe disease.48 despite this, a strong body of may potentially regain function even with
evidence exists from experimental models prolonged detachment.42 in cats affected with
hypertensive encephalopathy, early treatment
can reverse neurological signs and prevent pro-
Table 4 Serum phosphate targets according to IRIS stage gression of central nervous system lesions.52,53
of CKD47 Treatment is often very rewarding, with 57%
IRIS stage Target serum phosphate concentration (mmol/l)
of blind eyes regaining some vision in one
study,42 and cats treated for hypertensive
1 0.90–1.5
encephalopathy having a very good chance of
2 0.90–1.5
returning to a normal neurological state.53
3 0.90–1.6 For most cats diagnosed with hypertension
4 0.90–1.90 at a routine consultation and started on anti-
IRIS = International Renal Interest Society; CKD = chronic kidney disease hypertensive therapy, blood pressure moni-


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R E V I E W / Feline comorbidities – chronic kidney disease and hypertension

toring should be performed 7–14 days after be noted that this is outside licensing regula-
instigating treatment or making any dose tions. Alternatively, consideration can be given
adjustments. once SBP is within the target in this situation to the introduction of a sec-
range, ongoing monitoring should be per- ond antihypertensive agent. Studies have doc-
formed every 3 months. However, for cats umented a significant reduction in proteinuria
presenting as a hypertensive emergency, for with control of hypertension when adminis-
example with hypertensive encephalopathy, tering amlodipine besylate; therefore, control
hospitalisation may be considered for closer of hypertension can be beneficial prior to sub-
evaluation of blood pressure; if this is not fea- staging for proteinuria in cats with CKd, and
sible, sooner evaluation within 24–72 h may concurrent antiproteinuric therapy may not
be recommended.36 be indicated once hypertension is controlled.15
in hypertensive emergencies dosing can be
Pharmacological agents used in repeated every 4–8 h if necessary, up to a
the treatment of cats with CKD maximum of 2.5 mg/cat in the first 24 h.36
and hypertension Very few adverse effects are reported,
although they can include gingival hyperpla-
Amlodipine besylate sia. if SBP <120 mmHg and clinical signs of
Amlodipine besylate is a calcium channel hypotension are present, a decrease in dose
blocker that acts on the peripheral vasculature may be required.58 if the dose is decreased in
to lower systemic vascular resistance. it has a this manner then repeat SBP measurement
Amlodipine slow onset of action, with a statistically signif- should be performed after 7–10 days to assess
icant antihypertensive effect evident by day 5 the adequacy of the lower dose.13
is the most in one experimental study.54 Amlodipine is the No change in GFR or renal parameters is
most commonly used drug for the treatment anticipated when therapy with amlopdine is
commonly of feline hypertension, and has been licensed started and it is therefore an antihypertensive
used drug for for this use in Europe since 2014. A large vol- agent that can be used in cats at all stages of
ume of literature exists that indicates that CKd and also those with acute kidney injury.
the treatment amlodipine, at a dosage of 0.125–0.25 mg/kg
of feline Po q24h (typically 0.625 mg or 1.25 mg per Telmisartan
cat based on tablet size), decreases SBP by The selective AT i receptor blocker telmisartan
hypertension. 30–70 mmHg in the majority of hypertensive is licensed for use in Europe and the USA for
cats.15,33,54–57 There is evidence that cats with the treatment of systemic hypertension and
It can be used severe hypertension (SBP >200 mmHg) management of proteinuria in cats with
in cats at all require higher dosages than cats with more CKd.59–61 Studies on the use of telmisartan in
moderate disease, and these patients may the management of hypertension have
stages of CKD benefit from commencing treatment at the revealed a mean decrease of approximately
higher dosage (ie, 1.25 mg/cat Po q24h) from 20–25 mmHg in the SBP of treated cats.60,61
and also those the outset.55 For those cats starting on the The licensed dosage for telmisartan depends
with acute lower dosage of amlodipine (0.625 mg/cat Po on the indication for use, with a higher start-
q24h), if adequate control of hypertension ing dosage of 2 mg/kg Po q24h recommend-
kidney injury. (SBP <160 mmHg) has not been achieved at ed for systemic hypertension in cats compared
re-examination then the dosage can be with the licensed dosage of 1 mg/kg Po q24h
increased to 1.25 mg/cat Po q24h. for an antiproteinuric effect. As with all anti-
The use of transdermal amlodipine besylate hypertensive therapy, response should be
has been reported in the literature but a monitored carefully in order to achieve a tar-
licensed product is not available. Limited get SBP of <160 mmHg. Blood pressure
pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic data should be rechecked 7–10 days after com-
suggest substantially reduced bioavailability mencing therapy; however, caution should be
with transdermal vs oral administration; in a exercised when considering dosage increases
pilot study only 50% of cats were able to during this period as SBP may continue to
maintain SBP <180 mmHg with transdermal decrease throughout the first 14 days of treat-
application, with therapy monitored over a ment.62 down-titration of telmisartan dosage
short period of 7 days.57 Further data is there- may be required if SBP falls to <140 mmHg
fore required before the use of transdermal after 4 weeks.
amlodipine can be widely recommended for Telmisartan may be considered as an initial
the management of hypertension in cats. monotherapy if significant proteinuria is pre-
Rarely, licensed dosages of amlodipine sent, or as an additional medication in cats
may fail to adequately control hypertension. that remain proteinuric after successful blood
in these situations, compliance of both cat and pressure control with amlodipine. When com-
owner should be carefully evaluated but fur- bined antihypertensive therapy is used, cats
ther dosage increments may be required up to should be monitored carefully for the devel-
a total of 0.5 mg/kg q24h, although it should opment of hypotension.


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R E V I E W / Feline comorbidities – chronic kidney disease and hypertension

Telmisartan has been demonstrated to be ACE inhibitors

an effective treatment for proteinuria, and ACE inhibitors as a monotherapy are not
in cats with CKd (that were normotensive at recommended for the treatment of feline
baseline) telmisartan at the lower dosage of hypertension. in one study of cats with
1 mg/kg Po q24h significantly decreased experimentally induced CKd and mild sys-
UPC at all time points assessed.59 temic hypertension, benazepril decreased
Telmisartan should never be administered systemic arterial blood pressure by only
to any cat that is clinically dehydrated or 10–15 mmHg,63 and both benazepril and
hypovolaemic due to the role of the RAAS in enalapril fail to decrease SBP below
preserving renal perfusion in these states. it 170 mmHg in the majority of clinical
should therefore be considered contraindicat- cases.64 despite this, there is evidence to
ed as either an antiproteinuric or antihyper- suggest that the addition of benazepril as an
tensive agent in cats with acute kidney injury adjunct to amlodipine could improve blood
and should be used with caution in those cats pressure control in cases where amlodipine
with either advanced iRiS stage 3 or iRiS monotherapy fails to decrease SBP to
stage 4 CKd. <160 mmHg.65

Case notes
Adam, a 9-year-old neutered within normal limits. Thoracic auscultation was unremarkable.
male domestic shorthair cat, Both kidneys were palpably small, but otherwise abdominal
presented with a recent history palpation was unremarkable. Lymph nodes were within normal
of polydipsia and polyuria. limits on palpation. SBP was 210–230 mmHg. Serum
biochemistry revealed an increase in creatinine (220 µmol/l,
History Adam was reported to have reference interval [RI] 20–177), urea (14 mmol/l, RI 2.5–9.9)
had an unremarkable history prior and phosphate (2.3 mmol/l, RI 0.9–2.2). Haematology was
to a gradual onset of polydipsia and unremarkable.
polyuria, which was first noted by the Urinalysis revealed a
owner 12 weeks before presentation. urine specific gravity
His owner reported that this had (USG) of 1.014, with a
seemed to get worse over time, with Adam currently drinking urine protein:creatinine
approximately 400–500 ml of water per day. He was up to date ratio (UPC) of 0.7.
with vaccination, treated regularly for fleas and worms, and
had no history of foreign travel. He was eating a commercially Fundic examination
available feline senior dry diet, and there was no change in his Multifocal irregular
appetite. No vomiting, diarrhoea, coughing or sneezing was hyperreflective lesions
reported. with a hyporeflective
rim across the tapetum
Physical examination and laboratory findings On were found. The retinal
presentation, Adam was bright, alert and responsive. Body vessels appeared
Multifocal hyperreflective irregular fundic
condition and muscle condition were within the normal range. within normal limits lesions with a hyporeflective rim observed
Heart rate, respiratory rate and rectal temperature were (see image). on fundic examination

What is your assessment?

1 How would you interpret the clinical findings with regards to commencing antihypertensive treatment?
(a) The presence of high SBP and TOD is suggestive of systemic hypertension, but this should be confirmed by repeat blood
pressure measurement in 7–14 days before commencing treatment.
(b) The presence of high SBP and TOD is diagnostic for systemic hypertension, and antihypertensive treatment should be
commenced as soon as possible.
(c) The presence of high SBP and TOD is diagnostic for systemic hypertension; however, further investigation and treatment
of the suspected concurrent CKD is required before commencing antihypertensive treatment.
(d) The presence of high SBP and TOD is suggestive of situational hypertension and no further action is required at this time.

2 Which one of the following would be the most appropriate antihypertensive drug for use in this case?
(a) Benazepril
(b) Enalapril
(c) Amlodipine
(d) Hydralazine 1(b), 2(c)


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R E V I E W / Feline comorbidities – chronic kidney disease and hypertension

Benazepril has been demonstrated to reduce Ethical approval

proteinuria in cats with CKd, and therefore
also has utility in the treatment of non-hyper- This work did not involve the use of animals and
tensive cats with renal proteinuria, and in cats therefore ethical approval was not specifically
with hypertension controlled by amlodipine required for publication in JFMS.
that remain proteinuric.48 Similar to telmisar-
tan, benazepril should never be administered Benazepril Informed consent
to dehydrated or hypovolaemic patients.
and This work did not involve the use of animals
Other treatments (including cadavers) and therefore informed consent
Hydralazine, a direct arterial vasodilator, has telmisartan was not required. For any animals or people indi-
been used in the treatment of hypertensive should vidually identifiable within this publication, informed
emergencies in cats, such as occurs after renal consent (verbal or written) for their use in the pub-
transplantation, at a dosage of 2.5 mg/cat Po never be lication was obtained from the people involved.
or SC, q24h or q12h.52 Continuous or very fre-
quent blood pressure monitoring is required
administered References
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