Paypal Statement

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Acount Statement I seprenrueraorz

] eoynt
- nal (PslrPd Ac6l'll Slsur.nent P€.{od:
ffi,i-Ffichlif ge 4v!';,1
E lD): J.r&

Ydl (r(ht ]lavG 8nv rarffiis drho OSs flro(dr 9otlfli elr rpdeEihD sfowrur.
Tor,teryydrmrn OoenoeS, ptcase vtciyou rcout hHory Hp.

I qo
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<trHcrd DH twsc b: c.t (,tcdt8{81a} (gn€0$28ss) afr b ur (P.}?d
TonIdra[Ur|.t'|o,bdrrnrctonqolstcNOTrtotungyol'ddord.OkFlhqJncto.cI(adl4n€8la)Gfrtlrbu3( !l:€tluRcFllsl
Oqldh..* P.O. 80(.564'. Orn$r l€ 681€G5OI
uamB trldat h xl
t rl
UI d!t.
qlqt UC

Tocrrdrs 'rtEtaato.. clrho9ryrn.nto'dldr$clhaualrrdtrElzl'rrrqrrhoffitEDcamdr:cll,.dl€ZlsdF3(pLasltdc

il oar* pqtrr bp.?rtto.a- a lu'lhe ryni|]til Dc aFpnd all! ililr'.

Ptt I
Account Statement I Aususr 2or 7
] PavPal
Saeru. Jenia StaternBnt Period:
Ernsil (PE/Pal Ac@unl lD): August 1. 2017 - August 3t. 2017

Balance $mma4f
Eeginning Balance 0.o
Ending Balance 0.@

Olb Daacrfm qrrstcy Atmut Fa6 Totll-
WBAfi7 uoDlo@Jossttz rJsD 7@.@ o.(n 7@.@ '''
lO: 94871360805S18447

08f?6,t&17 Webshe Paymenf The Bancorp Bank usD .300.00 0.00 €00.0o
lD: 5KK75t54FVl682r05

@/r?6m17 Mobih Palrmsnt: ctlsrl€s mLtlsney usD 300.00 0.00 €00.00

rD: lFx@g]0O1448€626

08r27m17 Weltt€ Paymont: Tho Bencoa Bank rJsD .1@.00 0.00 100.00

$ 1Cf)

il you ha\€ ep€fits€ or drsputedinnsi<liovl al lhotime you vl€lfl tqt Accoltrrl Sele.n€rli
"Fof 6aci transadion h ylt' ACCOuot ACiliyify. the TOt8l equrb lhe anxxrnl Ssnt O( r*thr€d. plus 0. minus 8oy Fees

Ihe rnooey h yol' P8y"d bdsnce b olitlx. fd gseflro(Joh FDlc rlllrfanc8. FDlc pase.orotdr irlgnrcc ody rplloa to lJso turb hdd !r ttrt Pqnal b.hnce.
n docr not sptly to futts hold h ily tto.r(rso qtt€'ld6'

To rooq|t r|l msu!|ortz€d tmsacrbn d cfi€r iror conce'llB yoor <reDrt cad. Obeq iq.iies b: cal (4@$&361 4), lar ."3&39t28SS) q wrilo lo us (PayPal
Od'Crrd O*taem, P.O. 8ox €050. Oinaha NE 68t45"095O).

To tom.lrn urrlulhctt.od t'ltBsclon d oft€. grs NOT invorvim ]ou &ttt dd. olod l4fioa to: cd ('02'88'3614) d w'ilc lo t'3 (Altr: E rq Rcao|Jioo
oepairndt. P.o. 8ox 45950, Ond|s, NE 68t45.60).


To canc{i !€d q roq.r|iro Oryndn o. ddqnine trhooor ! p.o'€d q reofiirg hlttdet hfa Degl msdo: ca! us st t€Z€96.6383 (plolsa nole
out o.I}r cslls p€dahim lo g.cattm-red d roqtrtlg plyrflsls wil bo aocopld d t$s nunbotl.
Pag€ 1
Account Statement I ,ruryeorz
] PavPal
Sasnr. Jede $aternent Perlod:
E nal (PayPal Account lO): j€nieD€6yn8fi€@gmail.o{n Juty 1. 2017 - Jrty 31. 2017

Balance Srrmmaf
Eeginnhg Balarrce o.@

Erxlng Bslsnco 0.q,

Dlb D..orHm qllllry AlrFutl Fao Tottl-
g7ranofl ffttbP8ylll€rlJcesdrz rrso 150.@ o.@ 150.@
l0: &tl547S5LS,B7292G

O7r6fn17 Wehlte Paymont Tho EanooQ Bsnk usD -150.00 0.00 -150.00
tD: 974373555G35087r E

,F lsz

dttefenco b€tweon your BcgtnnirB srld Enffig Ealancrs may nol €quitl the_slrm ol alt ol yorr AasrJ.rl A6vdy in lhe Tolal oolumn. This may ocorf. t0. e:6mple.
't har/e a p€nding o( oisgjl€d ttansactbn at tho titn€ Fu YiGw yout Acccunt $alement.
'qJ eadt ransadrdt in yotr Account Acriury. U'!€ To?al equals th€ amcont s€d c. recerv€d. pus cr minus any Fees.

Tho rrsEy il yorr P6yPat bdarFo b dioiDlo tor pass-fiorrgh FDC inerarrcs. FOIC p.sglhrc,gh irqranco o.ty s9tr6 !o t so tufib hoad in ),ou Pafal bclttl@.
n do€3 ,u rsily to frrl'3 in E ry nq}.USO qr.rdldon

oiod !q.i*lsro: d (a@*ts€6t4)' rax(@€e&28s6) q$torous(PoPal

To,oF.t an Unrdrcdrod tran6actin d dtar arro.llOT lrtoitrg can . Oa.Ect iediec !o: ctI (4@$&36r.a) s trrlo lo us (Atrl: Enu Reolution
ocgarr'Tre(t. P.O. 8q a5050. Omttr. NE 6812r5i0950). 'qrd€lf
ydr rfl.rcndilyu6m knrUErG0drFattdthouqr&o.lzdtrsrBdiono. dsefio. F|RSTmt3h )ol'eccltr stdgtronL tllou,n do.l(llhc@daytlne
;'bd ilt ol;oA r€Eadiir(tr 13 t*aini cav, ir,crsil.d vou trdll not'lnlo ol t qrspded fio.. sc til bltrdgflo yott
-mi rF v{ilri r Go,tsGys. Oao you .irity uEhvE.doahn
Ec;iriir&-qrsiii ,ihirn ro-u0sriiSs oav3'' it-*r rpg dqe rtflro. to td(c uo to drvs to cohCee cir (q tp lo $ daF lor gohl q lab d
tca&r *tadl frrsactorsl. n we deddo 6rt wo .lo€d moro &ne fo cooudo qt hwc0gsld, wo u,il p.oyiso.Ely crodrl )o.' e'il lo. ulo 8trufi ol rl8
asnbqec qrg.You w{ rc&a\o Elo g.ovr*rsl crqn wiltir 0 D(Fhcs 1 ol lho dslo rt tocdvdl }qr nott6.
U$t sfy cat gadaining !o p,csrrBlo,neJ d ta.rrite pqFneds wil be rc0ogl6 al aB tunD€rr.
Pago r
Account Statement I June 2otz
) PavPol
Saeru. Jsnla Statenent Peri{t:
Email (Pay,Pal Ac@u,rt lO): Fnhbo8qnarno@gmall.cofli June t. 2017 - June 30, 2017

Balance Suflnanf
Eegiming Balance 0.o
EndirE Eahnco o.o

thb DEbaon fulUE AnErt Fra TobF
06.Gf417 Motils Payrned: dra&s rrullaney uso r0c.00 0.00 100.00
to: 5FC&n8P25358431t

0610612017 Moblh Pay'nent: cfiaies mrdlaney iJsD 20€.00 0.00 205.00

to: 7Gx78863XR36404Oil

0604/2017 websib Paymeot: The Bancoo 8a'* |JSD .30C.00 0.00 -300.@
lD: 7AG8a3!88U&l73l2F

ttilltttt rftFnsllrrtJos$.E lJsD 30c.00 0.@ 30.00 / /

tD : 1 0N78t 39\lE€07891 6

06112I?017 Weo€ite Payfileril: The Bsncorp Bank usD €0c.00 0.00 .300.00
tD : 4LV/l t 634tlG9€E640G

06fi5/2017 Motile Paynent: chad€s mullanEy USD 30C,.00 0.00 300.00

to: 0FV30095TD2383338

06n5/2017 webde Payment The BancoQ Ballk rJsD €00.00 0.@ -300.00
tD: 79€25519PN€380I3S

WtA17 UdUPaylH:JBSsr. rJsD t&o om 1S.@ / t

rD: 55v6598t RD89l 550X

06r24rn17 Websib P8!,rneil: Ths BancoO Ban* IJSD .105.00 0.00 -105.00
rD: 12J250662O6879846

Gpflnt? 'Moll. FryrstJFSE usD &s o.s 40.@

lD : 80W75891 Ow2658'l0E

06r?f,t?o17 WeU*te P8)4nenl: :fho Bencotp Bank usD -200.00 0.00 .200.@

e boo

ottefeooe bet{ve€n }'our 8€Ainnim and EndnO A8la,Ees ray not equal rh3 srm ol A! Ol yqt Acst,lt Ac8vny in tl€ Totitl cdumn ThiS m8y Ocorf. fo? eratnple.
ir hSve 8 peoding o. distotedransadron 8l trlo uno )9lr view yorr Account $alomenl
"FO, ea('| transacOon in yo{n Aocount Aclivily, rh€ Totsl equats th€ amoqnt s€til o. teCoived. glr9 6 tnrnus any Fe€s.

Foc hqran€. FDIC"fi'q,sh ilstlur 6ry .otrss to t so tuilb hold in vo(,' PalPar bohtrco
I3ffiStffi.ffi$.ffiffirffi8, $i:d.roc.r6.Drodhq'i.heb:c.r(()2'03&s0ta).hx(303€ee285e)o'wtitorous(t':4fEr

O€pai"neot P.O. 8ox.15050. Ornrria, NE 68145^0960).

yo{r .rxr3 ndity us no t8le UE't 8o dsysdrr tlo un {rrho.tzd hnsacrsr d oor€. onu_FIRST E 9d'! n_81 !9q|4^11!99* iF ud odgnd thc 6odav tine
hesedo }qt
oorbd ir a cood ra3an, srci ss a-rilfiJ-dlt, p(Crc.[c. ydu iorn notyhg us w;U$ 60 dtys. dico ]oq mlny us ol a-qEp*lod dr.d' wo t,tl tu
filifi#iEfriJilfr-Jrffi-io u'd'iisd;;'it-rr itxit niaerne' wein& ale uptolsdtvstooiptete <it irv'e$ea!'n tor.p b 90 daF pdil ol s'b o.
tEcSn-initadl thacdns). t't ro (bci(h 6e we ncd mse timo to oo.nclao qt hro€il9olo.f we xll Forrtglt taly ctcoal yOUt eqril la no 8tnq,n ol mo
CrjfrqeO crs. Yq, wif, r€deavr tho p,oritidrtl ct€(!t $tfm t0 tlrilds (by! 0l thc dalo lto ts3.1,€d lqt notit.
To cancd a o.o.u$o'tz€d or.€q'rhg Dtlmot ddotcfir*E $tEBlor a trea,l[ro.ltod g todtflog trstde ha5 b€n mrda: cd u0 d l€'7'&l€'6!€!l
(Ceoso nole
that orty cab pedddE lo pJotuho.ftod d t€ctlrhg paFlo.lts rl ba rocodd Et rl! n n0o0.
pS€ r
Account Statement I naynrt
] polvpot
lr.y 1.2017 - Mr)r91.2017


EeglrlngBJetE o.o
En*tg eehncc o.o

o- DsFlm Crrut llnnl t- TOIF
oF/trnf?ofl MouhPryruttctEd€ontulamY rJso 50.00 o.m 50.@
06ft2f2o17 wcbetu Pryrfifi Ih6 Errsp 8a* usD 60.00 0.o €0.00
lO: OJNI7IX2PG2!555.3

05,0e,2017 Er$rog3ClukorPs}llffft Tq,lqed,ec USD €.0[' 0.00 €00

.^prroRcAr ousE. clrcl(he Feats 8.o tjgo
rD: r BR7l397GT13rl8l t U

Gtflsaor7 MoDlc Prynoil: clldl3s flIdstFy uso 90c..@ 0.00 30.@

05tt52017 wcb$P8yllql[:TheBancofBerlt uso €@.@ 0.00 €@.@

05/r92017 webslb Papnnt Tho Blllooa BJr( rJso €@.@ 0.o -s00.00
lD:,rMt lZlO79XYl8625w

05/192017 w.b.bFe!firft TfpBrnooOBglt lJsD .4.@ 0.0x, .250.@

lD: d{/50691 lil208%31 B

Et?5lnfl lbtrlePrymttdntlcsnuhnsY usD 80.@ 0.@ 80.@

06t?5l&1? wcboft. rynent fhs EancoP 8at* rJsD €0.00 0.@ {0-m
Di rBftXB776AgMllX
@1t?o17 Moble Fn tnott clwho tnllancy rJsD 3m.00 0.@ 3m.m


P{lr I

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